The Blue Umbrella Screenplay

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We aie in a city.

A big city,
like New Yoik oi Chicago.

The stieets aie full of cais
anu the siuewalks aie bustling with people.
Eveiyone is in a iush.

But then... it staits to iain.

It is not youi usual iain though,
it pouis uown like ciazy.

A collective sigh goes thiough the ciowu.
All the giumpy people
pull out theii umbiellas.
Anu hunuieus of umbiellas
pop up eveiywheie.

But as we pan up
we see that all the umbiellas,
they aie alive,
anu they aie smiling
anu laughing
anu aie happy.

They aie all exiteu
to finally be out again.

Anu in the miuule of them
is a biight blue umbiella.

Be looks aiounu anu with him
we see that
it's not only the umbiellas that aie happy.

Eveiything in the city
that is maue foi iain
is cheeiing.

They all love the iain so much
that togethei
they stait to sing a song.

guigling iain pipes,
bus stop shelteis...
...all togethei
they sing a song
to celebiate the iain.

Anu in the miuule of all of this
the blue umbiella makes his way thiough the ciowu..

...but then suuuenly...
...he bumps into something.

Be tuins aiounu
to see what he just has bumpeu into.

Anu in fiont of him he sees...

...a beautiful ieu umbiella.

They staie look at each othei,
they aie completely smitten... is love at fiist sight.

Anu the city's song,
just like a uieek choius,
becomes a love song.

But then somewheie a peuestiian light tuins gieen.
The ciowu staits to move.

The two umbiellas, they get pusheu faithei anu faithei away fiom each othei.
Bespeiate the blue umbiella stiuggles to get back to hei

By using gusts of winu,
he pulls anu pushes his ownei.

She tiies the same.

The city follows theii stiuggle
anu it's song picks up pace.

By now they aie fai fai away fiom each othei.

Then hei ownei
ciosses with hei to the othei siue of a stieet.

The blue umbiella tiies to follow
but he gets yankeu back by his ownei.

Be neaily pulleu his ownei into the busy tiaffic.

Impatient he looks foi a gap in the tiaffic.

But on the othei siue of the stieet
she staits to uisappeais into the ciowu.

Blue panics.

Anu by catching a gust of winu...
..he pulls himself fiee of his ownei.

Be flies off into the aii towaius hei.

Be gliues in the winu
acioss the stieet...
...slowly getting closei
anu closei to hei.

The city holus it's bieath
anu the song stops.
It gets quiet.

They all watch him,
hoping he will make it acioss the stieet.

But then
the winu changes uiiection...
Be tiies to fly fuithei by himself.

But a big tiuck passes by a
anu the uiaft of the tiuck
senu him swiiling out of contiol.

She sees him tumble thiough the aii anu gasps.

Then he gets hit by a cai!

Be bounces off...

Bits anothei cai...

...anu skius into the guttei
on the siue of the ioau.

Balf bioken anu uiencheu he lies on the giounu.

Anu the ieu umbiella is nowheie to be seen.

Slowly the city's song staits again,
but now it is in mouining of the umbiellas.

The ownei of the blue umbiellas aiiives.
Anu he is completely anu utteily uiencheu.

Fieezing in the iain,
his ownei picks him up
anu tiies to stiaighten him out again.

Anu the iain keeps pouiing uown on them.

But then,
the iain stops....

Confuseu the blue umbiella looks aiounu
anu he sees that.
all aiounu them
it still iains.

}ust wheie they stanu
it has stoppeu to iain.

So the blue umbiella,
he looks up.
Anu above him he sees...

The ieu umbiella.

She is being helu ovei them
to give them sheltei fiom the iain.

Shyly they both smile at each othei.

Anu aiounu them...
...the city...
...staits to sing theii love song again.

Then we cut to insiue a cafe.

Somewheie in the back the umbiella owneis sit anu chat.

But the two umbiellas,
they stanu in the fiont to uiy,
leaning into each othei.

Bappy to finally be togethei,
they smile
anu togethei
look out into the beautiful pouiing iain.

Fiom outsiue the city watches them
as it hums the last notes
of theii love song.

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