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I In nt te er rn na at ti io on na al l C Co on nf fe er re en nc ce e o on n E Ed du uc ca at ti io on na al l R Re es se ea ar rc ch h: :
1 13 3- -1 14 4 S Se ep pt te em mb be er r 2 20 01 14 4, , F Fa ac cu ul lt ty y o of f E Ed du uc ca at ti io on n, , K Kh ho on n K Ka ae en n U Un ni iv ve er rs si it ty y, , T Th ha ai il la an nd d
Please send the completed Abstract Submission Form to before 15 June 2014 15 July 2014.
Representation of Education Character Values of Poetic Narrative J idor Sentulanin
Susi Darihastining
Indonesian language Education and Letters Department, STKIP PGRI Jombang,
East Java, Indonesia
This research aimed to reconstruct the traces of literary performance of Jidor Sentulan
associated with the values of character education and enriched the study of ethnoponetics in
Indonesia. The peoples life in Jombang, Jidor Sentulan was a literary performance which
was being the spirit of the tradition. Thus, this literary performance was a tradition that
should be preserved.
This research used ethnoponetics analysis model by Luc Herman and Bart Vervaeck.
The form of stage performance Jidor Sentulan was analyzed qualitatively. The data source of
this research was the poetic narrative in the stage performance of Jidor Sentulan in Jombang.
Result the result of this study were as follows: (1) representation of the value of
character education on poetic narrative contained religious, tolerance, hard work, reward
achievement, friendship and brotherhood, and care for the social environment. The result of
the study also brings to the understanding on the not function only. Moreover, the results of
this study research as reflection local wisdom, in every form, was not only constructed as the
entertainment but also worth and had a social function, ideological, and religious. Behind it
all, Jidor Sentulan was a form of literary performances that recording conditions, attitude to
life, relationship between man and man and also with God, as well as a depiction of the
beauty and goodness against vice and crime.
Keywords: poetic narrative, representation, literary performance, value of character of
education at the function
Presentation Types: Oral Poster
Theme: Please indicate the theme(s) that fits best your abstract
1. Teacher Education and Professional Development
2. Curriculum and Instruction, Learning in classroom contexts
3. Educational Measurement and Evaluation
4. Educational Climate: cultural and social context
5. Educational management: planning, policy implementation and assessment
6. Lifelong Education: non-formal and informal learning
7. Education for Diversities: gender, underprivileged, marginal groups, special needs

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