Ujian Mate April THN 4

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This paper consists of 40 questions. Answer all the questions.

For each question, choose only one

answer from the option A, B, C and D.
1. rite 4! 0"0 in words#
A. Forty$nine thousand and se%enty
B. Forty$nine thousand and se%en.
C. Forty$nine &ero se%en &ero.
D. Four hundred and ninety se%en.
'. hat is the %alue of di(it ! in
the num)er*
A. !0 C. ! 000
B. !00 D. !0 000
+. " ',+ - .1/ 0
A. 14 ++" C. 1+ "4+
B. 1+ 4+" D. 14 "4+
4. 1tate the remainder when 10 000 is
di%ided )y 1+.
A. + C. /
B. 4 D. .
/. +! 4'+ - .' !!1 $ 0 /" +1+
hat is the num)er in the )o2 *
A. 44 !4/ C. 4. '0+
B. 4/ 101 D. 4" 11'
.. hat is the difference )etween !" ,'0
and 1. .+4 *
A. ,1 1,. C. ,1 ,1.
B. ,1 .,1 D. ,1 ,.1
". !0 .10 3 , ,,, 3 """ 0
A. ,0 /+4 C. ,0 +4/
B. ,0 4+/ D. ,0 +44
,. ', +,. - ! ".. 0
A. +" "/' C. +, 1/'
B. +, 0/' D. +, 1,0
!. hat is the difference )etween
/' 100 and 1. +,/ *
A. +4 ,"/ C. +! !4/
B. +/ "1/ D. +. 0'/
10. Fine the product of + +'. and '4.
A. ", '.4 C. ", ,+.
B. "! +'4 D. "! ,'4
11. Find the remainder when ! /10 is
di%ided )y 1..
A. , C. 1'
B. . D. 10
1'. 14 "/. 4 , 0 remainder 4.
A. 1 ,"' C. 1 "/.
B. 1 ,44 D. 1 .+.
1+. 5ultiply .+. )y +, and round off the
answer to the hundred.
A. '4 000 C. '4 0''
B. '4 100 D. '4 /00
015/1 5T1 April '00" 6 7a8 cipta 19:; 1 <5=5> [ Lihat sebelah

!, "+1
14. /' 01+ red hi)iscus plant and +1 0'/
yellow hi)iscus plants were planted
in a (arden. Find the total num)er of
hi)iscus plants *

A. ,0 ++, C. ,+ +0,
B. ,+ 0+, D. ,, ++0
1/. .4 .,0 radios are di%ided equally amon(
?aya @lectrical 1hop and . other shops.
7ow many radios does ?aya @lectrical
shop (et *
A. 1" ,"0 C. 10 ",0
B. 10 ,"0 D. ! '40
1.. A shop sold " ,0/ foot)alls in the
year '00+. An the year '004, the
num)er of foot)all sold decreased
)y 4 .,!. 7ow many foot)alls
was sold in the year '004 *

A. + 11. C. + +4.
B. + '4/ D. + ",/
1". A )a8ery produces . ,.4 ca8es in
4 wee8s. Af the )a8ery opens . days
a wee8. 7ow many ca8es are
produced e%ery day *
A. ',. C. +1'
B. '!' D. +'/
1,. The population of a %illa(e is +, +!1.
4 "!+ people then mo%e out of
the %illa(e. A few months later
/ !,, people mo%e into the %illa(e.
Calculate the population of the
%illa(e now.
A. +" 0/. C. +! /,.
B. +, "". D. 40 00.
1!. Di%ide ., !." )y /'
A. 1 0"/ remainder +1
B. 1 14+ remainder 4.
C. 1 '.+ remainder '+
D. 1 +'. remainder 1/
'0. Find the product of ./4 and //.
A. +. 00, C. +. ,00
B. +. 0,0 D. +, .00
'1. hich of the followin( is
not correct*

A. +' /00 3 1/ ',/ 0 1" '1/
B. /. +00 3 '! "40 0 '. /.0
C. .+ 1'0 $ 4, .'/ 0 14 4!/
D. ,4 '00 3 /. 4"/ 0 '/ ,'/
''. .4 0!/ when rounded off to the
nearest ten is
A. .4 0!0 C. .4 110
B. .4 100 D. .4 /00
'+. ' thousands 2 1 ten 0
A. '0 C. ' 000
B. '00 D. '0 000
'4. hich one of the followin( is
the same as 4' 0+. *
A. 4 000 - '00 - +0 - .
B. 40 000 - '00 - +0 - .
C. 40 000 - '000 - +0 - .
D. 4' 000 - +00 - .
015/1 5T1 April '00" 6 7a8 cipta 19:; 1 <5=5> [ Lihat sebelah

'/. ,0 ,00 3 , 0,0 3 ,0, 0
A. "0 !1' C. "1 !1'
B. "1 ,1, D. "' "'0

'.. =ound off 4+ ..4 to the nearest

A. 4+ /00 C. 4+ .00
B. 4+ "00 D. 4' .00

'". 4, 1.' 4 10 0
A. 4 ,1. remainder '
B. 1 .4, remainder '
C. 4 "1. remainder +
D. 4 '1. remainder .
',. :ic8 that di%ision that lea%es
no remainder.
A. 1 014 4 1,
B. 1 /," 4 '+
C. 1 /0! 4 '.
D. 1 ,,4 4 '!
'!. 1ol%e
B 1.

A. " +44 C. " /,4
B. " 4.4 D. " ..4
+0. hich of the followin( is arran(ed in
Ascendin( order*
A. ,! +'/ , ,! +04 , ,! ',/ , ,! '!0
B. "0 00+ , "0 00' , "0 010 , "0 000
C. .' 4"' , .' 4/0 , .' 4++ , .' 4'.
D. /1 ''. , /1 ''" , /1 '', , /1 ''!
+1. hich of the followin( is true*
A. " +'' - '!' 3 1 "+/ 0 / ",!
B. / "1' 3 !'! - ' '"+ 0 " /0.
C. , 4++ - " +1, 3 .. 0 1/ .,/
D. 4 /.' 3 ," - ! +01 0 1+ !".
+'. The product of two num)ers is '/ ,00.
Af one of the num)ers is 40, what is the
other num)er*
A. ."/ C. ".0
B. .4/ D. "+/
++. 14 "/4 4 10 0 remainder 4
The %alue in the )o2 is
A. 1 4", C. 1 4".
B. 1 4"" D. 1 4"/
+4. Dia(ram shows an addition operation.

hat is the missin( di(it in the )o2*
A. , C. .
B. " D. /
+/. ' 44, - 1 /"/ 3 0 .+,
hat is the %alue of : *

A. + 1"/ C. + +./
B. + +,/ D. + 41/
015/1 5T1 April '00" 6 7a8 cipta 19:; 1 <5=5> [ Lihat sebelah

' " . + .
- 1 ! " '
4 " / 0 ,
+.. A small house is )uilt usin( " ,," )ric8s.
@stimate the )ric8s needed to )uild
1' houses of the same si&e.
A. !0 /"4 C. 1" '4/
B. !1 114 D. !4 .44
+". There are '"/ nails in each )o2.
7ow many nails are there in
./ such )o2es alto(ether*
A. 1. 0'/ C. 1" '4/
B. 1. 4"/ D. 1" ,"/
+,. Boon 9eon( has ' ',0 stamps.
7e arran(es them into , al)ums
equally. 7ow many stamps are
there in each al)um*
A. ',/ C. +1.
B. '!/ D. ++'
+!. 1iti )a8ed 4', Dam tarts. 7er (uests came
and she ser%ed them /4 Dam tarts. There
were '. tarts left o%er. 7ow many Dam
tarts does she ha%e now*
A. 444 C. 400
B. 404 D. 440
40. An ice$cream %endor had '"/ %anilla ice$
creams and +0! chocolate ice$creams. 7e
sold +1. ice$creams. hat is the num)er
of ice$cream he has now*
A. +4, C. ','
B. '., D. !00
015/1 5T1 April '00" 6 7a8 cipta 19:; 1 <5=5> [ Lihat sebelah

015/1 5T1 April '00" 6 7a8 cipta 19:; 1 <5=5> [ Lihat sebelah


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