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To examine how bending moment varies with an increasing point load.
To examine how bending moment varies at the cut position of the beam for various loading

To initiate this test, first connect the load cell to the digital indicator. Switch on the indicator for ten
minutes and then start taking the readings. Fix the knife edged supports on the beam and screw them
tightly to the base. Then, hang the load hangars to the beam in desired distance from the left support.
Place the digital indicator to zero. Measure it using the measuring tape the length, width and the
thickness of the beam span. Now place the loads of 5N, 10N, 15N, 20N and 25N and record the
readings. Repeat to obtain accuracy and ask different members of the group to perform the same

The list of apparatus that we used in laboratory is a pair of simple support, special beam with a cut
section, set of weights, load hangars, pen and record sheets.

The experimental bending moment is close to the theoretical bending moment and this displays that the
test was successfully performed. The difference in readings is due to common errors which take place
when the lab tests are performed. For accuracy, the bending moment test is repeated and different group
mates are asked to carry out the tests so that the minor errors can be avoided.

By doing this experiment, we able to prove that the theory of the bending moment at the cut section
either the right or the left and the value of x will be same. Moreover, we will be able to know about
the relationship between point load deflection and bending moment. The relationships bending moment
is directly proportional to the point load.


To examine a statically determinate frame and to analyze the frame using simple pin joint theory

Unscrew the thumwheel on the redundant member.
Apply the pre-load of 100N downward, re-zero the load cell and carefully apply a load of 250N
and check that the frame is stable and secure.
Return the load zero (leaving the 100N preload), recheck and re-zero the digital indicator. Never
apply loads greater than those specified on the equipment.
Apply load in the increment shown in Table 1 recording the strain readings and the digital
indicator readings.

A truss is a structure composed of slender member joined together at their end points to form one or
more triangles. The joint connections are considered as pinned joint without friction. In order to
determine the forces developed in the individual members at a truss, the following assumptions should
be make :
1. The members are connected to each other at their ends by frictionless pins, that is only a force and no
moment can be transferred from one member to another.
2. External loads are applied to the truss only at its joints. One of the methods to calculate the forces in
the member of a truss is using Method of Joint.
Method Of Joints
- Suitable to use in calculating all of the member forces for a truss.
- This method entails the use of a free body diagram of joints with the equilibrium
equations Fx = 0 and Fy = 0.
- Calculation only can be started for joint where the numbers of unknowns are two or less.


1. From table 3, compare your answer to the experimental values. Comment onthe accuracy of your
result.Refer to table 3, the value of experimental force are different with thetheoretical value.
There are in member 1,2,4,5,6 and 8. This is because of parallax error and may be the result is
affect by the environment in the lab.

2. Compare all of the member forces and the deflection to those from staticallydeterminate frame.
Comment on them in terms of economy and safety of thestructure.There are positive and
negative force value which is tension and compressionforce at the member. Most of the structure
is built with more than their minimum number of truss member so that it will not fail suddenlly if
some of their member fail. This can be economy and safe structure.

3. What problem could you for seen if you were to use a redundunt frame in areal life application.
(Hint: look at the zero value for the strain reading once you have included the redundant member
by winding up thumnut).

The redundant frame always use in bridge construction to increase the stabilityof the bridge
because the structure will fail if the load is exceed the ability of the bridge.

The force in member 1 and member 2 is having a less chance, however the rest of the members seem to
be having an error when compared with theoretical calculations. In member 3, the percentage of error
decreased as the force was increased, as well in member 4. Member 5 error was there at the beginning at
slightly increasing as it progressed and then it decreased slightly when the load wa increased. Member 6
and 7 played a similar roll since they are both redundant members. There can be error in the practical
readings, possible instruments error, reading error since the values keeps on changing for all the
From the experiment, we can get the value of experimental force for each member in the truss. Besides
that, we can compare the experimental force with thetheoretical force in the redundant cantilever truss.
For the conclusion, theexperimental force that we get is different with the theoretical force because of
several errors occur.


To examine how shear force varies with an increasing point load
To examine how shear force varies at the cut position of the beam for various loading condition

To predict the buckling load Euler buckling formula is used. The critical value in Euler Formula
is the slenderness ratio, which is the ratio of the length of the strut to its radius gyration (L/K).
The Euler Formula become inaccurate for struts with L/K ratio of less than 1.125 and this should
be taken into account in any design work.
Euler buckling formula for pin struts :

The following is the step to be taken toward performing the experiment :
1. To increase the clear height between the platen
a. Unscrew the top nuts upwards to the desired position, approximately the height of the
b. Turned the bottom nut so that it moves upwards with the platen.
c. When the top surface of the platen touches the top nuts tighten all the nuts and insert the
2. To decrease the clear height between the platen
a. Unscrewe the bottomnuts downwards to the desired position, approximately the height of
the specimen.
b. Turned of the top nut so that it moves downwards to the top surface of the platen.
c. When it touches the platen tightened all the nuts and inserts the specimen.
3. To mount a fixed end specimen
a. Lower the screw jack shaft.
b. Position the top platen such that the clear distance between the platen is slightly longer
than the length of the specimen.
c. Slide the specimen into the top and bottom groove at the fixture for the end condition.
d. At the top end, push the specimen so that its end touches the base of the groove, tighten
the screw at the side of the fixture.
e. At the bottom end, raise the shaft of the screw jack so that base of the specimen just
touches the base of the groove. Check that the specimen is straight. If the specimen is
slightly bent, lower the screw jack shift.
f. Tightend the screw at the side of the fixture. The specimen is now ready for testing.
4. To mount a pinned end specimen
a. Lower the screw jack shaft.
b. Position the top platen such that the clear distance between the platen is slightly longer
than the length of the specimen.
c. Slide the knife edge attachment into the top and bottom groove at the fixture for the end
d. Push the knife edge attachment so that its end touches the base of the groove. Tighten the
screw at the side of the fixture.
e. Fixed the V groove on each end of specimen.
f. Place one end of the specimen on the lower knife edge.
g. Raise the screw jack shaft so that the top end of the specimen just touches the knife edge.
Check that the specimen is straight. If the specimen is slightly bent, lower the screw jack
shaft slightly.
h. The specimen is now ready for testing.
5. Fix the pinned ended specimen to the strut apparatus.
6. Note the reading on the digital indicator.
7. Check the position of the dial gauge to ensure that it is mid-span. Set the dial gauge reading to
8. Load the specimen at suitable incrementsby moving the screw jack slowly in the upwards
9. For each load increment, record the load and the corresponding mid-spam deflection. Unload the

Based from the experiment of Buckling of Strut, we can conclude that Fixed end were much stronger
than the Pinned end and more force should be imposed on the member of the joint fixed-fixed end
connection, but in other criteria the usage in fixed end connection usually apply for concrete beam or
column connection. The Pinned end is used for Steel connection because it is usually fixed end
connection is for permanent connection.


To determine the relationship between span and deflection


1. Positioned the moveable knife-edge supports so that they are 400mm apart.
2. Place the chosen beam on the support.
3. Place the hanger ang the digital dial indicator at mid span. Zerod the digital reading.
4. Apply an in incremental load and record the deflection for each increment in the table below.
5. Repeat the above using span of 300mm and 500mm.

Referring to the results from the calculation, we can conclude that, the different between the
theoretical and experimental results are very big for both Experiment 1, 2, and 3. Thus, the
percentage (%) of the difference between the theoretical and experimental results is extremely big
and high. From the experiment done, we can notice that, the span with longer length will give us the
bigger value of deflection when the load is place at the mid span for both theoretical and
experimental results. While for the span with shorter length, the deflection is slightly small compare
to the longer span.

For Experiment 1 (span 500mm), when the load of 100g or 0.981 N was place at the mid span, test
indicator give us the reading of deflection with -0.82mm. When the load is increased to 1.962 N and
2.943 N respectively, the deflection recorded by test indicator are -1.53mm and - 2.35mm. The
values of the deflection for both theoretical and experimental results increase proportionally to the
load when the load of 100g, 200g and 300g is place on the mid span.

For Experiment 2 (span 400mm), when the load of 100g or 0.981 N was place at the mid span, test
indicator give us the reading of deflection with -0.45mm. When the load is increased to 1.962 N and
2.943 N respectively, the deflection recorded by test indicator are -0.80mm and -1.16mm. But, the
value of deflection for this experiment is smaller than the experiment 1. This is because the length of
the span used, 400mm, is shorter than experiment 1. The values of the deflection for both theoretical
and experimental results increase proportionally to the load when the load of 100g, 200g and 300g is
place on the mid span.

For Experiment 3 (span 300mm), when the load of 100g or 0.981 N was place at the mid span, test
indicator give us the reading of deflection with -0.03mm. When the load is increased to 1.962 N and
2.943 N respectively, the deflection recorded by test indicator are -0.22mm and -0.41mm. The value
of deflection for this experiment is smaller than the experiment 1 and experiment 2. This is because
the length of the span used, 300mm, is shorter than the span used for experiment 1 and experiment 2.
The values of the deflection for both theoretical and experimental results increase proportionally to
the load when the load of 100g, 200g and 300g is place on the mid span.

From the results we get from this experiment, though the different between the theoretical and
experimental results are very big, but the deflection in the span increase when the load is increase.
Besides that, the value of deflection also increase when the length of span used is longer. Thus, we
conclude that, the deflection of span is proportional to the load we place on it and the length of the
span we used.

From this experiment, our group managed to determine the relationship between span and deflection.
In determining the deflections of the beams under load, elastic theory is used. The results from the
experiment notice that, the span with longer length will give us the bigger value of deflection when
the load is place at the mid span for both theoretical and experimental results.

While for the span with shorter length, the deflection is slightly smaller compare to the longer span
though the load used is same with the longer one. Though the different between the theoretical and
experimental results is different, the deflection in the span also increases when the load is increase.
Thus, we conclude that, the deflection of span is proportional to the length of the span and the load
place on it.
In engineering mechanics, the deflection is a term that is used to describe the degree to which a
structural element is displaced under a load. The deflection of a member under a load is directly
related to the slope of the deflected shape of the member under that load and can calculated by
integrating the function that mathematically describes the slope of the member under that load.
An example of the use of deflection in this context is in building construction. Architects and
Engineers select materials for various applications. The beams used for frame work are selected on
the basis of deflection, amongst other factors.
The deflection must be considered for the purpose of the structure. When designing a steel frame to
hold a glazed panel, one allows only minimal deflection to prevent fracture of the glass. The
deflective shape of a beam can be represented by the moment diagram, integrated.

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