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INTRODUCTION:- Dulux Trade is the leading brand in the UK trade market. Offering
an exceptional combination of product quality and performance together with
unmatched levels of service and technical support, the Dulux trade range can be
used and specified with complete confidence. Dulux paint is leading supplier in
decorative paints, special effect paints, and a primary supplier of specialty
chemicals. ICI Paints (Imperial Chemical Industries) is largest trade supplier in the
UK and has around 130 outlets.


“The means by which a company can identify its own strengths and weakness as
they relate to external opportunities and threats, It is thus a way of helping
management to select a position in that environment based on known factors.”

As suggested by McDonald in 1995.

Marketing audit considers both external and internal influence on marketing


SWOT ANALYSIS OF ICI DULUX:- her are the strengths, weakness, threats and
opportunity of ICI Dulux by which company can monitor its external and internal
marketing environment. SWOT is the tools of Marketing Audit.


✔ Wide distribution network has around 130 outlets in United Kingdom.

✔ Focus on the health and safety measures and environment as a social
✔ It is Britain’s leading and experienced has a Goodwill of Quality Products.
✔ Extensive 52 range of colours.
✔ Technological skills, products are free from odour, dry up fast and not prone
to yellowing.
✔ Three new ranges of broken colours duette, acrylic scumle glaze and sonata.


✔ Low level of awareness in customers for special effect products.

✔ No innovation in product as its competitor crown is re-launching the product.
✔ Degree of uncertainty, how to distinguish the market between special effect
paints and overall products of the company.
✔ Week distribution channel of products.
✔ Dulux target only Trade customers by which they can lose other customers.


✔ Increasing demand of broken colour effects.

✔ With over 130 retail stores consumer awareness is expected to grow.
✔ Finding solution of the customers can also be another opportunity for the
✔ Increase growth of Sales by targeting segments of the market.
✔ Re-launch their product by making better marketing strategy as compared to
its competitors.


✔ Increase in competition from other companies.

✔ No changes in the product by ICI Dulux, as competitors are investing in
special effect range.
✔ Reduction in sales of the products.
✔ Re-launching of special effect product range in both the trade and retail by its
competitor Crown.
✔ Bargaining of the customer may be another threat for the company, which can
reduce company profits.

PRODUCT LIFE CYCLE OF ICI DULUX PAINT:- The way of managing the entire
life cycle of a product from its introduction to the withdrawal of the stage.Products
and services are created, launched and withdrawn in a process known as Product
Life Cycle. It has four stages as compared to ICI Dulux paints.

• Introduction: - It is the stage which ICI Dulux paint (special effect colour)
product has passed because of company’s good reputation and goodwill in
the market.

• Growth:- This is the stage which company like the most for the product,
because in this stage sales revenue is high and company earns the profits,
Special effects paints of ICI Dulux are at the growth stage.

• Maturity:- During this stage sales revenue stabilizes, ICI Dulux Special effect
paints product may face this stage, because of low level of awareness for
special effect product of Dulux among the customers and the degree of
uncertainty how to trade.

• Decline:- When sales revenue starts to fall and eventually vanishes or may
become too little to be workable for ICI Dulux, due to
competition ,inappropriate Strategy, Low distribution and awareness.
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Figure shows four stages of Product life

cycle and ICI Dulux special effect paint is
at its growth stage.

So because of low distribution channel, Market Competition, poor distribution

channel and low awareness of the product, Marketing manager has to classify
customer and Re-launch the Product with new strategy and finding customers
needs, Manager has to maintain the company image in the mind of the customer so
that company can maintain its competitive position in the market for special effect
paints of the ICI Dulux paints.


ICI Dulux aims the trade customers so they can aim the business venture, public
sector organisation, hospitals, schools and Institutions. The marketing manager of
the ICI Dulux, recognise the company desires and segments of the market on the
criteria of business to business segmentation, the market segments are on the
following bases:

Organizational Characteristic:

✔ Industry type.
✔ Size of the firm.
✔ Geographic location.

Product Characteristics:

✔ End use benefits.

✔ Frequency and scale of purchases.
✔ Specification.

Buying Characteristics:

✔ Distribution channels.
✔ Purchasing function and policy.
✔ Buyers characteristic.
✔ Lead influences on the purchase.

ICI Dulux is the paint industry; customers do not buy directly from the company, so
the Dulux paint has to segment its market on the following basis.

➢ Major contractors:- They are the professional and they operate in bigger
area as compared to whole sellers and retailers, contractors purchase in bulk
and in larger pack size for industrial scale. Contractors purchase directly from
suppliers. Purchase decision influence on price and cost analysis of the
contractors. Contractors get contracts form hospitals, schools, colleges,
shopping centres, financial institutions and government properties and many
others in United Kingdom. Contractors focus on the quality products, if the
company is able to make deal with contractors, they can help in increasing
sales and the profit margin of the company i.e. (ICI Dulux).

➢ Builders:- The area of operation and dealings of the builders is almost same
as the major contractors, they build the infrastructure and are commitment
focused, they have good relationship with Architects and contractors or with
painting contractors, they can help company in getting the higher sales and
earn high revenue.

➢ Architects:- they are the professionals in their work ,architects need each
and every work should be at the right time and at the right place, they are very
much quality oriented ,their purchase decision does not depend on the price
and the cost analysis, they need the quality products ,so ICI Dulux can target
this segment for the high range products ,which a common man cannot
purchase ,architects can help in increase in sales of the company and profits,
as contractors and builders also consult with customers before taking any
decision for infrastructure, so ICI Dulux should target mostly the architects.

➢ Small decorator firms:- they operate on the small scale or on domestic area.
They have the clients mostly the home owners and shop keepers, the
distribution channel is with builders or decorator merchants, and their
purchase decision depend on client specification and brand loyalty. Can assist
in boosting up the sales of ICI Dulux because they operate in small
geographic area but have lot of customers, by them Dulux can get publicity
without any cost in the mind of local people, were decorators operate.

➢ Wholesalers and Retailers:- This is the market segment where customer

have lot of choice to purchase which brand, here the clients are more price
oriented and they want the best quality product in cheaper price, so if ICI
Dulux wants to target this sector have to target with variety of products like in
less price, standard quality, this sector is almost available in whole UK as
Dulux has its own 130 outlets, it can also boost up the sales and revenue of
the ICI Dulux.

These are the segments which the ICI Dulux can target the most, but out off this five
Dulux should target Architects, Major contractors, Builders because by targeting
them Dulux can increase their sales and profits and capture the market as the
largest paint company in the United Kingdom. Dulux has the goodwill of the quality
product in the mind of the customers so Dulux can boost up this image more by
targeting these segments.

BRANDING:- It is the management process by which a product is branded. It is a

general term covering various activities such as giving a brand name to a product,
designing a brand mark, identification and establishing and popularising it.

PRINCIPLES OF BRANDING:- The principles of branding dictate that something be

unique and authentic about what you are branding. Otherwise it is same and not the
brand worthy. These are the points which make branding successful.

Impact: ICI have good reputation in the mind of the customers and have the good
impact in the market. Quality of the ICI Dulux makes him different and let him stand
out of the crowd.

Clarity: ICI Dulux is more specific in making its paints for different uses, makes clear
in the mind of the customers that different product is for different use. Customers are
not confused while purchasing the ICI Dulux products.

Consistency:- ICI Dulux paints more believe in the quality products and have the
goodwill, the paints are stable for long time, it gives reliability in the products to its

Honesty and positivity:- Trust is the foundation of any relationship, believe in what
you are showing, you offer at the time of offering, ICI Dulux is commitment focused
paint industry ,what it shows to its customer it offers them at the time of purchase.

POSITIONING: -Positioning is the location of the product in the mind of the

customers. Positioning makes the different from its customers; product positioning is
referred 4P’s of marketing mix product, price, promotion and place.

On following bases positioning can be done:

✔ Attributes (characteristics of the product).

✔ Usage occasions.
✔ Users/Applications.
✔ Activities.
✔ Competitors.
Major Contractors: - Contractors are the quality oriented and they are not
concerned with the price of the product they need the quality products ,so we can
position on the basis of durability and quality of the product.

Architects:- They are professionals in their work ,we can position them with the
extensive colour range and fleck finishing, their purchase decision does not depend
on the cost so ICI Dulux can position them with high price range products .

Small Decorator firms:- There purchase depends on the client specification and
brand loyalty, their clients are house owner and shopkeepers, so ICI Dulux can
position them low price and standard product and can position in the common

CONCLUSION: - ICI Dulux is one of the leading paint companies in united

kingdom.ICI Dulux has consistently developed new and innovative areas of
businesses and some of its products are unbeaten throughout the world. Some of
the brands of ICI are exclusive in the market and still have no competition, but along
with this the low price and high quality products should also be in the market to
segment and target the customers. The customers are not aware of the special
effect paints, so company should make awareness in the mind of customers to
increase sales.

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