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Nr. crt Nume i prenume candidat BAROUL Nr.

grila Punctaj OEPA

Tabel cu rezultatele obinute de candidaii la examenul de primire n profesia de
avocat ca avocat STAGIAR - 15 septembrie 2014
DC DPC DP DPP Rezultat
1 ABAGIU E. Sorin-Costel Dolj 1 44 16 6 4 10 8 RESPINS
2 ABRIHAN V. Iulia-Maria Maramure 1 66 16 8 13 15 14 RESPINS
3 ABRUDAN P. Vlad-Petru Bihor 1 41 8 3 6 14 10 RESPINS
4 ABRUDAN V. Simona-Mariana Cluj 2 74 12 14 16 15 17 ADMIS
5 ABRUDEAN I. Diana Cluj 1 84 18 18 15 16 17 ADMIS
6 ACHIM I. George Bucureti 1 59 13 10 8 12 16 RESPINS
7 ACHIEI A. Andreea Iai 1 62 13 8 15 12 14 RESPINS
8 ACONSTANTINESEI M. Luana Constana 2 38 9 4 6 9 10 RESPINS
9 ACRISTINEI A. Andrei Neam 2 69 13 16 10 16 14 RESPINS
10 ADAM A. Rodica-Daniela Alba 2 23 5 6 5 6 1 RESPINS
11 ADAM C. Luiza-Catalina Bucureti 1 28 5 4 4 8 7 RESPINS
12 ADAM C. Valentina Bucureti 2 21 3 4 8 4 2 RESPINS
13 ADAM I. Victoria-Magda Olt 2 29 6 7 6 8 2 RESPINS
14 ADAM T. Adriana-Andreea Braov 1 45 10 9 4 12 10 RESPINS
15 ADAM V. Ctlin Cluj 2 50 10 10 6 12 12 RESPINS
16 ADASCALITEI V. Sabina-Monica Bucureti 1 52 12 11 7 13 9 RESPINS
17 ADASCALULUI C. Claudia-
Timi 2 59 14 13 5 11 16 RESPINS
18 ADETU F. Irina Vrancea 1 58 14 10 10 13 11 RESPINS
19 ADNAN A. Nur-Natalia Bucureti 2 42 10 10 3 10 9 RESPINS
20 AELENEI N. Amanda-Constanze Bucureti 3 42 10 5 7 10 10 RESPINS
21 AFRONIE P. Alexandru-Paul Timi 1 58 12 10 11 12 13 RESPINS
22 AFTAN I. Simona-Maria Maramure 2 50 10 10 9 11 10 RESPINS
23 AFTENE I. Alexandra-Georgiana Galai 2 57 12 10 9 13 13 RESPINS
24 AFTENE I. George-Iulian Galai 3 56 16 9 5 14 12 RESPINS
25 AGACHE C. Alina Suceava 1 18 1 6 4 5 2 RESPINS
26 AGACHE G. tefan Bacu 2 68 13 13 10 15 17 RESPINS
27 AGAVRILOAIA C. Victor-Catalin Bacu 1 37 10 4 5 9 9 RESPINS
28 AGAVRILOAIE V. Maricica Iai 2 62 14 10 8 15 15 RESPINS
29 AGISUNA Y. Hacan-Emrah Constana 4 63 11 12 12 14 14 RESPINS
30 AILENEI I. Andreia-Ionela Bucureti 3 53 12 9 12 11 9 RESPINS
31 AILIESEI D. Adrian Iai 3 58 17 10 3 14 14 RESPINS
32 AIRINEI A. Andreea-Maria Alba 1 65 13 12 10 13 17 RESPINS
33 AIRINEI M. Mihai-Andrei Bucureti 4 45 11 11 3 11 9 RESPINS
34 AJITRII V. Gabriel Iai 4 22 4 3 5 7 3 RESPINS
35 ALB G. Ana Timi 2 59 14 12 8 12 13 RESPINS
36 ALB V. Luisa-Ioana Bucureti 3 79 17 13 14 16 19 ADMIS
37 AL-BAHRA S. Saly Bucureti 4 43 8 8 8 11 8 RESPINS
38 ALBSTROIU S. Roxana-
Dolj 1 54 11 11 6 13 13 RESPINS
39 ALBESCU . tefan Iai 3 48 13 6 7 13 9 RESPINS
40 ALBU A. Cristian-Paul Mure 2 55 14 10 8 10 13 RESPINS
41 ALBU D. Bianca-Ana-Maria Bucureti 1 37 10 8 4 8 7 RESPINS
42 ALBU F. Vlad-Claudiu Bucureti 2 31 6 4 4 13 4 RESPINS
43 ALBU L. Robert-Klaas Bucureti 1 26 5 4 4 10 3 RESPINS
44 ALBU M. Bogdan-Flavius Bucureti 2 55 10 12 4 15 14 RESPINS
45 ALBU P. Elena-Marinela Bucureti 1 20 5 3 5 7 0 RESPINS
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Nr. crt Nume i prenume candidat BAROUL Nr. grila Punctaj OEPA
Tabel cu rezultatele obinute de candidaii la examenul de primire n profesia de
avocat ca avocat STAGIAR - 15 septembrie 2014
DC DPC DP DPP Rezultat
46 ALBU S. Manuela-Isabela Cluj 3 44 6 8 6 14 10 RESPINS
47 ALBULESCU D. Camelia Timi 2 78 13 16 14 17 18 ADMIS
48 ALBUIU D. Cristina-Ioana Bihor 1 76 15 14 14 15 18 ADMIS
49 ALDEA A. Bianca-Ioana Sibiu 3 62 12 11 11 14 14 RESPINS
50 ALDEA I. Emma-Alecsandra Bucureti 2 23 4 3 5 8 3 RESPINS
51 ALDEA N. Elena-Alina Bucureti 3 23 7 3 5 6 2 RESPINS
52 ALECSE P. Cristina-Georgeta Constana 4 29 6 4 6 9 4 RESPINS
53 ALEXA I. Alexandru Galai 4 72 15 12 10 18 17 ADMIS
54 ALEXA P. Elena Bucureti 4 50 13 6 6 14 11 RESPINS
55 ALEXA V. Narcisa-Elena Timi 3 71 15 12 14 15 15 ADMIS
56 ALEXANDRESCU C. Roxana Iai 4 61 13 9 10 11 18 RESPINS
57 ALEXANDRESCU M. Ion-Mircea Iai 3 49 14 5 7 16 7 RESPINS
Bucureti 3 38 7 3 7 10 11 RESPINS
59 ALEXANDRU G. Diana-Roxana Suceava 4 22 5 4 3 6 4 RESPINS
60 ALEXANDRU C. Nicusor Tulcea 4 36 9 4 3 10 10 RESPINS
61 ALEXANDRU G. Cosmin-
Bucureti 1 39 6 5 4 12 12 RESPINS
62 ALEXANDRU I. Denisa-Elena Bucureti 2 36 7 5 7 10 7 RESPINS
63 ALEXANDRU M. Adrian Bucureti 1 25 7 4 3 8 3 RESPINS
64 ALEXANDRU V. Ana-Roxana Bucureti 2 53 12 10 9 11 11 RESPINS
65 ALEXE A. Alexandra Constana 1 70 11 12 12 17 18 ADMIS
66 ALEXE G. Maria-Sabina Bucureti 2 46 11 5 6 12 12 RESPINS
67 ALEXE J. Mihail Bucureti 3 65 12 11 11 13 18 RESPINS
68 ALEXE P. Rosita-Mdlina Bucureti 4 70 14 9 14 15 18 RESPINS
69 ALI E. Aissun Constana 3 28 5 8 4 8 3 RESPINS
70 ALIMAN D. Aniela Cluj 4 74 12 18 13 16 15 ADMIS
71 ALIOANI V. Alexandru Gorj 2 17 2 4 5 5 1 RESPINS
72 ALUIGHEORGHE C. Constantin Neam 3 47 11 10 5 11 10 RESPINS
73 AMARANDEI E. Adriana Iai 2 37 6 5 6 12 8 RESPINS
74 AMARGHIOALEI C. Rodica Suceava 1 37 10 7 5 7 8 RESPINS
75 AMARIEI I. Raluca Bucureti 4 64 13 11 8 15 17 RESPINS
76 AMARIEI V. Stefan Galai 1 39 9 3 6 13 8 RESPINS
77 AMARINE I. Ionut-Cornel Neam 2 31 8 8 4 9 2 RESPINS
78 AMARINOAIE J. Ana-Maria Bacu 1 22 4 6 6 4 2 RESPINS
79 AMBROS V. Cosmin-Vasile Iai 2 38 9 5 5 11 8 RESPINS
80 AMBROZIE O. Razvan-Cristian Bucureti 3 36 7 9 3 8 9 RESPINS
81 AMBRU I. Daniela Ilfov 4 23 6 5 5 3 4 RESPINS
82 AMOIESEI G. Gabriel-Ionu Iai 1 44 9 9 8 13 5 RESPINS
83 AMZA G. Andrei-Sergiu Bucureti 1 39 6 7 4 11 11 RESPINS
84 AMZA G. George-Flaviu Cluj 3 27 7 4 3 9 4 RESPINS
85 ANASTASE M. Corina-Elena Bucureti 2 58 10 14 10 13 11 RESPINS
86 ANCA L. Adrian Bucureti 1 36 9 4 7 10 6 RESPINS
87 ANCA O. Tudor-Ion Bucureti 2 61 13 15 6 14 13 RESPINS
88 ANCHIDIN C. Constantin Bacu 2 32 5 4 8 8 7 RESPINS
89 ANCUA C. Alexandra Iai 1 36 5 5 5 12 9 RESPINS
90 ANCUA S. Lavinia Constana 1 64 11 12 10 16 15 RESPINS
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Nr. crt Nume i prenume candidat BAROUL Nr. grila Punctaj OEPA
Tabel cu rezultatele obinute de candidaii la examenul de primire n profesia de
avocat ca avocat STAGIAR - 15 septembrie 2014
DC DPC DP DPP Rezultat
Bucureti 2 58 11 10 9 16 12 RESPINS
92 ANDRA I. Adriana Timi 4 28 7 5 4 9 3 RESPINS
93 ANDRA V. Maricica Iai 4 43 9 8 11 10 5 RESPINS
94 ANDREESCU V. Andreea-
Bucureti 3 40 7 7 2 12 12 RESPINS
95 ANDREI A. Alexandru Bucureti 4 40 9 6 5 10 10 RESPINS
96 ANDREI B. Ionut Bucureti 3 40 12 6 6 12 4 RESPINS
97 ANDREI C. Adina Vlcea 1 35 8 5 7 8 7 RESPINS
98 ANDREI C. Ioana Bucureti 4 29 8 4 6 7 4 RESPINS
99 ANDREI C. Ioana-Raluca Bucureti 3 45 11 6 4 11 13 RESPINS
100 ANDREI C. Lucian-Ionut Bucureti 4 23 3 3 7 7 3 RESPINS
101 ANDREI G. Daniel Olt 2 43 7 7 8 10 11 RESPINS
102 ANDREI I. Dan-Cristian Bucureti 1 49 11 11 10 11 6 RESPINS
103 ANDREI I. Elena Bucureti 2 29 9 6 4 5 5 RESPINS
104 ANDREI M. Ileana-Cristina Bucureti 1 54 10 10 7 16 11 RESPINS
105 ANDREI M. Ilona-Laura Bucureti 2 54 9 10 10 13 12 RESPINS
106 ANDREI M. Marius-Dan Bucureti 1 66 12 12 11 15 16 RESPINS
107 ANDREI N. Florin Bucureti 2 37 7 6 7 9 8 RESPINS
108 ANDREI N. Raluca-Claudia Bucureti 3 48 10 4 10 12 12 RESPINS
109 ANDREI T. Mirabela Braov 4 31 8 5 4 10 4 RESPINS
110 ANDREICA N. Mariana Cluj 4 53 11 12 10 12 8 RESPINS
111 ANDREAN G. Silviu-Gheorghe Braov 1 61 14 13 11 11 12 RESPINS
112 ANDRIES M. Irina Neam 3 69 13 15 11 16 14 RESPINS
113 ANDRIE I. Cristina-Elena Iai 4 51 9 9 9 12 12 RESPINS
114 ANDRICA V. Claudia-Crina Bihor 3 28 7 4 4 9 4 RESPINS
115 ANDRO M. Sebastian-Dan Cluj 3 71 15 13 13 15 15 ADMIS
116 ANGELESCU D. Iulia Timi 4 41 10 3 6 10 12 RESPINS
117 ANGHEL D. Georgeta-Simona Bucureti 4 81 12 17 18 17 17 ADMIS
118 ANGHEL G. Anca-Mariana Dolj 3 25 8 5 3 5 4 RESPINS
119 ANGHEL G. Eliana Alba 4 70 13 11 14 16 16 ADMIS
120 ANGHEL G. Maria-Georgiana Bucureti 3 70 15 14 10 15 16 ADMIS
121 ANGHEL G. Mihai Dmbovia 4 35 8 6 7 10 4 RESPINS
122 ANGHEL I. Ion-Bogdan Dolj 4 34 8 6 5 10 5 RESPINS
123 ANGHEL I. Marcel-tefni Ilfov 3 63 13 11 10 14 15 RESPINS
124 ANGHEL I. Rzvan-Ionu Bucureti 4 29 4 6 5 10 4 RESPINS
125 ANGHEL N. Nicolae-Alexandru Bucureti 1 53 10 10 8 13 12 RESPINS
126 ANGHEL S. Florin-Gabriel Bucureti 2 64 16 15 7 10 16 RESPINS
127 ANGHELESCU P. Petrua Bucureti 1 70 16 12 12 18 12 ADMIS
128 ANGHELUTA P. Sorina-Elena Bucureti 2 55 11 7 10 12 15 RESPINS
129 ANGHENIE L. Maria-Mdlina Bucureti 1 75 11 14 14 16 20 ADMIS
130 ANICI . Rzvan Maramure 3 75 14 14 13 17 17 ADMIS
131 ANINOIU C. Diana-Elena Gorj 3 32 6 4 5 9 8 RESPINS
132 ANINOIU P. Maria-Diana Timi 3 30 9 1 2 9 9 RESPINS
133 ANISIA N. Ana-Martiniana Iai 3 59 11 12 6 14 16 RESPINS
134 ANISIA V. Ioan-Alexandru Bucureti 2 57 10 13 9 12 13 RESPINS
135 ANICA V. Cosmin-Viorel Bucureti 3 36 10 5 6 9 6 RESPINS
Pagina 3 of 100

Nr. crt Nume i prenume candidat BAROUL Nr. grila Punctaj OEPA
Tabel cu rezultatele obinute de candidaii la examenul de primire n profesia de
avocat ca avocat STAGIAR - 15 septembrie 2014
DC DPC DP DPP Rezultat
136 ANTAL M. Ovidiu Cluj 1 43 11 5 9 11 7 RESPINS
137 ANTOHE Z. Laura-Diana Buzu 2 43 8 9 9 8 9 RESPINS
138 ANTOHI V. Raluca-Daniela Constana 4 63 15 12 8 14 14 RESPINS
139 ANTON C. Victor Bucureti 3 56 16 7 7 13 13 RESPINS
140 ANTON N. Alina-Florentina Constana 4 51 8 6 11 15 11 RESPINS
141 ANTON R. Ana-Iuliana Bucureti 3 26 6 9 5 3 3 RESPINS
142 ANTON V. Anamaria-Ioana Bihor 4 74 16 13 12 15 18 ADMIS
143 ANTONE V. Elena-Alina Bucureti 4 28 9 4 3 7 5 RESPINS
144 ANTONEAC M. Andreea Bucureti 1 63 8 10 14 16 15 RESPINS
145 ANTONIE A. Ioan-Ctlin Dolj 4 43 8 8 6 16 5 RESPINS
146 ANTONIU V. Marcela Bucureti 2 47 10 7 8 11 11 RESPINS
147 APAS O. Elvis-Baiazid Constana 1 41 11 7 4 8 11 RESPINS
148 APETREI F. Lavinia-Sabina Bucureti 2 50 8 11 9 11 11 RESPINS
149 APETREI I. Maria-Evelina Bucureti 1 46 11 6 7 12 10 RESPINS
150 APETROAEI C. Daniel Botoani 4 58 10 13 11 13 11 RESPINS
151 APOPEI R. Cezar-Dan Iai 3 37 7 8 4 12 6 RESPINS
152 APOSTOL C. Andra Bucureti 2 46 10 5 6 12 13 RESPINS
153 APOSTOL C. Lavinia-Elena Bucureti 3 77 14 16 15 14 18 ADMIS
154 APOSTOL I. Georgian-Gabriel Bucureti 4 36 10 6 5 12 3 RESPINS
155 APOSTOL R. Andreea-Raluca Bucureti 3 67 15 13 10 13 16 RESPINS
156 APOSTOL R. Mihaela Bucureti 4 41 8 6 7 10 10 RESPINS
157 APREUTESEI I. Bogdan Neam 4 58 12 12 9 10 15 RESPINS
158 ARCANU V. Violeta-Iuliana Braov 3 63 9 13 15 12 14 RESPINS
159 ARDALU O. Oana-Cristina Constana 3 55 9 6 11 16 13 RESPINS
160 ARDELEAN A. Monica-Maria Bucureti 4 41 9 8 8 9 7 RESPINS
161 ARDELEAN D. Daniela-
Bihor 3 40 8 9 7 9 7 RESPINS
162 ARDELEAN D. Radu-Alexandru Constana 1 67 13 11 12 18 13 RESPINS
163 ARDELEAN I. Ioana Bucureti 2 58 12 12 9 14 11 RESPINS
164 ARDELEAN I. Oana-Patricia Cluj 1 53 11 9 10 13 10 RESPINS
165 ARDELEAN I. Vldu-Vasile Maramure 1 63 11 12 8 17 15 RESPINS
166 ARDELEAN P. Dana-Elena Cluj 2 69 12 15 9 17 16 RESPINS
167 ARDELEAN P. Sorin-Daniel Bucureti 1 26 5 4 6 7 4 RESPINS
Bucureti 2 61 9 14 9 14 15 RESPINS
169 ARDELEANU F. Anca-Mdlina Cluj 1 81 17 16 14 17 17 ADMIS
170 ARDELEANU I. Laurentiu-Stefan Bucureti 1 68 12 14 13 17 12 RESPINS
Hunedoara 1 27 8 3 3 9 4 RESPINS
172 ARGASEALA V. Ruxandra-Ioana Bucureti 2 72 13 14 11 16 18 ADMIS
173 ARGEANU N. Dan-Antonio Bucureti 3 52 12 8 6 13 13 RESPINS
174 ARHIP V. Cristi Bucureti 4 20 6 3 4 5 2 RESPINS
175 ARHIP V. Loredana-Luminita Bucureti 3 32 7 5 6 6 8 RESPINS
Gorj 3 26 8 4 3 7 4 RESPINS
177 ARITON I. Ionu-Alexandru Braov 4 29 8 1 3 11 6 RESPINS
178 ARJOCEANU I. Lazr-Mircea Bucureti 4 81 15 18 15 17 16 ADMIS
179 ARMANCA I. Paula-Roxana Cluj 2 45 8 7 8 12 10 RESPINS
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Nr. crt Nume i prenume candidat BAROUL Nr. grila Punctaj OEPA
Tabel cu rezultatele obinute de candidaii la examenul de primire n profesia de
avocat ca avocat STAGIAR - 15 septembrie 2014
DC DPC DP DPP Rezultat
180 ARMEAN C. Alexandra-Claudia Bucureti 3 37 5 8 10 10 4 RESPINS
181 ARMEANU C. Sabina Bucureti 4 50 12 7 7 10 14 RESPINS
182 ARNUTU V. Roxana Iai 3 49 10 8 5 15 11 RESPINS
183 ARON N. Ovidiu Braov 1 42 10 10 4 13 5 RESPINS
184 ARPENTI C. Alexei Constana 1 61 13 10 8 14 16 RESPINS
185 ARSENICI N. Maria-Claudia Arge 4 61 10 11 10 16 14 RESPINS
186 ARSENIE D. Evelina-Georgiana Gorj 1 22 6 4 1 8 3 RESPINS
187 ARSENOIU N. Irina-Adina Bucureti 2 17 4 4 3 6 0 RESPINS
188 ARTENIE M. Ctlin Timi 2 76 17 17 10 16 16 ADMIS
189 ARUXANDEI P. Iuliana-Madalina Botoani 4 25 7 4 6 5 3 RESPINS
190 ASAFTEI C. Robert-Constantin Braov 2 37 9 5 6 12 5 RESPINS
191 ASAFTEI I. Robert Bucureti 1 25 6 4 2 7 6 RESPINS
192 ASAFTEI L. Laurentiu Bucureti 2 24 7 4 6 5 2 RESPINS
193 ASAVEI F. Maria-Adnana Iai 1 76 16 16 13 15 16 ADMIS
194 ASAVETEI G. Andreea Iai 2 70 10 15 13 15 17 ADMIS
195 ASIMINEI M. Neculai Bucureti 1 32 10 4 5 8 5 RESPINS
196 ASLAN C. Constantin-Radu Botoani 1 44 8 9 3 12 12 RESPINS
197 ASTEFANESEI P. Diana-Ionela Bucureti 2 51 13 7 9 13 9 RESPINS
198 ATEFNESEI D. Gheorghi Iai 2 36 2 5 10 8 11 RESPINS
199 ATELEAN I. Florina-Daniela Mure 3 46 7 7 9 12 11 RESPINS
200 ATEFNOAIE C. Claudiu-Mirel Dolj 2 52 12 6 9 14 11 RESPINS
201 ATANASIU M. Doru-Bogdan Bucureti 1 60 10 10 10 15 15 RESPINS
202 ATINGE V. Mihaela-Aida Mehedini 1 38 8 5 6 11 8 RESPINS
203 ATOMEI M. Lcrmioara-Crina Iai 1 26 5 1 8 7 5 RESPINS
204 ATUDOREI V. Alina-Andreea Iai 2 74 17 13 11 17 16 ADMIS
205 AURSEI I. Sergiu-Andrei Bucureti 3 30 4 6 8 8 4 RESPINS
206 AVASILIENE M. Andreea-Maria Timi 1 66 14 13 11 14 14 RESPINS
207 AVRAM A. Liana Bucureti 1 23 4 3 2 9 5 RESPINS
208 AVRAM A. Rzvan Constana 1 21 4 4 4 5 4 RESPINS
209 AVRAM D. Alexandra-Teodora Bucureti 2 35 8 4 4 12 7 RESPINS
210 AVRAM D. Iulia-Georgiana Constana 3 27 4 4 5 7 7 RESPINS
211 AVRAM I. Alexandra Bucureti 2 34 8 4 7 10 5 RESPINS
212 AVRAM I. Dorin Bucureti 3 51 9 11 4 14 13 RESPINS
213 AVRAM I. Iuliu Cluj 1 24 4 3 4 7 6 RESPINS
214 AVRAM I. Mihai-Daniel Bucureti 1 38 7 5 7 10 9 RESPINS
215 AVRAMESCU A. Nicoleta Bucureti 1 26 2 5 6 9 4 RESPINS
216 AVRAM-NACU D. Alexandra-
Timi 2 46 10 4 7 12 13 RESPINS
217 AXENTA I. Mircea Maramure 3 69 15 12 11 15 16 RESPINS
218 AXENTE O. Alina-Cristina Bucureti 2 41 10 12 11 8 0 RESPINS
219 AXINTE C. Andreea-Geanina Bucureti 2 31 7 2 6 9 7 RESPINS
220 AXINTE E. Victor-Ion Iai 1 81 18 17 13 17 16 ADMIS
221 AXINTE S. Andrei-Roland Botoani 2 69 13 16 10 16 14 RESPINS
222 AZGUR D. Raul Timi 1 30 7 3 6 8 6 RESPINS
223 AZOITEI F. Roxana-Madalina Bucureti 1 59 12 8 8 15 16 RESPINS
224 BABENCO B. Drago Iai 1 62 11 12 14 12 13 RESPINS
225 BABENCO B. Sorin Iai 2 69 14 13 13 14 15 RESPINS
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Nr. crt Nume i prenume candidat BAROUL Nr. grila Punctaj OEPA
Tabel cu rezultatele obinute de candidaii la examenul de primire n profesia de
avocat ca avocat STAGIAR - 15 septembrie 2014
DC DPC DP DPP Rezultat
226 BABOI M. Marius-Cristian Dolj 2 45 8 9 10 10 8 RESPINS
227 BABOR D. Andra-Carmen-
Iai 3 39 8 8 6 11 6 RESPINS
228 BACIU D. Iulian Bucureti 4 56 11 10 7 13 15 RESPINS
229 BACIU G. Alexandra-Ioana Bucureti 2 63 12 12 12 13 14 RESPINS
230 BACIU N. Ruxandra Bucureti 3 27 5 6 4 6 6 RESPINS
231 BACIU V. Catalina Bucureti 1 28 5 3 6 9 5 RESPINS
232 BACSO A. Ildiko-Szidonia Cluj 4 41 8 6 1 14 12 RESPINS
233 BACUSC P. Diana Iai 4 32 10 5 4 7 6 RESPINS
234 BADARAU A. Adina-Adriana Bucureti 3 50 10 11 7 10 12 RESPINS
235 BADEA F. Dumitru-Cristian Constana 1 69 14 11 13 14 17 RESPINS
Arge 1 44 15 2 9 13 5 RESPINS
237 BADEA G. Marius-Lucian Dolj 2 70 17 8 14 16 15 RESPINS
238 BADEA G. Petrica Bucureti 3 26 8 2 4 7 5 RESPINS
239 BADEA I (ION). Ana-Maria Bucureti 2 37 9 7 5 9 7 RESPINS
240 BADEA M. Mihaela Olt 3 22 5 4 4 6 3 RESPINS
241 BADEA N. George-Vlad Bucureti 1 48 9 9 6 14 10 RESPINS
242 BADESCU A. Daniel Mehedini 4 20 3 4 3 8 2 RESPINS
243 BADESCU S. Cristian Timi 2 61 12 13 9 12 15 RESPINS
Bucureti 4 34 5 7 5 12 5 RESPINS
245 BADIU G. George-Andrei Cluj 3 58 10 12 8 17 11 RESPINS
246 BADUCU C. Felicia Bucureti 3 42 8 11 6 9 8 RESPINS
247 BADULESCU C. Carmen-Ionela Bucureti 3 56 15 7 6 12 16 RESPINS
248 BAESU I. Mihai Bucureti 2 77 15 17 11 16 18 ADMIS
249 BAGHIU D. Bianca-Andreea Bucureti 4 58 11 10 9 13 15 RESPINS
250 BAISAN T. Raluca-Elena Bacu 3 37 4 9 7 12 5 RESPINS
251 BAJANARU S. Adriana-Ramona Bucureti 2 66 13 9 12 15 17 RESPINS
252 BAJDU T. Taner Constana 1 16 4 3 6 2 1 RESPINS
253 BAJENARU F. Laura-Mihaela Bucureti 4 22 6 5 4 5 2 RESPINS
254 BAKHAYA A. Irina-Mihaela Bucureti 1 29 2 7 6 8 6 RESPINS
255 BAKK A. Liza-Annamaria Cluj 4 60 13 12 9 12 14 RESPINS
256 BAKO L. Lilla Bihor 1 47 9 9 8 10 11 RESPINS
257 BALABAN M. Romina-Gabriela Bucureti 3 59 14 9 12 13 11 RESPINS
258 BALABAN T. Radu Bucureti 3 21 3 3 5 6 4 RESPINS
259 BALACI P. Alexandra-Maria Mehedini 3 54 14 11 7 12 10 RESPINS
260 BALAJ D. Florina Bihor 3 43 7 4 11 14 7 RESPINS
261 BALAN F. Liliana Bucureti 2 38 9 3 5 13 8 RESPINS
262 BALAN G. Marius-Iulian Prahova 4 32 10 3 9 8 2 RESPINS
263 BALAN M. Mihai-tefnel Iai 4 21 7 1 3 7 3 RESPINS
264 BALAN N. Flavius-Mihai Timi 4 75 13 15 15 16 16 ADMIS
265 BALAN N. Ioana Bucureti 2 49 9 8 9 11 12 RESPINS
266 BALANESCU A. Alexandru Bucureti 3 49 11 4 9 12 13 RESPINS
267 BALANOIU M. Roxana-Maria Bucureti 3 29 7 5 5 7 5 RESPINS
268 BALANUTA G. Viorica Bucureti 2 68 13 12 11 14 18 RESPINS
269 BALASA I. Laurentiu Bucureti 2 58 12 16 5 14 11 RESPINS
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Nr. crt Nume i prenume candidat BAROUL Nr. grila Punctaj OEPA
Tabel cu rezultatele obinute de candidaii la examenul de primire n profesia de
avocat ca avocat STAGIAR - 15 septembrie 2014
DC DPC DP DPP Rezultat
270 BALASESCU I. Georgiana-
Bucureti 1 30 7 7 6 6 4 RESPINS
271 BALAZS A. Szilard Slaj 3 73 10 15 11 18 19 ADMIS
272 BALDOVIN M. Nicoleta Bucureti 1 29 9 4 3 11 2 RESPINS
273 BALINT G. Adriana-Anca Cluj 4 46 12 8 8 10 8 RESPINS
274 BALINT N. Lucian Bacu 3 54 16 6 9 14 9 RESPINS
275 BALMO T. Teodora Maramure 3 78 15 16 15 15 17 ADMIS
276 BALOG . Kinga Harghita 1 28 8 3 4 7 6 RESPINS
277 BALOGH A. Ana-Andreea Cluj 1 21 4 3 3 9 2 RESPINS
278 BALOGH Z. Levente Slaj 2 61 13 13 9 12 14 RESPINS
279 BALTA M. Alexandru-Liviu Galai 2 27 5 2 7 10 3 RESPINS
280 BALTAG G. Raluca-Georgiana Iai 4 56 10 12 10 14 10 RESPINS
281 BALTAG N. Alexandru Bucureti 2 40 6 4 9 9 12 RESPINS
282 BALT V. Cristina-Adriana Bucureti 2 52 9 9 8 14 12 RESPINS
283 BALTES D. Cristina-Roxana Bucureti 3 22 3 3 3 9 4 RESPINS
284 BALUNA M. Anca-Mihaela Bucureti 4 62 11 13 7 14 17 RESPINS
285 BAN C. Angela-Mirela Timi 4 22 4 6 4 8 0 RESPINS
286 BANARIU P. Mariana-Filofteia Bucureti 4 39 9 5 8 10 7 RESPINS
287 BANCILA V. Alin-Laureniu Bucureti 1 58 13 9 6 16 14 RESPINS
288 BANEOTI I. Tania Constana 4 27 4 6 3 7 7 RESPINS
289 BNESCU G. Ionut-George Prahova 2 40 9 10 7 7 7 RESPINS
290 BANGU M. Mdlina-Andreea Bucureti 1 62 12 13 9 13 15 RESPINS
291 BAN-PAPIA A. Oana-Alexandra Cluj 1 30 3 8 7 9 3 RESPINS
292 BANTA M. Andreea-Larisa Arad 3 63 15 11 12 14 11 RESPINS
293 BANTEA I. Raluca Bucureti 1 31 9 6 5 5 6 RESPINS
294 BANU V. Mona-Daniela Bucureti 4 60 16 12 8 12 12 RESPINS
295 BARA C. Ana-Melinda Bucureti 4 82 9 18 18 17 20 RESPINS
296 BARABAS J. Edit-Otilia Braov 3 39 10 6 7 8 8 RESPINS
297 BARAC D. Rares-Constantin Bucureti 2 36 3 6 10 11 6 RESPINS
298 BARALA O. Paula-Mihaela Neam 3 28 6 5 6 9 2 RESPINS
299 BARASTEAN P. Ionela-Mihaela Hunedoara 4 67 15 12 11 12 17 RESPINS
300 BARBIERU I. Ionel Bucureti 2 74 13 17 13 14 17 ADMIS
301 BARBU C. Catalina Bucureti 4 26 8 1 4 9 4 RESPINS
302 BARBU G. Sandra-Theodora Bucureti 4 31 7 5 5 11 3 RESPINS
303 BARBU I. Mariana Bucureti 1 56 7 10 10 16 13 RESPINS
304 BARBU I. Niculina-Danusia Galai 3 72 14 13 11 17 17 ADMIS
305 BARBU N. Diana-Georgiana Prahova 4 15 3 2 1 9 0 RESPINS
306 BARBU S. Ioana Bucureti 4 62 14 10 10 15 13 RESPINS
307 BARBU T. Larisa-Mihaela Ilfov 3 30 9 4 6 7 4 RESPINS
308 BARBU V. Laura-Alexandra Bucureti 2 49 11 6 5 15 12 RESPINS
309 BARBU Z. Rzvan-Ionu Braov 1 20 3 5 5 7 0 RESPINS
310 BARBULESCU C. Andrada-
Mehedini 4 50 12 11 8 11 8 RESPINS
311 BARBUTA I. Elena-Daniela Bacu 4 58 12 9 13 12 12 RESPINS
312 BARDAN G. Georgiana Suceava 3 49 9 11 6 12 11 RESPINS
313 BARDAS I. Alin-Daniel Brila 4 36 6 8 5 10 7 RESPINS
314 BARLA S. Norbert Bihor 3 51 9 8 5 16 13 RESPINS
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Tabel cu rezultatele obinute de candidaii la examenul de primire n profesia de
avocat ca avocat STAGIAR - 15 septembrie 2014
DC DPC DP DPP Rezultat
315 BAROIAN C. Stefania-Larisa Bucureti 4 19 7 1 5 4 2 RESPINS
316 BARON C. Iulia-Magdalena Bucureti 3 48 14 6 5 13 10 RESPINS
317 BRSAN C. Andrei-Dan Vrancea 3 66 11 10 11 18 16 RESPINS
318 BARTA C. Daniela Timi 1 28 3 3 6 9 7 RESPINS
319 BARTALIS . Beta Harghita 2 62 15 12 9 13 13 RESPINS
320 BARTHA A. Timea Cluj 2 54 12 9 10 12 11 RESPINS
321 BARTHA F. Leila Cluj 1 72 17 11 13 13 18 ADMIS
322 BARTHA I. Carmen-Denisa Cluj 2 69 16 12 11 16 14 RESPINS
323 BARTOK S. gnes Cluj 1 72 15 13 11 17 16 ADMIS
324 BARTOS G. Ioan-Alexandru Suceava 4 28 4 5 5 7 7 RESPINS
325 BARTUS A. Alexandru Cluj 3 36 5 8 8 6 9 RESPINS
326 BASMA V. Sabina-Elena Bucureti 3 60 12 12 10 11 15 RESPINS
327 BATALI A. Luminita-Adriana Bucureti 1 48 12 12 5 8 11 RESPINS
328 BATE N. Nicolae-Bogdan Timi 2 67 13 15 11 14 14 RESPINS
329 BATRINU A. Catalin-Alexandru Bucureti 2 44 12 9 9 7 7 RESPINS
330 BRL I. Roxana Iai 3 62 12 10 12 16 12 RESPINS
331 BRSAN V. Elena-Roxana Iai 2 64 12 15 8 16 13 RESPINS
332 BRZ M. Mihaela-Maria Alba 4 57 10 11 11 12 13 RESPINS
333 BTFOI O. Denisa-Paula Ilfov 3 49 14 7 7 11 10 RESPINS
334 BCUANU D. Eugen-Andrei Iai 1 60 15 10 7 15 13 RESPINS
335 BCEU M. Cristina Sibiu 3 34 6 6 4 12 6 RESPINS
336 BDESCU D. Bogdan Bucureti 1 60 14 11 6 16 13 RESPINS
337 BDOI A. Amelia-Mihaela Constana 4 28 4 3 5 9 7 RESPINS
338 BDOI D. Livia-Cristina Bucureti 4 56 8 11 9 13 15 RESPINS
339 BDOIU A. Irina-Mdlina Bucureti 3 64 11 11 11 15 16 RESPINS
340 BEU I. Elena-Ecaterina Bucureti 1 72 14 15 13 14 16 ADMIS
341 BHNREANU C. Marinela Iai 2 35 12 7 4 6 6 RESPINS
342 BICOIANU N. Andrei-Eugen Ilfov 1 63 10 11 10 18 14 RESPINS
343 BICOIANU N. Mihai-Iulian Bucureti 2 63 13 9 9 15 17 RESPINS
344 BICULESCU N. tefan-Ctlin Bucureti 1 76 14 16 14 13 19 ADMIS
345 BILETEANU J. Marijeana Dolj 3 30 4 6 6 9 5 RESPINS
346 BINAN G. Ramona-Maria Bihor 1 65 16 15 8 15 11 RESPINS
347 BIAN I. Ancua-Ionela Bucureti 4 71 16 10 13 15 17 ADMIS
348 BJENARU A. Andreea-Carmen Dolj 4 39 6 8 5 12 8 RESPINS
349 BLAN C. Marin-Alin Olt 1 33 9 10 4 9 1 RESPINS
350 BLAN I. Oana-Camelia Bucureti 4 48 11 9 10 9 9 RESPINS
351 BLAN M. Marinela-Cristina Bucureti 1 51 12 11 8 11 9 RESPINS
352 BLNEL J. Ioana-Andreea Sibiu 4 36 6 5 5 11 9 RESPINS
353 BLNUC C. Ioan-Marius Bucureti 1 60 14 7 8 16 15 RESPINS
354 BLEANU I. Mihaela Gorj 2 27 9 2 3 6 7 RESPINS
355 BLOI V. Florentina-Cristina Sibiu 4 16 4 2 5 4 1 RESPINS
356 BLU G. Darius-Daniel Mehedini 1 71 13 15 11 16 16 ADMIS
357 BNCIL R. Marius-Alexandru Bacu 1 76 17 16 10 15 18 ADMIS
358 BNICA A. Ion Ilfov 3 37 12 7 3 8 7 RESPINS
359 BNIC V. Georgiana-Elena Bucureti 1 66 12 13 9 13 19 RESPINS
360 BRSCU N. Ema Constana 1 65 14 11 11 16 13 RESPINS
361 BRBAT V. Vlad-Vasile Alba 3 48 12 7 8 10 11 RESPINS
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Tabel cu rezultatele obinute de candidaii la examenul de primire n profesia de
avocat ca avocat STAGIAR - 15 septembrie 2014
DC DPC DP DPP Rezultat
362 BRBOSU M. Lavinia-Flori Dolj 2 31 6 5 6 7 7 RESPINS
363 BRBUCEANU S. Cristina-Elena Dolj 1 73 15 13 12 16 17 ADMIS
364 BRDA N. Nicolae-Liviu Braov 1 29 5 3 10 5 6 RESPINS
365 BECA S. Simina Timi 2 65 7 15 14 13 16 RESPINS
366 BECALI G. Toma-Cornel Bucureti 2 49 10 10 8 11 10 RESPINS
367 BECHEANU M. Simona Dolj 2 29 7 5 6 7 4 RESPINS
368 BECHERU C. Oana-Alina Bucureti 3 35 11 4 6 10 4 RESPINS
369 BECHERU D. Adina Bucureti 1 65 15 14 8 15 13 RESPINS
370 BECU I. Ludmila Bucureti 3 59 14 7 10 13 15 RESPINS
371 BEJAN C. Simona Galai 4 62 11 9 10 18 14 RESPINS
372 BEJAN I. Mirela Botoani 2 37 9 7 7 9 5 RESPINS
373 BEJAN V. Victor Iai 1 29 7 5 5 10 2 RESPINS
374 BEJINARIU G. Mariana-Mihaela Botoani 2 26 8 4 5 6 3 RESPINS
375 BEJINARIU M. Marius-Costin Bucureti 1 60 13 9 12 14 12 RESPINS
376 BELCHIM G. Andrei-Octavian Bucureti 2 58 11 9 7 16 15 RESPINS
377 BELDIMAN I. Elena-Gabriela Ilfov 1 45 12 8 6 10 9 RESPINS
378 BELDIMAN M. Paraschiva-Crina Iai 1 13 7 0 3 3 0 RESPINS
379 BELEMEI . tefana-
Constana 2 69 15 11 12 14 17 RESPINS
380 BELENAN D. Dragan Timi 1 28 6 3 6 8 5 RESPINS
381 BELEU O. Rzvan Bacu 2 78 17 16 11 17 17 ADMIS
382 BELU G. Aura-Mariana Bucureti 1 41 8 6 7 11 9 RESPINS
383 BELU N. Laura-Cristina Bucureti 2 43 8 9 10 8 8 RESPINS
384 BENEA I. Andrei-Liviu Cluj 4 28 3 3 6 10 6 RESPINS
385 BENEDEK N. Vanessa-
Bucureti 3 57 11 11 9 14 12 RESPINS
386 BENGA S. Drago-Laureniu Braov 2 75 17 14 10 16 18 ADMIS
387 BENIOG C. tefan Vlcea 3 40 10 7 5 10 8 RESPINS
388 BERARIU C. tefan Iai 1 59 15 9 10 14 11 RESPINS
389 BERBEC M. Laurentiu-Ovidiu Buzu 3 35 11 5 3 8 8 RESPINS
390 BERBECE D. Oana-Maria Bucureti 4 56 11 12 6 15 12 RESPINS
391 BERBECE P. Diana-Petronela Bucureti 3 58 9 13 7 15 14 RESPINS
392 BERESCU D. Larisa-Diana Bucureti 4 41 8 9 6 7 11 RESPINS
393 BERESCU I. Iordan Neam 2 44 6 7 7 12 12 RESPINS
394 BERNAZ D. Ion-Tudor Arad 2 35 7 7 5 10 6 RESPINS
Harghita 4 69 15 13 13 13 15 RESPINS
396 BELEAG V. Doru-Andrei Hunedoara 1 72 17 13 10 17 15 ADMIS
397 BZI G. George-Dorin Bihor 3 28 7 3 1 8 9 RESPINS
398 BICA F. Vlad-Stefan Bucureti 4 59 12 10 11 15 11 RESPINS
399 BICHIS C. Vlad-Mihail Bucureti 1 45 10 10 4 14 7 RESPINS
400 BICHI I. Octavian Iai 1 73 12 14 14 17 16 ADMIS
401 BICSKEI A. Hedwig Cluj 3 47 8 11 12 10 6 RESPINS
402 BILAVU D. Mirela-Constanta Gorj 4 25 3 5 6 7 4 RESPINS
403 BILICI I. Maria Cluj 4 61 14 8 15 12 12 RESPINS
404 BINDER A. Ingrid-Cristina Satu Mare 4 65 14 14 9 12 16 RESPINS
405 BIOLAN A. Steliana-Loredana Bucureti 2 42 11 6 6 10 9 RESPINS
406 BIRA V. Andreea-Diana Bucureti 1 63 11 11 10 16 15 RESPINS
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Tabel cu rezultatele obinute de candidaii la examenul de primire n profesia de
avocat ca avocat STAGIAR - 15 septembrie 2014
DC DPC DP DPP Rezultat
407 BIRE V. Alina Bucureti 2 59 11 10 13 13 12 RESPINS
408 BIRIS I. Andreea-Iulia Bucureti 1 36 7 5 5 10 9 RESPINS
409 BIRZAN E. Emi-Catalina Bucureti 2 39 7 3 7 11 11 RESPINS
410 BITA M. Rodica-Irina Bucureti 3 65 14 11 12 14 14 RESPINS
411 BI G. Constantin-Bogdan Bucureti 4 41 10 4 8 9 10 RESPINS
412 BIEANU N. Marius-Cristinel Brila 2 62 11 13 10 15 13 RESPINS
413 BIVOLAN G. Gigi-Andrei Dolj 3 60 10 12 9 16 13 RESPINS
414 BIVOLARU I. Ioana Timi 4 57 9 10 9 14 15 RESPINS
415 BIVOLARU V. Raluca-Georgiana Dolj 4 50 12 12 3 14 9 RESPINS
416 BIZIM D. Elena Iai 4 51 12 6 8 16 9 RESPINS
417 BCA M. Eugenia-Cornelia Bucureti 3 58 13 9 9 13 14 RESPINS
418 BLB V. Lavinia-Ioana Braov 1 40 10 5 9 11 5 RESPINS
419 BRL I. Maria-Liliana Braov 2 54 13 9 6 16 10 RESPINS
420 BRLEANU C. Geanina Iai 3 32 9 6 5 9 3 RESPINS
421 BRLEANU D. Teodora-Denisa Bucureti 4 43 12 3 6 13 9 RESPINS
422 BRSANU G. Snziana-Elena Bucureti 3 72 16 14 10 15 17 ADMIS
423 BSC N. Elena-Adriana Bucureti 4 60 12 15 5 14 14 RESPINS
424 BLAJ I. Lenuta-Carmen Timi 3 80 18 16 13 17 16 ADMIS
425 BLAJ L. Sonia-Bianca Cluj 3 63 14 10 9 17 13 RESPINS
426 BLAJAN N. Andreea Timi 3 14 2 2 4 4 2 RESPINS
427 BLANARI I. Natalia Bucureti 1 62 9 12 12 14 15 RESPINS
428 BLANARU T. Iuliana Bacu 4 30 6 6 4 10 4 RESPINS
429 BLGNICEANU L. Laurian-
Dolj 4 39 10 6 5 15 3 RESPINS
430 BLJAN O. Petru Timi 1 54 10 9 10 12 13 RESPINS
431 BLEBEA M. Bianca-Cristiana Prahova 3 32 8 6 5 10 3 RESPINS
432 BLEDEA G. Gheorghe-Daniel Bucureti 2 66 15 10 13 16 12 RESPINS
433 BLEJAN D. Ioana-Alina Dolj 1 55 8 11 11 13 12 RESPINS
434 BLEOTU G. Robert-Mihai Dolj 2 33 7 3 8 9 6 RESPINS
435 BLIDAR C. Cristian-Rare Timi 2 63 14 11 9 12 17 RESPINS
436 BLIDAR I. Andreea Cluj 1 52 8 12 8 14 10 RESPINS
437 BLOJU N. Gabriel Arge 1 39 7 9 8 8 7 RESPINS
438 BOAC F. Andrei Bucureti 1 59 12 12 10 14 11 RESPINS
439 BOAJE G. Gina Bucureti 2 44 14 11 5 11 3 RESPINS
440 BOARNA D. Cristina-Steluta Bucureti 1 48 12 10 6 12 8 RESPINS
441 BOBRNAC G. Liviu-Florin Braov 4 22 4 2 4 9 3 RESPINS
442 BOBOC I. Bogdan Dolj 2 60 10 13 10 14 13 RESPINS
443 BOBOC V. Alexandru Bucureti 2 49 14 7 5 12 11 RESPINS
444 BOBOCEA L. Andreea-Ramona Bucureti 3 35 6 5 8 10 6 RESPINS
445 BOC O. Ovidiu-Robert Bucureti 4 25 4 6 8 6 1 RESPINS
446 BOC T. Mihaela-Eugenia Cluj 2 65 14 14 8 14 15 RESPINS
447 BOCA G. Ioan Bucureti 3 60 11 8 9 18 14 RESPINS
448 BOCA T. Elena Galai 3 28 6 2 2 7 11 RESPINS
449 BOCANCEA M. Alexandru-
Timi 1 18 3 3 3 6 3 RESPINS
450 BOCANCEA M. Ioana-Bogdana Timi 2 34 10 6 6 10 2 RESPINS
451 BOCEANU V. Claudia-Andreea Bucureti 4 65 7 12 16 16 14 RESPINS
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Tabel cu rezultatele obinute de candidaii la examenul de primire n profesia de
avocat ca avocat STAGIAR - 15 septembrie 2014
DC DPC DP DPP Rezultat
452 BOCHI G. Angela Cluj 1 71 12 14 13 15 17 ADMIS
453 BOCHI I. Octavian-Ionu Cluj 2 65 13 7 9 16 20 RESPINS
454 BODESCU C. Andrei Bucureti 3 48 9 7 9 14 9 RESPINS
455 BODNAR G. Adina Bucureti 4 61 11 13 11 12 14 RESPINS
456 BODOGAI I. Ionu Bihor 1 27 5 4 5 8 5 RESPINS
457 BODOGAN C. Anamaria Bucureti 1 43 7 7 7 8 14 RESPINS
458 BOERIU L. Ioan-Liviu Bucureti 2 25 4 5 5 7 4 RESPINS
459 BOGEANU R. Claudia-
Constana 1 22 1 4 7 8 2 RESPINS
460 BOGDAN E. Aitana-Dalina Dolj 1 50 8 11 7 13 11 RESPINS
461 BOGDAN G. Eugen-Daniel Bihor 2 51 11 8 9 14 9 RESPINS
462 BOGDAN P. Valentina Bucureti 2 50 10 7 6 15 12 RESPINS
463 BOGDAN V. Irina-Gabriela Dolj 2 31 6 5 5 10 5 RESPINS
464 BOGDAN-VLAICU V. Alexandra Bucureti 1 34 4 6 12 7 5 RESPINS
465 BOGHEAN V. Alexandru Bucureti 2 42 4 13 7 13 5 RESPINS
466 BOGHEANU N. Ruxandra Bucureti 3 23 4 3 6 6 4 RESPINS
467 BOGHEZ G. Andreea Bucureti 4 49 11 11 5 10 12 RESPINS
468 BOGHIAN V. Vasile Botoani 4 36 10 8 4 9 5 RESPINS
469 BOGLEA I. Bianca-Ioana Cluj 1 55 9 11 9 14 12 RESPINS
470 BOGLEA V. Virgil-Bogdan Timi 3 73 14 17 9 15 18 RESPINS
471 BOGOIU A. Narcis-Teodor Dolj 3 80 14 17 15 17 17 ADMIS
472 BOGREA M. Stefan Bucureti 3 83 18 18 13 16 18 ADMIS
473 BOGZA C. Teodora Bucureti 4 72 10 16 13 15 18 ADMIS
474 BOIAN V. Andrei Bucureti 3 75 14 18 11 15 17 ADMIS
475 BOIANGIU A. Oana-Elena Timi 4 63 13 11 12 12 15 RESPINS
476 BOIANGIU D. Roxana-Graiela Bucureti 4 74 12 16 14 15 17 ADMIS
477 BOICIUC I. Alexandra-Elisabeta Bucureti 1 76 15 16 11 15 19 ADMIS
478 BOICIUC I. Ana-Liuba Maramure 2 40 7 6 4 12 11 RESPINS
479 BOITOR V. Narcisa-Monica Satu Mare 3 37 10 5 5 10 7 RESPINS
480 BOJINCA I. Andreea-Alina Bucureti 2 63 13 11 12 13 14 RESPINS
481 BOKOR I. Rka Harghita 1 44 10 10 6 12 6 RESPINS
482 BOLDEA C. Anca-Raluca Bucureti 1 61 15 11 9 12 14 RESPINS
483 BOLGAR A. Anabela-Ioana Cluj 1 52 13 10 10 10 9 RESPINS
484 BOLOGA T. Diana-Alexandra Mure 2 29 9 5 4 8 3 RESPINS
485 BONA I. Ileana Timi 3 35 8 5 5 10 7 RESPINS
486 BONA N. Narcisa-Anamaria Timi 4 45 10 5 4 14 12 RESPINS
487 BONDOR P. Tiberiu-Bogdan Cluj 3 60 12 11 9 17 11 RESPINS
488 BONTAS I. Teodor-Adrian Bucureti 2 33 11 2 6 11 3 RESPINS
489 BORAN I. Bianca-Sinesta Timi 1 38 10 7 8 12 1 RESPINS
490 BORBEI D. Dan-Ciprian Timi 2 52 8 13 7 16 8 RESPINS
491 BORBELY P. Claudia-Ionela Mehedini 4 26 8 4 5 6 3 RESPINS
492 BORCA G. Alina-Corina Hunedoara 1 43 11 6 5 10 11 RESPINS
493 BORCA N. Lavinia Timi 2 68 14 13 10 14 17 RESPINS
494 BORDEIANU C. Alina-Cristina Iai 3 54 12 8 7 13 14 RESPINS
495 BORDEIANU C. Alina-Petronela Iai 2 41 5 10 9 7 10 RESPINS
496 BORGOVAN C. Andreia-
Bucureti 1 34 7 2 4 12 9 RESPINS
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Tabel cu rezultatele obinute de candidaii la examenul de primire n profesia de
avocat ca avocat STAGIAR - 15 septembrie 2014
DC DPC DP DPP Rezultat
497 BORLETEAN G. Sebastian-
Satu Mare 1 29 11 2 3 9 4 RESPINS
498 BOROS S. Florina-Simona Bucureti 2 76 16 15 11 14 20 ADMIS
499 BORO D. Diana-Iulia Arad 2 40 9 9 8 11 3 RESPINS
500 BORS N. Roxana Galai 1 58 13 9 6 15 15 RESPINS
501 BOR I. Ana-Brndua Neam 1 78 16 16 11 15 20 ADMIS
502 BOR P. Carmen-Naomi Sibiu 2 37 9 7 6 9 6 RESPINS
503 BOR P. Mihaela-Gabriela Iai 2 39 9 5 7 8 10 RESPINS
504 BORTA E. Marius-Valentin Bucureti 3 67 13 12 14 16 12 RESPINS
505 BORTA-IACOB E. Livia-Nicoleta Bihor 3 76 14 17 11 17 17 ADMIS
506 BORAN H. Horia-Andrei Bucureti 4 37 6 6 6 11 8 RESPINS
507 BORUGA S. Sorina-Mihaela Timi 4 56 12 9 9 12 14 RESPINS
508 BORUZ F. Georgiana-Mihaela Dolj 3 25 3 4 7 8 3 RESPINS
509 BORZA M. Cristina-Angela Arad 3 52 12 10 6 13 11 RESPINS
510 BOSNCEANU I. Drago-Ionu Bucureti 3 63 13 11 11 14 14 RESPINS
511 BOSOI I. Adina-Daniela Vaslui 1 40 10 5 5 12 8 RESPINS
512 BOSTINA I. Lavinia-Catalina Galai 2 53 14 7 10 13 9 RESPINS
513 BOTIN D. Andrei Ilfov 4 39 8 4 7 9 11 RESPINS
514 BOTA G. Ioan-Alexandru Bucureti 3 59 13 9 8 14 15 RESPINS
515 BOTA V. Oana-Letiia Mure 3 49 12 10 8 8 11 RESPINS
516 BOTA M. Alexandra-Ioana Cluj 4 42 8 7 7 8 12 RESPINS
517 BOTEA V. Alexandru-Robert Bucureti 4 45 7 6 5 12 15 RESPINS
518 BOTESCU I. Ana-Maria Bucureti 1 29 6 5 5 7 6 RESPINS
519 BOTEZ L. Tiberiu Constana 2 59 10 8 7 16 18 RESPINS
520 BOTEZATU C. Cocuta Bucureti 1 29 5 5 6 9 4 RESPINS
521 BOTEZATU F. Gabriela Bucureti 2 54 15 9 8 15 7 RESPINS
522 BOTGROS D. Georgiana-Diana Bucureti 1 31 8 5 5 7 6 RESPINS
523 BOTICIU N. Sonia-Ruxandra Olt 4 32 7 5 4 11 5 RESPINS
524 BOTNARU O. Alexandrina Cluj 3 48 7 8 11 12 10 RESPINS
525 BOTNRENCO M. Costin Bucureti 2 59 14 7 9 14 15 RESPINS
526 BOTOS V. Flavia Bucureti 3 54 9 10 12 12 11 RESPINS
527 BOTO F. Raul Timi 4 42 4 7 9 12 10 RESPINS
528 BOTUSAN C. Lavinia-Roxana Suceava 4 41 6 6 7 13 9 RESPINS
529 BOOCAN S. Mihnea-Cristian Ilfov 4 57 13 11 7 12 14 RESPINS
530 BOOROGA G. Ioan-Antonius Iai 3 74 17 15 9 17 16 RESPINS
531 BOULESCU N. Darie-Petru Braov 4 64 11 13 10 14 16 RESPINS
532 BOUMAN A. Johan Bucureti 3 68 15 14 12 13 14 RESPINS
533 BOZA I. Bogdan-Alexandru Bucureti 4 46 11 8 5 12 10 RESPINS
534 BOZIAN V. Ionu-Lucian Bucureti 3 53 12 9 8 11 13 RESPINS
535 BOZSOKI C. Noemi Cluj 4 46 7 12 9 12 6 RESPINS
536 BRAD G. Alexandru Timi 3 55 11 12 11 11 10 RESPINS
537 BRAD N. Cristina Bucureti 4 65 14 11 8 14 18 RESPINS
538 BRAGA V. Elena Bucureti 1 51 11 9 8 13 10 RESPINS
539 BRAN I. Alexandra-Lacramioara Bucureti 2 19 5 1 4 6 3 RESPINS
540 BRAN I. Alin Braov 1 31 7 6 3 11 4 RESPINS
541 BRANITE G. Gabriel Dolj 3 46 9 7 10 13 7 RESPINS
542 BRANZARU P. Catalin-Marian Bucureti 1 35 11 4 5 8 7 RESPINS
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Tabel cu rezultatele obinute de candidaii la examenul de primire n profesia de
avocat ca avocat STAGIAR - 15 septembrie 2014
DC DPC DP DPP Rezultat
543 BRANZEA G. Elena Bucureti 2 28 3 4 6 9 6 RESPINS
544 BRASOVEANU C. Maria-
Mehedini 4 58 10 8 11 15 14 RESPINS
545 BRASOVEANU I. Iulia Bucureti 1 42 11 6 6 11 8 RESPINS
546 BRATESCU G. George Bucureti 2 27 6 5 6 6 4 RESPINS
547 BRATILA D. Ioana-Cristina Bucureti 1 51 9 5 11 13 13 RESPINS
548 BRATU F. Ionela-Florentina Bucureti 2 21 7 3 4 4 3 RESPINS
549 BRATU I. Liviu-Gheorghe Sibiu 2 26 5 4 5 8 4 RESPINS
550 BRATU M. Manuela-Andreea Bucureti 1 60 11 10 11 13 15 RESPINS
551 BRATULESCU O. Gheorghe-
Arge 1 28 7 5 5 7 4 RESPINS
552 BRATUT G. Mihaela-Denisa Arge 2 26 3 4 6 6 7 RESPINS
553 BRTESCU-MATE . Andreea Cluj 3 50 4 9 8 14 15 RESPINS
554 BRTIL D. Mircea-Rzvan Bucureti 2 75 16 15 10 14 20 ADMIS
555 BREBENEL M. Sebastian-
Braov 3 46 10 8 6 13 9 RESPINS
556 BREBENEL T. Emanuel-Stefan Dolj 1 41 10 5 6 11 9 RESPINS
557 BREJE L. Alexandru-Mihai Slaj 4 71 14 12 11 17 17 ADMIS
558 BRETIN T. George Braov 4 44 7 5 7 13 12 RESPINS
559 BRETOIU M. Bogdan-Mihai Hunedoara 4 30 5 6 3 11 5 RESPINS
560 BRINCEANU P. Alexandra Bucureti 1 55 12 8 8 13 14 RESPINS
561 BRNZ V. Vlad Bucureti 2 34 8 5 4 10 7 RESPINS
562 BRISC F. Horatiu-Adrian Bucureti 3 75 15 17 10 17 16 ADMIS
563 BRNDUAN M. Adrian Cluj 1 66 16 15 9 14 12 RESPINS
564 BRNZARU I. Loredana Cluj 2 60 14 11 7 12 16 RESPINS
565 BROASC V. Bogdan-Viorel Iai 4 75 18 12 11 17 17 ADMIS
566 BRUJ V. Paula-Cristina Cluj 1 51 10 11 6 14 10 RESPINS
567 BRUJA I. Vasile-Andrei Cluj 2 80 15 19 14 15 17 ADMIS
568 BRUJA . Maria-Snziana Braov 1 49 10 10 4 13 12 RESPINS
569 BUBUIUG A. Loredana-Mihaela Slaj 1 35 11 5 3 9 7 RESPINS
570 BUBURUZAN V. Adrian Suceava 1 28 4 7 6 8 3 RESPINS
571 BUCATA G. Daniela-Georgiana Bucureti 4 61 12 9 10 14 16 RESPINS
572 BUCATARIU M. Alina-Cristina Bucureti 3 56 12 12 6 12 14 RESPINS
573 BUCTARU V. Ionu-Claudiu Timi 1 70 13 16 13 16 12 ADMIS
574 BUCIUMAN I. Carmen-Victoria Braov 2 26 6 2 7 9 2 RESPINS
575 BUCULEI O. Adrian-Octavian Maramure 2 29 8 4 3 8 6 RESPINS
576 BUCUR A. Oana-Andreea Timi 2 38 7 8 8 11 4 RESPINS
577 BUCUR C. Bogdan Bucureti 4 34 7 4 4 8 11 RESPINS
578 BUCUR I. Anda-Ioana Arge 2 33 7 6 6 8 6 RESPINS
579 BUCUR V. Elena-Mihaela Prahova 3 40 6 9 5 11 9 RESPINS
580 BUCUR V. Nicoleta-Isabela Buzu 4 30 6 3 5 10 6 RESPINS
581 BUDA G. Alexandru-Bogdan Cluj 1 69 14 17 9 16 13 RESPINS
582 BUDACA I. Adrian-Nicolae Alba 3 29 8 3 9 7 2 RESPINS
583 BUDEANU T. Ana-Maria-
Bucureti 3 30 4 4 8 7 7 RESPINS
584 BUDILEANU T. Florentina Bucureti 4 26 3 5 6 10 2 RESPINS
585 BUDIN N. Nicolae Bucureti 1 40 14 7 6 8 5 RESPINS
586 BUDU C. Mariana Mehedini 1 21 6 5 2 4 4 RESPINS
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Tabel cu rezultatele obinute de candidaii la examenul de primire n profesia de
avocat ca avocat STAGIAR - 15 septembrie 2014
DC DPC DP DPP Rezultat
587 BUDU I. Cristina Bucureti 2 32 7 4 7 10 4 RESPINS
588 BUDULAN G. Radu-Mihai Maramure 4 52 14 9 9 10 10 RESPINS
589 BUDURCA T. Radu-Nicolae Bucureti 1 48 13 7 7 13 8 RESPINS
590 BUFAN R. Mihai Bucureti 2 43 10 9 7 9 8 RESPINS
591 BUFANU I. Ion Mehedini 2 43 10 7 8 10 8 RESPINS
592 BUGEAC E. Ana-Maria Bucureti 2 45 10 3 7 12 13 RESPINS
593 BUHACIUC D. Florentin Botoani 2 22 2 2 5 8 5 RESPINS
594 BUHULEA T. Anda-Elena Bucureti 3 16 2 1 6 4 3 RESPINS
595 BUIC I. Iuliana Vlcea 1 43 6 9 6 12 10 RESPINS
596 BUICU V. Maria-Mirela Dolj 2 60 10 11 12 16 11 RESPINS
597 BUJA M. Florin-Viorel Bucureti 4 56 9 9 12 15 11 RESPINS
598 BUJDUVEANU G. Stelian Bucureti 3 60 12 12 12 15 9 RESPINS
599 BULAI A. Alexandra-Mdlina Bucureti 4 62 12 14 8 13 15 RESPINS
600 BULAI A. Rare Arad 1 20 7 1 4 5 3 RESPINS
601 BULANCEA T. Monica-Adelina Bucureti 3 33 11 5 9 3 5 RESPINS
602 BULGARIU L. Andreea-Ioana Botoani 1 49 8 8 5 14 14 RESPINS
603 BULGARU L. Vladimir-Lucian Galai 1 53 13 9 8 13 10 RESPINS
604 BULIGA I. Crina-Andreia Bucureti 4 28 5 2 5 8 8 RESPINS
605 BULIGA I. Daniel-Dumitru Constana 1 30 4 6 4 10 6 RESPINS
606 BULIMAR T. Alina-Nicoleta Bucureti 2 59 12 13 11 12 11 RESPINS
607 BULMAGA I. Petrica Bucureti 1 36 9 7 4 12 4 RESPINS
608 BULUGEA C. Andrei-Aurelian Dolj 1 33 8 6 5 9 5 RESPINS
609 BUMB V. Cornelia-Costiana Timi 2 42 9 12 5 10 6 RESPINS
610 BUMBAC I. Cristian-Radu Bucureti 2 71 11 16 11 16 17 ADMIS
611 BUMBU G. Alex-Cristian Bucureti 1 69 14 11 11 14 19 RESPINS
612 BUMBU V. Alexandru-Horatiu Alba 3 34 5 7 4 11 7 RESPINS
613 BUNDUC C. Constantina-
Braov 4 55 12 9 8 13 13 RESPINS
614 BUNEA C. Cristian Bucureti 2 55 11 9 12 13 10 RESPINS
615 BUNEA N. Nicolae Sibiu 1 69 13 13 12 14 17 RESPINS
616 BUNESCU C. Maria Bucureti 3 57 12 9 7 17 12 RESPINS
617 BUNESCU D. Diana Vaslui 2 18 2 4 8 2 2 RESPINS
618 BUNESCU G. Drago Iai 1 20 6 1 3 7 3 RESPINS
619 BUNGRDEAN A. Teodora Vlcea 2 44 6 3 6 16 13 RESPINS
620 BUNIKA-RACZ Z. Beatrice Cluj 4 53 10 11 7 13 12 RESPINS
621 BUNU S. Mihai Timi 1 54 13 8 11 13 9 RESPINS
622 BURAN I. Cristina-Mariana Cluj 3 56 13 10 9 15 9 RESPINS
623 BURCA V. Beatrice-Bianca Bucureti 4 64 17 10 11 14 12 RESPINS
624 BURC D. Florentina-Valentina Bucureti 3 70 13 15 12 12 18 ADMIS
625 BURCEA P. Valentin-Robert Bucureti 4 47 10 8 9 10 10 RESPINS
626 BURCEA S. Eliza Dmbovia 3 29 5 3 6 9 6 RESPINS
627 BURCHIU G. Virgil-Gheorghe Arad 2 59 14 11 9 14 11 RESPINS
628 BURCU C. Robert Constana 4 60 14 13 9 15 9 RESPINS
629 BURDUJA . tefan-Marian Iai 2 42 10 7 4 13 8 RESPINS
630 BURETE M. Maria-Cristina Ilfov 1 40 7 10 5 12 6 RESPINS
631 BURGHELEA G. Oana-Codruta Galai 2 30 8 5 2 8 7 RESPINS
632 BURGHIU A. Aurelia Teleorman 1 32 8 8 4 8 4 RESPINS
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Tabel cu rezultatele obinute de candidaii la examenul de primire n profesia de
avocat ca avocat STAGIAR - 15 septembrie 2014
DC DPC DP DPP Rezultat
633 BURLACU V. Vasilica Bacu 3 42 17 5 4 10 6 RESPINS
634 BURLUI C. Alexandra-Andreea Bucureti 2 35 10 7 3 8 7 RESPINS
635 BURNARIU N. Ana-Maria Braov 2 49 7 10 9 11 12 RESPINS
636 BURNEI D. Alexandru-Laureniu Constana 1 27 5 4 3 10 5 RESPINS
637 BURSUC P. Anca-Slagiana Timi 3 35 9 7 5 13 1 RESPINS
638 BURTEA I. Cristina Bucureti 2 41 11 6 8 10 6 RESPINS
639 BURTEA P. Alin-Stefanita Prahova 2 28 9 8 5 4 2 RESPINS
640 BURTIC D. Adrian-Alin Bihor 4 58 11 10 11 16 10 RESPINS
641 BURUIAN I. Denis Bucureti 1 52 12 10 4 13 13 RESPINS
642 BURUIANA V. Andreea Vaslui 4 37 8 6 6 12 5 RESPINS
643 BURUIAN F. Adrian-Lucian Iai 3 31 6 3 8 10 4 RESPINS
644 BUSCA M. Alexandru-Adrian Bucureti 2 24 2 5 6 10 1 RESPINS
645 BUSUIOC G. Alina-Mihaela Bucureti 3 37 9 2 6 12 8 RESPINS
646 BUSURICU I. Luminita-Andreea Bucureti 4 78 16 16 10 17 19 ADMIS
647 BU V. Ana-Maria Cluj 4 57 11 12 8 13 13 RESPINS
648 BUE P. Doru-Constantin Vlcea 2 37 7 6 8 12 4 RESPINS
649 BUU D. Diana Constana 3 69 12 11 10 17 19 RESPINS
650 BUU D. Georgiana-Naciadis Constana 4 74 15 14 10 16 19 ADMIS
651 BUU S. Steliana Bucureti 3 52 15 5 5 15 12 RESPINS
652 BUTA A. Oana-Letiia Cluj 3 46 11 6 10 13 6 RESPINS
653 BU C. Simona-Teodora Timi 3 28 9 6 4 5 4 RESPINS
654 BUTA L. Gafia-Roxana Slaj 1 53 15 7 7 10 14 RESPINS
655 BUTA N. Mihaela Bucureti 4 55 14 8 11 12 10 RESPINS
656 BUTACU V. Roxana Iai 4 28 9 2 6 6 5 RESPINS
657 BUTARU I. Adrian-Cosmin Mehedini 3 47 7 8 7 13 12 RESPINS
658 BUTE A. George-Dan Cluj 2 32 5 7 5 10 5 RESPINS
659 BUTNARIU S. Mihaela Iai 3 29 7 6 3 7 6 RESPINS
660 BUTNRESCU A. Alexandru-
Bucureti 1 80 14 16 14 18 18 ADMIS
661 BUTUCEANU M. Mihai Bucureti 2 36 10 5 5 8 8 RESPINS
662 BUTULESCU P. Adina-Mariana Timi 4 47 11 9 4 11 12 RESPINS
663 BU T. Bogdan-Andrei Cluj 1 67 12 12 13 15 15 RESPINS
664 BUINCU I. Iuliana-Adina Bucureti 1 74 13 13 13 16 19 ADMIS
665 BUIU I. Andra-Ioana Cluj 2 57 10 9 10 17 11 RESPINS
666 BUZA M. Ovidiu-Iulian Bucureti 2 58 13 8 9 17 11 RESPINS
667 BUZAIANU V. Drago Bucureti 1 74 16 16 9 17 16 RESPINS
668 BUZAN A. Cristian-Ioan Cluj 1 75 12 16 13 17 17 ADMIS
669 BUZATU C. Alina-Valentina Bucureti 2 41 9 6 9 10 7 RESPINS
670 BUZATU G. Diana-Cezara Dolj 4 66 15 13 12 12 14 RESPINS
671 BUZATU M. Ana-Maria Bucureti 3 37 7 8 3 11 8 RESPINS
672 BUZATU P. Natalia-Mdlina Dolj 3 41 10 4 4 8 15 RESPINS
673 BUZEA M. George-Cristian Bucureti 4 45 9 9 5 13 9 RESPINS
674 BUZENCHE I. Mihaela Bucureti 3 58 11 10 11 12 14 RESPINS
675 BUZIL O. Diana-Loredana Cluj 2 62 14 10 12 15 11 RESPINS
676 BUZU M. Vasile Bucureti 4 47 13 8 3 13 10 RESPINS
677 CABUZ N. Andreea Bucureti 3 29 6 9 1 9 4 RESPINS
678 CADAR I. Geanina Bucureti 4 54 14 9 7 12 12 RESPINS
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Tabel cu rezultatele obinute de candidaii la examenul de primire n profesia de
avocat ca avocat STAGIAR - 15 septembrie 2014
DC DPC DP DPP Rezultat
679 CAIZER C. Iulia-Luciana Timi 3 70 15 10 13 15 17 ADMIS
680 CALABALIC C. Elena-Daniela Iai 4 23 6 3 4 7 3 RESPINS
681 CALANCE G. Roxana-Gabriela Hunedoara 4 40 7 8 7 11 7 RESPINS
682 CALANCEA P. Veronica-Elena Suceava 3 22 5 2 4 6 5 RESPINS
683 CALAPODESCU I. Simona Bucureti 1 46 9 9 6 12 10 RESPINS
684 CALCAN N. tefnu Galai 3 34 11 7 4 9 3 RESPINS
685 CALDARE V. Maria-Iulia Alba 1 42 9 12 2 11 8 RESPINS
686 CALESTRU A. Mirela Galai 4 31 7 3 7 11 3 RESPINS
687 CALIANU M. Victor-Mihnea Bucureti 2 36 6 8 7 8 7 RESPINS
688 CALIN D. Raluca Bucureti 1 36 7 7 6 11 5 RESPINS
689 CALIN I. Iulia-Andreea Bucureti 2 25 4 5 4 9 3 RESPINS
690 CALIN I. Roxana Bucureti 1 54 11 11 12 11 9 RESPINS
691 CALINCIUC D. Vlad Iai 2 45 6 9 5 13 12 RESPINS
692 CALISTRU D. Alina-Mihaela Bucureti 2 47 9 10 6 13 9 RESPINS
693 CALIU M. Sndua Bucureti 3 48 12 9 6 9 12 RESPINS
694 CALOENESCU M. Felicia-
Bucureti 4 35 10 7 4 10 4 RESPINS
695 CALOTEASA M. Ileana Bucureti 3 70 15 16 11 15 13 ADMIS
696 CALTUN N. Andreea-Daniela Bucureti 4 38 11 7 5 9 6 RESPINS
697 CALU S. Monica Bucureti 3 56 16 11 10 10 9 RESPINS
698 CALUGAR T. Paul-Alexandru Alba 3 61 14 9 8 13 17 RESPINS
699 CALUGARU A. Andra-Georgiana Bucureti 4 58 12 11 8 14 13 RESPINS
700 CAMPEAN G. Liana-Georgeta Bucureti 1 26 5 2 2 12 5 RESPINS
701 CAMPEANU N. Ilinca-Ioana Bucureti 2 50 13 7 6 11 13 RESPINS
702 CANDEL C. Aurora-Elena Bucureti 1 51 14 11 6 12 8 RESPINS
703 CANDOI I. Mirela Ilfov 2 30 8 6 3 8 5 RESPINS
704 CANDOI-SAVU D. Robert-Adrian Bucureti 1 38 9 4 9 9 7 RESPINS
705 CANTARAGIU F. Ioana Constana 2 58 12 10 7 16 13 RESPINS
706 CANTEA V. Diana-Gabriela Iai 1 47 8 6 10 11 12 RESPINS
707 CAPLEA G. George-Alexandru Vlcea 4 33 6 6 5 11 5 RESPINS
708 CAPOTA G. Liliana Bucureti 3 45 10 3 9 10 13 RESPINS
709 CAPRARESCU N. Bianca-Larisa Timi 1 79 16 16 15 14 18 ADMIS
710 CAPRITA V. Florentina-Irina Bucureti 4 51 9 8 10 10 14 RESPINS
711 CAPUSAN I. Adrian-Razvan Bucureti 3 62 14 14 11 15 8 RESPINS
712 CARAC M. Andreea-Luiza Brila 1 32 5 7 5 12 3 RESPINS
713 CARACA A. Raluca-Florentina Bucureti 4 50 9 8 7 13 13 RESPINS
714 CARACONCEA I. Anghel Giurgiu 3 33 10 5 3 10 5 RESPINS
715 CARACOTI A. Ionu-Cristian Bucureti 4 72 16 15 9 16 16 RESPINS
716 CARAGA N. Minodora Cluj 4 65 12 11 13 16 13 RESPINS
717 CARAGUI I. Mihai-Daniel Bucureti 1 71 15 13 11 13 19 ADMIS
718 CARALI S. Andreea-Leontina Bucureti 2 68 9 11 13 15 20 RESPINS
719 CARAMAN C. Diana-Mihaela Bucureti 1 59 10 14 13 13 9 RESPINS
720 CARAMAN V. Mariana Iai 2 62 10 12 13 13 14 RESPINS
721 CARAPALI D. Gina Bucureti 3 47 9 10 5 10 13 RESPINS
722 CARARE L. Lenua-Laurena Bucureti 4 25 6 7 5 3 4 RESPINS
723 CARCALAS I. Iuliana-Ionica Bucureti 3 31 7 8 5 6 5 RESPINS
724 CARDAIM V. Gianina-Mihaela Iai 1 39 7 7 7 10 8 RESPINS
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Tabel cu rezultatele obinute de candidaii la examenul de primire n profesia de
avocat ca avocat STAGIAR - 15 septembrie 2014
DC DPC DP DPP Rezultat
725 CARLESCU I. Alina-Nicoleta Bucureti 1 61 13 13 10 12 13 RESPINS
726 CARNELUTI M. Antonio-Ovidiu Dolj 3 46 12 6 8 7 13 RESPINS
727 CARPINSCHI G. Alexandru Bucureti 2 33 9 7 2 9 6 RESPINS
728 CARSTOIU C. Ion Bucureti 1 42 13 5 4 9 11 RESPINS
729 CARVACHI D. Iuliana Cluj 3 38 7 6 7 12 6 RESPINS
730 CASUTA M. Teodora Bucureti 3 44 10 8 6 10 10 RESPINS
731 CATA F. Paul-George Bucureti 4 59 13 11 7 13 15 RESPINS
732 CATANA C. Delia-Andreea Mehedini 4 62 13 13 9 13 14 RESPINS
733 CATINAS I. Cristina Bucureti 1 23 6 4 4 5 4 RESPINS
734 CATINAS M. Diana-Mihaela Bacu 2 27 4 5 4 8 6 RESPINS
735 CATRINOIU M. Aurica Constana 2 21 4 4 4 5 4 RESPINS
736 CAUTI D. Ana-Simona Bucureti 1 70 13 14 12 13 18 ADMIS
737 CAZACU D. Adrian Prahova 3 40 10 7 6 9 8 RESPINS
738 CAZACU M. Alexandra Iai 1 67 11 12 16 16 12 RESPINS
739 CAZACU M. Andreea-Elena Bucureti 4 61 15 13 10 12 11 RESPINS
740 CAZACU N. Ana-Maria Constana 3 61 13 11 8 13 16 RESPINS
741 CAZAN I. Liviu-Mirel Bucureti 2 31 4 2 8 10 7 RESPINS
742 CAZAN-BLAA I. Mdlina Bucureti 1 48 8 9 6 14 11 RESPINS
743 CAZMIR G. Dana Iai 2 71 17 9 11 17 17 RESPINS
744 CRCOT C. Carmen Bucureti 3 56 9 8 11 14 14 RESPINS
745 CRJAN C. Alexandru Ilfov 4 46 8 10 7 11 10 RESPINS
746 CRLESCU C. Anca-Petronela Iai 1 46 17 7 7 7 8 RESPINS
747 CRLESCU T. Teodor-Ioan Bucureti 3 63 12 18 9 13 11 RESPINS
748 CLDARE H. Adriana-Maria Timi 2 48 9 8 8 10 13 RESPINS
749 CLIN A. Andreas-Alexandru Constana 1 20 3 4 3 6 4 RESPINS
750 CLIN A. Narcis-Aurelian Iai 3 70 12 14 13 16 15 ADMIS
751 CLIN F. Andra Constana 2 24 8 5 6 2 3 RESPINS
752 CLIN I. Rzvan-Ioan Sibiu 4 48 7 8 11 11 11 RESPINS
753 CLINESCU G. Ovidiu-Mihail Bucureti 1 65 13 12 10 12 18 RESPINS
754 CLINE G. Ioan-Emil Bucureti 2 24 5 2 5 7 5 RESPINS
755 CLINOIU A. Adrian-Ctlin Dolj 1 44 10 4 6 11 13 RESPINS
756 CPLESCU R. Silvia-Irina Bucureti 3 69 12 15 13 13 16 RESPINS
757 CPRAR A. Crina-Alexandra Cluj 3 64 13 8 15 14 14 RESPINS
758 CPRUCIU D. Victoria-
Dolj 2 60 12 10 7 15 16 RESPINS
759 CRARE S. Andra-Maria Iai 4 67 10 14 12 16 15 RESPINS
760 CRMIZOIU D. Adela-Cornelia Sibiu 1 17 2 5 4 5 1 RESPINS
761 CRUCERIU C. Alexandru Bucureti 4 68 11 14 11 17 15 RESPINS
762 CTLIN F. Ana-Camelia Buzu 2 43 9 4 9 14 7 RESPINS
763 CEICA C. Darian-Claudiu Cluj 4 58 15 10 10 12 11 RESPINS
764 CELIK C. Cristina-Crina Bacu 3 65 9 14 14 15 13 RESPINS
765 CELMARE N. Vasile Iai 4 52 13 6 10 9 14 RESPINS
766 CELMARE P. Diana-Simona Timi 2 36 6 4 6 10 10 RESPINS
767 CENGHER C. Sidonia-Mdlina Mure 3 45 5 6 9 15 10 RESPINS
768 CENUA H. Lidia Braov 4 55 11 10 9 13 12 RESPINS
769 CEORSAC V. Viorela Botoani 3 36 9 5 5 11 6 RESPINS
770 CERANTOLA I. Ramona Arad 1 45 8 7 7 12 11 RESPINS
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Tabel cu rezultatele obinute de candidaii la examenul de primire n profesia de
avocat ca avocat STAGIAR - 15 septembrie 2014
DC DPC DP DPP Rezultat
771 CERCEL D. Cristian Giurgiu 4 44 8 8 8 10 10 RESPINS
772 CERCEL I. Gabriel-Ionut Bucureti 1 21 4 2 5 5 5 RESPINS
773 CERCELARIU R. Alice-Elena Bucureti 2 44 7 7 8 11 11 RESPINS
774 CERCHEZ M. Mihnea-Alexandru Bucureti 1 41 11 5 7 8 10 RESPINS
775 CERGU . George-Cosmin Tulcea 2 22 4 1 7 6 4 RESPINS
776 CERNAT M. Adrian Braov 4 73 13 17 12 15 16 ADMIS
777 CERNAT P. Bianca-Georgiana Bucureti 3 65 14 16 6 14 15 RESPINS
778 CERNEA A. Victor-Ioan Satu Mare 2 35 8 7 4 9 7 RESPINS
779 CERNEA S. Mihnea-Valeriu Dmbovia 4 61 17 9 9 12 14 RESPINS
780 CERNEA V. Larisa-Cristiana Braov 1 54 14 10 6 12 12 RESPINS
781 CERNEAN L. Anda-Lucia Cluj 3 76 14 13 14 17 18 ADMIS
782 CERNESCU I. Enea-Constantin Arad 3 64 13 12 11 13 15 RESPINS
783 CERNESCU M. Florentina Bucureti 3 56 10 12 8 13 13 RESPINS
784 CERVA V. Codruta-Roxana Bucureti 4 12 1 4 2 3 2 RESPINS
Timi 4 51 10 8 9 12 12 RESPINS
786 CHECEC V. Virgil-Ioan Sibiu 2 68 11 18 9 16 14 RESPINS
787 CHEIANU G. Mihaela-Loredana Bucureti 1 36 10 6 6 9 5 RESPINS
788 CHELARU C. Alexandru Iai 4 44 7 3 5 14 15 RESPINS
789 CHELARU C. Diana-Elena Neam 3 77 15 11 16 17 18 ADMIS
790 CHELARU G. Alin-Gabriel Bucureti 2 37 9 7 4 10 7 RESPINS
791 CHELU M. Nicola-Maria Cluj 1 73 18 13 12 13 17 ADMIS
792 CHENESCU M. Victoria-Elena Bucureti 1 61 12 8 9 16 16 RESPINS
793 CHERCIU C. Drago-Cristi Bucureti 2 58 15 12 8 10 13 RESPINS
794 CHERECHES V. Vlad Bucureti 3 63 11 10 8 15 19 RESPINS
795 CHEREGI I. Claudia-Estera Bihor 3 39 9 6 7 10 7 RESPINS
796 CHEREJI F. Dorin-Florian Maramure 2 50 11 11 9 11 8 RESPINS
Bucureti 4 78 14 15 14 18 17 ADMIS
798 CHETREANU A. Ina-Iolanda Iai 4 63 14 13 8 14 14 RESPINS
799 CHETREANU N. Ioana-
Bucureti 3 39 8 7 7 7 10 RESPINS
800 CHIBZUI I. Ioan-Ctlin Bucureti 4 81 18 15 13 15 20 ADMIS
801 CHICHIRU I. Ioana-Mdlina Iai 3 58 11 7 8 16 16 RESPINS
802 CHIFAN S. Mircea Iai 1 68 16 14 9 12 17 RESPINS
803 CHIFOREC M. Eduard-Eugen Iai 2 33 8 4 10 6 5 RESPINS
804 CHILOM G. Alexandru-Viorel Dolj 2 67 14 11 10 17 15 RESPINS
805 CHINDEA T. Traiana Harghita 2 62 14 8 11 13 16 RESPINS
806 CHINDRI I. Laura Timi 4 43 10 9 6 11 7 RESPINS
807 CHINTA I. Oana Maramure 1 54 13 11 6 11 13 RESPINS
808 CHIOIBAS M. Larisa-Ioana Bucureti 1 70 13 14 10 14 19 ADMIS
809 CHIORAN I. Florin Maramure 2 42 13 4 3 11 11 RESPINS
810 CHIORESCU I. Ionela-Alexandra Iai 1 46 10 12 8 10 6 RESPINS
811 CHIORNI G. Pavel-Corvin Arge 1 65 15 12 9 14 15 RESPINS
812 CHIOSA C. Elisabeta-Magdalena Timi 3 34 11 6 4 5 8 RESPINS
813 CHIOVEANU V. Carmen-Ida Brila 2 41 10 7 5 11 8 RESPINS
814 CHIPER V. Florin-Stefan Bucureti 2 28 8 6 3 8 3 RESPINS
815 CHIRA V. Elvira Timi 4 48 12 8 5 12 11 RESPINS
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Tabel cu rezultatele obinute de candidaii la examenul de primire n profesia de
avocat ca avocat STAGIAR - 15 septembrie 2014
DC DPC DP DPP Rezultat
816 CHIRCA F. Oana-Cosmina Bucureti 1 47 11 7 6 15 8 RESPINS
817 CHIRCHIBOI G. Mihaela-Dana Prahova 3 34 9 5 5 9 6 RESPINS
Bucureti 2 59 15 15 7 14 8 RESPINS
819 CHIRIAC C. Ioana-Corina Bucureti 1 37 9 7 6 8 7 RESPINS
820 CHIRIAC G. Cristian Mure 4 32 7 4 4 10 7 RESPINS
821 CHIRIAC I. Laura Galai 3 37 11 6 4 10 6 RESPINS
822 CHIRIAC L. Liviu-Rares Bucureti 4 33 6 5 6 11 5 RESPINS
823 CHIRIAC L. Ovidiu-Andrei Bucureti 3 32 12 1 4 9 6 RESPINS
824 CHIRIAC M. Anca-Ctlina Bucureti 4 76 9 16 16 18 17 RESPINS
825 CHIRIAC M. Carmen-Mdlina Ilfov 3 32 10 7 3 7 5 RESPINS
826 CHIRIAC N. Ctlin Cluj 1 73 14 16 16 13 14 ADMIS
827 CHIRIAC O. Alexandra Iai 2 49 10 7 8 12 12 RESPINS
828 CHIRIAC S. Diana-Adina Bihor 1 66 12 12 11 14 17 RESPINS
829 CHIRIAC V. Roxana-Antonela Bucureti 4 61 14 10 10 13 14 RESPINS
830 CHIRIC T. Andra-Cristina Bucureti 1 38 6 9 4 8 11 RESPINS
831 CHIRICIOIU D. Cristina-Ileana Arge 2 26 5 6 4 6 5 RESPINS
832 CHIRIEAC B. Roxana-Maria Bucureti 2 58 11 11 10 15 11 RESPINS
833 CHIRILA-FILIP V. Vasilica-
Bucureti 1 30 9 3 5 10 3 RESPINS
834 CHIRILAS D. David-Stelian Bucureti 2 53 12 10 6 14 11 RESPINS
835 CHIRIL M. Elena-Claudia Bihor 2 75 16 16 12 17 14 ADMIS
836 CHIRIPUCI G. Lavinia-
Bucureti 3 45 7 5 6 14 13 RESPINS
837 CHIRITA C. Elena-Mihaela Bucureti 2 27 3 6 5 6 7 RESPINS
838 CHIRITA C. Maria-Angela Bucureti 3 24 5 4 5 6 4 RESPINS
839 CHIRITA C. Silvia Bucureti 4 32 6 6 8 5 7 RESPINS
840 CHIRITA M. Alexandra-Madalina Bucureti 1 28 5 5 6 9 3 RESPINS
841 CHIRITA P. Madalina Bucureti 2 22 5 4 4 7 2 RESPINS
842 CHIRTE C. Laureniu Mure 4 28 6 6 5 8 3 RESPINS
843 CHIRU G. Oana-Elena Bucureti 2 31 5 4 6 9 7 RESPINS
844 CHIRU R. Iulia Bucureti 3 43 5 10 10 8 10 RESPINS
845 CHIRVASE N. Teodor Bucureti 4 72 17 13 12 14 16 ADMIS
846 CHISCOP O. Alexandru-Ulise Bucureti 3 61 13 10 8 14 16 RESPINS
847 CHISCOP T. Alexandru Bucureti 1 53 9 11 9 14 10 RESPINS
848 CHISTRUGA A. Alexandra-
Bucureti 3 46 7 10 6 10 13 RESPINS
849 CHI G. Lorena Arad 1 67 10 18 11 16 12 RESPINS
850 CHI I. Alexandra-Mdlina Maramure 2 81 16 17 10 19 19 ADMIS
851 CHI I. Anda-Raluca Cluj 1 35 11 4 3 10 7 RESPINS
852 CHI I. Ioana-Mdlina Cluj 3 52 8 9 10 14 11 RESPINS
853 CHI I. Tudor-Ioan Cluj 4 33 8 10 5 8 2 RESPINS
854 CHIIU E. Andrea Mure 1 29 7 5 2 8 7 RESPINS
855 CHIU P. Aurelia Sibiu 2 28 5 4 5 9 5 RESPINS
856 CHITIC C. Catalina Bucureti 1 26 3 4 7 7 5 RESPINS
857 CHITU E. Ramona-Georgeta Bucureti 3 64 18 10 10 13 13 RESPINS
858 CHIU A. Rodica Constana 1 44 5 10 5 15 9 RESPINS
859 CHIU G. Mihai Braov 3 27 8 5 6 6 2 RESPINS
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Tabel cu rezultatele obinute de candidaii la examenul de primire n profesia de
avocat ca avocat STAGIAR - 15 septembrie 2014
DC DPC DP DPP Rezultat
860 CHIUZBAIAN I. Olga-Vasilica Maramure 3 64 15 10 10 17 12 RESPINS
861 CHIVARI F. Denisa-Florina Bihor 2 62 14 12 11 12 13 RESPINS
862 CHIVOIU D. Ion Vrancea 4 30 6 3 3 12 6 RESPINS
863 CHIVU D. Marian-Alexandru Constana 2 38 7 8 6 9 8 RESPINS
864 CHIVU R. Nicoleta-Elena Bucureti 4 57 14 9 12 11 11 RESPINS
865 CHIVU V. Vasile Timi 1 63 15 11 9 14 14 RESPINS
866 CHIVULESCU C. Cristina Constana 2 65 14 10 14 14 13 RESPINS
867 CHODAN T. Raluca-Anamaria Constana 4 61 16 10 8 14 13 RESPINS
868 CIACOI I. Anamaria Bucureti 2 43 7 9 7 13 7 RESPINS
869 CIAFALON I. Gabriela-Cristina Bucureti 3 59 11 13 8 13 14 RESPINS
870 CIAUSU G. Alexandru-Ionut Bucureti 1 31 6 3 4 10 8 RESPINS
871 CICEALA H. Ana-Sabina Bucureti 3 62 14 12 7 16 13 RESPINS
872 CICIO A. Ana Satu Mare 2 59 12 7 12 12 16 RESPINS
873 CICONE T. Claudia-Elena Bucureti 1 78 14 14 13 18 19 ADMIS
874 CIJU V. George-Daniel Bucureti 3 57 10 11 10 13 13 RESPINS
875 CILIAC G. Madalina Constana 4 32 6 6 5 12 3 RESPINS
876 CIMBRUDEAN I. Sandra-Adina Cluj 4 64 12 13 9 15 15 RESPINS
877 CIMPOCA S. Simona-Maria Bucureti 2 51 11 10 4 11 15 RESPINS
878 CIMPOERU I. Constantin-
Bucureti 4 23 4 3 4 6 6 RESPINS
879 CIMPOERU V. Liliana Bucureti 2 69 15 12 13 16 13 RESPINS
Bistria Nsud 3 50 13 9 6 10 12 RESPINS
881 CIOAC L. Andra-Elena Bucureti 4 39 8 5 8 9 9 RESPINS
882 CIOANC T. Irina-Liliana Braov 4 63 14 11 11 13 14 RESPINS
883 CIOBANU C. Aurelia-Mariana Bucureti 1 38 9 4 5 10 10 RESPINS
884 CIOBANU D. Bianca-Alina Cluj 4 79 16 16 11 19 17 ADMIS
885 CIOBANU D. Tudor-Cristian Iai 1 70 14 14 12 16 14 ADMIS
886 CIOBANU E. Marian-Victor Bucureti 2 21 5 2 5 6 3 RESPINS
887 CIOBANU F. Alina-Gianina Iai 2 51 13 6 8 13 11 RESPINS
888 CIOBANU G. Carmen-Alina Bucureti 4 33 5 8 4 11 5 RESPINS
889 CIOBANU G. Corina Bucureti 1 60 13 11 11 14 11 RESPINS
890 CIOBANU G. Elena-Madalina Arge 3 63 12 11 13 16 11 RESPINS
891 CIOBANU G. Sergiu Bucureti 2 61 14 11 7 13 16 RESPINS
892 CIOBANU I. Elena-Andra Iai 1 50 11 9 7 12 11 RESPINS
893 CIOBANU L. Nadina-Luciana Timi 3 65 14 11 11 15 14 RESPINS
894 CIOBANU M. Camelia-Marcela Bucureti 1 19 3 1 7 4 4 RESPINS
895 CIOBANU M. Ionela-Cristina Bucureti 1 67 10 15 10 14 18 RESPINS
896 CIOBANU M. Irina-Maria Bucureti 2 46 10 10 6 11 9 RESPINS
897 CIOBANU N. Gheorghe-
Vlcea 4 21 3 5 4 6 3 RESPINS
898 CIOBANU N. Monica-Daniela Vlcea 3 35 7 8 7 7 6 RESPINS
899 CIOBANU V. Florin-Leonard Dolj 4 57 13 8 8 10 18 RESPINS
900 CIOBNIC M. Puica-Flori Olt 3 47 15 8 6 10 8 RESPINS
901 CIOBOTARU F. Monica Bucureti 2 33 4 8 4 10 7 RESPINS
902 CIOBOTARU G. Anca Bucureti 1 31 8 8 2 9 4 RESPINS
903 CIOBOT E. Anca-Elena Cluj 3 30 8 4 4 8 6 RESPINS
904 CIOBOTEA I. Andreea-Lavinia Bucureti 3 44 7 9 8 12 8 RESPINS
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Tabel cu rezultatele obinute de candidaii la examenul de primire n profesia de
avocat ca avocat STAGIAR - 15 septembrie 2014
DC DPC DP DPP Rezultat
905 CIOBOTEA I. Irina-Cristiana Vlcea 4 60 11 11 10 13 15 RESPINS
906 CIOCAN C. Irina-Andreea Bucureti 4 37 6 5 7 9 10 RESPINS
907 CIOCAN I. Alexandru-Ciprian Bucureti 3 27 7 5 5 6 4 RESPINS
908 CIOCAN S. Madalina-Elena Bucureti 3 36 7 10 3 10 6 RESPINS
909 CIOCAN T. Felix-Dimitrie Bucureti 4 42 7 6 6 11 12 RESPINS
910 CIOCARLAN L. Tudor-Adrian Bucureti 3 29 6 2 5 9 7 RESPINS
911 CIOACT P. Oana-Madalina Bucureti 1 31 5 9 6 10 1 RESPINS
912 CIOCEANU D. Loredana-
Bucureti 4 25 5 4 6 4 6 RESPINS
913 CIOCHIN I. Maria-Angela Vlcea 1 72 17 13 7 16 19 RESPINS
914 CIOCRLAN A. Diana-Alexandra-
Olt 2 26 4 1 5 9 7 RESPINS
915 CIOCRLEA T. Drago Bucureti 2 70 16 14 11 14 15 ADMIS
916 CIOCOIU D. Florin-Alexandru Bucureti 2 64 14 10 12 13 15 RESPINS
917 CIOCOIU I. Andreea-Marina Bucureti 2 79 17 18 14 15 15 ADMIS
918 CIOCOTISAN M. Georgia-
Bucureti 1 49 10 9 4 14 12 RESPINS
919 CIOFLAN I. Alexandru-Catalin Bucureti 2 43 10 7 8 10 8 RESPINS
920 CIOLACU I. Daniela Bucureti 1 56 15 8 7 12 14 RESPINS
921 CIOLAN M. Cristina-Roxana Bucureti 2 62 12 13 8 16 13 RESPINS
922 CIORAPCIU S. Andreea-
Bucureti 1 55 12 9 13 12 9 RESPINS
923 CIOREGARI I. Neil Timi 4 20 3 6 3 5 3 RESPINS
D. Roxana
Bucureti 4 65 13 14 12 16 10 RESPINS
925 CIOROBEA A. Ctlin-Mihail Constana 3 29 6 4 6 8 5 RESPINS
926 CIOVIC A. Andreea-Ana Timi 3 49 9 11 7 15 7 RESPINS
927 CIOVRT M. Mihaela Bucureti 4 75 13 20 12 15 15 ADMIS
928 CIRCIUMARITA V. Ovidiu-Mihail Mehedini 1 47 12 10 6 11 8 RESPINS
929 CIRJAN I. Mihaela-Ioana Bucureti 3 58 12 9 7 15 15 RESPINS
930 CIRJAN N. Elena-Raluca Bucureti 3 54 13 10 6 13 12 RESPINS
931 CIRLESCU E. Alina-Liliana Bucureti 4 21 5 5 4 5 2 RESPINS
932 CIRSTEA E. Melania-Lucia Bucureti 1 66 14 12 11 15 14 RESPINS
933 CIRTI F. Gabriela-Sigrid Timi 4 59 14 13 6 15 11 RESPINS
934 CITIRIG E. Paul-Eugen Harghita 1 24 5 3 5 6 5 RESPINS
935 CITIRIG M. Mihaela-Daniela Cluj 2 60 12 10 7 15 16 RESPINS
936 CIUBOTARU M. George-Cristian Buzu 2 68 13 12 13 15 15 RESPINS
937 CIUBOTARU V. Ctlin-Gabriel Vrancea 3 34 9 7 6 8 4 RESPINS
938 CIUBOTARU V. Georgiana Bucureti 4 66 12 10 9 17 18 RESPINS
939 CIUBOTARU V. Vlad Suceava 2 45 15 7 5 9 9 RESPINS
940 CIUBUC F. Marinela Bucureti 2 37 9 7 3 11 7 RESPINS
941 CIUCAN I. Alexandra-Oana Bucureti 2 17 3 5 2 4 3 RESPINS
942 CIUC A. Ionu-Marian Dolj 2 28 9 4 6 8 1 RESPINS
943 CIUC F. Alexandra Braov 2 48 9 9 5 11 14 RESPINS
944 CIUCIU G. Camelia-Maria Bihor 3 14 3 2 4 3 2 RESPINS
945 CIUNTU T. Lavinia-Cristiana Galai 4 33 9 3 5 9 7 RESPINS
946 CIUPERCA S. Ioana-Gabriela Brila 3 49 17 12 8 8 4 RESPINS
947 CIUPERCA V. Radu-Catalin Botoani 1 50 11 12 7 11 9 RESPINS
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Tabel cu rezultatele obinute de candidaii la examenul de primire n profesia de
avocat ca avocat STAGIAR - 15 septembrie 2014
DC DPC DP DPP Rezultat
948 CIUPERCOVICI A. Veniamin Bucureti 1 67 14 14 8 15 16 RESPINS
949 CIUPIC C. Bogdan Neam 2 69 15 11 10 15 18 RESPINS
950 CIURARU D. Andra-Lucia Bucureti 2 45 13 7 11 9 5 RESPINS
951 CIUREA I. Elliza-Maria Bucureti 1 51 11 6 11 11 12 RESPINS
952 CIUREANU C. Alexandru Bucureti 2 62 13 11 8 15 15 RESPINS
953 CIUREA-VCARU V. Andreea Bucureti 1 62 8 12 11 15 16 RESPINS
954 CIUTA I. Mircea Bucureti 2 47 12 9 8 9 9 RESPINS
955 CIUTAC I. Andrei-Marian Suceava 3 42 8 4 10 10 10 RESPINS
956 CIUVAT G. Bianca-Cristiana Bucureti 3 35 6 8 8 10 3 RESPINS
957 CLEA D. Oana-Simona Ialomia 4 73 15 12 13 18 15 ADMIS
958 CMPEAN I. Adina-Cristina Cluj 1 42 11 5 6 12 8 RESPINS
959 CMPUREAN P. Silvia Timi 4 47 10 5 8 10 14 RESPINS
960 CRLAN D. Ramona-Elena Buzu 3 57 13 9 8 16 11 RESPINS
961 CRLNARU M. Paul-Dieter Cluj 2 67 16 10 9 16 16 RESPINS
962 CRSTEA C. Constantin-
Bucureti 3 60 13 11 11 14 11 RESPINS
963 CRSTEA F. Ana-Maria-Lucia Dolj 1 49 10 11 10 11 7 RESPINS
964 CRSTEA V. Drago-Daniel Ilfov 4 41 10 6 5 14 6 RESPINS
965 CRSTOCEA D. Anca-Maria Bucureti 3 24 4 3 7 4 6 RESPINS
966 CLAPON A. Teodora-Adina Cluj 1 67 11 17 13 14 12 RESPINS
967 CLATEA V. Andrei Bacu 4 56 9 12 8 14 13 RESPINS
968 CLEJAN A. Codrua Cluj 2 53 9 15 8 13 8 RESPINS
969 CNABE R. Diana-Monica Cluj 1 45 9 4 9 15 8 RESPINS
970 COAD I. Mircea-Cristian Ilfov 4 34 8 3 7 9 7 RESPINS
971 COCA V. Tiberiu-David Tulcea 3 60 15 13 8 12 12 RESPINS
972 COCANEANU R. Alina-
Bucureti 2 35 6 6 5 12 6 RESPINS
973 COCIAN H. Andra Cluj 3 47 7 6 9 15 10 RESPINS
974 COCIOAB M. Denisa-Ctlina Dolj 2 30 8 5 4 8 5 RESPINS
975 COCIUBA G. Carmen-Roxana Bihor 1 73 15 15 10 17 16 ADMIS
976 COCU V. Bogdan-Ciprian Bucureti 1 61 16 9 12 13 11 RESPINS
977 CODAGLIO V. Nicol-Irene Bucureti 4 34 8 3 6 11 6 RESPINS
978 CODREA -. Alexandra Braov 4 58 9 11 10 15 13 RESPINS
979 CODREA G. Nicoleta Bucureti 3 53 13 10 7 11 12 RESPINS
980 CODREA I. Alexandru-Lucian Bucureti 1 76 15 14 12 18 17 ADMIS
981 CODREANU N. Elena-Oana Bucureti 2 24 3 3 3 8 7 RESPINS
982 CODREANU N. Luciana-Simona Bucureti 1 51 11 7 9 12 12 RESPINS
983 COFARU N. Ionu-Florin Bucureti 1 81 18 13 14 17 19 ADMIS
984 COJAN E. Elena-Ivona Bucureti 2 46 11 8 5 8 14 RESPINS
985 COJOACA G. Mihai-Adrian Bucureti 3 53 12 10 5 15 11 RESPINS
986 COJOCAR V. Rusanda Iai 3 82 14 17 15 18 18 ADMIS
987 COJOCARIU S. Ella-Maria Bucureti 4 73 13 16 9 18 17 RESPINS
988 COJOCARU A. Oana Braov 4 59 15 9 10 13 12 RESPINS
989 COJOCARU C. Daniela-Maria Dolj 3 74 13 15 11 17 18 ADMIS
990 COJOCARU D. Alexandru Galai 1 43 8 4 9 11 11 RESPINS
991 COJOCARU D. Smaranda Bucureti 1 72 17 13 12 14 16 ADMIS
992 COJOCARU G. Domnica-
Bucureti 2 76 15 17 14 16 14 ADMIS
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Tabel cu rezultatele obinute de candidaii la examenul de primire n profesia de
avocat ca avocat STAGIAR - 15 septembrie 2014
DC DPC DP DPP Rezultat
993 COJOCARU I. Andreea-Cristina Bucureti 4 80 15 15 15 17 18 ADMIS
994 COJOCARU I. Monica-Elena Iai 4 61 12 12 7 16 14 RESPINS
995 COJOCARU L. Loredana Bucureti 3 50 12 7 8 11 12 RESPINS
996 COJOCARU P. Anca-Marina Bucureti 2 39 11 8 6 8 6 RESPINS
997 COJOCARU P. Marilena-
Bucureti 1 21 5 3 4 6 3 RESPINS
998 COLBAN O. Mihai-Codrin Suceava 3 54 13 12 5 12 12 RESPINS
999 COLCERIU O. Andreea-Roxana Cluj 4 74 14 16 13 15 16 ADMIS
1000 COLESCU I. Anca Iai 4 41 7 10 4 11 9 RESPINS
1001 COLNICIANU S. Daniela-
Bucureti 3 39 12 4 6 10 7 RESPINS
1002 COLOJOARA O. Raluca Timi 2 53 10 9 9 13 12 RESPINS
1003 COLTAN T. Tudor-Victoras Bucureti 1 79 16 16 14 14 19 ADMIS
1004 COLTESCU-COMBEI V. Mihaela Gorj 4 24 8 2 4 8 2 RESPINS
1005 COLTUN B. Anastasia Bihor 1 31 10 7 4 7 3 RESPINS
1006 COMAN A. Andreea Maramure 3 63 11 12 7 18 15 RESPINS
1007 COMAN C. Mariana Brila 2 57 12 9 8 12 16 RESPINS
1008 COMAN G. Emilia Bucureti 2 32 4 6 2 11 9 RESPINS
1009 COMAN G. Tudor Maramure 4 60 10 7 11 17 15 RESPINS
1010 COMAN I. Georgiana Bucureti 1 28 6 3 6 8 5 RESPINS
1011 COMAN M. Nicolae Bucureti 2 29 7 3 6 9 4 RESPINS
1012 COMAN S. Simina-Diana Mure 1 47 9 8 9 13 8 RESPINS
1013 COMANEANU E. Teodor Bucureti 1 50 10 12 8 11 9 RESPINS
1014 COMANICI G. Iulia Bucureti 2 56 11 10 8 14 13 RESPINS
1015 COMA G. George Constana 1 37 11 8 6 9 3 RESPINS
1016 COMA-FULGA D. Dumitru-
Braov 2 60 14 6 12 12 16 RESPINS
1017 CONACHE N. Oana-Danielyne Tulcea 2 62 13 10 10 14 15 RESPINS
Iai 3 34 8 6 6 7 7 RESPINS
1019 CONDURACHE S. Stela Timi 2 46 11 5 6 12 12 RESPINS
1020 CONDURACHE T. Valentin Iai 4 27 6 3 4 8 6 RESPINS
1021 CONSTANDACHE G. Ionela-
Bucureti 1 63 11 10 10 13 19 RESPINS
1022 CONSTANDACHE G. Patricia Bucureti 3 26 7 4 10 5 0 RESPINS
Bucureti 4 35 9 7 5 9 5 RESPINS
1024 CONSTANTIN E. Bianca-
Bucureti 3 62 13 14 8 14 13 RESPINS
1025 CONSTANTIN G. Cristina-
Bucureti 4 36 6 6 4 14 6 RESPINS
1026 CONSTANTIN I. Elena Bucureti 3 36 8 5 2 14 7 RESPINS
1027 CONSTANTIN I. Petre Bucureti 4 25 8 3 1 8 5 RESPINS
1028 CONSTANTIN N. Gratiela Bucureti 3 41 7 12 9 8 5 RESPINS
1029 CONSTANTIN P. Andrei-Florin Arad 1 57 14 5 6 17 15 RESPINS
Bucureti 4 44 6 7 6 14 11 RESPINS
1031 CONSTANTIN V. Sandra-Elena Bucureti 3 76 16 15 12 14 19 ADMIS
1032 CONSTANTINESCU A. Cristina Bucureti 1 54 11 8 9 15 11 RESPINS
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Tabel cu rezultatele obinute de candidaii la examenul de primire n profesia de
avocat ca avocat STAGIAR - 15 septembrie 2014
DC DPC DP DPP Rezultat
Bucureti 2 74 14 15 13 15 17 ADMIS
Bucureti 1 35 5 8 8 6 8 RESPINS
Constana 2 32 6 6 6 9 5 RESPINS
Bucureti 1 18 3 4 6 3 2 RESPINS
A. Liliana-Elena
Bucureti 2 32 6 5 6 11 4 RESPINS
1038 CONTRA M. Miana Maramure 3 41 6 10 5 10 10 RESPINS
1039 CORA D. Ana-Ada Iai 3 30 10 2 6 8 4 RESPINS
1040 CORCI E. Bogdan-Gabriel Bucureti 1 51 11 9 5 11 15 RESPINS
1041 CORBEANU G. Constantin-
Vaslui 4 24 6 2 6 6 4 RESPINS
1042 CORBU M. Vlad-Gabriel Bucureti 2 26 6 4 3 8 5 RESPINS
1043 CORCEA I. Mariana Bihor 2 34 10 6 4 11 3 RESPINS
1044 CORCENCO M. Olesea Bucureti 1 73 11 16 13 14 19 ADMIS
1045 CORCOMAN S. Razvan-Pavel Bucureti 3 27 6 7 1 9 4 RESPINS
1046 CORNACI C. Cristina Bucureti 4 62 15 12 9 13 13 RESPINS
1047 CORNTEANU N. Silviu-Nicolae Bucureti 3 22 6 4 4 6 2 RESPINS
1048 CORNEA F. Claudiu Sibiu 2 42 9 7 5 12 9 RESPINS
1049 CORNIL O. Cristina Braov 3 47 9 7 10 14 7 RESPINS
1050 COROBEA A. Andrei-Bogdan Bucureti 4 20 6 0 8 5 1 RESPINS
1051 CORODEANU M. Andrada Vrancea 3 45 9 5 7 10 14 RESPINS
1052 COROGEANU P. Cristian-Andrei Timi 3 68 13 18 12 14 11 RESPINS
1053 COROLEA P. Eliza-Bianca Iai 3 35 4 8 7 10 6 RESPINS
1054 CORPADE F. Lucian-Daniel Cluj 4 49 8 8 5 12 16 RESPINS
1055 CORPODEAN S. Alexandru Cluj 3 77 12 16 14 17 18 ADMIS
1056 COSERARU T. Madalina-Raluca Bacu 1 28 5 7 5 8 3 RESPINS
1057 COSMA M. Andrei Bucureti 3 86 17 19 16 17 17 ADMIS
1058 COSMA D. Dorel-Cristian Timi 4 59 13 12 9 12 13 RESPINS
1059 COSMA G. Elena-Roxana Dolj 3 72 13 16 12 16 15 ADMIS
1060 COSMA I. Raluca Bucureti 4 31 8 3 7 8 5 RESPINS
1061 COSMA N. Nicole-Lavinia Bucureti 3 66 12 14 7 15 18 RESPINS
1062 COSMA V. Adrian Bucureti 4 21 2 6 7 2 4 RESPINS
1063 COSMAN I. Ioan-Daniel Clrai 3 25 5 8 2 6 4 RESPINS
1064 COSTA C. Monika-Margareta Timi 3 40 6 8 7 12 7 RESPINS
1065 COSTACHE C. Alexandru-
Bucureti 1 30 6 5 7 8 4 RESPINS
1066 COSTACHE E. Luminia-Ana Constana 2 68 18 12 8 16 14 RESPINS
1067 COSTACHE F. Anca-Mihaela Bucureti 1 50 10 10 10 11 9 RESPINS
1068 COSTACHE M. Adriana-
Bucureti 2 28 3 6 3 11 5 RESPINS
1069 COSTE V. Anca-Maria Cluj 1 54 13 9 8 11 13 RESPINS
1070 COSTEA G. Claudia-Maria Bucureti 1 23 4 3 3 10 3 RESPINS
1071 COSTEA G. Ecaterina Bucureti 2 65 15 10 12 15 13 RESPINS
1072 COSTEA M. Georgiana-Roxana Bucureti 1 21 4 1 4 10 2 RESPINS
1073 COSTEA S. Andra Bucureti 2 57 12 9 8 12 16 RESPINS
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Tabel cu rezultatele obinute de candidaii la examenul de primire n profesia de
avocat ca avocat STAGIAR - 15 septembrie 2014
DC DPC DP DPP Rezultat
1074 COSTELIUC F. Iulian Iai 2 48 10 9 5 15 9 RESPINS
1075 COSTIC C. Traian Iai 1 32 6 6 6 7 7 RESPINS
1076 COSTIC I. Ionela-Lavinia Iai 2 53 11 10 8 12 12 RESPINS
1077 COSTIN I. Felicia-Aura Cluj 2 49 14 7 6 12 10 RESPINS
1078 COSTIN I. Octavian-Bogdan Iai 1 79 16 17 13 15 18 ADMIS
1079 COSTIN I. Paul Arad 4 36 5 10 8 9 4 RESPINS
1080 COSTINEAN I. Dumitru Bucureti 1 47 15 5 5 11 11 RESPINS
1081 COSTIUC P. Valentina Sibiu 4 24 7 6 5 6 0 RESPINS
1082 COSTRA C. Ana-Maria Iai 2 82 14 19 14 17 18 ADMIS
1083 COUA-MAHU P. Roxana-
Iai 1 27 5 7 5 5 5 RESPINS
1084 COTARCEA L. Oana Bucureti 3 52 11 9 7 12 13 RESPINS
1085 COTFAS M. Maria-Liliana Harghita 1 52 11 5 11 14 11 RESPINS
1086 COTIC S. Aliona Bucureti 4 56 9 11 9 13 14 RESPINS
1087 COTINGHIU I. Ioana Braov 2 28 8 3 7 7 3 RESPINS
1088 COTOI P. Petrua-Maria Cluj 1 77 13 14 14 18 18 ADMIS
1089 COTOR S. Codrua-Denisa Bucureti 3 46 14 8 5 11 8 RESPINS
1090 COTUNA T. Daniela Bihor 3 56 14 11 8 13 10 RESPINS
1091 CO I. Rodica-Florica Satu Mare 4 30 9 2 10 6 3 RESPINS
1092 COVALIU S. Andrei-Marian Bucureti 4 66 13 9 9 17 18 RESPINS
1093 COVASAN G. Mircea Neam 2 50 13 7 4 13 13 RESPINS
1094 COZA F. Vlad-Florin Satu Mare 1 65 15 14 11 11 14 RESPINS
1095 COZA V. Vlad-Gheorghe Satu Mare 2 21 6 3 5 4 3 RESPINS
1096 COZMA C. Sebastian Iai 1 22 5 3 5 6 3 RESPINS
1097 COZMA I. Andreea-Maria Cluj 2 48 10 12 6 8 12 RESPINS
1098 COZMA N. Anca-Ioana Satu Mare 1 74 16 16 12 13 17 ADMIS
1099 COZMA N. Andrei-Drago Dmbovia 4 57 14 11 3 14 15 RESPINS
1100 CRACIUN I. Cosmina Bucureti 3 29 5 7 5 6 6 RESPINS
1101 CRACIUN L. Irina Bucureti 4 35 5 4 7 12 7 RESPINS
1102 CRAICIU P. Adelina-Elena Bucureti 1 46 10 10 8 11 7 RESPINS
1103 CRAITEANU M. Andrada-
Bucureti 2 79 16 17 16 15 15 ADMIS
1104 CRAMER C. Elena-Catalina Alba 1 60 15 14 9 10 12 RESPINS
Tulcea 1 37 8 5 7 9 8 RESPINS
1106 CRMARU V. Dan-Alin Braov 3 39 8 5 5 12 9 RESPINS
1107 CRMARUC G. Laura Braov 4 37 9 7 6 10 5 RESPINS
1108 CRMARU A. Iulia-Antonia Constana 2 45 13 10 3 11 8 RESPINS
1109 CRCIUN M. Petru-Mihai Constana 1 19 3 3 5 3 5 RESPINS
1110 CRCIUN N. Nicolae-Florin Sibiu 4 55 14 12 9 11 9 RESPINS
1111 CRCIUN-ACHIM G. Ovidiu-
Maramure 2 81 15 18 14 15 19 ADMIS
1112 CRCIUNA M. Cristina-
Cluj 1 36 8 8 2 9 9 RESPINS
1113 CRCIUNESCU S. tefan-Dan Bucureti 2 27 6 5 3 9 4 RESPINS
1114 CRETU C. Florica Bucureti 1 39 8 8 8 9 6 RESPINS
1115 CRETU D. Ramona-Claudia Bucureti 2 52 14 9 5 12 12 RESPINS
1116 CRETU I. Andrei-Alexandru Bucureti 1 71 14 11 9 18 19 RESPINS
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Tabel cu rezultatele obinute de candidaii la examenul de primire n profesia de
avocat ca avocat STAGIAR - 15 septembrie 2014
DC DPC DP DPP Rezultat
1117 CRETU N. Gabriela Bucureti 3 55 10 10 11 13 11 RESPINS
1118 CRETU N. Oana-Nicoleta Bucureti 4 55 12 9 10 12 12 RESPINS
1119 CREU M. Bogdan Cluj 3 78 17 13 11 17 20 ADMIS
1120 CREU S. Alin-Sorin Hunedoara 2 34 6 9 7 9 3 RESPINS
1121 CRICIOTOIU I. Victor Dolj 4 41 7 9 3 11 11 RESPINS
1122 CRINEANU P. Adelina-Maria Bucureti 3 58 11 9 12 15 11 RESPINS
1123 CRINGANU D. Catalina-Ioana Bucureti 4 60 12 12 8 15 13 RESPINS
1124 CRISTACHE I. Paul-Eduard Bucureti 3 24 3 7 2 9 3 RESPINS
1125 CRISTACHE V. Carmen-Elena Iai 2 38 9 6 5 8 10 RESPINS
1126 CRISTE A. Ingrid-Renate Satu Mare 1 45 12 8 6 10 9 RESPINS
1127 CRISTE D. Tania-Ioana Bucureti 3 57 8 10 9 13 17 RESPINS
1128 CRISTEA C. tefan-Georgian Bucureti 4 69 14 12 13 12 18 RESPINS
1129 CRISTEA I. Bogdan-Eugen Cluj 4 71 15 14 10 14 18 ADMIS
1130 CRISTEA I. Marina-Adriana Bucureti 3 26 6 8 4 6 2 RESPINS
1131 CRISTEA L. Andra-Roxana Cluj 3 65 13 11 8 16 17 RESPINS
1132 CRISTEA N. Daniel Constana 1 20 6 3 4 3 4 RESPINS
1133 CRISTEA T. Alexandra-Ana Bucureti 2 46 8 11 4 11 12 RESPINS
1134 CRISTEA V. Alina Bucureti 1 53 11 11 5 13 13 RESPINS
1135 CRISTESCU D. Marius Botoani 3 39 9 7 8 9 6 RESPINS
1136 CRISTESCU I. Andreea-Catalina Bucureti 2 22 4 4 5 6 3 RESPINS
1137 CRISTIAN H. Dora-Lucia Bucureti 1 68 12 12 13 15 16 RESPINS
1138 CRISTIAN V. George-Daniel Constana 2 21 8 4 0 9 0 RESPINS
1139 CRISTUREAN D. Loana-Cristina Cluj 4 48 12 9 7 10 10 RESPINS
1140 CRIAN I. Marius-Alexandru Mure 1 31 4 6 4 10 7 RESPINS
1141 CRIAN M. Mircea-Alin Cluj 4 37 8 9 5 8 7 RESPINS
1142 CRIAN M. Petru Vrancea 4 38 9 4 5 12 8 RESPINS
1143 CRIAN V. Andrei Cluj 3 71 18 11 7 16 19 RESPINS
1144 CRIAN N. Andreea-Andrada Bucureti 1 38 8 6 5 12 7 RESPINS
1145 CRIVAT I. Valentina Bucureti 2 42 10 9 4 11 8 RESPINS
1146 CRIVINEANU C. Alexandra-
Braov 2 28 8 4 1 6 9 RESPINS
1147 CRIZBOI F. Flavian Bucureti 1 31 12 9 4 6 0 RESPINS
1148 CRSTA T. Carmen-Maria Arad 2 35 6 8 6 8 7 RESPINS
1149 CROITORU I. Ion Bucureti 3 75 14 18 14 14 15 ADMIS
1150 CRONT R. Cristi-Gabriel Bucureti 4 49 10 5 11 12 11 RESPINS
1151 CRUCEANU A. Alexandru-
Bucureti 3 20 7 6 4 3 0 RESPINS
1152 CRUCERU C. Constantin Braov 3 42 11 3 4 10 14 RESPINS
1153 CRUCERU C. Veronica Hunedoara 3 34 7 5 9 7 6 RESPINS
1154 CRUCIANU S. Mihai-Bogdan Bacu 4 60 15 12 6 15 12 RESPINS
1155 CSATLOS A. Rka Mure 4 57 12 11 9 12 13 RESPINS
1156 CSATLOS-SAVA C. Ioana Bucureti 4 32 6 3 6 8 9 RESPINS
1157 CSK L. Eszter Cluj 1 55 13 6 8 16 12 RESPINS
1158 CSENGERI A. Andreea-Delia Cluj 2 71 13 15 12 14 17 ADMIS
1159 CSEREI . tefan-Mihai Cluj 1 42 10 8 5 11 8 RESPINS
1160 CSIPKES C. Hajnalka-Szende Cluj 2 56 12 7 8 13 16 RESPINS
1161 CSERG L. Csongor Harghita 4 50 10 7 6 14 13 RESPINS
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Tabel cu rezultatele obinute de candidaii la examenul de primire n profesia de
avocat ca avocat STAGIAR - 15 septembrie 2014
DC DPC DP DPP Rezultat
1162 CSUKA F. Jozsef-Ferencz Mure 1 33 7 2 5 12 7 RESPINS
1163 CUBIS V. Natalia Bucureti 3 63 11 10 12 16 14 RESPINS
1164 CUCIUREANU L. Ionela Bucureti 4 72 16 14 12 13 17 ADMIS
1165 CUCU D. Irina Bucureti 3 44 7 11 7 11 8 RESPINS
1166 CULICIANU G. Irina-Speranta Suceava 3 30 10 5 5 5 5 RESPINS
1167 CUNAN I. Ioan-Ovidiu Bihor 4 40 8 3 4 12 13 RESPINS
1168 CUPE E. Liliana Iai 4 41 13 9 7 9 3 RESPINS
1169 CUPA I. Vlad-Ioan Maramure 1 64 15 12 8 16 13 RESPINS
1170 CUPTOR-ILIE I. Ionela Alba 2 69 14 16 13 15 11 RESPINS
1171 CUREA M. Mihai-Andrei Bucureti 4 62 8 13 12 14 15 RESPINS
1172 CURELARU I. Ioan-Iulian Bucureti 3 44 7 7 7 14 9 RESPINS
1173 CURELARU N. Ctlina-Graiela Bucureti 1 66 14 10 11 15 16 RESPINS
1174 CURNIUC N. Loredana Constana 2 52 13 10 4 13 12 RESPINS
1175 CURSARU L. Radu-Liviu Bucureti 1 35 11 6 6 9 3 RESPINS
1176 CURTA I. Diana-Elena Timi 3 38 9 8 6 8 7 RESPINS
1177 CUTUR B. Lucia-Andreea Bucureti 2 39 7 7 8 11 6 RESPINS
1178 CUZIC P. Petronela-Gabriela Bucureti 1 60 12 10 8 16 14 RESPINS
1179 CZEBELY Z. Arthur-Christian Mehedini 3 36 9 5 7 8 7 RESPINS
1180 ELIK . Alexandra-Monica Ilfov 2 24 4 7 4 5 4 RESPINS
1181 DABIJA . Matei-Alexandru Bucureti 1 46 7 8 8 10 13 RESPINS
1182 DABO S. Philip-Tudor Iai 3 37 9 4 6 12 6 RESPINS
1183 DACIN N. Olga Bihor 4 46 8 9 7 10 12 RESPINS
1184 DAFINCESCU T. Doina Gorj 4 53 9 9 11 11 13 RESPINS
1185 DALEA P. Cristina Cara Severin 3 54 16 5 8 14 11 RESPINS
1186 DAMIAN D. Iuliana Dmbovia 2 28 9 7 8 4 0 RESPINS
1187 DAMIAN E. Alina-Elena Bucureti 3 49 8 10 10 9 12 RESPINS
1188 DAMIAN G. Alice-Ondinne Constana 4 67 19 9 10 14 15 RESPINS
1189 DAMIAN P. Maricica Bucureti 3 45 10 6 9 10 10 RESPINS
1190 DAMIAN P. Ramona-Marinela Iai 4 40 7 10 5 6 12 RESPINS
1191 DAMIAN R. Andrada-Luciana Bucureti 4 27 5 3 7 6 6 RESPINS
1192 DAMIAN T. Bogdan Bucureti 3 34 10 4 5 9 6 RESPINS
1193 DAN A. Andreea-Renata Bucureti 4 24 4 3 7 8 2 RESPINS
1194 DAN C. Lucian-Constantin Bucureti 1 44 11 6 8 12 7 RESPINS
1195 DAN I. Alina-Iuliana Bucureti 2 46 7 10 10 8 11 RESPINS
1196 DAN J. Adrian-Catalin Bucureti 1 24 5 5 6 5 3 RESPINS
1197 DAN N. Delia-Maria Sibiu 2 39 9 9 5 10 6 RESPINS
1198 DANCA N. Marius-Nicolae Bucureti 2 23 6 4 2 5 6 RESPINS
1199 DANCIU C. Alina-Andreea Dmbovia 1 33 7 4 6 9 7 RESPINS
1200 DANCULOIU D. Dorin-Alexandru Bucureti 2 36 10 10 8 5 3 RESPINS
1201 DANESCU V. Delia-Ecaterina Bucureti 1 29 2 8 6 5 8 RESPINS
1202 DANICA A. Monica Bucureti 2 42 9 6 3 10 14 RESPINS
1203 DANIEL B. Zsolt-Bela Bistria Nsud 1 43 9 7 9 8 10 RESPINS
1204 DANIELESCU I. Titus-Matei Constana 1 19 4 3 4 7 1 RESPINS
1205 DANILA O. Bogdan-Ionut Bucureti 2 31 8 4 6 10 3 RESPINS
1206 DANIL-(-SUCIU) N. Lavinia-
Constana 3 41 14 9 4 10 4 RESPINS
1207 DANILIUC I. Alexandru-Nicu Bucureti 4 76 11 17 14 16 18 ADMIS
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Tabel cu rezultatele obinute de candidaii la examenul de primire n profesia de
avocat ca avocat STAGIAR - 15 septembrie 2014
DC DPC DP DPP Rezultat
1208 DANILOV N. Andreea Bucureti 3 36 10 2 5 10 9 RESPINS
1209 DANU G. Alexandru-Gheorghe Bucureti 4 55 14 11 9 11 10 RESPINS
1210 DARABANA J. Stefan Bucureti 1 36 10 3 6 9 8 RESPINS
1211 DASCALESCU I. Corneliu-Marin Botoani 3 19 3 3 4 5 4 RESPINS
1212 DASCALITA N. Mariana Bucureti 1 44 6 7 8 12 11 RESPINS
1213 DASCALU V. Andreea-Denisa Suceava 4 48 12 9 9 13 5 RESPINS
1214 DASCALU I. Cristian Bucureti 2 56 12 4 8 14 18 RESPINS
1215 DASCALU V. Andrei-Ioan Bucureti 3 88 16 20 15 17 20 ADMIS
1216 DASCL E. Lavinia Cluj 1 52 13 9 8 12 10 RESPINS
1217 DASCL T. Teodora Arad 4 42 10 10 3 9 10 RESPINS
1218 DASCLU C. Elena Bucureti 4 28 8 3 5 7 5 RESPINS
1219 DASCLU I. Clin Arad 1 27 6 5 7 6 3 RESPINS
1220 DASCLU L. Ana-Maria Bucureti 3 47 3 9 11 13 11 RESPINS
1221 DASOVEANU G. Constantin-
Bucureti 4 55 11 10 8 14 12 RESPINS
1222 DAU G. Roxana-Alina Dolj 1 49 11 7 11 14 6 RESPINS
1223 DAVID A. Edmond-Leonard Bacu 3 74 16 13 15 15 15 ADMIS
1224 DAVID C. Adelina-Mihaela Bucureti 1 27 4 5 7 6 5 RESPINS
1225 DAVID C. Emanuela-Laura Braov 3 56 13 12 8 15 8 RESPINS
1226 DAVID C. Oana-Emanuela Bucureti 2 32 10 8 3 7 4 RESPINS
1227 DAVID F. Denisa-Maria Braov 4 38 10 5 3 7 13 RESPINS
1228 DAVID G. Iulian Bucureti 1 19 3 4 3 6 3 RESPINS
1229 DAVID I. Flavius-Ionu Iai 2 70 13 10 13 17 17 ADMIS
1230 DAVID S. Razvan Bucureti 2 45 9 7 6 11 12 RESPINS
1231 DRVREANU D. Cezar-
Bucureti 1 26 9 3 4 7 3 RESPINS
1232 DBCA M. Alexandru-Gabriel Bucureti 2 37 10 6 5 8 8 RESPINS
1233 DLAE M. Daniela-Maria Dmbovia 1 56 11 10 11 12 12 RESPINS
1234 DMEAN M. Roxana-Mihaela Braov 1 29 5 4 4 6 10 RESPINS
Bacu 1 70 16 16 12 14 12 ADMIS
1236 DNIL E. Cosmin-Mihail Bucureti 2 41 4 5 8 12 12 RESPINS
1237 DNIL T (TOADERE). Mirela Bucureti 3 49 7 15 6 11 10 RESPINS
1238 DNCNE D. Octavian Sibiu 2 69 15 9 13 16 16 RESPINS
1239 DNCU H. Florin-Laureniu Bucureti 4 26 10 1 4 7 4 RESPINS
Bucureti 3 67 15 14 9 15 14 RESPINS
1241 DNIL C. Andrei-Cristian Timi 2 58 10 10 9 15 14 RESPINS
1242 DNIL V. Mdlina Constana 4 22 4 3 8 5 2 RESPINS
1243 DNIL V. Sanda-Cristina Bucureti 1 71 13 15 15 14 14 ADMIS
1244 DNOIU A. Alexandra Buzu 3 69 11 13 13 14 18 RESPINS
1245 DSCLESCU V. Oana-Laura Bucureti 2 33 7 6 7 6 7 RESPINS
1246 DEAC D. Paul-Adrian Cluj 2 63 13 9 9 15 17 RESPINS
1247 DEAC I. Anamaria Cluj 1 31 8 6 5 8 4 RESPINS
1248 DEAC M. Eliana-Mihaela Maramure 2 57 14 7 10 15 11 RESPINS
1249 DEAC S. Bianca-Simina Cluj 1 24 4 6 5 7 2 RESPINS
1250 DEACONESCU V. Mdlina-
Bucureti 1 40 9 9 6 9 7 RESPINS
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Tabel cu rezultatele obinute de candidaii la examenul de primire n profesia de
avocat ca avocat STAGIAR - 15 septembrie 2014
DC DPC DP DPP Rezultat
1251 DEACONU D. Rodica Bucureti 2 50 13 5 7 13 12 RESPINS
1252 DEACONU V. Diana-Maria Bucureti 3 62 10 11 14 16 11 RESPINS
1253 DEACONU V. Elena-Denisia Sibiu 2 57 10 5 15 14 13 RESPINS
1254 DECA T. Cristinel Bucureti 4 40 11 7 8 10 4 RESPINS
1255 DEDITA L. Olivia-Laura Bucureti 3 55 12 11 8 13 11 RESPINS
1256 DEFRANCISCO E. Antonio-
Bucureti 4 37 6 6 6 12 7 RESPINS
1257 DEFTA M. Iulia-Lavinia Dolj 2 52 15 6 7 13 11 RESPINS
1258 DEGERAT M. Alexandra-Maria Mure 3 49 13 9 7 11 9 RESPINS
1259 DEJI E. Iulia-Claudia Cluj 2 60 12 15 8 14 11 RESPINS
1260 DELEANU I. Ludmila Bucureti 1 15 4 4 4 3 0 RESPINS
1261 DELUREANU D. Adela Arad 1 51 10 9 7 15 10 RESPINS
1262 DEMENY A. Alexandra-Liana Cluj 1 54 10 10 7 15 12 RESPINS
1263 DEMETRESCU S. Adela Dolj 1 54 12 14 7 10 11 RESPINS
1264 DEMJEN A. Brigitta-Greta Cluj 3 46 10 7 7 12 10 RESPINS
1265 DERLEAN D. Petru-Alexandru Timi 2 78 20 16 10 15 17 ADMIS
1266 DESCULTU A. Catalin-Cristian Bucureti 2 27 7 3 5 10 2 RESPINS
1267 DESPA G. Ioana-Francesca Bucureti 1 78 12 14 16 18 18 ADMIS
1268 DIACONEASA M. Denise-Elena Bucureti 2 65 12 12 11 13 17 RESPINS
1269 DIACONEASA M. Maria-Daniela Dolj 2 42 11 8 3 11 9 RESPINS
1270 DIACONESCU C. Andrei-Sorin Bucureti 1 45 7 9 7 10 12 RESPINS
1271 DIACONESCU C. Mihai-Gabriel Constana 2 52 10 8 9 12 13 RESPINS
1272 DIACONU I (IONEL). Ioana-
Cluj 4 48 9 10 8 10 11 RESPINS
1273 DIACONU I (ION). Ioana-Maria Bucureti 1 60 13 14 10 12 11 RESPINS
1274 DIACONU M. Simona Bucureti 2 28 7 4 5 7 5 RESPINS
1275 DIACONU V. Mircea-Ionut Bacu 2 48 9 9 7 11 12 RESPINS
1276 DIAMANDESCU A. Adina Bucureti 3 76 13 14 14 17 18 ADMIS
1277 DIANU C. Livia Bucureti 4 66 14 11 11 16 14 RESPINS
1278 DICIANU I. Andreea-Maria Bucureti 3 32 5 8 5 10 4 RESPINS
1279 DICU I. Elisabeta Bucureti 4 48 11 4 8 13 12 RESPINS
1280 DIMA A. Eugenia Bucureti 1 44 11 8 8 10 7 RESPINS
1281 DIMA E. Aura-Gabriela Dmbovia 2 28 5 3 5 11 4 RESPINS
1282 DIMA M. Ana-Ramona Bucureti 1 20 3 5 5 6 1 RESPINS
1283 DIMA-IFRIM E. Maria Vaslui 3 65 16 10 10 14 15 RESPINS
1284 DIMNCESCU M. Gabriela-
Bucureti 2 65 9 15 9 16 16 RESPINS
1285 DIMIAN G. Alina-Teodora Olt 1 41 9 9 4 12 7 RESPINS
1286 DIMULESCU F. Radu-Ionu Vlcea 2 40 12 8 3 9 8 RESPINS
1287 DIN G. Aurelian-Cozmin Clrai 3 32 7 3 2 10 10 RESPINS
1288 DINC D. Andreea-Alexandra Vlcea 1 39 7 11 5 9 7 RESPINS
1289 DINEL I. Silviu-Constantin Bucureti 4 36 9 7 8 10 2 RESPINS
1290 DINESCU L. Mdlina-Maria Dolj 2 36 6 10 5 9 6 RESPINS
1291 DINESCU P. Tudor Vlcea 1 69 16 15 10 17 11 RESPINS
1292 DINIC E. Petre-tefan Bucureti 3 48 7 11 4 15 11 RESPINS
1293 DINU A. Adrian-Marian Constana 4 25 4 6 6 8 1 RESPINS
1294 DINU D. Alexandra-Cristina Bucureti 1 25 6 3 4 6 6 RESPINS
1295 DINU D. Andrei-Florin Bucureti 2 24 7 4 4 6 3 RESPINS
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Tabel cu rezultatele obinute de candidaii la examenul de primire n profesia de
avocat ca avocat STAGIAR - 15 septembrie 2014
DC DPC DP DPP Rezultat
1296 DINU G. tefan Bucureti 1 76 14 17 12 15 18 ADMIS
1297 DINU I. Ecaterina-Malvina Bucureti 2 65 12 12 9 14 18 RESPINS
1298 DINU M. Nicoleta Constana 1 40 10 11 3 8 8 RESPINS
1299 DINU S. Ana Bucureti 2 53 10 8 9 12 14 RESPINS
1300 DINU T. Elena-Cristiana Dolj 2 26 9 2 2 7 6 RESPINS
1301 DINU T. Oana-Alexandra Bucureti 3 70 13 14 12 18 13 ADMIS
1302 DINU V. Georgiana Bucureti 4 62 15 11 9 11 16 RESPINS
1303 DINU V. Mihai-Stefan Bucureti 3 30 11 4 4 6 5 RESPINS
1304 DINU-BAKO . Monica-
Timi 1 60 15 9 8 13 15 RESPINS
1305 DIRLE G. Vladut-Florin Maramure 3 50 10 9 8 12 11 RESPINS
1306 DNCAN I. Andreea-Maria Hunedoara 2 48 10 11 7 8 12 RESPINS
1307 DOANA V. Irina Bucureti 4 75 17 16 8 17 17 RESPINS
1308 DOBAI C. Carmen-Mirela Timi 3 52 13 6 8 13 12 RESPINS
1309 DOBEANU V. Andreea-Ioana Bucureti 3 48 10 9 8 12 9 RESPINS
1310 DOBOCAN V. Mircea-Vasile Bucureti 4 65 15 14 7 15 14 RESPINS
1311 DOBOS P. Mariana Bucureti 1 25 5 5 4 6 5 RESPINS
1312 DOBOAN C. Clara-Patricia Timi 4 70 13 12 12 17 16 ADMIS
1313 DOBRA I. Simona-Andreea Bucureti 2 38 7 5 8 12 6 RESPINS
1314 DOBRE C. Elena-Roxana Constana 1 58 12 11 10 17 8 RESPINS
1315 DOBRE I. Alina-Georgiana Bucureti 2 40 5 8 10 10 7 RESPINS
1316 DOBRE I. Raluca Bucureti 1 29 8 4 5 8 4 RESPINS
1317 DOBRE I. Stefania-Oana Bucureti 2 26 6 3 5 7 5 RESPINS
1318 DOBRE L. Razvan-Alin Ialomia 3 41 6 10 7 10 8 RESPINS
1319 DOBRE L. Vicentiu-Lucian Bucureti 4 25 2 2 6 8 7 RESPINS
1320 DOBRE V. Irina Bucureti 3 56 15 12 7 9 13 RESPINS
1321 DOBRE V. Mihai-Valentin Bucureti 4 58 10 13 9 11 15 RESPINS
1322 DOBRESCU R. Dana-Alexandra Bucureti 3 32 8 7 4 8 5 RESPINS
1323 DOBRIN C. Rzvan-Ionu Bucureti 1 67 16 11 12 15 13 RESPINS
1324 DOBRIN V. Daniela-Elena Bucureti 2 24 5 3 5 6 5 RESPINS
1325 DOBRIOIU M. Marcel-Claudiu Braov 4 61 14 9 9 12 17 RESPINS
1326 DOBROGEANU D. Elena Constana 2 31 9 2 2 10 8 RESPINS
1327 DOBROGEANU G. Lucian-Petru Bucureti 1 49 10 7 6 16 10 RESPINS
1328 DOCHIE S. Elena-Florina Bucureti 2 52 15 8 7 11 11 RESPINS
1329 DODAN I. Mihaela-Eleonora Brila 1 39 4 7 6 13 9 RESPINS
1330 DODAN M. Manuela-Viorela Bucureti 3 54 11 9 7 14 13 RESPINS
1331 DOGARU C. Claudiu Cluj 4 42 9 6 11 8 8 RESPINS
1332 DOGARU G. Alexandra-Ionica Bucureti 4 45 12 9 3 11 10 RESPINS
1333 DOGARU G. George-Cristian Olt 1 39 9 3 9 13 5 RESPINS
1334 DOGARU G. Mihai Arad 3 26 5 3 4 10 4 RESPINS
1335 DOGARU V. Iuliana-Denisa Bucureti 3 56 11 13 7 14 11 RESPINS
1336 DOGNOIU V. Simona-Marilena Dmbovia 4 28 5 7 4 9 3 RESPINS
1337 DOICESCU D. Sorin-Victor Constana 3 36 8 5 9 9 5 RESPINS
1338 DOINEA A. Elena-Florentina Cara Severin 4 42 13 8 2 11 8 RESPINS
1339 DOLOF V. Cristiana-Almeia Mehedini 2 39 6 8 5 12 8 RESPINS
1340 DOMBROVSCHI M. Gabriela Bucureti 4 39 9 5 6 8 11 RESPINS
1341 DOMINTE G. Iulian Neam 4 65 16 11 9 15 14 RESPINS
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Tabel cu rezultatele obinute de candidaii la examenul de primire n profesia de
avocat ca avocat STAGIAR - 15 septembrie 2014
DC DPC DP DPP Rezultat
1342 DOMINTE V. Ramona-Alexandra Iai 3 29 5 6 6 6 6 RESPINS
1343 DOMNARU V. Laura Bucureti 1 55 14 13 6 11 11 RESPINS
1344 DON V. Ionu-Adrian Bucureti 2 24 3 5 4 7 5 RESPINS
1345 DONCIL V. Ana-Maria Bucureti 1 41 8 10 5 10 8 RESPINS
1346 DONES I. Galina Iai 1 59 11 11 10 13 14 RESPINS
1347 DONI N. Simion Bucureti 2 51 12 6 7 12 14 RESPINS
1348 DONIGA I. Anisia-Teodora Bucureti 1 66 16 10 10 15 15 RESPINS
1349 DORCU N. Iolanda-Adina Bucureti 2 27 4 4 3 9 7 RESPINS
1350 DORDAI M. Luciana-Gabriela Cluj 3 25 4 8 3 6 4 RESPINS
1351 DORGOAN I. Alexandra-Larisa Timi 3 34 7 6 4 8 9 RESPINS
1352 DORHOI C. Adina Cluj 4 53 12 11 4 12 14 RESPINS
1353 DORIN I. Parascheva Bucureti 3 66 3 17 15 14 17 RESPINS
1354 DORIN M. Marcela-Georgiana Bucureti 4 54 8 10 9 13 14 RESPINS
1355 DOROBANTU M. Anda-Maria Bucureti 3 55 13 10 9 13 10 RESPINS
1356 DOROBANU I. Ionu-Victor Bucureti 4 41 12 9 5 9 6 RESPINS
1357 DOROFTEI C. Vasile-Alexandru Botoani 2 58 9 10 12 14 13 RESPINS
1358 DOSPINESCU D. Alexandru-
Bucureti 3 47 12 12 7 9 7 RESPINS
1359 DOE R. Bianca Ilfov 4 59 10 9 11 14 15 RESPINS
1360 DOVLETIU N. Florina-Mihaela Bucureti 1 74 12 14 12 17 19 ADMIS
1361 DRAGAN A. Alexandra-Dana Bucureti 2 79 15 14 16 16 18 ADMIS
1362 DRAGAN C. Catalin-Constantin Bacu 1 54 12 12 8 9 13 RESPINS
1363 DRAGAN G. Irina Galai 2 42 5 6 7 14 10 RESPINS
1364 DRAGAN J. Cristian Bucureti 1 25 7 2 3 9 4 RESPINS
1365 DRAGAN N. Florina-
Bucureti 2 58 11 9 12 12 14 RESPINS
1366 DRAGAN S. Alexandra Bucureti 1 40 8 9 3 13 7 RESPINS
1367 DRAGANOV V. Evgheni Bucureti 2 82 14 16 16 17 19 ADMIS
1368 DRAGHICI F. Ovidiu-Andrei Dolj 3 63 10 8 11 17 17 RESPINS
1369 DRAGHICI I. Mioara Bucureti 3 33 7 9 4 9 4 RESPINS
1370 DRAGHICI P. Diana-Gabriela Bucureti 4 53 12 6 10 11 14 RESPINS
1371 DRAGHICI V. Valeriu-Dorin Bucureti 3 50 11 10 6 13 10 RESPINS
1372 DRAGNE S. Alexandra-Sndica Bucureti 4 34 9 6 5 6 8 RESPINS
1373 DRAGOI E. Catalin-Eugen Bucureti 3 43 8 11 3 10 11 RESPINS
1374 DRAGOI N. Valentin-Tiberiu Bucureti 4 73 14 14 10 15 20 ADMIS
1375 DRAGOMIR C. Elena-Ramona Dolj 4 36 6 7 7 11 5 RESPINS
1376 DRAGOMIR F. Beatrice-Alina Bucureti 1 23 4 5 5 6 3 RESPINS
1377 DRAGOMIR F. Lavinia-
Olt 3 26 7 4 7 7 1 RESPINS
1378 DRAGOMIR L. Maria-Lucia Cluj 3 28 6 4 5 8 5 RESPINS
1379 DRAGOMIR M. Mirela Bucureti 2 50 10 8 12 11 9 RESPINS
1380 DRAGOMIR N. Mihai Bucureti 1 70 13 14 10 16 17 ADMIS
1381 DRAGOMIR P. Manuela-
Bucureti 2 54 10 10 9 11 14 RESPINS
1382 DRAGOMIR T. Alexandra Buzu 2 33 7 1 5 12 8 RESPINS
1383 DRAGOMIRESCU F. Camelia-
Bucureti 1 30 6 6 7 6 5 RESPINS
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Tabel cu rezultatele obinute de candidaii la examenul de primire n profesia de
avocat ca avocat STAGIAR - 15 septembrie 2014
DC DPC DP DPP Rezultat
Bucureti 2 54 11 12 8 14 9 RESPINS
1385 DRAGOS A. Ioana-Alexandra Bucureti 1 46 10 6 5 15 10 RESPINS
1386 DRAGO I. Vasile-Adrian Satu Mare 4 24 5 3 5 7 4 RESPINS
1387 DRAGOT C. Mihai Dolj 4 24 5 6 2 7 4 RESPINS
1388 DRAGU R. Beatrice-Mihaela Galai 1 34 5 7 5 11 6 RESPINS
1389 DRGAN I. Daniela Arad 1 30 5 3 4 10 8 RESPINS
1390 DRGAN I. Raluca-Adriana Bucureti 2 46 12 7 8 9 10 RESPINS
1391 DRGAN I. Victor Cluj 1 32 6 6 5 9 6 RESPINS
1392 DRGAN N. Dan-Nicolae Constana 3 76 13 15 15 15 18 ADMIS
1393 DRGAN P. Roxana-Maria Timi 2 38 10 6 6 8 8 RESPINS
1394 DRGAN . Vlad-Tudor Iai 2 43 11 6 5 12 9 RESPINS
1395 DRGHICI -. Alice-Maria Ilfov 4 64 14 13 10 12 15 RESPINS
1396 DRGHICI A. Nelua Hunedoara 1 37 6 10 5 8 8 RESPINS
1397 DRGOI S. Mihaela-Cristina Bacu 1 45 14 6 5 13 7 RESPINS
1398 DRGU C. Bogdan-Constantin Dolj 4 37 7 5 6 12 7 RESPINS
1399 DRGAN T. Radu-Cosmin Bihor 2 61 13 9 12 12 15 RESPINS
1400 DRIMBU G. Ioan Bihor 1 64 13 11 10 14 16 RESPINS
1401 DRNG C. Beatrice-Veronica Braov 3 25 5 3 4 8 5 RESPINS
1402 DRUGA I. Elena-Simona Bucureti 3 22 5 2 5 8 2 RESPINS
1403 DRU R. Cristiana-Maria Bucureti 4 48 9 9 9 10 11 RESPINS
1404 DRU R. Maximilian-Andrei Timi 2 78 17 19 10 16 16 ADMIS
1405 DRU V. Mirela Galai 2 86 16 18 15 19 18 ADMIS
1406 DUCA A. Iulia-Elisabeta Alba 2 41 8 9 7 10 7 RESPINS
1407 DUCA N. Alexandru Bucureti 3 61 7 11 13 13 17 RESPINS
1408 DUCA P. Oana-Nicoleta Bucureti 4 64 7 12 14 14 17 RESPINS
1409 DUCA S. Lucian-Andrei Iai 3 19 7 3 1 5 3 RESPINS
1410 DUDU G. Andrei-Cosmin Braov 4 35 9 8 5 7 6 RESPINS
1411 DUDU P. Constantin Galai 1 32 5 4 6 7 10 RESPINS
1412 DUHNEA E. Emil Bucureti 3 79 17 16 12 17 17 ADMIS
1413 DUIC A. Alexandra-Maria Timi 3 33 9 5 7 7 5 RESPINS
1414 DUIC N. Raluca-Nicoleta Bucureti 4 50 8 3 13 15 11 RESPINS
1415 DULA I. Roxana Bucureti 1 57 11 13 8 12 13 RESPINS
1416 DULCEA I. Andrada-Lia Sibiu 1 39 4 5 4 15 11 RESPINS
1417 DULGHERU R. Vlad-Alexandru Bucureti 2 36 8 5 5 10 8 RESPINS
1418 DULHAC M. Silviu-Mihail Iai 4 58 13 10 7 13 15 RESPINS
1419 DUMA M. Roxana-Gabriela Bucureti 1 28 4 3 8 6 7 RESPINS
1420 DUMBRAV F. Daniel Vrancea 2 62 15 9 10 12 16 RESPINS
1421 DUME M. Andrada Cluj 1 33 8 5 7 6 7 RESPINS
1422 DUMINICA F. Bogdan-Stefan Bucureti 2 40 11 8 6 8 7 RESPINS
1423 DUMITRA D. Cristian-Lucian Constana 1 53 14 9 9 11 10 RESPINS
1424 DUMITRACHE C. Carmen Bucureti 2 31 7 6 6 7 5 RESPINS
1425 DUMITRACHE D. Diana-Marcela Bucureti 1 30 6 6 5 6 7 RESPINS
1426 DUMITRACHE G. Florentina-
Bucureti 2 26 9 6 4 4 3 RESPINS
1427 DUMITRACHE I. Simona-
Bucureti 1 46 8 8 7 12 11 RESPINS
1428 DUMITRACHE N. Ioana Bucureti 2 27 7 3 6 7 4 RESPINS
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Tabel cu rezultatele obinute de candidaii la examenul de primire n profesia de
avocat ca avocat STAGIAR - 15 septembrie 2014
DC DPC DP DPP Rezultat
1429 DUMITRANA I. Ana-Maria-
Dolj 1 25 7 5 4 9 0 RESPINS
1430 DUMITRANA V. Ramona-Maria Vlcea 2 44 12 7 6 13 6 RESPINS
1431 DUMITRASC L. Alexandru Neam 3 24 5 3 7 7 2 RESPINS
1432 DUMITRASCU C. Constantin-
Bucureti 3 69 17 12 10 16 14 RESPINS
1433 DUMITRASCU I. Sorin-Ioan Bucureti 4 51 11 9 8 16 7 RESPINS
1434 DUMITRASCU N. Violeta Bucureti 3 35 7 4 7 9 8 RESPINS
1435 DUMITRASCU V. Alexandru Bucureti 4 48 11 9 12 10 6 RESPINS
1436 DUMITRACU M. Geta-
Dolj 1 47 9 12 5 11 10 RESPINS
1437 DUMITRESCU C. Mihai Bucureti 3 40 5 5 11 10 9 RESPINS
1438 DUMITRESCU D. Corina-
Prahova 2 53 13 15 6 10 9 RESPINS
1439 DUMITRESCU H. Oana-Roxana Bucureti 4 33 4 6 6 13 4 RESPINS
1440 DUMITRESCU L. Elena-Raluca Bucureti 3 57 12 13 6 13 13 RESPINS
1441 DUMITRESCU S. Paul-Eduard Ialomia 4 73 18 15 9 16 15 RESPINS
1442 DUMITRESCU V. Rzvan Bucureti 3 17 4 2 4 5 2 RESPINS
1443 DUMITRIC I. Ionu-Adrian Timi 4 67 12 12 12 15 16 RESPINS
1444 DUMITRIU C. Corina Bucureti 4 31 6 4 7 8 6 RESPINS
1445 DUMITRU A. Ioana Bucureti 1 62 10 13 8 15 16 RESPINS
1446 DUMITRU D. Alexandru-Cosmin Bucureti 2 51 12 9 9 11 10 RESPINS
1447 DUMITRU D. Alina Bucureti 1 28 4 9 3 7 5 RESPINS
1448 DUMITRU C. Ramona Bucureti 2 32 7 6 5 7 7 RESPINS
1449 DUMITRU F. Iulia Bucureti 1 32 12 7 3 9 1 RESPINS
1450 DUMITRU G. Ionu-Gabriel Dolj 2 40 14 5 4 11 6 RESPINS
1451 DUMITRU G. Narcis-Adrian Bucureti 2 26 5 4 7 8 2 RESPINS
1452 DUMITRU G. Silviu-Ionut Bucureti 1 29 9 4 4 6 6 RESPINS
1453 DUMITRU I. George-Daniel Bucureti 2 55 14 6 9 11 15 RESPINS
1454 DUMITRU I. Violeta-Marinela Arge 1 45 8 6 6 13 12 RESPINS
1455 DUMITRU I. Vlad-Ionut Bucureti 1 57 9 12 7 12 17 RESPINS
1456 DUMITRU L. Octavian-Mihai Bucureti 2 59 11 11 8 14 15 RESPINS
1457 DUMITRU M. Andra Sibiu 1 35 9 7 6 7 6 RESPINS
1458 DUMITRIU M. Cristian-Mihai Giurgiu 1 48 9 7 8 12 12 RESPINS
1459 DUMITRU M. Larisa-Mihaela Bacu 4 26 5 3 7 7 4 RESPINS
1460 DUMITRU M. Mdlina Sibiu 4 34 7 7 2 11 7 RESPINS
1461 DUMITRU M. tefan Bacu 3 41 11 4 8 10 8 RESPINS
1462 DUMITRU N. Marius-Nicolae Bucureti 2 46 10 7 7 13 9 RESPINS
1463 DUMITRU S. Marius-Lucian Bucureti 3 54 12 11 8 11 12 RESPINS
1464 DUMITRU S. Rodica-Nicoleta Bucureti 4 38 7 8 9 9 5 RESPINS
1465 DUMITRU T. Gabriela Galai 3 35 8 4 11 5 7 RESPINS
1466 DUMITRU V (VASILE). Cristina Bucureti 3 53 11 14 7 12 9 RESPINS
1467 DUMITRU Z (ZAMFIR). Cristina Bucureti 4 45 10 8 4 11 12 RESPINS
1468 DUMNICI N. Mihai-Alexandru Timi 3 56 14 9 6 14 13 RESPINS
1469 DUMNICI I. Adrian-Mihai Timi 4 61 13 11 6 16 15 RESPINS
1470 DUNAREANU M. Alexandra-
Bucureti 3 71 14 13 12 14 18 ADMIS
1471 DUN C. Constantin-Daniel Constana 4 54 10 13 8 12 11 RESPINS
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Tabel cu rezultatele obinute de candidaii la examenul de primire n profesia de
avocat ca avocat STAGIAR - 15 septembrie 2014
DC DPC DP DPP Rezultat
1472 DUNCA P. Isadora-Ioana Bucureti 3 47 7 7 10 12 11 RESPINS
1473 DURAN C. Crisant-Andrei Bucureti 4 32 6 6 5 7 8 RESPINS
1474 DURLOI V. Paula Bacu 4 48 9 8 9 9 13 RESPINS
1475 DURU G. Vlad-Emanuel Cluj 2 70 14 15 9 16 16 RESPINS
1476 DUA N. Andreia-Nicoleta Bucureti 3 26 4 5 5 9 3 RESPINS
1477 DUTA I. George-Iulian Bucureti 4 28 6 6 5 6 5 RESPINS
1478 DUTA P. Andreea-Elena Arge 2 37 7 6 6 7 11 RESPINS
1479 DUTULEASA C. Constantina-
Bucureti 3 67 13 12 10 15 17 RESPINS
1480 ECOBICI I. Irina Mehedini 3 53 10 9 9 11 14 RESPINS
1481 EFTENE F. Diana-Elena Bucureti 4 35 10 4 5 10 6 RESPINS
1482 EFTIMIE D. Silviu-Dimitrie Bucureti 3 39 10 5 5 10 9 RESPINS
1483 EFTIMIE I. Ruxandra Timi 3 40 8 9 5 12 6 RESPINS
1484 ENACHE A. Liana Bucureti 4 31 7 6 6 9 3 RESPINS
1485 ENACHE G. Florina Bucureti 1 59 12 10 11 15 11 RESPINS
1486 ENACHE G. Lavinia-Andreea Braov 3 43 8 9 4 9 13 RESPINS
1487 ENACHE I. Ion-Gabriel Bucureti 2 65 13 12 11 14 15 RESPINS
1488 ENACHE L. Andrei-Alexandru Bucureti 1 26 5 6 6 6 3 RESPINS
1489 ENACHE L. Georgiana Bucureti 2 64 14 12 9 13 16 RESPINS
1490 ENACHE N. Gelu-Iorest Cluj 1 30 8 7 3 12 0 RESPINS
1491 ENACHE N. Radu Bucureti 1 66 11 12 12 14 17 RESPINS
1492 ENACHE O. Iuliana-Marilena Bucureti 2 46 9 8 6 14 9 RESPINS
1493 ENACHE S. Cristian-Florin Olt 4 45 10 8 7 13 7 RESPINS
1494 ENACHE V. Diana-Nicoleta Giurgiu 1 26 4 3 2 10 7 RESPINS
1495 ENCHESCU C. Sebastian-
Bucureti 2 62 12 13 10 13 14 RESPINS
1496 ENCHESCU M. Gabriela Dmbovia 1 30 8 5 5 5 7 RESPINS
1497 ENCIU N. Nicolae Vrancea 4 62 16 10 9 13 14 RESPINS
1498 ENCULESCU P. Robert-Gabriel Olt 3 26 6 3 6 7 4 RESPINS
1499 ENE G. Alexandra-Nicoleta Braov 4 27 5 3 5 13 1 RESPINS
1500 ENE I. Liliana-Magdalena Braov 1 66 11 16 9 14 16 RESPINS
1501 ENE T. Florina-Claudia Bucureti 1 40 7 6 9 10 8 RESPINS
1502 ENE V. Mariana Bucureti 2 47 8 9 7 14 9 RESPINS
1503 ENECHIUC S. Lucian Dmbovia 1 73 15 11 15 16 16 ADMIS
1504 ENESCU A. Bogdan Ilfov 2 52 13 7 8 14 10 RESPINS
1505 ENESCU I. Anca-Elena Bucureti 1 78 16 13 13 17 19 ADMIS
1506 ENIC V. Afrodita-Gabriela Clrai 1 53 12 12 9 13 7 RESPINS
1507 ENUCA C. Georgeta-Cristina Dolj 4 28 9 4 4 8 3 RESPINS
1508 EPANGEAC L. tefan Dolj 3 67 9 12 13 15 18 RESPINS
1509 EPURE V. Vasile-Lucian Bucureti 2 64 12 11 12 13 16 RESPINS
1510 ERDEI N. Claudia-Georgeta Sibiu 2 55 11 8 10 12 14 RESPINS
1511 ERDEI V. Patrick-Viorel Arad 1 48 9 9 3 14 13 RESPINS
1512 ERDELY F. Emese-Timea Cluj 2 42 9 6 7 12 8 RESPINS
1513 EREMIA V. Ana-Cristina Bucureti 1 53 11 6 7 13 16 RESPINS
1514 EREMIE M. Andrada-Ruxandra Timi 2 51 8 7 11 14 11 RESPINS
1515 EROS F. Julia-Emese Cluj 1 40 8 7 9 13 3 RESPINS
1516 ERSZNY A. Zsuzsanna Harghita 3 30 13 5 1 10 1 RESPINS
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Tabel cu rezultatele obinute de candidaii la examenul de primire n profesia de
avocat ca avocat STAGIAR - 15 septembrie 2014
DC DPC DP DPP Rezultat
1517 ESANU V. Bogdan-Alexandru Bacu 3 21 4 3 6 6 2 RESPINS
Constana 2 27 8 3 3 8 5 RESPINS
1519 FABIAN-STUPU V. Beatrix Cluj 3 51 11 10 12 11 7 RESPINS
1520 FAIC S. Reihan Bucureti 3 35 11 4 7 8 5 RESPINS
1521 FAINA S. Alexandru-Dorian Gorj 4 30 9 6 3 9 3 RESPINS
1522 FANACHE I. Mirela Clrai 4 66 14 12 11 13 16 RESPINS
1523 FANTU B. Bianca-Irina Iai 2 23 5 2 6 6 4 RESPINS
1524 FARCA C. Mariana-Amalia Cluj 4 68 14 15 13 13 13 RESPINS
1525 FARCA G. Ana-Maria Cluj 3 43 13 7 5 10 8 RESPINS
1526 FARCA M. Carmen-Mihaela Bucureti 3 73 16 14 11 15 17 ADMIS
1527 FARKAS Z. Zoltan-Ferencz Satu Mare 1 35 11 5 4 8 7 RESPINS
1528 FARMATE(CERNEA) I. Lavinia-
Giurgiu 4 27 7 3 4 9 4 RESPINS
1529 FASIE I. Florin Bucureti 1 29 6 7 5 5 6 RESPINS
1530 FATU G. Loredana Bucureti 2 54 10 6 14 13 11 RESPINS
1531 FAUR F. Georgiana-Florina Bucureti 1 50 8 9 11 13 9 RESPINS
1532 FAUR G. Amelia-Gabriela Timi 2 55 13 11 10 13 8 RESPINS
1533 FAUR T. Anca-Luisa Iai 1 59 10 13 10 14 12 RESPINS
1534 FAZAKAS Z. Laszlo Cluj 4 57 12 9 8 16 12 RESPINS
1535 FNARIU A. tefan Iai 2 66 10 13 11 15 17 RESPINS
1536 FCLE I. Andreea-Georgiana Bucureti 2 62 9 12 10 14 17 RESPINS
1537 FGDU C. Rzvan-Laureniu Dolj 1 33 7 5 6 7 8 RESPINS
1538 FGRA A. Anamaria Mure 4 32 9 3 5 8 7 RESPINS
1539 FRGU A. Alexandra-Maria Cluj 3 60 9 11 10 16 14 RESPINS
1540 FRCA M. Rare Cluj 4 59 9 10 8 17 15 RESPINS
1541 FRCA T. Doru-Cristian Mure 1 45 11 5 8 10 11 RESPINS
1542 FIE I. Cristina-Maria Buzu 2 42 9 3 7 11 12 RESPINS
1543 FECHET . Iosif-Narcis Bacu 1 54 15 7 9 13 10 RESPINS
Iai 2 61 13 10 13 11 14 RESPINS
1545 FEDIUC G. Cristina-Madalina Bucureti 3 41 7 6 8 10 10 RESPINS
1546 FEGHIU B. Boris Bucureti 4 45 7 9 7 12 10 RESPINS
1547 FEGYVERESI I. Zsolt Cluj 3 52 11 15 5 16 5 RESPINS
1548 FEHER M. Claudia Timi 1 60 16 13 8 12 11 RESPINS
1549 FEKETE N. Claudia Braov 3 26 4 3 8 8 3 RESPINS
1550 FELDRIHAN V. Diana-Alexandra Cluj 1 57 15 8 12 10 12 RESPINS
1551 FENESAN N. Razvan-Andrei Ialomia 3 38 12 4 7 5 10 RESPINS
1552 FEODORENCO V. Andreea Bucureti 4 33 9 6 3 9 6 RESPINS
1553 FERARIU I. Anastasia Bucureti 1 44 8 11 5 13 7 RESPINS
1554 FERARIU M. Alexandru-Razvan Bucureti 2 22 4 6 3 8 1 RESPINS
1555 FERARU D. Alexandra-Elena Bucureti 1 45 13 11 7 5 9 RESPINS
1556 FERCEA J. Victor-George Timi 2 78 14 17 11 18 18 ADMIS
1557 FERESTEOARU V. Georgiana-
Bucureti 2 42 11 7 4 11 9 RESPINS
1558 FILIMON V. Costel-Bogdan Sibiu 4 50 13 8 10 13 6 RESPINS
1559 FILIOREANU V. Andreea Iai 1 58 11 11 12 12 12 RESPINS
1560 FILIP L. Carla-Maria Bucureti 1 71 14 14 10 16 17 ADMIS
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Tabel cu rezultatele obinute de candidaii la examenul de primire n profesia de
avocat ca avocat STAGIAR - 15 septembrie 2014
DC DPC DP DPP Rezultat
1561 FILIP S. Sorina-Mihaela Braov 1 22 6 4 4 1 7 RESPINS
1562 FILIP V. Elena-Lavinia Constana 2 31 7 2 7 8 7 RESPINS
1563 FILIP V. Tudor-Petrut Sibiu 2 62 12 8 10 17 15 RESPINS
1564 FILIPESCU I. Alexandru Constana 1 38 12 4 8 11 3 RESPINS
1565 FILIP-MUNTEAN L. Horia-Sever Braov 1 59 14 10 8 14 13 RESPINS
1566 FIRIZA G. Silviu-Alin Gorj 2 21 2 4 6 8 1 RESPINS
1567 FIUSTE I. Alexandra-Monica Bucureti 2 38 10 5 4 10 9 RESPINS
1568 FLECHEA G. Emanuel-Valeriu Bucureti 3 69 12 15 8 18 16 RESPINS
1569 FLEICAN I. Leonard-Florin Bucureti 4 51 12 11 8 11 9 RESPINS
1570 FLOARES D. Alin Bucureti 3 48 13 10 4 10 11 RESPINS
1571 FLOREA B. Ovidiu-Valentin Bucureti 1 45 9 9 9 10 8 RESPINS
1572 FLOREA B. Vlad-Teodor Bucureti 2 46 9 9 9 10 9 RESPINS
1573 FLOREA C. Andra-Larisa Bucureti 1 64 11 12 12 15 14 RESPINS
1574 FLOREA C. Florentina-Daniela Bucureti 2 11 3 1 1 3 3 RESPINS
1575 FLOREA D. Raluca Bucureti 3 47 9 5 7 12 14 RESPINS
1576 FLOREA G. Luiz-Gabriel Dolj 1 33 8 9 5 7 4 RESPINS
1577 FLOREA I. Mihail-Bogdan Bucureti 4 29 8 6 5 8 2 RESPINS
1578 FLOREA I. Oana Constana 3 19 3 3 4 8 1 RESPINS
1579 FLOREA M. Mihaela-Iuliana Arge 2 40 10 4 5 12 9 RESPINS
1580 FLOREA T. Elena-Daniela Galai 1 26 6 4 7 4 5 RESPINS
1581 FLOREA T. Maria Bucureti 4 34 6 9 5 8 6 RESPINS
1582 FLOREA V. Bianca-Valentina Ilfov 1 23 2 8 4 5 4 RESPINS
1583 FLOREA V. Marcu-Octavian Bucureti 2 77 15 16 14 14 18 ADMIS
1584 FLOREAN F. Flavia Bucureti 1 67 13 14 12 12 16 RESPINS
1585 FLOREAN V. Florina Cluj 2 61 12 12 10 15 12 RESPINS
1586 FLOREA-OCHI A. Diana-
Cluj 1 55 12 10 9 13 11 RESPINS
1587 FLORESCU I. Mirela-Nicoleta Ilfov 2 41 13 4 10 5 9 RESPINS
1588 FLORIAN T. Madalina-Nora Slaj 2 39 5 4 10 10 10 RESPINS
1589 FLORICA M. Laura-tefania Vlcea 1 56 10 10 9 13 14 RESPINS
1590 FLORICEL F. Elena Neam 1 21 9 1 4 5 2 RESPINS
1591 FLUCU I. Roxana-Iustina Braov 2 26 5 6 7 5 3 RESPINS
1592 FLUTURE P. Veronica-Oana Galai 2 51 9 7 9 13 13 RESPINS
1593 FODOR C. Costel Bucureti 2 17 6 0 5 3 3 RESPINS
1594 FODOR I. Alexandra-Ioana Bucureti 4 43 13 4 6 12 8 RESPINS
1595 FODOR M. Mihail Iai 3 26 4 3 6 8 5 RESPINS
1596 FODOR V. Andreea-Dana Bucureti 1 65 15 11 11 17 11 RESPINS
1597 FORGA L. Claudiu-Cristian Mehedini 2 50 7 8 7 13 15 RESPINS
1598 FRANCIUC M. Andra-Maria Bucureti 2 56 11 7 11 13 14 RESPINS
1599 FRANGU D. Alina-Valentina Bucureti 3 26 4 3 6 9 4 RESPINS
1600 FRATILA G. Ioana-Andra Mehedini 3 56 12 8 7 15 14 RESPINS
1601 FRATOAICA N. Mihaela-Diana Bucureti 1 41 12 5 5 13 6 RESPINS
1602 FRAIAN A. Alexandru Bucureti 2 54 6 10 9 15 14 RESPINS
1603 FRIL T. Dalina Constana 3 28 6 7 2 9 4 RESPINS
1604 FRIGHENCIU N. Nicoleta-Maria Braov 3 54 10 5 10 15 14 RESPINS
1605 FRIJ D. Cristina-Roxana Bucureti 1 58 11 13 11 8 15 RESPINS
1606 FRIPTU I. Cristina-Laura Bucureti 3 47 7 9 7 12 12 RESPINS
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Tabel cu rezultatele obinute de candidaii la examenul de primire n profesia de
avocat ca avocat STAGIAR - 15 septembrie 2014
DC DPC DP DPP Rezultat
1607 FRONEA I. Ionut Bucureti 1 39 10 3 7 14 5 RESPINS
1608 FROST A. Alexandra Bucureti 2 29 9 4 6 6 4 RESPINS
1609 FRUMOSU A. Ioana-Alexandra Bucureti 1 62 17 8 9 12 16 RESPINS
1610 FRUMUEANU M. Bianca-
Bucureti 2 65 15 11 11 14 14 RESPINS
1611 FRUNZA P. Simona-Nicoleta Brila 3 25 4 6 5 6 4 RESPINS
1612 FRUNZ E. Lia-Alexandra Iai 4 66 10 11 15 14 16 RESPINS
1613 FUGARU V. Sabina-Gabriela Bucureti 2 77 16 16 12 16 17 ADMIS
1614 FULEA P. Iuliu-Petru Cluj 1 63 15 9 10 14 15 RESPINS
1615 FULGEANU L. Iulia-Andreea Arge 4 66 11 13 8 18 16 RESPINS
1616 FULOP Z. Gergo Cluj 2 65 12 9 10 17 17 RESPINS
1617 FUNDA C. Cristiana Constana 3 64 9 12 14 16 13 RESPINS
1618 FURDUI D. Gheorghe Sibiu 4 42 7 5 10 13 7 RESPINS
1619 FURDUI I. Marian-Constantin Bucureti 4 26 3 4 4 10 5 RESPINS
1620 FURIC I. Cristian Braov 1 37 12 4 6 11 4 RESPINS
1621 FURNIC N. Diana-Andreea Suceava 3 52 11 7 12 9 13 RESPINS
1622 FURNIGEA A. Elena-Loredana Mehedini 3 16 0 4 7 3 2 RESPINS
1623 FUSOI I. Elena-Iuliana Sibiu 2 52 11 8 10 10 13 RESPINS
1624 GABOR I. Marinela-Ana Bihor 1 27 5 4 9 7 2 RESPINS
1625 GABRIAN I. Andreea-Ioana Cluj 1 45 9 11 7 16 2 RESPINS
1626 GABROVEANU M. Elena-
Gorj 4 23 5 4 7 6 1 RESPINS
1627 GABURA A. Luminita Bucureti 4 48 10 11 7 12 8 RESPINS
1628 GACICHEVICI M. Andrada-
Bucureti 1 64 13 14 10 13 14 RESPINS
1629 GAFAR M. Sevil-Manolya Constana 4 48 12 4 8 14 10 RESPINS
1630 GAFTON P. Florin-Doru Galai 4 21 4 7 3 6 1 RESPINS
1631 GAGA I. Claudia-Andra Cluj 3 66 15 14 9 14 14 RESPINS
1632 GAL J. Andrea Bucureti 1 81 17 15 16 15 18 ADMIS
1633 GAL P. Cezar-Dacian Bihor 2 53 11 15 4 14 9 RESPINS
1634 GALAN G. Livia Bucureti 2 53 9 10 6 16 12 RESPINS
1635 GALATAN I. Anisoara-Voichita Timi 1 77 14 17 14 13 19 ADMIS
1636 GALATANU G. Corina-Mihaela Galai 3 22 4 6 2 6 4 RESPINS
1637 GALATANU M. Robert-
Bucureti 3 28 4 4 3 11 6 RESPINS
1638 GALEA O. Sergiu Cluj 4 65 11 10 12 15 17 RESPINS
1639 GALE G. Radu-Ctlin Bucureti 4 49 14 8 7 12 8 RESPINS
1640 GALETSCHI D. Alexandru-
Bucureti 3 81 17 15 13 17 19 ADMIS
1641 GALIS I. Ioana-Daniela Alba 3 63 10 11 7 16 19 RESPINS
1642 GANCEA A. Elena-Andreea Bucureti 4 59 10 12 12 13 12 RESPINS
1643 GANGAN M. Ionu Iai 4 25 8 4 4 8 1 RESPINS
1644 GARDEAN M. Ionela-Adriana Timi 2 63 8 13 14 13 15 RESPINS
1645 GARLASU D. Irina Bucureti 3 77 16 15 13 14 19 ADMIS
1646 GAROFIL C. Steliana Bucureti 4 59 11 13 10 12 13 RESPINS
1647 GAROFIL M. Iancu Tulcea 1 37 13 3 5 9 7 RESPINS
1648 GATIN N. Andreea-Ioana Bucureti 2 25 4 3 5 8 5 RESPINS
1649 GATITU C. Tomi-Robert Bucureti 1 34 10 3 6 10 5 RESPINS
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Tabel cu rezultatele obinute de candidaii la examenul de primire n profesia de
avocat ca avocat STAGIAR - 15 septembrie 2014
DC DPC DP DPP Rezultat
1650 GAU S. Silviu-Gabriel Iai 3 51 9 11 8 10 13 RESPINS
1651 GAUBE S. Ramona-Elena Hunedoara 1 26 3 4 4 9 6 RESPINS
1652 GAVADIA S. Alexandru-Bogdan Bucureti 2 45 6 10 5 12 12 RESPINS
1653 GAVRA L. Diana-Maria Timi 2 72 13 16 9 17 17 RESPINS
1654 GAVRIL E. Ducu Bucureti 1 71 12 17 12 15 15 ADMIS
1655 GAVRIL E. Eugenia Bucureti 2 28 6 7 6 8 1 RESPINS
1656 GAVRILA S. Simona-
Bucureti 3 57 12 14 8 11 12 RESPINS
1657 GAVRIL A. Alexandru Bucureti 4 69 12 14 10 15 18 RESPINS
1658 GAVRIL S. Liviu-Mihai Braov 3 36 12 6 7 8 3 RESPINS
1659 GAVRI T. Aurora-Elena Bihor 1 25 6 2 4 6 7 RESPINS
1660 GCIU N. Mihail-Vintil Gorj 1 20 6 4 4 5 1 RESPINS
1661 GJIL G. Mircea Bucureti 3 60 16 11 6 12 15 RESPINS
1662 GLCESCU G. Aurelian-Petru Dolj 2 54 12 5 6 16 15 RESPINS
1663 GNDIL G. Diana-Georgiana Cluj 4 55 12 8 10 13 12 RESPINS
1664 GIN F. Adina-Maria Teleorman 1 72 13 15 13 16 15 ADMIS
1665 GMAN M. Ovidiu-Alexandru Dolj 2 22 2 4 6 6 4 RESPINS
1666 GUREANU P. Drago-Cosmin Iai 4 51 13 6 8 11 13 RESPINS
1667 GEALATU G. Crina Bucureti 4 85 19 16 16 17 17 ADMIS
1668 GEAMBASU C. Constanta-
Bucureti 3 29 8 4 3 9 5 RESPINS
1669 GEARP P. Ioana-Ctlina Bucureti 4 58 14 9 10 12 13 RESPINS
1670 GEBAILA N. Bogdan-Gabriel Bucureti 1 25 4 6 6 6 3 RESPINS
1671 GENCARAU D. Ruxandra Bucureti 2 62 13 11 7 14 17 RESPINS
1672 GEORGESCU A. Andrada-Nina Bucureti 1 40 11 5 6 10 8 RESPINS
1673 GEORGESCU A. Ioana-Teodora Mure 4 48 9 10 6 14 9 RESPINS
1674 GEORGESCU C. Diana Bucureti 2 61 10 13 10 15 13 RESPINS
1675 GEORGESCU E. Anca-Sorina Dmbovia 1 46 9 13 4 14 6 RESPINS
1676 GEORGESCU F. Alexandru Bucureti 2 43 9 9 5 10 10 RESPINS
1677 GEORGESCU T. Carmen-Diana Bucureti 3 93 17 20 18 19 19 ADMIS
1678 GEORGESCU G. George-
Bucureti 4 44 9 10 6 9 10 RESPINS
1679 GEORGESCU G. Ioana-Lucia Bucureti 3 82 14 16 16 18 18 ADMIS
1680 GEORGESCU I. Diana-Elena Bucureti 4 39 9 6 8 12 4 RESPINS
1681 GEORGESCU I. Theodor Bucureti 3 34 6 5 4 12 7 RESPINS
1682 GEORGESCU M. Alexandra-
Olt 1 39 10 3 7 8 11 RESPINS
1683 GEORGESCU N. Gianina Clrai 4 26 8 2 5 8 3 RESPINS
1684 GEORGESCU P. Ioan-Ovidiu Braov 1 38 8 6 4 12 8 RESPINS
1685 GEORGIU I. Raluca-Maria Cluj 3 62 14 11 9 14 14 RESPINS
1686 GERU V. Violeta Bucureti 1 79 15 18 13 16 17 ADMIS
1687 GEVRE A. Andreea-Rozalia Bucureti 2 42 9 6 7 14 6 RESPINS
1688 GHELASE B. Ionela Braov 2 60 15 9 10 15 11 RESPINS
1689 GHENEA I. Nicoleta Bucureti 1 45 8 9 5 10 13 RESPINS
1690 GHEORGHE A. Radu-Adrian Dolj 2 43 11 7 5 11 9 RESPINS
1691 GHEORGHE C. Ana-Maria Bucureti 2 58 14 16 8 11 9 RESPINS
1692 GHEORGHE C. Laura-Crinela Bucureti 1 60 7 13 9 16 15 RESPINS
1693 GHEORGHE C. Lucian Tulcea 2 32 8 3 6 10 5 RESPINS
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Tabel cu rezultatele obinute de candidaii la examenul de primire n profesia de
avocat ca avocat STAGIAR - 15 septembrie 2014
DC DPC DP DPP Rezultat
1694 GHEORGHE D. Andra-Ana-
Bucureti 3 65 11 17 9 13 15 RESPINS
1695 GHEORGHE G. Cristian-Marius Tulcea 4 41 10 8 6 12 5 RESPINS
1696 GHEORGHE G. Georgiana-
Prahova 3 36 7 6 6 11 6 RESPINS
1697 GHEORGHE C. Lavinia-Elena Bucureti 3 58 11 11 6 13 17 RESPINS
1698 GHEORGHE I. Cristiana Bucureti 4 32 4 3 8 6 11 RESPINS
1699 GHEORGHE I. Daniel Bucureti 3 46 10 9 7 10 10 RESPINS
1700 GHEORGHE I. Iulia Bucureti 4 22 3 6 3 8 2 RESPINS
1701 GHEORGHE I. Roxana-Maria Bucureti 1 68 15 12 11 14 16 RESPINS
1702 GHEORGHE L. Livia-Maria Bucureti 2 30 6 3 6 12 3 RESPINS
1703 GHEORGHE M. Andi-Cristian Bucureti 1 29 5 6 8 7 3 RESPINS
1704 GHEORGHE M. Gabriela-
Arge 3 46 13 5 11 10 7 RESPINS
1705 GHEORGHE M. Marius-Gabriel Ilfov 2 27 6 2 5 10 4 RESPINS
1706 GHEORGHE S. Andrei Bucureti 1 80 14 18 13 17 18 ADMIS
1707 GHEORGHE S. Isabela-Elena Bucureti 2 67 14 14 8 14 17 RESPINS
1708 GHEORGHE . Mirela Vrancea 4 60 12 10 13 12 13 RESPINS
1709 GHEORGHE T. Relu-Alin Galai 3 25 5 4 5 8 3 RESPINS
1710 GHEORGHE V. Maria-Alexandra Bucureti 3 29 7 4 7 9 2 RESPINS
1711 GHEORGHICIUC C. Raluca-
Bucureti 4 40 9 6 6 10 9 RESPINS
1712 GHEORGHI C. Valentin Iai 3 58 10 11 6 15 16 RESPINS
1713 GHEORGHI N. Bogdan Mure 4 58 10 10 9 17 12 RESPINS
1714 GHEORGHIU C. Octavian-Mihai Iai 4 35 5 10 6 6 8 RESPINS
1715 GHEORGHIU C. Simona Iai 3 31 7 2 4 14 4 RESPINS
1716 GHEORGHIU C. Smaranda Iai 1 56 11 9 12 15 9 RESPINS
1717 GHEORGHIU I. Alina Vrancea 4 26 5 5 5 7 4 RESPINS
1718 GHEORGHIU I. Eustatiu-Ctlin Iai 2 29 5 2 8 8 6 RESPINS
1719 GHEORGHIU M. Raluca Bucureti 3 57 13 9 10 14 11 RESPINS
1720 GHEORGHIU V. Adina Bucureti 4 31 5 6 8 8 4 RESPINS
1721 GHERA I. Elena Timi 3 27 5 5 5 8 4 RESPINS
1722 GHERASE C. Laurentiu-
Timi 4 51 11 6 9 11 14 RESPINS
1723 GHERASIM G. Andrei-Gheorghe Bucureti 3 83 15 16 15 18 19 ADMIS
1724 GHERASIM M. Ioana-Alexandra Bucureti 4 78 12 16 17 17 16 ADMIS
1725 GHERASIMESCU V. Ciprian-
Bacu 1 47 10 7 7 13 10 RESPINS
1726 GHERGHE M. Mihaela Bucureti 1 76 12 14 13 18 19 ADMIS
1727 GHERGHEL E. Marius-Eugen Sibiu 3 61 16 13 6 16 10 RESPINS
1728 GHERGHEL M. Mariana-Oana Neam 2 53 10 8 9 14 12 RESPINS
1729 GHERGHICEANU A. Mioara Prahova 4 40 11 5 7 8 9 RESPINS
1730 GHERGHITA F. Lucian-Horia Bucureti 2 24 4 3 6 5 6 RESPINS
1731 GHERGULOV F. Alexandra Timi 3 54 9 11 8 13 13 RESPINS
1732 GHERMAN L. Monica Bucureti 1 33 9 4 8 8 4 RESPINS
1733 GHERMAN S. Ecaterina Bucureti 2 66 14 12 8 18 14 RESPINS
1734 GHERMAN S. Sorina-Ana Timi 4 62 11 14 8 13 16 RESPINS
1735 GHERVASE M. Georgiana-
Iai 1 48 10 5 5 13 15 RESPINS
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Tabel cu rezultatele obinute de candidaii la examenul de primire n profesia de
avocat ca avocat STAGIAR - 15 septembrie 2014
DC DPC DP DPP Rezultat
1736 GHICA O. Andreea-Valentina Bucureti 1 51 11 13 7 15 5 RESPINS
1737 GHILENSCHI G. Andra-Veronica Bucureti 2 67 12 13 10 15 17 RESPINS
1738 GHIMPETEANU M. Marius-
Bucureti 1 66 12 12 12 17 13 RESPINS
1739 GHIMPU G. Daniel-Ionut Bucureti 2 68 14 15 12 12 15 RESPINS
1740 GHIMUS I. Ioana Bucureti 1 59 14 9 14 12 10 RESPINS
1741 GHINEA I. Dorin-Darius Buzu 1 32 6 4 5 9 8 RESPINS
1742 GHINEA M. Onoria-Elena Bucureti 2 40 7 8 8 11 6 RESPINS
1743 GHINEA V. Elena-Talida Prahova 2 26 2 4 9 7 4 RESPINS
1744 GHINET V. Ana-Maria Bucureti 3 57 12 10 9 14 12 RESPINS
1745 GHIORGHE N. Jenica-Ioana Bucureti 4 45 9 7 11 11 7 RESPINS
1746 GHIRAN M. Stefan-Mircea Bucureti 3 51 12 12 8 9 10 RESPINS
1747 GHISMAN M. Popa-Iulian Bucureti 4 28 7 4 5 8 4 RESPINS
1748 GHITA E. Ioana Bucureti 3 32 9 6 4 6 7 RESPINS
1749 GHITA M. Marian Bucureti 4 25 5 4 5 9 2 RESPINS
1750 GHITA M. Raluca-Gabriela Bucureti 3 30 6 3 6 8 7 RESPINS
1751 GHITA N. Radu-George-
Bucureti 4 52 10 10 6 11 15 RESPINS
1752 GHITA S. Dragos-Mihai Bucureti 3 50 14 11 7 13 5 RESPINS
1753 GHITA V. Mihnea-Alexandru Bucureti 4 36 6 9 8 7 6 RESPINS
1754 GHITA-DINU C. Camelia-Bianca Timi 3 45 9 6 6 13 11 RESPINS
1755 GHIT F. Geanina-Mihaela Prahova 3 28 8 2 5 8 5 RESPINS
1756 GHI M. Ana-Alina Bucureti 1 76 14 16 15 19 12 ADMIS
1757 GHI . Mihai-Iulian Clrai 2 37 9 8 5 13 2 RESPINS
1758 GHIUIC A. Florina-Roxana Constana 1 34 7 6 9 9 3 RESPINS
1759 GHIURU C. Luminia-Gabriela Bihor 4 60 11 8 11 16 14 RESPINS
1760 GHIZDAREANU A. Mihai-
Timi 3 36 8 8 3 11 6 RESPINS
1761 GICOVEANU C. Elena-Cristina Bucureti 2 61 10 11 8 16 16 RESPINS
1762 GIDRO R. Sorana-Stanca Cluj 3 34 12 6 6 8 2 RESPINS
1763 GILOAN G. Renata-Georgiana Cluj 1 65 17 10 10 14 14 RESPINS
1764 GINGU V. Alina-Monica Dolj 3 53 7 10 8 14 14 RESPINS
1765 GINJU V. Daniela-Anca Bucureti 1 26 2 5 5 10 4 RESPINS
1766 GIOABA A. Ana-Iulia Bucureti 2 43 10 7 5 10 11 RESPINS
1767 GIRDA G. Darius Slaj 2 38 8 3 9 11 7 RESPINS
1768 GIRIP V. Octavian Bucureti 1 40 8 7 8 9 8 RESPINS
1769 GISCAN M. Mirela-Elena Bucureti 2 27 4 4 9 7 3 RESPINS
1770 GIUGASTRU R. Anca-Andreea Braov 4 54 11 9 7 14 13 RESPINS
1771 GIUHAT D. Georgeta Bucureti 1 28 8 5 6 6 3 RESPINS
1772 GIURAN G. Mdlin-Rzvan Dolj 4 26 4 4 5 9 4 RESPINS
1773 GIURCULE M. Ionu Constana 2 56 17 7 7 14 11 RESPINS
1774 GIURGIU T. Titus-Sabin Satu Mare 4 31 9 7 3 6 6 RESPINS
1775 GIURGIU-CHEAN H. Ana Cluj 1 47 12 11 6 11 7 RESPINS
1776 GIURGIU-TAKO I. Emese Braov 1 23 6 6 6 5 0 RESPINS
1777 GIUROIU C. Carmen-Maria Vlcea 3 26 4 4 4 6 8 RESPINS
1778 GLC O. Claudiu-Ionel Sibiu 2 34 7 5 6 5 11 RESPINS
1779 GLI M. Mdlina-tefana Iai 2 64 7 10 12 16 19 RESPINS
1780 GRBACEA I. Maria-Raluca Braov 3 53 12 12 8 11 10 RESPINS
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Tabel cu rezultatele obinute de candidaii la examenul de primire n profesia de
avocat ca avocat STAGIAR - 15 septembrie 2014
DC DPC DP DPP Rezultat
1781 GRCU G. Oana-Bianca Bucureti 1 74 14 17 13 15 15 ADMIS
1782 GLAVAN G. Liudmila Bucureti 2 52 13 10 10 9 10 RESPINS
1783 GLVAN P. Iulian-Cristian Timi 3 66 16 13 6 17 14 RESPINS
1784 GLIBICIUC V. Victoria Bucureti 3 57 15 9 6 13 14 RESPINS
1785 GLIGOR D. Cristian-Dan Timi 4 27 8 3 4 10 2 RESPINS
1786 GLOGOVEANU E. Felix-Adrian Bucureti 4 76 14 18 14 12 18 ADMIS
1787 GOANE H. Constantin-Daniel Bucureti 3 44 11 7 6 12 8 RESPINS
1788 GOBEJ G. Dorin-Alexandru Timi 3 69 15 13 11 15 15 RESPINS
1789 GOCAN I. Laura Cluj 2 70 16 16 10 17 11 ADMIS
1790 GOCIU A. Alexandra Timi 4 36 10 5 5 10 6 RESPINS
1791 GOGOA N. Liliana Constana 4 36 7 6 3 10 10 RESPINS
1792 GOGU M. Oana Bucureti 3 75 15 16 14 15 15 ADMIS
1793 GOINA M. Bogdan-Mircea Bihor 3 48 8 8 8 11 13 RESPINS
1794 GOLEA V. Denisa-Andreea Bucureti 4 46 9 8 10 9 10 RESPINS
1795 GOLGOJAN M. Tania-Adelina Bucureti 3 34 4 4 10 9 7 RESPINS
1796 GOLITA I. Iolanda-Elena Bucureti 4 40 9 10 7 10 4 RESPINS
1797 GOMAN I. Adam-Ticu Timi 1 71 14 14 10 15 18 ADMIS
1798 GOMBOS A. Andreea-Oana Timi 2 52 13 9 8 15 7 RESPINS
1799 GONDOR Z. Dan-Alexandru Maramure 1 71 11 14 14 17 15 ADMIS
1800 GONTA S. Ana Bucureti 3 33 6 3 7 10 7 RESPINS
1801 GORCEA V. Cristina Cluj 2 53 10 13 7 11 12 RESPINS
1802 GORDAN L. Vlad-Ioan Bucureti 4 37 9 5 6 11 6 RESPINS
1803 GOREA I. Dan-Ioan Iai 1 34 7 6 5 4 12 RESPINS
1804 GOREA O. Ctlin-Bogdan Ilfov 3 26 5 3 6 6 6 RESPINS
1805 GORIE M. George Constana 4 69 11 14 13 14 17 RESPINS
1806 GOROG A. Denisa-Ancua Cluj 1 60 11 10 12 15 12 RESPINS
Timi 1 28 7 4 6 8 3 RESPINS
1808 GOZOB H. Melania-Camelia Mehedini 4 61 13 12 13 8 15 RESPINS
1809 GRBE-ACZL L. Andrea Harghita 4 30 7 5 3 8 7 RESPINS
1810 GRADINARU S. Victor-Cristian Bucureti 1 30 1 8 5 6 10 RESPINS
1811 GRAJDEANU V. Claudia-Doina Galai 1 23 3 5 4 9 2 RESPINS
1812 GRAMA A. Corina-Gabriela Bistria Nsud 3 33 7 4 5 11 6 RESPINS
1813 GRAMA I. Maria-Florentina Bucureti 2 36 4 6 9 11 6 RESPINS
1814 GRAMA L. Cezara-Laura Bucureti 1 61 13 11 10 15 12 RESPINS
1815 GRANCEA A. Miruna-Stefania Bucureti 2 43 9 5 8 10 11 RESPINS
1816 GRANDORI D. Cosmin-Adrian Bucureti 1 68 15 11 14 14 14 RESPINS
1817 GRAURE G. Catalin-Ioan Bucureti 2 83 19 17 15 16 16 ADMIS
1818 GRDINARIU I. Ioana-Alexandra Iai 2 65 14 8 13 17 13 RESPINS
1819 GRDINARIU I. Marcela Iai 1 75 16 13 14 15 17 ADMIS
1820 GRDINARU M. Roxana-
Bucureti 1 70 13 12 17 11 17 ADMIS
1821 GRDINARU M. Viorel-
Iai 2 22 1 5 8 4 4 RESPINS
1822 GRNICERU I. Alexandru Constana 2 33 6 3 6 11 7 RESPINS
1823 GRECEA C. Profira-Maria Bacu 3 53 12 9 6 13 13 RESPINS
1824 GRECU G. Gheorghe Cluj 4 76 11 18 13 17 17 ADMIS
1825 GRELU I. Adina Braov 1 42 7 9 9 7 10 RESPINS
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DC DPC DP DPP Rezultat
1826 GRIGORAS G. Diana Alba 3 40 6 3 9 13 9 RESPINS
1827 GRIGORAS V. Florian Tulcea 1 33 8 6 7 9 3 RESPINS
1828 GRIGORE A. Alecsandra-
Bucureti 2 43 12 6 6 12 7 RESPINS
1829 GRIGORE B. Vlad-Alin Clrai 1 40 7 7 6 12 8 RESPINS
1830 GRIGORE D. Carolina Bucureti 2 36 9 5 4 10 8 RESPINS
1831 GRIGORE F. Natalia Arge 1 23 7 2 4 6 4 RESPINS
1832 GRIGORE L. Alexandra-Magda Bucureti 1 49 9 8 7 14 11 RESPINS
1833 GRIGORE M. Stefan Bucureti 2 58 14 15 5 12 12 RESPINS
1834 GRIGORE O. Alin-Ionu Dolj 2 66 15 11 12 13 15 RESPINS
1835 GRIGORE S. Ana-Maria Bucureti 3 63 12 14 9 13 15 RESPINS
1836 GRIGOREAN G. Tudor Bucureti 4 31 6 5 5 9 6 RESPINS
1837 GRIGORESCU A. Alexandra-
Bucureti 3 37 8 9 3 8 9 RESPINS
1838 GRIGORESCU A. Sorin-George Arge 1 35 11 6 8 5 5 RESPINS
1839 GRIGORESCU D. Dan-Rzvan Bucureti 4 81 13 19 13 16 20 ADMIS
1840 GRIGORESCU V. Vladimir Bucureti 3 61 12 9 11 15 14 RESPINS
1841 GRIGORIE N. Andreea-Elena Bucureti 4 85 15 18 16 16 20 ADMIS
1842 GRIGORIE T. Larisa Bucureti 3 69 14 14 7 16 18 RESPINS
1843 GRIGOROAIA G. Tudor-Daniel Bucureti 4 42 9 6 4 15 8 RESPINS
1844 GRIGOROVICI G. Andrei Iai 4 48 15 11 7 8 7 RESPINS
1845 GRIGOROVICI I. Anastasia Timi 2 32 7 4 5 11 5 RESPINS
1846 GRINDEI G. Iulian-Ion Bucureti 3 55 12 13 8 13 9 RESPINS
1847 GROMATCHI M. Liliana Bucureti 4 46 10 8 7 12 9 RESPINS
1848 GROSS A. Reinhold-Rudolf Harghita 2 68 15 9 12 18 14 RESPINS
1849 GROSU D. Radu-Sebastian Ilfov 3 45 7 5 10 12 11 RESPINS
1850 GROSU S. Mdlina-Georgiana Bucureti 4 30 9 6 4 5 6 RESPINS
1851 GROZA C. Laurentiu Galai 2 28 5 6 7 6 4 RESPINS
1852 GROZA G. Alexandru-Cristian Bucureti 3 72 13 14 11 16 18 ADMIS
1853 GROZA G. Mirela Cluj 4 63 13 13 9 13 15 RESPINS
1854 GROZA I. Elena Olt 2 27 5 4 5 8 5 RESPINS
1855 GROZA I. Tudor-tefan Cluj 3 32 8 3 5 13 3 RESPINS
1856 GROZA N. Adriana Cluj 4 56 15 9 6 12 14 RESPINS
1857 GROZAVU V. Mircea Suceava 3 75 14 18 12 15 16 ADMIS
1858 GRUMEZA G. Florin Bucureti 4 51 9 11 6 10 15 RESPINS
1859 GUBERNAT V. Maria-Ctlina Vaslui 4 72 16 14 9 16 17 RESPINS
1860 GUBICI B. Bogdan-Emil Bucureti 1 70 15 16 9 16 14 RESPINS
1861 GUCI G. Irina-Maria Constana 2 62 13 11 8 14 16 RESPINS
1862 GUDILA M. Oana-Mirela Bucureti 1 35 7 6 6 9 7 RESPINS
1863 GUDU C. Iuliana Bucureti 2 60 10 16 9 12 13 RESPINS
1864 GUIU T. Elvira-Rodica Bucureti 1 26 3 5 5 9 4 RESPINS
1865 GULI M. Maria-Alexandra Bucureti 2 73 15 15 12 14 17 ADMIS
1866 GULOIU V. Daniela-Catalina Buzu 1 33 9 7 3 11 3 RESPINS
1867 GULYAS G. Liviu-Gheorghe Maramure 3 18 4 2 5 5 2 RESPINS
1868 GUNEA C. Codrin-Constantin Bucureti 1 58 12 12 6 11 17 RESPINS
1869 GURAU I. Ionela Bucureti 2 51 11 9 7 10 14 RESPINS
1870 GURAU V. Gabriela-Georgiana Bucureti 1 41 8 8 5 11 9 RESPINS
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Tabel cu rezultatele obinute de candidaii la examenul de primire n profesia de
avocat ca avocat STAGIAR - 15 septembrie 2014
DC DPC DP DPP Rezultat
1871 GURGUI G. Ioana Bucureti 2 40 10 7 6 9 8 RESPINS
1872 GURI I. Laura-Cristina Constana 1 37 12 8 3 8 6 RESPINS
1873 GUSATU V. Andreea-Oana Bucureti 2 45 8 6 7 13 11 RESPINS
1874 GUSTEA S. Ana-Maria Bucureti 1 28 7 3 5 9 4 RESPINS
1875 GUSU G. Mihaela Bucureti 2 31 8 7 7 8 1 RESPINS
1876 GUU M. Nicolae Bucureti 1 59 8 14 8 15 14 RESPINS
1877 GU P. Andreea-Diana Bucureti 2 67 11 12 13 15 16 RESPINS
1878 GU . Andrei-Alexandru Bucureti 3 58 13 8 9 14 14 RESPINS
1879 GU V. Rosana-Lavinia Bucureti 4 67 15 10 10 14 18 RESPINS
1880 GU I. Cristina-Florentina Gorj 2 25 5 7 4 7 2 RESPINS
1881 HAGIU C. Elena-Isabela Bucureti 3 35 5 8 6 8 8 RESPINS
1882 HAGIU D. Andrei Braov 2 44 11 8 7 7 11 RESPINS
1883 HAGIU D. Sabina-Cristina Bucureti 4 26 4 2 6 11 3 RESPINS
1884 HAIDUC C. Sorin-Nicolae Bucureti 3 31 9 5 5 9 3 RESPINS
1885 HAINAGIU R. Iulian Brila 3 43 10 7 8 10 8 RESPINS
1886 HALAGHIUC M. Florin Bucureti 4 41 10 10 5 12 4 RESPINS
1887 HALCHIN I. Cristina Bucureti 3 68 9 16 13 16 14 RESPINS
1888 HAMBERGER A. Arthur Bucureti 4 41 9 8 4 10 10 RESPINS
1889 HANCU M. Mihail Bucureti 3 23 7 1 4 7 4 RESPINS
1890 HANGA-FRCA T. Angela Bihor 1 70 13 16 14 15 12 ADMIS
1891 HANGANU I. Maria Vaslui 3 62 11 14 11 12 14 RESPINS
1892 HANN R. Karin-Elisabeth Cluj 1 23 8 3 5 6 1 RESPINS
1893 HANU V. Vasile-Florin Bucureti 4 63 13 13 10 12 15 RESPINS
1894 HAPAPICI D. Dana-Florina Bihor 2 67 14 10 11 15 17 RESPINS
1895 HAPCA T. Sorina-Marilena Bucureti 3 59 9 10 10 14 16 RESPINS
1896 HARALAMBIE D. Marius-Iulian Constana 4 38 8 7 10 7 6 RESPINS
1897 HARDULEA V. Roxana-Elena Iai 4 41 10 8 4 9 10 RESPINS
1898 HARTAN I. Alexandru Bucureti 3 38 10 5 4 13 6 RESPINS
1899 HASCU C. Remus-Iulian Bucureti 4 29 5 6 7 7 4 RESPINS
1900 HAEGAN D. Mihai Sibiu 3 49 12 8 6 9 14 RESPINS
1901 HATNEAN F. Ana-Maria Bucureti 3 46 12 6 9 10 9 RESPINS
1902 HAEGAN P. Roxana-Maria Cluj 2 59 12 15 9 12 11 RESPINS
1903 HLMGEAN G. Paul Cluj 1 64 14 12 5 15 18 RESPINS
1904 HRDU R. Rusalim-Alexandru Timi 1 62 10 14 9 17 12 RESPINS
1905 HMAN G. Teodora-Maria Cluj 2 58 12 10 9 12 15 RESPINS
1906 HMAN I. Patricia Cluj 1 36 9 5 4 10 8 RESPINS
1907 HEBE D. Andrada Slaj 2 55 10 8 9 14 14 RESPINS
1908 HEN D. Alina-Dorina Bihor 2 57 9 11 8 16 13 RESPINS
1909 HEPE A. Raul-Alexandru Bucureti 4 54 10 11 11 12 10 RESPINS
1910 HERCHI S. Carmen Bihor 1 61 12 12 13 11 13 RESPINS
1911 HERCU M. Izabela-Alice Bihor 2 79 16 16 14 17 16 ADMIS
1912 HERMAN V. Mihaela-Nicoleta Bihor 1 44 9 7 9 8 11 RESPINS
1913 HERMANN H. Christopher Bucureti 2 41 13 4 5 11 8 RESPINS
1914 HEROIU V. Iulia-Virginia Bucureti 1 39 10 6 7 8 8 RESPINS
1915 HEROVANU B. Miruna Bucureti 2 45 9 9 7 12 8 RESPINS
1916 HERTEG N. Raluca-Florina Maramure 1 52 11 7 8 17 9 RESPINS
1917 HEXAN F. Cosmin-Florin Bihor 2 35 6 6 8 7 8 RESPINS
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Tabel cu rezultatele obinute de candidaii la examenul de primire n profesia de
avocat ca avocat STAGIAR - 15 septembrie 2014
DC DPC DP DPP Rezultat
1918 HIDAN E. Alexandra Slaj 3 77 15 16 15 17 14 ADMIS
1919 HIDEG Z. Edith-Renata Mure 4 68 15 12 11 15 15 RESPINS
1920 HILOCHI G. Madalina Neam 3 51 8 8 13 11 11 RESPINS
1921 HILOTI M. Adelina-Ana Timi 1 41 9 9 7 12 4 RESPINS
1922 HINTOIU G. Corina Vrancea 4 37 12 8 4 8 5 RESPINS
1923 HIRA C. Larisa-Elena Bucureti 1 32 9 7 6 6 4 RESPINS
1924 HIRTAN C. Constantin Bucureti 3 53 9 9 7 14 14 RESPINS
1925 HNCIANU D. Mihaela-Abiana Iai 3 39 10 5 4 7 13 RESPINS
1926 HNCU I. Veronica Iai 4 29 5 5 7 6 6 RESPINS
1927 HLADE I. Mariana Suceava 3 31 9 5 6 8 3 RESPINS
1928 HOADREA M. Bogdan Sibiu 1 41 10 3 5 12 11 RESPINS
1929 HOAN V. Elena-Loredana Vlcea 1 62 12 13 12 14 11 RESPINS
1930 HODOR V. Mona-Alexandra Iai 1 55 13 9 7 13 13 RESPINS
1931 HODOS-STANCIU I. Priscila-
Arge 2 51 10 10 9 11 11 RESPINS
1932 HOLCA F. Alexandra-Maria Bucureti 4 52 13 7 8 11 13 RESPINS
1933 HOLINSCHI M. Victoria Bucureti 3 33 5 5 4 11 8 RESPINS
1934 HOMITCHI A. Ioana-Loredana Bucureti 4 26 8 3 4 5 6 RESPINS
1935 HOPIRTEAN I. Ana-Maria Bucureti 3 39 12 10 5 8 4 RESPINS
1936 HOPU V. Ionu Bucureti 4 48 8 10 9 10 11 RESPINS
1937 HORTU D. Daniela-Nicoleta Iai 2 55 11 8 11 13 12 RESPINS
1938 HORGE T. Lavinia-Roxana Bihor 3 68 13 15 11 16 13 RESPINS
1939 HORJINEC G. Ludvig-Francisc Iai 1 56 10 11 13 14 8 RESPINS
1940 HOROMNEA M. Mihaela-
Iai 1 37 6 6 9 11 5 RESPINS
1941 HORVATH P. Bogdan Cluj 4 62 14 10 11 14 13 RESPINS
1942 HOTARANU G. Anca Bucureti 1 73 15 15 11 15 17 ADMIS
1943 HOVAKIMYAN K. Vahe Bucureti 2 33 6 6 3 12 6 RESPINS
1944 HOZA M. Mircea-Nicolae Bucureti 1 29 4 6 7 8 4 RESPINS
1945 HOZAN T. Paul-Ionu Cluj 3 29 6 2 4 11 6 RESPINS
1946 HOZOC I. Andreea-Tatiana Bucureti 2 47 11 6 7 11 12 RESPINS
1947 HRISCU F. Letitia-Floriana Bucureti 1 37 10 3 3 9 12 RESPINS
1948 HRISTACHE E. Cipiran Galai 1 33 8 7 5 7 6 RESPINS
1949 HRUBARU M. Dragos Bucureti 2 46 12 8 10 10 6 RESPINS
1950 HUDITEANU M. Alexandru-
Iai 2 49 8 11 8 12 10 RESPINS
1951 HUDI M. Ramona-Elena Bucureti 1 69 17 13 10 12 17 RESPINS
1952 HUDREA A. Alexandra-Mdlina Cluj 3 39 10 3 8 8 10 RESPINS
1953 HURDUBEI D. Florentina Bucureti 2 76 16 18 10 15 17 ADMIS
1954 HURDUCA S. Simion-Claudiu Bucureti 3 62 12 13 9 13 15 RESPINS
1955 HURMUZACHE C. Maria Bacu 2 30 6 5 4 8 7 RESPINS
1956 HURUB E. Raluca-Ioana Mure 2 55 13 10 6 12 14 RESPINS
1957 HUSARU G. Monica Iai 1 50 9 8 11 13 9 RESPINS
1958 HUSZARIK P. Pavel-Andrei Bihor 4 30 10 6 4 7 3 RESPINS
1959 HUTANU I. Gratiela-Alexandra Arge 1 53 12 9 7 13 12 RESPINS
1960 HUZA L. Alexandra Bucureti 4 67 13 12 12 14 16 RESPINS
1961 IACOB L. Ioana-Ramona Bucureti 3 30 8 6 4 9 3 RESPINS
1962 IACOB N. Adrian Bucureti 4 64 11 14 9 14 16 RESPINS
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Tabel cu rezultatele obinute de candidaii la examenul de primire n profesia de
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DC DPC DP DPP Rezultat
1963 IACOB N. Anamaria Brila 2 22 5 5 8 3 1 RESPINS
1964 IACOB P. Andreia Iai 2 66 10 13 13 16 14 RESPINS
1965 IACOB R. Matei-Mihai Bucureti 3 60 12 12 9 14 13 RESPINS
1966 IACOB . Simona-Alexandra Braov 3 27 7 2 2 13 3 RESPINS
1967 IACOB V. Luciana Bucureti 4 54 12 9 9 12 12 RESPINS
1968 IACOBESCU V. Valentina-
Bucureti 3 50 7 12 8 12 11 RESPINS
1969 IAMANDI D. Bianca-Raluca Bucureti 4 46 3 14 8 11 10 RESPINS
1970 IAMANDOIU N. Dragos-Nicolae Bucureti 3 94 19 20 17 18 20 ADMIS
1971 IANCU A. Adrian Bucureti 4 32 8 8 4 6 6 RESPINS
1972 IANCU C. Daniel-Octavian Dolj 2 23 4 4 4 5 6 RESPINS
1973 IANCU C. Florin-Nelu Bucureti 1 23 4 3 6 6 4 RESPINS
1974 IANCU D. Bianca-Iulia Ialomia 2 34 7 5 4 14 4 RESPINS
1975 IANCU F. Bianca Bucureti 1 24 5 5 7 5 2 RESPINS
1976 IANCU G. Daniela Constana 2 49 11 8 6 14 10 RESPINS
1977 IANCU I. Andreea-Mihaela Prahova 4 30 8 7 3 9 3 RESPINS
1978 IANCU I. Elena-Cristina Bucureti 2 60 17 8 11 9 15 RESPINS
1979 IANCU . Mircea Braov 1 72 16 14 12 15 15 ADMIS
1980 IANCU V. Alexandru Neam 4 62 9 10 14 15 14 RESPINS
1981 IANOS-G G. Sorin-Ionut Bistria Nsud 4 51 14 5 7 12 13 RESPINS
1982 IBNESCU C. Corina-Steliana Bacu 3 70 14 14 11 16 15 ADMIS
1983 IBRAIM E. Eda Bucureti 1 53 11 9 9 15 9 RESPINS
1984 MERCAN (IBRAIMOF) A. Alina Tulcea 2 20 3 3 5 4 5 RESPINS
1985 ICATOIU G. George-Marius Prahova 2 32 7 3 7 8 7 RESPINS
1986 ICHIM T. Anca-Alexandra Galai 1 30 5 5 4 7 9 RESPINS
1987 ICONARU F. Ana-Maria Bucureti 2 52 12 15 7 15 3 RESPINS
1988 ICONARU R. Adrian-George Bucureti 3 67 13 16 10 13 15 RESPINS
1989 IENOVAN D. Alexandra-Ana Timi 3 39 9 6 7 8 9 RESPINS
1990 IEPURE S. Cosmina-Beatrice Bucureti 4 45 7 8 6 13 11 RESPINS
1991 IESEANU S. Victor Bucureti 3 63 10 13 10 18 12 RESPINS
1992 IFRIM-DONICI A. Diana-Roxana Bucureti 4 31 5 4 5 8 9 RESPINS
1993 IFTEMIE M. Andra-Ctlina Bucureti 3 63 11 14 11 11 16 RESPINS
1994 IGNAT C. Gabriela Bucureti 4 39 7 7 9 12 4 RESPINS
1995 IGNAT D. Alina-Cristina Bucureti 3 62 10 14 12 11 15 RESPINS
1996 IGNAT I. Mihai Bucureti 4 54 14 7 9 15 9 RESPINS
1997 IGNAT L. Luciana Bistria Nsud 3 24 2 5 8 7 2 RESPINS
1998 IGNAT V. Vladimir Ilfov 3 48 10 8 9 11 10 RESPINS
1999 IGNATOV A. Bogdan-Andrei Iai 4 57 15 10 10 12 10 RESPINS
2000 ILACU G. Iuliana-Andreea Iai 3 78 11 15 16 17 19 ADMIS
2001 ILEA P. Dariana-Sabrina Bucureti 4 63 16 11 9 14 13 RESPINS
2002 ILEA S. Sorina Timi 4 48 7 10 6 12 13 RESPINS
2003 ILIE D. Dan Constana 3 30 10 1 6 8 5 RESPINS
2004 ILIE E. Roxana-Claudia Buzu 3 56 12 11 10 10 13 RESPINS
2005 ILIE I. Cristina-Ionela Bucureti 4 66 11 13 9 15 18 RESPINS
2006 ILIE M. Angelica-Elena Bucureti 1 65 14 10 11 15 15 RESPINS
2007 ILIE M. Elena Bucureti 2 26 4 8 2 7 5 RESPINS
2008 ILIE M. Valentin Vlcea 1 47 11 10 4 14 8 RESPINS
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Tabel cu rezultatele obinute de candidaii la examenul de primire n profesia de
avocat ca avocat STAGIAR - 15 septembrie 2014
DC DPC DP DPP Rezultat
2009 ILIESCU A. Livia-Cristina Vrancea 2 53 15 8 7 13 10 RESPINS
2010 ILIESCU M. Iulia Braov 4 37 4 11 6 9 7 RESPINS
2011 ILIESCU M. Marius-Adrian Cluj 1 61 14 11 8 14 14 RESPINS
2012 ILIN A. Alexandru-Cristian Timi 3 40 8 3 6 15 8 RESPINS
2013 ILINCA A. Georgiana Bucureti 1 43 6 7 7 12 11 RESPINS
2014 ILINCA G. Georgiana-Iuliana Dolj 2 33 5 4 4 11 9 RESPINS
2015 ILLIN A. Iasmina Timi 4 50 12 9 5 15 9 RESPINS
2016 ILUC G. Despina-Martha Iai 4 76 17 14 9 17 19 RESPINS
2017 INCROSNATU D. Theodor-
Bucureti 2 51 13 9 6 12 11 RESPINS
2018 INDREI V. Cristian-Mihai Bihor 3 41 10 8 4 9 10 RESPINS
Bucureti 1 73 17 17 9 15 15 RESPINS
2020 IOAN F. Mihai Tulcea 2 42 8 8 3 14 9 RESPINS
2021 IOAN L. Adina Galai 3 33 7 5 5 9 7 RESPINS
2022 IOAN S. Violeta-Andreea Bucureti 1 72 13 14 11 17 17 ADMIS
2023 IOANA G. Emanuel Bucureti 2 53 12 10 8 10 13 RESPINS
2024 IOANA M. Maria-Alina Bucureti 1 40 9 9 6 9 7 RESPINS
2025 IOANE P. Victoria-Rodica Bucureti 2 58 12 10 11 13 12 RESPINS
2026 IOJ D. Mihaela Iai 3 54 8 9 10 15 12 RESPINS
2027 ION A. Georgiana Galai 4 31 7 6 8 6 4 RESPINS
2028 ION C. Anna Bucureti 1 53 10 9 7 11 16 RESPINS
2029 ION D. Mariana Bucureti 2 24 6 3 7 6 2 RESPINS
2030 ION M. Ana-Maria Bucureti 3 57 10 8 10 14 15 RESPINS
2031 ION M. Giorgiana-Florentina Bucureti 4 71 15 12 12 14 18 ADMIS
2032 ION T. Andrei Bucureti 3 67 12 16 11 16 12 RESPINS
2033 IONASCU A. Melinda-Claudia Timi 4 48 11 3 12 13 9 RESPINS
2034 IONACU L. Ionela-Roxana Vlcea 3 28 8 8 4 5 3 RESPINS
2035 IONESCU C. Alina-Laura Bucureti 4 27 5 5 5 8 4 RESPINS
2036 IONESCU C. Bogdan-Eugen Bucureti 3 39 10 2 5 11 11 RESPINS
2037 IONESCU C. Sabina Bucureti 4 71 16 10 13 18 14 ADMIS
2038 IONESCU D. Cristina-Mihaela Dolj 4 28 11 4 4 8 1 RESPINS
2039 IONESCU E. Aurelia Vlcea 3 24 7 4 4 5 4 RESPINS
2040 IONESCU F. Denisa Bucureti 3 36 6 6 7 8 9 RESPINS
2041 IONESCU F. Mirela-Anamaria Bucureti 4 27 9 4 7 4 3 RESPINS
2042 IONESCU G. Cristina-Madalina Bucureti 3 32 6 6 6 8 6 RESPINS
2043 IONESCU G. Maria Braov 3 31 9 4 3 8 7 RESPINS
2044 IONESCU I. Marius Dolj 4 48 9 11 4 12 12 RESPINS
2045 IONESCU I. Nicoleta Bucureti 4 47 12 10 8 11 6 RESPINS
2046 IONESCU O. Teodora-Iulia-
Hunedoara 3 52 8 7 11 14 12 RESPINS
2047 IONESCU P. Alin-Bogdan Bucureti 3 67 15 13 10 15 14 RESPINS
2048 IONESCU S. Gabriel-Bogdan Dolj 3 54 11 11 6 15 11 RESPINS
2049 IONESCU S. Stefan-Alexandru Bucureti 4 54 12 11 7 10 14 RESPINS
2050 IONESCU T. Elena Bucureti 1 36 9 6 5 11 5 RESPINS
2051 IONESCU V. Nicu-Eugen Brila 1 28 6 4 9 4 5 RESPINS
2052 IONESEI P. Simona-Ionela Iai 4 49 12 11 7 12 7 RESPINS
2053 IONITA C. Decebal-Bogdan Bucureti 2 51 11 10 7 11 12 RESPINS
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Tabel cu rezultatele obinute de candidaii la examenul de primire n profesia de
avocat ca avocat STAGIAR - 15 septembrie 2014
DC DPC DP DPP Rezultat
2054 IONITA C. Eleonora-Ramona Bucureti 1 31 9 4 3 10 5 RESPINS
2055 IONITA C. Valentin-Cristian Bucureti 2 32 5 6 6 10 5 RESPINS
2056 IONITA F. Alin-Georgian Buzu 4 31 9 5 4 6 7 RESPINS
2057 IONITA G. George-Alin Galai 2 28 8 6 3 6 5 RESPINS
2058 IONITA I. Bogdan-Mihai Bucureti 1 38 12 6 4 6 10 RESPINS
2059 IONITA I. Constantin Bucureti 2 39 11 6 4 10 8 RESPINS
2060 IONITA I. Oana-Maria Bucureti 1 36 5 6 8 7 10 RESPINS
2061 IONITA I. Radu-Dumitru Giurgiu 2 20 4 2 2 8 4 RESPINS
2062 IONITA M. Raluca-Georgiana Bucureti 1 38 9 7 4 9 9 RESPINS
2063 IONITA N. Elena-Raluca Bucureti 2 49 11 7 8 13 10 RESPINS
2064 IONITESCU R. Ana-Izabela Bucureti 1 41 8 10 9 9 5 RESPINS
2065 IONI N. Alina-Marilena Bucureti 2 44 11 7 10 7 9 RESPINS
2066 IONI S. Bogdan-Ionu Bucureti 3 56 14 7 6 13 16 RESPINS
2067 IONI S. Lucic-Marian Constana 4 41 11 6 7 11 6 RESPINS
2068 IORDACHE A. Alexandra-
Bucureti 3 41 9 8 6 14 4 RESPINS
2069 IORDACHE C. Cornelia-Mariana Bucureti 4 45 9 7 8 10 11 RESPINS
2070 IORDACHE C. George-Razvan Bucureti 1 78 18 14 9 17 20 RESPINS
2071 IORDACHE C. Ioana-Rodica Iai 3 35 7 3 6 12 7 RESPINS
2072 IORDACHE C. Viorel-Florian Bucureti 2 27 5 2 6 12 2 RESPINS
2073 IORDACHE D. Andreea-Camelia Dolj 4 56 12 10 5 14 15 RESPINS
2074 IORDACHE D. Razvan Bucureti 1 73 16 13 12 16 16 ADMIS
2075 IORDACHE G. Roxana-Andreea Bucureti 2 74 11 15 12 18 18 ADMIS
2076 IORDACHE F. Andreea-
Suceava 1 22 5 4 5 5 3 RESPINS
2077 IORDACHE M. Alina-Oana Bucureti 1 69 11 16 13 15 14 RESPINS
2078 IORDACHE R. Alexandra Arge 1 41 12 9 2 10 8 RESPINS
2079 IORDACHE S. Andra-Elena Bucureti 2 68 12 11 11 16 18 RESPINS
2080 IORDACHE V. Cristina Constana 1 44 13 5 5 12 9 RESPINS
2081 IORDACHE V. Liviu-Iulian Bucureti 2 79 18 14 13 16 18 ADMIS
2082 IORDAN P. Alina-Nicoleta Bucureti 1 31 5 9 4 7 6 RESPINS
2083 IORGA F. Oana Bucureti 3 40 9 8 5 13 5 RESPINS
2084 IOSIF C. Vasile Bucureti 4 31 6 5 6 9 5 RESPINS
Prahova 1 63 12 12 7 18 14 RESPINS
2086 IOVAN C. Adina-Mihaela Bucureti 3 52 11 10 7 10 14 RESPINS
2087 IOVNESC F. Andreea-Roxana Bucureti 4 53 9 12 8 11 13 RESPINS
2088 IOVU N. Andrada-Sorana Bucureti 3 70 11 15 11 16 17 ADMIS
2089 IOVU P. Raluca Galai 3 30 4 7 9 6 4 RESPINS
2090 IRIMESCU R. Alexandru Cluj 2 58 9 13 8 14 14 RESPINS
2091 IRIMIA I. Andra-Ioana Bucureti 1 57 12 11 12 11 11 RESPINS
2092 IRIMIA I. Carmen-Ionela Bucureti 2 64 13 10 12 16 13 RESPINS
2093 IRIMIE A. Alexandra-Roxana Cluj 1 61 13 12 6 15 15 RESPINS
2094 IRIMIE J. Izabella-Gabriella Alba 2 34 7 4 8 10 5 RESPINS
2095 IRIMIEA C. Ilie-Roberto Bucureti 1 38 6 7 5 10 10 RESPINS
2096 IRINA V. Ovidiu-Marian Timi 3 33 10 5 5 9 4 RESPINS
2097 IRIOIU C. Constantin-Claudiu Vlcea 2 55 13 9 8 10 15 RESPINS
2098 IRIZA C. Bianca-Corina Bucureti 2 59 13 10 9 13 14 RESPINS
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Tabel cu rezultatele obinute de candidaii la examenul de primire n profesia de
avocat ca avocat STAGIAR - 15 septembrie 2014
DC DPC DP DPP Rezultat
2099 IRIZA D. Maria-Cristina Timi 4 25 5 5 5 8 2 RESPINS
2100 IRIZEA O. Laura-Madalina Bucureti 1 79 15 19 15 11 19 ADMIS
2101 ISAC I. Marius-Gabriel Braov 2 42 14 5 4 10 9 RESPINS
2102 ISAIEA N. Ionela Brila 4 25 8 7 4 3 3 RESPINS
2103 ISBICEANU F. Voicu Timi 3 55 12 7 11 12 13 RESPINS
2104 ISMAIL F. Ferhan-Mubegel Constana 3 23 3 4 7 7 2 RESPINS
2105 ISPAS C. Roxana-Elena Bucureti 4 28 5 2 8 5 8 RESPINS
2106 ISPAS N. Sorin-Mihai Braov 3 37 10 5 7 9 6 RESPINS
2107 ISPAS O. Ovidiu Alba 1 51 10 8 8 16 9 RESPINS
2108 ISTODOR V. Dan Braov 4 49 13 7 8 13 8 RESPINS
2109 ISTRATE G. Catalina-Madalina Bucureti 3 21 4 3 6 6 2 RESPINS
2110 ISTRATE V. Alina-Petronela Bacu 2 23 5 4 6 5 3 RESPINS
2111 ISTRATE V. Iulia Bucureti 4 79 15 16 13 17 18 ADMIS
2112 ISTRATE V. Maria-Dariana Bucureti 3 72 11 15 13 15 18 ADMIS
2113 ISTRTESCU S. Bogdan-
Dolj 1 53 10 12 10 9 12 RESPINS
2114 IUGA D. Alexandru Bucureti 1 28 3 6 6 6 7 RESPINS
2115 IUGULESCU L. Andreea-Raluca Bucureti 2 39 10 7 7 8 7 RESPINS
2116 IULIAN I. Raluca-Iulia Bucureti 1 29 9 6 3 6 5 RESPINS
2117 IURCU V. Veaceslav Iai 1 47 8 10 8 12 9 RESPINS
2118 IVAN G. John-Ralf Bucureti 2 49 11 8 5 16 9 RESPINS
2119 IVAN G. Ovidiu Bistria Nsud 2 45 9 10 7 11 8 RESPINS
2120 IVAN G. tefania-Vasilica Cluj 1 52 9 9 9 13 12 RESPINS
2121 IVAN V. Sabina-Teodora Brila 1 40 9 7 6 9 9 RESPINS
2122 IVANCIU M. Ana-Maria Bucureti 3 39 9 3 8 9 10 RESPINS
2123 IVANESCU M. Eugen-Marius Bucureti 4 44 7 7 8 11 11 RESPINS
2124 IVANIC G. Simona-Adriana Cluj 3 52 13 10 8 12 9 RESPINS
2125 IVANOV M. Cristina Constana 3 80 17 15 15 14 19 ADMIS
2126 IVNU I. Ana-Maria Dolj 2 40 9 7 6 10 8 RESPINS
2127 IZDREA I. Andra-Ileana Constana 4 46 13 9 5 10 9 RESPINS
2128 IZOT V. Alex Constana 3 51 6 13 8 16 8 RESPINS
2129 MPUCATU N. Alexandra Bucureti 4 81 15 18 12 17 19 ADMIS
2130 JALBA N. Tiberiu-Mihai-Antoniu Bucureti 3 37 7 6 5 10 9 RESPINS
2131 JALB V. Diana-Loredana Bucureti 4 73 12 12 17 14 18 ADMIS
2132 JALONSCHI A. Lavinia-Claudia Arad 1 32 7 6 4 11 4 RESPINS
2133 JARC C. Mihaela Bucureti 3 27 5 2 5 6 9 RESPINS
2134 JARI G. Vanda-Beta Bihor 2 24 4 4 5 5 6 RESPINS
2135 JECU M. Oana-Andreea Galai 2 38 2 9 6 10 11 RESPINS
2136 JEFLEA M. Andreea-Sanda Timi 1 53 11 7 12 12 11 RESPINS
2137 JIANU I. Luiza-Roxana Constana 4 25 5 5 4 7 4 RESPINS
2138 JIANU S. Calin-Stefan Bucureti 3 48 11 10 9 12 6 RESPINS
2139 JIGA C. Anne-Bianca Bucureti 4 30 5 4 7 11 3 RESPINS
2140 JILCU T. Angela-Ionela Dolj 1 28 5 3 4 9 7 RESPINS
2141 JINGA P. Mihaela Braov 1 60 12 12 7 13 16 RESPINS
2142 JIPA C. Talida Bucureti 3 70 11 13 15 13 18 ADMIS
2143 JITEA V. Ionut-Eduard Bacu 2 32 6 6 6 13 1 RESPINS
2144 JJIE D. Alexandru-Mdlin Bucureti 4 54 13 8 6 14 13 RESPINS
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Tabel cu rezultatele obinute de candidaii la examenul de primire n profesia de
avocat ca avocat STAGIAR - 15 septembrie 2014
DC DPC DP DPP Rezultat
2145 JOLDE I. Ioan Bihor 1 36 8 10 6 7 5 RESPINS
2146 JOLTEAG G. Gicua Neam 4 37 8 8 7 7 7 RESPINS
2147 JORA C. Eliza-Simona Bucureti 3 61 16 7 7 15 16 RESPINS
2148 JORA I. Radu-Ctlin Galai 3 47 9 12 9 10 7 RESPINS
2149 JUDEA L. Flavia-Maria Bucureti 1 55 11 7 10 13 14 RESPINS
2150 JUGARU L. Mdlina-Andreea Bucureti 2 78 18 14 12 16 18 ADMIS
2151 JULA M. Paula-Simona Cluj 4 64 13 12 11 15 13 RESPINS
2152 JUNCU C. Constantin-Ctlin Bacu 3 67 15 8 11 14 19 RESPINS
2153 JUNCU V. Izabela-Corina Cluj 3 27 5 5 6 7 4 RESPINS
2154 JURAVLE P. Andrei-Ioan Hunedoara 2 54 10 13 9 11 11 RESPINS
2155 JURCA I. Alexandru-Rzvan Cluj 4 83 17 17 14 17 18 ADMIS
2156 JURJ V. Florin-Valentin Maramure 3 42 6 4 7 14 11 RESPINS
2157 KADAR A. Orsolya Bucureti 1 72 14 14 10 17 17 ADMIS
2158 KANTOR L. Julia Cluj 4 30 8 3 4 7 8 RESPINS
2159 KANYADI F. Beata-Katalin Braov 2 50 10 8 8 10 14 RESPINS
2160 KAPTALAN E. Orsolya Cluj 3 51 8 10 9 12 12 RESPINS
2161 KATONA B. Bela Cluj 1 29 10 5 1 11 2 RESPINS
2162 KAZANCI M. Eduard-Carlo Dolj 2 68 13 13 9 16 17 RESPINS
2163 KERESZTEI I. Alina Bucureti 2 41 12 6 3 13 7 RESPINS
2164 KIRLI A. Livia Bucureti 1 47 10 8 3 14 12 RESPINS
2165 KIS F. Roxana-Maria Cluj 2 46 12 7 9 12 6 RESPINS
2166 KIS M. Mihai-Eduard Hunedoara 1 63 16 11 9 11 16 RESPINS
2167 KISS C. Kat Mure 3 55 10 12 9 13 11 RESPINS
2168 KISZELY F. Iulia-Andreea Timi 2 54 16 11 3 14 10 RESPINS
2169 KOSZTIN G. Adam-Botond Cluj 1 51 13 7 8 13 10 RESPINS
2170 KOVACS J. Aliz-Eva Cluj 2 58 13 11 8 16 10 RESPINS
2171 KRICSFALUSSY C. Camelia-
Cluj 1 56 13 11 7 12 13 RESPINS
2172 KULCSAR I. Edit-Eva Slaj 2 44 13 6 8 11 6 RESPINS
Arad 1 54 13 8 11 11 11 RESPINS
2174 LABU F. Ioana-Maria Bihor 2 29 3 7 5 9 5 RESPINS
2175 LABONTU C. Laura Bucureti 2 54 9 13 12 12 8 RESPINS
2176 LACATUS G. Raluca Bucureti 1 57 12 11 9 14 11 RESPINS
2177 LACATUSU N. Diana-Iuliana Neam 1 37 9 6 5 10 7 RESPINS
2178 LADA P. Brigitta Cluj 1 27 7 2 6 7 5 RESPINS
2179 LANGER N. Liliana-Georgiana Bucureti 2 45 9 5 7 12 12 RESPINS
2180 LANTOS M. Mihai Bucureti 1 72 17 16 10 14 15 ADMIS
2181 LARIONESCU N. Nicoleta-
Suceava 2 66 15 9 10 17 15 RESPINS
2182 LASCAR V. Dragos-Vladimir Neam 1 37 10 3 3 12 9 RESPINS
2183 LASCR I. Sorina Timi 1 33 4 6 6 12 5 RESPINS
2184 LASCU D. Nicolae-Pompiliu Giurgiu 2 32 7 7 7 5 6 RESPINS
2185 LASCU G. Anca-Georgiana Bihor 2 21 6 3 6 3 3 RESPINS
2186 LASCU N. Ramona-Maria Bucureti 1 59 11 12 8 14 14 RESPINS
2187 LASLAU A. Andreea Timi 1 59 12 10 6 15 16 RESPINS
2188 LASZLO G. Noemi Cluj 3 47 10 8 5 14 10 RESPINS
2189 LATES M. Elena-Andreea Bucureti 2 58 13 12 7 12 14 RESPINS
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Tabel cu rezultatele obinute de candidaii la examenul de primire n profesia de
avocat ca avocat STAGIAR - 15 septembrie 2014
DC DPC DP DPP Rezultat
2190 LAUDAT M. Angela-Maria Bucureti 1 42 4 12 3 11 12 RESPINS
2191 LAZA I. Liana Satu Mare 3 31 8 2 6 8 7 RESPINS
2192 LAZAR F. Cristina-Alina Mure 1 38 8 7 3 12 8 RESPINS
2193 LAZAR M. Camil-Florin Bucureti 2 45 9 8 8 14 6 RESPINS
2194 LAZAR M. Florian-Marius Bucureti 3 55 13 8 10 12 12 RESPINS
2195 LAZAR M. Mihaela Bacu 2 37 6 9 7 9 6 RESPINS
2196 LAZAR N. Daniela-Elena Bucureti 4 47 10 6 9 12 10 RESPINS
2197 LAZAR N. Elena-Ancuta Bucureti 3 38 13 4 6 6 9 RESPINS
2198 LAZAR N. Lavinia-Nicoleta Cluj 4 46 11 6 5 14 10 RESPINS
2199 LAZAR S. Elena-Alexandra Bucureti 4 28 5 5 5 6 7 RESPINS
2200 LAZARENCO F. Zorina-
Bucureti 3 57 15 7 6 15 14 RESPINS
2201 LAZARESCU J. Isabella-
Bucureti 4 53 12 12 6 10 13 RESPINS
2202 LAZAROIU G. Andreea-
Bacu 1 22 6 3 8 4 1 RESPINS
2203 LAZAROVICI S. Anamaria Bucureti 3 54 11 9 9 14 11 RESPINS
2204 LAZR A. Oana Bucureti 4 62 13 13 10 14 12 RESPINS
2205 LAZR G. Liliana-Maria Olt 3 27 6 8 1 7 5 RESPINS
2206 LAZR I. Ionel Hunedoara 4 44 11 5 7 12 9 RESPINS
2207 LAZR M. Cristian-Mircea Timi 3 49 13 12 7 10 7 RESPINS
2208 LAZR M. Marius-Sevastian Bucureti 3 63 12 12 10 12 17 RESPINS
2209 LAZR N. Marian Clrai 4 34 9 5 6 8 6 RESPINS
2210 LAZR S. Aida Timi 4 65 10 15 9 15 16 RESPINS
2211 LAZR S. Georgiana Bucureti 3 70 13 14 10 15 18 ADMIS
2212 LAZR . Vasile-Liviu Galai 1 55 12 9 10 13 11 RESPINS
2213 LAZR V. Delia-Olimpia Timi 3 27 5 5 4 10 3 RESPINS
2214 LAZEA M. Radu-Marius Alba 3 72 14 16 13 13 16 ADMIS
2215 LCTUU V. Vlad-Victor Mure 2 71 15 13 11 15 17 ADMIS
2216 LPDAT C. Andreea-Roxana Dolj 4 41 10 7 3 11 10 RESPINS
2217 LZROIU M. Iulian Bucureti 4 64 14 10 12 15 13 RESPINS
2218 LZUREANU D. Ovidiu Harghita 1 38 12 7 6 7 6 RESPINS
2219 LEAHU V. Roxana-Valentina Bucureti 3 39 5 10 7 11 6 RESPINS
2220 LEARCIU S. Niculae Bucureti 4 26 6 4 6 7 3 RESPINS
2221 LEAUA C. Andrei-Vladimir Bucureti 3 55 9 12 9 13 12 RESPINS
2222 LEAUA M. Simona-Roxana Bucureti 4 53 10 11 6 13 13 RESPINS
2223 LEDEA N. Maria-Magdalena Ialomia 1 33 7 1 5 11 9 RESPINS
2224 LEFORT I. Elena-Carmen Bucureti 2 50 11 11 5 15 8 RESPINS
2225 LEFTER D. Denise-Alina-
Bucureti 1 52 12 8 10 12 10 RESPINS
2226 LELE A. Laurentiu-Silviu Mehedini 3 48 12 8 6 12 10 RESPINS
2227 LELE L. Diana-Laura Mehedini 4 57 12 7 9 16 13 RESPINS
2228 LEMENI L. Alexandra Arad 4 51 14 6 8 11 12 RESPINS
2229 LEMHENYI V. Maria-Andrea Covasna 2 49 14 8 6 12 9 RESPINS
2230 LEMNARU I. Laura-Elena Bucureti 2 36 9 8 8 5 6 RESPINS
2231 LEMNARU V. Roxana-Ioana Bucureti 1 50 7 9 9 12 13 RESPINS
2232 LEONTE F. Sebastian-Viorel Braov 3 40 11 8 7 9 5 RESPINS
2233 LEONTE G. Ramona-Felicia Hunedoara 3 61 13 10 9 13 16 RESPINS
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Tabel cu rezultatele obinute de candidaii la examenul de primire n profesia de
avocat ca avocat STAGIAR - 15 septembrie 2014
DC DPC DP DPP Rezultat
2234 LEONTE I. Loredana Bucureti 2 44 14 6 7 12 5 RESPINS
2235 LEONTE G. Adrian-Cristian Suceava 2 24 7 5 5 6 1 RESPINS
2236 LEONTE P. Ioana Iai 4 39 10 7 5 11 6 RESPINS
2237 LEOVEANU C. Madalina-Eliana Dolj 3 53 7 13 9 15 9 RESPINS
2238 LEPADATU G. Roxana Bucureti 1 65 10 13 12 14 16 RESPINS
2239 LEPDAT D. Diana-Elena Sibiu 4 76 17 14 11 16 18 ADMIS
2240 LEPDATU M. Mihaela-Andreea Bucureti 2 66 13 13 10 16 14 RESPINS
2241 LESZAI-KOVACS L. Orsolya Cluj 4 50 10 14 5 11 10 RESPINS
2242 LETCAN M. Mihai Suceava 3 19 4 2 3 7 3 RESPINS
2243 LEUC R. Radu-Horia Braov 1 54 10 9 6 15 14 RESPINS
2244 LICA M. Georgiana Bucureti 1 61 12 11 9 15 14 RESPINS
2245 LICHI D. Catalina-Nicoleta Bucureti 2 25 6 3 5 8 3 RESPINS
2246 LICI D. Daniel Bucureti 1 69 10 19 13 12 15 RESPINS
2247 LILEA F. Mihai Bucureti 2 41 8 8 6 13 6 RESPINS
2248 LIN F. Milva-Irina Teleorman 4 28 8 3 6 6 5 RESPINS
2249 LINGURARU D. Dumitru-Tiberiu Mehedini 1 40 8 4 6 9 13 RESPINS
Bucureti 1 87 14 19 17 17 20 ADMIS
2251 LIONTESCU P. Diana-Gabriela Botoani 4 44 9 7 5 14 9 RESPINS
2252 LIUBOMISCENCO I. Vlada Bucureti 2 35 8 8 6 9 4 RESPINS
2253 LIXANDRU S. Catalin-Ionut Bucureti 1 41 10 11 4 5 11 RESPINS
2254 LIXANDRU V. Alexandra-Maria Bucureti 2 61 17 10 7 11 16 RESPINS
2255 LOGA I. Maria-Elena Gorj 2 51 9 8 7 13 14 RESPINS
2256 LOKODI A. Eniko-Noemi Cluj 3 49 13 10 5 10 11 RESPINS
2257 LOMBREA V. Alexandra-Elena Alba 4 30 6 4 7 8 5 RESPINS
2258 LOVIN G. Geanina Galai 4 73 15 14 13 14 17 ADMIS
2259 LUCA E. Emilia-Daniela Bucureti 1 51 8 15 5 14 9 RESPINS
2260 LUCA I. Delia-Maria Bucureti 2 43 13 3 8 12 7 RESPINS
2261 LUCA I. Sanda-Cristina Bucureti 3 38 6 6 5 14 7 RESPINS
2262 LUCA L. Eduard Botoani 4 71 14 14 15 16 12 ADMIS
2263 LUCA M. Flavius-George Bucureti 4 36 6 4 6 13 7 RESPINS
2264 LUCACHE D. Georgiana Bucureti 3 55 9 9 9 14 14 RESPINS
2265 LUCACI B. Andrei-Calin Timi 4 33 8 4 6 9 6 RESPINS
2266 LUCA-FILIP G. Iulian Bacu 3 43 13 6 9 8 7 RESPINS
2267 LUCA N. Mdlina Iai 4 34 9 7 3 11 4 RESPINS
2268 LUCHIAN D. Cristian-Eugen Bucureti 4 30 8 4 5 6 7 RESPINS
2269 LUCHIANOV D. Roxana Bucureti 3 57 13 9 8 13 14 RESPINS
2270 LUICAN I. Daniel-George Bucureti 4 63 13 12 8 14 16 RESPINS
2271 LUNCAN P. Amalia-Mariana Bihor 3 28 8 4 5 7 4 RESPINS
2272 LUNGOCI S. Sabin Vlcea 1 44 11 5 6 14 8 RESPINS
2273 LUNGU A. Alexandru Bucureti 3 50 7 10 6 14 13 RESPINS
2274 LUNGU C. Livia Bacu 1 40 8 6 5 11 10 RESPINS
2275 LUNGU V. Anda-Maria Slaj 3 69 15 17 7 13 17 RESPINS
2276 LUNGU P. Anca-Diana Iai 2 47 12 5 6 11 13 RESPINS
2277 LUNGU S. Roxana Bucureti 4 43 10 5 8 12 8 RESPINS
2278 LUP P. Patricia-Simona Timi 4 39 10 9 6 7 7 RESPINS
2279 LUPASCU N. Iuliana Bucureti 3 47 10 10 11 8 8 RESPINS
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Tabel cu rezultatele obinute de candidaii la examenul de primire n profesia de
avocat ca avocat STAGIAR - 15 septembrie 2014
DC DPC DP DPP Rezultat
2280 LUPACU C. Mdlina-Andreea Bucureti 4 69 13 16 8 16 16 RESPINS
2281 LUPTEAN M. Denis Timi 3 87 16 19 15 17 20 ADMIS
2282 LUPEA I. Alexandra-Maria Sibiu 2 37 11 4 8 6 8 RESPINS
2283 LUPEA I. Ana-Iulia Alba 1 59 11 11 11 14 12 RESPINS
2284 LUPEAN I. Camelia-Maria Alba 2 56 11 9 10 14 12 RESPINS
2285 LUPEAN I. Corina-Daniela Alba 1 27 6 4 6 7 4 RESPINS
2286 LUPEAN V. Florina-Andreea Alba 2 66 14 14 9 15 14 RESPINS
2287 LUPEI D. Corina Mure 3 70 12 14 13 15 16 ADMIS
2288 LUPINCA G. Ionela-Corina Timi 4 66 15 14 9 15 13 RESPINS
2289 LUPOIAN I. Alexandru Cluj 1 65 15 13 10 12 15 RESPINS
2290 LUPU -. Raluca-Elena Constana 3 44 10 6 7 10 11 RESPINS
2291 LUPU D. Dana-Teodora Sibiu 4 33 11 6 4 8 4 RESPINS
2292 LUPU F. Iulian-Stefan Bucureti 4 33 9 4 4 9 7 RESPINS
2293 LUPU H. Bianca Bucureti 4 51 9 12 7 14 9 RESPINS
2294 LUPU M. Constantin-Aurelian Bucureti 3 51 12 13 6 10 10 RESPINS
2295 LUPU N. Andrei Galai 3 33 8 7 4 6 8 RESPINS
2296 LUPU P. Alexandra Bucureti 4 45 8 11 6 11 9 RESPINS
2297 LUPU P. Paula-Alina Iai 1 71 14 13 13 14 17 ADMIS
2298 LUPU V. Alexandru-Mihai Iai 2 45 6 11 8 9 11 RESPINS
2299 LUPU V. Liana-Maria Cara Severin 3 34 7 6 7 9 5 RESPINS
2300 LUIA V. Adrian Bucureti 3 33 9 8 5 7 4 RESPINS
2301 MACAILA I. Viorica-Elena Bucureti 4 28 7 5 5 8 3 RESPINS
2302 MACAVEI G. Diana-Maria Cluj 2 75 16 13 13 16 17 ADMIS
2303 MACIUCA G. Mirela-Dana Bucureti 3 51 12 9 9 12 9 RESPINS
2304 MACIULSCHI P. Alexandra Arad 1 44 11 6 9 12 6 RESPINS
2305 MACOVEI G. Cristi-Vasile Bucureti 4 28 7 5 4 7 5 RESPINS
2306 MACOVEI M. Andreea Iai 1 26 6 8 3 7 2 RESPINS
2307 MACOVEI V. Roxana-Maria Iai 2 64 12 11 9 17 15 RESPINS
2308 MADAR F. Irina-Iulia Bihor 2 46 7 9 6 11 13 RESPINS
2309 MAFTECIUC G. Ana-Maria Iai 1 51 13 9 6 15 8 RESPINS
2310 MAFTEI G. Alexandru Bucureti 3 57 14 8 7 14 14 RESPINS
2311 MAFTEI G. Ramona-Roxana Botoani 2 18 4 2 2 5 5 RESPINS
2312 MAFTEI G. Robert-Ovidiu Botoani 3 21 4 2 4 7 4 RESPINS
2313 MAFTEI M. Bogdan-Ionut Bucureti 1 47 13 8 8 9 9 RESPINS
2314 MAFTEI V. Mariana Bucureti 2 54 12 8 9 12 13 RESPINS
2315 MAGDA P. Maria-Claudia Hunedoara 1 40 10 6 6 9 9 RESPINS
2316 MAGOS I. Izabella Cluj 1 69 14 15 12 16 12 RESPINS
2317 MAGUREANU C. Emilia Bucureti 1 61 12 14 7 13 15 RESPINS
2318 MAGUREANU G. Laurentiu-
Bucureti 2 59 17 7 13 10 12 RESPINS
2319 MAHMOODIEH C. Florina-
Bucureti 1 24 4 3 8 6 3 RESPINS
Bucureti 3 53 14 5 7 16 11 RESPINS
2321 MAIER I. Alexandru-Sebastian Mure 1 60 13 13 10 9 15 RESPINS
2322 MAILAT M. Madalina-Mirela Bucureti 4 67 13 13 12 12 17 RESPINS
2323 MALACU V. Ionela-Daniela Mehedini 2 74 14 16 15 14 15 ADMIS
2324 MALANCEA D. Iulian-Laurentiu Bucureti 4 25 6 1 5 7 6 RESPINS
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Tabel cu rezultatele obinute de candidaii la examenul de primire n profesia de
avocat ca avocat STAGIAR - 15 septembrie 2014
DC DPC DP DPP Rezultat
2325 MALER M. Iuliu Bucureti 3 47 14 11 7 10 5 RESPINS
2326 MALIS-POPA I. Iulia Bucureti 4 70 13 14 13 14 16 ADMIS
2327 MALIA E. Laura-Roxana Bucureti 1 73 16 16 8 17 16 RESPINS
2328 MALUREANU G. Elena-Simona Bucureti 2 37 10 8 2 11 6 RESPINS
2329 MAN M. Bogdan-Mircea Bucureti 1 48 12 8 5 14 9 RESPINS
2330 MANAC V. Ionela-Claudia Bucureti 2 61 14 11 10 12 14 RESPINS
2331 MANAILA T. Ion-Alexandru Bucureti 1 55 10 10 10 14 11 RESPINS
2332 MANCA C. Alin-Cosmin Iai 4 68 16 15 9 14 14 RESPINS
2333 MANCILA G. Laura-Georgiana Bucureti 2 82 12 18 15 17 20 ADMIS
2334 MANCIU G. Gheorghe-Lucian Bucureti 1 39 9 8 4 11 7 RESPINS
2335 MANCIULEA A. Mihai Alba 3 57 13 11 9 13 11 RESPINS
2336 MANCIULEA P. Paula Alba 4 52 11 11 6 14 10 RESPINS
2337 MANDA A. Ana-Maria-Cristina Bucureti 2 48 8 13 11 10 6 RESPINS
2338 MANDOC A. Domnica-Andreea Gorj 1 61 13 11 8 13 16 RESPINS
2339 MANDOIU D. Catalina-Andreea Bucureti 3 65 14 13 9 14 15 RESPINS
2340 MANDRAGIU V. Anca Bucureti 4 60 7 11 12 14 16 RESPINS
2341 MANDU G. Razvan-George Bucureti 3 56 10 12 7 12 15 RESPINS
2342 MANEA D. Mihaela Bucureti 4 57 11 11 10 11 14 RESPINS
2343 MANEA G. Maria-Andreea Bucureti 3 20 6 2 3 4 5 RESPINS
2344 MANEA G. Sandra-Petra Bucureti 4 45 8 8 10 9 10 RESPINS
2345 MANEA I. Alexandra-Alina Bucureti 3 33 5 11 7 7 3 RESPINS
2346 MANEA M. Anamaria Brila 1 51 9 8 8 12 14 RESPINS
2347 MANEA N. George Bucureti 4 62 11 12 9 15 15 RESPINS
2348 MANEA V. Ion-Catalin Bucureti 3 51 13 7 7 13 11 RESPINS
2349 MANESCU M. Ionelia-
Mehedini 2 31 7 5 8 8 3 RESPINS
2350 MANESCU V. Andra-Roxana Bucureti 4 49 10 8 5 13 13 RESPINS
2351 MANGA V. Alexandru-Vasile-
Timi 2 33 9 6 2 8 8 RESPINS
2352 MANGALAGIU A. Tudor Bucureti 1 66 14 14 10 12 16 RESPINS
2353 MANGU A. Daniela Constana 2 44 5 6 7 17 9 RESPINS
2354 MANOLACHE C. Roxana-
Bucureti 1 38 7 8 8 12 3 RESPINS
2355 MANOLACHE D. Olga-Cristina Bucureti 2 47 10 10 7 10 10 RESPINS
2356 MANOLE G. Georgiana-Corina Bucureti 1 51 11 7 6 14 13 RESPINS
2357 MANOLE I. Mihaita-Ilie Bucureti 2 60 16 11 5 14 14 RESPINS
2358 MANOLE I. Roxana-Marinela Iai 3 60 11 11 10 13 15 RESPINS
2359 MANOLE N. Carmen-Diana Bucureti 1 46 11 9 8 9 9 RESPINS
2360 MANOLE N. Nicolae-Adrian Bucureti 2 50 13 8 8 11 10 RESPINS
2361 MANOLE T. Tudor-Doru Bucureti 1 74 17 13 12 15 17 ADMIS
2362 MANOLESCU A. Mihaela Prahova 2 62 13 13 7 15 14 RESPINS
2363 MANOLI I. Marius-Costin Bucureti 2 47 11 9 4 11 12 RESPINS
2364 MANSOUR H. Kodru-Mihail Bucureti 3 79 15 16 13 17 18 ADMIS
2365 MARA G. Corina Bihor 1 56 11 6 10 16 13 RESPINS
2366 MARACINE P. Gheorghe-Vasile Bucureti 4 36 12 9 1 7 7 RESPINS
2367 MARANCEA D. Dumitru-Daniel Bucureti 3 30 7 3 3 10 7 RESPINS
2368 MARC I. Elena-Dana Bistria Nsud 3 50 10 11 6 12 11 RESPINS
2369 MARCEA . Cornelia Dolj 3 24 7 4 2 7 4 RESPINS
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Tabel cu rezultatele obinute de candidaii la examenul de primire n profesia de
avocat ca avocat STAGIAR - 15 septembrie 2014
DC DPC DP DPP Rezultat
2370 MARCOVSCHI G. Ovidiu-Mihai Dolj 4 20 7 1 5 4 3 RESPINS
2371 MARCU C. Mihai-Bogdan Bucureti 4 42 11 7 6 12 6 RESPINS
2372 MARCU G. George-Octavian Bucureti 3 41 8 6 6 10 11 RESPINS
2373 MARCU N. Ioan-Cosmin Bucureti 4 72 15 13 11 15 18 ADMIS
2374 MARCU P. Marinela-Melania Ilfov 3 50 9 8 9 12 12 RESPINS
2375 MARCU V. Emanuela-Lenua Iai 4 57 13 9 8 15 12 RESPINS
2376 MARCULESCU D. Raluca-
Prahova 3 42 8 12 3 6 13 RESPINS
2377 MARCULESCU M. Roxana-
Mehedini 3 42 11 4 7 11 9 RESPINS
2378 MARDARE M. Alina-Nicoleta Bucureti 4 63 17 10 13 12 11 RESPINS
2379 MARDARE V. Condela Iai 3 43 14 7 6 9 7 RESPINS
2380 MARES S. Adina-Ramona Bucureti 3 18 6 1 3 5 3 RESPINS
2381 MARE N. Giorgiana Arge 4 44 9 10 5 10 10 RESPINS
2382 MARGIN G. Georgiana Bacu 4 45 12 7 5 12 9 RESPINS
2383 MARGINEAN I. Ioan-Alexandru Alba 4 85 16 19 16 15 19 ADMIS
2384 MARIAN A. Ana-Monica Bucureti 4 72 11 16 14 16 15 ADMIS
2385 MARIAN D. Valentina-Marinela Cluj 3 27 6 5 5 7 4 RESPINS
2386 MARIANCIUC M. Sebastian Cluj 4 33 5 7 5 11 5 RESPINS
2387 MARICA F. Alin-Ionut Bucureti 3 66 10 13 13 15 15 RESPINS
2388 MARIN A. Alexandra-Laura Bucureti 4 53 11 11 5 12 14 RESPINS
2389 MARIN A. Bogdan-Cosmin Bucureti 1 69 13 13 12 15 16 RESPINS
2390 MARIN C. Paula-Maria Bucureti 2 61 13 13 9 14 12 RESPINS
2391 MARIN D. Gabriel-Emanuel Bucureti 1 80 10 18 15 18 19 ADMIS
2392 MARIN D. Ovidiu-Cristian Bucureti 2 59 17 8 10 13 11 RESPINS
2393 MARIN F. Constantin-Tiberiu Bucureti 1 49 11 8 9 10 11 RESPINS
2394 MARIN G. Mihaela Dolj 3 23 4 4 3 9 3 RESPINS
2395 MARIN I. Alexandra-Daniela Bucureti 2 29 4 6 5 9 5 RESPINS
2396 MARIN I. Andra-Teodora Bucureti 1 72 16 12 11 16 17 ADMIS
2397 MARIN I. Irina-Mihaela Constana 2 18 6 2 3 4 3 RESPINS
2398 MARIN S. Ecaterina Constana 1 34 5 7 4 13 5 RESPINS
2399 MARIN S. Ioan-Rzvan Bucureti 2 48 11 3 8 10 16 RESPINS
2400 MARIN T. Liana-Georgiana Bucureti 1 79 16 12 16 17 18 ADMIS
2401 MARIN V. Ionel Galai 2 45 11 5 6 15 8 RESPINS
2402 MARINCAS I. Ionu-Vasile Bucureti 3 42 6 7 5 16 8 RESPINS
2403 MARINCIU D. Bogdan Bihor 2 32 6 3 6 10 7 RESPINS
2404 MARINCU M. Irina-Florenta Bucureti 4 24 6 4 6 5 3 RESPINS
2405 MARINESCU D. Delia-Mihaela Prahova 4 62 13 12 8 13 16 RESPINS
2406 MARINESCU D. Denisa-Roxana Prahova 3 71 18 14 11 13 15 ADMIS
2407 MARINESCU E. Marius-Ioan Cluj 3 38 10 7 4 12 5 RESPINS
2408 MARINESCU F. tefan Bucureti 3 61 11 11 10 15 14 RESPINS
2409 MARINESCU G. Ana-Maria Olt 4 17 4 5 3 4 1 RESPINS
2410 MARINESCU G. Carmen-
Bucureti 4 34 11 5 6 6 6 RESPINS
2411 MARINESCU I. Costinel Bucureti 3 56 11 9 8 14 14 RESPINS
2412 MARINESCU I. Irina Bucureti 4 53 11 12 6 16 8 RESPINS
2413 MARINESCU J. Alexandra-Ioana Bucureti 3 25 6 4 5 5 5 RESPINS
2414 MARINESCU M. Mirela-Alina Bucureti 4 34 9 5 4 11 5 RESPINS
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Tabel cu rezultatele obinute de candidaii la examenul de primire n profesia de
avocat ca avocat STAGIAR - 15 septembrie 2014
DC DPC DP DPP Rezultat
2415 MARINESCU N. Mara-Gabriela Bucureti 3 37 4 8 6 12 7 RESPINS
2416 MARINESCU N. Maria-
Bucureti 4 59 14 11 5 15 14 RESPINS
2417 MARINESCU N. Oana-Cristina Cluj 1 68 13 10 14 14 17 RESPINS
2418 MARINESCU O. Ioana-tefania Iai 3 43 9 5 7 13 9 RESPINS
2419 MARINESCU S. Cristiana-Elena Bucureti 3 37 6 7 8 8 8 RESPINS
2420 MARINO V. Aurelia Brila 3 67 10 13 10 15 19 RESPINS
2421 MARI M. Larisa-Elisabeta Cluj 2 54 9 6 10 13 16 RESPINS
2422 MARI V. Adrian-Mircea Constana 4 28 8 3 7 5 5 RESPINS
2423 MAROGEL R. Maria-Ana Prahova 1 39 5 8 5 13 8 RESPINS
2424 MARTA P. Adela-Carmen Arad 1 66 15 13 11 13 14 RESPINS
2425 MARTA V. Iulia-Cezara Bucureti 1 69 15 13 12 15 14 RESPINS
Timi 2 26 2 5 5 9 5 RESPINS
Bucureti 2 45 9 4 7 13 12 RESPINS
2428 MARTIN M. Mdlina Cluj 1 66 13 14 10 16 13 RESPINS
2429 MARTIN V. Lidia-Dorina Cluj 2 27 8 3 7 6 3 RESPINS
2430 MARTINCIUC N. Dan-Temur Tulcea 1 29 9 2 5 8 5 RESPINS
2431 MARTON G. Simona-Dorina Braov 2 37 5 6 9 10 7 RESPINS
2432 MARTON I. Claudia-Ionela Cluj 1 40 8 9 6 10 7 RESPINS
2433 MARI I. Florina Cluj 2 55 15 13 6 13 8 RESPINS
2434 MARUNTEL P. Ana-Maria Bucureti 2 49 11 6 9 13 10 RESPINS
2435 MARUNTU N. Madalina Bucureti 2 62 13 13 8 12 16 RESPINS
2436 MARUSEAC L. Emil Timi 1 65 17 12 8 12 16 RESPINS
2437 MARUTOIU I. Alexandra-Mikaela Bucureti 1 71 12 14 16 13 16 ADMIS
2438 MASGRAS C. Alexandra Galai 4 66 14 11 11 12 18 RESPINS
2439 MATEESCU A. Raoul-
Bucureti 2 27 4 4 3 9 7 RESPINS
2440 MATEESCU I. Zeno-Nicolae Timi 2 41 10 8 7 12 4 RESPINS
2441 MATEESCU L. Raluca-Monica Dolj 1 46 11 7 6 11 11 RESPINS
2442 MATEESCU L. tefania-Gabriela Iai 4 31 6 6 4 10 5 RESPINS
2443 MATEI C. Nicoleta-Catalina Bucureti 1 72 14 14 10 17 17 ADMIS
2444 MATEI C. Raluca Bucureti 2 39 9 7 5 10 8 RESPINS
2445 MATEI D. Irina-Elin Bucureti 1 30 5 6 5 10 4 RESPINS
2446 MATEI D. Lucian-Mihai Dmbovia 2 51 14 10 5 10 12 RESPINS
2447 MATEI F. Alexandru Bucureti 3 55 12 7 7 15 14 RESPINS
2448 MATEI M. Andreea-Emanuela Cluj 1 64 10 15 16 13 10 RESPINS
2449 MATEI M. Mdlina Bucureti 4 75 16 16 14 13 16 ADMIS
2450 MATEI M. Miruna-Maria Cluj 3 53 11 9 7 14 12 RESPINS
2451 MATEI P. Cornel-Nelu Bucureti 3 40 8 7 3 12 10 RESPINS
2452 MATEI P. Irina-Daniela Bucureti 4 27 4 5 6 8 4 RESPINS
2453 MATEI S. Diana Bucureti 1 24 5 3 4 7 5 RESPINS
2454 MATEI S. George-Mihai Bucureti 2 68 14 11 9 16 18 RESPINS
2455 MATEI V. Andreea-Gabriela Bucureti 1 24 8 3 6 5 2 RESPINS
2456 MATEI V (VIOREL). Corina Bucureti 4 70 15 11 11 17 16 ADMIS
2457 MATEI V (VASILE). Corina Bucureti 2 38 10 7 5 6 10 RESPINS
2458 MATEIU M. Camelia-Elena Bucureti 2 61 10 12 13 16 10 RESPINS
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Tabel cu rezultatele obinute de candidaii la examenul de primire n profesia de
avocat ca avocat STAGIAR - 15 septembrie 2014
DC DPC DP DPP Rezultat
2459 MATE C. Alina-Irina Iai 3 27 5 2 4 9 7 RESPINS
2460 MATE M. Roxana-Florina Cluj 3 67 13 14 10 14 16 RESPINS
2461 MATEUIU D. Dana Bihor 1 54 11 8 9 14 12 RESPINS
2462 MATREATA O. Vladut Vaslui 1 58 13 8 7 14 16 RESPINS
2463 MAXIM C. Alina-Marilena Braov 3 57 8 8 13 13 15 RESPINS
2464 MAXIM C. Crina Bucureti 1 43 9 6 8 9 11 RESPINS
2465 MAXIM C. Simona Timi 2 36 9 7 3 10 7 RESPINS
2466 MAXIM D. Bianca-Delia Satu Mare 1 43 10 8 5 10 10 RESPINS
2467 MAXIM I. George Braov 4 38 10 6 4 11 7 RESPINS
2468 MAXIM I. Marilena Bucureti 2 43 9 6 4 12 12 RESPINS
2469 MAXIM V. Maria-Andreea Bucureti 1 48 10 7 7 14 10 RESPINS
2470 MAXIM V. Marian-Adrian Galai 1 58 16 6 9 13 14 RESPINS
2471 MAXIM V. Mihai Galai 2 25 6 5 6 6 2 RESPINS
2472 MAZILU D. Gabriel-Renato Bucureti 3 72 15 13 12 16 16 ADMIS
2473 MAZILU D. Ioana Bucureti 4 74 12 19 7 17 19 RESPINS
2474 MAZILU T. Raul-Teodor Timi 3 64 14 10 7 16 17 RESPINS
2475 MHLEAN M. Iulia-Anca Cluj 4 63 11 12 12 14 14 RESPINS
2476 MIE D. Alexandra-Corina-
Bucureti 3 76 12 16 10 18 20 ADMIS
2477 MIREAN A. Marius-Georgel Iai 2 62 12 9 12 15 14 RESPINS
2478 MNAC E. Ioana-Alexandra Constana 4 52 10 10 8 13 11 RESPINS
2479 MNESCU-MIUA N. Iulius-
Timi 4 59 9 12 9 13 16 RESPINS
2480 MNUCU C. Florin Tulcea 3 25 5 4 7 6 3 RESPINS
2481 MRGRITESCU I. Roxana-
Bucureti 1 58 12 10 8 11 17 RESPINS
2482 MRGEANU A. Alex-Adrian Sibiu 3 26 7 2 6 8 3 RESPINS
2483 MRGINEAN G. Bernadet-Eva Satu Mare 3 39 8 9 8 8 6 RESPINS
2484 MRTU L. Florin-Ciprian-
Arge 2 24 6 4 2 6 6 RESPINS
2485 MRUNELU G. Vladimir Bucureti 1 73 11 14 14 18 16 ADMIS
2486 MRGINEAN I. Alexandru-
Bihor 4 60 15 11 10 12 12 RESPINS
2487 MEDELEANU V. Alexandru-
Vrancea 3 39 11 7 4 9 8 RESPINS
2488 MEGYESI Z. Zoltan Satu Mare 3 29 6 5 8 6 4 RESPINS
2489 MEHEDINU M. Mihail-Octavian Bucureti 2 47 10 10 6 14 7 RESPINS
2490 MEIROSU A. Marian Bucureti 1 55 9 9 11 16 10 RESPINS
2491 MELINTE S. Diana Timi 4 56 11 7 9 13 16 RESPINS
2492 MELNIC I. Ionela Braov 4 50 10 10 8 15 7 RESPINS
2493 MELNIC . Andriana Iai 1 46 12 9 6 10 9 RESPINS
2494 MEMA A. Ana-Maria Bucureti 3 52 13 12 8 9 10 RESPINS
2495 MERA I. Zaharie Cluj 3 55 13 8 4 15 15 RESPINS
2496 MERA J. Cezara-Sabina Mure 1 26 5 5 3 8 5 RESPINS
2497 MERCA M. Clin-Marin Cluj 4 54 12 13 6 11 12 RESPINS
2498 MERCA O. Oana Timi 3 65 10 12 12 16 15 RESPINS
2499 MERCUR N. Catalin Bucureti 4 30 7 8 4 7 4 RESPINS
2500 MERGEA T. Mihai-Teodor Gorj 1 40 10 3 9 9 9 RESPINS
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Tabel cu rezultatele obinute de candidaii la examenul de primire n profesia de
avocat ca avocat STAGIAR - 15 septembrie 2014
DC DPC DP DPP Rezultat
2501 MERLAN V. Paul Brila 4 35 8 3 7 12 5 RESPINS
2502 MERU A. tefan Sibiu 2 31 8 6 3 10 4 RESPINS
2503 MERUIU F. Brndua-Maria Mure 1 32 10 4 4 8 6 RESPINS
2504 MESARO O. Anca-Lcrimioara Bihor 4 27 6 4 4 10 3 RESPINS
2505 METELE P. Maria-Cristina Bucureti 3 46 10 7 8 10 11 RESPINS
2506 MEU C. Adelina-Ruxandra Timi 3 66 13 12 8 15 18 RESPINS
2507 MICLAUS G. Daniel-Bujorel Maramure 3 48 15 7 3 12 11 RESPINS
2508 MICLU P. Anamaria-Nicoleta Bihor 4 49 13 4 5 14 13 RESPINS
2509 MICLESCU P. Camelia-Andreea Bucureti 4 77 14 14 14 18 17 ADMIS
2510 MICLO C. Loredana-Maria Bihor 3 35 8 5 5 10 7 RESPINS
2511 MICU G. Anamaria-Dora Bucureti 3 50 15 9 7 12 7 RESPINS
2512 MICU G. Daniela Bucureti 1 58 12 9 7 13 17 RESPINS
2513 MICU G. Gabriela-Ctlina Bucureti 2 36 9 7 7 10 3 RESPINS
2514 MICU M. Bogdan-Adrian Bucureti 1 62 15 9 10 15 13 RESPINS
2515 MICU V. Ioan Cluj 1 28 8 5 4 10 1 RESPINS
2516 MICUTELU C. Catalin-Florin Arge 2 30 5 5 4 8 8 RESPINS
2517 MIELU I. Ionel Bucureti 2 55 12 12 8 14 9 RESPINS
2518 MIHAESCU I. Ana Bucureti 3 29 5 5 7 6 6 RESPINS
2519 MIHAESCU P. Olga Bucureti 4 42 10 4 12 6 10 RESPINS
2520 MIHAI C. Ana-Maria Bucureti 3 60 12 11 9 15 13 RESPINS
2521 MIHAI C. Andreea Bucureti 4 41 13 4 9 9 6 RESPINS
2522 MIHAI C. Aurora Bucureti 3 40 12 4 8 11 5 RESPINS
2523 MIHAI F. Adriana-Viorica Bucureti 4 42 11 6 9 11 5 RESPINS
2524 MIHAI P. Mirona-Alexandra Bucureti 3 50 10 12 10 12 6 RESPINS
2525 MIHAI . Andreea-Roxana Bucureti 4 74 12 17 12 16 17 ADMIS
2526 MIHAI T. Mihaela-Voichia Timi 4 45 8 7 10 14 6 RESPINS
2527 MIHAI V. Andrei-Viorel Dolj 1 21 4 4 7 4 2 RESPINS
2528 MIHAI V. Ioana Prahova 2 28 4 3 5 8 8 RESPINS
2529 MIHAI V. Iulian-Mircea Buzu 3 64 11 17 9 13 14 RESPINS
2530 MIHAIL I. Marian-Ioan Bucureti 3 71 11 17 9 18 16 RESPINS
2531 MIHAIL S. Alina-Mihaela Dolj 2 41 11 8 6 10 6 RESPINS
2532 MIHAILA M. Oana-Alexandra Bucureti 4 77 15 17 13 15 17 ADMIS
2533 MIHAILA S. Codrin-Dragos Bucureti 3 76 12 17 13 16 18 ADMIS
2534 MIHAILA V. Ctlin Bucureti 4 50 9 13 8 12 8 RESPINS
2535 MIHAILOV R. Ciprian-Paul Constana 3 21 2 5 4 5 5 RESPINS
2536 MIHALACHE M. Adina Bucureti 4 75 15 14 11 17 18 ADMIS
2537 MIHALCEA F. Florina-Cristina Bucureti 1 55 11 10 10 9 15 RESPINS
2538 MIHALCEA I. Diana Constana 2 36 6 5 6 13 6 RESPINS
2539 MIHALCEA M. Adriana Bucureti 1 32 5 7 6 11 3 RESPINS
2540 MIHALCIA G. Andreea-Maria Bucureti 2 68 16 15 10 12 15 RESPINS
2541 MIHALI I. Silvia Cluj 2 41 9 6 9 10 7 RESPINS
2542 MIHALI M. Maria-Antoaneta Maramure 1 53 8 9 8 15 13 RESPINS
2543 MIHALOIU P. Diana-Eliza Bucureti 1 69 15 14 12 14 14 RESPINS
2544 MIHARTESCU S. Stefan-Mihai Bucureti 2 80 16 19 13 16 16 ADMIS
2545 MIHIL L. Victor-Dominian Bucureti 1 50 11 6 7 11 15 RESPINS
2546 MIHIL V. Camelia Iai 2 46 9 8 10 10 9 RESPINS
2547 MIHILESCU B. Emilia-Brndua Bucureti 2 39 8 10 7 8 6 RESPINS
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Tabel cu rezultatele obinute de candidaii la examenul de primire n profesia de
avocat ca avocat STAGIAR - 15 septembrie 2014
DC DPC DP DPP Rezultat
2548 MIHILESCU F. Florin-
Dolj 1 56 13 8 6 16 13 RESPINS
2549 MIHILOIU M. Elena-Alexandra Vlcea 2 67 11 12 12 15 17 RESPINS
2550 MIHE D. Roxana-Mariana Cluj 2 45 9 11 3 11 11 RESPINS
2551 MIHOC M. Mihaela-Suzana Cluj 1 49 8 10 9 12 10 RESPINS
2552 MIHOCI M. Manuela-Francisca Bucureti 1 64 12 10 10 16 16 RESPINS
2553 MIHORDEA I. Diana Bucureti 2 54 11 12 6 12 13 RESPINS
2554 MIHU C. Maria-Denisa Mehedini 1 60 11 9 10 14 16 RESPINS
2555 MIHU -. Anabella Bihor 3 67 13 12 10 14 18 RESPINS
2556 MIJA T. Ozel Constana 1 27 6 8 7 2 4 RESPINS
2557 MILA D. Cristian-Pavel Bucureti 2 43 13 7 5 10 8 RESPINS
2558 MILANOVICI A. Sebastian Timi 2 48 6 8 10 13 11 RESPINS
2559 MILEA M. Andrei Bucureti 1 66 17 10 8 13 18 RESPINS
2560 MILEA V. Emilia Bucureti 2 33 7 8 4 7 7 RESPINS
2561 MILIARI C. Mihai-Alexandru Bucureti 3 35 13 7 2 9 4 RESPINS
2562 MILIN D. Ancua Timi 1 55 9 13 7 13 13 RESPINS
2563 MILITARU C. Ion Bucureti 4 54 8 13 9 14 10 RESPINS
2564 MILITARU T. Carmen Clrai 3 27 7 5 4 6 5 RESPINS
2565 MINC M. Alexandra-Mihaela Bucureti 4 67 11 15 11 15 15 RESPINS
2566 MINC N. Daniela-Nicoleta Bucureti 3 27 6 4 7 7 3 RESPINS
2567 MINCOV V. Cristina-Ioana Bucureti 4 24 6 4 6 6 2 RESPINS
2568 MINDICANU I. Mihaela Bucureti 3 50 8 11 9 11 11 RESPINS
2569 MINDREAN T. Maria Bucureti 4 43 8 7 10 10 8 RESPINS
2570 MINDRESCU G. Mihai-Cristian Bucureti 3 29 7 4 3 6 9 RESPINS
2571 MINDRILA G. Anca-Gabriela Bucureti 4 44 10 11 6 10 7 RESPINS
2572 MINDROCEANU C. Constantin Bucureti 3 45 11 11 4 11 8 RESPINS
2573 MINOIU D. Andrei Bucureti 4 40 9 8 5 11 7 RESPINS
2574 MINOIU V. Cristina-Mdlina Bucureti 3 55 12 8 8 13 14 RESPINS
2575 MINTOIU A. Ana-Maria Bucureti 4 54 13 11 9 7 14 RESPINS
2576 MIRAUTA M. Maria-Elena Bucureti 3 33 8 7 4 9 5 RESPINS
2577 MIRCA P. Adina-Maria Alba 2 52 11 9 8 14 10 RESPINS
2578 MIRCEA G. Bianca-Florentina Bucureti 4 45 11 10 3 13 8 RESPINS
2579 MIRCEA-NESU D. Bogdan-
Bucureti 1 74 17 15 10 17 15 ADMIS
2580 MIRCIOV P. Petronela Timi 2 34 5 6 7 9 7 RESPINS
2581 MIREA C. Alexandra-Georgiana Constana 2 33 6 7 5 9 6 RESPINS
2582 MIREA I. Valentina Constana 1 30 7 4 4 11 4 RESPINS
2583 MIREA N. Mihai-Ionu Olt 2 70 12 18 7 17 16 RESPINS
2584 MIREANU G. Andra-Elena Bucureti 2 64 10 14 13 13 14 RESPINS
2585 MIRESCU F. Mihai-Adrian Bucureti 1 33 10 6 6 10 1 RESPINS
2586 MIRICIOIU G. Ovidiu-Gabriel Bucureti 2 22 4 4 6 6 2 RESPINS
2587 MIRON E. Corina Bucureti 1 42 5 4 6 14 13 RESPINS
2588 MIRON G. Bianca-Georgiana Bucureti 2 38 8 4 9 10 7 RESPINS
2589 MIRON I. Tatiana Bucureti 1 67 16 11 12 13 15 RESPINS
2590 MIRON M. Raul Bucureti 2 67 13 14 12 15 13 RESPINS
2591 MIRON P. Simona Bucureti 1 28 8 4 4 9 3 RESPINS
2592 MIRZACU A. Andreea-
Bucureti 2 47 14 8 4 10 11 RESPINS
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Tabel cu rezultatele obinute de candidaii la examenul de primire n profesia de
avocat ca avocat STAGIAR - 15 septembrie 2014
DC DPC DP DPP Rezultat
2593 MISCHIE F. Florin Tulcea 1 25 8 1 5 7 4 RESPINS
2594 MISCHIE G. Luminita Mehedini 1 36 9 5 3 10 9 RESPINS
2595 MISCHIU G. Madalina Gorj 2 33 9 2 8 7 7 RESPINS
2596 MICU M. Diana-Mihaela Dolj 3 62 14 11 9 14 14 RESPINS
2597 MICOCI C. Ionu Constana 2 70 16 13 13 13 15 ADMIS
2598 MITACHE C. Mihai Bucureti 1 31 10 5 4 6 6 RESPINS
2599 MITACHE C. Tudor Bucureti 2 60 14 12 7 14 13 RESPINS
2600 MITEA V. Florin-George Bucureti 1 42 11 5 4 10 12 RESPINS
2601 MITESCU V. Alina-Maria Constana 2 68 13 13 13 13 16 RESPINS
2602 MITITELU . Andrei-Nicolae Mehedini 4 66 12 14 11 16 13 RESPINS
2603 MITRA F. Roxana-Marinela Dolj 3 40 9 10 2 12 7 RESPINS
2604 MITRCHIOIU C. Mihail-Lucian Dolj 4 67 12 13 13 14 15 RESPINS
2605 MITRE N. Raluca-Bianca Satu Mare 1 37 7 7 3 11 9 RESPINS
2606 MITREA A. Andrei-Stefan Bucureti 3 77 18 17 12 12 18 ADMIS
2607 MITREA A. Beniamin-Claudiu Cluj 1 37 11 5 7 6 8 RESPINS
2608 MITREA G. Laura-Ioana Bucureti 4 61 13 9 9 16 14 RESPINS
2609 MITREA G. Mihaela-Ctlina Bucureti 3 43 7 9 4 11 12 RESPINS
2610 MITREA N. Bianca-Iulia Prahova 4 69 17 12 6 17 17 RESPINS
2611 MITRIC . Mirela-Aurica Bucureti 4 50 12 11 11 8 8 RESPINS
2612 MITROI P. Daniel-Dorel Olt 3 28 6 5 6 8 3 RESPINS
2613 MITROIU M. Andrei Bucureti 3 45 9 8 7 9 12 RESPINS
2614 MITRU M. Elena-Diana Dolj 4 27 7 3 4 7 6 RESPINS
2615 MITRU V. Iuliana-Mirela Dolj 1 20 4 3 4 6 3 RESPINS
2616 MITU A. Ioana Bucureti 4 73 15 17 10 13 18 ADMIS
2617 MIU A. Ruxandra-Darclee Prahova 3 55 11 11 8 12 13 RESPINS
2618 MIU I. Andrada-Daiana Bucureti 3 78 14 16 13 15 20 ADMIS
2619 MIU N. Iosif Bucureti 4 27 5 4 7 7 4 RESPINS
2620 MIZILEANU P. Alina-Mihaela Bucureti 3 18 7 2 4 4 1 RESPINS
2621 MOATER N. Vladimir Bucureti 4 33 8 5 3 12 5 RESPINS
2622 MOCA I. Radu Hunedoara 2 67 17 13 6 16 15 RESPINS
2623 MOCAN H. Alexandra-Maria Cluj 1 51 10 11 8 11 11 RESPINS
2624 MOCANASU O. Diana-Elena Bacu 1 34 7 3 4 12 8 RESPINS
2625 MOCANU C. Irina-Andreea Brila 3 28 3 5 7 8 5 RESPINS
2626 MOCANU C. Simona-Angela Bucureti 3 66 13 12 9 15 17 RESPINS
2627 MOCANU D. Marioara Bucureti 1 30 7 6 6 7 4 RESPINS
2628 MOCANU F. Consuela-tefania Constana 3 31 6 9 3 6 7 RESPINS
2629 MOCANU G. Cornel Bucureti 4 31 5 6 4 8 8 RESPINS
2630 MOCANU G. Mihaela-Georgiana Bucureti 3 38 6 7 9 11 5 RESPINS
2631 MOCEANU A. Adriana Timi 1 32 5 4 7 11 5 RESPINS
2632 MOCODEAN G. Clina-Maria Cluj 2 62 10 14 7 16 15 RESPINS
2633 MODOL C. Darius-Constantin Alba 1 32 9 5 5 6 7 RESPINS
2634 MOGA C. Roxana Braov 4 62 13 10 11 16 12 RESPINS
2635 MOGA T. erban Sibiu 1 71 14 15 14 13 15 ADMIS
2636 MOGESCU I. Nicolae Dmbovia 4 29 9 6 3 6 5 RESPINS
2637 MOGOSANU C. Petre Gorj 2 25 8 5 6 5 1 RESPINS
2638 MOISA I. Madalina-Corina Iai 2 30 8 7 7 5 3 RESPINS
2639 MOISE A. Diana Bucureti 3 53 9 12 9 13 10 RESPINS
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Tabel cu rezultatele obinute de candidaii la examenul de primire n profesia de
avocat ca avocat STAGIAR - 15 septembrie 2014
DC DPC DP DPP Rezultat
2640 MOISE C. Emil Bucureti 4 43 11 6 10 11 5 RESPINS
2641 MOISE I. Luiza Timi 2 47 11 9 4 14 9 RESPINS
2642 MOISE V. Margareta Galai 4 59 14 11 11 9 14 RESPINS
2643 MOISE-CRNGU I. Florin Ilfov 3 38 8 7 6 9 8 RESPINS
2644 MOISESCU C. Ciprian-
Bucureti 4 63 13 12 9 14 15 RESPINS
2645 MOIAN A. Alexandru Cluj 2 41 10 7 5 14 5 RESPINS
2646 MOLDOVAN A. Alin Mure 2 49 12 10 7 13 7 RESPINS
2647 MOLDOVAN A. Rzvan-Cristian Mure 1 36 12 4 6 8 6 RESPINS
2648 MOLDOVAN E. Camelia-Lucia Bucureti 3 28 9 6 4 7 2 RESPINS
2649 MOLDOVAN F. Dnu Mure 2 57 11 12 5 14 15 RESPINS
2650 MOLDOVAN G. Andreea-
Cluj 1 77 14 17 11 17 18 ADMIS
2651 MOLDOVAN G. Ioan-Alexandru Cluj 2 59 12 9 8 17 13 RESPINS
2652 MOLDOVAN G. Iulia-Georgiana Mure 3 66 13 13 10 15 15 RESPINS
2653 MOLDOVAN I. Dan-Mihai Cluj 1 72 15 12 12 16 17 ADMIS
2654 MOLDOVAN L. Andrada-Raluca Cluj 3 34 5 8 3 8 10 RESPINS
2655 MOLDOVAN L. Crina-Lenua Braov 4 19 2 6 3 5 3 RESPINS
2656 MOLDOVAN S. Claudiu-Ionut Slaj 4 53 11 8 8 12 14 RESPINS
2657 MOLDOVAN V. Denisa-Corina Cluj 3 47 9 8 7 13 10 RESPINS
2658 MOLDOVAN V. Maria-Adina Bucureti 3 55 12 9 11 10 13 RESPINS
2659 MOLDOVAN V. Sabina Cluj 4 34 9 5 5 8 7 RESPINS
2660 MOLDOVANU G. Alexandra-
Bucureti 1 32 7 8 4 7 6 RESPINS
2661 MOLDOVANU G. Cristina-Elena Constana 1 37 9 5 3 11 9 RESPINS
2662 MOLDOVANU O. Alexandra-
Bacu 1 46 9 8 9 8 12 RESPINS
2663 MOLDOVANU V. Bogdan-
Iai 2 46 13 7 7 8 11 RESPINS
2664 MOLNAR F. Ildik Mure 3 30 6 5 5 9 5 RESPINS
Bucureti 2 25 5 6 5 7 2 RESPINS
2666 MOMI D. Andrei-Alexandru Iai 1 40 10 5 5 13 7 RESPINS
2667 MONENCI F. Aurica-Florica Bihor 2 48 13 7 5 13 10 RESPINS
2668 MORAR R. Carmen-Alina Cluj 3 55 12 9 10 13 11 RESPINS
2669 MORARIU I. Maria-Emanuela Alba 4 52 10 9 6 15 12 RESPINS
2670 MORARIU M. Ecaterina Bucureti 1 65 12 14 9 13 17 RESPINS
2671 MORARU A. Andreea Bucureti 3 19 4 4 2 9 0 RESPINS
2672 MORARU A. Camelia Bucureti 4 33 9 4 4 10 6 RESPINS
2673 MORARU C. Nicoleta Bucureti 3 72 14 16 14 15 13 ADMIS
2674 MORARU I. Theodor Bucureti 1 70 12 13 14 14 17 ADMIS
2675 MORARU L. Lavinia-Augustina Bucureti 2 42 10 7 5 11 9 RESPINS
2676 MORENCIU D. Catalina-
Neam 2 55 11 10 9 12 13 RESPINS
2677 MORLOVEA I. Andreea-Daniela Ilfov 1 28 6 5 8 5 4 RESPINS
2678 MOROE N. Alina-Mihaela Bucureti 3 63 15 13 8 16 11 RESPINS
2679 MOROSANU V. Daniela Bucureti 4 30 5 2 5 12 6 RESPINS
2680 MOROAN M. Dan-Alexandru Cluj 3 0 0 0 0 0 0 RESPINS
2681 MOROEANU N. Alexandra Iai 3 68 12 10 10 17 19 RESPINS
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Tabel cu rezultatele obinute de candidaii la examenul de primire n profesia de
avocat ca avocat STAGIAR - 15 septembrie 2014
DC DPC DP DPP Rezultat
2682 MOS F. Andreea-Florina Hunedoara 1 26 8 4 3 7 4 RESPINS
2683 MOS I. Cristina-Maria Bucureti 1 52 10 9 12 7 14 RESPINS
2684 MOSCALU A. Aurica Timi 2 42 12 10 5 6 9 RESPINS
2685 MOSTEANU I. Florentin-Andrei Arge 1 42 11 5 5 10 11 RESPINS
2686 MO A. Codrua-Mihaela Bucureti 2 66 12 11 11 16 16 RESPINS
2687 MO G. Alexandru Bihor 1 75 13 16 11 17 18 ADMIS
2688 MOTELICA D. George-Andrei Bucureti 3 77 14 15 12 16 20 ADMIS
2689 MOTIOC P. Elena-Liliana Sibiu 4 40 7 6 7 12 8 RESPINS
2690 MOTOLITY E. Larisa Alba 1 60 14 11 9 10 16 RESPINS
2691 MOTORGA C. Ciprian-Andrei Bucureti 4 70 16 12 11 14 17 ADMIS
2692 MOTRESCU T. Constantin-
Bucureti 1 37 8 9 5 8 7 RESPINS
2693 MO D. Raluca Arad 2 47 10 10 6 14 7 RESPINS
2694 MOIU-IVAN D. Andreea-Maria Timi 1 56 12 8 9 14 13 RESPINS
2695 MOVILA S. Damaris-Emanuela Bucureti 2 38 10 8 4 9 7 RESPINS
2696 MUJDEI C. Larisa Bucureti 3 66 14 8 11 17 16 RESPINS
2697 MUNGIU A. Alexandru-Ionu Dolj 2 22 5 5 7 4 1 RESPINS
2698 MUNTEAN D. Daniela-Felicia Hunedoara 2 69 14 15 9 14 17 RESPINS
2699 MUNTEAN I. Ctlina-Mihaela Sibiu 1 40 12 9 3 10 6 RESPINS
2700 MUNTEAN M. Marius-Alexandru Bucureti 4 53 13 12 7 13 8 RESPINS
2701 MUNTEAN P. Alina-Casiana Sibiu 2 28 8 4 4 7 5 RESPINS
2702 MUNTEAN T. Sonia Cluj 2 53 8 8 7 14 16 RESPINS
2703 MUNTEAN V. Ruxandra-Elena Sibiu 1 62 14 10 7 15 16 RESPINS
2704 MUNTEANU C. Alina Bacu 4 49 10 8 5 14 12 RESPINS
Iai 3 34 11 3 3 13 4 RESPINS
2706 MUNTEANU G. Silviu-Marian Bucureti 1 70 15 16 10 12 17 ADMIS
2707 MUNTEANU L. Mara Cluj 1 49 8 9 7 14 11 RESPINS
2708 MUNTEANU M. Adriana-Natalia Cluj 2 78 9 17 16 17 19 RESPINS
2709 MUNTEANU M. Aurelia Teleorman 1 32 5 6 3 9 9 RESPINS
2710 MUNTEANU M. Marc Timi 3 46 10 7 7 13 9 RESPINS
2711 MUNTEANU M. Reluta-Elena Bucureti 2 32 8 4 4 10 6 RESPINS
2712 MUNTEANU N. Alexandra Sibiu 2 26 3 8 4 9 2 RESPINS
2713 MUNTEANU N. Marius-Mdlin Bucureti 1 68 13 11 13 15 16 RESPINS
2714 MUNTEANU N. Raluca-Nicoleta Vlcea 2 57 9 12 11 12 13 RESPINS
Bucureti 1 65 13 13 10 16 13 RESPINS
2716 MUNTEANU-MIERL . Bianca-
Bucureti 3 65 9 15 10 15 16 RESPINS
2717 MUNTIANU C. Bogdan-Octavian Bucureti 2 80 13 17 14 17 19 ADMIS
2718 MURARET N. Claudia Bucureti 1 37 12 4 5 10 6 RESPINS
2719 MURARIU L. Alexandru-Edmond Arge 3 34 7 8 4 10 5 RESPINS
2720 MURARU G. Laura-Giorgiana Braov 3 58 14 5 8 14 17 RESPINS
2721 MURARU I. Iulian Bucureti 3 67 14 12 10 16 15 RESPINS
2722 MURESAN E. Emil-Florian Bucureti 4 23 5 5 4 6 3 RESPINS
2723 MUREAN A. Ruxandra Cluj 1 25 4 5 6 7 3 RESPINS
2724 MUREAN C. Bogdan Cluj 3 59 11 13 6 15 14 RESPINS
2725 MUREAN G. Georgiana-Denisa Cluj 4 51 10 12 6 12 11 RESPINS
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Tabel cu rezultatele obinute de candidaii la examenul de primire n profesia de
avocat ca avocat STAGIAR - 15 septembrie 2014
DC DPC DP DPP Rezultat
2726 MUREAN I. Camelia-Octavia Cluj 3 61 17 9 10 13 12 RESPINS
2727 MUREAN I. Radu-Ionu Cluj 4 53 10 8 8 15 12 RESPINS
2728 MURGEANU G. Laurentiu-Mihail Bucureti 1 54 10 9 7 15 13 RESPINS
2729 MURGU I. Denisa-Andreea Bucureti 2 52 10 14 7 11 10 RESPINS
2730 MURGULET C. Stefan Bucureti 3 46 7 17 3 11 8 RESPINS
2731 MUSAT I. Alina-Rebeca Bucureti 4 63 15 10 7 13 18 RESPINS
2732 MUSAT M (MARIAN). Emilia Bucureti 3 37 11 4 1 11 10 RESPINS
2733 MUSAT V (VASILE). Emilia Bucureti 2 61 12 10 11 16 12 RESPINS
2734 MUSCALU G. Silviu Bucureti 1 27 5 4 4 7 7 RESPINS
2735 MUSCALU I. Marius-Sorin Bucureti 4 41 9 2 5 12 13 RESPINS
2736 MUSCAN I. Ioana-Roxana Maramure 3 63 10 10 15 15 13 RESPINS
2737 MUSTATA M. Gheorghe-Marian Bucureti 3 39 7 10 3 7 12 RESPINS
2738 MUSTATEA I. Elena-Madalina Bucureti 1 38 7 8 5 8 10 RESPINS
2739 MUSTEA C. Maria Dmbovia 3 51 10 11 4 15 11 RESPINS
2740 MUAT A. Adriana Constana 4 42 9 9 6 11 7 RESPINS
2741 MUAT V. Cristian-Ionu Bucureti 1 68 14 15 9 16 14 RESPINS
2742 MUAT V. Ion Timi 4 22 5 2 6 6 3 RESPINS
2743 MUETESCU S. Corina Bucureti 2 62 14 8 12 15 13 RESPINS
2744 MUTU A. Malvina-Mihaela Timi 3 35 7 7 9 10 2 RESPINS
2745 NACEV T. Tudor-Nicolae Bucureti 3 70 14 15 11 13 17 ADMIS
2746 NACOV I. Adina-Liliana Timi 4 47 13 7 9 13 5 RESPINS
2747 NACU D. Maria-Loredana Cluj 4 53 13 9 8 13 10 RESPINS
2748 NACU F. Enache-Ion Bucureti 4 37 9 9 5 9 5 RESPINS
2749 NACU G. Roxana Bacu 4 47 14 7 8 9 9 RESPINS
2750 NAE B. Maria-Magdalena Bucureti 1 48 7 8 6 12 15 RESPINS
2751 NAE V. Florentina Bucureti 2 56 11 10 9 12 14 RESPINS
2752 NAFERIC I. Bogdan-Ionu Braov 4 43 9 4 10 13 7 RESPINS
2753 NAGHI M. Georgiana-Teodora Brila 1 59 13 13 8 12 13 RESPINS
2754 NAGY A. Sandor Cluj 3 34 7 6 5 10 6 RESPINS
2755 NAGY D. Zita Harghita 3 46 11 8 4 13 10 RESPINS
2756 NAGY I. Timea Cluj 1 59 14 9 12 14 10 RESPINS
2757 NAGY L. Csilla Mure 4 32 3 7 7 8 7 RESPINS
2758 NAGY T. Emoke-Emee Cluj 2 30 8 4 3 9 6 RESPINS
2759 NANE T. Tudor-Ioan Bucureti 4 31 7 6 3 10 5 RESPINS
2760 NANU L. Radu-Valentin Teleorman 4 27 6 3 4 9 5 RESPINS
2761 NANU-RDULESCU A. Simona-
Sibiu 2 51 13 10 5 14 9 RESPINS
2762 NAPOROJNEA S. Ovidiu-Mihai Bacu 3 38 8 5 5 13 7 RESPINS
2763 NARITA I. Ioana-Maria Alba 1 37 8 7 5 8 9 RESPINS
2764 NARTEA M. Cristina-Ioana Prahova 1 51 10 12 7 13 9 RESPINS
2765 NASCUTIU-P P. Petruta-Maria Bistria Nsud 2 44 10 6 4 11 13 RESPINS
2766 NASTASE B. Alina-Mariana Bucureti 3 47 15 9 4 10 9 RESPINS
2767 NA E. Bogdan-Emil Cluj 1 75 16 14 12 16 17 ADMIS
2768 NAVACOVSCHI C. Robert-
Bucureti 1 54 12 9 4 12 17 RESPINS
2769 NAZARE I. Laura Bucureti 2 39 9 7 4 9 10 RESPINS
2770 NAZARE V. Elena-Veronica Iai 4 58 14 12 6 15 11 RESPINS
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Tabel cu rezultatele obinute de candidaii la examenul de primire n profesia de
avocat ca avocat STAGIAR - 15 septembrie 2014
DC DPC DP DPP Rezultat
2771 NNDREAN E. Eugen-Daniel Cluj 2 67 13 14 11 14 15 RESPINS
2772 NSTASE I. Stelua Ilfov 2 20 4 4 3 4 5 RESPINS
2773 NSTASE M. Ioan-Ovidiu Bucureti 3 29 11 6 4 7 1 RESPINS
2774 NVODARIU G. Elena-Tania Bacu 3 68 14 12 10 15 17 RESPINS
2775 NEACSU A. Georgiana-Mariana Bucureti 4 38 4 8 6 9 11 RESPINS
2776 NEACSU E. Daniela-Luciana Bucureti 3 52 15 12 5 11 9 RESPINS
2777 NEACSU G. Diana-Elena Bucureti 4 57 14 12 11 10 10 RESPINS
2778 NEACSU V. Alina Bucureti 2 42 8 6 7 11 10 RESPINS
2779 NEACSU V. Rodica Bucureti 1 24 9 3 3 5 4 RESPINS
2780 NEACU P. tefania-Nicoleta Olt 3 45 13 4 10 8 10 RESPINS
2781 NEAGA N. Raluca-Adriana Bucureti 2 58 14 11 4 16 13 RESPINS
2782 NEAGA S. Andra-Mihaela Bucureti 1 76 16 13 14 15 18 ADMIS
2783 NEAGOE G. Ana Sibiu 2 55 10 10 9 14 12 RESPINS
2784 NEAGOE G. Ioana Bucureti 4 53 11 9 7 15 11 RESPINS
2785 NEAGOVICI G. Ana-Maria Braov 3 29 5 4 5 10 5 RESPINS
2786 NEAGU E. Emilian-Laureniu Vlcea 4 58 13 12 9 12 12 RESPINS
2787 NEAGU G. Cristina Bacu 4 29 5 4 4 12 4 RESPINS
2788 NEAGU G. Mona-Lisa Bucureti 4 50 14 6 4 12 14 RESPINS
2789 NEAGU I. Laura-Elena Bucureti 1 30 6 4 5 13 2 RESPINS
2790 NEAGU M. Adela-Mihaela Bucureti 2 61 11 12 11 13 14 RESPINS
2791 NEAGU M. Alina-Alexandra Bucureti 1 29 8 5 5 7 4 RESPINS
2792 NEAGU M. Ctlin-Marius Bacu 3 61 11 13 10 12 15 RESPINS
2793 NEAMTU O. Natalia-Maria Alba 1 60 11 10 8 14 17 RESPINS
2794 NEAM V. Victor-Paul Arad 3 80 16 17 14 16 17 ADMIS
2795 NEAMU I. Iulia-Alexandra Cluj 3 56 10 12 11 11 12 RESPINS
2796 NEAMU . Ana-Maria Bucureti 2 70 14 16 10 16 14 ADMIS
2797 NEA I. Andra-Denisse Teleorman 3 50 8 12 7 13 10 RESPINS
2798 NECHIFOR D. Alexandra-Elena Iai 4 49 12 6 8 13 10 RESPINS
2799 NECHIFOR V. Roxana-Mihaela-
Bucureti 1 48 11 9 8 11 9 RESPINS
2800 NECHITA I. Andreea-Diana Iai 3 44 11 10 6 8 9 RESPINS
2801 NECHITA V. Alina-Dana Maramure 4 67 13 9 11 17 17 RESPINS
2802 NECSUT M. Cristian-Ionut Bucureti 2 39 10 8 5 11 5 RESPINS
2803 NECULAE P. Alina Bucureti 3 82 16 17 15 16 18 ADMIS
2804 NECULAI I. Adrian Bucureti 4 30 7 6 4 9 4 RESPINS
2805 NECULCEA I. Silvia-Andreea Bucureti 3 60 11 11 9 14 15 RESPINS
2806 NECULI G. Roxana-Virginia Bucureti 4 64 12 15 9 13 15 RESPINS
2807 NEDEA M. Monica-Loredana Bucureti 3 49 14 8 5 14 8 RESPINS
2808 NEDEF A. Miruna-Ioana Bucureti 2 24 4 6 4 5 5 RESPINS
2809 NEDELCIU S. Graiela-Gabriela Ilfov 1 40 6 8 8 14 4 RESPINS
2810 NEDELCU D. Catalina Bucureti 2 54 11 8 6 15 14 RESPINS
2811 NEDELCU E. Georgiana-
Constana 1 60 9 8 8 17 18 RESPINS
2812 NEDELCU G. Cristina-Mihaela Bucureti 2 54 12 10 9 13 10 RESPINS
2813 NEDELCU G. Georgeta-Alina Galai 2 48 11 11 6 9 11 RESPINS
2814 NEDELCU M. Teodora-Afrodita Bucureti 1 38 10 4 5 12 7 RESPINS
2815 NEDELCU V. Romeo Galai 3 43 11 8 8 10 6 RESPINS
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Tabel cu rezultatele obinute de candidaii la examenul de primire n profesia de
avocat ca avocat STAGIAR - 15 septembrie 2014
DC DPC DP DPP Rezultat
2816 NEDELEA D. Elena-Mirela Bucureti 2 70 15 11 12 14 18 ADMIS
2817 NEDELEA I. Ina-Simona Braov 4 34 6 5 6 11 6 RESPINS
2818 NEGHIN G. Roxana-Gabriela Bucureti 4 56 11 11 8 14 12 RESPINS
2819 NEGIP A. Ainur Constana 3 22 3 3 2 11 3 RESPINS
2820 NEGOESCU A. Ileana-Georgia Bucureti 4 65 15 11 8 16 15 RESPINS
2821 NEGOESCU G. Diana-Andreea Bucureti 3 46 8 12 6 12 8 RESPINS
2822 NEGOITA C. Cristian-Bogdan Bacu 2 29 4 6 7 9 3 RESPINS
2823 NEGOITA F. Mihai Mehedini 4 23 7 5 5 5 1 RESPINS
2824 NEGOITA M. Marius Bucureti 2 26 5 5 6 7 3 RESPINS
2825 NEGOITA N. Cristina Bucureti 1 62 11 12 10 16 13 RESPINS
2826 NEGRU I. Andreea-Georgiana Bucureti 2 59 10 10 10 14 15 RESPINS
2827 NEGREA L. Cristina-Corina Bucureti 1 54 10 10 9 11 14 RESPINS
2828 NEGREA P. Irina Bucureti 2 36 10 6 2 11 7 RESPINS
2829 NEGRESCU C. Mariana Mehedini 1 28 4 4 7 10 3 RESPINS
2830 NEGRII M. Andrei-Victor Suceava 1 22 3 5 6 5 3 RESPINS
2831 NEGRILA I. Elena-Valentina Bucureti 4 24 3 3 8 9 1 RESPINS
2832 NEGRILA M. Alina-Iuliana Bucureti 1 29 8 3 5 8 5 RESPINS
2833 NEGRU I. Nelia-Florenica Cluj 3 36 9 3 5 7 12 RESPINS
2834 NEGRU R. Daniela Bucureti 3 35 8 4 6 10 7 RESPINS
2835 NEGRU V. Nicoleta Bucureti 4 41 8 4 5 15 9 RESPINS
2836 NEGRUIU M. Irina-Alexandra Arad 4 63 11 13 11 15 13 RESPINS
2837 NEGULESCU C. Cristian-Vasile Dmbovia 3 38 7 4 7 12 8 RESPINS
2838 NEGURICI S. Theodor Bucureti 4 55 7 13 9 14 12 RESPINS
2839 NEGUU V. Florin Bucureti 3 49 10 7 6 14 12 RESPINS
2840 NEMES D. Dnes-Zsolt Harghita 3 27 9 3 2 10 3 RESPINS
2841 NEMES R. Diana-Alexandra Bucureti 1 33 8 5 4 10 6 RESPINS
2842 NEO S. Andreea Mehedini 2 39 6 7 5 12 9 RESPINS
2843 NERE G. Nicolae Bucureti 2 19 4 4 4 6 1 RESPINS
2844 NEU M. Carmen-Isabela Arge 1 35 11 3 5 8 8 RESPINS
2845 NICA G. Maria Bucureti 1 45 9 10 9 11 6 RESPINS
2846 NICA L. Alexandru-Victor Bucureti 2 19 5 4 4 5 1 RESPINS
2847 NICA P. Ana-Adina Timi 3 37 11 5 4 12 5 RESPINS
2848 NICA S. Steliana-Andrada Cluj 4 64 9 11 11 16 17 RESPINS
2849 NICHIFOR D. Oana-Veronica Bucureti 1 29 3 6 5 11 4 RESPINS
2850 NICHITA C. tefania Iai 2 67 16 13 7 13 18 RESPINS
2851 NICHITA D. Alexandra-Cornelia Bucureti 3 57 14 11 6 14 12 RESPINS
2852 NICHITOI A. Andreea-Irina Suceava 1 57 12 12 7 13 13 RESPINS
2853 NICOAR M. Andrei-Mircea Cluj 3 51 10 11 3 16 11 RESPINS
2854 NICOAR T. Silviu-Larion Cluj 4 23 4 2 10 4 3 RESPINS
2855 NICOLA A. Maria-Andra Mehedini 2 20 3 5 4 5 3 RESPINS
2856 NICOLA M. Dorina-Maria Arad 4 29 6 4 5 7 7 RESPINS
2857 NICOLAE A. Anioara-Adina Ilfov 4 20 4 3 4 6 3 RESPINS
2858 NICOLAE A. Diana-Ileana Bucureti 3 49 8 8 5 12 16 RESPINS
2859 NICOLAE F. Gianina-Florentina Bucureti 4 30 5 10 5 5 5 RESPINS
2860 NICOLAE G. Adrian-George Bucureti 1 18 4 4 2 5 3 RESPINS
2861 NICOLAE I. Elisabeta Ilfov 2 39 8 6 5 10 10 RESPINS
2862 NICOLAE I. Teodor Bucureti 1 69 17 12 7 14 19 RESPINS
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Tabel cu rezultatele obinute de candidaii la examenul de primire n profesia de
avocat ca avocat STAGIAR - 15 septembrie 2014
DC DPC DP DPP Rezultat
2863 NICOLAE O. Elena-Adelina Prahova 4 22 3 9 2 3 5 RESPINS
2864 NICOLAE O. Marius-Tiberiu Bucureti 2 60 14 10 6 14 16 RESPINS
2865 NICOLAE S. Diana-Stefana Bucureti 3 46 8 13 6 13 6 RESPINS
2866 NICOLAE S. Ionela Teleorman 1 29 7 6 3 9 4 RESPINS
2867 NICOLAE E. Cristina-Alexandra Bistria Nsud 3 62 11 10 11 15 15 RESPINS
2868 NICOLAIE G. Iulia Bucureti 4 54 14 9 6 13 12 RESPINS
2869 NICOLESCU C. Adrian Dolj 2 52 12 9 5 15 11 RESPINS
2870 NICOLESCU S. Carmen-Antonia Bucureti 3 53 11 8 7 13 14 RESPINS
2871 NICOSCHI I. Dan-Mihai Cluj 1 52 13 11 5 12 11 RESPINS
2872 NICULA O. Adrian-Marius Cluj 2 54 11 11 8 13 11 RESPINS
2873 NICULAE F. Oana Bucureti 4 40 9 6 8 8 9 RESPINS
2874 NICULAE G. Tatiana-Maria Bucureti 2 34 6 7 8 6 7 RESPINS
2875 NICULAE M. Adelina-Naomi Bucureti 1 48 8 9 6 16 9 RESPINS
2876 NICULAE N. Cristian-Gabriel Bucureti 2 41 10 6 5 10 10 RESPINS
Bucureti 1 49 14 5 9 13 8 RESPINS
2878 NICULESCU L. Angel-Petrut Bucureti 2 20 4 6 6 2 2 RESPINS
2879 NICULI E. Maria-Mirabela Iai 2 41 10 8 7 9 7 RESPINS
2880 NICULICIU V. Roxana Sibiu 1 25 4 1 5 10 5 RESPINS
2881 NICULIT N. Adina-Liliana Galai 4 46 6 6 10 12 12 RESPINS
2882 NICU I. Sanda-Simona Dolj 3 47 9 6 7 12 13 RESPINS
2883 NIMIGEAN E. Denise Timi 3 54 15 10 4 13 12 RESPINS
2884 NISTOR A. Viorica Bucureti 2 48 13 9 6 12 8 RESPINS
2885 NISTOR C. Adriana-Violeta Sibiu 2 58 15 11 8 14 10 RESPINS
2886 NISTOR D. Dan-Razvan Maramure 1 34 8 7 6 11 2 RESPINS
2887 NISTOR P. Luminita-Petronela Hunedoara 4 36 7 5 3 8 13 RESPINS
2888 NISTOR S. Andrei-Sorin Cluj 2 52 11 11 7 13 10 RESPINS
2889 NITA A. Aura-Simona Bucureti 2 32 6 2 6 12 6 RESPINS
2890 NITA C. Mihaela-Raluca Bacu 1 49 12 9 5 9 14 RESPINS
2891 NITA G. Mihaela-Andreea Bucureti 1 34 11 5 3 10 5 RESPINS
2892 NITA I. Alexandru Bucureti 2 56 9 11 6 15 15 RESPINS
2893 NITA I. Ion-Cristian Covasna 1 33 9 4 4 10 6 RESPINS
2894 NITA M. Monica-Larisa Timi 3 72 11 15 12 16 18 ADMIS
2895 NITA M. Raluca-Maria Bucureti 1 49 8 12 8 11 10 RESPINS
2896 NITA S. Oana-Ruxandra Bucureti 2 48 14 11 6 11 6 RESPINS
2897 NITESCU S. Adina Bucureti 1 61 15 9 11 13 13 RESPINS
2898 NITU C. Stefania Bucureti 2 35 4 9 7 8 7 RESPINS
2899 NITU I. Ion-Camil Bucureti 1 61 11 12 14 9 15 RESPINS
2900 NITU V. Ani-Maria Bacu 2 41 10 11 3 9 8 RESPINS
2901 NITU V. Sorin-Adrian Bucureti 2 33 8 5 5 13 2 RESPINS
2902 NITULESCU G. Nicolae Bucureti 1 24 5 3 4 7 5 RESPINS
2903 NIU C. Sergiu-Alin Prahova 2 28 8 4 3 8 5 RESPINS
2904 NIULESCU V. Iustina Bucureti 2 65 11 11 13 13 17 RESPINS
2905 NI T. Teodor-tefan Constana 1 70 16 10 13 14 17 ADMIS
2906 NIULEASA V. Lucian-
Dolj 4 64 14 11 14 14 11 RESPINS
2907 NOVAC L. Elena-Alice Bucureti 3 52 10 8 10 12 12 RESPINS
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Tabel cu rezultatele obinute de candidaii la examenul de primire n profesia de
avocat ca avocat STAGIAR - 15 septembrie 2014
DC DPC DP DPP Rezultat
2908 NOVASELIV R. Vlad-Andrei Bucureti 4 45 9 6 8 12 10 RESPINS
Bucureti 3 52 11 12 8 14 7 RESPINS
2910 NUTA F. Cosmin-Florentin Bucureti 4 39 11 6 6 7 9 RESPINS
2911 NUTA G. Alexandru Bucureti 3 69 14 19 6 14 16 RESPINS
2912 NUTA G. Claudiu-Ionut Bucureti 4 64 12 11 14 13 14 RESPINS
2913 OAE C. Robert-Ionut Bucureti 3 43 9 6 7 10 11 RESPINS
2914 OAN I. Elena-Claudia Dmbovia 4 23 6 4 5 5 3 RESPINS
2915 OANCEA A. Gabriel-Adrian Ialomia 3 38 5 9 8 9 7 RESPINS
2916 OANCEA I. Catalina-Maria Bucureti 4 58 15 9 8 14 12 RESPINS
2917 OANCEA N. Clin-Nicolae Bucureti 3 34 3 9 8 7 7 RESPINS
2918 OANCEA S. Laura-Elisabeta Bucureti 4 82 18 15 14 18 17 ADMIS
2919 OANCEA V. Simona-Catalina Bucureti 3 65 14 14 9 15 13 RESPINS
2920 OBREJA C. Andra-Ileana Bucureti 4 66 13 15 9 16 13 RESPINS
2921 OBREJA I. Bogdan-Andrei Iai 1 46 13 7 4 12 10 RESPINS
2922 OCHISOR V. Anca-Mihaela Bucureti 3 51 9 10 10 12 10 RESPINS
2923 OCTAVIAN C. Cosmin-Ioan Bucureti 4 58 13 11 8 13 13 RESPINS
2924 ODANGIU M. Radu-tefan Bucureti 3 66 12 10 12 18 14 RESPINS
2925 ODOBLEJA D. Anca-Maria-
Mure 1 29 6 5 6 7 5 RESPINS
2926 OFITERU C. Livia-Luiza Bucureti 4 47 11 6 7 11 12 RESPINS
2927 OFRIM G. Livia-Maria Maramure 2 26 8 6 5 7 0 RESPINS
2928 OGLIND L. Ovidiu-Toader Constana 1 24 4 5 4 8 3 RESPINS
2929 OJOG C. Ana-Maria Bucureti 1 19 5 3 6 4 1 RESPINS
2930 OJOG C. Cristina Bucureti 1 46 7 9 8 11 11 RESPINS
2931 OLAH . Istvan Cluj 1 33 7 8 0 10 8 RESPINS
2932 OLANESCU M. Alexandru-
Bucureti 2 79 16 12 15 17 19 ADMIS
2933 OLANESCU M. Sandra-Sophie-
Bucureti 1 84 17 16 16 17 18 ADMIS
2934 OLARIU G. Dana-Ctlina Timi 4 36 6 5 7 11 7 RESPINS
2935 OLARIU L. Cristina Bucureti 2 62 10 12 8 14 18 RESPINS
2936 OLARIU V. Ancua-Alisa Iai 2 32 8 7 2 9 6 RESPINS
2937 OLARIU V. Dana-Alexandra Galai 1 49 9 9 9 11 11 RESPINS
2938 OLARU C. Cosmin-Georgel Dolj 3 54 10 11 8 12 13 RESPINS
2939 OLARU H. Cristina Iai 1 55 12 8 8 14 13 RESPINS
2940 OLARU I. Ioan Braov 2 69 13 17 8 16 15 RESPINS
2941 OLARU D. Codrina Bucureti 1 51 10 7 11 10 13 RESPINS
2942 OLARU-GIURCONIU S. Daniela-
Mehedini 4 40 10 5 3 9 13 RESPINS
2943 OLOERIU P. Paul Bucureti 2 40 9 8 7 11 5 RESPINS
2944 OLTEAN C. Mariana-Loredana Bucureti 1 40 10 8 8 7 7 RESPINS
2945 OLTEAN D. Ctlin-Dumitru Cluj 3 25 7 3 3 10 2 RESPINS
2946 OLTEAN I. Ioan Bucureti 2 56 17 8 5 14 12 RESPINS
2947 OLTEAN T. Iulia-Teodora Cluj 4 78 16 17 13 17 15 ADMIS
2948 OLTEAN V. Dan-Stefan Bucureti 1 70 14 13 13 15 15 ADMIS
2949 OLTEAN V. Rzvan-Vasile Mure 3 51 11 7 8 13 12 RESPINS
2950 OLTEAN V. Sorana-Zamfira Bucureti 2 71 14 15 11 14 17 ADMIS
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Tabel cu rezultatele obinute de candidaii la examenul de primire n profesia de
avocat ca avocat STAGIAR - 15 septembrie 2014
DC DPC DP DPP Rezultat
2951 OLTEANU C. Alexandra-
Bucureti 1 48 7 10 12 11 8 RESPINS
2952 OLTEANU C. Iuliana-Florentina Dmbovia 2 24 7 2 3 8 4 RESPINS
2953 OLTEANU D. Mdlina-tefania Bucureti 1 77 15 17 13 16 16 ADMIS
2954 OLTEANU E. Andrei-Cristian Bucureti 2 64 10 10 15 13 16 RESPINS
2955 OLTEANU F. Bogdan-Andrei Prahova 4 54 11 11 8 11 13 RESPINS
2956 OLTEANU G. Diana-Alexandra Bucureti 3 43 9 6 6 13 9 RESPINS
2957 OLTEANU I. Drago-Ionu Arge 3 58 12 9 7 14 16 RESPINS
2958 OLTEANU M. Raluca-Nicoleta Bucureti 4 80 16 17 16 16 15 ADMIS
2959 OLTEANU N. Alexandru-Daniel Bucureti 3 53 14 11 5 9 14 RESPINS
2960 OMOTA G. Maria-Georgeta Maramure 3 72 15 13 11 16 17 ADMIS
2961 ONCIOIU M. Loredana-Elena Bucureti 4 56 13 9 9 11 14 RESPINS
2962 ONEA G. Bogdan-Ionut Maramure 4 36 10 7 7 7 5 RESPINS
2963 ONICA A. Daniela-Mirela Bucureti 3 30 8 8 8 5 1 RESPINS
2964 ONICA C. Claudia-Anca Timi 3 77 15 17 12 15 18 ADMIS
2965 ONICA D. Mirela-Lizica Prahova 3 46 9 11 7 13 6 RESPINS
2966 ONICA N. Vanesa Bucureti 4 48 6 8 6 13 15 RESPINS
2967 ONICA V. Cristina-Diana Cluj 3 65 13 10 14 14 14 RESPINS
2968 ONIGA I. Alina-Maria Maramure 4 37 11 6 6 8 6 RESPINS
2969 ONIA T. Mariana Timi 1 53 10 13 8 13 9 RESPINS
2970 ONOFREI G. Cosmin-Georgian Bucureti 3 64 12 10 13 13 16 RESPINS
2971 ONOFREI I. Alina-Andreea Prahova 4 55 12 11 10 11 11 RESPINS
2972 ONUU A. tefana Cluj 3 67 16 13 9 14 15 RESPINS
2973 OPINCARU F. Andreea-Laura Bucureti 4 50 8 9 8 13 12 RESPINS
2974 OPRAN D. Mihaela-Ctlina Dolj 4 59 10 11 13 12 13 RESPINS
2975 OPREA A. Bogdan-Alexandru Bucureti 3 48 14 7 6 15 6 RESPINS
2976 OPREA C. Ana-Sorina Bucureti 4 31 7 7 4 9 4 RESPINS
2977 OPREA D. Roxana-Elena Constana 3 43 9 9 6 11 8 RESPINS
2978 OPREA E. Andreea-Corina Bucureti 4 24 5 3 5 5 6 RESPINS
2979 OPREA F. Daniela-Andreea Bucureti 3 58 14 11 9 12 12 RESPINS
2980 OPREA G. tefan Iai 2 42 7 9 5 14 7 RESPINS
2981 OPREA M. Eliza-Emanuela Bucureti 4 32 6 3 7 9 7 RESPINS
2982 OPREA M. Liviu-Gabriel Bucureti 3 45 8 9 6 11 11 RESPINS
2983 OPREA N. Mihaela-Raluca Bucureti 4 40 9 10 4 11 6 RESPINS
2984 OPREA T. Adnana-Cosmina Galai 2 69 13 14 12 13 17 RESPINS
Bucureti 3 42 8 6 5 15 8 RESPINS
2986 OPREAN V. Corina Cluj 1 86 16 16 15 19 20 ADMIS
2987 OPREAN V. Gabriela-Diana Hunedoara 2 28 5 3 6 7 7 RESPINS
2988 OPRESCU G. Georgiana Constana 1 30 6 3 6 11 4 RESPINS
2989 OPRISAN R. Raluca-Ana Bucureti 2 46 12 9 4 13 8 RESPINS
2990 OPRITESCU G. Ioana-Manuela Bucureti 1 45 12 5 6 11 11 RESPINS
2991 OPRITOIU N. Anemari-Iuliana Bucureti 2 50 11 12 9 13 5 RESPINS
2992 ORBAN V. Marina-Cristina Bucureti 1 63 12 13 11 12 15 RESPINS
2993 ORDEAN G. Maria-Mirabela Alba 2 55 12 10 8 15 10 RESPINS
2994 ORMENIAN R. Horea-Radu Bistria Nsud 1 48 10 4 8 15 11 RESPINS
2995 OROIAN I. Dan-Rzvan Mure 1 57 9 8 9 16 15 RESPINS
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Tabel cu rezultatele obinute de candidaii la examenul de primire n profesia de
avocat ca avocat STAGIAR - 15 septembrie 2014
DC DPC DP DPP Rezultat
2996 OROS A. Clina-Raluca Cluj 2 84 16 17 16 16 19 ADMIS
2997 OROS B. Miriam-Bianca Cluj 1 48 13 9 5 14 7 RESPINS
2998 OROS V. Amalia-Valentina Bihor 1 79 15 15 15 16 18 ADMIS
2999 ORZA D. Roxana Bucureti 3 44 13 5 4 12 10 RESPINS
3000 OSMAN I. Enghin Galai 1 57 12 10 11 13 11 RESPINS
3001 OTEL S. Gabriela Giurgiu 4 28 7 4 6 7 4 RESPINS
3002 OTOMEGA G. Andreea-Nicoleta Bucureti 3 60 12 10 9 15 14 RESPINS
3003 OET I. Andreea Cluj 2 68 12 12 11 17 16 RESPINS
3004 OOIU A. Alexandra Timi 2 58 13 10 7 13 15 RESPINS
3005 OVEDENIE M. Carla-Antonia Bucureti 4 37 7 7 6 6 11 RESPINS
3006 OZTURK E. Gianina Bacu 1 57 16 11 3 13 14 RESPINS
3007 PACALEANU C. Adriana-Elena Bucureti 3 82 14 17 15 17 19 ADMIS
3008 PACURAR A. Adina-Maria Bucureti 1 56 10 10 5 17 14 RESPINS
3009 PADURARU E. Emilia-Rozmina Bacu 4 48 7 10 6 14 11 RESPINS
3010 PADURARU I. Mihai-Gabriel-
Neam 3 24 5 6 2 7 4 RESPINS
3011 PAHON N. Bianca-Oana Bucureti 2 53 12 8 8 12 13 RESPINS
3012 PAIU V. Diana-Ioana Bucureti 2 35 10 4 2 11 8 RESPINS
3013 PAL A. Orsolya-Maria Braov 2 29 7 2 4 12 4 RESPINS
3014 PAL P. Damian-Mihai Bacu 4 27 5 4 5 11 2 RESPINS
3015 PAL R. Remus Mure 1 54 12 10 10 11 11 RESPINS
3016 PALADE C. Ciprian-Claudiu Timi 1 81 15 18 15 16 17 ADMIS
3017 PALADE M. Ovidiu Bucureti 1 54 13 12 6 15 8 RESPINS
3018 PALAVRA S. Petrica Bucureti 3 22 4 3 5 7 3 RESPINS
3019 PALFI . Elena-Isabella Cluj 1 68 14 12 12 14 16 RESPINS
3020 PALIGA S. Mihai-Uar Bucureti 4 44 10 8 5 12 9 RESPINS
3021 PALITA I. Florin-Lucian Bucureti 3 65 14 15 8 14 14 RESPINS
3022 PALI I. Ioana-Alexandra Sibiu 2 45 11 9 7 8 10 RESPINS
3023 PANA D. Alexandra-Cerasela Bucureti 4 51 12 11 10 11 7 RESPINS
3024 PANA I. Iuliana Bucureti 3 31 7 8 5 6 5 RESPINS
3025 PANAETE M. Dan Bucureti 4 50 8 10 8 15 9 RESPINS
3026 PANAGHIU S. Eugeniu Bucureti 2 40 7 6 11 11 5 RESPINS
3027 PANAINTE V. Iuliana Bucureti 1 66 15 12 8 14 17 RESPINS
3028 PANAIT L. Florian-Constantin Bucureti 2 29 8 3 4 9 5 RESPINS
3029 PANAIT M. Florentin-Mircea Constana 3 54 13 7 6 16 12 RESPINS
3030 PANDELE I. Marlena Iai 3 33 8 6 4 9 6 RESPINS
3031 PANDELEA A. Aurel-Claudiu Clrai 3 51 12 8 5 12 14 RESPINS
3032 PANFIL A. Alina-Mirela Vrancea 3 55 11 8 12 14 10 RESPINS
3033 PANTAZIE C. Ana-Maria Timi 2 39 7 8 3 13 8 RESPINS
3034 PANTEA N. Alina-Nicoleta Bihor 1 55 14 5 9 10 17 RESPINS
3035 PANTELIMON A. Anton-Mihai Constana 4 66 14 13 14 11 14 RESPINS
3036 PANTILIE I. Cristian Arge 1 28 8 6 4 6 4 RESPINS
3037 PANTIR A. Liliana-Crina Neam 4 20 6 1 5 6 2 RESPINS
3038 PANTIRU G. Raluca-Andreea Bucureti 1 63 12 9 10 17 15 RESPINS
3039 PANTOS G. Nicolae-Iulian Bucureti 2 44 7 8 9 10 10 RESPINS
3040 PAP F. Andrei-Sava Timi 2 69 15 16 9 12 17 RESPINS
3041 PAPAGIANNIS A. Alexandros Bihor 1 51 14 8 8 12 9 RESPINS
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Tabel cu rezultatele obinute de candidaii la examenul de primire n profesia de
avocat ca avocat STAGIAR - 15 septembrie 2014
DC DPC DP DPP Rezultat
3042 PAPUC M. Teodor Bucureti 1 57 12 8 11 12 14 RESPINS
3043 PAPUC N. Mdlina-Diana Cluj 3 82 12 17 17 18 18 ADMIS
3044 PARALESCU I. Alina Gorj 2 17 1 3 5 4 4 RESPINS
3045 PARASCA E. Raluca-Florina Bucureti 2 42 14 3 3 11 11 RESPINS
3046 PARASCA I. Iulian-Mihai Suceava 3 36 8 7 7 9 5 RESPINS
3047 PARASCHIV P. Lavinia-Cristina Bucureti 3 39 8 4 9 11 7 RESPINS
3048 PARASCHIV V. Mihaela Iai 4 48 12 9 9 12 6 RESPINS
3049 PARASTIE G. Vanessa-Iulia Cluj 4 51 14 7 5 14 11 RESPINS
3050 PARCALABU V. Adriana-Amalia Vaslui 1 37 7 6 4 14 6 RESPINS
3051 PARFENOV G. Ciprian Suceava 2 51 16 5 4 13 13 RESPINS
3052 PARFENOV P. Adelina-Paula Bucureti 4 72 11 15 10 16 20 ADMIS
3053 PARHOMENCU C. Anca Bucureti 3 18 6 1 1 5 5 RESPINS
3054 PARISCU G. Cristian Bucureti 1 28 5 5 5 8 5 RESPINS
3055 PARISCU G. Tasian Bucureti 1 36 7 6 4 12 7 RESPINS
3056 PARLOG V. Ciprian-Catalin Bucureti 2 40 7 4 5 13 11 RESPINS
3057 PARTECA A. Mihaela Constana 1 63 14 11 8 15 15 RESPINS
3058 PARVOIU G. George Neam 1 43 10 5 4 13 11 RESPINS
3059 PARVU D. Doru-Mihai Bucureti 2 59 14 13 9 14 9 RESPINS
3060 PARVU-MAYER S. Natalia-Tina Timi 2 58 12 12 6 14 14 RESPINS
3061 PASCA F. Marina-Andreea Bucureti 4 57 14 8 11 15 9 RESPINS
3062 PASCAL P. Anca-Mihaela Vaslui 4 35 7 5 7 10 6 RESPINS
3063 PASCARIU P. Levi-Petrica Suceava 3 70 17 11 12 15 15 ADMIS
3064 PASCARU D. Alexandra-Ioana Bucureti 3 65 13 9 12 13 18 RESPINS
3065 PASCU C. Flavius Timi 1 39 9 8 3 14 5 RESPINS
3066 PASCU I. Bogdan-Florian Timi 2 63 14 14 11 14 10 RESPINS
3067 PASCU S. Anca Bucureti 4 60 12 10 10 12 16 RESPINS
3068 PASCU T. Iuliana-Elena Bucureti 1 54 9 12 9 13 11 RESPINS
3069 PASCU V. Gheorghe-Ctlin Bucureti 2 35 8 5 4 7 11 RESPINS
3070 PASCULEA M. Mihaela-Cristina Bucureti 1 48 7 12 4 14 11 RESPINS
3071 PAALIC I. Sorin-George Braov 3 76 14 14 15 16 17 ADMIS
3072 PACA T. Lucian-Adrian Bihor 1 64 14 13 9 14 14 RESPINS
3073 PATACHE D. Roxana-Maria Iai 2 58 13 15 6 15 9 RESPINS
3074 PATAKI I. Bianca-Maria Satu Mare 3 41 8 7 8 11 7 RESPINS
3075 PATRASC D. Alexandra-Cristina Bucureti 1 44 9 10 2 11 12 RESPINS
3076 PATRASCU G. Gabriela-Mihaela Bucureti 2 64 15 12 12 13 12 RESPINS
3077 PATRASCU I. Ciprian-Florin Bucureti 1 30 7 3 9 6 5 RESPINS
3078 PATRASCU I. Cristina-Veronica Bucureti 2 61 16 12 7 13 13 RESPINS
3079 PATRASCU I. Florin Bucureti 1 69 15 17 7 14 16 RESPINS
3080 PATRASCU M. Ema-Gina Timi 4 73 13 16 12 13 19 ADMIS
3081 PATRASCU V. Vasile-Cristian Gorj 1 29 8 5 1 8 7 RESPINS
3082 PATRACU M. Adrian Cluj 4 38 11 6 5 8 8 RESPINS
3083 PATRA A. Otto-Emanuel Ilfov 3 49 9 5 7 13 15 RESPINS
3084 PATRONE N. Nicoleta-Sanda Bihor 3 26 7 4 4 6 5 RESPINS
3085 PATRU A. Alina-Madalina Bucureti 4 66 12 10 14 16 14 RESPINS
3086 PAUN O. Teodora-Valentina Bucureti 3 47 9 8 8 13 9 RESPINS
3087 PAVAL C. Elena-Georgiana Bucureti 4 24 5 5 4 7 3 RESPINS
3088 PAVL C. Marco-Gabriel Bucureti 3 37 9 5 2 10 11 RESPINS
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Tabel cu rezultatele obinute de candidaii la examenul de primire n profesia de
avocat ca avocat STAGIAR - 15 septembrie 2014
DC DPC DP DPP Rezultat
3089 PAVL G. tefania Braov 4 42 11 7 7 9 8 RESPINS
3090 PAVEL D. Oana-Camelia Iai 1 37 9 8 5 7 8 RESPINS
3091 PAVEL G. Radu-Razvan Bucureti 1 59 14 10 10 14 11 RESPINS
3092 PAVEL I. Iulia-Ioana Bucureti 2 37 10 5 6 12 4 RESPINS
3093 PAVEL I. Roxana-Iuliana Cluj 3 70 9 12 14 17 18 RESPINS
3094 PAVEL M. Andreea-Elisabeta Constana 1 31 3 3 7 14 4 RESPINS
3095 PAVEL N. Corneliu-Mihai Iai 2 31 7 4 3 10 7 RESPINS
3096 PAVEL N. Elena-Claudia Bucureti 2 37 6 7 10 10 4 RESPINS
3097 PAVEL R. Maria-Mdlina Iai 1 33 6 4 7 8 8 RESPINS
3098 PAVEL T. Maria-Luciana Bucureti 1 68 16 15 10 14 13 RESPINS
3099 PAVEL V. Florin Neam 2 39 10 6 6 13 4 RESPINS
3100 PAVELESCU M. Daniel Bucureti 2 49 12 9 3 14 11 RESPINS
3101 PL D. Dorottya Mure 3 68 15 15 11 15 12 RESPINS
3102 PL I. Norbert Mure 4 38 9 6 7 11 5 RESPINS
3103 PCURAR M. Lavinia-Manuela Satu Mare 4 41 11 9 7 8 6 RESPINS
3104 PCURARU M. Marius-Gabriel Gorj 2 53 15 9 8 13 8 RESPINS
3105 PCURARU V. Nona-Gabriela Galai 4 48 14 5 7 12 10 RESPINS
3106 PDURARIU M. Alexandra-
Iai 1 34 7 5 4 10 8 RESPINS
3107 PDURARIU M. Marius-Iulian Hunedoara 3 41 9 9 5 10 8 RESPINS
3108 PDURARU I. Ioana Iai 3 25 4 7 6 5 3 RESPINS
3109 PDUREAN G. Paul-Alexandru Cluj 4 74 11 17 12 17 17 ADMIS
3110 PIU N. Liliana Iai 4 28 5 5 2 10 6 RESPINS
3111 PIU V. Diana Iai 3 35 5 8 4 9 9 RESPINS
3112 PLAN N. Tatiana-Mihaela Sibiu 1 53 7 12 10 12 12 RESPINS
3113 PNOIU D. Lucia-Daniela Gorj 1 42 7 7 10 11 7 RESPINS
3114 PRUAN I. Ioan-Domiian Cluj 3 55 9 10 11 13 12 RESPINS
3115 PRUAN M. Ramona-Rodica Cluj 1 53 7 6 14 12 14 RESPINS
3116 PRUEANU D. Maria-Cristina Gorj 2 79 15 15 14 17 18 ADMIS
3117 PRPLEA G. Romic Teleorman 1 22 6 1 6 7 2 RESPINS
3118 PCU N. Dorel Cluj 2 65 14 10 8 16 17 RESPINS
3119 PTIL A. Tiberiu Bucureti 3 44 9 10 8 8 9 RESPINS
3120 PTRACU D. Bogdan-
Bucureti 4 54 8 12 10 13 11 RESPINS
3121 PTRACU D. Irina Cluj 1 30 6 5 3 9 7 RESPINS
3122 PTRCANU C. Stelian-Iuliu Braov 2 39 12 8 3 8 8 RESPINS
3123 PTRU S. Alexandra-
Cluj 2 41 7 5 7 12 10 RESPINS
3124 PTRU M. George-Marius Dolj 2 37 11 4 7 11 4 RESPINS
3125 PUN D. Georgiana Iai 4 56 9 10 8 16 13 RESPINS
3126 PUN G. Vasile Olt 1 32 9 2 4 10 7 RESPINS
3127 PUN M. Mdlina-Mihaela Ilfov 3 34 7 7 4 9 7 RESPINS
3128 PUN T. Amelia-Roxana Dolj 2 45 11 10 3 12 9 RESPINS
3129 PUN-ANGHEL C. Aurica Bucureti 4 31 8 2 5 9 7 RESPINS
3130 PVLACU G. Diana-
Bucureti 3 47 7 6 11 12 11 RESPINS
3131 PEICEA M. Alexandru Bucureti 4 63 11 10 11 16 15 RESPINS
3132 PEICIU V. Mariana Bucureti 1 54 11 8 10 13 12 RESPINS
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Tabel cu rezultatele obinute de candidaii la examenul de primire n profesia de
avocat ca avocat STAGIAR - 15 septembrie 2014
DC DPC DP DPP Rezultat
3133 PELIN R. Oana-Alexandra Bucureti 2 50 13 5 8 13 11 RESPINS
3134 PELINEL O. Radu-Mihai Bucureti 1 52 13 10 8 11 10 RESPINS
3135 PENA M. Andreea-Mihaela Dolj 1 34 6 7 11 6 4 RESPINS
3136 PENEOAU E. Cosmin-Ionu Galai 1 68 15 14 9 16 14 RESPINS
3137 PENESCU L. Maria-Laura Bucureti 2 43 6 9 7 12 9 RESPINS
3138 PENTIE A. Aurelia-Camelia Bihor 4 54 12 12 8 14 8 RESPINS
3139 PEPELEA V. Andreea Galai 2 32 6 8 6 8 4 RESPINS
3140 PEPTEA S. Alexandru Ilfov 2 46 11 7 8 9 11 RESPINS
3141 PER L. Lucia-Florina Timi 3 68 14 13 10 15 16 RESPINS
3142 PERA V. Valentin-Aurelian Mehedini 2 59 14 11 8 14 12 RESPINS
3143 PERIANU I. Viorel Brila 3 56 14 10 5 13 14 RESPINS
3144 PERICLEANU N. Andrei Constana 3 63 9 14 9 15 16 RESPINS
3145 PERICLI N. Nicoleta-Cosmina Ialomia 4 46 9 6 10 13 8 RESPINS
3146 PERJU T. Clina-Elena Bucureti 3 70 13 14 10 15 18 ADMIS
3147 PERSIC N. Irina-Carmen Neam 3 51 13 9 10 9 10 RESPINS
3148 PERSU D. Andrada Cluj 1 70 14 13 11 18 14 ADMIS
3149 PERSUNARU L. Madalina Bucureti 4 77 14 14 17 16 16 ADMIS
3150 PESCARU M. Alina-Mihaela Bucureti 3 59 12 8 8 15 16 RESPINS
3151 PETE I. George Iai 4 41 13 3 7 9 9 RESPINS
3152 PETCU A. Diana-Ecaterina Bucureti 4 41 6 9 4 11 11 RESPINS
3153 PETCU M. Oana-Adriana Dolj 3 51 12 9 6 10 14 RESPINS
3154 PETCU N. Nicoleta-Otilia Bucureti 1 25 2 4 3 10 6 RESPINS
3155 PETCU T. Oana-Elena Bucureti 2 38 8 6 6 11 7 RESPINS
3156 PETI G. Gheorghe Mehedini 4 20 3 2 6 6 3 RESPINS
3157 PETICA I. Andriana Bucureti 1 61 14 8 7 15 17 RESPINS
3158 PETNAISE I. Ciprian-Marian Mehedini 2 28 4 6 9 7 2 RESPINS
3159 PETRACHE M. Daniel-Florin Bucureti 2 81 18 16 14 17 16 ADMIS
3160 PETRACHE M. Mihai-Razvan Bucureti 1 46 9 8 7 12 10 RESPINS
3161 PETRACHE V. Lorena-Antonia Bucureti 2 49 9 7 11 11 11 RESPINS
3162 PETRE A. Adrian Alba 2 53 12 8 9 17 7 RESPINS
3163 PETRE C. Lavinia-Marina Constana 1 25 2 5 6 10 2 RESPINS
3164 PETRE D. Casandra-Ioana Bucureti 2 41 8 10 6 10 7 RESPINS
3165 PETRE I. Carmen-Eugenia Bucureti 1 50 13 8 10 9 10 RESPINS
3166 PETRE I. Raluca-Georgiana Bucureti 2 45 9 5 7 12 12 RESPINS
3167 PETRE M. Diana-Elena Bucureti 1 32 8 4 6 10 4 RESPINS
3168 PETRE M. Roxana-Ioana Bucureti 2 75 15 15 11 17 17 ADMIS
3169 PETRE N. Florina-Alina Bucureti 1 74 14 16 14 16 14 ADMIS
3170 PETRE T. Elena-Mdlina Bucureti 2 70 15 13 13 13 16 ADMIS
3171 PETREAN L. Andreea-Roxana Cluj 1 66 12 12 9 16 17 RESPINS
3172 PETREAN-(TAMAS) V. Monica Bistria Nsud 3 58 13 4 12 14 15 RESPINS
3173 PETRESCU A. Alexandra-
Bucureti 1 63 18 13 4 14 14 RESPINS
3174 PETRESCU A. Ecaterina-Sorina Bucureti 2 52 12 8 6 12 14 RESPINS
3175 PETRESCU C. Andreea-Luiza Braov 1 27 8 4 3 8 4 RESPINS
3176 PETRESCU D. Alina Bucureti 1 32 7 4 8 11 2 RESPINS
3177 PETRESCU G. Laura-Daniela Bucureti 2 44 11 11 6 8 8 RESPINS
3178 PETRESCU M. Irina-Gabriela Cluj 4 56 6 11 12 14 13 RESPINS
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Nr. crt Nume i prenume candidat BAROUL Nr. grila Punctaj OEPA
Tabel cu rezultatele obinute de candidaii la examenul de primire n profesia de
avocat ca avocat STAGIAR - 15 septembrie 2014
DC DPC DP DPP Rezultat
3179 PETRESCU-ERI O. Adina Gorj 4 74 13 13 14 16 18 ADMIS
3180 PETRECHI I. Mariana-Svetlana Hunedoara 4 50 12 9 8 10 11 RESPINS
3181 PETRIC I. Daniel Cluj 3 68 14 13 10 14 17 RESPINS
3182 PETRIC A. Crina Vlcea 3 15 5 2 2 3 3 RESPINS
3183 PETRICEANU G. Andrei-Iulian Buzu 2 80 16 17 14 16 17 ADMIS
3184 PETRISOR L. Sergiu Bucureti 1 69 17 14 9 15 14 RESPINS
3185 PETRIOR A. Marius-Catalin Iai 3 29 6 6 5 7 5 RESPINS
3186 PETRIOR G. Gabriel-Vasile Maramure 4 64 13 12 9 16 14 RESPINS
3187 PETRIOR I. Ovidiu-Vasilic Bucureti 3 59 15 12 7 11 14 RESPINS
3188 PETROV I. Iulca Timi 3 23 6 4 4 7 2 RESPINS
3189 PETROVICI A. Mihaela Clrai 4 32 6 4 5 10 7 RESPINS
3190 PICIORUI V. Sabina-Florentina Bucureti 3 54 15 6 7 14 12 RESPINS
3191 PICU I. Anca-Ionela Bucureti 4 38 8 7 4 12 7 RESPINS
3192 PIETROSU I. Diana-Stefania Bucureti 3 65 12 12 11 16 14 RESPINS
3193 PILICI M. Mdlina Constana 4 59 12 10 6 15 16 RESPINS
3194 PINGHIREAC A. Andreea-Dana Iai 1 60 14 9 11 13 13 RESPINS
3195 PINTEA A. Aura-Maria Maramure 3 38 11 6 3 11 7 RESPINS
3196 PINTILIE R. Radu-Cezar Iai 2 68 14 12 12 16 14 RESPINS
3197 PINTILIE V. Elena-Camelia Ilfov 3 34 4 6 8 9 7 RESPINS
3198 PINTILIE-ISCU I. Ionela Bucureti 4 25 5 6 6 4 4 RESPINS
3199 PINTIUA I. Ana-Maria-Cristina Bihor 4 59 13 9 6 12 19 RESPINS
3200 PINTOI V. Maria-Magdalena Bucureti 3 41 12 6 7 9 7 RESPINS
3201 PIRLAN C. Ruxandra-Diana Bucureti 4 54 11 8 8 15 12 RESPINS
3202 PIRON P. Andreea Bucureti 3 41 11 6 6 11 7 RESPINS
3203 PRVU G. Andrei-Ovidiu Maramure 4 41 10 7 5 12 7 RESPINS
3204 P I. Alexandra Bucureti 4 41 7 6 5 12 11 RESPINS
3205 PISICA G. Elena-Roxana Bucureti 3 42 9 7 4 12 10 RESPINS
3206 PISLARU M. Dionisie Ialomia 4 43 12 10 7 9 5 RESPINS
3207 PITALU I. Nicolae Constana 3 45 12 4 9 10 10 RESPINS
3208 PITICAS M. Oana Bucureti 4 76 15 16 13 15 17 ADMIS
3209 PITICU F. Tatiana-Stefania Bucureti 3 61 13 14 6 13 15 RESPINS
3210 PITORAC M. Carmen Botoani 1 37 10 6 3 7 11 RESPINS
3211 PITULICE D. Sorina-Mariana Bucureti 4 64 12 11 14 13 14 RESPINS
3212 PIIG M. Cristiana-Iasmina Timi 3 48 13 7 6 13 9 RESPINS
3213 PNZARIU I. Aida-Mihaela Bucureti 3 68 12 14 14 16 12 RESPINS
3214 PRLITU L. Alexandru-Nicolae Teleorman 4 30 5 8 4 8 5 RESPINS
3215 PRLOGEA I. Carmen-Laura Dolj 1 48 8 9 8 13 10 RESPINS
3216 PRVU V. Bogdan-Adrian Timi 4 44 8 8 6 9 13 RESPINS
3217 PRVULESCU N. Andreea-
Constana 1 42 9 5 7 11 10 RESPINS
3218 PSLARU A. Florin Dmbovia 2 45 9 7 10 11 8 RESPINS
3219 PU P. Anca-Cristina Timi 3 62 14 11 11 13 13 RESPINS
3220 PLAIAN I. Pavel Cluj 3 60 12 9 10 15 14 RESPINS
3221 PLAMADA G. Alexandru-Florin Botoani 2 50 7 8 10 13 12 RESPINS
3222 PLATON I. Mihai-Ionu Cluj 1 42 9 7 5 13 8 RESPINS
3223 PLESA T. Gabriela Galai 4 58 11 8 14 10 15 RESPINS
3224 PLESCA L. Mihai Bucureti 1 57 12 11 8 14 12 RESPINS
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Nr. crt Nume i prenume candidat BAROUL Nr. grila Punctaj OEPA
Tabel cu rezultatele obinute de candidaii la examenul de primire n profesia de
avocat ca avocat STAGIAR - 15 septembrie 2014
DC DPC DP DPP Rezultat
3225 PLECAN B. Alexandru-Tudor Iai 1 47 12 7 7 13 8 RESPINS
3226 PLEA M. Anca-Cosmina Dolj 1 20 5 5 3 3 4 RESPINS
3227 PLOP C. Cristina Bucureti 2 63 15 11 8 10 19 RESPINS
3228 PLOPEANU I. Roxana-Marilena Dolj 2 53 10 8 10 12 13 RESPINS
3229 PLOTUNA G. Claudia-Larisa Ilfov 1 62 14 7 11 15 15 RESPINS
3230 PLUGRESCU N. Vladimir Bucureti 2 75 16 14 13 15 17 ADMIS
3231 PODEA A. Julia-Olukemi Prahova 3 27 6 4 3 9 5 RESPINS
3232 PODEANU G. Nicoleta-Cristina Bucureti 1 51 9 7 10 14 11 RESPINS
3233 PODEANU I. Roxana-Maria Bucureti 2 41 11 7 7 10 6 RESPINS
3234 PODOLEANU M. Andrei Bucureti 1 49 9 13 6 11 10 RESPINS
3235 PODOSU I. Ioana-Elena Bucureti 2 77 15 18 14 14 16 ADMIS
3236 POENARIU N. Magda-Alina Cara Severin 1 63 13 12 10 15 13 RESPINS
3237 POENARU B. Flavia-Maria Bucureti 1 69 13 10 14 16 16 RESPINS
3238 POENARU M. Mihail-Vladimir Bucureti 2 78 15 15 14 16 18 ADMIS
3239 POETELEA M. Mihaela-Ramona Iai 2 35 5 7 8 7 8 RESPINS
3240 POGAR A. Iulian Iai 1 67 12 14 13 16 12 RESPINS
3241 POIANA G. Marian Galai 3 35 5 5 9 5 11 RESPINS
3242 POIENAR T. Andreea-Bianca Cluj 2 50 8 11 8 15 8 RESPINS
3243 POJAR-FENEAN A. Adriana Cluj 1 60 12 11 9 12 16 RESPINS
3244 POLOSANU D. Adelina Botoani 2 48 13 7 7 9 12 RESPINS
3245 PONORAN S. Tudor Alba 2 42 12 3 5 13 9 RESPINS
3246 POP A. Alina-Dora Cluj 1 50 11 8 6 13 12 RESPINS
3247 POP A. Augusta-Maria Cluj 2 25 6 4 6 7 2 RESPINS
3248 POP A. Gabriela Cluj 1 37 7 5 8 12 5 RESPINS
3249 POP A. Raluca-Camelia Bistria Nsud 3 38 10 5 6 11 6 RESPINS
3250 POP C. Cipriana Bucureti 1 74 15 15 10 16 18 ADMIS
3251 POP C. Flaviu-Felician Bihor 2 30 5 9 2 8 6 RESPINS
3252 POP D. Laura-Cristina Timi 1 51 12 10 6 13 10 RESPINS
3253 POP G. Andrei Cluj 4 58 11 15 8 11 13 RESPINS
3254 POP G. Ctlin-Marian Cluj 3 46 9 10 7 11 9 RESPINS
3255 POP G. Cosmin-Mihai Maramure 4 40 9 8 5 12 6 RESPINS
3256 POP I. Anca-Viorica Maramure 3 42 12 6 4 11 9 RESPINS
3257 POP I. Camelia-Ioana Maramure 4 38 6 6 4 15 7 RESPINS
3258 POP I. Clin Mure 4 39 5 8 9 12 5 RESPINS
3259 POP I. Ctlin Cluj 3 29 6 5 6 9 3 RESPINS
3260 POP I. Cosmin-Ionu Bucureti 2 63 15 10 12 13 13 RESPINS
3261 POP I. Cristian Cluj 1 78 17 17 11 15 18 ADMIS
3262 POP I. Cristina-Henrieta-
Bucureti 1 53 13 11 5 12 12 RESPINS
3263 POP I. Laura Mure 4 72 11 15 12 15 19 ADMIS
3264 POP I. Marius Bucureti 2 55 17 9 4 12 13 RESPINS
3265 POP I. Radu-Ionu Braov 3 51 10 8 10 11 12 RESPINS
3266 POP I. Sebastian-Ioan Cluj 2 70 15 12 9 17 17 RESPINS
3267 POP M. Adrian-Paul Cluj 1 30 7 7 7 7 2 RESPINS
3268 POP M. Cristian-Mdlin-Mihai Bihor 2 38 10 9 2 11 6 RESPINS
3269 POP M. Maria-Anca Cluj 2 45 8 8 7 14 8 RESPINS
3270 POP N. Ana-Ruxandra Bucureti 3 50 10 8 9 11 12 RESPINS
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Nr. crt Nume i prenume candidat BAROUL Nr. grila Punctaj OEPA
Tabel cu rezultatele obinute de candidaii la examenul de primire n profesia de
avocat ca avocat STAGIAR - 15 septembrie 2014
DC DPC DP DPP Rezultat
3271 POP S. Bianca-Laura Maramure 1 58 10 15 6 14 13 RESPINS
3272 POP V. Mihaela Bucureti 4 57 9 8 8 15 17 RESPINS
3273 POP V. Mihai-Ioan Cluj 2 74 14 10 13 17 20 ADMIS
3274 POP V. Paul Bucureti 3 39 11 6 7 9 6 RESPINS
3275 POP Z. Alina-Eva Maramure 1 33 7 6 6 8 6 RESPINS
3276 POPA A. Ingrid-Alexandra Vlcea 1 27 8 3 6 7 3 RESPINS
3277 POPA A. Mirela Dolj 2 18 5 4 3 4 2 RESPINS
3278 POPA A. Roxana Bucureti 4 67 17 10 9 16 15 RESPINS
3279 POPA C. Ioana-Mirela Timi 1 50 9 10 10 11 10 RESPINS
3280 POPA C. Liliana-Paulina Bacu 4 48 10 9 5 12 12 RESPINS
3281 POPA D. Alice-Constana Prahova 1 48 10 7 6 13 12 RESPINS
3282 POPA E. Alexandra-Manuela Braov 2 61 12 12 7 14 16 RESPINS
3283 POPA E. Eugen-Vlad Bucureti 3 52 10 7 6 15 14 RESPINS
3284 POPA F. Eliza Dolj 3 50 14 8 8 9 11 RESPINS
3285 POPA G. Dacian-Gabriel Timi 2 36 11 8 3 11 3 RESPINS
3286 POPA G. Mariana Dmbovia 4 31 6 7 2 10 6 RESPINS
3287 POPA G. Teodora-Virginia Cluj 3 68 12 14 9 16 17 RESPINS
3288 POPA G. Valentin-Daniel Mehedini 4 38 10 5 4 9 10 RESPINS
3289 POPA H. Georgiana-Larisa Cluj 4 52 7 16 9 15 5 RESPINS
3290 POPA I. Anamaria-Carmen Bihor 1 77 19 15 12 15 16 ADMIS
3291 POPA I. Anca-Andreea Bucureti 3 29 6 5 6 7 5 RESPINS
3292 POPA I. Emilia Olt 3 13 4 1 4 3 1 RESPINS
3293 POPA I. Florin-Silviu Constana 4 50 12 8 5 13 12 RESPINS
3294 POPA I. Georgiana-Elena Bucureti 3 66 14 12 10 15 15 RESPINS
3295 POPA I. Ioana Cluj 3 73 13 15 11 17 17 ADMIS
3296 POPA I. Ioana-Denisa Bihor 2 65 13 12 10 13 17 RESPINS
3297 POPA I. Iulia Bucureti 4 29 6 3 6 9 5 RESPINS
3298 POPA I. Maria-Cristina Bucureti 3 47 13 6 7 11 10 RESPINS
3299 POPA I. Maria-Marcela Sibiu 1 33 8 4 6 9 6 RESPINS
3300 POPA I. Natalia Sibiu 2 26 8 3 5 6 4 RESPINS
3301 POPA I. Orhidea-Larisa Bucureti 4 39 7 8 5 12 7 RESPINS
3302 POPA I. Razvan-Alexandru Bucureti 3 83 17 20 13 16 17 ADMIS
3303 POPA L. Doru-Sebastian Cluj 4 76 14 15 14 16 17 ADMIS
3304 POPA M. Claudiu Bucureti 4 42 8 10 6 9 9 RESPINS
3305 POPA M. Mihaela-Mirela Bucureti 3 45 13 6 6 12 8 RESPINS
3306 POPA M. Mihai-Bogdan Cara Severin 1 29 10 2 3 10 4 RESPINS
3307 POPA M. Nicu Bucureti 4 43 13 9 6 8 7 RESPINS
3308 POPA N. Ctlin-Constantin Dolj 4 56 15 6 10 14 11 RESPINS
3309 POPA N. Sorina-Mihaela Brila 4 35 3 10 6 11 5 RESPINS
3310 POPA S. Bianca-Maria Bihor 2 53 12 11 7 12 11 RESPINS
3311 POPA T. Andrei-Mihai Cluj 3 70 17 13 11 14 15 ADMIS
3312 POPA V. Alexandru-Robert Bucureti 3 21 6 1 5 7 2 RESPINS
3313 POPA V. Iustinian-Ciprian Bihor 1 22 8 3 4 4 3 RESPINS
3314 POPA V. Laura-Madalina Bucureti 4 68 18 14 7 11 18 RESPINS
3315 POPRAC S. Silviu-Timoftei Bistria Nsud 4 52 11 12 8 9 12 RESPINS
3316 POP-BLAGA I. Marius Bihor 2 77 16 14 17 15 15 ADMIS
3317 POPESCU A. Robert-Cosmin Arge 3 62 12 10 9 15 16 RESPINS
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Nr. crt Nume i prenume candidat BAROUL Nr. grila Punctaj OEPA
Tabel cu rezultatele obinute de candidaii la examenul de primire n profesia de
avocat ca avocat STAGIAR - 15 septembrie 2014
DC DPC DP DPP Rezultat
3318 POPESCU C. Alina-Georgiana Iai 3 72 14 15 10 16 17 ADMIS
3319 POPESCU C. Constantin- Gorj 4 67 14 14 7 17 15 RESPINS
3320 POPESCU C. Helga Dolj 1 52 9 9 8 15 11 RESPINS
3321 POPESCU C. Ligia-Alexandra Bucureti 3 55 8 7 13 14 13 RESPINS
3322 POPESCU D. Cristina-Elena Dolj 2 44 12 3 10 10 9 RESPINS
3323 POPESCU D. Elena-Loredana Bucureti 4 50 8 9 9 11 13 RESPINS
3324 POPESCU D. Isabela Iai 4 72 13 16 13 16 14 ADMIS
3325 POPESCU D. Rzvan-Mihai-
Constana 3 30 7 4 6 7 6 RESPINS
3326 POPESCU E. Alexandra-Ioana Dmbovia 4 39 11 7 4 12 5 RESPINS
3327 POPESCU E. Lavinia-Corina Dolj 1 38 9 6 7 8 8 RESPINS
3328 POPESCU G. Alexandru Vlcea 2 50 12 10 4 13 11 RESPINS
3329 POPESCU G. Anne-Marie Dolj 1 71 15 12 16 15 13 ADMIS
3330 POPESCU G. Larisa-Elena Bucureti 1 75 17 15 11 18 14 ADMIS
3331 POPESCU G. Marius-Cristian Bucureti 2 31 6 3 5 10 7 RESPINS
3332 POPESCU G. Roxana-
Gorj 2 28 5 6 4 5 8 RESPINS
3333 POPESCU G. Roxana-Simona Bucureti 1 33 5 9 9 7 3 RESPINS
3334 POPESCU I. Andreea Bucureti 2 59 10 9 11 16 13 RESPINS
3335 POPESCU I. Camelia-Raluca Constana 1 31 6 2 6 8 9 RESPINS
3336 POPESCU I. Dana-Alexandra Bucureti 2 56 8 6 12 16 14 RESPINS
3337 POPESCU I. Dora-Cristina Bucureti 1 41 8 6 11 9 7 RESPINS
3338 POPESCU I. Elena-Nicoleta Bucureti 2 38 12 6 6 8 6 RESPINS
3339 POPESCU I. Ileana-Cristina Bucureti 3 60 11 13 8 12 16 RESPINS
3340 POPESCU I. Liliana Bucureti 4 36 11 5 7 5 8 RESPINS
3341 POPESCU I. Maria-Izabela Bucureti 3 20 5 2 4 6 3 RESPINS
3342 POPESCU I. Marius-Gabriel Bucureti 4 36 7 6 4 11 8 RESPINS
3343 POPESCU I. Mihaela Iai 3 56 9 10 8 13 16 RESPINS
3344 POPESCU D. Andrada Bucureti 3 67 11 11 11 16 18 RESPINS
3345 POPESCU M. Diana Arge 3 53 8 14 7 12 12 RESPINS
3346 POPESCU M. Florin-Victor Bucureti 4 67 15 10 11 13 18 RESPINS
3347 POPESCU M. Ionut-Adrian Bucureti 3 60 13 12 8 14 13 RESPINS
3348 POPESCU M. Natalia-Alexandra Dolj 4 41 8 6 8 12 7 RESPINS
3349 POPESCU M. Raluca-Adina Bucureti 4 27 6 1 3 11 6 RESPINS
3350 POPESCU N. Corina-Georgiana Bucureti 3 76 13 16 14 16 17 ADMIS
3351 POPESCU N. Elena-Mihaela Bucureti 4 46 11 6 10 7 12 RESPINS
3352 POPESCU P. David-Mihai Bucureti 1 58 12 11 8 14 13 RESPINS
3353 POPESCU S. Anca-Emanuela Cluj 3 61 10 9 11 14 17 RESPINS
3354 POPESCU S. Angel-Nelu Teleorman 3 46 11 7 7 12 9 RESPINS
3355 POPESCU S. Katerina Bucureti 2 22 7 2 5 7 1 RESPINS
3356 POPESCU S. Roxana-Maria Bucureti 1 64 15 12 9 13 15 RESPINS
3357 POPESCU S. Valentin-Gigi Timi 1 43 7 7 5 14 10 RESPINS
3358 POPESCU T. Andrei Ilfov 2 25 5 5 7 6 2 RESPINS
3359 POPESCU V. Adnana-Lidia Bucureti 1 52 9 12 7 10 14 RESPINS
3360 POPESCU V. Andrada-
Bucureti 2 79 17 17 13 14 18 ADMIS
3361 POPESCU V. Elena-Narcisa Timi 3 61 12 10 13 16 10 RESPINS
3362 POPESCU V. Romica Bucureti 1 20 4 2 5 4 5 RESPINS
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Nr. crt Nume i prenume candidat BAROUL Nr. grila Punctaj OEPA
Tabel cu rezultatele obinute de candidaii la examenul de primire n profesia de
avocat ca avocat STAGIAR - 15 septembrie 2014
DC DPC DP DPP Rezultat
3363 POPESCU V. Silvia Bucureti 2 71 11 14 12 14 20 ADMIS
3364 POPESCU-DUMITRU M. Elvira Bucureti 1 43 7 8 5 14 9 RESPINS
3365 POP-IRINA D. Dana Cluj 1 65 13 11 10 14 17 RESPINS
3366 POPITI V. Alexandrina Bucureti 2 20 5 6 2 5 2 RESPINS
3367 POPOAC D. Oltia-Felicia Constana 3 50 8 12 8 11 11 RESPINS
3368 POPOIU I. Oana-Adreea Suceava 4 25 6 4 3 6 6 RESPINS
3369 POPOVICI C. Marius-Adrian Constana 4 32 6 6 6 10 4 RESPINS
3370 POPOVICI E. Ernestine-Ines Bucureti 3 34 9 4 8 8 5 RESPINS
3371 POPOVICI G. Mihaela-Iuliana Bucureti 4 63 12 13 6 13 19 RESPINS
3372 POPOVICI G. Simona-Alexandra Arge 4 53 15 7 7 13 11 RESPINS
3373 POPOVICI M. Remus-Valentin Bucureti 3 64 14 12 12 11 15 RESPINS
3374 POPOVICI M. Suzana Timi 4 39 10 7 6 10 6 RESPINS
3375 POPOVICI N. Aurelia Prahova 3 53 8 11 9 12 13 RESPINS
3376 POPOVICI P. Elena-Luana Bucureti 4 69 12 17 10 14 16 RESPINS
3377 POPOVICI T. Ctlin-tefan Arge 3 49 9 8 6 16 10 RESPINS
3378 POPOVICI V. Carmen-Elena Iai 3 59 12 11 6 15 15 RESPINS
3379 POPOVICI V. Raluca-Bianca Maramure 2 38 11 5 5 10 7 RESPINS
3380 POPP D. Iulia-Rebeca Bucureti 3 45 9 9 6 14 7 RESPINS
3381 POPP M. Marcel-Alin Cluj 1 35 10 5 6 9 5 RESPINS
3382 POPPA E. Eduard-Cosmin Bucureti 4 30 4 9 7 7 3 RESPINS
3383 POR V. Codruta-Maria Slaj 1 70 17 13 16 12 12 ADMIS
3384 POSTELNICU A. Veronica-
Galai 3 59 13 12 6 14 14 RESPINS
3385 POTELEANU A. Cosmina Bucureti 3 20 8 2 3 6 1 RESPINS
3386 POTOCEANU I. Roxana-Elena Timi 3 54 10 12 11 12 9 RESPINS
3387 POTOP N. Alexandru Bucureti 1 49 12 7 7 12 11 RESPINS
3388 PRALEA R. Andrei Bucureti 3 37 10 6 4 10 7 RESPINS
3389 PRECUP D. Ioana-Diana Cluj 2 50 12 10 8 10 10 RESPINS
3390 PRECUP I. Roxana-Silvia Mure 4 42 11 6 6 11 8 RESPINS
3391 PREDA A. Denis-Gabriela Bucureti 4 22 4 7 4 4 3 RESPINS
3392 PREDA C. Mirabela Bucureti 1 68 12 14 9 18 15 RESPINS
3393 PREDA D. Olga Bucureti 2 59 13 13 3 17 13 RESPINS
3394 PREDA D. Ramona-Andreea Dolj 4 63 12 11 9 14 17 RESPINS
3395 PREDA P. Maria Bucureti 2 22 4 5 6 6 1 RESPINS
3396 PREDA R. Adriana Bucureti 1 58 13 14 6 14 11 RESPINS
3397 PREDA R. Iulia-Elena Bucureti 2 69 8 14 18 14 15 RESPINS
3398 PREDAN M. Ana-Maria Bucureti 1 67 13 11 12 13 18 RESPINS
3399 PREDESCU M. Nicoleta-
Dolj 1 28 6 3 8 8 3 RESPINS
3400 PRELIPCEAN G. Rzvan Ilfov 1 57 11 12 7 13 14 RESPINS
3401 PRELIPCEAN G. Tereza-
Ilfov 2 20 6 2 3 6 3 RESPINS
3402 PREOTEASA G. Andrei-Ionu Giurgiu 1 66 16 15 10 14 11 RESPINS
3403 PRICOB M. Adina Bucureti 2 61 12 11 13 10 15 RESPINS
3404 PRICOP I. Ioana-Mdlina Iai 4 55 12 11 6 14 12 RESPINS
3405 PRISTVI I. Andreea-
Iai 3 38 11 4 3 10 10 RESPINS
3406 PRSNEAC P. Andrei Iai 4 30 6 4 4 9 7 RESPINS
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Nr. crt Nume i prenume candidat BAROUL Nr. grila Punctaj OEPA
Tabel cu rezultatele obinute de candidaii la examenul de primire n profesia de
avocat ca avocat STAGIAR - 15 septembrie 2014
DC DPC DP DPP Rezultat
3407 PRODEA I. Ioana-Daniela Sibiu 3 56 12 9 11 14 10 RESPINS
3408 PRODEA I. Laura-Iulia Bucureti 3 72 11 15 10 18 18 ADMIS
3409 PROSTEAN O. Petra-Lucia Timi 4 61 10 9 12 14 16 RESPINS
3410 PROTOPOPESCU T. Marius Dolj 2 38 9 6 4 12 7 RESPINS
3411 PRUNA D. Ramona Cluj 1 61 13 12 6 16 14 RESPINS
3412 PRUNDEAN V. Oana-Andreea Bucureti 4 67 12 12 10 16 17 RESPINS
3413 PRUNEA N. Alexandra-Bianca Bucureti 3 68 14 14 13 13 14 RESPINS
3414 PRUTEANU M. Georgiana-
Braov 4 72 13 13 14 16 16 ADMIS
3415 PUFAN R. Raluca-Gabriela Timi 3 30 6 5 8 7 4 RESPINS
3416 PUFULESCU V. Silvia-Elena Bucureti 4 66 15 10 10 14 17 RESPINS
3417 PUI A. Adrian-Mihi Mure 2 23 5 5 3 8 2 RESPINS
3418 PUIA T. Rzvan-Ctlin Bihor 4 52 13 9 5 14 11 RESPINS
3419 PUIU F. Maria-Adelina Bucureti 3 36 9 9 1 9 8 RESPINS
3420 PUIU I. Dumitru-Doru Bucureti 4 62 10 13 10 14 15 RESPINS
3421 PUIULE N. Maria Cluj 3 39 12 5 5 9 8 RESPINS
3422 PUNGA C. Darius-Iulian Bucureti 3 29 7 3 8 5 6 RESPINS
3423 PURCARU M. Roxana-Olivia Arad 3 70 17 9 11 14 19 RESPINS
3424 PUREA T. Chirila Cara Severin 4 14 4 0 2 6 2 RESPINS
3425 PURICE G. Silviu-Ilie Suceava 2 43 11 11 4 10 7 RESPINS
3426 PUSCAS M. Ioana-Alexandra Bucureti 4 74 16 15 11 15 17 ADMIS
3427 PUSCASU C. Gabriela Arge 1 22 7 2 6 4 3 RESPINS
3428 PUSCASU D. Casandra Bucureti 3 79 16 15 12 18 18 ADMIS
3429 PUSKAS F. Izabella Mure 1 48 11 6 9 10 12 RESPINS
3430 PUCA A. Alexandru Mure 2 28 7 1 6 8 6 RESPINS
3431 PUCA L. Mdlina Cluj 4 76 11 13 18 18 16 ADMIS
3432 PUCAU M. Andrei-Lucian Bucureti 4 69 12 10 14 15 18 RESPINS
3433 PUCAU Z. Tudor Cluj 3 57 11 11 10 15 10 RESPINS
3434 PUARU V. Alexandra-Mdlina Bucureti 3 67 12 14 8 17 16 RESPINS
3435 RAC G. Gheorghe-Vasile-Daniel Cluj 4 45 9 8 6 13 9 RESPINS
3436 RACU M. Andreea-Ioana Bucureti 4 65 14 14 11 13 13 RESPINS
3437 RAD C. Andreea Cluj 3 74 13 17 13 15 16 ADMIS
3438 RADA I. Oana-Maria Bucureti 1 63 14 10 8 15 16 RESPINS
3439 RADAN S. Carlos-Cristian Bucureti 2 31 4 7 5 9 6 RESPINS
3440 RADEANU G. Claudiu-Ninel Bucureti 1 70 14 14 11 15 16 ADMIS
3441 RADOCEA I. Emilia-Daniela Bucureti 2 37 7 5 5 8 12 RESPINS
3442 RADOI D. Ionut-Mihai Dolj 2 40 14 6 9 6 5 RESPINS
3443 RADOI V. Eugen Bucureti 2 31 6 5 6 6 8 RESPINS
3444 RADU A. Diana-Alexandra Bucureti 1 49 10 10 7 13 9 RESPINS
3445 RADU A. Diana-Cornelia Bucureti 2 31 9 6 6 8 2 RESPINS
3446 RADU A. Octavian Bucureti 1 67 14 13 9 16 15 RESPINS
3447 RADU C. Andrada Bihor 3 71 13 12 14 14 18 ADMIS
3448 RADU C. Mirela-Emilia Mehedini 1 50 15 6 8 12 9 RESPINS
3449 RADU C. Roxana-Valentina Bucureti 2 49 7 10 6 12 14 RESPINS
3450 RADU G. Alexandru Bucureti 1 44 9 6 5 14 10 RESPINS
3451 RADU G. Amalia Bucureti 2 49 8 11 6 12 12 RESPINS
3452 RADU G. Claudia-Georgiana Bucureti 3 55 11 10 10 14 10 RESPINS
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Nr. crt Nume i prenume candidat BAROUL Nr. grila Punctaj OEPA
Tabel cu rezultatele obinute de candidaii la examenul de primire n profesia de
avocat ca avocat STAGIAR - 15 septembrie 2014
DC DPC DP DPP Rezultat
3453 RADU I. Stefan-Dragos Bucureti 4 56 11 11 8 15 11 RESPINS
3454 RADU L. Corina-Gabriela Bucureti 3 29 6 8 4 8 3 RESPINS
3455 RADU L. Valentina-Adriana Cluj 4 58 13 9 9 13 14 RESPINS
3456 RADU M. Elena-Cristina Bucureti 4 44 9 8 5 12 10 RESPINS
3457 RADU N. Alin-Lucian Dmbovia 1 38 10 2 7 12 7 RESPINS
3458 RADU . Mihai-Rzvan Bucureti 2 39 12 2 7 11 7 RESPINS
3459 RADU V. Simona-Adina Iai 1 40 8 8 5 12 7 RESPINS
3460 RADU V. Sorin-Viorel Ilfov 1 53 6 13 10 11 13 RESPINS
3461 RADUCAN I. Florin-Silviu Bucureti 2 49 8 9 9 14 9 RESPINS
3462 RADUCANU A. Alexandru-
Bucureti 1 31 9 5 7 7 3 RESPINS
3463 RADUCANU M. Elena-Catalina Botoani 2 70 13 15 12 15 15 ADMIS
Galai 4 57 13 8 12 12 12 RESPINS
3465 RADU-LELUIU A. Anda Braov 3 38 9 7 8 9 5 RESPINS
3466 RADULESCU M. Ioan-Eusebiu Timi 4 73 14 17 11 15 16 ADMIS
3467 RADULY A. Bela Covasna 4 23 6 4 3 6 4 RESPINS
3468 RADU-MIC L. Alexandru Dolj 2 45 15 6 7 11 6 RESPINS
3469 RADUT I. Alexandra Bucureti 2 37 9 7 6 7 8 RESPINS
3470 RADUT P. Dragos-Ionut Bucureti 3 35 8 6 4 9 8 RESPINS
3471 RAICA F. Maria-Raluca Teleorman 3 53 8 9 14 13 9 RESPINS
3472 RAICU N. Alexandra-Iulia Bucureti 4 66 13 10 11 14 18 RESPINS
3473 RAILEAN A. Cristina Bucureti 3 34 9 3 4 12 6 RESPINS
3474 RAILEANU T. Dragos-Ionut Bucureti 3 30 7 2 6 12 3 RESPINS
3475 RAISCHI L. Diana Constana 4 43 12 6 7 9 9 RESPINS
3476 RANGHET T. Ioana Bucureti 3 49 8 7 4 13 17 RESPINS
3477 RARINCA C. Liviu Bucureti 4 69 13 14 12 13 17 RESPINS
3478 RASPOP C. Alina-Mihaela Bucureti 3 50 11 9 5 11 14 RESPINS
3479 RAT V. Mihaela-Daniela Timi 3 54 9 13 7 14 11 RESPINS
3480 RATA G. Adrian Bucureti 4 56 9 10 9 13 15 RESPINS
3481 RATOI M. Alexandra Bucureti 1 62 13 11 9 15 14 RESPINS
3482 RAUCA T. Monica-Isabela Bucureti 2 54 11 7 9 15 12 RESPINS
3483 RAUTA G. Emilia Bacu 1 35 6 7 4 11 7 RESPINS
Gorj 4 25 7 2 9 4 3 RESPINS
3485 RAVEANU L. Mihaita-Ionut Bucureti 1 42 5 10 5 12 10 RESPINS
3486 RKOSI L. Timea Harghita 3 69 13 8 14 16 18 RESPINS
3487 RCU I. Iulian-Ctlin Ilfov 2 52 12 7 5 13 15 RESPINS
3488 RCEU I. Ioan-Radu Sibiu 4 31 7 6 4 11 3 RESPINS
3489 RCOCEANU E. Elena Dmbovia 1 26 7 4 4 9 2 RESPINS
3490 RDOI F. Nicoleta-Laura Bucureti 2 46 7 7 8 11 13 RESPINS
3491 RDOI I. Raluca-Violeta Bucureti 1 66 15 11 9 15 16 RESPINS
3492 RDOI M. Loredana-Roxana Bucureti 2 47 9 7 6 15 10 RESPINS
3493 RDUCAN I. Maria-Magdalena Constana 3 57 12 12 8 12 13 RESPINS
3494 RDUCANU D. Raisa Cluj 3 88 18 19 14 17 20 ADMIS
3495 RHIAN I. Ioana-Elisabeta Alba 1 57 13 6 10 12 16 RESPINS
3496 RILEANU E. Alexandra Cluj 2 65 13 13 11 15 13 RESPINS
3497 RINAR C. Costina Timi 4 47 8 5 10 10 14 RESPINS
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Tabel cu rezultatele obinute de candidaii la examenul de primire n profesia de
avocat ca avocat STAGIAR - 15 septembrie 2014
DC DPC DP DPP Rezultat
3498 RZLOG V. Dumitria Constana 3 36 12 3 5 7 9 RESPINS
3499 REBEGEA M. Parmena-Elena Iai 2 34 8 3 3 10 10 RESPINS
3500 REFTU O. Ramona-Nicoleta Iai 1 79 15 15 13 16 20 ADMIS
3501 RESMERITA M. Diana-Eliza Vaslui 2 57 13 8 10 12 14 RESPINS
3502 REU N. Nadia Timi 3 38 7 9 8 12 2 RESPINS
3503 REVICI D. Dorina Constana 4 26 5 3 4 7 7 RESPINS
3504 REZ C. Ovidiu Timi 1 66 13 12 12 14 15 RESPINS
3505 REZEANU M. Elena-Raluca Bucureti 3 21 1 6 6 4 4 RESPINS
3506 REZNIC V. Alexandrin Iai 1 68 16 12 10 14 16 RESPINS
3507 RICMAN S. Corina-Cristina Bucureti 4 75 14 15 13 15 18 ADMIS
3508 RIF M. Ctlina-Mihaela Bihor 2 63 12 11 9 13 18 RESPINS
3509 RIGOU T. Teodora-Anca Bihor 1 34 8 6 6 9 5 RESPINS
3510 RIPAN A. Alexandru-Sabin Cluj 1 67 12 13 10 15 17 RESPINS
3511 RICU D. Anca Constana 3 45 9 8 6 11 11 RESPINS
3512 RIZOIU M. Florina Bucureti 4 78 15 16 16 15 16 ADMIS
3513 RCIU G. Diana-Andreea-
Bucureti 3 52 13 10 8 10 11 RESPINS
3514 RPEA V. Violeta-Cristinela Braov 1 22 6 3 4 7 2 RESPINS
3515 ROATA A. Elena Mehedini 3 36 8 7 9 6 6 RESPINS
3516 ROBOTIN I. Robert-Cristian Maramure 2 58 10 11 9 14 14 RESPINS
3517 ROBU F. Cristiana-Teodora Bucureti 4 37 7 4 6 10 10 RESPINS
3518 ROBU G. Ancua-Simona Bacu 2 56 14 10 10 13 9 RESPINS
3519 ROBU N. Andrei-Valerian Bucureti 1 50 10 11 7 11 11 RESPINS
3520 ROBU V. Valentin Bucureti 2 43 9 7 8 15 4 RESPINS
3521 ROESCU M. Daniel Bucureti 1 69 15 17 11 14 12 RESPINS
3522 ROGOJAN I. Ionut-Alexandru Bucureti 2 51 14 8 4 13 12 RESPINS
3523 ROGOVEANU I. Andreea-
Timi 2 43 11 5 7 12 8 RESPINS
3524 ROHNEAN M. Dragos-Alexandru Timi 1 72 13 15 13 15 16 ADMIS
3525 ROIBU L. Ovidiu-Lorenzo Iai 1 49 11 9 5 13 11 RESPINS
3526 ROMA G. Cristian-Gheorghe Timi 2 42 11 6 5 10 10 RESPINS
3527 ROMAN E. Claudia Bihor 1 78 13 18 11 17 19 ADMIS
3528 ROMAN G. Cristian-Ioan Cluj 1 70 17 12 9 16 16 RESPINS
3529 ROMAN I. Ovidiu-Flaviu Bihor 2 40 6 8 8 10 8 RESPINS
3530 ROMAN I. Ruxandra-Alina Bucureti 1 59 10 15 8 12 14 RESPINS
3531 ROMAN M. Alexandru Bucureti 2 72 16 11 11 18 16 ADMIS
3532 ROMAN R. Raluca-Roxana Timi 1 74 14 13 12 17 18 ADMIS
3533 ROMAN R. Romulus-Victor Cluj 2 59 14 11 10 14 10 RESPINS
3534 ROMAN V. Ctlin-Marius Mure 2 61 11 11 10 15 14 RESPINS
3535 ROMCEA A. Flavia-Isabela Alba 1 46 11 9 7 12 7 RESPINS
3536 ROMETI P. Stefania Bucureti 1 33 5 5 10 6 7 RESPINS
3537 ROSCA C. Alexandra-Raluca Bucureti 2 35 10 7 6 8 4 RESPINS
3538 ROSCA E. Maria-Raluca Bucureti 1 23 4 2 6 9 2 RESPINS
3539 ROSCA P. Cristina-Teodora Bucureti 2 69 15 13 12 14 15 RESPINS
3540 ROSCAN G. Andreea Bucureti 3 64 11 14 7 15 17 RESPINS
3541 ROSCANEANU D. Petronela Bucureti 4 44 12 4 8 9 11 RESPINS
3542 ROSENER S. Aurora Bucureti 3 65 13 13 14 13 12 RESPINS
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Tabel cu rezultatele obinute de candidaii la examenul de primire n profesia de
avocat ca avocat STAGIAR - 15 septembrie 2014
DC DPC DP DPP Rezultat
3543 ROSOI E. Robert-Florin Arge 4 51 15 10 6 7 13 RESPINS
3544 ROSU A. Julia-Nicoleta Bucureti 4 37 6 6 7 10 8 RESPINS
3545 ROSU D. Stefan-Flavian Bucureti 3 49 12 8 6 9 14 RESPINS
3546 ROSU G. Liviu-Constantin Buzu 1 36 9 7 2 10 8 RESPINS
3547 ROSU M. Ioana-Ruxandra Bucureti 4 51 13 9 5 15 9 RESPINS
3548 ROSU V. Ioana Bucureti 3 47 13 2 6 12 14 RESPINS
3549 RO N. Maria Cluj 1 42 8 7 5 12 10 RESPINS
3550 RO N. Nicolae-Dorin Bistria Nsud 2 18 5 5 2 4 2 RESPINS
3551 ROCA A. Adrian-Emanuel Iai 3 34 7 6 6 10 5 RESPINS
3552 ROCA V. Andrei-George Bucureti 4 45 9 7 6 13 10 RESPINS
3553 ROU G. Vasilica-Ramona Bucureti 3 34 9 5 3 10 7 RESPINS
3554 ROU I. Mircea-Alexandru Iai 4 60 12 10 9 14 15 RESPINS
3555 ROU J. Leonard Prahova 2 56 9 11 10 12 14 RESPINS
3556 ROU P. Ion Gorj 3 55 12 7 11 16 9 RESPINS
3557 ROU P. Vlad Cluj 3 69 15 15 8 14 17 RESPINS
3558 ROU V. Anioara-Eugenia Iai 3 54 11 13 10 10 10 RESPINS
3559 ROU V. Carmen-Elena Iai 4 41 9 9 10 9 4 RESPINS
3560 ROTARI I. Aniela-Felicia Bucureti 4 27 6 5 3 8 5 RESPINS
3561 ROTARIU C. Elena-Andreea Botoani 3 62 12 14 11 12 13 RESPINS
3562 ROTARIU D. Mdlin-Dumitru Cluj 4 68 15 14 12 11 16 RESPINS
3563 ROTARIU M. Adelina Bucureti 3 35 5 7 10 9 4 RESPINS
3564 ROTARIU T. Simona Bucureti 4 52 12 9 4 14 13 RESPINS
3565 ROTARU C. Ion Bucureti 1 42 9 8 6 10 9 RESPINS
3566 ROTARU C. Mihai-Alexandru Dolj 4 42 11 8 7 11 5 RESPINS
3567 ROTARU D. Daniela-Alexandra Iai 4 35 7 8 8 8 4 RESPINS
3568 ROTARU I. Andreea-Nicoleta Bucureti 2 34 4 3 10 10 7 RESPINS
3569 ROTARU I. Anisoara Bucureti 1 44 12 5 8 10 9 RESPINS
3570 ROTARU M. Daniela Bucureti 2 47 10 6 6 13 12 RESPINS
3571 ROTARU V. Denisa-Isaura Bucureti 1 55 14 12 6 15 8 RESPINS
3572 ROTRESCU A. Daniela Buzu 1 33 5 8 5 9 6 RESPINS
3573 ROTRESCU V. Denisa-Ana-
Arge 1 71 8 16 12 17 18 RESPINS
3574 ROTEA G. Andra-Cornelia Constana 2 37 10 6 4 12 5 RESPINS
3575 ROU N. Simona Bucureti 1 30 10 3 1 9 7 RESPINS
3576 RUDAREANU S. Tina-
Bucureti 2 48 5 10 7 14 12 RESPINS
3577 RUJAN F. Florena-Cristina Bucureti 1 49 8 8 4 14 15 RESPINS
3578 RUMANESCU F. Silvia Bucureti 2 78 13 19 13 15 18 ADMIS
3579 RUNCAN L. Ana-Liviana-Ioana Bucureti 1 81 14 17 14 17 19 ADMIS
3580 RUNCAN T. Marius-Clin Cluj 2 25 5 7 6 4 3 RESPINS
3581 RUS A. Alexandru Cluj 1 28 8 3 5 8 4 RESPINS
3582 RUS B. Andreea Cluj 3 51 12 9 6 13 11 RESPINS
3583 RUS C. Horaiu-Adrian Bucureti 2 74 12 16 13 15 18 ADMIS
3584 RUS D. Ofelia-Dorina Cluj 4 64 14 15 7 15 13 RESPINS
3585 RUS D. Sergiu Mure 2 41 7 6 5 13 10 RESPINS
3586 RUS I. Ioana-Maria Cluj 1 43 11 8 5 12 7 RESPINS
3587 RUS M. Marian-Silviu Cluj 2 72 15 16 10 15 16 ADMIS
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Tabel cu rezultatele obinute de candidaii la examenul de primire n profesia de
avocat ca avocat STAGIAR - 15 septembrie 2014
DC DPC DP DPP Rezultat
3588 RUS N. Alin-Ioan Bucureti 3 60 17 9 7 14 13 RESPINS
3589 RUS T. Alexandra Arad 2 51 12 8 6 14 11 RESPINS
3590 RUSAN I. Anca-Maria Timi 1 65 11 12 14 16 12 RESPINS
3591 RUSAN I. Andrada-Ioana Bucureti 4 78 16 15 15 16 16 ADMIS
3592 RUSANESCU C. Andreea-
Bucureti 3 61 16 11 7 15 12 RESPINS
3593 RUSNESCU M. Adina-Maria Bucureti 4 79 15 19 10 15 20 ADMIS
3594 RUSE D. Ioan-Alexandru Bucureti 3 39 8 6 6 11 8 RESPINS
3595 RUSEA V. Ana-Maria Braov 3 63 12 11 12 14 14 RESPINS
3596 RUSU A. Maria-Raluca Satu Mare 2 53 7 10 10 13 13 RESPINS
3597 RUSU C. Delia-Viorica Cluj 1 34 8 3 11 11 1 RESPINS
3598 RUSU D. Iuliana Teleorman 1 42 10 8 5 12 7 RESPINS
3599 RUSU D. Octav Cluj 2 64 15 10 9 15 15 RESPINS
3600 RUSU I. Andra-Geanina Iai 3 21 6 1 2 10 2 RESPINS
3601 RUSU L. Andreea-Elena Bucureti 4 24 4 7 4 3 6 RESPINS
3602 RUSU M. Ana-Maria Timi 1 71 12 15 13 13 18 ADMIS
3603 RUSU M. Clin-Tudor Cluj 3 45 11 8 6 10 10 RESPINS
3604 RUSU S. tefan Bacu 4 48 14 5 4 13 12 RESPINS
3605 RUSU V. Andreea-Vasilica Cluj 4 42 9 8 11 10 4 RESPINS
3606 RUSU V. Mihaela-Laura Iai 3 34 7 5 7 10 5 RESPINS
3607 RUSU V. Raul-Artur Cluj 3 40 12 12 3 11 2 RESPINS
3608 RUSU-MATHE M. Mihai-Eduard Iai 4 47 9 9 5 13 11 RESPINS
3609 RU P. Marius-Alin Constana 3 29 4 6 7 9 3 RESPINS
3610 SABAU M. Adrian-Tudor Bucureti 4 42 6 7 6 12 11 RESPINS
3611 SABU D. Adina-Larisa Cluj 4 46 10 7 8 11 10 RESPINS
3612 SABU I. Carmen-Georgeta Mure 4 61 14 11 10 11 15 RESPINS
3613 SABU I. Roxana-Dora Bihor 3 29 6 6 6 5 6 RESPINS
3614 SABU S. Alexandra-Delia Mure 3 68 11 12 11 16 18 RESPINS
3615 SABOU G. Sergiu-Gheorghe Slaj 1 72 14 15 15 14 14 ADMIS
3616 SACERDOEANU D. Cristian Teleorman 2 44 10 11 6 11 6 RESPINS
3617 SADOVEAC I. Alina-Loredana Timi 4 28 4 4 4 12 4 RESPINS
3618 SADOVEANU G. Ion Bucureti 3 30 7 6 4 9 4 RESPINS
3619 SADOVEANU G. Mihai-Cristian Bucureti 4 33 8 6 3 10 6 RESPINS
3620 SAGHIN C. Dragos-Andrei Bucureti 3 38 8 4 4 10 12 RESPINS
3621 SALA R. Ruxandra-Mihaela Bihor 3 37 10 4 7 8 8 RESPINS
3622 SALABIN V. Mihaela-Alina Bucureti 4 44 13 6 6 11 8 RESPINS
3623 SALAGEANU G. Ioan-Andrei Bucureti 1 47 9 10 9 14 5 RESPINS
3624 SALCEANU M. Anyela-Veronica Bucureti 2 45 13 6 4 11 11 RESPINS
3625 SAMOILA M. Madalina-Andreea Bucureti 1 48 13 6 6 13 10 RESPINS
3626 SAMSON C. Corina-Roxana Vaslui 3 66 13 12 10 15 16 RESPINS
3627 SAMSON S. Andrada-Roxana Bucureti 2 53 9 9 9 15 11 RESPINS
3628 SAMUIL A. Mircea Cluj 2 72 14 15 9 15 19 RESPINS
3629 SANDAR I. Romina-Natalia Neam 1 33 5 9 3 10 6 RESPINS
3630 SANDOR I. Gyula-Mihaly Mure 4 17 5 2 2 7 1 RESPINS
3631 SANDREA T. Alexandru Timi 4 46 8 9 5 12 12 RESPINS
3632 SANDRU C. Alexandru-Iulian Bucureti 1 53 12 11 9 12 9 RESPINS
3633 SANDRU I. Ioana Bucureti 2 20 3 3 4 8 2 RESPINS
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Tabel cu rezultatele obinute de candidaii la examenul de primire n profesia de
avocat ca avocat STAGIAR - 15 septembrie 2014
DC DPC DP DPP Rezultat
3634 SANDU A. Mihaela-Andreea Bucureti 1 40 8 8 7 12 5 RESPINS
3635 SANDU C. Alexandra Bucureti 2 51 9 9 7 13 13 RESPINS
3636 SANDU C. Eugenia-Camelia Constana 1 60 9 10 10 16 15 RESPINS
3637 SANDU D. Narcisa-Beatrice Bucureti 2 60 13 11 8 13 15 RESPINS
3638 SANDU F. Dan-Florin Bucureti 1 49 9 13 6 13 8 RESPINS
3639 SANDU I. Cristina Iai 2 37 7 3 7 13 7 RESPINS
3640 SANDU I. Ionut Bucureti 2 59 16 6 8 19 10 RESPINS
3641 SANDU . Daniela Bucureti 3 72 13 16 9 16 18 RESPINS
3642 SANDU V. Florina-Andreea Bucureti 4 50 11 8 11 7 13 RESPINS
3643 SANDULESCU T. Vlad Bucureti 3 74 14 14 12 16 18 ADMIS
3644 SARBA C. Razvan-Mihai Bucureti 4 70 15 15 10 16 14 ADMIS
3645 SARBU C. Costin-Andrei Bucureti 1 24 4 5 3 8 4 RESPINS
3646 SASCU N. Valentin Bacu 1 50 9 7 9 12 13 RESPINS
3647 SASU I. Ovidius Bucureti 2 30 5 8 2 10 5 RESPINS
3648 SASU N. Nicoleta-Narcisa Vlcea 1 65 14 15 13 15 8 RESPINS
3649 SASU P. Andreea-Daniela Sibiu 1 57 15 10 10 11 11 RESPINS
3650 SAULEA M. Oana-Loredana Bucureti 1 52 14 6 10 10 12 RESPINS
3651 SAVA P. Mihaela-Ruxandra Bucureti 3 80 15 17 14 18 16 ADMIS
3652 SAVA C. Bogdan Iai 2 50 8 14 8 11 9 RESPINS
3653 SAVA C. Ovidiu Bucureti 4 82 18 17 16 17 14 ADMIS
3654 SAVA L. Anioara Iai 1 54 11 7 9 13 14 RESPINS
3655 SAVIN I. Rzvan-Alexandru Bucureti 3 77 17 19 11 17 13 ADMIS
3656 SAVIN M. Alexandra Cluj 1 59 8 10 11 14 16 RESPINS
3657 SAVU C. Eugenia Dolj 2 31 7 8 6 6 4 RESPINS
3658 SAVU G. Valentin Bucureti 2 42 8 6 8 13 7 RESPINS
3659 SAVU M. Andrei-Vladut Bucureti 2 36 9 3 3 16 5 RESPINS
3660 SBDAU C. Ruxandra Sibiu 2 45 8 5 8 12 12 RESPINS
3661 SLAGHIE C. Maria-Paula Mure 1 73 16 15 9 15 18 RESPINS
3662 SLGEAN O. Raluca-Maria Bihor 3 67 12 13 13 15 14 RESPINS
3663 SLJAN V. Mihai Cluj 2 26 5 4 4 6 7 RESPINS
3664 SRCINESCU C. Laureniu Braov 2 59 15 2 11 17 14 RESPINS
3665 SRMAN A. Adrian Cluj 3 18 2 4 4 5 3 RESPINS
3666 SRMAN A. Raluca-
Cluj 4 56 13 15 5 12 11 RESPINS
3667 SVIANU I. Adina-Lavinia Bihor 4 19 7 4 3 5 0 RESPINS
3668 SBERA A. Mihaela Bucureti 1 55 10 12 8 13 12 RESPINS
3669 SCALECHI C. Constantin Bucureti 2 68 11 13 13 16 15 RESPINS
3670 SCARLAT O. Cristian-Teodor Bucureti 1 36 8 9 5 10 4 RESPINS
3671 SCARLATESCU F. Mihai Bucureti 3 34 5 3 7 11 8 RESPINS
3672 SCRNECI N. Ioana-Maria-
Bucureti 4 57 12 13 7 12 13 RESPINS
3673 SCHEOPEA I. Bogdan Braov 3 38 8 5 8 11 6 RESPINS
3674 SCHIAU N. Mara-Sorina Sibiu 4 25 6 2 3 6 8 RESPINS
3675 SCORTANU D. Ana-Maria Bucureti 3 47 14 8 6 10 9 RESPINS
3676 SCORE D. Patricia-Lorena Bihor 3 55 13 8 9 11 14 RESPINS
3677 SCURTESCU D. Adrian Braov 3 66 12 14 8 14 18 RESPINS
3678 SCUTARU V. Maria Bacu 2 32 10 5 7 6 4 RESPINS
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Tabel cu rezultatele obinute de candidaii la examenul de primire n profesia de
avocat ca avocat STAGIAR - 15 septembrie 2014
DC DPC DP DPP Rezultat
3679 SEBENI M. Bogdan Braov 4 33 8 7 6 9 3 RESPINS
3680 SECARA H. Horiana Bucureti 1 40 9 4 5 14 8 RESPINS
3681 SECIU V. Andreea Bucureti 2 68 13 14 6 17 18 RESPINS
3682 SECU C. Radu-Gabriel Iai 1 29 8 4 6 6 5 RESPINS
3683 SEGA M. Calin-Nicolae Bucureti 1 59 12 13 8 11 15 RESPINS
3684 SEICARU O. Petru-Claudiu Bucureti 3 74 17 18 11 13 15 ADMIS
3685 SELEGEAN C. Felicia-Mariana Timi 4 36 10 5 2 10 9 RESPINS
3686 SEMINENCO G. Cecilia Bucureti 4 42 11 7 2 11 11 RESPINS
3687 SERBAN C. Corina-Gabriela Bucureti 3 28 7 3 5 7 6 RESPINS
3688 SERBAN C. Oana-Marilena Bucureti 1 42 9 7 7 8 11 RESPINS
3689 SERBAN G. George-Eugen Bucureti 2 39 11 6 4 12 6 RESPINS
3690 SERBAN T. Cezara Bucureti 1 94 20 19 16 19 20 ADMIS
3691 SERBANESCU I. Roxana Bucureti 3 54 9 5 9 15 16 RESPINS
3692 SEREAN-MICLE I. Veronica Cluj 3 33 4 8 7 11 3 RESPINS
3693 SERTU D. Carmen Bucureti 4 51 11 12 5 10 13 RESPINS
3694 SFRLOG B. Tudor-Vlad Sibiu 1 56 14 11 9 13 9 RESPINS
3695 SFT E. Iulia-Andreea Bucureti 3 57 9 11 9 13 15 RESPINS
3696 SFETCU G. Grigore-Ionut Bucureti 1 49 15 6 6 12 10 RESPINS
3697 SFETCU M. Sorin-George Bucureti 2 71 12 18 9 15 17 RESPINS
3698 SGARBUR V. Raluca-Ionela Dolj 1 65 10 11 14 16 14 RESPINS
3699 SICA D. Maria-Elisabeta Iai 2 36 4 5 2 13 12 RESPINS
3700 SICHITIU A. Andreea-Alexandra Gorj 2 66 15 10 11 14 16 RESPINS
3701 SICHITIU A. Horatiu-Alecu Bucureti 1 43 9 8 7 12 7 RESPINS
3702 SIGNEANU C. Sorina-Mihaela Iai 1 52 7 9 9 14 13 RESPINS
3703 SILAGHI I. Cristina-Silvia Bihor 3 31 5 4 8 10 4 RESPINS
3704 SILVAN A. Dionisie-Raul Hunedoara 4 40 13 7 6 8 6 RESPINS
3705 SILVAN M. Anamaria-Cristina Bucureti 3 58 14 7 10 14 13 RESPINS
3706 SILVAN R. Ana-Maria Hunedoara 3 32 3 6 8 10 5 RESPINS
3707 SIMA S. Gheorghe Bucureti 4 32 8 5 5 8 6 RESPINS
3708 SIMA T. Aurelian Dmbovia 3 55 11 7 10 13 14 RESPINS
3709 SIMEDREA C. Mihaela Timi 4 26 8 6 3 6 3 RESPINS
3710 SIMEREA I. Diana-Mihaela Neam 2 47 15 5 9 9 9 RESPINS
3711 SIMION C. Boris Timi 3 73 17 13 12 16 15 ADMIS
3712 SIMION C. Elena-Andreea Bucureti 1 61 14 10 8 16 13 RESPINS
3713 SIMION D. Ioana Constana 2 25 10 2 4 5 4 RESPINS
3714 SIMION G. Georgiana Galai 1 49 10 10 7 14 8 RESPINS
3715 SIMION I. Madalina-Vasilica Bucureti 3 68 14 13 11 16 14 RESPINS
3716 SIMION M. Luciana Bucureti 4 47 10 8 8 12 9 RESPINS
3717 SIMION P. Marius-Andrei Bucureti 1 22 2 4 5 5 6 RESPINS
3718 SIMION T. Bianca-Florentina Timi 2 46 10 8 8 10 10 RESPINS
3719 SIMIONESCU D. Victor Bucureti 2 63 10 14 12 11 16 RESPINS
3720 SIMIONESCU F. Raluca-
Bucureti 3 47 12 7 7 12 9 RESPINS
3721 SIMON I. Florinel-Valentin Bucureti 4 26 7 3 3 8 5 RESPINS
3722 SIMON Z. Edina Harghita 2 41 7 5 3 15 11 RESPINS
3723 SIMONCA D. Delia-Loredana Bucureti 1 56 12 11 8 14 11 RESPINS
3724 SIMPALEAN H. Andrei Bucureti 2 54 13 10 5 15 11 RESPINS
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Tabel cu rezultatele obinute de candidaii la examenul de primire n profesia de
avocat ca avocat STAGIAR - 15 septembrie 2014
DC DPC DP DPP Rezultat
3725 SIMTION I. Maria Sibiu 1 26 6 2 8 6 4 RESPINS
3726 SIMU I. Rodica Timi 1 71 16 14 11 14 16 ADMIS
3727 SIMUS G. Roxana Bucureti 3 47 11 10 7 14 5 RESPINS
3728 SIMU V. Raluca-Voichia Bucureti 4 64 11 11 9 16 17 RESPINS
3729 SIN V. Ionu-Alexandru Bucureti 1 66 10 13 13 14 16 RESPINS
3730 SINCA P. Luana-Andreea Constana 2 29 6 6 4 8 5 RESPINS
3731 SINGUREANU D. Liliana-
Bucureti 1 35 11 5 4 9 6 RESPINS
3732 SINGUREANU I. Ana-Maria Bucureti 3 60 13 7 9 15 16 RESPINS
3733 SINIAVSCHI M. Mihai-Codrin Bucureti 4 50 11 11 8 10 10 RESPINS
3734 SION I. Alina Bucureti 3 31 8 7 3 10 3 RESPINS
3735 SIPOS I. Ioana-Dorina Bucureti 1 25 9 2 6 4 4 RESPINS
3736 SIPOS I. Orsolya-Rka Mure 2 42 11 7 5 12 7 RESPINS
3737 SIPOS I. Zsolt Mure 3 16 4 1 4 5 2 RESPINS
3738 SIRBU I. Mdlina Brila 2 35 12 4 5 10 4 RESPINS
3739 SIRBU T. Petru-Codrin Galai 3 39 12 7 5 10 5 RESPINS
3740 SIRBU-SIMION G. Maria Bucureti 1 28 5 6 6 5 6 RESPINS
3741 SIROP C. Liviu-Ctlin Constana 3 57 14 9 6 15 13 RESPINS
3742 SISU A. Violeta-Loredana Galai 4 26 6 6 7 5 2 RESPINS
3743 SITARU G. Alexandru Bucureti 4 71 12 17 12 14 16 ADMIS
3744 SNCU N. Stela Galai 1 25 6 5 5 4 5 RESPINS
3745 SRBU A. Gabriela Bucureti 3 73 14 15 13 14 17 ADMIS
3746 SRBU N. Mdlina-Ioana Bucureti 1 36 6 7 6 10 7 RESPINS
3747 SKOLKA M. Lucia-Luana Constana 2 32 7 6 4 10 5 RESPINS
3748 SLAFCIU V. Mariana-Mirela Bucureti 1 24 5 4 7 5 3 RESPINS
3749 SLAV M. Daniel-Jean Bucureti 3 20 4 2 7 5 2 RESPINS
3750 SLAVIC I. Daniel Brila 2 30 6 4 6 8 6 RESPINS
3751 SLAVU R. Marcel Tulcea 4 22 7 2 3 6 4 RESPINS
3752 SLTINEANU G. Georgiana-
Bucureti 3 29 6 3 7 7 6 RESPINS
3753 SLEVOACA D. Lorena-Anca Bucureti 1 69 13 14 11 15 16 RESPINS
3754 SLEVOAC S. Daniel Bucureti 2 44 10 5 6 11 12 RESPINS
3755 SLOAT M. Florentina Bucureti 1 43 8 7 11 10 7 RESPINS
3756 SLOBOZEANU P. Ana-Marina Bucureti 3 41 10 8 4 10 9 RESPINS
3757 SMARANDOIU V. Alexandra-
Bucureti 4 33 10 1 6 8 8 RESPINS
3758 SMEU-MARE V. Ctlin Dolj 1 23 6 3 7 5 2 RESPINS
3759 SMOCHINA R. Carmen Galai 1 25 8 3 5 5 4 RESPINS
3760 SOARE C. Vlad-Cristian Bucureti 3 70 11 17 11 15 16 ADMIS
3761 SOARE D. Irina Bucureti 1 39 8 6 4 13 8 RESPINS
3762 SOARE F. Liviu Ilfov 2 43 10 6 4 14 9 RESPINS
3763 SOARE G. Andrei Arge 2 71 14 16 12 15 14 ADMIS
3764 SOARE M. Flavia-Maria Bucureti 1 82 20 17 11 16 18 ADMIS
3765 SOCOTITU D. Oana Tulcea 3 38 8 6 8 7 9 RESPINS
3766 SOFALVI J. Izabella Harghita 4 84 17 17 14 17 19 ADMIS
3767 SOFRONIE . Maria-Damaris Cluj 4 35 7 7 4 10 7 RESPINS
3768 SOLOMON M. Mihai-Felician Constana 4 33 15 3 3 5 7 RESPINS
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Tabel cu rezultatele obinute de candidaii la examenul de primire n profesia de
avocat ca avocat STAGIAR - 15 septembrie 2014
DC DPC DP DPP Rezultat
3769 SOLOMON T. Octavia-
Satu Mare 2 46 13 8 5 11 9 RESPINS
3770 SOLOMON V. Suzana-Didina Bacu 3 30 4 3 4 8 11 RESPINS
3771 SOLTOIANU I. Nicu Bucureti 3 60 12 18 6 11 13 RESPINS
3772 SOMOGYI J. Zsolt-Attila Mure 3 62 14 10 8 16 14 RESPINS
3773 SONDA C. Lavinia-Iuliana Bucureti 1 26 6 3 6 9 2 RESPINS
3774 SOPONO G. Cristina Cluj 1 60 15 12 5 13 15 RESPINS
3775 SORBUN C. Loredana-Simina Timi 1 52 6 10 7 14 15 RESPINS
3776 SORESCU I. Bianca-Alina Timi 2 33 6 7 6 10 4 RESPINS
3777 SOUCA I. Marius-Daniel Cluj 2 18 7 0 5 5 1 RESPINS
3778 SOVAN G. Ionut Bucureti 2 60 13 13 6 15 13 RESPINS
3779 SOVAREL M. Iulian-Catalin Bucureti 1 27 7 6 8 5 1 RESPINS
3780 SOVU S. Iulia-Mihaela Bucureti 3 24 7 3 4 5 5 RESPINS
3781 SPATARIU M. Gabriel-Alexandru Bucureti 4 74 16 19 8 13 18 RESPINS
3782 SPNU M. Maria-Alexandra Bucureti 3 27 6 4 7 5 5 RESPINS
3783 SPTARU I. Andreea Bucureti 1 54 13 9 9 13 10 RESPINS
3784 SPERLEA C. Elisabeta Bucureti 2 24 5 6 3 5 5 RESPINS
3785 SPINEANU M. Denisa-Alexandra Bucureti 1 58 12 10 8 13 15 RESPINS
3786 SPINEANU S. Cosmin Bucureti 3 21 4 3 4 6 4 RESPINS
3787 SPINU C. Toni-Catalin Bucureti 4 41 9 10 5 12 5 RESPINS
3788 SPIRCU O. Ionela Olt 1 47 13 9 6 9 10 RESPINS
3789 SPIRIDON A. Laura Bucureti 3 70 12 15 10 16 17 ADMIS
3790 SPIRIDON F. Carmen Ilfov 1 28 5 3 5 10 5 RESPINS
3791 SPIRIDON I. Adina-Dora Bucureti 2 54 12 7 8 13 14 RESPINS
3792 SPIRIDON I. Iulian-Mihai Bucureti 1 63 11 10 12 15 15 RESPINS
3793 SPIRIDON I. Mihaela Bucureti 3 66 14 14 8 16 14 RESPINS
3794 SPIRIDON N. Marius-Ionu Iai 4 65 13 13 13 17 9 RESPINS
3795 SPIRIDONESCU I. tefan Bucureti 4 78 15 16 11 18 18 ADMIS
3796 SPIRIDONESCU V. Bianca-
Neam 3 39 6 7 6 10 10 RESPINS
3797 SPNU C. Drago-Marian Iai 4 41 11 5 7 14 4 RESPINS
3798 SPULBER V. Adriana Bucureti 3 58 13 8 9 13 15 RESPINS
3799 STAICU G. Georgian-Emilian Mure 4 44 9 9 7 10 9 RESPINS
3800 STAICU G. Raluca-Georgiana Bucureti 3 50 12 7 6 12 13 RESPINS
3801 STAICU L. Andra-Maria Bucureti 1 38 8 6 8 9 7 RESPINS
3802 STAMATE M. Bogdan-
Vaslui 3 62 14 10 9 14 15 RESPINS
3803 STAMINCU S. Irina-Viorela Teleorman 2 39 14 3 5 10 7 RESPINS
3804 STAMULE P. Adrian Bucureti 1 61 14 10 10 14 13 RESPINS
3805 STAN C. Alexandru Bucureti 2 69 16 13 9 17 14 RESPINS
3806 STAN C. Raluca-Alina Teleorman 3 23 5 6 2 7 3 RESPINS
3807 STAN E. Diana-Simona Galai 2 25 5 7 5 5 3 RESPINS
3808 STAN E. Drago Vlcea 4 59 13 9 9 15 13 RESPINS
3809 STAN F. Madalina-Florentina Bucureti 3 23 3 4 8 3 5 RESPINS
3810 STAN G. Alexandra-Florentina Bucureti 4 44 7 8 11 11 7 RESPINS
3811 STAN G. Valentina-Maria Bucureti 1 60 13 11 8 12 16 RESPINS
3812 STAN I. Elena-Alina Teleorman 3 23 4 7 4 6 2 RESPINS
3813 STAN I. Gheorghe Cluj 1 38 11 5 5 13 4 RESPINS
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Tabel cu rezultatele obinute de candidaii la examenul de primire n profesia de
avocat ca avocat STAGIAR - 15 septembrie 2014
DC DPC DP DPP Rezultat
3814 STAN I. Iulia Bucureti 2 39 8 9 8 10 4 RESPINS
3815 STAN M. Alin-tefan Iai 4 20 6 3 3 5 3 RESPINS
3816 STAN M. Corina-Mihaela Dolj 4 27 3 5 8 5 6 RESPINS
3817 STAN N. Marin Constana 1 27 8 4 5 7 3 RESPINS
3818 STAN P. Remus Timi 1 43 12 11 4 8 8 RESPINS
3819 STAN R. Jeni-tefania Bucureti 2 53 12 11 7 15 8 RESPINS
3820 STAN T. Costinela-Mirabela Bucureti 1 59 10 12 10 13 14 RESPINS
3821 STAN V. Georgiana-Elena Bucureti 2 23 7 2 4 7 3 RESPINS
3822 STANC I. Maria-Victoria Sibiu 1 21 6 1 6 4 4 RESPINS
3823 STANCESCU S. Liviu Bucureti 1 46 8 7 8 13 10 RESPINS
3824 STANCIU C. Alina-Lorena Dolj 3 71 13 17 13 14 14 ADMIS
3825 STANCIU C. Marian-Rzvan Dolj 4 47 9 6 13 14 5 RESPINS
3826 STANCIU D. Elena-Andreea Bucureti 2 57 15 6 8 13 15 RESPINS
3827 STANCIU G. Costel Ilfov 1 36 9 6 7 10 4 RESPINS
3828 STANCIU G. Rzvan-Dumitru Timi 2 69 11 15 12 17 14 RESPINS
3829 STANCIU I. Magdalena-Cristina Bucureti 2 30 2 3 10 9 6 RESPINS
3830 STANCIU M. Dragos Bucureti 3 70 16 11 13 13 17 ADMIS
3831 STANCIU N. Oana-Alexandra Bucureti 4 56 12 12 10 11 11 RESPINS
3832 STANCIU N. Silvia Brila 1 63 12 15 12 12 12 RESPINS
3833 STANCIU P. Alexandru-Mihai Bucureti 3 66 17 15 12 11 11 RESPINS
3834 STANCIU P. Andrei-Lucian Dolj 1 46 12 5 9 10 10 RESPINS
3835 STANCU A. Alina-Florentina Bucureti 4 54 11 9 6 14 14 RESPINS
3836 STANCU E. Laura-Ioana Bucureti 3 66 14 13 8 13 18 RESPINS
3837 STANCU F. Catalina-Alice Bucureti 4 25 4 7 7 4 3 RESPINS
3838 STANCU M. Sorina Bucureti 3 36 7 8 7 8 6 RESPINS
3839 STANCU N. Alexandra-Nicoleta Dolj 2 57 9 9 11 15 13 RESPINS
3840 STANCU R. Oana-Lavinia Bucureti 4 54 9 9 8 14 14 RESPINS
3841 STANECI C. Alisa-Aurora Neam 3 37 9 9 5 6 8 RESPINS
3842 STANESCU A. Maria-Alexandra Bucureti 3 48 14 8 9 8 9 RESPINS
3843 STANESCU D. Mihai Bucureti 4 61 12 13 8 13 15 RESPINS
3844 STANESCU M. Adriana-Nicoleta Bucureti 2 34 6 5 4 10 9 RESPINS
3845 STANESCU N. Roxana-Mariana Buzu 2 32 4 5 7 10 6 RESPINS
3846 STANESE R. Vlad-Aurel Bucureti 1 68 14 13 11 12 18 RESPINS
3847 STATE N. Marian-Adrian Braov 1 21 6 2 3 7 3 RESPINS
3848 STATESCU D. Maria-Luiza Bucureti 1 60 15 11 8 12 14 RESPINS
3849 STNGU D. Sebastian-Andrei Bucureti 1 48 10 7 8 12 11 RESPINS
3850 STNCESCU E. Emanoil-
Sibiu 2 50 12 11 7 12 8 RESPINS
3851 STNCESCU G. Ioana-Bianca Braov 3 55 9 15 7 12 12 RESPINS
3852 STNCESCU M. Cosmin-Marian Bucureti 2 34 9 4 6 8 7 RESPINS
3853 STNCIL G. Georgiana Bacu 4 47 8 9 8 9 13 RESPINS
3854 STNESCU I. Vlad-Nicolae Bucureti 1 75 10 16 16 14 19 ADMIS
3855 STNIC C. Adrian-Codru Gorj 1 62 13 14 13 14 8 RESPINS
3856 STNIC G. Andrea Bucureti 2 53 8 9 8 13 15 RESPINS
3857 STNIC T. Roxana-Maria Constana 3 47 8 7 12 10 10 RESPINS
3858 STNU V. Gianina-Alexandra Dolj 2 24 4 5 7 6 2 RESPINS
3859 STVARU I. Ioan-Radu Vlcea 1 41 7 8 8 13 5 RESPINS
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Tabel cu rezultatele obinute de candidaii la examenul de primire n profesia de
avocat ca avocat STAGIAR - 15 septembrie 2014
DC DPC DP DPP Rezultat
3860 STEF N. Nicolae-Stefan Slaj 2 55 12 10 7 11 15 RESPINS
3861 STEFAN A. Marian Bucureti 4 41 12 7 7 4 11 RESPINS
3862 STEFAN D. Bianca-Daniela Bucureti 3 41 11 10 7 9 4 RESPINS
3863 STEFAN D. Ioana-Teodora Bucureti 4 53 7 11 9 13 13 RESPINS
3864 STEFAN L. Ronela-Liliana Bucureti 3 27 7 2 6 9 3 RESPINS
3865 STEFAN M. Mihai Alba 3 34 9 2 6 9 8 RESPINS
3866 STEFAN M. Victor-Cristian Bucureti 4 67 14 13 10 14 16 RESPINS
3867 STEFAN P. Ioana-Catalina Bucureti 3 33 7 10 1 8 7 RESPINS
3868 STEFAN R. Ahmet-Bogdanel Bucureti 4 23 7 4 8 4 0 RESPINS
3869 STEFAN S. Ana-Maria Bucureti 3 64 11 10 14 15 14 RESPINS
3870 STEFANCU A. Ioan Botoani 3 32 5 4 7 8 8 RESPINS
3871 STEFANESCU A. Marius-Vlad Bucureti 4 65 9 14 15 12 15 RESPINS
3872 STEFANESCU C. Amalia Bucureti 1 50 10 9 6 17 8 RESPINS
3873 STEFANESCU V. Traian-Mihail Bucureti 2 92 19 18 16 19 20 ADMIS
3874 STEFANICA D. Ioan-Corneliu Bucureti 1 40 11 4 5 12 8 RESPINS
3875 STEFANOAIA N. Mariana-Alina Suceava 2 51 13 6 7 11 14 RESPINS
3876 STEFANUT N. Adina-Minaruja Hunedoara 2 39 11 3 6 9 10 RESPINS
3877 STEFNESCU T. Maria-Ctlina Bucureti 2 70 10 14 14 14 18 ADMIS
3878 STEFBAUER F. Eduard Mehedini 2 30 6 3 4 13 4 RESPINS
3879 STEFLEA I. Marina-Draguta Bucureti 1 34 6 6 8 7 7 RESPINS
3880 STEGAROIU M. Elena-Manuela Bucureti 2 57 10 10 9 13 15 RESPINS
3881 STEPAN N. Lucia Timi 1 32 8 4 5 8 7 RESPINS
3882 STEREA A. Adrian-Costin Dmbovia 1 33 11 7 5 8 2 RESPINS
3883 STERIOPOL I. Octavia-Daniela Galai 2 73 14 17 13 15 14 ADMIS
3884 STINGA A. Sergiu-Ionut Bucureti 2 21 3 3 5 9 1 RESPINS
3885 STIRBE N. Gelu Bucureti 1 25 11 3 3 4 4 RESPINS
3886 STIRBU A. Raluca-Ioana Bucureti 1 66 10 14 8 16 18 RESPINS
3887 STOCHITA I. Elena Dmbovia 1 34 8 6 3 10 7 RESPINS
3888 STOIAN A. Niculina-Cristina Cluj 4 66 13 13 11 12 17 RESPINS
3889 STOIAN C. Gheorghe-Petrut Bucureti 2 54 10 14 7 13 10 RESPINS
3890 STOIAN D. Andrei-Ionu Dolj 4 32 8 6 8 5 5 RESPINS
3891 STOIAN G. Nina Bucureti 1 30 6 8 5 8 3 RESPINS
3892 STOIAN M. Dinu-Theodor Bucureti 2 41 6 6 6 10 13 RESPINS
3893 STOIAN S. Stefania-Alexandra Bucureti 1 61 13 10 11 15 12 RESPINS
3894 STOICA A. Sonia-Andreea Bucureti 2 26 5 5 5 6 5 RESPINS
3895 STOICA C. Andrei-Alexandru Bucureti 1 39 9 7 6 10 7 RESPINS
3896 STOICA E. Ionela-Violeta Bucureti 3 30 6 3 2 11 8 RESPINS
3897 STOICA G. Florentina-Alina Bucureti 4 79 14 18 15 15 17 ADMIS
3898 STOICA I. Alexandru-Ioan Bucureti 3 41 10 8 5 12 6 RESPINS
3899 STOICA I. Florin Bacu 1 44 10 9 5 10 10 RESPINS
3900 STOICA I. Roxana-Iuliana Bucureti 4 34 6 4 6 13 5 RESPINS
3901 STOICA I. Stefana Bucureti 3 53 12 6 10 15 10 RESPINS
3902 STOICA I. Victor Bacu 2 28 10 5 4 5 4 RESPINS
3903 STOICA L. Isabela Alba 3 35 9 8 3 9 6 RESPINS
3904 STOICA M. Adina-Marcela Bucureti 4 44 11 12 5 10 6 RESPINS
3905 STOICA M. Alexandra-Paula Bucureti 3 39 9 8 6 11 5 RESPINS
3906 STOICA M. Cristina-Maria Bucureti 1 23 4 3 6 8 2 RESPINS
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Tabel cu rezultatele obinute de candidaii la examenul de primire n profesia de
avocat ca avocat STAGIAR - 15 septembrie 2014
DC DPC DP DPP Rezultat
3907 STOICA M. Florin-Alexandru Prahova 4 26 7 2 6 8 3 RESPINS
3908 STOICA M. Mihai-Silviu Bucureti 2 44 9 6 10 11 8 RESPINS
3909 STOICA N. Tania-Daniela Bucureti 1 43 8 7 10 10 8 RESPINS
3910 STOICA S. Ioan-Andrei Bucureti 2 87 16 18 16 18 19 ADMIS
3911 STOICA V. Vasile-Cosmin Hunedoara 3 27 7 6 3 10 1 RESPINS
3912 STOICAN C. Eveline Bucureti 3 77 14 19 11 14 19 ADMIS
3913 STOICAN C. Lucia-Cristina-
Timi 4 71 13 10 13 16 19 ADMIS
3914 STOICA-OPROIU M. Ovidiu-
Bucureti 4 65 12 11 12 15 15 RESPINS
3915 STOICESCU R. Elena-Irina Bucureti 3 79 14 17 13 18 17 ADMIS
3916 STOICHITOIU G. Ion-Alexandru Bucureti 4 60 12 14 10 14 10 RESPINS
3917 STOICOIU D. Maria-Cristina Timi 3 67 17 12 12 13 13 RESPINS
3918 STOICU V. Simona-Elena Dmbovia 2 64 14 11 13 12 14 RESPINS
3919 STRAOANU M. Carmen Vrancea 3 49 15 8 9 9 8 RESPINS
3920 STRAOANU V. Andreea Bucureti 1 26 6 3 7 7 3 RESPINS
3921 STRATULAT I. Raluca Bucureti 2 61 14 11 8 13 15 RESPINS
3922 STRECHE A. Dnu-Ctlin Ilfov 1 57 14 10 9 13 11 RESPINS
3923 STRECHE I. Victor Bucureti 1 36 7 8 6 10 5 RESPINS
3924 STROE M. Teea-Iustina Bucureti 2 43 9 8 7 12 7 RESPINS
3925 STROE P. Andreea-Simona Bucureti 1 24 5 7 2 6 4 RESPINS
3926 STROE V. Marius-Vasile Bucureti 2 45 10 10 6 12 7 RESPINS
3927 STROIA E. Daniel-Mihai Mure 3 41 8 10 7 10 6 RESPINS
3928 STROIA I. Mihaela-Luminia Timi 4 44 12 5 8 12 7 RESPINS
3929 STROIE T. Andrei Constana 1 33 6 4 9 7 7 RESPINS
3930 STRU D. Mircea Hunedoara 3 52 8 12 8 13 11 RESPINS
3931 SUBA M. Mircea-Alin Hunedoara 4 43 9 6 9 9 10 RESPINS
3932 SUCEA E. Simona Cluj 4 52 11 8 6 17 10 RESPINS
3933 SUCIU A. Ioan-Aurel Timi 3 46 8 8 10 13 7 RESPINS
3934 SUCIU C. Sorana Cluj 1 78 12 16 15 16 19 ADMIS
3935 SUCIU D. Violeta Cluj 2 72 15 14 12 15 16 ADMIS
3936 SUCIU G. Gina Brila 4 43 8 9 10 10 6 RESPINS
3937 SUCIU G. Isabela-Alexandra Bucureti 2 42 11 4 7 10 10 RESPINS
3938 SUCIU L. Liana-Cristina Sibiu 4 48 11 8 6 15 8 RESPINS
3939 SUCIU M. Lavinia Constana 1 61 15 8 10 14 14 RESPINS
3940 SUCU-MATEI D. Ioana Bucureti 3 38 4 8 8 11 7 RESPINS
3941 SUHAN I. Catalina Bucureti 4 74 13 15 13 16 17 ADMIS
3942 SUIU M. Daniela Mehedini 3 71 14 16 13 13 15 ADMIS
3943 SULICU M. Orest Brila 1 38 11 5 4 11 7 RESPINS
3944 SULTANESCU G. Ecaterina Ialomia 3 35 9 5 4 12 5 RESPINS
3945 SUMUSCHE C. tefania Bucureti 4 45 11 5 5 11 13 RESPINS
3946 SURDUCAN A. Cristina-
Maramure 1 67 13 12 11 15 16 RESPINS
3947 SURIGIU I. Ramona Bucureti 3 20 3 1 5 4 7 RESPINS
3948 SURMEI M. Alexandra Bucureti 4 43 10 4 8 9 12 RESPINS
3949 SURU G. Silviu-Nicusor Timi 4 40 12 4 4 10 10 RESPINS
3950 SUSCA I. Maria Bucureti 3 62 13 12 11 14 12 RESPINS
3951 SUSMA A. Eduard Galai 2 53 14 8 6 14 11 RESPINS
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Tabel cu rezultatele obinute de candidaii la examenul de primire n profesia de
avocat ca avocat STAGIAR - 15 septembrie 2014
DC DPC DP DPP Rezultat
3952 SUSMA I. Luminita Galai 3 57 14 9 5 14 15 RESPINS
3953 SUTA V. Corin Bucureti 1 47 7 12 6 14 8 RESPINS
3954 ST B. Edith-Jlia Mure 1 44 9 5 9 9 12 RESPINS
3955 SVECZ I. Cristian-Ioan Satu Mare 1 43 11 7 5 12 8 RESPINS
3956 SVETAN A. Sebastian-Aurelian Maramure 2 38 8 4 8 13 5 RESPINS
3957 SZKELY K. Erika-Klementina Harghita 2 73 14 14 12 15 18 ADMIS
3958 SZILAGYI Z. Iuliu-Adrian Cluj 3 15 1 3 7 2 2 RESPINS
3959 SZOKE L. Andrea Braov 1 74 8 17 17 16 16 RESPINS
3960 SZOMBATI I. Iulia-Lucia Cluj 4 66 12 14 10 13 17 RESPINS
3961 SZOTYORI S. Gabriella Covasna 2 22 4 4 3 9 2 RESPINS
3962 SZUCS I. Panna Cluj 3 69 15 14 9 15 16 RESPINS
3963 ANDRU O. Andreea-Ruxandra Bucureti 2 79 17 14 14 17 17 ADMIS
3964 RBAN I. Iulian-Alexandru Bucureti 1 79 13 17 15 16 18 ADMIS
3965 CHEUL G. Maria-Magdalena Suceava 4 69 10 12 15 15 17 RESPINS
3966 ERB I. Ctlin-Florin Timi 2 68 12 13 10 16 17 RESPINS
3967 ERBAN E. Andreea-Elena Bucureti 2 66 15 12 7 15 17 RESPINS
3968 ERBAN R. Ana Bucureti 1 56 15 12 8 10 11 RESPINS
3969 ERBAN T. Paul-Daniel Timi 1 35 7 7 6 8 7 RESPINS
3970 ERBAN V. Remus-Iulian Bucureti 2 45 11 4 8 11 11 RESPINS
3971 ERBU R. Andra-Florentina Dolj 4 37 8 4 7 8 10 RESPINS
3972 EULEAN E. Emil-Raul Cluj 4 58 13 6 9 14 16 RESPINS
3973 FABU T. Andra-Corina Iai 3 74 16 11 14 16 17 ADMIS
3974 ICLOVAN G. Marius Timi 2 42 7 10 2 16 7 RESPINS
3975 IMON G. Bianca Cluj 1 80 14 15 17 18 16 ADMIS
3976 IU I. Ileana-Simona Constana 3 39 10 6 7 11 5 RESPINS
3977 OGOR M. Petre-Rzvan Bucureti 3 56 16 7 8 11 14 RESPINS
3978 OMLEA L. Mircea Cluj 2 63 16 12 9 12 14 RESPINS
3979 TEF C. Loredana-Mihaela Cluj 1 83 17 16 14 18 18 ADMIS
3980 TEF L. Marius-Ionu Bihor 1 53 10 10 7 13 13 RESPINS
3981 TEFAN A. Doru-Alexandru Bucureti 4 45 10 10 4 12 9 RESPINS
3982 TEFAN C. Dana-Viorica Olt 3 34 5 5 8 10 6 RESPINS
3983 TEFAN C. Georgiana Ilfov 3 48 10 10 7 12 9 RESPINS
3984 TEFAN C. Laura-Cristina Timi 2 51 10 11 5 12 13 RESPINS
3985 TEFAN S. Eduard-Ionu Sibiu 3 51 13 9 7 13 9 RESPINS
3986 TEFAN T. Marius-Ionu Bucureti 1 33 8 8 6 7 4 RESPINS
3987 TEICAN S. Alina-Adriana Timi 1 27 5 5 5 9 3 RESPINS
3988 TIOLE G. Nicolae-Cornel Bihor 2 24 3 4 7 6 4 RESPINS
3989 TIRBU C. Elena-Claudia Iai 2 61 12 13 13 11 12 RESPINS
3990 UIU M. Ligian-Daniel Vlcea 4 28 7 6 5 6 4 RESPINS
3991 ULEAP M. Alexandru Iai 1 47 14 11 4 13 5 RESPINS
3992 UMAN I. Daniel-Paul Bihor 3 52 11 10 7 15 9 RESPINS
3993 UU C. tefana-Ioana Mure 4 36 12 6 3 11 4 RESPINS
3994 TEFAN I. Ionela Constana 2 18 4 2 7 3 2 RESPINS
3995 TEFAN P. Arnold-Costin Dolj 1 25 5 2 6 8 4 RESPINS
3996 TEFNOIU G. Livia-Mihaela Bucureti 1 67 13 11 11 15 17 RESPINS
3997 TABACARU M. Catalin Bacu 2 58 12 13 12 9 12 RESPINS
3998 TABACU A. Alexandru Bucureti 2 47 10 6 8 14 9 RESPINS
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Tabel cu rezultatele obinute de candidaii la examenul de primire n profesia de
avocat ca avocat STAGIAR - 15 septembrie 2014
DC DPC DP DPP Rezultat
3999 TABACU I. Constantin-
Bucureti 1 68 17 10 10 13 18 RESPINS
4000 TABUSCA C. Radu-Petru Bucureti 2 68 11 11 13 16 17 RESPINS
4001 TACHE C. Ilinca-Georgeta Prahova 3 54 11 8 8 15 12 RESPINS
4002 TACHE P. Alice-Elena Prahova 4 28 6 4 5 11 2 RESPINS
4003 TALABA N. Lacramioara Botoani 1 65 13 12 11 12 17 RESPINS
4004 TALE C. Monica-Alexandra Bucureti 2 54 11 11 8 13 11 RESPINS
4005 TALPAN P. Elena-Ruxandra Bucureti 1 44 10 10 5 8 11 RESPINS
4006 TALPOS V. Ioana Maramure 2 60 11 6 11 13 19 RESPINS
4007 TAMA I. Ioana-Loredana Bihor 4 23 6 3 2 9 3 RESPINS
4008 TANAS D. Cezar-Dumitru Iai 2 79 17 16 14 15 17 ADMIS
4009 TANASE I. Razvan-Florin Bucureti 1 48 9 7 8 12 12 RESPINS
4010 TANASE P. Lavinia-Petronela Bucureti 2 57 14 12 9 7 15 RESPINS
4011 TANASE S. Andreea Bucureti 1 33 8 5 8 7 5 RESPINS
4012 TANASIE C. Alexandra-Iulia Bucureti 2 29 3 5 7 9 5 RESPINS
4013 TANASOV M. Teodor-Ciprian Tulcea 1 27 8 5 4 5 5 RESPINS
4014 TANCO A. Roxana-Livia Bistria Nsud 3 67 16 12 10 15 14 RESPINS
4015 TAPAI V. Horia Bucureti 2 53 12 11 10 12 8 RESPINS
4016 TARABIH Y. Amel Constana 1 73 17 12 13 15 16 ADMIS
4017 TARAS V. Iulian-Cristian Bucureti 3 32 5 4 8 7 8 RESPINS
4018 TARASCU N. Bianca-Aurelia-
Bucureti 4 83 15 17 15 16 20 ADMIS
4019 TARAU I. Daniela Bucureti 3 51 10 10 5 12 14 RESPINS
4020 TARCAN P. Oana-Paula Iai 3 46 10 4 9 10 13 RESPINS
4021 TARLEA I. Maria-Marcela Bucureti 4 31 8 6 4 7 6 RESPINS
4022 TARNOVETCHI D. Cosmin-Ionut Bucureti 3 66 16 10 9 15 16 RESPINS
4023 TASCU A. Simona-Elena Bucureti 4 49 10 7 10 13 9 RESPINS
4024 TASE D. Alexandra Constana 3 37 5 5 8 11 8 RESPINS
4025 TASE N. Andreea Constana 4 72 15 13 9 18 17 RESPINS
4026 TASIE M. Simona-Georgiana Bucureti 1 49 12 6 7 10 14 RESPINS
4027 TASNADI . Istvan-Szilard Cluj 4 68 11 14 9 19 15 RESPINS
4028 TACU V. Vasilica-Roxana Gorj 2 46 9 8 6 13 10 RESPINS
4029 TATARICI-(RDOI) I. Ramona-
Bucureti 2 49 10 6 9 11 13 RESPINS
4030 TATOIU M. Madalina-Nicoleta Arge 1 47 10 10 3 11 13 RESPINS
4031 TATU C. Madalina-Beatrice Bucureti 1 72 15 10 14 15 18 ADMIS
4032 TATULESCU D. Diana-Maria Bucureti 2 77 14 19 10 15 19 ADMIS
4033 TNCAB S. Andrei-Horia Galai 4 52 17 8 4 10 13 RESPINS
4034 TRTEA N. Anca-Maria Bucureti 1 63 9 15 10 17 12 RESPINS
4035 TBCARU D. Raluca-Andreea Bucureti 2 43 7 14 6 6 10 RESPINS
4036 TMA G. Gabriel-Alexandru Cluj 3 74 14 15 12 15 18 ADMIS
4037 TMA V. Tudor-Viorel Cluj 4 59 13 6 10 12 18 RESPINS
4038 TNASE C. Cosmin-Darius Arad 3 39 9 4 6 9 11 RESPINS
4039 TNASE C. Fevronia-Maria Bucureti 1 20 4 4 3 7 2 RESPINS
4040 TNASE F. Mihaela Sibiu 1 38 10 5 6 6 11 RESPINS
4041 TNASE I. Viorel-Gheorghe Arad 4 27 3 4 6 9 5 RESPINS
4042 TNASE N. Gina-Alina Olt 2 32 6 4 5 12 5 RESPINS
4043 TNASIE G. Marius Olt 1 22 4 2 7 4 5 RESPINS
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Nr. crt Nume i prenume candidat BAROUL Nr. grila Punctaj OEPA
Tabel cu rezultatele obinute de candidaii la examenul de primire n profesia de
avocat ca avocat STAGIAR - 15 septembrie 2014
DC DPC DP DPP Rezultat
4044 TNSESCU M. Liana-Elena Bucureti 2 40 8 10 4 10 8 RESPINS
4045 TR N. Elena-Teodora Bucureti 1 43 9 7 6 12 9 RESPINS
4046 TRAN V. Liana-Oana Cluj 1 52 13 5 9 14 11 RESPINS
4047 TUTAN T. Cosmin-Ovidiu Bihor 3 45 9 10 7 8 11 RESPINS
4048 TCACIUC L. Luiza-Bogdana Suceava 4 53 11 11 10 12 9 RESPINS
4049 TEAC I. Roxana-Amelia Timi 4 48 10 10 6 12 10 RESPINS
4050 TEAHA C. Andrei Bucureti 2 65 10 16 8 17 14 RESPINS
4051 TEGZES T. Ioan-Alin Timi 3 48 11 10 5 11 11 RESPINS
4052 TELELEU D. Mariana-Dora Bucureti 4 30 5 1 6 12 6 RESPINS
4053 TELETIN V. Ion-Ovidiu Iai 3 52 12 10 8 14 8 RESPINS
4054 TEODORESCU A. Adina-Elena Bucureti 4 63 16 10 14 9 14 RESPINS
4055 TEODORESCU C. Alina Bucureti 3 63 15 9 7 17 15 RESPINS
4056 TEODORESCU E. Gabriela Iai 4 61 13 5 10 17 16 RESPINS
4057 TEODORESCU F. Georgeta-
Bucureti 3 71 14 14 11 14 18 ADMIS
4058 TEODORESCU I. Alexandru-
Bucureti 4 64 16 11 8 14 15 RESPINS
4059 TEODORESCU S. Aurora-
Braov 2 60 11 9 15 16 9 RESPINS
4060 TEODOSIU P. Paula-Roxana-
Bucureti 3 55 12 14 13 10 6 RESPINS
4061 TEOHARIDES S. Maria-Izabela Tulcea 4 81 15 15 15 17 19 ADMIS
4062 TEREBEN C. Valentina Timi 4 55 10 9 10 13 13 RESPINS
4063 TERENTE I. Eugenia-Madalina Bucureti 3 23 5 3 9 3 3 RESPINS
4064 TERESCU D. Adoriana-Victoria Bucureti 4 64 12 15 8 12 17 RESPINS
4065 TERFEA I. Ioana-Andreea Alba 2 30 7 7 4 7 5 RESPINS
4066 TESLOVICI V. Raluca-Adriana Timi 1 51 9 12 6 13 11 RESPINS
4067 TIANU V. Alina Bucureti 3 33 7 4 5 7 10 RESPINS
4068 TIBACU F. Anda Bucureti 1 46 8 7 7 9 15 RESPINS
4069 TIBULEAC P. Simona Bucureti 1 27 4 5 5 6 7 RESPINS
Iai 3 62 15 11 7 15 14 RESPINS
4071 TICU C. Iulia-Maria Bucureti 2 55 11 10 6 13 15 RESPINS
4072 TICU C. Petre-Ilie Braov 1 27 5 1 6 9 6 RESPINS
4073 TICU N. Roxana-Florentina Bucureti 1 36 8 2 7 11 8 RESPINS
4074 TILICIU D. Alexandru Hunedoara 2 72 12 15 13 15 17 ADMIS
4075 TIMI I. Ioana-Olga Cluj 1 59 12 13 10 13 11 RESPINS
4076 TIMOFTE S. Raluca Bucureti 2 65 16 9 11 14 15 RESPINS
4077 TIMOFTI V. Radu-Petru Iai 4 39 7 5 6 10 11 RESPINS
4078 TINCA M. Ionela-Florina Bucureti 1 67 10 12 12 16 17 RESPINS
4079 TINCA N. Alina-Alexandra Bucureti 2 56 10 10 8 15 13 RESPINS
4080 TINICA G. Mihai Iai 3 46 8 11 8 10 9 RESPINS
4081 TINTOACA I. Mdlin-Rzvan Arge 2 73 15 11 13 16 18 ADMIS
4082 TIRON M. Georgiana Iai 2 31 7 3 7 10 4 RESPINS
4083 TIE V. Mirela-Codrua Cluj 2 32 6 8 6 11 1 RESPINS
4084 TITE G. Grigore-Marius Bucureti 4 20 4 5 3 8 0 RESPINS
4085 TITE V. Danut-Vasile Bucureti 2 55 10 11 10 13 11 RESPINS
4086 TITERE I. Ioana-Andreea Bucureti 1 55 9 14 6 10 16 RESPINS
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Nr. crt Nume i prenume candidat BAROUL Nr. grila Punctaj OEPA
Tabel cu rezultatele obinute de candidaii la examenul de primire n profesia de
avocat ca avocat STAGIAR - 15 septembrie 2014
DC DPC DP DPP Rezultat
4087 TITIREZ I. Octavian-Constantin Timi 1 64 14 10 10 14 16 RESPINS
4088 TITOVEANU O. Sorin-Octavian Bucureti 2 34 4 9 6 11 4 RESPINS
4089 TIVADAR C. Elida Cluj 3 67 15 10 9 16 17 RESPINS
4090 TNJAL I. Andrei-Ioan Timi 2 42 10 8 6 12 6 RESPINS
4091 TRNOVEANU D. Dan-
Dolj 3 17 3 4 5 4 1 RESPINS
4092 TOADER C. Mihaela Bucureti 1 47 12 9 6 9 11 RESPINS
4093 TOADER C. Raluca-Elena Iai 1 36 8 4 4 11 9 RESPINS
4094 TOADER L. Diana-Maria Bucureti 1 41 9 8 4 10 10 RESPINS
4095 TOADER M. Mihaela-Alina Timi 1 58 11 12 8 13 14 RESPINS
4096 TOADER N. Alexandru-Ionu Bucureti 2 32 5 5 5 7 10 RESPINS
4097 TOBA S. Nicoleta Bucureti 1 26 6 5 4 7 4 RESPINS
4098 TOB P. Andreea-Paula Arad 2 48 11 6 7 11 13 RESPINS
4099 TOBO T. Ana Braov 2 59 13 10 7 13 16 RESPINS
4100 TODEA C. Andra-Maria Alba 4 79 14 14 15 18 18 ADMIS
4101 TODEA M. Marius Bucureti 2 39 12 7 5 9 6 RESPINS
4102 TODEIL C. Oana-Mihaela Bucureti 3 57 12 10 7 14 14 RESPINS
4103 TODERAC V. Gianina-Alina Bucureti 4 57 12 6 11 12 16 RESPINS
4104 TODERICA D. Vlad-Alexandru Bucureti 3 36 11 6 7 8 4 RESPINS
4105 TODERICI I. Diana-Luminita Arad 1 33 8 7 4 9 5 RESPINS
4106 TODERITA I. Mihaela Bacu 2 33 4 7 4 11 7 RESPINS
4107 TODORAN G. Mihaela Mure 3 39 9 4 7 10 9 RESPINS
4108 TODUT M. Lucian-Adrian Timi 2 33 7 6 7 7 6 RESPINS
4109 TOFAN D. Ioana-Bianca Bucureti 4 47 8 8 6 10 15 RESPINS
4110 TOKES E. Robert Mehedini 4 51 8 10 9 14 10 RESPINS
4111 TOLL D. Dumitru-Lucian Arad 3 41 10 6 7 11 7 RESPINS
4112 TOMA C. Alina-Maria Bucureti 1 52 8 11 7 12 14 RESPINS
4113 TOMA C. Oltita-Elena Prahova 4 47 8 7 6 12 14 RESPINS
4114 TOMA C. Roxana Bucureti 2 55 12 10 13 12 8 RESPINS
4115 TOMA D. Florin-Marius Timi 4 47 9 7 8 13 10 RESPINS
4116 TOMA G. Daniela Bucureti 1 14 6 4 4 0 0 RESPINS
4117 TOMA G. Lenua-Loredana Iai 2 54 8 8 11 14 13 RESPINS
4118 TOMA N. Alexandra-Elena Bucureti 2 56 15 9 10 13 9 RESPINS
4119 TOMA N. Andreea-Alina Bucureti 3 78 10 17 15 17 19 ADMIS
4120 TOMA N. Ioana-Gabriela Bucureti 4 44 9 8 6 14 7 RESPINS
4121 TOMA O. Alexandru Iai 1 46 8 7 5 16 10 RESPINS
4122 TOMA P. Radu-Adrian Arad 3 69 13 14 13 14 15 RESPINS
4123 TOMA S. Gabriel Bucureti 3 24 5 1 9 6 3 RESPINS
4124 TOMEGEA D. Roxana-
Bucureti 4 45 10 9 4 10 12 RESPINS
4125 TOMESCU I. Diana-Maria Vlcea 3 33 10 5 5 7 6 RESPINS
4126 TOMESCU M. Laura-Cristina Bucureti 1 51 14 7 10 12 8 RESPINS
4127 TOMI-POP-BALDI N. Monica-
Cluj 3 32 5 3 6 12 6 RESPINS
4128 TOMOIAG T. Ioana-Daniela Cluj 4 42 7 10 5 9 11 RESPINS
4129 TOMULESCU A. Alina Galai 3 37 7 6 5 11 8 RESPINS
4130 TOMU G. Georgeana-Maria Cluj 1 18 4 1 5 6 2 RESPINS
4131 TONCEA G. Meda-Andreea Bucureti 2 28 5 7 8 4 4 RESPINS
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Nr. crt Nume i prenume candidat BAROUL Nr. grila Punctaj OEPA
Tabel cu rezultatele obinute de candidaii la examenul de primire n profesia de
avocat ca avocat STAGIAR - 15 septembrie 2014
DC DPC DP DPP Rezultat
4132 TONEA N. Mihaela-Alexandra Cluj 2 19 3 5 3 5 3 RESPINS
4133 TONE T. Alexandru-George Bucureti 1 54 14 6 5 15 14 RESPINS
4134 TONI D. Lucian-Dumitru Cluj 3 68 14 10 9 16 19 RESPINS
4135 TOPA D. Mircea-Alexandru Constana 2 21 3 5 3 6 4 RESPINS
4136 TOPA M. Alexandru-Victor Bucureti 1 30 7 5 5 9 4 RESPINS
4137 TOPAI N. Teodora-Gabriela Bihor 4 57 16 8 8 13 12 RESPINS
4138 TOPIRCEANU D. Andreea-
Bucureti 2 33 8 3 6 9 7 RESPINS
4139 TOPLICEANU N. Florina Bucureti 1 30 6 5 3 7 9 RESPINS
4140 TOPLICIANU D. Clara Bucureti 1 69 12 16 12 14 15 RESPINS
4141 TOPOLOGEANU A. Nicolae-
Bucureti 4 67 16 11 10 17 13 RESPINS
4142 TORJE E. Adina-Maria Bucureti 3 79 15 19 13 14 18 ADMIS
4143 TOA D. Andrei-Ionu Bucureti 1 55 12 11 8 10 14 RESPINS
4144 TOT M. Diana Cluj 4 45 9 7 5 15 9 RESPINS
4145 TOTH M. Erika Cluj 1 29 4 4 6 7 8 RESPINS
4146 TOTOESCU V. George Ilfov 2 44 7 10 6 13 8 RESPINS
4147 TOTORA T. Simion-Cristian Dolj 4 31 10 6 2 6 7 RESPINS
4148 TRK C. Eva Bihor 3 53 15 8 5 14 11 RESPINS
4149 TRAIAN I. Anca Timi 4 49 11 7 7 11 13 RESPINS
4150 TRAILESCU M. Bogdan-Marius Bucureti 1 80 15 16 13 18 18 ADMIS
4151 TRAISTARU M. Mirela-Cristina Bucureti 3 26 8 3 2 9 4 RESPINS
4152 TRANDAFIR D. Maria Bucureti 4 30 10 6 4 6 4 RESPINS
4153 TRASCU C. Elena-Diana Bucureti 3 52 16 9 5 12 10 RESPINS
4154 TRAC A. Mihai-Bogdan Dolj 3 51 5 11 8 13 14 RESPINS
4155 TRAVNIC G. Mihaela Galai 4 51 13 4 5 15 14 RESPINS
4156 TRIF G. Tiberiu-Daniel Braov 1 54 11 8 8 12 15 RESPINS
4157 TRIF I. George-Ionu Cluj 2 67 14 11 11 15 16 RESPINS
4158 TRIF I. Ioan-Ctlin-Daniel Satu Mare 3 71 14 14 13 17 13 ADMIS
4159 TRIF M. Alexandra-Corina Timi 4 57 13 11 9 12 12 RESPINS
4160 TRIFAN A. Dragos-Stefan Bucureti 3 56 14 10 8 14 10 RESPINS
4161 TRIFAN A. Victor-Andrei Bucureti 2 65 17 9 8 14 17 RESPINS
4162 TRIFAN V. Andrei-Vasile Cluj 3 80 18 19 12 17 14 ADMIS
4163 TRIFU C. Ctlin-Victor Olt 4 44 10 8 5 10 11 RESPINS
4164 TRIFU L. Vlad-George Bucureti 1 50 12 7 8 11 12 RESPINS
4165 TRIFU M. Ctlina Clrai 3 42 12 3 7 9 11 RESPINS
4166 TRIFU M. Cosmina Bucureti 4 25 3 5 7 7 3 RESPINS
4167 TRIFU N. Ileana-Anioara Olt 1 36 7 3 6 12 8 RESPINS
4168 TROAC B. Lavinia-Mihaela Dolj 2 38 9 6 6 12 5 RESPINS
4169 TROFIN I. Andra-Iuliana Bucureti 1 66 14 11 9 16 16 RESPINS
4170 TRUFIA V. Vasile-Catalin Bucureti 2 17 2 2 5 5 3 RESPINS
4171 TRUICA C. Larisa-Andrada Bucureti 1 44 12 4 4 13 11 RESPINS
4172 TRUSCA M. Cristina-Andreea Bucureti 3 54 11 10 8 9 16 RESPINS
4173 TRUSCA S. Elena Bucureti 4 63 15 10 9 14 15 RESPINS
4174 TRUC . Maria-Denisa Dolj 1 23 6 4 2 5 6 RESPINS
4175 TSAMBASUREN T. Munkhjargal Bucureti 3 19 6 2 2 6 3 RESPINS
4176 TUCALIUC F. Cristian-Alexandru Bucureti 1 44 11 9 6 11 7 RESPINS
Pagina 93 of 100

Nr. crt Nume i prenume candidat BAROUL Nr. grila Punctaj OEPA
Tabel cu rezultatele obinute de candidaii la examenul de primire n profesia de
avocat ca avocat STAGIAR - 15 septembrie 2014
DC DPC DP DPP Rezultat
4177 TUC M. Ion Ilfov 2 46 13 9 5 9 10 RESPINS
4178 TUDOR A. Alexandra Constana 1 34 8 5 4 10 7 RESPINS
4179 TUDOR C. Ioan Suceava 2 42 10 5 8 8 11 RESPINS
4180 TUDOR D. Georgiana Bucureti 1 48 9 9 8 9 13 RESPINS
4181 TUDOR D. Luminia Constana 3 53 12 9 7 15 10 RESPINS
4182 TUDOR G. Roxana-Aniela Bucureti 4 48 11 11 10 12 4 RESPINS
4183 TUDOR I. Ana-Maria-Beatrice Bucureti 3 53 14 8 8 11 12 RESPINS
4184 TUDOR I. Elena Bucureti 4 33 8 7 4 10 4 RESPINS
4185 TUDOR I. Iulian Mehedini 2 25 7 2 2 9 5 RESPINS
4186 TUDOR I. Oana Bucureti 1 43 9 3 5 13 13 RESPINS
4187 TUDOR I. Roxana Neam 1 32 8 6 2 10 6 RESPINS
4188 TUDOR N. Carmina-Nicoleta Timi 2 30 7 3 4 10 6 RESPINS
4189 TUDOR T. Cezarina Botoani 4 46 6 10 7 10 13 RESPINS
4190 TUDOR V. Ana-Maria-Viorela Bucureti 2 46 10 9 7 14 6 RESPINS
4191 TUDOR V. Ionut-Silviu Bucureti 1 63 14 10 10 12 17 RESPINS
4192 TUDOR V. Loredana Iai 3 46 10 7 10 9 10 RESPINS
4193 TUDORA C. Tiberiu-Valentin Prahova 2 30 6 6 5 8 5 RESPINS
4194 TUDORA I. Iulia-Daiana Bucureti 2 79 17 15 13 15 19 ADMIS
4195 TUDORACHE A. Costel-
Bucureti 3 66 14 13 10 16 13 RESPINS
4196 TUDORACHE C. Maria-Amalia Iai 4 44 12 5 6 10 11 RESPINS
4197 TUDORACHE G. Marilena-
Bucureti 4 35 8 3 6 9 9 RESPINS
4198 TUDORACHE G. Oana-Ctlina Bucureti 3 44 11 6 6 10 11 RESPINS
4199 TUDORACHE M. Aurelian Bucureti 4 30 7 4 4 10 5 RESPINS
4200 TUDORACHE N. Adriana-
Bucureti 1 25 6 2 5 9 3 RESPINS
4201 TUDORACHE N. Diana Bucureti 2 38 10 5 4 11 8 RESPINS
4202 TUDORACHE V. Andrei Braov 3 38 11 6 6 10 5 RESPINS
4203 TUDORAS M. Elena-Cristina Bucureti 1 77 15 15 12 16 19 ADMIS
4204 TUDORIE S. Vlad Galai 3 30 8 4 5 8 5 RESPINS
4205 TUDOROIU A. Cristina-Laura Bucureti 2 74 15 18 10 15 16 ADMIS
4206 TUDOSE G. Stefania-Alina Bucureti 3 35 12 5 5 9 4 RESPINS
4207 TUDOSE V. Andrei Galai 4 44 9 9 9 11 6 RESPINS
4208 TUDUCAN T. Medana-Roxana Timi 1 68 15 8 12 17 16 RESPINS
4209 TUFA I. Mihai Bucureti 4 0 0 0 0 0 0 RESPINS
4210 TUFENARU D. Elena-Roxana Bucureti 4 68 13 13 10 15 17 RESPINS
4211 TUGULEA G. Andreea-
Bucureti 1 20 1 5 6 7 1 RESPINS
4212 TUMURIC F. Ctlin-Bogdan Braov 3 42 5 10 5 13 9 RESPINS
4213 TURBATU F. Irina-Gabriela Bucureti 2 53 13 10 7 11 12 RESPINS
4214 TURCANU N. Alina Bucureti 2 51 13 10 6 12 10 RESPINS
4215 TURCANU P. Ludmila Bucureti 1 21 4 3 3 8 3 RESPINS
4216 TURCANU P. Petru-Marian Bucureti 2 30 6 6 7 7 4 RESPINS
4217 TURCU E. Ramona Bucureti 3 43 8 10 8 10 7 RESPINS
4218 TURCU G. Dan-Andrei Cluj 4 50 11 9 7 12 11 RESPINS
4219 TURIGA S. Alexandru-Sorinel Bucureti 4 19 4 1 6 6 2 RESPINS
4220 TURLEA F. Crina-Petronela Bucureti 3 42 12 7 6 11 6 RESPINS
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Nr. crt Nume i prenume candidat BAROUL Nr. grila Punctaj OEPA
Tabel cu rezultatele obinute de candidaii la examenul de primire n profesia de
avocat ca avocat STAGIAR - 15 septembrie 2014
DC DPC DP DPP Rezultat
4221 TURNEA P. Petru-Dorinel Timi 2 28 6 3 7 7 5 RESPINS
4222 TURTA I. Monica-Elena Bucureti 4 60 16 9 9 16 10 RESPINS
4223 TURUTA T. Andrei-Valentin Bucureti 3 34 7 6 4 10 7 RESPINS
4224 TUA V. Mirela-Adina Cluj 1 39 8 5 5 10 11 RESPINS
4225 TUER G. Vlad Cluj 2 44 9 7 5 14 9 RESPINS
4226 TUTUIANU G. Georgeta-Ana Bucureti 4 55 11 11 6 15 12 RESPINS
4227 TU C. Dumitru-Drago Bucureti 1 66 17 13 9 11 16 RESPINS
4228 RCA-POCOL V. Cristina-
Cluj 3 71 13 18 6 16 18 RESPINS
4229 MPU I. Anca-Petrua Iai 3 17 2 2 7 4 2 RESPINS
4230 RAN D. Amalia-Ioana Timi 1 37 9 1 5 11 11 RESPINS
4231 EPELU L. Irina-Alexandra Bucureti 2 56 10 12 8 13 13 RESPINS
4232 IGU S. Adrian-Gabriel Braov 4 40 9 9 7 9 6 RESPINS
4233 INCA V. Melania-Floriana Satu Mare 2 36 13 3 5 8 7 RESPINS
4234 INTEAN L. Dan-Lucian Cluj 4 51 13 11 8 9 10 RESPINS
4235 IPLEA V. Roxana-Georgiana Cluj 1 57 13 8 10 11 15 RESPINS
4236 IROGA I. Alexandra-Maria Arad 1 53 10 8 9 13 13 RESPINS
4237 OCA I. Andrei Bucureti 2 79 17 16 15 13 18 ADMIS
4238 OLCA I. Alina-Ramona Cluj 2 63 14 16 9 10 14 RESPINS
4239 UCUDEAN A. Roxana-Teodora Cluj 3 49 7 6 10 13 13 RESPINS
4240 URCAN N. Ioana-Maria Bucureti 1 72 16 11 12 15 18 ADMIS
4241 URNEA M. Irina-Maria Bucureti 2 79 15 16 15 16 17 ADMIS
4242 UURA I. Daniela-Ioana Bihor 2 50 12 12 9 7 10 RESPINS
4243 ACU I. Lavinia-Constantina Bucureti 3 72 16 13 12 16 15 ADMIS
4244 RCOVNIAC N. Andreia Ilfov 4 15 1 5 1 4 4 RESPINS
4245 UDREA A. Alina-Rodica Bucureti 3 38 12 6 5 10 5 RESPINS
4246 UDREA I. Cristian Bucureti 4 58 14 12 8 15 9 RESPINS
4247 UDREA N. Andreea-Iuliana Vlcea 1 56 13 7 9 16 11 RESPINS
4248 UGARCOVICI I. Romeo-Gabriel Timi 3 28 8 4 4 8 4 RESPINS
4249 UIPALOTAI V. Lavinia-Eleonora Bihor 4 46 8 10 9 12 7 RESPINS
4250 ULMEANU M. Florentina-Ana-
Clrai 3 39 10 6 7 9 7 RESPINS
4251 UNGUREANU C. Liviu Bucureti 4 28 9 5 2 10 2 RESPINS
4252 UNGUREANU D. Victor Bucureti 2 57 12 10 9 15 11 RESPINS
4253 UNGUREANU G. Andreea Bucureti 1 37 3 9 6 10 9 RESPINS
4254 UNGURIANU G. Gabriela Vaslui 4 31 9 5 3 10 4 RESPINS
4255 UNGUREANU G. Gheorghe-
Bucureti 2 39 9 6 7 9 8 RESPINS
4256 UNGUREANU G. Ionut Bacu 3 48 11 8 6 13 10 RESPINS
4257 UNGUREANU I. Ana-Maria Braov 1 35 10 4 3 11 7 RESPINS
4258 UNGUREANU I. Claudia-
Bucureti 1 32 8 5 6 6 7 RESPINS
4259 UNGUREANU I. Mdlina-Doina Bucureti 2 53 8 8 9 14 14 RESPINS
4260 UNGUREANU M. Dragos-Florin Bucureti 1 75 17 10 15 15 18 ADMIS
4261 UNGUREANU R. Mihail-
Iai 4 33 7 3 7 11 5 RESPINS
4262 UNGUREANU V. Despina-
Gorj 2 31 8 5 6 8 4 RESPINS
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Nr. crt Nume i prenume candidat BAROUL Nr. grila Punctaj OEPA
Tabel cu rezultatele obinute de candidaii la examenul de primire n profesia de
avocat ca avocat STAGIAR - 15 septembrie 2014
DC DPC DP DPP Rezultat
4263 UNGUREANU V. Ancuta-
Bucureti 2 57 14 8 9 13 13 RESPINS
4264 UNGUREANU V. Mariana Olt 3 51 7 8 9 15 12 RESPINS
4265 UNGUR-I I. Lucian-Adrian Bistria Nsud 4 40 11 5 5 12 7 RESPINS
4266 UNGURIANU M. Andreea-Maria Iai 3 62 15 12 11 11 13 RESPINS
4267 URDUZAN G. Elena-Roxana Bucureti 1 25 3 5 7 6 4 RESPINS
4268 URECHE I. Roxana-Elena Bucureti 2 44 8 11 5 11 9 RESPINS
4269 URSA I. Paul-Ionel Hunedoara 3 72 13 17 13 16 13 ADMIS
4270 URSACHE C. Petru Bucureti 1 66 11 13 11 15 16 RESPINS
4271 URSACHI D. Alexandra-Elena Cluj 1 51 12 10 4 14 11 RESPINS
4272 URSACHI-DABCA V. Lenua Iai 4 44 9 3 3 15 14 RESPINS
4273 URSARESCU M. Andrei-Marian Bucureti 2 67 12 12 11 16 16 RESPINS
4274 URSARU M. Alexandru-Cristian Bucureti 1 67 13 10 15 14 15 RESPINS
4275 URSEI S. Nicoleta-Denisa Vlcea 4 19 5 2 6 5 1 RESPINS
4276 URSOIU C. Andrei-Ioan Timi 4 66 14 12 11 14 15 RESPINS
4277 URSU A. Alexandru Bucureti 2 35 5 6 6 9 9 RESPINS
4278 URSU C. Ctlina-Mihaela Bucureti 1 59 11 13 10 12 13 RESPINS
4279 URSU H. Vlad-Alexandru Bucureti 2 50 11 9 9 13 8 RESPINS
4280 URSULEASA P. Ionu Neam 3 50 12 8 6 10 14 RESPINS
4281 URSULESCU I. Claudia-Ingrid Iai 2 61 15 13 8 15 10 RESPINS
4282 URUCU A. Alexandru Bucureti 1 25 3 6 5 8 3 RESPINS
4283 URZIC I. Simona Braov 1 47 10 9 8 12 8 RESPINS
4284 URZICEANU A. Mihaela-Corina Dolj 3 41 6 8 6 8 13 RESPINS
4285 VACARU A. Ovidiu-Stefan Bucureti 2 42 13 7 6 11 5 RESPINS
4286 VAGNER-I I. Adriana-Margareta Bistria Nsud 2 47 13 6 7 12 9 RESPINS
4287 VAHNOVAN V. Serghei Bucureti 1 57 11 11 7 15 13 RESPINS
4288 VALCAUAN G. Cristina-Ramona Bucureti 2 59 10 13 8 13 15 RESPINS
4289 VALEANU M. Olga-Elena Bucureti 1 19 2 3 6 3 5 RESPINS
4290 VALINTE C. Florentina-
Iai 1 24 5 4 5 7 3 RESPINS
4291 VAMANU E. Alina-Emilia Bacu 2 59 12 11 9 14 13 RESPINS
4292 VANA I. Diana-Daniela Cluj 1 57 13 7 13 14 10 RESPINS
4293 VANCA M. Laura Timi 3 34 8 4 5 10 7 RESPINS
4294 VANCEA A. Vlad-Eduard Dolj 4 67 12 13 12 12 18 RESPINS
4295 VANCIA I. Nicoleta-Rafaela Cara Severin 4 53 11 13 6 13 10 RESPINS
4296 VARGA A. Alexandru-Nicolae Cluj 2 63 16 15 8 13 11 RESPINS
4297 VARGA A. Kinga Bihor 3 33 7 5 9 11 1 RESPINS
4298 VARGA I. Liana-Monica Timi 4 45 12 8 6 13 6 RESPINS
4299 VARGA L. Pter Harghita 2 57 12 10 7 14 14 RESPINS
4300 VARIAN T. Oana-Mirela Bucureti 2 79 18 10 16 18 17 ADMIS
4301 VARLAN A. Andrei-Alexandru Bucureti 1 40 10 7 7 10 6 RESPINS
4302 VARTIC M. Dan Cluj 1 69 11 9 16 18 15 RESPINS
4303 VARZARE A. Gabriela-Aurora Hunedoara 3 26 6 3 7 6 4 RESPINS
4304 VASILACHE O. Ileana-Maria Cluj 2 69 12 16 10 13 18 RESPINS
4305 VASILACHE V. Ionel Iai 1 61 16 10 8 14 13 RESPINS
4306 VASILEANU V. Ionu-Sorin Constana 2 46 13 6 5 11 11 RESPINS
4307 VASILCA M. Costel-Claudiu Bucureti 1 37 11 8 6 8 4 RESPINS
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Nr. crt Nume i prenume candidat BAROUL Nr. grila Punctaj OEPA
Tabel cu rezultatele obinute de candidaii la examenul de primire n profesia de
avocat ca avocat STAGIAR - 15 septembrie 2014
DC DPC DP DPP Rezultat
4308 VASILE C. Cristina-Alexandra Bucureti 2 32 9 1 6 8 8 RESPINS
4309 VASILE C. Raluca-Gabriela Bucureti 1 39 9 4 6 11 9 RESPINS
4310 VASILE D. Bogdan Bucureti 2 31 5 5 7 8 6 RESPINS
4311 VASILE D. Georgiana-Irina Bucureti 1 30 9 3 6 9 3 RESPINS
4312 VASILE D. Mdlin-Andrei Constana 2 18 4 3 5 5 1 RESPINS
4313 VASILE E. Bianca-Maria Bucureti 1 21 2 4 8 4 3 RESPINS
4314 VASILE G. Ionela-Gabriela Bucureti 2 24 7 2 4 5 6 RESPINS
4315 VASILE G. Roxana-Elena Prahova 3 54 11 10 9 16 8 RESPINS
4316 VASILE I. Dana-Mirela Bucureti 1 53 9 11 10 12 11 RESPINS
4317 VASILE I. Madalina-Gabriela Bucureti 2 82 12 17 16 19 18 ADMIS
4318 VASILE I. tefania-Andrada Ilfov 1 24 7 4 3 6 4 RESPINS
4319 VASILE J (JANE). Alexandra Dolj 3 55 9 10 7 13 16 RESPINS
4320 VASILE M. Andreea-Diana Bucureti 2 54 16 8 6 11 13 RESPINS
4321 VASILE M. Andrei-Eduard Bucureti 1 53 8 13 7 13 12 RESPINS
4322 VASILE N. Paul-Ctlin Bucureti 2 42 9 7 8 10 8 RESPINS
4323 VASILE V (VIOREL). Alexandra Bucureti 1 60 12 9 10 17 12 RESPINS
4324 VASILE V. Ctlina-Roxana Prahova 3 46 10 9 8 11 8 RESPINS
4325 VASILESCU A. Sonia-Cosmina Bucureti 2 54 12 9 8 12 13 RESPINS
4326 VASILESCU T. Anamaria-
Timi 4 29 7 4 5 7 6 RESPINS
4327 VASILIC I. Ana-Maria Iai 2 42 10 8 4 10 10 RESPINS
4328 VASILIC O. Octavian-
Constana 3 43 11 6 4 12 10 RESPINS
4329 VASILOAIA I. Madalina-Adriana Bucureti 3 50 12 10 8 13 7 RESPINS
4330 VASILOAIE N. Bianca-Maria Bucureti 4 39 12 4 4 13 6 RESPINS
4331 VASILOSCHI G. Mihai-Nicu Iai 1 67 14 13 10 15 15 RESPINS
4332 VASKO V. Svyatoslav Bucureti 3 22 4 5 6 4 3 RESPINS
4333 VATAFU M. Ionut Bucureti 4 58 12 8 7 15 16 RESPINS
4334 VATAMANU C. Ioana Vrancea 1 71 16 15 11 12 17 ADMIS
4335 VATAMANU E. Elena-Narcisa Vrancea 2 49 12 8 9 10 10 RESPINS
4336 VT D. Teodora Iai 2 40 10 9 5 10 6 RESPINS
4337 VDUVA I. Violeta Dolj 4 25 7 3 5 7 3 RESPINS
4338 VDUVA M. Ctlina Dolj 1 74 16 10 13 17 18 ADMIS
4339 VLE G. Mioara Bucureti 3 43 6 10 7 8 12 RESPINS
4340 VLEAN P. Radu-erban Cluj 3 59 11 13 7 12 16 RESPINS
4341 VLEANU C. Radu-Sergiu Bucureti 4 84 17 17 15 17 18 ADMIS
4342 VLEANU M. Paul-Marius Cluj 4 52 12 9 5 12 14 RESPINS
4343 VTAFU A. Valeriu-Marian Olt 2 68 17 10 11 15 15 RESPINS
4344 VTAVU N. Veronica Sibiu 4 29 6 9 2 7 5 RESPINS
4345 VELCEA F. Gheorghe-Florea Bucureti 3 52 16 15 9 6 6 RESPINS
4346 VELEA F. Oana-Andreea Bucureti 4 57 11 7 8 15 16 RESPINS
4347 VELESCU M. Ema-Maria Bacu 1 60 14 10 12 13 11 RESPINS
4348 VELICAN V. Valeriu-Gabriel Bucureti 3 33 6 7 6 7 7 RESPINS
4349 VELICU M. Mariana Bucureti 4 35 6 6 8 9 6 RESPINS
4350 VERDE V. Ancua-Elena Vaslui 2 35 7 6 5 11 6 RESPINS
4351 VERMEAN A. Laureniu-
Timi 1 35 8 6 7 8 6 RESPINS
4352 VERNICA G. Bianca-Gabriela Braov 1 58 12 10 11 12 13 RESPINS
Pagina 97 of 100

Nr. crt Nume i prenume candidat BAROUL Nr. grila Punctaj OEPA
Tabel cu rezultatele obinute de candidaii la examenul de primire n profesia de
avocat ca avocat STAGIAR - 15 septembrie 2014
DC DPC DP DPP Rezultat
4353 VICIU-TOMA N. Corina-Nicoleta Ilfov 4 50 9 6 10 13 12 RESPINS
4354 VICOVAN I. Andreea Bucureti 3 47 9 7 7 12 12 RESPINS
4355 VID D. Alexandra-Mihaela Cluj 3 50 12 6 8 9 15 RESPINS
4356 VIDICAN G. Cosmin Bihor 2 43 11 8 5 10 9 RESPINS
4357 VIDREAN D. Alexandra-Ioana Arad 1 47 8 5 6 15 13 RESPINS
4358 VIERIU A. Alexandru-Cristian Timi 2 56 12 7 10 13 14 RESPINS
4359 VIERIU J. Madalina-Iuliana Bucureti 4 41 7 10 4 11 9 RESPINS
4360 VIERIU V. Diana-Ctlina Constana 3 50 12 5 8 16 9 RESPINS
4361 VIERU E. Alin Bucureti 4 21 3 5 4 8 1 RESPINS
4362 VIERU V. Maria Olt 1 39 11 8 9 8 3 RESPINS
4363 VIEZA S. Bianca Bucureti 3 78 17 16 12 16 17 ADMIS
4364 VIJLOI L. Diana-Alexandra Dolj 2 76 9 16 14 18 19 RESPINS
4365 VILIGA G. Valentina-Georgiana Arad 1 38 6 8 4 14 6 RESPINS
4366 VINAU L. Ioana Bucureti 4 30 7 5 6 9 3 RESPINS
4367 VINCZE N. Ibolya Cluj 4 37 10 6 3 10 8 RESPINS
4368 VINTU I. Ionela-Loredana Bucureti 3 39 8 8 5 11 7 RESPINS
4369 VINTU V. Mihaela-Carmen Alba 1 20 6 1 5 6 2 RESPINS
4370 VINTURACHE M. Mihai-Corneliu Bucureti 4 33 10 6 4 8 5 RESPINS
4371 VIORICA G. Ioana Bucureti 3 65 14 14 14 13 10 RESPINS
4372 VIRTOSU C. Ioana-Alis Timi 2 55 11 13 6 14 11 RESPINS
4373 VIRTOSU F. Rodica Mehedini 1 45 7 4 12 13 9 RESPINS
Bucureti 4 20 4 3 6 6 1 RESPINS
4375 VISAN N (NASTASE). Alexandru Bucureti 3 36 7 6 5 11 7 RESPINS
4376 VIAN E. Ioana Mure 1 50 12 10 6 12 10 RESPINS
4377 VIOIU I. Ruxandra Bucureti 3 73 14 16 14 14 15 ADMIS
4378 VIOVAN G. Cristina-Ingrid Maramure 2 66 11 14 11 15 15 RESPINS
4379 VIZUROIU D. Loredana-Andreea Bucureti 4 53 11 11 10 10 11 RESPINS
4380 VLCEANU D. Andreea-Doinia Sibiu 2 47 12 10 9 8 8 RESPINS
4381 VLCEANU F. Cristian-Alexandru Bucureti 3 36 10 3 6 8 9 RESPINS
4382 VLCEANU G. Alina-Denisa Timi 3 48 11 8 7 13 9 RESPINS
4383 VRGOLICI I. Ionel-Vladimir Bucureti 4 51 11 9 8 10 13 RESPINS
4384 VRVA I. Maria-Liana Cluj 1 59 10 12 10 15 12 RESPINS
4385 V N. Marian Bucureti 3 18 3 1 4 6 4 RESPINS
4386 VLAD A. Catalin-Alexandru Bucureti 4 38 9 7 3 11 8 RESPINS
4387 VLAD A. Monica-Lia Alba 2 35 10 3 5 9 8 RESPINS
4388 VLAD C. Mirela-Florentina Bucureti 1 22 8 2 2 7 3 RESPINS
4389 VLAD F. Diana-Cristina Timi 4 49 12 9 9 12 7 RESPINS
4390 VLAD G. George-Ionut Ilfov 2 26 7 3 4 7 5 RESPINS
4391 VLAD I. Florentina Sibiu 3 36 10 7 6 9 4 RESPINS
4392 VLAD M. Maria-Isabela Braov 4 68 11 16 13 14 14 RESPINS
4393 VLAD N. Maricica Cluj 1 17 3 2 5 5 2 RESPINS
4394 VLAD P. Alexandra-Maria Braov 1 49 8 6 7 16 12 RESPINS
4395 VLAD S. Roxana-Elena Bucureti 1 60 10 14 7 14 15 RESPINS
4396 VLAD T. Rodica Bucureti 2 80 16 14 14 18 18 ADMIS
4397 VLAD T. Tudor-Mihai Bistria Nsud 2 51 15 6 5 13 12 RESPINS
4398 VLAD V. Silviu-Alexandru Bucureti 1 35 11 3 9 9 3 RESPINS
Pagina 98 of 100

Nr. crt Nume i prenume candidat BAROUL Nr. grila Punctaj OEPA
Tabel cu rezultatele obinute de candidaii la examenul de primire n profesia de
avocat ca avocat STAGIAR - 15 septembrie 2014
DC DPC DP DPP Rezultat
4399 VLADESCU V. Victor Bucureti 2 29 8 1 6 6 8 RESPINS
4400 VLAHU H. Nicolae Constana 3 72 17 14 10 16 15 ADMIS
4401 VLAIN V. Andrei-Emanuel Cluj 1 63 11 13 9 16 14 RESPINS
4402 VLISMAS P. Spiru-Daniel Galai 3 38 8 7 5 11 7 RESPINS
4403 VOD P. Bogdan Suceava 3 42 13 6 7 7 9 RESPINS
4404 VOD V. Alina-Maria Mure 1 37 9 3 7 8 10 RESPINS
4405 VOIC G. Alina-Maria Alba 2 34 10 5 4 11 4 RESPINS
4406 VOICA M. Daniel-Cornel Sibiu 2 48 11 6 6 12 13 RESPINS
4407 VOICU A (AUREL). Ana-Maria Bucureti 4 71 14 14 12 15 16 ADMIS
4408 VOICU C. Elena-Alexandra Constana 3 34 7 5 4 11 7 RESPINS
4409 VOICU D. Doina Bucureti 4 24 3 4 4 9 4 RESPINS
Galai 4 32 9 5 5 7 6 RESPINS
4411 VOICU H. Iulia-Valentina Bucureti 3 69 17 10 12 14 16 RESPINS
4412 VOICU M. Iuliana Bucureti 4 51 8 11 7 12 13 RESPINS
4413 VOICU S. Silviu-Cristian Bucureti 1 29 7 5 2 9 6 RESPINS
4414 VOICULESCU I. Simona-
Bucureti 1 66 9 13 12 16 16 RESPINS
4415 VOINEA I. Inocentiu-Lucian Bucureti 2 34 10 3 5 9 7 RESPINS
4416 VOINICA I. Florentina-Laura Bucureti 1 28 7 8 2 6 5 RESPINS
4417 VOITIC V. Daniela Bucureti 2 71 13 14 11 15 18 ADMIS
4418 VONICA I. Ioan-Ovidiu Alba 3 20 6 2 5 4 3 RESPINS
4419 VOROVENCI I. Madalina-Oana Bucureti 3 24 3 6 7 4 4 RESPINS
4420 VOYU I. Constantin-Andy Bucureti 4 26 2 5 5 8 6 RESPINS
4421 VRABIE D. Sorina-Ionica Iai 4 54 9 13 6 12 14 RESPINS
4422 VRABIE I. Anca-Alexandra Bucureti 3 53 13 8 10 13 9 RESPINS
4423 VRABIE V. Vasile Bacu 3 62 13 10 11 14 14 RESPINS
4424 VRACIU J. Alexandra Bucureti 4 51 9 10 5 15 12 RESPINS
4425 VRANCEANU-M-V M. Mircea Bistria Nsud 4 79 17 14 13 15 20 ADMIS
4426 VRINCEANU A. Madalina-
Bucureti 3 32 5 6 7 9 5 RESPINS
4427 VRUSIE F. Amalia Timi 3 26 6 6 3 3 8 RESPINS
4428 VULCU B. Mugurel-Nicolae Braov 3 31 4 7 7 9 4 RESPINS
4429 VULCU D. Beatrice Braov 3 30 7 6 5 11 1 RESPINS
4430 VULCU R. Loredana-Maria Bucureti 4 64 13 13 14 10 14 RESPINS
4431 VULPOIU I. Mirela Galai 1 43 13 9 9 6 6 RESPINS
4432 VULTUR L. Dorel Cluj 3 67 18 9 14 12 14 RESPINS
4433 WEBER M. Bogdan-Eduard Bucureti 1 26 7 5 8 4 2 RESPINS
4434 ZAGOR M. Ana-Giorgiana Bucureti 2 78 17 15 12 17 17 ADMIS
4435 ZAHARIA D. Anca-Alexandra Bucureti 1 47 14 8 4 12 9 RESPINS
4436 ZAHARIA D. Bogdan Iai 4 50 10 11 8 10 11 RESPINS
4437 ZAHARIA I. Emilian-Ionu Iai 3 73 14 15 10 17 17 ADMIS
4438 ZAHARIA I. Ionela Constana 2 65 15 9 6 18 17 RESPINS
4439 ZAHARIA M. Alina Bucureti 1 57 15 12 5 14 11 RESPINS
4440 ZAHARIA N. Bogdan-Nicolae Bucureti 2 65 13 13 9 15 15 RESPINS
4441 ZAHARIA V. Monica Iai 4 44 9 11 8 8 8 RESPINS
4442 ZAIA I. Lilia Bucureti 3 72 17 11 10 16 18 ADMIS
4443 ZAMFIR G. Claudia-Mariana Constana 4 41 8 7 4 11 11 RESPINS
Pagina 99 of 100

Nr. crt Nume i prenume candidat BAROUL Nr. grila Punctaj OEPA
Tabel cu rezultatele obinute de candidaii la examenul de primire n profesia de
avocat ca avocat STAGIAR - 15 septembrie 2014
DC DPC DP DPP Rezultat
4444 ZAMFIR I. Anca-Oana-Cristina Vaslui 3 73 17 12 12 14 18 ADMIS
4445 ZAMFIR M (MARIN). Alexandru Bucureti 4 57 12 12 6 15 12 RESPINS
4446 ZAMFIRESCU C. Matei Bucureti 3 59 16 11 7 13 12 RESPINS
4447 ZAMFIRESCU I. Ioana-Adriana Bucureti 4 74 19 14 11 14 16 ADMIS
4448 ZAMFIRESCU S. Stefan Bucureti 1 68 18 14 6 16 14 RESPINS
4449 ZAMFIROIU M. Cristina-Sandra Bucureti 2 47 7 10 6 13 11 RESPINS
4450 ZANCU A. Ioan-Cristian Bucureti 1 35 10 4 4 12 5 RESPINS
4451 ZANFIRACHE G. Dana Bucureti 2 35 7 4 5 8 11 RESPINS
4452 ZARIAN F. Iulia Bucureti 1 33 4 5 6 12 6 RESPINS
4453 ZARZU M. Mihaela Vrancea 2 55 11 8 11 12 13 RESPINS
4454 ZRNESCU V. Alina-Alexandra Bacu 4 77 15 14 15 14 19 ADMIS
4455 ZBURTUR V. Mihai-Adrian Bucureti 2 67 13 13 10 14 17 RESPINS
4456 ZDRALEA P. Dumitru Constana 3 22 7 2 3 7 3 RESPINS
4457 ZECHERU N. Silvana-Ileana Bucureti 4 67 14 13 13 15 12 RESPINS
4458 ZECHIU G. Alina Bucureti 3 61 16 9 12 9 15 RESPINS
4459 ZEGHERU G. Gheorghe-
Bucureti 4 77 13 16 16 13 19 ADMIS
4460 ZEGREAN I. Daniel-Ion-Tudor Cluj 4 46 13 8 6 10 9 RESPINS
4461 ZETE I. Andreea-Ctlina Cluj 1 78 18 15 10 17 18 ADMIS
4462 ZGUM N. Mdlin-Mihai Bucureti 3 73 17 11 15 14 16 ADMIS
4463 ZIDRESCU N. Laureniu Bucureti 4 45 10 10 3 14 8 RESPINS
4464 ZIMA I. Vlad Bihor 4 67 14 14 10 17 12 RESPINS
4465 ZLATARU M. Marius Bucureti 1 58 14 8 9 14 13 RESPINS
4466 ZLATI E. Ramona-Emanuela Arad 3 45 11 5 10 12 7 RESPINS
4467 ZOIL M. Simona Dolj 2 25 5 6 5 6 3 RESPINS
4468 ZORIL I. Nicoleta-Andrada Bucureti 2 33 5 8 7 7 6 RESPINS
4469 ZORIL L. Laura-Andreea Bucureti 1 52 14 11 7 10 10 RESPINS
4470 ZORZON M. Alexandra Bucureti 2 27 10 2 5 7 3 RESPINS
4471 ZOTTA P. Florentina Neam 3 61 16 11 9 13 12 RESPINS
4472 ZUDOR A. Gabriela-Arina Bucureti 1 54 12 7 8 16 11 RESPINS
4473 ZURBALIC A. Dragos Bucureti 2 22 5 3 4 5 5 RESPINS
4474 ZURBU I. Oana-Teodora Bihor 4 31 8 6 3 8 6 RESPINS
4475 NITU I. Vasile-Emil Bucureti 1 39 9 8 8 5 9 RESPINS
4476 FIRESCU C. Denisa-Alina Mehedini 4 25 7 3 5 7 3 RESPINS
Pagina 100 of 100

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