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Arabic Spells

Arabic Spells

Love Spell

You'll need:


Picture of the person you are casting the spell on & your own picture

Red candle
Red food coloring

Put just a little water in a small bowl and add a little of the red food coloring and mix it well.

Then add the salt, leave it for about an hour. Then use a spoon or something to get the salt out. And let it dry

Then light the red candle and say the spell 3 times:

"Gowat Al-hub asmaony,

Kaly (persons name) tehobany."

Then add a pinch of salt on the flame, and with the wax from the candle pour it over the person's picture and add your
picture over it

so it's face to face. With the rest of the salt go to the person's home and infront of their house blow the salt all over and
place the pictures that are together some where in their house,

if you can't get it inside then somewhere outside near their room or at the door.


You'll need:

A black candle

Picture of the person you want to curse

A bowl

First light the black candle and place it over the picture. After a while remove the picture from under the candle and light it
on fire from the candle and put it in the bowl and say:

"Azham arwah Al-shar

Le-yelan ruhak

Azhamhum Le-yelanak

Witches Magick Powered by Joomla! Generated: 17 September, 2008, 15:56

Money Spell

You'll need:


Silver or really shiny coins

Green candle

Do the spell on a full moon. Place the bowl full of water under the full moon, then light the green candle. Close your eyes
with the coins in your hands.

Then drop them in the bowl slowly while imagining the bowl filling with gold and silver coins, then say the spell:

"Alehat algamar taaly,

Ateny fuluse lan ma yekfiney

Fuluse min dahab wa fida

Gebely fuluse lan ma arodeh. Amen

Banish evil

This is more as a chant than a spell:

Bismillaahir Rahmaanir Rahiim"

Lead you to your right path

This spell is to lead you to your right path. If you don't know which religion your ment to be in, this spell will help you.

Light a White candle and meditate for at least 10 minutes, then say:

"Bismillaahir Rahmaanir Rahiim.

Al-hamdu lillaahi Rabbil Aalamiin

Ar-Rahmaanir Rahiim

Maaliki Yawmid-Diin!

Iyyaaka na-budu wa iyyaaka nasta-iin

Ihdina Siraatal musta=qiim

Siraatal laziina an-amta alay-him

Gayril Magzubi alay-him


Witches Magick Powered by Joomla! Generated: 17 September, 2008, 15:56

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Witches Magick Powered by Joomla! Generated: 17 September, 2008, 15:56

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