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December 2009

4th Annual Alternative Christmas Market

Once again we celebrate the start of the Christmas season with the Alternative
Chr istma sMa rket. Ont hehe a l
sof“ Bl ackFr i
day ”a nd“ Cy berMonda y”t hisi sa
great way to say no to the consumerism prevalent these days and to give instead with
the Kingdom of God in mind. While we are certainly glad to raise funds for the
organizations represented, a major goal of the Alternative Christmas Market is to help
us all think differently about the meaning of Christmas.
Sunday, December 13th in Fellowship Hall we will again have several charities and social service
agencies on hand to provide us with an opportunity to remember people we often forget in the hustle and
bustle of our daily lives. We will have some of the old favorites like World Vision (you can buy gifts for
people around the world in honor of your loved one), Circle of Care, Meals on Wheels, and some new ones
too. Some of the booths even have little mementos (like the Cambodian bells from Church World Service) so
you have something physical to give your loved one in addition to the gift of life you share with those in need.
Also back this year are the olive wood carvings from Bethlehem. These carvings are the only source of
income for the Ghareeb family. The Ghareebs are a Christian family who has lived less than a mile from
Bethlehem for more than 400 years. The olive wood craftsmen of Bethlehem have suffered dramatically over
the past few years. The livelihood of the Ghareeb family is dependent on the sale of their works, made in
family owned workshops.
If you have a cause that you would like to represent at the Alternative Christmas Market, please call or
email Pastor Jeff about setting up a table for them. So plan on giving your family, friends, and loved ones a
ftf rom Sout he rnHi llsUMC’ sAl terna t
iveChr i
ma sMa rket,a ndhe lpusbr ingba ckt het r
ues piri
Christmas giving.

Circle of Care Sunday is December 6th!

Eve ryDe cembe r,wec elebr
ate“ Ci r
c l
eofCa reSunda y”a
day to highlight and celebrate one of our great United Methodist ministries. Circle of Care is a ministry to
children, youth, and families in Oklahoma that have experienced difficulty in many ways. It is a great
organization and one we are proud to support.
Onewa ywea redoi ngt hatis“ Circle of Care Sunday”onDecember 6th. On that day, we will make
a special offering for this great ministry. There will be special giving envelopes available for
those who would like to help out in this way.
Another way we are supporting Circle of Care is by opening up our building for their
annua lc hil
dren’ sChr istma spa r
tyonDe c embe r12.Wes tillne
eds omevol unt
eerstohe lpma ke
cookies for the event (they need 25 dozen!), though, so if you are willing to make cookies (any kind will do),
please see Katie Alfred after church or call her at 743-2940.
Finally, as in previous years our Christmas Eve offering will go to Circle of Care, so that we might
celebrate the birth of our Savior and take care of the children in need in our midst.
Pastor Jeff Writes
Having a new baby means also having lots of stuff. There is the stuff you get to take care of the
ba bya n dt herei sstuffpe opleg ivey out oc elebr atet heba by’sarri
va l
.Weha vebe enve rya ppr eci
tive of the many things we have received for Benjamin these past few months and are grateful for
these many gifts. They will come in very handy for months and years to come.
But as Christmas approaches, a foreboding fear haunts the back of my mind: Ben will want even more
stuff. We are probably safe for this year as far as Ben wanting the newest toy or video game system or what-
eve r.Food,l ovinga r ms,a ndr eg ulardiape rc hange swi l
ldof ornow!ButIa ma fraidt hatwon’ tlasttool ong .
Int hec omi ngy e arst hosec ri
e sforf ooda ndac l
eandi a perwi l
lber epl
ace dbyc ri
e sf orthel a
test…we ll,stuff
And I understand that. I like stuff too. We all do. Whether it is wired in our human nature or drilled
intousbyt hec ons tantbomba rdme ntofa dve rt
iseme nts,“ stuffit
is”isa ni l
lnesst owhi chweha vea llsuc-
cumbed. I have been that child who wanted this or needed that, and I am probably still that child in many
wa y s.ButI ’m nots ureit’sg oodf orours oul--especially around Christmas.
You are probably familiar with the rationale we all use for our stuffitis this time of year: the three wise
me nbr oug htJ e
suspr e se
nt s…t he reforewes houl dg etpr es entsf orJ es
us’bi r
thday!Unf ortuna t
ely,thatr ati
ale breaks down pretty quickly when you look at the actual story. They brought Jesus gold, frankincense, and
my rrh…ha rdlyaWi ioraf l
a t c
-s ree nTV.The ywe re n’te ve na ppropriategift
sf orac hild.I nf act,Iwoul d
probably hide such things from Ben for his own safety! But the gifts were not intended to be gifts for a new-
bor n.The s ewe reg ift
sofwor ship.The ywe reitemsofpr a isef oraking .I ’
m nots ureaWi ioraf l
falls into the same train of thought.
Sohowmi ghtwec el
e brateChr istma swi thouts uc cumbi ngt omor e“ st
is ”?Shoul dwes topg i
gifts,org iveupChr ist
ma sa ltog ether? Shoul dwes ita rounds ayi
ng“ Ba hHumbug”a ndbel i
leChr istmas
Gr inc he s?Idon’ tthinks o.Thos edon’ ts oun dl i
ket he yfitt heChr is
tma sseasontoowe lle it
he r
Ag roupofc hur c
he sa ndpa storsha vec omeupwi tha ni deatoke epChr is
tma sf reeof“ st
s.”The y
call it Advent Conspiracy ( because they are trying to do something that goes
aga ins tthel argerc ons ume rcul t
ur ewel ivei n.The i
r“ cons pirac y”istoc hangethewa yweg ivea tChr i
stma s,
specifically, to move toward gifts that built relationships, and gifts that honor the newborn king and help build
the kingdom that newborn king came to create.
And, actually, these gifts are not quite as radical as it might sound at first. Think back to when you
were a kid and you had to come up with a present for your mom or dad—whe ny oudi dn’ tha veanymone yto
buyt he m“ st
uff.” Wha tdidy oudo? I fy ouwe rel i
kemey oug aveyourt imea ndy ourl ove .IOU c leaning
cards to mom, help around the house cards to dad. Maybe you made a special frame with a picture of you and
the recipient—s ur e
,i t’sstuff,buti t
’smor et hant hattoo.The sea rerelati
onalg i
fts—t he ydon’ tjusta ddmor e
stuff and clutter—they build your relationship with the recipient. That is what it means to give relationally.
Another option is to give to build the kingdom. Advent Conspiracy focuses on building wells in other
coun trieswi t
houtc leandr inki ngwa t
er.Th a t
’sc ertainlyag oodc hoic
e ,buthe r
ea tSout hernHi l
have lots of other choices too! Come to our annual Alternative Christmas Market and, by purchasing a charita-
ble gift from one of the agencies present, you can give your loved one a gift and make the world a better place
att hes amet ime .Andy oudon’ tha vetof i
g httraffic,wor rya boutparking,orbuys ome thingt hatmi ghtg e
returned in the end anyway.
Despite the haunting fear in the back of my mind, my hope is that this Advent Conspiracy will cure
“stuf fitis
”be foreBe njamini sol de noug ht oc atchit. And,bybe ingfellowc onspira tors,ma y beint hepr ocess
we can create a better world for Ben and kids like him all around the world. Now that would be a gift our
King would certainly appreciate.
Christmas Eve Baby Offering Hangi
Last year we tried a new way of giving an offering
On December 6th at 5:00 in the evening we will have
for Christmas Eve. In addition to the
a“ HANGING OF THE BEANS” .Ye s,Is aidBe ans.
monetary offering that goes to
Usually you would expect the word
Circle of Care, we extended our
“ Gree ns”the re
,butwea reg oingt oha ve
CARVE offering to include baby
a CHILI COOKOFF that evening –
supplies (diapers, wipes, food, etc.). What better
like a pot luck supper - and then go into
way to celebrate the birth of our newborn king than
the sanctuary and hang all the greens and
to help His kids in our neighborhood who don't have
remove all the Fall Pumpkins, etc. If you
these important items. So once again we'd like those
have a favorite chili recipe that you
who are coming to our Christmas Eve Service
would like to share, you are asked to bring your pot of
(December 24th, 6:00pm) to bring baby
chili to share and come have some fun. We have a
items and put them in the grocery
great time judging all the recipes for chili that
cart. These items will go to the South
everyone brings. Some of the pots of chili in the past
Tulsa Community House or Emergency
have been –“ Roa dKi l
lChi li”-I think that was from
Infant Services to help babies in our
Gary Hamby, Rocky Mountain Surprise –Gil Feather,
community. Pampers, Gerber, and Enfamil may not
Wall Mart Special –Could that have been from Larry
be gold, frankincense, and myrrh...but I think Jesus
Reeder? We also had vegetable chili--don’ tknowwho
will appreciate these gifts too!
brought that one--and Buffalo Chili. Those are just
someoft hee ntrieswe ’
veha di nt hepa s
t.Ify ou’ ve
vingaBa by!
”—Advent been saving that great chili recipe and want to try it on
some guinea pigs, sign up on the bulletin board at the
Worship c hurcha ndc omec elebr at
ewi t
hus !Eve nify oudon’ t
Radio stations are already have a chili recipe, come on down and help us
playing non-stop Christmas decorate the facility for Christmas!
music. Stores are already in
their long holiday hours and
big discount deals. Christmas
specials are already filling up
TV ne twor ks chedules.Andi t
’sonl yt hebe g i
ng The Book Thief, by Markus Zusak
of December! Of course, many of these things were The Book Club will be discussing
true shortly after Halloween. None of this is all to "The Book Thief" on Tuesday, December
surprising in our world of instant gratification. 8th at 7:00 p.m.. The Book Thief by
And yet, as Christians, instant gratification is Markus Zusak is a novel of cruelty,
not what Christmas is all about. That is why for poverty, and hope. Liesel Meminger is a
centuries Christians have celebrated Advent. In the young girl who has been placed in foster
month before December 25th, Christians around the care by her mother. Liesel's brother dies en
world gather to wait with great expectation the route to their new home and this leaves Liesel
traumatized, causing her to have terrible nightmares in
celebr at
ionofChr ist
’sbirthont hebi gda y.
the middle of the night. Liesel learns to turn to books
It’sabi tl i
keaf ami lya nxi ouslya wa it
ingt he for comfort. When the war begins, Liesel begins to
birth of a child (something Pastor Jeff knows a little steal books in her efforts to deal with the cruelty of the
bita boutt hesed ays!
). The re ’swa i
ting ,pr epa ri
ng , world around her.
wishing, hoping, and not a small amount of
Please join us for Christmas treats and lively
anxiousness about what the future holds.
discussion. We will also be listing some books to read
Those same themes will be prominent in our and discuss for 2010. Dress in your favorite casual
worship during Advent this year as Pastor Jeff leads holiday outfit, bring a plate of treats, if you so desire,
usi nas ermons e r
e d“We ’
reHa vingaBa by !” and a book title you would like the group to read next
Come and hear as he, the choir, and the whole year. You are invited to come whether you have read
worship team help us prepare for our newborn king! the book or not. See you on Tuesday, December 8th.
Strategic FISHing? KIDS COUNT
As part of our strategic We are so pleased to report
plan for 2010, our church SHUMC furnished 32 of our
leadership decided we need Project Transformation Families
more people involved in with Thanksgiving Dinner from
FISH (Furnishing Angel Food. A special thanks to Richard Berschauer for
Individuals Support and providing transportation of the dinners from Southern Hills
Hope), our ministry to those in urgent Baptist to SHUMC. Also, thanks to Betty Tam, Connie Jaynes,
need. FISH helps people who are in Larry Reeder, Wendy Reeder and Pastor Jeff for being here to
financial crisis move toward self- greet the families when they came to pick up their dinner and
sufficiency. We do this with everything Char Stone, Darlene Harrington, Nicky Layfield and Jo Jeanne
from gas cards to help with rent or utilities. London for calling the families. There were smiles all around.
Of course, we always need funding for this SHUMC has elected to submit application to be a site in
ministry but we also need physical help. 2010 for Project Transformation. We are currently in search of
Especially as the winter and holidays a Site Supervisor. If you know of anyone interested, please
approach, more and more people ask for have them call the church office, 743-2013 or call Wendy
assistance. If you would like to go Reeder, 743-7493. They would be need to be committed to
FISHing with us, please call the church attend about 4 meetings in the spring, be at the PT site Monday
off icet odaya ndwe ’
lllety ouknow wha t through Thursday, 8:00 a.m. to 4:30 p.m., eight weeks, June and
all is involved. July. The Site Supervisor is a support person for the six
Americorps interns and interact with the 70 campers and their
parents. It is a very rewarding experience.
Mississippi Minute There is also tentative plans for a Christmas Party for
Next March 13-20 the PT campers and their siblings. Please watch for details.
’s dur ing Spr ing
Break if you were
wondering), a group
from Southern Hills
UMC will be returning to the Gulf Coast
of Mississippi to continue to help them 918-743-2013
rebuild after Katrina. So from now until
Ma rchwe ’llbes har
ingal ittl
epie ceof
Worried About the Economy? Come to FPU!
the trip to entice you to come along and
joinus !Thi smont h’
sMi ssissippimi nute Wi t
ht hee c
onomys ti
lls trugg ling ,i t
’se asyt og etal it
involves relationship. worried about what the future might hold. Tha t’swhy ,Sout he rn
Hi l
lsUMC i spr oudt obr ingba c kDa veRa ms e y
When six intrepid travelers from
Peace University, a 12-week study focused on gaining (or re-
Southern Hills UMC went to Vancleave,
gaining) financial peace. Rich Howard, the man Pastor Jeff and
MS two years ago, we decided to build a
Adriane trust to give advice on these matters, will once again be
relationship with the folks there and
leadingt hec our sea ndpr ovi ding“ Ma rketUpda tes”a swe llf or
return to help them through the years.
those who are concerned about the direction of Wall Street.
We also built relationships as a team.
These relationships are important because Ify ou’vene verma deabudg eti ny ourl if
e —this course is for
relationship is one of the best ways for us you. I fy ou’ r
e wor rieda boutt he a mountofd ebty ou’ ve
to grow as disciples of Christ. Christ accumulated—this course is for you. If your retirement account
wants us not only to be in relationship i sn’tg oinga ccor dingt opl an—this course is for you. I fy oudon’ t
with him but also with others along the have a plan for your money when you pass on—this course is for
journey with us. So come make some you. In other words, this course is for everyone.
new friends—from Southern Hills UMC There will be a free preview of the course in early
andf rom s outhMi ss
issippi…i t
’llcha nge the announcements for the day and time. If you
your life! have any questions or want to sign up, call Pastor Jeff today!
Fantastic Fiftieth!
Wow, what a fantastic celebration we had on November 14th and 15th as we
celebrated the 50th Anniversary of Southern Hills UMC! In many ways the celebration
began months before the actual day as people began planning and collecting items for
the big days. In that time many people reconnected with old friends, remembering the
great memories of the past, and finding ways to pave the way for a great future. But of
course the celebration began in earnest on the afternoon of the 14th with a well-attended reception of former
pastors, friends, family, and many current members as well. Laughter and stories of good times rang through
the foyer as people ate, mingled, and marveled at the pictures and stories of the past.
And that was just the beginning! Sunday morning people arrived to the church with the scent of eggs
and cinnamon rolls wafting through the air. As people sat down to enjoy the brunch in the beautifully
decorated fellowship hall, they were entertained by good music (as on the day before) and more good stories.
Thef ell
ows hiphallwa spa ckeda swec elebr at
edGod’ sworkhe rea t61st and Lewis for the past 50 years.
All of which was a precursor to an amazing worship service! It was great to hear the story of Southern
Hills told so well through words, pictures, and a special video from Joe McArthur. And it was certainly a treat
to have our Bishop with us, who blessed us with a powerful message about making sure to keep God first in
our lives. The whole celebration was topped off with cake and punch and people stayed for over an hour
afterward continuing to tell stories and celebrate. It was an amazing weekend for an amazing church
Tha nksg otoa llthos ewhopl a nne d,pe r
that the next 50 years are as exciting as the last 50!

Nurses Corner
As we prepare for this wonderful Advent season and the birth of Jesus, let us reflect on how we can experience this joy safely and in good
health. Here are some tips to keep those popular holiday activities safe and healthy!

Holiday Lighting Holiday Cooking

Source: Phil Mulkins, Tulsa World Source: OU Health Sciences, Allied Health
 Examine all electrical items for wear before plugging in BasicFoodSa fet
ys teps…
 Discard outdoor bulb strings after third season  Clean—wash hands and food contact surfaces often. —
 Lookf or“ UL”ma r
k Do not wash turkey.
 Use outdoor decorations for outdoor use  Separate—Don’ tcr ossc ont ami na
 Inspect lights, decorations, extension cords  Cook—to proper temperatures
before use —(turkey 325º to internal temp above 165º)
 Unplug lights before changing bulbs/fuses  Chill—refrigerate promptly
 Use correct wattage —(Refrigerators set at 40º and freezer at 0º)
—maximum out of refrigerator time—2 hours
Holiday Shopping
Pet Safety
Source: LAPD Crime Prevention Section
Source: ASPCA
 Shop during daylight hours if alone
 Anchor Christmas Tree
 Dress carefully and comfortably
 Do not let pet drink stagnant tree water
 Avoid wearing expensive jewelry
 No tinsel—can cause choking or obstruction
 Stay alert to your surroundings
 No feasting for furries—no table food
 Pay for purchases with check/credit card
 Choose gifts that are safe for pets
 Keep cash in front pocket
 Forget the mistletoe and holly—can be bad for pets
 If card is stolen, notify issuer immediately
 Don’ tl
eav elig htedca ndlesu
 Keep record of all card numbers in secure location
 Keep wires, batteries, glass ornaments away from paws
 Be careful if you carry a wallet or purse
 Keep medication behind locked doors
 Avoid overloading yourself with packages
(smart for kiddos too)
 Be aware of strangers approaching you  Room of their own during gatherings to keep noise from
 Lock packages, purse in trunk terrifying sensitive ears.
Children—the American Academy of Pediatrics has a handout for a safe holiday season for children of all ages at:
Did you enjoy our 50th Anniversary? If so, you and I have many people to thank.
Thank you Barbara Mishler for your brilliant idea for a Saturday reception and a brunch buffet
Sunday. You worked with the caterer and ensured us a delicious breakfast.
Thank you Judy Skaistis and Betty Calhoun for your timely and beautiful pumpkin center pieces. I
oude ve l
ope dnewmus c l
e smovi nga l
lt hos
et ablesa rounda ndwa sn’ttha tlar
ge50ac he erfulsig ht
Thanks to Betty Tam who organized the memory cards and labored to dry and preserve the
pumpkin seeds and the forget-me-not packets.
A special thanks to Nina Barnes, whose picture and history boards were truly a labor of love. The
crowds clustered around each display attested to their significance and interest.
Thanks to Bob Fretwell who presented a moving recap of our 50 year journey. He also wields a
mean shovel, to plant the garden for our Memorial bricks. Thanks to Judy Skaistis for her inspiring
drawing and Linda Sisemore for arranging for the bricks.
Speaking of Linda, how could we have possibly carried this off without her. From designing the
Memory books, letters, correspondence to just surviving all the office turmoil with a smile and willing
hand, her assistance was invaluable.
Thanks to Char Stone for carefully ferrying our reception food trays to the church.
Claudia Muck wore several hats to help. Our gratitude to the many who showed their enthusiasm
and support with contributions, as well as our own Memorial Committee and the UMW.
Thanks to Wendy Reeder, Becky Hamby and Shirley Fretwell for gracing our birthday cake table.
Ma nyt hankst ot he“VonSe eSing er
s”whor e
spontaneity of children and of what we are missing.
Itwa sg r
eattohe a rAma nda ’sbe aut
ulvoi cea g ai
na swe lla
sBa rbieGi dley’se xpres
and guitar playing. Both ladies traveled many miles to enrich our weekend. Dr. Scott and Mike Ghere
added much to the choir, and flautist Sonya Munsell was superb. Jessie Feather and Brenda Trammell
always provide inspiring leadership.
A special note of gratitude to Michael Skaistis and his cohorts for the touching slides of Joe
McArthur and our family album. He was right—it brought a tear or two.
Many unsung heroes helped as well, even with a broom or polish.
And last, but certainly not least, thanks to Jeff Jaynes for his unconditional support and guidance.
The fact that he arranged for our dynamic Bishop Hayes to speak alone places him in a special category.
The celebration was truly a group effort, and everyone can be proud of the results. Speaking for all
we Southern Hillers, thanks everyone. And may God bless our next 50!
Nicky Layfield
Non-profit Org
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6160 S. Lewis Ave. PAID
Tulsa, OK 74136
Voice: 918-743-2013 Tulsa, OK
Fax: 918-743-3151
Permit #72
Rev. Jeff Jaynes -
Linda Sisemore, Editor -
Church School Classes 9:45 a.m.
Worship Celebration 11:00 a.m.
Monday Prayer Time 7:00 a.m.

Our Mission
We are disciples serving God, Building a community of grace and love

Celebrate the Season with Us!!

Advent Sermon Series:


Christmas Eve Candlelight Service

Thursday, December 24 * 6:00 pm
Carols & Candles
Special Message for Kids of All Ages
Candlelight Service
Coming in January:
Financial Peace University Thursday, December 24 * 6:00 pm

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