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Guillaume Debroux, 11th grade

US History : Dialectical Journal

Quotation Page Why I nd this quotation interesting or

I think it absolutely necessary that we
should abandon our position tonight
24 The Confederate Government compelled to
abandon the capital, Union troops take
control of Richmond. It marks a turning point
in the war.
The sight of ex-slaves roving freely about
disgusted her. It is no longer our
Richmond, she complained.
32 This extract shows how racist was
Richmond under the governance of
Jefferson Davis.
You can cast off the name of slave and
trample upon it.
38 Lincoln was the rst politician to prohibit
From Eva to the Liberator of the slaves. 40 Ex-slaves acclaim Abraham Lincoln upon
his arrival to Richmond.
Before Lincoln left Richmond, the Union
general left in charge of the city asked
Lincoln to tell him how he should deal with
the conquered rebels. Lincolns answer
became an American legend. He replied
that he didnt want to give any orders, but,
If I were in your place Id let em up easy,
let em up easy.
42 Lincolns response bespeaks his simple
nature and remarkable greatness.
On this day of victory, no one in
Washington was dwelling upon Jefferson
Davis, his government in exile, or his last-
ditch plans.
50 Confederate General Robert E. Lees
surrender marks another turning point in the
war. Jefferson Davis nds himself at the
He made the crowd who had gathered on
the White House lawn laugh by telling
them that Dixie was one of the spoils of
war and that he wanted to hear it played
right now.
57 This excerpt is an example of Lincolns
magnanimity. He asks the band to play the
anthem of the Confederacy simply because
he likes the tune.
Abraham Lincoln had just been
assassinated in Fords Theatre. He had
been shot, the murderer had escaped, and
the president was still inside.
69 The murder of Abraham Lincoln, considered
by many as one of the greatest American
presidents, is a watershed event in US
Henry Safford seized a candle and held it
up so that the men carrying the president
could see it. Bring him in here! he
71 A nearby resident beckons the men carrying
the president to enter his house as soon as
he hears the news. This shows the deep
appreciation and affection the citizens had
for Lincoln.
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A second assassin had struck in
Washington the night of April 14. At 10:15
P.M., about the same time that John Wilkes
Booth shot the president, another
assailant had invaded the home of the
secretary of state.
78 This incident follows Lincolns slaying.
Now Lincolns nightmare had come true. 82 Strange though it may seem, Abraham
Lincoln dreamt of his own death a few days
before his assassination.
My hand involuntarily went to my head in
salute as they started on their long, long
journey back to the prairies and the hearts
he knew and loved so well, the mortal
remains of the greatest American of all
89 This poignant testimony reects the
prevailing mood of the country at this time.
Everyone mourns Lincolns death.
In the same year that Willie died,
Abraham Lincoln reached out to comfort
someone else who had experienced the
death of a beloved family member. He
wrote a letter to Fanny McCullough, a
young girl whose father had been killed in
110 This provides us insight into Lincolns true
personality, showing us how humane he
Somewhere between Washington and
Springeld, the train became a symbol of
the cost of the Civil War.
133 Lincoln's funerals remind us of all the men
who died on the battleeld.
Dense crowd lined the streets; chiey
laboring classes, white and black.
137 Lincoln was especially popular among low-
income families.
Happy was his life, for he was the
restorer of the Republic; he was happy in
his death, for the manner of his end will
plead forever for the union of the States
and the freedom of man.
145 George Bancrofts solemn tone and soul-
stirring speech is heartwarming.
On that day, before dawn, at a farm near
Port Royal, Virginia, soldiers caught up
with Lincolns assassin, John Wilkes
Booth, surrounded him in a barn, and
killed him.
155 Justice is done : Lincolns murderer gets
caught and killed.
Also on that day Jefferson Davis, still in
Charlotte, North Carolina, learned that
Confederate General Joseph Johnston had
surrendered his army.
155 Johnstons surrender is another hard blow
for Jefferson Davis ; the Unions victory
looms large.
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A newspaper even suggested that the
rough waters of Lake Michigan suddenly
calmed from their angry roar into solemn
silence as if they, too, mourned for
167 This passage captures the mood on a day of
national mourning.
Over the front door of his law ofce hung
a sign that read, He Lives in the Hearts of
His People.
173 These words immortalize the memory of
Abraham Lincoln.
The military men, who do the hard and
cruel things in war, seem to be more
merciful in peace than the politicians who
stay at home and do the talking.
184 This is a moral citation written in the form of
a proverb.
The cavalrymen would nd a way to settle
the score, not with violence but by
attacking Jefferson Daviss most precious
possessionhis reputation.
204 Jefferson Davis reputation was sullied in
journals after he attempted to escape
capture dressed as a woman.
Jefferson Davis had survived Abraham
Lincoln by twenty-four years. Now, his
journey also done, he joined him in the
225 Davis death is an important date in history.
The twentieth century came to belong to
Abraham Lincoln, not Jefferson Davis.
237 Unlike Davis, Lincolns memory is well
preserved. As Swanson later writes,
Jefferson Davis is the lost man of American
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