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Name : Three Muriana Budianto, ST.

Lhr Tempat,Tanggal : Grobogan, 7 Februari 1980

Address : Abuse Gede UH I / 111 Jogjakarta 55166.

Telp : ( 0274) 7863797 HP.081904140009.

Religion : Islam.

Status : Not yet Married.


1. Supervisor Ascociate Engginer PT. Philips Industries Batam ( August 2004 Aug
ust s.d 2006)

2. Secretary Executive [Tunas Karya, CV]. Masterpiece of Nusa

3. Technician Computer [in] OBSIDIAN COMPUTER.

History Education.

1. SD Country 2 Truwolu Pass 1992.

2. SMP Country 6 Purwodadi Pass 1995.

3. SMU Muhammadiyah Purwodadi Grobogan Pass 1998.

4. LPK Yogya Komputek Yogyakarta Program 1 months of Windows and Application Of

5. LPK Yogya Komputek Yogyakarta Program 2 Technician Computer Year months 2000

6. Basic Leadership Training PT. Bydm soriyt Masterpiece of Indoswasta

7. S-1 Technique of Elektro University of Ahmad Dahlan Yogyakarta

Pass 2004 title of skripsi Scheme Of Digital Thermometer Base on Mikrokontroler
68HC11 Value of A

Hobby and is Skilled :

Service Electronics, Technician Computer, Pencak Kunfu.

Experience of Organization.

2006 : Committee of Kurban Mosque Abuse.

2005 : SRC Picnic of PT. Philips Industries Batam.

2004 August 2006 : Coach Of Holy Tread Have Child Muhammadiyah Mukakuning Batam
2005 : Champion of III Free Artistic Kunfu Category [of] POR Mukakuning Batam 20
04 & 2005 : Manager Team of atlet Pencak Kunfu of PT. Philips Industries Batam 2
002 : Committee of Invitasi Holy National Tread Between Perti UAD 2002 : Committ
ee of Parade International Jogjakarta 2002.

2002 : Committee of Muswil BM PAN DIY.

2001 now : Coach Of Holy Tread [of] University of Ahmad Dahlan 1999 2001 : Holy
Secretary Head Unit Tread [of] UAD.

1998 - 2000 : Dept Research Of HMJ Elektro UAD.

Application mastered.

* Windows XP.

* MS Office XP ( Word, Excel, Acces, Fronpage Pwr Point)

* Desain ( Ulead, Adobe Premiere,Corel draw, Photo of Phaint,Photoshop 6)

Activity which Have been followed.

- Seminar National of Electrical Enggenering 2003 Technique of Elektro Universi
ty of Ahmad Dahlan - Seminar Committee Socialization Banking Of Moslem Law Digin
g Opportunity of Development and Exploiting Of Bank Moslem law. PP Muhammadiyah
and Indonesia Bank - Chief Unit of KKN University of Ahmad Dahlan Yogyakarta

- Champion of II Artistic [of] Empty Beregu Hand [of] Holy Invitasi National Tr
ead [of] UAD ( October - Single Artistic Category [of] Putra Week Of Athletics A
rea Central Java - Champion of I Regent of CUP Pre of PORDA JATENG ( June )

- Champion of III Single Artistic [of] Putra Kejurnas Pencak Kunfu University N
ational Development Of Veteran of CUP Yogyakarta ( April - Champion of II Single
Artistic [of] Putra Week Of Athletics Area of DIY(NOVEMBER) That way this Curik
ulum Vitae [is] I make with situation in fact

Yogyakarta, 29 January 2007.

Yours Faithfully

Three Muriana Budianto,St.





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