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Awarding of job for providing Consultancy
Services to Plan and Execution of 100 %
Power Redundancy (To have N+N
redundancy at both Transformer & DG Set



NEW DELHI-110001.
Tel: 011-23716066.



S.No. Contents Page No
1 Matter of website 3-5
2 Articles of Agreement 6-7
3 Conditions of Agreement 8-13
4 Scale of charges 14
5 Stipulations 15
6 Time Schedule 16
7 Reimbursable expenses 17
8 Delinquencies / Defaults/ Misconduct & Penalty 18
9 Arbitration 19
10 Check List 20
11 Schedule of payment/Commercial Bid 21


Matter for Web Site
Punjab National Bank invites sealed tenders from the reputed electrical consultants for
awarding the job of providing consultancy services for Planning and Execution of 100
% power redundancy (To have N+N redundancy at both transformer & DG Set
Levels) after study of the following Existing Electrical Setup at bank building at Belapur,
Navi Mumbai, from where Banks Data Recovery Datacenter and Regional Staff College
are functioning.
Existing Electrical Setup
HT Supply of 11 KV level from MSEB with sanctioned load of 1428 KW. HT Supply
further distributed to two transformers (11 KV/433 V).
a) 1000 KVA dry type transformer (part of USS make) exclusively for DRDC, Navi
b) 750 KVA dry type transformer for banks Regional Staff College at Belapur.
Installed DG Set Capacity at DRDC500 KVA DG Set (Cummins) & 250 KVA DG Set

Envelope-I (to contain the following :)
Eligibility criteria:
1. Constitution of the firms and name of the person authorized to sign on behalf of the
2. Consultants firm/company who have provided consultancy services for erecting Sub-
Station & LT Distribution Works preferably for Data Centers (Tier-3 or Tier-4) of Govt. /
P.S.U. / Pvt. Sector banks / Reputed I. T. organizations during the last 7 years ending
up to August, 2012 can apply. Should have executed/installed Sub-Station (11 KV/433
V) works having stipulated capacity given hereunder:-

1000 KVA capacity One work

750 KVA capacity Two works
500 KVA capacity Three works

3. Interested Consultants/firms/company should have two qualified/experienced
engineers on their roll. The said engineers should be a degree holder (B.Tech-Elect.) and
have minimum experience of five years in the field relevant to scope of work.
4. The supplying firm will submit the list of technical and other staff with their
5. The applying firms will submit audited balance sheet and Income Tax Return for the
last 3 years ending March,10, March,11 & March12.
6. List of the projects completed during the last 7 yrs ending July 2012 be submitted
supported with documentary proof.
Consultants firm/company who fulfill the above criteria may only submit their
application within 21 days from the date of publication of this notice (i.e. on or
before___/____/2012 to the Chief Manager (Facility Management),ITD Punjab
National Bank HO : 5-Sansad Marg , New Delhi-110001 with the following
documents duly signed and sealed by their authorized representative.
For any clarifications bidders may contact at following email IDs.
Envelope 1 duly sealed consisting the bidders application along with supported
documents stated under Eligibility Criteria from SL no 1 to 6 mentioned as above. The
said Envelope No.1 should also contain Tender Cost(Non Refundable) and Earnest
Money Deposit(Refundable)of Rs.1000/-(Rs.One thousands only) and Rs. 10,000.00
(Rs. Ten Thousand only) respectively in the form of DD favouring Chief Manager,
Punjab National Bank, ITD, New Delhi. All pages of tender document duly signed by
the authorized signatory shall also form the part of Envelope No.I The envelope shall be
super scribed as Technical bid for Pre-qualification application and appointment
of Electrical Consultant for 100 % POWER Redundancy System of Bank Building at
EMD of unsuccessful bidders shall be refunded with 30 days after the award of job. The
EMD amount of Rs.10000.00 of successful bidder being L-I shall be
adjusted/appropriated towards the credit of Security Deposit to be deposited by L-I
bidder before the commencement of job. The Schedule of Payment/Commercial Bid
shall not be the part of Envelope No. 1.
Envelope No. 2:-
Envelope No 2 duly sealed consisting Schedule of payment strictly as per the format
enclosed with the tender document shall be submitted super subscribing as

Commercial bid for appointment of Electrical Consultant for 100 % power
redundancy System of Bank Building at CBD BELAPUR, NAVI MUMBAI.

Envelope No.3:-
Envelope No.3 duly sealed shall consist of envelope No. 1 & 2 and also shall be super
subscribed as Pre-qualification & Appointment of Electrical Consultant for 100 %
POWER redundancy System of Bank Building at CBD BELAPUR, NAVI MUMBAI.

Important Note:- Envelope no 2 shall be opened only for those who qualifies the
criteria. Prior intimation shall also be given before opening envelope no 2.



Articles of Agreement

This agreement made at New Delhi on ___ Day of _______2012 between Punjab National
Bank, ITD Division, 5 Sansad Marg a body corporate (constituted under Banking
Companies Acquisition and Transfer of undertakings Act, 1970) having its Head Office
at 7, Bhikhaiji Cama Place, New Delhi-110066 (here in after called the Employer which
expression shall include his heir's, executors, administrators and assigns) of the first
part and M/s ---------------------------------------------------------------- (hereinafter called the
ELECTRICAL CONSULTANT which expression shall include his heirs, executors,
administrators and assigns) of the other part.

Whereas the Employer is desirous of getting executed certain works viz. 100 %
MUMBAI for which the Electrical Consultant have submitted their offer for the
professional services to be rendered by the Electrical Consultant described in the
conditions set forth (here in after referred to as the said conditions)

Now it is hereby agreed as under: -

1. In Consideration of payments being made by employer, the Electrical Consultant
shall subject to the said condition render professional services.

2. The Employer shall pay to the Electrical Consultant such sums as shall become
payable hereunder at the times and manner specified in the said conditions
forming part of this agreement.

3. Following documents shall be read and constitute as part of this agreement;
a) Copy of the advertisement given in press/uploaded on banks web site
b) The said conditions of agreement.
c) Time schedule.
d) Schedule of payment
e) Letter of acceptance
f) Acceptance letter and negotiations between employers and Electrical
Consultant forming part of this agreement along with this form of


4. All disputes arising out of or in connection with this agreement shall deem
to have arisen in Delhi and only the courts of Delhi shall have the
jurisdiction to determine the same.

5. The aforesaid documents shall be taken as complementary and mutually
explanatory of one another but in the case of ambiguity or discrepancies,
(The documents shall take precedence in the order set out above).

6. The several parts of this agreement have been read to us and fully
understood by us. As witness hands the day, month and year mentioned


Signed by the said in the presence of



Electrical Consultant
Signed by the said in the presence of





In construing these conditions and agreement, the following words shall have the meaning
hereunder as assigned to them except where the subject or context otherwise requires.

The term employer shall denote Punjab National Bank with their HO at New
Delhi and any of its employees or representative authorized on their behalf.
The term Consultant Architect shall mean M/s. ____________________
iii. SITE
The Site shall mean and includes PNB, CBD Belapur, Navi Mumbai where the
work is to be executed as shown within the boundary including any area of
building and erection thereon allotted by the employer and the work shall mean
the work or works to be executed or done under the conditions of agreement.


The Electrical Consultant shall provide the services in respect of the following works:

2.1 Study the existing electrical system of the Data Centre (DRDC) and RSC building.
2.2 To suggest redundancy system as per the requirement of the Bank described in the
banks website.
2.3 Submit various options till approved by the Bank with technical evaluation, brief
descriptions of the work, estimate & time frame considered for up
gradation/modernization of existing electrical system to meet 100% power redundancy
for ( transformer and DG set level) specialized application .
2.4 The planning for the proposed new systems and its equipments must be accommodated
in the space earmarked for existing equipments in such a way that normal function of
sensitive equipments /Existing Electrical supply is not disturbed with interruption to
works at PNB CBD Belapur, Navi Mumbai .
2.5 The proposal should be inclusive of utilizing existing electrical installation, double
electric source of power supply from local authority and as well as banks own electric
generation system.

2.6 Any other work specially entrusted to the Consultant Architect by employer.


The Electrical Consultant shall render the following services in connection with and with
regards to the said works (which shall be included in his quoted fees).

3.01. Visiting the site/ offices of the employer discussing details with the employer and
attending necessary meetings for finalizing the requirements for Preparation of Designs/
Drawings/Connected documents etc.

3.02. Preparation of preliminary drawings and designs, i.e. Preliminary sketches. Plans,
Single Line Diagram (S.L.D) which shall includes superimposing within the existing layout
plan of the equipments on the various floors / with complete dimensions. (including
carrying out necessary revisions till sketch design is finally approved by the employer.

3.03. Outlining/technical specifications of the work and taking approval from the employer.
Modifying sketch design and specifications as per the satisfaction of employer.

3.04. Preparing the list of basic materials proposed and obtaining the approval of employer
for the same before making estimates.

3.05. Preparation of Budget estimates based on prevalent market rates supported with
necessary documents for justification. Preparing reports on the merits of the scheme so as
to enable the employer to take a decision on the sketch designs and scheme as a whole.

3.06. Preparing proper PERT CHART/BAR chart incorporating all the activities required for
the completion of the project.

3.07. Preparation of working drawings and details for all aspects related to the work and
obtaining approval of the employer for the same.

3.08 Coordinating the overall designing, drawing and detailing work as per the site

3.09 Preparing the prequalification documents, scrutiny of the applications of the
contractors for short listing through pre- qualification received by the bank and making
statement on standard pro-forma

with clear cut recommendations for short listing after verifying their credentials as per IBA

3.10 Formation of detailed specifications, preparation of detailed estimates supported by
detailed measurement sheets calculations and abstracts of the quantities ,market rate
analysis as applicable to the locality and approved by the employer and obtaining the
approval of estimates and specifications from the employer. The items, which are not
covered in the standard schedule of rate, shall be analyzed on the basis of the standard
hand book/ analysis of rates including preparation of detailed analysis and specifications.
The detailed estimate shall be supported with the copies of latest cost indexes relevant to
the schedule of rates, latest price list, quotations etc.

3.11 Preparation of tender documents as per the guidelines given in the IBA manual,
making adequate number of sets of tender documents and drawings for issue of tenders
and providing necessary assistance to the bank for invitation of tenders.

3.12 Detailed scrutiny and checking of tenders received and commenting on them
including preparation of comparative statement indicating rates and terms & conditions
and detailed scrutinizing of tenders as per IBA Manual, including arithmetical checks,
evaluations of conditional offers, analysis of lowest tenders based on current market rate
analysis for major items, identification of freak and inconsistent rates, reasonableness of
the tenders and preparation of assessment report.

All commercial conditions shall be evaluated in financial terms instead of merely saying
whether a condition may be accepted or not.

When conditions are not susceptible of evaluation, the alternative procedure of calling all
the tenderers for negotiation by asking them to submit a final bid based on the terms &
conditions acceptable or not.

Assisting the bank in negotiating with the contractors and preparation of final assessment
report for taking decision by the employer to award the job.

3.13 Site supervision of works to ensure adherence on the part of contractors to detailed
drawings and specification carrying out required tests to ensure proper quality control and
assuming full responsibilities for timely execution of the said works by all the contractors.
Electrical consultant shall depute qualified Site Engineer who is having minimum
qualification of Diploma in Electrical Engineering at site from date of commencement of
work till completion of the project.

3.14 Supplying 4 sets of drawings (including modification as necessary for proper
execution) for the use of employer, contractor and site staff.


3.15 Checking measurements of works at site, checking contractors bills issuing
periodical certificate for payment, part rate statements, checking of calculations of
measurements books / contractors bills etc. and submitting to employer. It shall be
mandatory on the part of the Electrical Consultant to check the measurements of various
items to the extent of at least 75% of each item of the work claimed in each running bill and
certificate in this regard will be entered in the MB /Bill on the following format.

Certified that various items of work claimed in this ..Running bill by the contractors
. have been completed to the extent claimed and at appropriate rates and
that the items care in accordance with and fully conforming to the standard / prescribed
specifications and drawings. We further certify that we have checked the measurements to
the extent of .. Percent but not less than 75% of each item claimed in this bill. Hence the
bill is recommended for payment of Rs

The measurements in the final bill shall be checked by electrical consultant to the extent of
100% of each item of the work claimed and certificate in this regard will be entered in the
MB /Bill.

3.16 To co-ordinate with employer, site engineer for checking of measurements bills of
Contractors and quality control etc. Measurements and quantities shall be checked &
recorded in Measurement Book (MB) in the presence of banks officials.

3.17 The Electrical Consultant shall be wholly and solely responsible for the successful
completion of project in all respects consistent with safety from the inception up to the
handing over for occupations to the employer.

3.18 Any other service connected with the said works usually and normally rendered
and not
referred to above.

3.19 Assisting the employer in arbitration and litigation cases between the Bank and
that may arise out of the contract entered into in respect of any works.

3.20 All drawings shall be in MKS System.


4.01 The Electrical Consultant shall exercise all responsible skill, case and diligence in the
discharge of duties hereby covenanted to be performed by them and shall exercise such
general superintendence and inspection in regard to the said works as may be necessary to
ensure the work is being executed in accordance with the working drawing and

specifications aforesaid and the work is free from defects and deficiencies. The
responsibility shall continue during the defect liability period for getting defects, if any
removed by the contractor and he shall give a No Objection Certificate at the end of defect
liability period for refund of balance retention money to contractors.

4.02 Whenever the work is examined by Chief Technical Examiner of Central Vigilance
Commission or any other vigilance authorities and if he brings to the notice any defective
or substandard work or any irregular /overpayments, the Electrical Consultant shall take
necessary action to get the defects rectified and/ or recover the irregular payments and
also shall assist the employer for framing replies to the Chief Technical Examiner's queries.
In case of disputes with the Contractor(s) or disputes arising out of the said project
execution as well as in matter of arbitration pertaining to project, the Electrical Consultant
shall assist the employer from time to time by drafting replies in consultation with legal
advisers and protect interest of the employer.

4.03 The Electrical Consultant shall not make any deviation, alteration or omission from
the approved design without the written consent of the employer. All variations and extra
items authorized by the employer shall be analyzed on current market rate analysis. The
labour Coefficients, material coefficients shall be as per standard hand book, analysis of
rates DAR/NBO analysis of rate as the case may be incorporating the quantity, rate, amount
and reasons for variations in a statement form. The Electrical Consultant shall not be
entitled to claim professional fee for variation in which they had failed to get the work done
without prior approval of the employer.

4.04 During the progress of work, whenever excess over sanctioned cost is anticipated
and/ or has already occurred the Electrical Consultant shall immediately report the same
to employer with adequate justification for the same and obtain employers approval

4.05 In case it is established that due to fault of Electrical Consultant, the bank has to pay
any extra amount due to overrun of the project, over measurements, faulty description of
the tender items or any other lapses on the part of the Electrical consultant, necessary
recovery may be effected from the fees of the Electrical Consultant or any other amount
payable to them of such amount of damages as are considered reasonable without
prejudice to the rights of the bank

4.06 The Electrical Consultant shall not assign, sublet or transfer their interests in this
agreement without the written consent of the employer to other party.


The Drawings, specifications and documents as instruments of the service are the property
of bank. They are not to be used for any other project except with the written consent of
the bank.


5.01 The agreement herein may be terminated at any time by either party by giving a
written notice of one month to the other party.

5.02. If the Electrical Consultant fails to adhere to the time schedule stipulated elsewhere in
the agreement or extended time which may be granted by employer in its sole discretion or
default in performing duties assigned under this agreement, the employer may terminate
this agreement after one months notice.

5.03 Without prejudice to the generality of power of termination as aforesaid and without
prejudice to any other right open to the employer; the employer shall be entitled to
terminate this agreement without notice in any of the following circumstances:

a) If the Electrical Consultant close his / their business or one or more of them die,
become insolvent from acting as such Electrical Consultant.

b) In case there is change in the constitution of the firm of the Electrical Consultant for
any reason whatsoever.

5.04. Even after the termination of their employment (in case other than covered under
5.03), the Electrical Consultant shall remain liable and shall be responsible for due
certification / approval of any bills submitted by the contractors at any time of work
executed before the termination of Electrical Consultant appointment.

5.05. It is further expressly agreed that after termination as aforesaid for whatever
reason it may be, the employer can entrust the work to some other Electrical Consultant.

5.06. In case the agreement is terminated the employer shall make use of all or any
drawings estimates or other documents prepared by the Electrical Consultant.

5.07. The Electrical Consultant shall not be entitled to fees or compensation except the fee
payable to him/her/them for the work actually done and in such cases the decision of the
employer as to what is the amount of fees due to the Electrical Consultant shall be final and
binding on the Electrical Consultant.



6.01 The employer shall pay to the Electrical Consultant remuneration for the services to
be rendered by the Consultant Architect in relation to the said works and services
mentioned in this agreement the professional fees shall be calculated at the rates quoted by
the Electrical Consultant and subsequent negotiation he / they had forming part of this

6.02 Electrical Consultant shall be paid in the following stages (Annexed) consistent with
the work done. Payments made to the Electrical Consultant are on account and shall be
adjusted against the final amount payable.

i) On furnishing and obtaining the approval of the employer on
preliminary plans, elevations, sections, outline specifications and
preliminary estimate.

ii) On modifying designs, preparation of Design, drawings including
preparation of detail working drawings, detailed documents and
other details (sufficient for preparation of detailed estimate) and
obtaining approval from the employer.

iii) Furnishing and obtaining approval of employer on detailed estimate
based on detailed working drawings / detailed specifications /
other details as required pertaining to all discipline.

iv) Preparing necessary set of tender documents required for NIT after
scrutiny of tenders received with specific recommendation to
award the job as per IBA guidelines including issue of necessary
drawings to start the work.

v) For making periodical visits for inspection and quality control,
giving clarifications as required at site and issue of drawings that
maybe required during execution.
a) After Completion of 50% of job awarded to
b) After Virtual Completion of Job awarded to

vi) Submitting of completion report with 100% success of project.

vii) After finalization of all the contractors bills by employer and
after defect liability period is over including settlement of disputes
in case of arbitration / litigation (if any) or CTE replied, if any.
10% of the total fee

20% of the total fee
payable less payment
already made.

35% of the total fee
payable less payment
already made.

50% of the total fee
payable less payment
already made.

65% of the total fee
payable less payment
already made.
80% of the total fee
payable less payment
already made.
90% of total fee payable
less payment already

100% of the total fee
payable less payment
already made.

7. Stipulations

i) Up to stage (ii) the payment of Electrical Consultant fee shall be calculated on the basis of
preliminary estimate approved by employer. However, it shall be adjusted on the basis
of total fee payable stated thereafter.

ii) Up to stage (iii) the payment shall be made on the basis of detailed estimates on
individual works. However, it shall be adjusted on the basis of total fee payable stated

iii) From stage (IV) onwards the payment shall be made on the basis of tender amount after
adjusting the previous payments made.

iv) In computing the cost of work, liquidated damages and deductions from contractors bill
on account of defective work or other reasons will not be accounted for calculating
Electrical Consultant fee.

v) For incomplete stage, payment will be made on quantum merit basis in which case
assessment of fee will be made with due regard to all relevant factors at the discretion of
the employer. The decision of employer shall be final and binding without assigning any

vi) No professional fee shall be payable on the cost for the re-use of existing bank material,
sale of old unusable existing material and materials which shall be purchased/ supplied
by the bank such as DG Set, Transformer, Panels, Distribution Boards, Cables , light
fittings, fans, fixture etc.



The Electrical Consultant shall submit to the employer the sketch plans, detailed plans,
preliminary estimates, detailed estimates, tender documents etc. scope, services and
General conditions within the period stipulated is as under.

1. Visiting the site / Office of the employer, preparing the
existing furnishing layout of the area, discuss the detailed
utilization of the area to be furnished with the employer and
submit the sketch plan or alternatives if required.
Within 2 weeks from the date of
receipt of instructions from the
2. Submission of preliminary drawings / preliminary estimates
including brief specifications and design concept etc. (proper
report in book let form) for approval of the bank.
Within 2 weeks from the date of
receipt of approval on sketch
plan by the employer (as per
3. Submission of detailed working drawings, specifications rate
analysis and other details as required including detailed
estimates for approval from employer.
Within 2 weeks from the date of
approval plans / instructions
received from the employer.
4. Preperation of complete e-tender documents as per existing
CVC & IBA Guidelines.
Within 1 week from the date of
approval of detailed estimate /
instructions received from the
5.Scrutiny & submitting report / recommendation on pre-
qualification of contractors.
Within one week from the date of
letter along with documents from
6. Scrutiny of tenders received and forwarding their
recommendation for awarding the jobs for all disciplines.
Within 3days from the date of
receipt of the individual tender
from the employer (discipline
7. Scrutiny, checking and verification of contractor running bills
with specific recommendation for payment
Within 1 week from
the date of receipt by the
contractor/ site engineer.
8. Submission of analysis of rates including justifications and
specific recommendation for the various items. i.e. Extra items ,
Deviated items, Substituted items, Deduction items etc & PVA.

Within 1 weeks from the date of
receipt by the contractor / site
9. Scrutiny checking/ Verification of final bill with specific
recommendation for the payment to the contractor
Within 2 weeks from date of
receipt by contractor / Site


In addition to the fee payable under proceeding clauses, the employer shall reimburse the
Electrical Consultant towards actual expenses as following on account of TA/DA. PRIOR
CLAIMING TA/DA. However, in case of exigencies, justification for not obtaining prior
approval from the employer be also attached with TA bill to be submitted within 15 days
from the date of visit.

9.01 (i) For partners, associates, senior consultants, AIR fare by economy class/first
class AC Coach fare both ways or actual expenditure (on production of receipt) whichever
is less plus Rs.1,000/- per day as diem allowance.

(ii) For other staff, First Class/2
AC train fare both ways (on production of receipt) plus
incidental charges at Rs.500/- per day.

9.02 In case the project is located at the headquarters of the Electrical Consultant, no
TA/DA shall be paid by the employer for visiting the site and any office at Mumbai.

9.03 While quoting Electrical Consultant will give the list of bonafide partners, associates,
senior Consultant , Site Engineer along with their designation who will be associated with
the work.


10. Delinquencies / Defaults/ Misconduct & Penalty

10.01 The under noted delinquencies / defaults/ misconduct on the part of the Electrical
Consultant shall attract disciplinary action / monetary deductions along with reporting the
matter to the Council of Architecture / appropriate authority where Electrical Consultant is
registered and Indian Banks Association.
a) Incorrect information about credentials, about his performance, resources and technical
b) Violating any of the important condition of the agreement.
c) Tendency towards recommending false and untenable claims outside terms of contract
with contractors.
d) Electrical Consultant becoming bankrupt or insolvent.
e) Electrical Consultant conviction by court of law.

10.02 The award of under noted action shall be considered by the employer.
a) Placing embargo on issue of further works and removal from employer's approved
b) Permanent removal from employer's list.
c) Circulation of their name to other public undertaking or Govt. department for non-
entertainment of their appointment.
d) Circulation to council of Consultant Architect / appropriate authority where
Electrical Consultant is registered for removing from membership.
e) Termination of agreement.
f) Financial recoveries as stated elsewhere in the agreement.
g) Penalty: In case consultant architect fails to complete the work within the contract
period or extended period mentioned in the contact agreement owing to reasons
attributable to consultant architect, liquidated damages @1% per week of the total fee
subject to a maximum of 10% of the total fee payable shall be levied on the consultant


11. Arbitration.

In the event of any dispute, difference or question arising out of or touching or concerning
this agreement or the execution of the project the same shall be referred, at the option of
either party (Employer or the Electrical Consultant) to the arbitration of a sole arbitrator
mutually agreed upon and in default of such agreement to the arbitration of two arbitrators
one each appointed by the two parties, who in default in mutual agreement may in turn
appoint an umpire, the arbitrator or arbitrators or umpire, as the case may be, will be
Fellow Member of the Indian Institute of Architect or the Fellow Member of Institution of
Engineers and such submission shall be deemed to be a submission to arbitration with in
the meaning of the Indian Arbitration and Consolidation Act, 1996 or any revised statutory
modifications thereof. The award of arbitrators or umpire as the case may be shall be final
and binding upon the parties. The expenses of arbitration including fees of arbitrators and
umpire shall be equally shared by the party. During the arbitration proceedings the
following shall hold good.

a) Despite existence of any dispute or differences or pending proceeding relating to
arbitration, the Electrical Consultant shall render his services and ensure completion of the
project / works.

b) The pendency of proceedings relating to arbitration shall not bar the employer from
exercising its right / power.

i) To terminate the contract as provided in the clauses 5.1 & 5.2 above and

ii) To engage on such termination any other Electrical Consultant provided in clause
5.05 above.



S.No Description Enclosed with Bid
Envelop No.1
Bid Fee in the form of Demand Draft

EMD Amount in the form of Demand Draft

Documents supporting Constitution of the firms

Documents supporting name of the person
authorized to sign on behalf of the company/firm

Documents supporting work experience as
described in the eligibility criteria

Documents supporting two qualified
/experienced engineers on the roll of

Documents supporting list of technical and other
staff with their qualification /designation

Copy of Audited balance sheet and Income Tax
Return for the last 3 years ending March,2010,
March,2011 & March2012.

Documents supporting list of the projects
completed during the last 7 yrs ending July 2012
be submitted supported with documentary proof.

Tender Document duly signed & stamped

Envelop No.2

Schedule of Payment /Commercial Bid filled & duly
signed and sealed

Envelop No.3

Consisting of Sealed Envelop No.1 & Envelop No.3


1. Rendering professional services such as preparation of drawings,
preliminary estimates, detailed estimates, detailed working drawings,
preparing draft tender, (in accordance with IBA guidelines and the Bank
norms), assisting the bank for empanelment of contractors, scrutiny of
tenders, supervision of the works. Scrutiny/ checking and certification of
contractor's all bills, etc. complete services as per scope of work and
conditions mentioned in "conditions of agreement" forming part of this
quotation and as per time schedule attached.
______ % age of the actual cost or tendered cost whichever is less.
+ Service Tax as applicable

Electrical Consultant:

Name of the firm:


Note:- The employer agrees to pay the remuneration for the professional services to be rendered by the
Electrical Consultant in relation to the said project particularly for the services hereinafter mentioned, a fee
calculated at the % as quoted above of the actual cost of work/accepted tender cost whichever is less. The
said fee being hereinafter called as Basic cost, the payment to the Electrical Consultant shall be worked out
as below:
a) 100% of the Basic Fee on the accepted tender cost plus
a) 50% of the Basic Fee on the escalated cost over & above the accepted tender cost.

Subject to a ceiling of 110% of the Basic Fee worked out on the accepted tender cost and stipulated given in
Para given below.
In case, the actual cost of work is more than the tendered cost as a result of authorized changes in the
specification and/or quantities of the scheduled items or the operation of duly approved additional or
substitute items, if any, such actual cost and not the accepted tender cost (without taking into account any
escalation), will be considered as the cost on the basis of which basic fees will be worked out and the ceiling
will also pertain to basic fees thus worked out.


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