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The Ochterlony Monument was built in 1848 by Sir David

Ochterlony to commemorate his victory in the Nepal War
(1814 – 1816). What was it renamed as after India achieved

(1) VictoryTower (2) Qutub Minar

(3) Shaheed Minar (4) Char Minar

2. Whois the author of 'The ThreeMusketeers'?

(1) MiguelDeCervantes Saaverda
(2) William Shakespeare
(3) AlexandreDumas
(4) Robert L.B. Stevenson
3. Which is the world's leading egg-producing country?
(1) China (2) India
(3) Japan (4) Malaysia
4. The sampling rate, (how many samples per second are
stored) for aCDis…?
(1) 48.4 kHz
(2) 22,050Hz
(3) 44.1 kHz
(4) 48 kHz
6. Where isFortWilliam located?
(1) Chennai (2) Goa
(3) Kolkata (4) Mysore
7. WhenwasTipu Sultan killed?
(1) May 10, 1799
(2) May 12, 1799
(3) May 5, 1799
(4) May 9, 1799
8. Whichscientist discoveredthe radioactive element radium?
(1) Isaac Newton (2) Albert Einstein
(3) BenjaminFranklin (4) Marie Curie
5. The Globe is famous for being the theatre where
Shakespeare performed. Which theatre was its main rival?
(1) Whitefriars
(2) Salisbury Court Theatre
(3) TheRose
(4) Blackfriars
9. Name the Indian Tennis player who has turned Hollywood
(1) LeanderPaes
(2) Mahesh Bhupathi
(3) Vijay Amritraj
(4) Ashok Amritraj
11. Some lasers are referred to as being “cw.” What does “cw”
(1) Circular wave
(2) Constant white
(3) Continuous wave
(4) Clear white
12. In which year did Milkha Singh win the first National title
in the 400mrace?
(1) 1955 (2) 1956
(3) 1957 (4) 1970
13. Which crop isNOTcultivated in Goa?
(1) Coconut (2) Rice
(3) Corn (4) Areca
14. What is the most important part of an egg called?
(1) Shell membrane (2) Yolk
(3) White (4) Germ
15. Which monument was built in memory of a British
(1) Victoria Memorial
(2) Prince ofWales Memorial
(3) King George Memorial
(4) King Richard Memorial
16. Whois the author of 'TheNameof the Rose'?
(1) John Steinbeck
(2) William Shakespeare
(3) Umberto Eco
(4) J.K. Rowling
10. Whoinvented Internal Combustion Engine?
(1) Roger Bacon (2) Karl Benz
(3) Dr. Alan M.Turing (4) Otto

General knowledge
PT’s PrepTalk – October 2009 53
17. Compact discs, (according to the original CD
specifications) hold how many minutes of music?
(1) 74 mins (2) 56 mins
(3) 60 mins (4) 90 mins
18. Where did India play its 1st one day international match?
(1) Lords
(2) Headingley
(3) Taunton
(4) TheOval
19. Which chocolate bar with a honeycomb centre was
introduced in 1929?
(1) Time Out
(2) Flake
(3) Crunchie
(4) Wispa
20. Which of these Cities located in the state of Gujarat is
famous for zari production?
(1) Surat
(2) Rajkot
(3) Surendranagar
(4) Ahmedabad
21. The final act of betrayal was when Tipu went himself to
fight the British soldiers that were able to enter the fort
courtyard. One of the traitors then ordered the inner doors
to be shut.Whowas this traitor?
(1) Badaruddin
(2) Zaman
(3) Purnia
(4) Mir Sadiq
22. What type of system did Paul Nipkow, John Baird, and
Charles Jenkins all invent?
(1) Telephone
(2) EarlyWarning
(3) Electricity
(4) Television
23. Located in India it is Asia's largest residential university.
(1) Banaras Hindu University
(2) TheUtkal University
(3) Jawaharlal Nehru University
(4) Anna University
24. Which caves dating back to 600 A.D. are located on
Gharapuri Island in Mumbai's harbour?
(1) Elephanta Caves
(2) Ajanta Caves
(3) Kanheri Caves
(4) Ellora Caves
25. What is the process responsible for producing photons in a
diode laser?
(1) Fermi level shift
(2) Majority carrier injection
(3) Carrier freeze out
(4) Electron-hole recombination
26. When was Amateur Athletics Federation of India
(1) 1936 (2) 1946
(3) 1956 (4) 1966
27. Which living bird lays the world's smallest egg?
(1) Hornbill
(2) BeeHummingBird
(3) Gulls
(4) Woodpecker
28. In which Indian city would you find the mosque with
“Shaking Minarets”?
(1) Hyderabad
(2) Lucknow
(3) Ahmedabad
(4) Allahabad
29. Whois theAuthor of 'Les Miserables'?
(1) AlexandreDumas
(2) William Shakespeare
(3) Victor Hugo
(4) MaryWollenstonecraft Shelley
30. The base 10 (or decimal - our normal way of counting)
number 65535 is represented in hexadecimal as…?
(1) 0xFFFFF
(2) 0xFFFF
(3) 0xFFF
(4) 0xFFFFFF
31. Whowas the 1stODIcaptain for India?
(1) AjitWadekar
(2) Bishen Singh Bedi
(3) NawabPataudi
(4) Vinoo Mankad
32. Whenwas MilkTray first introduced?
(1) 1915 (2) 1934
(3) 1923 (4) 1942
33. Which State in India is the largest producer of Soyabean?
(1) Rajasthan
(2) Gujarat
(3) UttarPradesh
(4) MadhyaPradesh
54 PT’s PrepTalk – October 2009
34. In 1799, the British attacked Mysore. Many of Tipu's highranking
officials were involved in a conspiracy with the
British. Most important of these was his Prime-Minister,
Whowas he?
(1) PanditPurnia
(2) Mir Sadiq
(3) Badruzzamah Inaita
(4) Shah Zaman
35. Whoinvented fuel cells in 1839?
(1) BuckminsterFuller
(2) SirWilliamGrove
(3) Sylvester Graham
(4) Joyce Hall
37. Into what position was Dr.Kalam sworn in on 25 July, 2002?
(1) Prime Minister of India
(2) Election-Commissioner of India
(3) Secretary-General of the Commonwealth
(4) President of India
38. What are the three types of lasers?
(1) Gas, metal vapor, rock
(2) Pointer, diode,CD
(3) Diode, inverted, pointer
(4) Gas, solid state, diode
39. Which living bird lays the world's largest egg?
(1) Vulture (2) Owl
(3) Ostrich (4) Eagle
40. Ellora in Aurangabad (Maharashtra) is famous for ancient
caves representing Buddhism, Hinduism and Jainism. Of
these, the largest number pertains to…?
(1) Buddhism (2) Hinduism
(3) Jainism (4) Zorastrianism
41. Whois the author of 'Wuthering Heights'?
(1) Harriet Beecher Stowe
(2) Margaret Mitchell
(3) Emily Bronte
(4) JaneAusten
42. Where is the headquarters of Microsoft located?
(1) Santa Clara, California
(2) Tucson, Arizona
(3) Richmond, Virginia
(4) Redmond,Washington
36. According to the McDonalds Canada website, how many
grams of fats are in aMcVeggie burger?
(1) 10 (2) 7
(3) 16 (4) 22
43. '.BAT' extension refers usually to what kind of file?
(1) Compressed Archive file
(2) System file
(3) Audio file
(4) Backup file
44. Whohas scored the mostTest hundreds ever?
(1) SteveWaugh
(2) SachinTendulkar
(3) ShaneWarne
(4) Sunil Gavaskar
48. Which of the following has NOT been seriously suggested
as being the true author of Shakespeare's works?
(1) EdwardDeVere, Earl of Oxford
(2) JohnWebster
(3) William Stanley, Earl of Derby
(4) Francis Bacon
45. TheWestern Ghats in Maharashtra is known as…?
(1) Nilgiris
(2) Sahyadris
(3) Cardamon Hills
(4) Annamalai
46. In 1798, Tipu signed a secret agreement with the French
(1) Louis XVIII
(2) Napoleon
(3) Robespierre
(4) Lafayette
47. Which insurance salesman invented the fountain pen in
(1) Lewis EdsonWaterman
(2) SirWilliamGrove
(3) Charles Kettering
(4) GeorgeFountain
49. Who said, “Those who attack Congress and spare Nehru
are fools. They do not know the A.B.C of politics…“?
(1) Dr B.R. Ambedkar
(2) Atal Behari Vajpayee
(3) ShyamaPrasad Mukherji
(4) LalooPrasadYadav
50. What was the active medium used in the first working laser
ever constructed?
(1) Adiamond block
(2) Helium-neon gas
(3) Aruby rod
(4) Carbon dioxide gas
PT’s PrepTalk – October 2009 55
51. Which of the following is a Manipuri version of Hockey?
(1) KhongKangjei
(2) HiyangTanaba
(3) Yubi Lakpi
(4) Yubi-Lakpi
52. What are egg laying animals known as?
(1) Oviparous
(2) Herbivorous
(3) Carnivorous
(4) Reptiles
53. Which of these cities has the maximum number of
historical monuments?
(1) Kolkata
(2) Delhi
(3) Mumbai
(4) Punjab
54. Whois the author of 'Around theWorld in Eighty Days'?
(1) Herman Melville
(2) Jules Verne
(3) Jonathan Swift
(4) Graham Greene
55. In what year was the “@” chosen for its use in e-mail
(1) 1976 (2) 1972
(3) 1980 (4) 1984
56. In the match between India and Pakistan at Jaipur on 02-
10-1983, which new rule was introduced?
(1) Limit of overs was reduced to 50 overs
(2) Therule of field restriction was taken.
(3) Over throw runs were batsman's score
(4) No-balls&wides were debited to bowlers analysis
57. In 1875, Daniel Peter produced the first milk chocolate bar
using powdered milk. Which nationality was he?
(1) English (2) Swiss
(3) Scottish (4) French
58. Onwhich riverbank is Goa located?
(1) Ganga (2) Mandovi
(3) Gomati (4) Sabarmati
59. In 1789, Tipu attacked the British controlled state of
Travancore, triggering another war. In 1792, Tipu
surrendered to British commander…?
(1) Dallhousie
(2) Cornwallis
(3) Wellseley
(4) Mountbatten
60. Whoinvented Bakelite?
(1) Charles Goodyear
(2) Leo Hendrik Baekeland
(3) Roy Plunkett
(4) HenryFord
61. Jawaharlal Nehru was famous (or notorious) for his affair
with a married woman; a love story with an ironical twist!
Whowas this lady?
(1) Mrs.Kasturba Gandhi
(2) Mrs. Rosie Cripps
(3) Mrs. Lara Cripps
(4) Lady Edwina Mountbatten
62. After the first photons of light are produced, which process
is responsible for amplification of the light?
(1) Blackbody radiation
(2) Stimulated emission
(3) Planck's radiation
(4) Einstein oscillation
63. In which Indian state did the game ofPolo originate?
(1) Meghalaya
(2) Rajasthan
(3) Manipur
(4) West Bengal
64. What is the study of bird eggs called?
(1) Zoology
(2) Ornithology
(3) Oology
(4) Ichthyology
65. Everyone knows 'The Taj Mahal'. It was built by the
Emperor Shah Jahan, but forwhom?
(1) Jahani Mahal
(2) Farida Mahal
(3) MumtazMahal
(4) TobaBegum
66. Where was the 1stODImatch played in India?
(1) NewDelhi
(2) Ahmedabad
(3) Kolkata
(4) Mumbai
67. Until Victorian times, chocolate was thought of as a drink.
Whendid the first chocolate bar appear?
(1) 1828
(2) 1831
(3) 1825
(4) There is no sure date
56 PT’s PrepTalk – October 2009
68. Which state is known as India's Spice Garden…?
(1) Kerala
(2) Karnataka
(3) Bihar
(4) Uttaranchal
69. Tipu made peace withthe……….in1784.
(1) Rajputs
(2) Marathas
(3) British
(4) Nizam of Hyderabad
70. In which year wasMIDIintroduced?
(1) 1987 (2) 1983
(3) 1973 (4) 1977
71. Which lines areNOTfound in Shakespeare?
(1) Neither a borrower nor a lender be
(2) To sleep, perchance to dream
(3) Out, out, brief candle
(4) Whenyou speak of this - and you will - be kind
73. Once the active medium is excited, the first photons of
light are produced by which physical process?
(1) Blackbody radiation
(2) Spontaneous emission
(3) Synchrotron radiation
(4) Planck's oscillation
74. Whois the author of 'The Grapes ofWrath'?
(1) Umberto Eco
(2) J.R.R.Tolkien
(3) Ernest Hemingway
(4) John Steinbeck
75. What was the firstARPANETmessage?
(1) “lo”
(2) “hello world”
(3) “mary had a little lamb”
(4) “cyberspace, the final frontier”
76. Who was the 1st President of BCCI (Board of Control for
Cricket in India)?
(1) R.E. Grant Govan
(2) Dr. Maharajkumar Sir Vijaya Ananda
(3) Sikandar Hyat Khan
(4) Anthony S. D'Mello
72. What is a gecko?
(1) Dinosaur
(2) Commonhouse lizard
(3) Bat
(4) Snake
77. Thumbain Kerala is famous because…?
(1) It has several industries
(2) It is a rocket launching station
(3) It is a harbour
(4) It has an international airport
78. In 1780, Tipu's father attacked Carnatic and routed a
British army.He was defeated and died in……….
(1) 1781 (2) 1783
(3) 1780 (4) 1782
79. WhoinventedAutomobiles using gasoline?
(1) LeoHBaekeland
(2) Karl Benz
(3) EvangelistaTorricelli
(4) Kirkpatrick Macmillan
80. The first step to getting output from a laser is to excite an
active medium. What is this process called?
(1) Pumping
(2) Exciting
(3) Priming
(4) Raising
81. The'Dronacharya Award' is given to…?
(1) Sportsmen
(2) Coaches
(3) Umpires
(4) Sports Editors
82. Shakespeare lived to a ripe old age - for his time. How old
was he when he died?
(1) Under 40 (2) In his 60's
(3) In his 40's (4) In his 50's
83. Which isNOTone of Shakespeare's comedies?
(1) MerryWives ofWindsor
(2) Twelfth Night
(3) Troilus and Cressida
(4) EveryManin hisHumour
84. Who among the following was NOT the Chief Minister of
Madras state orTamil Nadu?
(1) C.Rajagopalachari
(2) C.Annadurai
(3) M.G.Ramachandran
(4) Poti Sriramulu
85. Which of these animals walks like a camel?
(1) Cat
(2) Dog
(3) Elephant
(4) Giraffe
PT’s PrepTalk – October 2009 57
86. Where is the world's largest panoramic sculptural relief
(1) Kanchipuram
(2) Madurai
(3) Pondicherry
(4) Mahabalipuram
87. Whois the author of ‘TheLast ofTheMohicans’?
(1) JamesFennimore Cooper
(2) John Steinbeck
(3) MarkTwain
(4) Jules Verne
88. Where is the headquarters of Intel located?
(1) Redmond,Washington
(2) Tucson, Arizona
(3) Santa Clara, California
(4) Richmond, Virginia
89. Which was the 1st nonTest playing country to beat India in
an international match?
(1) Canada (2) Sri Lanka
(3) Zimbabwe (4) East Africa
90. What do you call Indian ice-cream?
(1) SudjiKa Halava
(2) Kulfi
(3) Gaajar ka Halava
(4) Khir
91. Which of these places is not located in Mumbai?
(1) TheGateway of India
(2) TheKamala NehruPark
(3) TheJuhu Beach
(4) TheCharminar
92. In 1767,Tipu's father was at war with the British, who were
allied by the Nizam of Hyderabad and the……….
(1) Dutch (2) Rajputs
(3) Marathas (4) Sikhs
93. Which isNOTone of Shakespeare's tragedies?
(1) Coriolanus
(2) Timon of Athens
(3) Titus Andronicus
(4) TheDuchess of Malfi
94. Which of the following is not a Constitutionally mandated
(1) National SC/ST Commission
(2) Planning Commission
(3) Commission for Center-State Relations
(4) Election Commission
95. Breaking of a larger hydrocarbon molecule into a smaller
one by heating in the presence of a catalyst is called……….
(1) Cracking
(2) Orthofugation
(3) Centrifugation
(4) Thermogenation
96. With which sport is the 'ChoudhuryTrophy' associated?
(1) Golf
(2) Circumnavigation of the earth by car
(3) FormulaOneracing
(4) Buggy-Jumping
97. What is the gestation period of an African elephant?
(1) Oneyear
(2) Twenty one months
(3) Six months
(4) Nine months
98. In which place in India can we find cave temples of three
(1) Madurai (2) Delhi
(3) Ellora (4) Agra
99. Whois the author of Moby ?
(1) F. ScottFitzgerald
(2) MarkTwain
(3) Herman Melville
(4) William Golding
100. In which year wasMIDIintroduced?
(1) 1987 (2) 1983
(3) 1973 (4) 1977
101. Whowas the first captain of IndianTest team?
(1) Vijay Hazare
(2) CKNayudu
(3) Lala Amarnath
(4) Vijay Merchant
102. What do you call carrot pudding?
(1) SudjiKa Halava
2) Kulfi
(3) Gaajar ka Halava
(4) Khir
103. Name the annual fair of Rajasthan that is famous for its
camel trading event…?
(1) Pushkar Mela
(2) Kumbha Mela
(3) Sonepur Mela
(4) SurajKund Mela
58 PT’s PrepTalk – October 2009
104. How many judges sat on the bench to hear the landmark
case of Keshavananda Bharati v. State of Kerala in 1973?
(1) 7 (2) 9
(3) 13 (4) 11
105. How many gold medals did P.T.Usha win in the 1986 Seoul
Asian Games?
(1) 1 (2) 2
(3) 3 (4) 4
106. Whoinvented Airship (rigid)?
(1) Dr. Alan M.Turing
(2) Roger Bacon
(3) G.Ferdinand Von Zeppelin
(4) Otto
107. Which of the following has NOT been seriously suggested
as being the true author of Shakespeare's works?
(1) EdwardDeVere, Earl of Oxford
(2) JohnWebster
(3) William Stanley, Earl of Derby
(4) Francis Bacon
108. A primary fuel is that which is used in the same form as it
occurs in nature. Which of the following is not a primary
(1) Kerosene
(2) Wood
(3) Coal
(4) Natural Gas
109. India reached the final of the Davis Cup for the first time
(1) 1964 (2) 1966
(3) 1970 (4) 1974
110. Which bird's eye is larger than its brain?
(1) Eagle (2) Owl
(3) Ostrich (4) Parrot
111. Which foreign influence is seen in the rock cut architecture
of India?
(1) Arabic
(2) Persian
(3) Indo-European
(4) Greek
112. The architecture of the city of Cochin in Kerala reflects the
influence of…?
(1) TheBritish
(2) ThePortuguese
(3) TheDutch
(4) All of the above
113. '.BAK' extension refers usually to what kind of file?
(1) Backup file
(2) Audio file
(3) Animation/movie file
(4) MSEncarta document
114. What do you call rice with coconut?
(1) Chaval
(2) Masala Bhat
(3) Naryal Chaval
(4) Palak Chaval
115. Which Indian State hasmaximumno. of airports?
(1) Maharashtra
(2) MadhyaPradesh
(3) Kerala
(4) Gujarat
116. What was the name ofTipu Sultan's father?
(1) Haydar Ali
(2) PanditPurnia
(3) Ghazi Khan
(4) Mir Sadiq
117. The theatre with which Shakespeare is most closely
associated is the…?
(1) National Advancement
(2) Monarch
(3) Globe
(4) Thespian
118. Which of the following Constitutional posts is enjoyed for a
fixed term?
(1) President
(2) Chief Justice
(3) Prime Minister
(4) Governor
119. Where was the first oil well struck in the world?
(1) Kuwait
(2) USA
(3) Saudi Arabia
(4) Australia
120. Whois the author of UncleTom's Cabin?
(1) Emily Bronte
(2) Harriet Beecher Stowe
(3) Margaret Mitchell
(4) AliceWalker
121. Whenwas the first cricketTest match played?
(1) 1873 (2) 1877
(3) 1870 (4) 1788
PT’s PrepTalk – October 2009 59
122. Which process is used to separate the different
components of oil?
(1) Deadly Distillation
(2) Simple Distillation
(3) Fractional Distillation
(4) Destructive Distillation
123. ThenameKunjarani Devi is associated with…?
(1) Weight Lifting
(2) Target shooting
(3) Athletics
(4) Swimming
124. Which animal can look two ways at the same time?
(1) Chameleon (2) Lizard
(3) Snake (4) Tortoise
125. Which city in India has built a 15.8mhigh “Gandhi Stupa”
dedicated to Mahatma Gandhi?
(1) Ranchi, Jharkhand
(2) Vadodara, Gujarat
(3) Vijayawada, AndhraPradesh
(4) Allahabad, UttarPradesh
126. Whois the author of Hamlet?
(1) Christopher Marlowe
(2) Geoffrey Chaucer
(3) Edith Wharton
(4) William Shakespeare
127. '.MPG' extension refers usually to what kind of file?
(1) WordPerfect Document file
(2) MSOffice document
(3) Animation/movie file
(4) Image file
128. Who has scored the most runs in a single First-class
(1) HanifMohammad
(2) Brian Lara
(3) Sir Donald Bradman
(4) SachinTendulkar
129. Namethe oldest mountain range of India…?
(1) Himalayas (2) Nilgiris
(3) Aravallis (4) Vindhyas
130. Whoinvented Bicycle?
(1) LeoHBaekeland
(2) Karl Benz
(3) EvangelistaTorricelli
(4) Kirkpatrick Macmillan
131. From which Constitution was the Concept of a Five Year
Plan borrowed into the Indian Constitution?
(1) USA (2) USSR
(3) UK (4) Ireland
132. What is the main constituent of coal gas?
(1) Oxygen (2) Water
(3) Nitrogen (4) Methane
133. Who is the first Indian woman to win an Asian Games gold
in 400m run?
(1) M.L.Valsamma (2) P.T.Usha
(3) Kamaljit Sandhu (4) K.Malleshwari
134. What do you call homemade cheese?
(1) Panir (2) Dahi
(3) Ghee (4) Pury
135. WhenwasTipu born?
(1) 1755 (2) 1742
(3) 1744 (4) 1749
136. Between the years 1585 and 1592 there is little information
about Shakespeare or what he was doing at this time. How
is this period known?
(1) TheMissingYears
(2) TheStrangeYears
(3) TheUnknownYears
(4) TheLostYears
137. Which important human right is protected in Article 21 of
the Constitution of India?
(1) Right to Equality
(2) Right toFreedom of Religion
(3) Right toFreedom of Speech and Expression
(4) Right to life and liberty
138. Name the bird that enters a saltwater crocodile's mouth to
pick out the parasites and food particles…?
(1) Sparrow (2) Kingfisher
(3) Crow (4) Nile plover
139. Sishu is the literary work of which Indian author?
(1) Vikram Seth
(2) Jawaharlal Nehru
(3) RabindranathTagore
(4) Arundhati Roy
140. '.INI' extension refers usually to what kind of file?
(1) Image file
(2) System file
(3) Hypertext related file
(4) Image Color MatchingProfile file
60 PT’s PrepTalk – October 2009
141. Who is the leading wicket taker in the history of Test
(1) ShaneWarne
(2) Brian Lara
(3) CourtneyWalsh
(4) Muttiah Muralitharan
142. Rouff is a folk dance. It has its origin in…?
(1) HimachalPradesh
(2) Assam
(3) Mizoram
(4) Kashmir
143. Which art was patronised by Jahangir ?
(1) Architecture
(2) Sculpture
(3) Painting
(4) Music
144. Exactly how many plays did Shakespeare write?
(1) 29 (2) 46
(3) 40 (4) 37
145. Which of the following words was added into the Pre-amble
of the Constitution by the 42nd Amendment Act, 1976?
(1) Federal (2) Socialist
(3) Sovereign (4) Republic
146. Who was the first Indian to reach the semi final in
WimbledonTennis Championship?
(1) Ramanathan Krishnan
(2) Ramesh Krishnan
(3) LaenderPaes
(4) Mahesh Bhupati
147. How many grams of fat can be found in a single Canadian
McChicken sauce packet?
(1) 10 (2) 7
(3) 16 (4) 22
148. Whoinvented Jet Engine?
(1) SirFrank Whittle
(2) Gottlieb Daimler
(3) Roger Bacon
(4) Lewis E.Waterman
149. Which variety of coal contains the highest percentage of
(1) Anthracite (2) Peat
(3) Bituminous (4) Lignite
150. The Finance Commission is appointed for every... year
(1) 3 (2) 4
(3) 5 (4) 6
Answers to General knowledge
85. Ans.(1)
86. Ans.(4)
87. Ans.(1)
88. Ans.(3)
89. Ans.(2)
90. Ans.(2)
91. Ans.(4)
92. Ans.(3)
93. Ans.(4)
94. Ans.(3)
95. Ans.(1)
96. Ans.(2)
97. Ans.(2)
98. Ans.(3)
99. Ans.(3)
100. Ans.(2)
101. Ans.(2)
102. Ans.(3)
103. Ans.(1)
104. Ans.(4)
105. Ans.(4)
106. Ans.(3)
1. Ans.(3)
2. Ans.(3)
3. Ans.(1)
4. Ans.(3)
5. Ans.(3)
6. Ans.(3)
7. Ans.(3)
8. Ans.(4)
9. Ans.(4)
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11. Ans.(3)
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14. Ans.(4)
15. Ans.(1)
16. Ans.(3)
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22. Ans.(4)
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26. Ans.(2)
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72. Ans.(2)
73. Ans.(2)
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83. Ans.(4)
84. Ans.(4)
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112. Ans.(4)
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122. Ans.(3)
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125. Ans.(3)
126. Ans.(4)
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128. Ans.(2)
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132. Ans.(4)
133. Ans.(3)
134. Ans.(1)
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136. Ans.(4)
137. Ans.(4)
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139. Ans.(3)
140. Ans.(2)
141. Ans.(1)
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145. Ans.(2)
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150. Ans.(3)

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