Narrative Report Drill DDRMC

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(Earthquake/Landslide/Fire Drill)

Pinanapatan Elementary School conducted the orientation on the proper
management in case disaster comes along without notice. This activity is done to alert
each and every one of us in what to do during disasters.
Earthquake is merely the primary and yet common risk of disaster with in
concrete building in private and government establishments especially schools. That is
why every year the school is updating information drives among our students and
teachers. It aims to ensure safety during the onset of these disaster and what to do
after. Moreover, there is also the need to train teachers and students on the proper
action and response during earthquake, and most important to test various elements of
the response plan design by the school disaster management team.
Pupils and teachers headed by Ms. Chanielou J Martinez took the active part in
the drills, she led the ceremonial pressing of the signal prompting the pupils to evacuate
properly and systematically together with their teachers as guide on where they must
pass and exit to safety grounds.
According to Teacher Maritess, the schools Disaster Risk Reduction Coordinator
stresses the yearly conduct of such drills will make all members of the school more
aware, alert and more familiar on what to do when disaster comes, Which is helpful to
reduce risk of damages and loose of lives. We have to conduct exercises or
dramatization of possible scenarios and situation in which teachers and pupils
themselves are involved. That would help them become aware of the dos and donts
before and after the disaster.After the whole day orientation among members of the
schools they started the enactment.
The activity is done very successfully and worthwhile. The learning is not just
within the school but also applicable in both their homes and community as well.

Prepared by:

Maritess Garsuta Campos
Schools Disaster Risk Reduction Coordinator

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