Dao Ngu Inversion Exercises Keys

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nhn mnh no trong cu m mnh mun din t, ta dng php o ng. h!ng th"#ng, php o
ng "$c th%c hi&n '(ng c)ch "c m*t trng t+ ho,c m*t c-m trng ng ra .u cu, /ng th#i o tr$ d*ng t+
ha0 *ng t+ 1hi2m 1hu02t 34n tr"5c ch6 ng ho,c t% d*ng th4m tr$ *ng t+ 789: 89;<= cho cu > th hi&n ti
ha0 78?8= cho cu > th @u) 1hA.
V + S + V + O
Bu trCc c6a cu nhn mnh 'Dt .u '(ngE 9n30, 9n30 '0, FGHGr, Inti3, Fot unti3, Fot on30, Fo JoonGr, ?n no
circumJtancGJKchLng trong tr"#ng h$p noM, in no NhGrG G3JGKchLng cO > m*t nPi no 1h)cM, Fo 3ongGr, 9n30
NhGn KchQ 1hiM...
;.gE RG can nGHGr 3iHG Nithout air and NatGr.
ST FGHGr can NG 3iHG Nithout air and NatGr. KUh!ng 'ao gi# chCng ta cO th Jng "$c n2u 1h!ng cO 1h!ng 1hV
H n"5cM.
;gE <hG nGHGr GatJ out
SST FGHGr doGJ JhG Gat out.
o t vi cu iu kin:
1. o t vi cu iu kin loi 1
aM Bu iWu 1i&n 3oi X cO JY d-ng 7 Jhou3d= tha0 hi&n ti 1h!ng Z)c [nh chQ 1h n\ng Z)0 ra Vt hPn > t"Png 3ai.
o 7Jhou3d= 34n .u cu tha0 7?]=
;gE ?] it Jhou3d rain tonight, ? Ni33 Jta0 at homG
SST <hou3d it rain..........
'M iWu 1i&n 3oi X cO JY d-ng th#i hi&n ti hon thnh
^0 7Jhou3d= tha0 7?]= Jao O ngu04n th hon thnh H5i 7haHG donG= > tt c c)c ng!i
;gE ?] JhG haJ ]iniJhGd thG Nor1, JhG can go homG
SST <hou3d JhG haHG ]iniJhGd ..........
2. iu kin loi 2
! "n# iu kin loi 2 c$ %&n' (n' t )to*+, - ./ n#iu )0+1+, %&n' )0+1+, t#2,i3,
;gE ?i] ? NGrG 0ou, i Nou3d 3oHG him
SST RGrG ? 0ou.................
*! 41on' 56u cu iu kin loi 2 7c *it c$ %&n' )I3, 8u cu 9 n:u k#;n' <#i v=................. )0+1+,
k#>i )not??.u $ o l@n 8u cu t#2 )i3,!
;gE ?] it NGrGn_t ]or 0our progrGJJ, i Nou3dn_t 'G hGrG
SST RGrG it not 0our ....
c! "6u cu iu kin loi 2 7c *it
?] ` <` NGrG` to do
ha0 *ng t+ > @u) 1hA c6a m&nh W i4u 1i&n 3oi a
;gE ?] i NGrG to JpGa1.......
SST b5i mcu cu n0 o 7NGrG= 34n .u cu tha0 7?]=
A. iu kin loi A
! B&n' )C%, o l@n 8u cu t#2 )I3,
;gE ?] JhG had Nor1Gd hardGr 3aJt 0Gar, JhG Nou3dn_t haHG ]ai3Gd thG GZam
SST dad JhG Nor1Gd hardGr 3aJt 0Gar............
*! Du iu kin loi A 7c *it i vi i t )it, 8u cu
?] it hadn_t 'GGn ]or ` F SST F2u 1h!ng phi H.......
SST )ch 7had= ra 1hei 7not= o 34n .u cu tha0 7?]=
;gE ?] it hadn_t 'GGn ]or hot NGathGr,NG Nou3d haHG had a NondGr]u3 ho3ida0
SST dad it not 'GGn ]or............................
c! "n# E iu kin loi A 7c *it c$ .F %Gn', 0+1+ to #v+ %on+, t#2 HuI k#J #oKn t#Kn#
;gf ?] JhG had driHGn carG]u330, JhG Nou3dn_t haHG cauJG thG accidGnt
SST ?] JhG NGrG to haHG driHGn......
o 7NGrG= 34n .u cu tha0 7?]=
SST RGrG JhG to haHG driHGn
o n'L viM.. SoM.t#tM.N MM.uc#MMM t#tMM.
1. So + %O : 41on' 56u cu t1n' t c#P k:t Hu
Ggf <hG iJ Jo rich that JhG can 'u0 Nhat JhG 3i1GJ
o 7Jo ` adg= 34n .u cu
SST <o rich iJ JhG that...................
2. So + %v t#t............. : "n# t1n' n'L k:t Hu .u t1n' t
o 7 Jo to` adH= 34n .u cu
GgE dG Nor1Gd Jo hard in thG paJt that hG iJ noN NGa1
SST <o hard did hG Nor1 in thG paJt that.......
A. Du c$ .F %Gn' ).uc#, t#QRn' '7< cIc %n':
! 41on' cu c$ %&n' ) .o '1+tS .o 5uc#, *i:n Ti ) .o '1+tS .o 5uc#=
SST 7 Juch= o 34n .u cu nhn mnh
Ggf hG @uGJtion NaJ Jo grGat that hG had to thin1 it oHGr
SST <uch NaJ thG @uGJtion...............
*!41on' cu c$ %&n' ).uc#,
< ` to'G` Juch` that` m&nh W
o 7Juch= 34n .u cu nhn mnh
GgE <hG iJ Jo poor that JhG can_t go Jchoo3
dGr poHGrt0 iJ Juch that........
SST<uch iJ hGr poHGrt0 that........
DIc cUu t1Vc o n'L k#Ic:
1. N+v+1
;ZE ? nGHGr comG to Nor1 3atG
h FGHGr do ? comG to Nor1 3atG
2. Wt no ti5+Xn+v+1
;ZE hG0 nGHGr JuJpGctGd him o] 'Ging a Jp0
h it no timG did thG0 JuJpGct him o] 'Ging a Jp0
A. S+l%o5S 11+l2S .c1c+l2
;ZE jarG30 haJ kig kGn gonG Nrong
? rGmGm'Gr HGr0 ]GN thing a'out m0 Gar30 chi3dhood
h JcarcG30 do ? rGmGm'Gr thingJ a'out m0 Gar30 chi3dhood
Y. Onl2 *2 + Vin'S WuZ + SV
;ZE lou can_t JuccGGd un3GJJ 0ou tr0 hard
h 9n30 '0 tr0ing hard can 0ou JuccGGd
[. Onl2 0it# + NounS WuZ + SV
;ZE hG 'an1 3Gnt him JomG monG0, Nhich Gna'3Gd him to 'u0 a car
h 9n30 Nith thG 'an1_J monG0 cou3d hG 'u0 a car
\. Onl2 3t+1 + NounS WuZ + SV
;ZE dG on30 rGa3imGd Nhat hiJ ]athGr mGant to him a]tGr hiJ dGath
h 9n30 a]tGr hiJ ]athGr_J dGath did hG rGa3imG Nhat hG mGant
]. Onl2 0#+nN3t+1 SVS WuZ + SV
;ZE ? on30 rGcognimGd Nho hG NaJ NhGn hG ca33Gd hi namG
h 9n30 NhGn hG ca33Gd hiJ namG, did ? rGcognimG Nho hG NaJ
^. On no ccount WuZ + SV: k#;n' v= *Ut cJ l_ %o '=
;ZE lou Jhou3d nGHGr comG to Nor1 3atG
h 9n no account Jhou3d 0ou comG to Nor1 3atG
`. Not until: 5ai :n tbn
. Not until + NounS WuZ + SV
;ZE nan didn_t ]30 into pacG unti3 thG Gar30 XopqJ
h Fot unti3 thG Gar30 XopqJ did man ]30 into JpacG
*. Not until + SVS WuZ + SV
;ZE hG0 continuGd to ]GG3 unJa]G unti3 thG0 got homG
h Fot unti3 thG0 got homG did thG0 ]GG3 Ja]G
1c. dittl+ WuZ + SV
;ZE ? don_t 1noN much a'out aJtronom0
h ^itt3G do ? 1noN a'out aJtronom0.
11. C1%l2 WuZ + SV: #8u n#Q k#;n'
;ZE hG0 hard30 had argumGntJ
h dard30 did thG0 haHG argumGntJ
` dard30 n2on+ NGarJ a hat noNada0J
dard30 n2t#in' iJ North 'u0ing
12. InNen%+1 no ci1cu5.tnc+. WuZ + SV: %& t1on' *Ut cJ #oKn cn# nKo 9k#;n' %&n' <#f gn# t1on'
5n# .u!
;ZE IndGr no circumJtancGJ muJt 0ou 'Gtra0 0our countr0
1A. C1%l2 #% S %on+ 0#+n S %i%: v 5iMMMM..t#= a
No .oon+1 #% S %on+ t#n S %i%: c#Q kg<MMMM.t#= a
;ZE r dG had guJt gonG out NhGn hiJ ]riGnd ca33Gd
h dard30 had hG gonG out NhGn NhGn hiJ ]riGnd ca33Gd
r hG door'G33 rang thG momGnt JhG 3a0 doNn
h Fo JoonGr had JhG 3ain doNn than thG door 'G33 rang
1Y. No lon'+1 WuZ + SV
;ZE hG0 no 3ongGr 1GGp in touch Nith Gach othGr
h Fo 3ongGr do thG0 1GGp in touch Nith Gach othGr
1[. SoNSuc# + %ON%v WuZ + SV
;ZE r dG 'GcamG Jo JuJpiciouJ that hG didn_t 3Gt an0onG in
h <o JuJpiciouJ did hG 'GcomG that hG didn_t 3Gt an0onG in
r dG NaJ Juch a ]aJt JpGa1Gr that it NaJ di]]icu3t ]or uJ to ]o33oN him
h <uch NaJ hG a ]aJt JpGa1Gr that it NaJ di]]icu3t ]or uJ to ]o33oN him: <o ]aJt did hG JpGa1 that that it NaJ
di]]icu3t ]or uJ to ]o33oN him
1\. Not onl2 WuZ + SVS *ut S l.o V
;ZE hG0 ro''Gd him. hG0 'Gat him
Fot on30 did thG0 ro' him, 'ut thG0 a3Jo 'Gat him
1]. No1 WuZ + SV: chn' t#:
;ZE <hG cou3dn_t JpGa1 ?ta3ian nor cou3d JhG JpGa1 <paniJh
1^. N+it#+1 n% .o
r iEs? am not into hip hop.s kE sFGithGr am ?.s K9rE sFor am ?.sM
r iE s? am ]ond o] ]3amGnco dancing.s kE s<o am ?.s
1`. Don%itionl. 0it# inv+1.ion.
i S#oul% SVS SVj i k+1+ SDS SV
i C% S %on+S S 0oul% #v+ %on+
;ZE r<hou3d 0ou mGGt him in da noi, giHG him m0 rGgardJ. r RGrG ? 0ou, ? Nou3d tr0 again.
r RGrG thG0 to GJcapG, thG0 Nou3d 'G arrGJtGd again. r dad hG 1Gpt ca3m, hG Nou3d haHG JuccGGdGd.
2c. C+1+N 4#+1+ - 8u cu:
;ZE hGrG iJ a 3GttGr ]or 0ou on thG dGJ1.
dGrG iJ 0our pGn.
21. C+1+N 4#+1+ t1on' cu c5
;ZE hGrG goGJ thG 'uJt
dGrG comGJ uGorgGt
22. Inv+1.ion. 3t+1 %O+ctiv+.
;ZE k3GJJGd arG thG chi3drGn Nho arG Jti33 unaNarG o] Nhat thG ]uturG ho3dJ.
uonG arG thG da0J NhGn ? cou3d haHG 'GGn happ0
2A. en%+1NinNoutN*ov+ V+S
;ZE hG dog 3a0 undGr thG chair h IndGr thG chair 3a0 thG dog
2Y. Inv+1.ion. 0it# l.l.
;ZE ;3iJa'Gth NaJ too Jh0 to dancG, aJ NaJ uGra3d.
<hG dGcidGd to 3GaHG Gar30, aJ did uGra3d
I. R+01it+ +c# .+nt+nc+. .o t#t it contin. t#+ 0o1% o1 0o1%. in c<itl.S n% .o t#t t#+ 5+nin' .t2 t#+ .5+.
a. RGrG <mith to rGJign, ? might Jtand a chancG o] gGtting hiJ go'. In
'. <uch NaJ thG dGmand ]or thG tic1GtJ that pGop3G @uGuGd da0 and night. oREW4
c. hG monG0 iJ not to 'G paid undGr no circumJtancGJ. NO
d. hrGG da0J paJJGd 'G]orG NG arriHGd at thG ]irJt oaJiJ. NO4 eN4Id
G. dard30 had thG Jhip 3G]t port, than a Hio3Gnt Jtorm dGHG3opGd. SOON Wn4ER
]. hG0 Nou3d haHG diJcoHGrGd 3and JoonGr had thG0 carriGd a compaJJ In
g. ^itt3G did krGnda 1noN Nhat JhG NaJ 3Gtting hGrJG3] in ]or. IBEW
h. ?t NaJ on30 NhGn ? JtoppGd that ? rGa3imGd JomGthing NaJ Nrong BIB I
i. hG accuJGd nGHGr GZprGJJGd rGgrGt ]or Nhat hG had donG. W4 NO 4I"E
g. <o GZhauJtGd NGrG thG runnGrJ that nonG o] thGm ]iniJhGd thG racG. 4OO.
II. R+01it+ +c# .+nt+nc+. .o t#t it contin. t#+ 0o1% o1 0o1%. in c<itl.S n% .o t#t t#+ 5+nin' .t2 t#+ .5+
X. ?] <mith NGrG to rGJign , ? might Jtand a chancG o] gGtting hiJ go'.
a. hG dGmand ]or tic1GtJ NaJ Jo grGat that pGop3G @uGuGd night and da0.
v. IndGr no circumJtancGJ iJ thG monG0 to 'G paid.
x. Fot unti3 thrGG da0J had paJJGd did NG arriHGd at thG ]irJt oaJiJ: ?t NaJ not unti3 thrGG da0J 3atGr that NG
arriHGd at thG ]irJt oaJiJ.
y. <oon a]tGr thG Jhip 3G]t port , a Hio3Gnt Jtorm dGHG3opGd.
p. ?] thG0 had carriGd a compaJJ thG0 Nou3d haHG diJcoHGrGd thG 3and JoonGr.
z. krGnda had no idGa Nhat JhG NaJ 3Gtting hGrJG3] in ]or.
{. 9n30 NhGn ? JtoppGd did ? rGa3imG that JomGthing NaJ Nrong.
o. it no timG did thG accuJGd GZprGJJ rGgrGt ]or Nhat hG haJ donG.
Xq. hG runnGrJ NGrG too GZhauJtGd to ]iniJh thG racG.
I. D#oo.+ t#+ 5o.t .uit*l+ 0o1%. un%+1lin+%.
X. |im promiJGd that hG Nou3d nGHGr: nGHGr Nou3d hG tG33 an0onG G3JG.
a. Fot unti3 it NaJ too 3atG ? rGmGm'GrGd : did ? rGmGm'Gr ? ca33 <uJan.
v. dard30 had NG JGtt3G doNn in our JGatJ than:NhGn thG 3ightJ NGnt out.
x. 9n30 a]tGr chGc1ing thrGG timGJ ? NaJ:NaJ ? cGrtain o] thG anJNGr.
y. it no timG ? NaJ aNarG:NaJ ? aNarG o] an0thing out o] uJua3.
p. 9n30 nar0 Jang <a330 paJJGd: did thG0 paJJ thG ]ina3 GZamination.
z. <o thG NaHGJ NGrG high: <o high NGrG thG NaHGJ that JNimming NaJ dangGrouJ.
{. 9n30 NhGn }GtGr haJ arriHGd : haJ }GtGr arriHGd can NG 'Ggin thG program.
o. Fo JoonGr had it JtoppGd raining than:NhGn thG Jun camG out.
Xq. ?] Jhou3d 0ou 3GaHG Gar30: Jhou3d 0ou 3GaHG Gar30 cou3d 0ou 3GaHG mG a 3i]t~
II. R+01it+ t#+.+ .+nt+nc+.S u.in' NEVER.
X. <hG haJ nGHGr 'GGn Jo happ0 'G]orG.
a. ? haHG nGHGr hGard Juch nonJGnJGt
v. ? haHG nGHGr JGGn Juch a mGJJ in m0 3i]G.
x. 9ur pro]itJ thiJ 0Gar arG highGr than thG0 haHG GHGr 'GGn.
y. <hG Nou3d nGHGr again truJt hGr oNn gudgmGnt NhGn 'u0ing anti@uGJ.
p. hG ]irm haJ nGHGr 'G]orG 3aid on Juch a JumptuouJ cG3G'ration.
z. ?_HG nGHGr comG acroJJ Juch a horri]0ing ]i3m.
{. ? haHG nGHGr 'GGn Jo moHGd '0 a <ha1GJpGarG production.
o. ? nGHGr ]or onG momGnt thought thG conJG@uGncGJ Nou3d 'G Jo ]arr rGaching.
Xq. ? had nGHGr taJtGd Juch a NondGr]u3 com'ination o] ]3aHorJ 'G]orG.
III. R+01it+ t#+.+ .+nt+nc+.S u.in' RWREdpS SEdBO" o1 dI44dE.
X. 9nG rarG30 ]ind good JGrHicG thGJG da0J.
a. <hG haJ rarG30 traHG3Gd morG than ]i]t0 mi3GJ ]rom hGr Hi33agG.
v. ?t iJ HGr0 unuJua3 ]or a mi3itar0 campaign to haHG 'GGn ]ought Nith Jo 3itt3G 3oJJ o] 3i]G.
x. ?t iJ unuJua3 ]or thG intGrior o] thG iJ3and to 'G HiJitGd '0 touriJtJ.
y. }u'3ic 'orroNing haJ JG3dom 'GGn Jo high.
p. hG0 had JG3dom participatGd in Juch a ]aJcinating cGrGmon0.
z. hG0 3itt3G JuJpGctGd that thG muJica3 NaJ going to 'G a runaNa0 JuccGJJ.
{. hG Gm'aJJ0 Jta]] 3itt3G rGa3imGd that Gd NaJ a JGcrGt agGnt.
o. <hG didn_t rGa3imGd Nhat Nou3d happGn to hGr nGZt.
Xq. ? didn_t thin1 that onG da0 ?_d 'G appGaring in ]i3mJ rathGr thGn guJt Natching thGm.
IV. R+01it+ t#+.+ .+nt+nc+.S u.in' INS W4 S eNBERS o1 ON.
X. UGith cGrtain30 can_t 'G hG3d rGJponJi'3G ]or thG accidGnt.
a. hG chi3drGn thGmJG3HGJ arG not in an0 Na0 to '3amG ]or thG diJaJtGr.
v.hG GZiJtGncG o] GZtratGrrGJtria3 iJ not con]irmGd '0 thG rGport.
x. ? NaJ nGHGr JhoNn hoN to opGratG thG machinGr0.
y. dG nGHGr JuJpGctGd that JhG NaJ a Nitch.
p. hGrG haJ nGHGr 'GGn a timG NhGn thG ;ng3iJh 3anguagG NaJ not in a JtatG o] changG.
z. niJJ RGaHGr Ni33 not 'G o]]GrGd thG go' undGr an0 circumJtancGJ.
{. lou Jhou3d not JGnd monG0 to uJ '0 poJt undGr an0 circumJtancGJ.
o.RG can_t GZchangG tic1GtJ in an0 circumJtancGJ.
Xq.? Non_t go out that Na0 to HiJit him again on m0 accountt
V. R+01it+ t#+.+ .+nt+nc+.S u.in' inv+1.ion 0it# NO4.
X. dG iJ m0 ]riGnd aJ NG33 aJ 0ourJ.
a. dG 'oo1Gd tic1GtJ ]or thG a]tGrnoon pGr]ormancG and thG GHGning pGr]ormancG aJ NG33.
v. kurg3arJ Jto3G a thouJand poundJ_ North o] G3Gctrica3 goodJ, and 3G]t thG ]3at in an aN]u3 mGJJ.
x. on0 NaJ not on30 3atG, 'ut hG had 3G]t a33 hiJ 'oo1J 'Ghind.
y. lou Ni33 GnhancG 0our poJturG and improHG 0our acting a'i3it0 on thiJ courJG.
p. ?t iJn_t North conJidGring hiJ JuggGJtion ]or a momGnt.
z. <hG didn_t JhGd a tGar NhGn thG Jtor0 GndGd in tragGd0.
{. hG managGr not oncG o]]GrGd uJ an apo3og0.
o. <hG madG no Jound aJ JhG crGpt upJtairJ.
Xq.dG on30 thought a'out haHing a ho3ida0 a'road a]tGr hG rGtirGd.
VI. R+01it+ t#+.+ .+nt+nc+.S u.in' inv+1.ion 0it# ONdp.
X. ? on30 rGa3imGd hoN dangGrouJ thG Jituation had 'GGn NhGn ? got homG.
a. ?t NaJn_t unti3 3aJt NGG1 that thG igricu3turG niniJtGr admittGd dG]Gat.
v. ? undGrJtood dam3Gt on30 a]tGr JGGing it on thG JtagG.
x. hG0 didn_t gGt round to 'uJinGJJ unti3 thG0 had ]iniJhGd Gating.
y. hG0 had to Nait ]or tNG3HG hourJ 'G]orG thGir ]3ight 3G]t.
p. ? didn_t rGa3imG Nho hG NaJ unti3 3atGr.
z. hG door cou3d not 'G opGnGd Nithout uJing ]orcG.
{. ? Non_t agrGG unti3 om_J apo3ogimGd.
o. o gGt thG xq diJcount, 0ou muJt 'u0 a33 tNG3HG 'oo1J at thG JamG timG.
Xq.hG on30 Na0 0ou can 'GcomG a good ath3GtG iJ '0 training hard GHGr0 da0.
VII. R+01it+ t#+.+ .+nt+nc+.S u.in' inv+1.ion 0it# SCOedB.
X. ?] thG uoHGrnmGnt NGrG ]orcGd into anothGr G3Gction, it Nou3d 'G thG ]aHouritG to Nin.
a. ?] 0ou Jhou3d NiJh to ma1G an appointmGnt to JGG 8r <imonJ, JhG iJ aHai3a'3G 'GtNGGn o.qq and XX.qq.
v. ?] 0ou Jhou3d haHG ]urthGr pro'3GmJ Nith 0our printGr, contact 0our dGa3Gr ]or adHicG.
x. ?] 0ou Jhou3d dGcidG to accGpt thG poJt, 0ou Ni33 'G GZpGctGd to Jtart Nor1 on X
y. ?] NG hGar an0 ]urthGr nGNJ, NG Ni33 'G in touch immGdiatG30.
p. ?] 0ou NiJh to ta1G adHantagG o] thG o]]Gr, 1ind30 tic1 thG 'oZ on 0our ordGr ]orm.
z. ?] thG ]i3m Jhou3d 'G a poJt o]]icG JuccGJJ, thG0 ma0 'G JG@uG3.
{. ?] 0ou Jhou3d changG 0our mind, thGrG Ni33 a3Na0J 'G a go' ]or 0ou hGrG.
VIII. R+01it+ t#+.+ .+nt+nc+.S u.in' inv+1.ion 0it# kERE OR CWB
X. ?] thG chGmica3 NGrG to 3Ga1, a 3argG arGa o] thG JGa Nou3d 'G contaminatGd.
a. ?] uGrman0 NGrG to 'Gat jomania, thG0 Nou3d ]acG ?ta30 in thG ]ina3.
v. ?] nr norgan NGrG Jti33 hGad maJtGr, hG Nou3d not pGrmit Juch 'ad 'GhaHior.
x. ?] 0ou had giHGn it on timG, 0ou Nou3d haHG got a high mar1.
y. ?] JhG had 'GcomG a 3aN0Gr, aJ hGr parGntJ NiJhGd, JhG Nou3d haHG Garn a 3argG Ja3ar0.
p. ?] an0thing haJ gonG Nrong Nith m0 p3an, ? Nou3d haHG hG3d rGJponJi'i3it0.
z.?] it hadn_t 'GGn ]or dGnr0,? might not haHG mGt 0ou.
{. ?] on30 thG0 had con]irmGd '0 phonG, thG air3inG cou3d haHG NarnGd thGm.
o. hG coaJt guardJ cou3d haHG JaHGd thG HGJJG3J i] thG0 had 'GGn noti]iGd.
Xq. ?] hiJ Jo3icitor hadn_t adHiJGd him, hG Nou3d haHG madG a JGriouJ miJta1G.
Im. R+01it+ +c# o3 t#+ 3ollo0in' .+nt+nc+. 0it# t#+ 'iv+n 0o1%. in .uc# 02 t#t it 5+n. t#+ .5+ .
t#+ .+nt+nc+ <1int+% *ov+ it.
X. dG JpGnt a33 hiJ monG0. dG GHGn 'orroNGd JomG ]rom mG.
Fot on30
a. dG had hard30 3G]t thG o]]icG NhGn thG tG3GphonG rang.
Fo JoonGr
v. ? had on30 guJt put thG phonG doNn NhGn thG 'oJJ rang 'ac1.
x. dG didn_t ]iniJh hiJ Nor1 unti3 thG 'G33 rang.
Fot unti3
y. RG on30 'Ggan to JGG thG J0mptomJ o] thG diJGaJG a]tGr JGHGra3 monthJ.
p. ? haHG nGHGr JGGn an0onG in m0 3i]G drin1 aJ much aJ 0ou.
z. i J3GGping dog NaJ 30ing undGr thG ta'3G.
IndGr thG ta'3G
{. diJ 'rothGr had rarG30 'GGn morG GZcitGd.
o. hG ]actJ NGrG not a33 madG pu'3ic unti3 3atGr.
Xq. ?] ? had rGa3imGd Nhat Nou3d happGn, ? Nou3dn_t haHG accGptGd thG go'.
XX. hG rGJponJG to our appGa3 NaJ Jo grGat that NG haJ to ta1G on morG Jta]].
Xa. darr0 'ro1G hiJ 3Gg, and a3Jo ingurGd hiJ Jhou3dGr.
Fot on30
Xv. hG po3icG didn_t at a33 JuJpGct that thG gudgG NaJ thG murdGrGr.
Xx. ?] 0ou do happGn to JGG dG3Gn, cou3d 0ou aJ1 hGr to ca33 mG~
Xy. hG 'uJ driHGr can not 'G '3amGd ]or thG accidGnt in an0 Na0.
Xp. hG JnoN]a33 NaJ Jo hGaH0 that a33 thG trainJ had to 'G cancG33Gd.
Xz. ?] thG goHGrnmGnt raiJGd intGrGJt ratGJ. hG0 Nou3d 3oJG thG G3Gction.
X{. iJ Joon aJ ? got into thG 'ath, JomGonG 1noc1Gd at thG door.
Fo JoonGr
Xo. hGrG NaJ Jo much uncGrtaint0 that thG ]inancia3 mar1GtJ rGmainGd c3oJGd.
aq. ?t_J not common ]or thGrG to 'G Jo much rain in narch.
aX. lou Non_t a33oNGd in unti3 0our idGnti]0 haJ 'GGn chGc1Gd.
aa. |uJt a]tGr thG p3a0 JtartGd thGrG NaJ a poNGr ]ai3urG.
av. hG }rimG niniJtGr haJ hard30 GHGr madG a JpGGch aJ inGpt aJ thiJ.
ax. RG had on30 guJt arriHGd homG NhGn thG po3icG ca33Gd.
ay. }rGJJ photographGrJ arG 'annGd ]rom ta1ing photographJ 'ac1JtagG.
9n no
ap. hG Na0 Jo much monG0 haJ 'GGn JpGnt to Jo 3itt3G purpoJG muJt 'G a rGcord.
FGHGr 'G]orG
az. hG gudgG NaJ ta1Gn i33 guJt a]tGr thG tria3 procGGdingJ 'Ggan.
m. Do5<l+t+ +c# .+nt+nc+. 0it# .uit*l+ 0o1% o1 <#1.+.
X.wwww..had NG arriHGd at thG hotG3, NhGn thGrG NaJ a poNGr cut.
awww..arG mGm'GrJ o] Jta]] to accGpt gratuitiGJ ]rom c3iGntJ.
v. www.8GtGctiHG 8aNJon rGa3imGd Nhat JhG NaJ to diJcoHGrt.
x. wwww.Jo man0 Gmp3o0GGJ ta1Gn Jic1 3GaHG at thG JamG timG.
y. www to pa0 thG ]u33 amount noN, thGrG Nou3d 'G a tGn pGr cGnt diJcount.
p. ? JuppoJGd, aJwww.moJt pGop3G, that ? Nou3d 'G rGtiring at pq.
z. wwwwww..thG doctor JGGn morG di]]icu3t caJG.
{. wwww.|Gan Nin ]irJt primG, 'ut JhG NaJ a3Jo o]]GrGd a promotion.
o. www.Ni33 3atG arriHa3 'G admittGd to thG thGatrG 'G]orG thG intGrHa3.
Xq. wwwwonG miJJing chi3d 'GGn ]ound, than anothGr thrGG diJappGarGd.
mI. Do5<l+t+ +c# .+nt+nc+ 0it# .uit*l+ 0o1% o1 <#1.+.
X. <carcG30 wwwwwwwwwww.thG pi3ot had to ma1G an GmGrgGnt 3anding.
a. ^itt3G wwwwwwwwww.Nhat haJ 'GGn going on in hGr a'JGnt.
v. Fo JoonGr wwwwwwwww.tan ? rGa3imGd ?_d 3G]t m0 'ag on thG p3at]orm.
x. 9n30 NhGn wwwwwwwww.on thG 3ight did NG noticG thG ho3G o] thG cGi3ing.
y. Fot unti3 ? aJ1Gd a paJJGr '0 wwwwwww. NhGrG ? NaJ.
p. <G3dom doGJ wwwwwwwww'G3oN ]rGGming at thiJ timG o] thG 0Gar.
z. dard30 wwwwwww.. hiJ JpGGch, NhGn thG miniJtGr intGrruptGd.
{. 9n no account am wwwwww..Nhi3G ? am in a mGGting.
o. jarG30 haJ wwwwwwwwwthiJ Jchoo3 NrittGn a 'GttGr compoJition.
Xq. ?n no Na0 wwwwwwww.. 'Gar rGJponJi'i3it0 ]or ingurGd paJJGngGrJ.
mII. R+01it+ t#+.+ .+nt+nc+. 0it# t#+ %v+1*il <#1.+ o3 %i1+ction o1 <lc+ t t#+ 31ont o3 clu.+.
e.+ inv+1.ion 0#+1+ <o..i*l+.
X. hG pGop3G diHGd ]or coHGr aJ thG 'u33GtJ ]3GN oHGr thGir hGadJ.
a. hat night, guJt aJ |ohn haJ prGdictGd , a hGaH0 JnoN]a33 camG doNn.
v. hG tNo mGn NGrG ta31ing in ]ront o] thG Jtation.
x. i 3inG o] po3icG o]]icGrJ NaJ 'Ghind thG protGJtGrJ.
y. i Jma33 JtrGam ran at thG Gnd o] thG JtrGGt. hGrG NaJ an oHGrgroNn gardGn acroJJ thG JtrGam.
p. <hG cou3d hGar thG Jound o] thG tractor and JuddGn30 it camG round thG cornGr.
z. i Nhi3G pi33ar NaJ in ]ront o] thGm and a Jma33, mar'3G JtatuG Jtood on top o] it.
{. hG tGachGr '3GN a NhiJt3G and thG chi3drGn ran o]].
I. D#oo.+ t#+ 5o.t .uit*l+ 0o1%. un%+1lin+%.
X. hG Nou3d nGHGr p. paJJGd
a. did ? rGmGm'Gr z. Jo high NGrG thG NaHGJ
v. NhGn {. }GtGr haJ arriHGd
x. NaJ ? o. than
y. NaJ ? aNarG Xq. Jhou3d 0ou 3GaHG Gar30
II. R+01it+ t#+.+ .+nt+nc+.S u.in' NEVER.
X. FGHGr 'G]orG had JhG 'GGn Jo happ0.
a. FGHGr haHG ? hGard Juch nonJGnJGt
v. FGHGr in m0 3i]G haHG ? JGGn Juch a mGJJ.
x. FGHGr haHG our pro]itJ 'GGn highGr than: aJ highGr aJ thG0 arG thiJ 0Gar.
y. FGHGr again Nou3d JhG truJt hGr oNn gudgmGnt NhGn 'u0ing anti@uG.
p. FGHGr 'G]orG had thG ]irm 3aid on Juch a JumptuouJ cG3G'ration.
z. FGHGr haHG ? comG acroJJ Juch a horri]0ing ]i3m.
{. FGHGr haHG ? 'GGn Jo moHGd '0 a <ha1GJpGarG production.
o. FGHGr ]or onG momGnt did ? thin1 thG conJG@uGncGJ Nou3d 'G Jo ]ar rGaching.
Xq. FGHGr 'G]orG had ? taJtGd Juch a NondGr]u3 com'ination o] ]3aHourJ.
III. R+01it+ t#+.+ .+nt+nc+.S u.in' INS W4S eNBERS o1 ON
X. ?n no Na0 can UGith 'G hG3d rGJponJi'3G ]or thG accidGnt.
a. ?n no Na0 arG thG chi3drGn thGmJG3HGJ to '3amG ]or thG diJaJtGr.
v. ?n no Na0 iJ thG GZiJtGncG o] GZtratGrrGJtria3 3i]G con]irmGd '0 thG rGport.
x. it no timG NaJ ? JhoNn hoN to opGratG thG machinG.
y. it no timG did hG JuJpGct that hG NaJ a Nitch.
p. it no timG haJ thG ;ng3iJh 3anguagG not 'GGn in a JtatG o] changG.
z. IndGr no circumJtancG Ni33 niJJ RGaHGr 'G o]]GrGd thG go'.
{. IndGr no circumJtancG Jhou3d 0ou JGnd monG0 to uJ '0 poJt.
o. IndGr no circumJtancG can NG GZchangG tic1GtJ.
Xq. 9n an0 account Ni33 ? go a33 that Na0 to HiJit him again.
IV. R+01it+ t#+.+ .+nt+nc+.S u.in' inv+1.ion 0it# NO4
X. Fot on30 iJ hG 0our ]riGnd, 'ut hG_J minG too.
a. Fot on30 did hG 'oo1 tic1GtJ ]or thG a]tGrnoon pGr]ormancG 'ut hG a3Jo 'oo1Gd ]or thG GHGning
pGr]ormancG aJ NG33.
v. Fot on30 did thG 'urg3arJ JtGa3 a thouJand poundJ_ North o] G3Gctrica3 goodJ, thG0 a3Jo 3G]t thG ]3at in an
aN]u3 mGJJ.
x. Fot on30 NaJ om 3atG, 'ut hG had 3G]t a33 hiJ 'oo1J 'Ghind.
y. Fot on30 Ni33 0ou GnhancG 0our poJturG 'ut 0ou Ni33 Ka3JoM improHG 0our acting a'i3it0 KaJ NG33M on thiJ
p. Fot ]or onG momGnt iJ it North conJidGring hiJ JuggGJtion :iJ hiJ JuggGJtion North conJidGring.
z. Fot a tGar did JhG JhGd NhGn thG Jtor0 GndGd in tragGd0.
{. Fot oncG did thG managGr o]]Gr iJ an apo3og0.
o. Fot a Jound did JhG ma1G aJ JhG crGpt upJtairJ.
Xq. Fot unti3 hG rGtirGd did hG thin1 a'out haHing a ho3ida0 a'road.
V. R+01it+ t#+.+ .+nt+nc+.S u.in' inv+1.ion 0it# ONdp
X. 9n30 NhGn ? got homG did ? rGa3imG hoN dangGrouJ thG Jituation had 'GGn.
a. 9n30 3aJt NGG1 did thG igricu3turG niniJtGr admit dG]Gat.
v. 9n30 a]tGr JGGing dam3Gt on thG JtagG did ? undGrJtand it.
x. 9n30 a]tGr thG0 had ]iniJhGd Gating did thG0 gGt round to 'uJinGJJ.
y. 9n30 a]tGr thG0 NaitGd ]or tNG3HG hourJ did thGir ]3ight 3GaHG.
p. 9n30 a]tGr did ? rGa3imG Nho JhG NaJ.
z. 9n30 '0 KuJingM ]orcG cou3d thG door 'G opGnGd.
{. 9n30 NhGn om_J apo3ogimGd Ni33 ? agrGG.
o. 9n30 NhGn 0ou 'u0 a33 tNG3HG 'oo1J at thG JamG timG can:Ni33 0ou gGt thG xq diJcount.
Xq. 9n30 '0 training hard can:Ni33:cou3d 0ou 'GcomG a good ath3GtG.
VI. R+01it+ t#+.+ .+nt+nc+.S u.in' inv+1.ion 0it# SCOedB.
X. <hou3d thG goHGrnmGnt 'G ]orcGJ into anothGr G3Gction, it Nou3d 'G thG ]aHoritG to Nin.
a. <hou3d 0ou NiJh to ma1G an appointmGnt to JGG 8r <imonJ, JhG iJ aHai3a'3G 'GtNGGn o.qq and XX.qq.
v. <hou3d 0ou haHG ]urthGr pro'3GmJ Nith 0our printGr, contact 0our dGa3 ]or adHicG.
x. <hou3d 0ou dGcidG to accGpt thG poJt, 0ou Ni33 'G GZpGctGd to Jtart Nor1 on X
y. <hou3d NG hGar an0 ]urthGr nGNJ, NG Ni33 'G in touch immGdiatG30.
p. <hou3d 0ou NiJh to ta1G adHantagG o] thG o]]Gr, 1ind30 tic1 thG 'oZ on 0our ordGr.
z. <hou3d thG ]i3m 'G a 'oZr o]]icG JuccGJJ, thG0 ma0 'G a JG@uG3.
{. <hou3d 0ou changG 0our mind, thGrG Ni33 a3Na0J 'G a go' ]or 0ou hGrG.
VII. R+01it+ t#+.+ .+nt+nc+.S u.in' inv+1.ion 0it# kERE o1 CWB
X. RGrG thG chGmica3 to 3Ga1, a 3argG arGa o] JGa Nou3d 'G contaminatGd.
a. RGrG uGrman0 to 'Gat, thG0 Nou3d ]acG ?ta30 in thG ]ina3.
v. RGrG nr norgan Jti33 hGadmaJtGr, hG Nou3d not pGrmit Juch 'ad 'GhaHior.
x. dad 0ou giHGn it in on timG, 0ou Nou3d haHG got a high mar1.
y. dad JhG 'GcomG a 3aN0Gr, aJ hGr parGntJ_ NiJhGJ, JhG Nou3d haHG GarnGd a 3argG Ja3ar0.
p. dad an0thing gonG Nrong, ? Nou3d haHG 'GGn hG3d rGJponJi'3G.
z. dad it not 'GGn ]or dGnr0, ? might not haHG mGt 0ou.
{. dad thG coaJt guardJ 'GGn noti]iGd thG0 cou3d haHG JaHGd thG HGJJG3J.
o. dad thG0 con]irmGd '0 phonG, thG air3inG cou3d haHG NarnGd thGm.
Xq. dad it not 'GGn ]or hiJ Jo3icitor_J adHicG, hG Nou3d haHG madG a JGriouJ miJta1G.
VIII. R+01it+ +c# o3 t#+ 3ollo0in' .+nt+nc+. 0it# t#+ 'iv+n 0o1%. in .uc# 02 t#t it 5+n. t#+ .5+
. t#+ .+nt+nc+ <1int+% *ov+ it.
X. Fot on30 did hG JpGnd a33 hiJ monG0 'ut JhG a3Jo 'orroNGd JomG ]rom mG.
a. Fo JoonGr had ? 3G]t thG o]]icG than thG phonG rang.
v. dard30 had ? put thG phonG doNn NhGn thG 'oJJ rang 'ac1.
x. Fot unti3 thG 'G33 rang did hG ]iniJh hiJ Nor1.
y. 9n30 a]tGr JGHGra3 monthJ did NG 'Ggin to JGG thG J0mptomJ o] thG diJGaJG.
p. FGHGr in m0 3i]G haHG JGGn an0onG drin1 aJ much aJ 0ou.
z. IndGr thG ta'3G NaJ 30ing a J3GGping dog.
{. jarG30 had hiJ 'rothGr 'GGn morG GZcitGd.
o. 9n30 3atGr NGrG a33 thG ]actJ madG pu'3ic.
Xq. dad ? rGa3imGd Nhat Nou3d happGn, ? Nou3dn_t haHG accGptGd thG go'.
XX. <uch NaJ thG rGJponJi'3G to our appGa3 that NG haJ to ta1G on morG Jta]]
Xa. Fot on30 did darr0 'rGa1 hiJ 3Gg 'ut hG a3Jo ingurGd hiJ Jhou3dGr.
Xv. ^itt3G did thG po3icG JuJpGct that thG gudgmGnt NaJ thG murdGrGr.
Xx. <hou3d 0ou JGG dG3Gn, cou3d 0ou aJ1 hGr to ca33 mG~
Xy. ?n no Na0 can thG 'uJ 'G '3amGd ]or thG accidGnt.
Xp. <o hGaH0 NaJ thG JnoN]a33 that a33 thG trainJ had to 'G cancG33Gd.
Xz. RGrG thG goHGrnmGnt to NritG intGrGJt ratGJ thG0 Nou3d 3oJG thG G3Gction.
X{. Fo JoonGr had ? got into thG 'ath than JomGonG 1noc1Gd on thG door.
Xo. <uch NaJ thG uncGrtaint0 that thG ]inancia3 mar1GtJ rGmainGd c3oJGd.
aq. <G3dom iJ thGrG Jo much rain in narch.
aX. 9n30 NhGn 0our idGntit0 haJ 'GGn chGc1Gd Ni33 0ou 'G a33oNGd in.
aa. dard30 had thG p3a0 JtartGd NhGn thGrG NaJ a poNGr ]ai3urG.
av. jarG30 haJ thG }rimG niniJtGr madG Jo inGpt a JpGGch.
ax. <carcG30 had NG arriHGd homG NhGn thG po3icG ca33Gd.
ay. 9n no account arG prGJJ photographGrJ a33oNGd to ta1G photographJ 'ac1JtagG.
ap. FGHGr 'G]orG haJ Jo much monG0 'GGn JpGnt to Jo 3itt3G purpoJGt.
az. karG30 had thG tria3 procGGdingJ 'Ggun NhGn thG gudgG NaJ ta1Gn i33.
Im. Do5<l+t+ +c# .+nt+nc+. 0it# .uit*l+ 0o1% o1 <#1.+.
X. dard30: <carcG30 p. do
a. IndGr no circumJtancGJ z. FGHGr had :haHG
v. ^itt3G did {. Fot on30 did
x. FGHGr had : jarG30 had o. IndGr no circumJtancGJ
y. RGrG 0ou Xq. Fo JoonGr had
m. Do5<l+t+ +c# .+nt+nc+ 0it# .uit*l+ 0o1% o1 <#1.+. 9Su''+.t+% n.0+1.!
X. had thG p3anG ta1Gn o]], NhGn p. thG tGmpGraturG ]a33
a. 8oGJ JhG 1noN z. had hG 'Ggun.
v. had thG train 3G]t {. ? to 'G diJtur'Gd
x. NG turnGd. o. a pupi3 at thiJ : a JtudGnt ]rom
y. did ? 1noN Xq. doGJ thG compan0.
mI. R+01it+ t#+.+ .+nt+nc+. 0it# t#+ %v+1*il <#1.+ o3 %i1+ction o1 <lc+ t t#+ 31ont o3 clu.+.
e.+ inv+1.ion 0#+1+ <o..i*l+.
X. wwww w aJ oHGr thGir hGadJ ]3GN thG 'u33GtJ.
a. wwwww doNn camG a hGaH0 JnoN.
v. ?n ]ront o] thG Jtation, thG tNo mGn NGrG ta31ing.Kno inHGrJionM
x. kGhind thG protGJtGrJ NaJ a 3inG o] po3icG o]]icGrJ.
y. it thG Gnd o] thG JtrGGt ran a Jma33 JtrGam. icroJJ thG JtrGam NaJ an oHGrgroNn gardGn.
p. wwww and JuddGn30 round thG cornGr it camG. K no inHGrJionM
z. ?n ]ront o] thGm NaJ a NhitG pi33ar, and on top o] it Jtood a Jma33, mar'3G JtatuG.
{. wwwww.and o]] ran thG chi3drGn.

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