Active Directory: Lab 1 Questions

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Lab 1: Exploring the Windows Server 2008 Interface

1. What are the three main tasks listed on the Initial Configuration Tasks window?
Provide Computer Information, Update This Server, Customize This Server
2. What is the current time zone configured for this computer?
(GMT-08:00) Pacific Time (US Canada)
3. Why does a shield icon appear next to the Change Date And Time button?
You must have Administrator rights to change this option.
4. What is the current name of your computer?
5. What name is assigned to your computer?
6. What network components are installed on your computer?
Microsoft Virtual Machine Bus Network Adapter-Client for Microsoft Networks, QoS Packet Scheduler,
File and Printer Sharing for Microsoft Networks, Internet Protocols 6 (TCP/IPv6), Internet Protocol
Version 4 (TCP/IPv4), Link-Layer Topology Discovery Mapper I/O Driver, Link-Layer Topology Discovery
7. What IP addressing settings are configured by default?,,
8. What is the current name of your computer?
9. What name is assigned to your computer?
10. What do you see when you log on to a Server Core computer?
A blue background and a Command Prompt window open
11. What is the current name of the computer?
12. What functions can you perform with the netdom command?
NETDOM-add, computername, help, join, move, resetpwd, query, remove, movent 4bdc,
renamecomputer, reset, trust, verify
13. What warning is displayed on the screen?
Certain services, such as the Certificate Authority, rely on a fixed machine name. If any services of this
type are running on SCDC01, then a computer name change would have an adverse impact.
14. What message is displayed on the screen?
The computer needs to be restarted in order to complete the operation. The command completed
15. Is the server receiving its IP configuration via DHCP?
No, the DHCP is not enabled
16. What subcommands are available from the netsh menu?
?, add, advfirewall, delete, dhcpclient, dump, exec, firwall, help, http, interface, ipsec, nap, netio, rpc,
set, show, winhttp, winstock
17. What subcommands are available from the interface submenu?
6 to 4, ?, add, delete, dump, help, ipv4, ipv6, isatap, portproxy, reset, set, show, tcp, teredo
18. What subcommands are available from the ipv4 menu?
?, add, delete, dumo, help, install, reset, set, show, uninstall
19. Is the computer's IP address now statically assigned?
Yes, it reflects the changes

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