Bel 422 Write Up of Report

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Write up of Report

I have prepared a guideline for you based on the notes from the textbook to aid you in
writing the report.
Please refer very closely to the pages of the textbook that I mentioned and the sample
of report that I have also attached.
Bear in mind that this is just the basic format of a report. You may add more
headings/subheadings if you think appropriate. I just to make sure that you fulfill the
format and content requirements of a report for BEL 422 assessment.

Style of Writing and Language Convention

1. Three Cs of writing: Clarity, Conciseness and Correctness
Clarity convey your points clearly.
Conciseness deliver your message using the shortest and direct way possible.
Correctness deliver the message using proper and appropriate grammar, punctuation,
spelling, facts, and the right level of language.

2. Expressing the writers role depends on your personal preferences.
In the first person : I would provide
: Our findings show that

In the third person : The researcher claims
: They investigated.

Using the impersonal passive : It was concluded that
: The study focused on

3. Verb tenses
Use present tense for theories relevant to the study conducted (literature Review part).
- when describing structure of the report (Intro of the Findings &
Discussion part).

Use past tense - describing research process (in Methodology part)

Tips in Writing sentences

1. Put main idea at the beginning of the sentence

2. Sentences should not be too long

3. Avoid wordiness in sentence

Wordy sentences Good sentences
First and foremost, the .. First, the
It is an important and essential part. It is an essential part
It is their personal beliefs that It is their beliefs that

4. Avoid clichs expressions that do not add meaning to your writing. Eg: Last but not least, At the
end of the day.

5. Structure your paragraph start with topic sentence (the controlling idea), followed by supporting

6. Paragraph coherence - i. repeat keywords (by using synonyms or pronouns. (Example refer to
textbook pg 103)
ii. using transitional markers or signals (Example refer to textbook pg

Structure of report

1. Please refer to text book pg 112 exclude the Literature Review section. Or a simpler one as the
example below:

2. You may also refer to the sample report available from the web site below:

# Please go to this web site for a sample of report

Table of Contents Page
Abstract ii
Acknowledgements iii
Table of Contents iv
List of Figures v

1.1 Purpose of the Study
1.2 Scope of the Study

2.1 Sample of Study
2.2 Data Collection

3.1 Findings 1
3.2 Findings 2
3.3 Findings 3




Appendix A: Questionnaire
Appendix B:

3. ABSTRACT must contain

Why was the study conducted?
What was done?
How was it done?
What was found?
What was the most important result?
What can be concluded?

* Refer to example on pg 114 of textbook

4. INTRODUCTION : Purpose of Study
Reasons why you conduct the study
: Scope of the study
State the exact sample size
Explain the general methodology used in the study
Describe clearly what would be examined
State the duration taken for the whole study to be carried out

6. METHODOLOGY : Sample of the study (refer to textbook pg 167)
Who were the respondents?
How were the respondents selected?

: Data collection
Research instruments (refer to textbook pg 166)
Research procedure (refer to textbook pg 167)

7. FINDINGS (refer to textbook pg 177)
Describe your results
Be specific, present only important findings and essential facts.
Use visual aids or graphics to support.
Begin from the most important topic to the least important.
Use correct verb tense : past tense to present results and describe completed actions.
: present tense to refer to figures, tables and to explain current

Provides answers to research questions
Provides solutions to problems that justify the research
Look at the issue or problem being investigated based on the results of the research.
Strategies in writing Discussion:
Explain the findings (give reasons)
(refer to textbook pg 182)
Evaluate the findings (whether results are as
expected, successful or unexpected, unsatisfactory)
(refer to textbook pg 184)
Infer for the findings (develop your viewpoints and
ideas based from the answers)
(refer to textbook pg 184)

9. CONCLUSION: (refer to example in textbook pg 193) Should include
Restatement of the objectives
o Start with the most significant objective (refer to pg 190)
Review of the findings
o State whether or not the objectives of your study have been
o State whether the objectives are as you espected (refer to pg 190)
Implications of the findings
o Discuss the reasonings for the findings (refer to pg 190)

10. RECOMMENDATIONS (refer to textbook pg 195)
Give suggestions or actions to be taken based on your findings.

Presenting Your Research
The Format of an Oral Presentation
Describes essential aspects of the research

Explain the research problem and its importance

Explain what you did and why

Explain the results (significant ones only)


# Please go to this web site for a sample of report presentation slides

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