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I. Grammar
A. Tenses (20 points)
1) The party began two hours ago, but Tom and Jane ______________________ (just arrive).
2) I ____________________ (not see) John yesterday.
3) Jane ______________________ (isten) to musi! when the ights went out.
") #hen we arrived we remembered that we __________ _____________ (eave) the !a$e on the $it!hen tabe.
%) They ____________________ (wat!h) & 'a!tor at the moment.
() )ow ong _____________ *ngish+
a) did you earn b) you earn !) have you earnt
,) -oo$ at that pregnant woman. /he ______________ a baby.
a) is going to have b) wi have !) wi have had
0) 1hi ________________ *ngish every day.
a) earn b) earns !) is earning
2) The dog was digging a hoe when we ______________.
a) had arrived b) was arriving !) arrived
13) This time yesterday I ____________ brea$4ast.
was having b) had !) have
. C!an"e t!ese a#ti$e senten#es into passi$e ones% (& points)
1. 1ainters paint was. 5 painters.
2. Ja!$ writes an e7 mai. 58n Ja!$.
3. James transated the poem. 5 The James.
". 9y sister bro$e a vase. 5 8 vase66666666by my sister.
5. Juia drew a beauti4u ands!ape. 5 8 beauti4u ands!ape Juia.
C. Con'itiona(s (& points)
1. I4 she____________(agree) they wi trave to :ome.
2. #i you hep me i4 I ____________ (be) in troube+
3. I4 we had more time, we ______________ (meet) more o4ten.
". They _______________ (augh) i4 I te them this jo$e.
%. I4 1eter as$ed 9ary, I am sure she ______________(marry)him.
II. Rea'in"
ea)ti*)( Da+, Isn-t It.
The day started out terriby. 9ary oversept and was ate 4or wor$. *verything that happened at the o44i!e !ontributed to her nervous
4ren;y. <y the time she rea!hed the bus stop 4or her homeward trip, her stoma!h was one big $not. 8s usua, the bus was ate = and
jammed. /he had to stand in the aise. 8s the vehi!e pued her in a dire!tions, her sadness deepened. Then she heard a voi!e 4rom
up 4ront boom, ><eauti4u day, isn?t it+> <e!ause o4 the !rowd, she !oud not see the man, but she heard him as he !ontinued to
!omment on the spring s!enery, !aing attention to ea!h approa!hing andmar$. This church. That park. This cemetery. That
firehouse. /oon a the passengers were oo$ing out the windows. The man?s enthusiasm was so !ontagious she 4ound herse4 smiing
4or the 4irst time that day. They rea!hed her stop. 9anoeuvring towards the door, she got a oo$ at their >guide>@ an oder genteman
with a beard, wearing dar$ gasses and !arrying a thin, white !ane.
/. Ans0er t!e *o((o0in" 1)estions )sin" +o) o0n 0or's. (2 points)
a. Aid 9ary have a good day+ #hy (not)+
b. #hen did 9ary 4irst smie+ #ho made her smie+
2. Are t!e *o((o0in" statements tr)e or *a(se. (3 point)
a. The voi!e spea$ing on the bus was a manBs voi!e. 5
b. The passengers on the bus did not !are about the person spea$ing. 5
4. C!oose a, 5 or # in ea#! 1)estion 5e(o0. 6n(+ one #!oi#e is #orre#t (3points)
1. Mary arrived at work 2. The bus was
a. one hour ate. a. ate and 4u o4 peope
b. ate. b. on time but 4u o4 peope
!. earier !. ate and empty.
3. The person speaking on the bus 4. The person speaking on the bus
a. made a the passengers on the bus angry and bored. a. was bind.
b. was ta$ing about a reative. b. was young.
!. made a the passengers happy and interested. !. was od.
I. 7ritin"
1. Aes!ribe the best moment o4 your summer hoiday 7 % ines (22 points)
2. #hat are the advantages o4 spea$ing *ngish+ 7 % ines (22 points)

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