Controlling 2014 Program Guide Final

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Conference Logistics
Tracks & Sessions
Detailed Schedule
Speaker Info
Networking Opportunities
Sponsors & Exhibitors
Welcome from John Jordan . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1
Conference Information . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2
Badges. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2
Registration Hours . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2
Evaluations . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2
Breakfast, Lunches, Breaks . . . . . . . . . . . . 2
Cell Phone and Pager Policy. . . . . . . . . . . 2
Wireless Internet . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2
Smoking Policy. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2
Business Center Information . . . . . . . . . . . 2
Earn CPE Credits . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2
Schedule Overview . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3
Hotel Map . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4
Keynote . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 6
Plenary Session . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 7
Sponsors . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 7
Exhibitors . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 8
Networking Opportunities and Events . . . . . . 10
Green Conference Initiatives . . . . . . . . . . . . 11
Controlling 2014 Speakers . . . . . . . . . . . . . 12
Detailed Conference Schedule by Day. . . . . . 18
Conference Tracks and Session Descriptions . . 22
Core Team Information . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 31
Welcome to San Diego, California and the 2014 Controlling Conference.
2014 has been another great year for our SAP Controlling community, as well as one
of marked changes in SAPs strategic direction. The introduction of SAP Accounting
powered by SAP HANA changes how we view Financial Accounting and Manage-
ment Accounting. We believe what you learn here at the conference will be beneficial
to the future of your organization as SAP integrates entities that have traditionally been
separate. Youll have the unique opportunity to get ahead of the learning curve and
take a closer look at this new technology and how the requirements for internal and
external reporting are converging and how this impacts SAP Controlling.
In addition to looking at cutting edge SAP technologies, youll have the opportunity to
learn how to get the most out of your existing SAP Controlling applications. Not only
will you be able to share knowledge, best practices, insights, perspectives, and oppor-
tunities, we know youll leave with a few tips that will add value to your job and posi-
tively impact your companys SAP processes.
Most importantly Controlling 2014 is about building community. We encourage you
to take advantage of the many networking opportunities available here to make con-
nections with others in our SAP Controlling community. Every conference attendee is an
SAP Controlling professional, just like you!
We welcome your feedback. Please feel free to talk to any of our staff with red staff
ribbons and let us know what we did well, and what we can do better for you for
Controlling 2015.
Most of all enjoy the conference!
John Jordan
This conference is run independently of SAP

2014 ERP Corp - All Rights Reserved.

Cover Photo Credit: Meinazahn | - Facade Of Historic Hotel St. James Photo
ERP Corp 1501 India Street, Suite 103-7 San Diego, CA 92101 (619) 254-5002
Please pick up your conference badge on arrival.
You'll need to present a photo ID at registration to
receive your badge. You should wear your badge
at all times so that we can identify you with Control-
ling 2014. If you lose your badge, please visit reg-
istration for a new badge.
Registration Hours:
Registration is located in the Crystal Foyer, and is open:
Sunday, September 21 9:00 AM to 6:00 PM
Monday, September 22 7:00 AM to 6:00 PM
Tuesday, September 23 7:00 AM to 6:00 PM
Wednesday, September 24 8:00 AM to 3:00 PM
Your feedback is important to us. Each Controlling
2014 participant will receive a notebook when you
register onsite, which includes individual session
evaluations and notebook paper. At the end of
each session, we ask that you complete an evalua-
tion for the session you attended and hand it to the
room monitor. Your feedback helps us improve fu-
ture Controlling conferences.
Additionally, you will receive an overall conference
evaluation at the end of the conference. Drop your
overall evaluation off at the registration desk and
youll have the opportunity to win a variety of
Breakfasts, Lunches, and Breaks:
Complimentary continental breakfast and lunch on
both Monday and Tuesday are included with your
conference registration. We will also have a num-
ber of refreshment breaks throughout the day, and a
welcome reception with light food and drinks on
Monday evening. Please check the conference
schedule for exact times and locations.
Cell Phone and Pager Policy:
As a courtesy to speakers and other attendees,
please turn off all cell phones and pagers during
conference sessions. If you need to take a call,
please quietly step out of the session room into the
Wireless Internet:
OANDA is our Gold Conference Wifi sponsor.
Please stop by the registration desk for instructions
on how to connect to the conference wifi. Wireless
internet is free in the lobby for Westin overnight
guests. You can sign in using your last name and
room number. Controlling 2014 has also secured a
special guest room internet rate of $5.00 per day.
Smoking Policy:
The Westin San Diego has a non-smoking policy.
Please exit the hotel to designated smoking areas.
Business Center Information:
The Westin San Diegos business center is located
in the lobby on the 1st floor between the escalators
and meeting rooms. The business center is open
24/7. Print, internet and fax machines are avail-
able. Free boarding pass printing is available.
Earn CPE Credits:
ERP Corp is registered
with the National Associ-
ation of State Boards of
Accountancy (NASBA)
as a sponsor of continu-
ing professional educa-
tion on the National
Registry of CPE Spon-
sors. Participants can
earn a maximum of 15 Computer Science group-
live credits. Credits will be awarded to you based
on your number of hours of actual, documented
classroom time (based on one credit per 50-minute
hour). State boards of accountancy have final au-
thority on the acceptance of individual courses for
CPE credit. To learn more about earning CPE cred-
its please enquire at the registration desk.
Sunday, September 21
9:00 AM - 6:00 PM Registration Open
9:30 AM - 11:45 AM Pre-Conference Session
11:45 AM - 1:00 PM Lunch on Your Own
1:00 PM - 2:00 PM Pre-Conference Session
2:00 PM - 2:15 PM Refreshment Break
2:15 PM - 3:15 PM Pre-Conference Session
3:15 PM - 3:45 PM Refreshment Break
3:45 PM - 5:00 PM Pre-Conference Session
Monday, September 22
7:00 AM - 6:00 PM Registration Open
7:00 AM - 9:00 AM Continental Breakfast
9:00 AM - 10:00 AM Keynote
10:00 AM - 10:30 AM Refreshment Break
10:30 AM - 11:45 AM Plenary Session
11:45 AM - 1:30 PM Lunch
1:30 PM - 2:45 PM Breakout Sessions
3:00 PM - 4:15 PM Breakout Sessions
4:15 PM - 4:45 PM Refreshment Break
4:45 PM - 6:00 PM Breakout Sessions
6:00 PM - 7:30 PM Welcome Reception
Tuesday, September 23
7:00 AM - 6:00 PM Registration Open
7:00 AM - 8:00 AM Continental Breakfast
8:00 AM - 8:45 AM Day 2 Kickoff
9:00 AM - 10:15 AM Breakout Sessions
10:15 AM - 10:30 AM Refreshment Break
10:30 AM - 11:45 AM Breakout Sessions
11:45 AM - 1:00 PM Lunch
1:00 PM - 2:15 PM Breakout Sessions
2:15 PM - 2:45 PM Refreshment Break
2:45 PM - 4:00 PM Breakout Sessions
4:15 PM - 5:30 PM Breakout Sessions
5:30 PM - 5:45 PM Conference Debrief
5:45 PM - 6:00 PM Post-Conference Meeting
Wednesday, September 24
8:00 AM - 3:00 PM Registration Open
8:30 AM - 10:30 AM Post-Conference Sessions
10:30 AM - 10:45 AM Refreshment Break
10:45 AM - 1:00 PM Post-Conference Sessions
1:00 PM - 2:30 PM Lunch on Your Own
2:30 PM - 3:00 PM Post-Conference Sessions
2 3

Legend for floor plan map:
Crystal Foyer: Registration
Crystal & Opal Foyer: Breaks / Breakfasts / Exhibitors
Pool Terrace (Third Floor): Welcome Reception
Lunch Day 1 & 2: Coast Restaurant - Ground Floor
Pre-Conference Breakout Room: Crystal II
Keynote: Crystal I
Day 1 Breakout Rooms: Crystal I & II, Opal, Diamond I
Day 2 Breakout Rooms: Crystal I & II, Opal, Diamond I
Post-Conference Breakout Room: Diamond I
4 5
Michael DeLeo is Director of Cost Accounting for
CareFusion, a medical device company focused on
improved patient safety and lowering the cost of
healthcare. Michael has been a Finance and
Change Management Lead on multiple systems im-
plementations including BPC 7.5NW, Hyperion En-
terprise 4.6, and various other SAP tools with spe-
cialization in planning-based applications and busi-
ness process. Prior to these projects, Michael held
positions in a variety of Finance functional roles in-
cluding FP&A, Audit, and Financial Systems.
John is the founder and principal consultant at ERP
Corp, which provides expert SAP consulting and
training services. John regularly speaks at confer-
ences, publishes articles, and is the author of SAP
PRESS bestsellers:
Product Cost Controlling with SAP (2nd Edition)
Production Variance Analysis in SAP Controlling
(2nd Edition) (2011)
100 Things You Should Know About Controlling
with SAP (2011)
He is considered one of the leading experts in
SAP Controlling by clients and peers.
Jon Reed is an independent analyst, SAP Mentor
and Enterprise Irregular who blogs and videocasts
on enterprise trends. He is a co-founder of diginom- Launched in the spring of 2013 by Jon
and four other long-time enterprise bloggers, digi-
nomica is focused on providing original commen-
tary focused solely on the enterprise. In 2011, Jon
and video partner Dennis Howlett launched JD- - a video commentary web site for the on-
demand enterprise. Jon is also the driving force be-
hind an interactive web site for SAP pro-
fessionals that features Jon's long-running podcast and
video series. In his client work, Jon advises companies
on enterprise go-to-market and use of multi-media
and inbound marketing to break away from ineffec-
tive broadcasting tactics. Jon is the author of three
non-fiction books, including the "how-not-to" Resumes
from Hell and the SAP Consultant Handbook.
Keynote Presentation
How speed unlocks innovation at CareFusion
BPC on SAP HANA whats faster, whats not
What HANA has enabled for planning users that was not possible before
The future of BPC on SAP HANA at CareFusion
Michael DeLeo
Jon Reed
John Jordan
6 7
SAP Accounting powered by SAP HANA
Moving controlling and finance closer
Janet Salmon
New users have traditionally struggled to under-
stand the way SAP separates Financial Accounting
and Management Accounting where most legacy
systems see the two as one. While its easy enough
to understand how a payroll account flows from the
profit and loss statement into cost center accounting
because the account information stays the same, the
situation becomes more challenging as a revenue
account flows into profitability analysis and is trans-
formed into a value field, or a cost of goods sold
account becomes multiple value fields depending
on the cost components involved. In its latest prod-
uct release, SAP is bringing the two worlds closer
In this session well look at how SAP is addressing
these issues with its new product SAP Accounting
powered by SAP HANA, part of SAP Simple Fi-
nance. This presentation will delve into how the re-
quirements for internal and external reporting are
converging and how this convergence impacts
SAP Controlling.
This session will cover:
Changes to report revenue and cost of goods
sold by profitability analysis (CO-PA) dimensions,
and how to break out the cost of goods sold into
multiple accounts
How overhead is captured and allocated
either from:
- Cost centers to CO-PA dimensions (assessment)
- High-level to lower-level CO-PA dimensions
(top-down distribution)
The underlying architecture and how FI and CO
line items are linked
New reports that visualize the transformation of
expense into cost of goods sold, work in process,
and assets under construction
How the period-close process has been acceler-
ated in SAP Controlling
Get a sneak peak at the first planning applications
that allow you to plan costs according to the new
paradigm of SAP Simple Finance, where the ac-
count is the leading dimension for all accounting
you love about building spreadsheet models (flexi-
bility, end-user driven) with the features and function-
ality of a robust financial system (integration,
scalability, security, sharing) so you can rapidly im-
plement a costing and profitability system that fits
your organizations exact needs. With over 600 in-
stallations worldwide, ImpactECS delivers the best
of both worlds a packaged software solution that
is completely configurable to meet your specific
business needs.
Alta Via Consulting
Alta Via Consulting's prac-
tice focuses on management
processes that include blue-
printing, planning, analysis,
control and decision support
tools to meet our customers
costing needs. We thrive on
addressing specific challenges related to advanced
cost management, highlighting solutions and best
practices to help managers achieve their optimiza-
tion objectives. Our consultants are passionate
about adding value to each project, bringing to the
client greater understanding and transparency of
their business processes. This allows the client to be-
come more responsive to business changes and
thus, more profitable. Whether the path to success
requires an integrated ERP solution, a stand-alone
modeling tool, or enhancements to existing function-
ality Alta Vias forte is to serve as solution archi-
tects to prove there is a better use of information.
Bettisworth & Associates
Bettisworth & Associates
provides technology solu-
tions and services for sim-
pler, better data integration with SAP. Our years of
consulting expertise include Project Systems and
Fixed Asset business processes.
HPC America
HPC America is an SAP Fi-
nancials expert and certi-
fied SAP partner with more
than 20 years of experi-
ence consulting and deliver-
ing ROI-boosting solutions to companies on SAP.
Our latest offering is the HPC Journal Entry Transfer
Solution (JETS), a NetWeaver-based application
that provides total control of primary and secondary
cost adjustments in the ERP itself. HPC JETS elimi-
nates reliance on lump sum journal entries, maxi-
mizes data integrity, and minimizes audit
discrepancies for any company running SAP. Other
HPC innovations include the first real-time FERC so-
lution for the SAP New General Ledger; HPC Utility
Financials Accelerator, an advanced reporting solu-
tion certified by SAP; and the original FERC mod-
ule, which HPC created for PG&E and then sold to
SAP in 1996.
Solutions4ERP and
SPC provide SAP FI/CO expertise and have more
than 25 years of experience consulting and advis-
ing clients in FI/CO. Solutions4ERP and SPC pro-
vide tools for reconciliation between SAP FI and
COPA. The R-TOOL reconciliation tool efficiently and
accurately reconciles production variances between
FIGL and COPA, COGM (Cost of Goods Manufac-
turing) FIGL and COPA, and processes between
any tables or system in SAP. R-TOOL also provides
reposting solutions from reposting standard cost to
FIGL to reposting actual cost from periodic material
ledger run and cumulated delta material ledger run.
R-TOOL has been successfully implemented at
Nestl and Philips Morris International. Stop by So-
lutions4SAP and SPC to learn more about R-TOOL
and how it can help your organization reconcile FI
to COPA and simplify reposting.
OANDA Corporation
OANDA Exchange
Rates is the worlds au-
thoritative foreign ex-
change data source.
Since 1995, OANDA has provided the most com-
prehensive, accurate, and reliable currency informa-
tion on more than 190 currencies dating back to
January, 1990. OANDA Exchange Rates are used
by controlling and finance professionals in their SAP
ERP implementations to capture, translate, and re-
port foreign-exchange exposure associated with in-
ternational subsidiaries, suppliers, and customers.
Thats why OANDA Exchange Rates is the industry
standard trusted by the Big Four accounting firms
(Deloitte, EY, KPMG, and PwC), multinational cor-
porations, tax authorities, and financial institutions.
In fact, more than 35,000 organizations world-
wide including many Fortune 500 companies
rely on OANDA Exchange Rates.
OANDA has seven offices worldwide, in Toronto,
New York, Boston, London, Singapore, Tokyo, and
For more information about OANDA Exchange
Rates, please visit
Kern Americas
Allevo: The next generation
of financial and cost plan-
ning software. Over 100
companies across the manu-
facturing, retail, and financial services industries
have already chosen Allevo as the intelligent, all-in-
one software to simplify their resource planning in
SAP ERP. Allevo by Kern AG creates flexible and
transparent planning, forecasting, and budgeting
by seamlessly integrating with your existing SAP ERP
environment. Allevo creates efficiencies for your or-
ganization by removing the need for tedious, man-
ual data consolidation and analytics required to
monitor budgets and spending across multiple, and
even globally dispersed organizations.
From budgeting to benchmarking analysis, Allevo
provides multiple modules to empower your teams
to make informed, active decisions from real-time,
customized data transparency and reporting. Devel-
oped by Kern AG, offering 12+ years of experi-
ence in collaborating with Enterprises to create cost
planning solutions, Allevo is the software to power
the day-to-day budgetary needs of your business.
Espresso Tutorials
Like a cup of espresso cof-
fee, Espresso Tutorials e-
books are condensed and
effective. We know that your time is valuable and
we deliver information in a succinct and straightfor-
ward manner, it only takes our readers a short
amount of time to consume SAP concepts. Espresso
Tutorials is the only SAP book company focused ex-
clusively on e-books, providing up to date informa-
tion for todays reader and todays SAP book
market. Our e-books are well-recognized in the in-
dustry for leveraging tutorial-style instruction and
videos to show you step by step how to successfully
work with SAP.
3C Software
ImpactECS from 3C Software is
one of the most versatile model-
ing platforms available for fi-
nance and accounting
professionals. Some of the
worlds most recognizable com-
panies have used ImpactECS to build sophisticated
cost and profitability models replacing unwieldy
spreadsheets, dated legacy applications and lim-
ited ERP systems. Weve combined all of the things
9 8
Please stop by and say hello to our sponsors and exhibitors in the
Crystal and Opal Foyers during breaks and in between sessions:
10 11
New Implementations
Product Costing
Profitability Analysis
Project System
Turbo Networking
Tuesday, September 23 - 8:00 AM - 8:45 AM
Crystal I
New for 2014! Join us during the Conference Kick-
off Meeting for a round of Turbo Networking. Share
tips and problem solving techniques with fellow
conference attendees. Creativity and open commu-
nication are encouraged. Swap business cards and
watch your network grow. Don't forget your busi-
ness cards!
Welcome Reception
Monday, September 22 - 6:00 PM - 7:30 PM
Pool Terrace
Get to know fellow conference attendees in a re-
laxed setting with a view of downtown San Diego
on Monday evening. Appetizers and refreshments
will be served.
Informal Networking
Dinner in Little Italy
Sunday, September 21 - 6:00 PM
Meet fellow participants in the Westin lobby for a
walk through San Diegos Little Italy and dinner.
Extended Happy Hour
Monday, September 22 - 7:30 PM - 9:00 PM
Show your badge in the Westin bar and receive
happy hour pricing.
Walking Tour and Dinner in Gaslamp Quarter
Tuesday, September 23 - 6:30 PM
Join us for a walking tour of historic San Diego and
an informal dinner with fellow Controlling 2014 par-
ticipants at the beautiful Seasons's 52 restaurant.
Post-Conference Networking
Networking doesn't end when the conference does.
Keep in touch with your fellow conference atten-
dees after Controlling 2014 via Blog, Twitter,
LinkedIn, Facebook, and Pinterest.
Get Involved with our SAP Controlling Community!
There are numerous ways to be an active member
of our thriving SAP Controlling Community. Here
are just a few ideas:
Join our SAP Controlling Community on
Write a blog post for the Controlling
Community Blog
Present a case study or session at
Controlling 2015
We are happy to help new authors write blog posts
and new speakers develop a stellar session. Email
Alice Adams for more information aadams@erp-
Green Conference Initiatives:
Please help us in our efforts to have a green
Pads and Pens:
Notepads and pens will be available in the back of
each session room instead of at each seat. Please
feel free to take as much notepaper as needed dur-
ing the sessions. By setting notes in the back of the
room, we are reducing the amount of wasted paper.
Water Stations:
Water stations are available in the back of each
session room. Please use the water stations to re-
duce the number of plastic water bottles used.
The Westin has recycling bins placed throughout
their facility, including the meeting rooms. Please
use the recycling stations to separate paper, cans
and waste.
There are many ways to connect with your fellow
Controlling 2014 conference attendees. Getting
connected is easy!
Panel Discussions and
Interactive Forums
Whiteboard Session: SAP Financials and
Controlling Flow
Sunday, September 21, 1:00 PM - 2:00 PM
John Jordan
Crystal II
Interactive Forum: Which SAP planning tool is
the best one for my organization?
Sunday, September 21, 2:15 PM 3:15 PM
Thomas Bauer and Martin Munzel
Crystal II
Panel: Innovations in SAP Controlling and
Financial Analytics
Sunday, September 21, 3:45 PM 5:00 PM
Joe Cravero, David Dixon, Carsten Hilker, and
Janet Salmon
Crystal II
Expert Led Networking: SAP Material Ledger
Tuesday, September 23, 10:30 AM 11:45 AM
Michael Shoemaker, Kay Sencabaugh
Crystal I
Expert Led Networking: CO-PA
Tuesday, September 23, 1:00 PM 2:15 PM
Paul Ovigele
Crystal I
Interactive Forum: SAP Project System and
cProjects best and worst practices
Tuesday, September 23, 2:45 PM 4:00 PM
Kent Bettisworth
Diamond I
Expert Led Networking: Planning, budgeting,
forecasting, and consolidation activities
Tuesday, September 23, 2:45 PM 4:00 PM
Michael DeLeo
Expert Led Networking: Global implementa-
tions and rollouts
Tuesday, September 23, 4:15 PM 5:30 PM
Kent Bettisworth, Rogerio Faleiros, Martin Munzel
Crystal II
Industry and Topic Area
These networking opportunities will allow you to
collaborate with SAP Controlling professionals in
your industry and/or region.
Industry Networking During Lunch
Monday, September 22 11:45 AM 1:30 PM
Tables will be organized for following industries:
Aerospace & Defense
Consumer Products
Fabricated Metal Products
Food & Beverage
Engineering, Construction & Operations (EC&O)
Health Care
Industrial Machinery & Components
Oil & Gas
Public Sector
Raw Materials, Mining & Agriculture
Supply Chain Technologies
Topic Area Networking During Lunch
Tuesday, September 23 11:45 AM 1:00 PM
Tables will be organized for the following topics:
Activity-Based Costing
Asset Accounting
Cost and Profit Center Accounting
Group Cost Profitability
Internal Orders
Material Ledger
Jarrett Bialek is a functional and technical expert in
the area of SAP Planning solutions from SEM-BPS,
BW-IP, and BPC NW/MS to the latest EPM10 soft-
ware. His focus is on enhancing business processes
and user experiences. He has delivered six BPC
NW and BPC MS full-lifecycle projects, has 10
years total IT consulting experience, 6 years spe-
cific to SAP. He has worked on and delivered a va-
riety of complex projects on SAP solutions while
they were in ramp-up or newly GA. Jarrett is also an
educator and has created and delivered training
material on BW 3.5, BW 7.0, BPC 7/7.5, and
EPM10 for several clients and independent consult-
Scott Cairncross is the founder of TruQua and spe-
cializes in business planning and consolidations
and has a deep knowledge of SAP NetWeaver
BW, SAP BusinessObjects, and the EPM Suite.
Scott focuses on helping customers successfully im-
plement SAP BusinessObjects, SAP EPM, and SAP
NetWeaver BW. Scott is also heavily focused on
bringing SAP Data into Rich Internet Applications,
leveraging Flex, Cocoa, and Rich Java Tools, such
as Google Web Toolkit, on both PCs and devices.
Scott has participated in numerous SAP NetWeaver
BW, SAP BusinessObjects, & EPM go-lives and is a
regular speaker at SAP events.
Gary Cokins is an internationally recognized ex-
pert, speaker, and author in advanced cost man-
agement and enterprise performance and risk
management systems. He is the founder of Analytics-
Based Performance Management LLC, an advisory
firm located in Cary, NC at .
Gary began his career with a Fortune 100 com-
pany in CFO and operations roles. He then worked
15 years in consulting with Deloitte, KPMG, and
EDS. From 1997 until recently Gary was a Princi-
pal Consultant with SAS, a leading provider of en-
terprise performance management and business
analytics and intelligence software. Some of his re-
cent books include:
Predictive Business Analytics: Forward Looking
Capabilities to Improve Business Performance
Performance Management: Integrating Strategy
Execution, Methodologies, Risk, and Analytics
Performance Management: Finding the Missing
Pieces to Close the Intelligence Gap (2004)
You can contact Gary at
Ross Christoph is primarily responsible for the
processes and solutions for Product Costing at Eli
Lilly and Company on a global basis. Eli Lilly has
manufacturing plants located in 13 countries and
products marketed in 125 countries. Ross has been
with Eli Lilly since 1999 and participated in the im-
plementations of the SAP for product costing and
other CO module functionality in many plants and
countries around the world. Previously Ross has
worked at other manufacturing companies focusing
on internal accounting and financial roles since
1979 until becoming involved with SAP projects
beginning in 1992. Ross has been a Certified
Management Accountant since 1981.
Elitza Alexandrova is Senior Financial Analyst at
SPX Genfare, a leader in providing customized fare
solutions to transit agencies of all sizes throughout
North America, and part of SPX Corporation, a For-
tune 500 manufacturing and industrial equipment
supplier. Elitza has been with SPX for more than five
years in various Accounting/Finance positions in-
cluding Senior Internal Auditor. In her current posi-
tion, Elitza has been one of the key resources in the
sites implementation of Oracles Hyperion Planning
tool and SAP profitability analysis. Elitza holds an
MBA from Purdue University and a Master in Ac-
counting Science from Northern Illinois University.
She is also a Certified Public Accountant, Regis-
tered, in the State of Illinois. Elitza can be con-
tacted at or on
Thomas Bauer is managing partner and solution ar-
chitect for planning solutions at biX Consulting in
Germany, a BI consulting company he formed 5
years ago with former colleagues from SAP Ger-
many. During his 8 years at SAP Thomas worked as
consultant and business development manager for
BI and IP planning applications. He has worked on
numerous projects in Europe, USA, Australia, and
Asia in different roles responsible for implementing
SAP NetWeaver BI-IP and also as a trusted advisor
for BI strategy. Additionally, he is a trainer and
speaker at hands-on seminars and contributes arti-
cles to FICO Forum
Kent Bettisworth has over thirty years of experience
creating new organizations, implementing and
managing information systems, and creating and
delivering business training programs. Since 1993
Kent has consulted for many Fortune 1000 corpora-
tions across all industries and is well-regarded for
his business and technical expertise in SAP Project
System, Fixed Assets, and Investment Management
modules. Kent is a frequent speaker at annual SAP
user conferences. In addition Kent has taught SAP
courses in Project System and Asset Management
throughout the U.S. and lectured on leadership and
entrepreneurship at Texas A&M University and Uni-
versity of Texas. Find out more information at and you can email
Kent at
Elitza Alexandrova
Scott Cairncross
Gary Cokins
Ross Christoph
Joe Cravero
Michael DeLeo
Thomas Bauer
Kent Bettisworth
Jarrett Bialek Joe Cravero is Project Manager on the SAP Finan-
cial and Controllings Enterprise CO (Controlling)
support team at Deere & Company. He is responsi-
ble for defining, developing, maintaining, and de-
ploying various complex CO business processes in
support of SAP implementation projects and various
process improvement activities. Joe has more than
13 years of experience working on SAP projects
around the world focused on General Ledger, re-
porting, planning/forecasting, product costing, ac-
tual costing, upgrades, and archiving. He holds a
baccalaureate degree in accounting and computer
science from Augustana College, an MBA from
Saint Ambrose University, and is a registered CPA.
Michael DeLeo is a Director of Cost Accounting for
CareFusion, a medical device company focused on
improved patient safety and lowering the cost of
healthcare. He has been a Finance Lead and
Change Management Lead on multiple systems im-
plementations including BPC 7.5NW, Hyperion En-
terprise 4.6, and various other SAP tools with spe-
cialization in planning-based applications and busi-
ness process. Prior to these projects, Michael held
positions in a variety of Finance functional roles in-
cluding FP&A, Audit, and Financial Systems.
12 13
David Hutton is a consultant with TruQua amd has
had 15 years of SAP implementation experience
and is a chartered accountant. David quickly put
his accounting and IT skills to work in the London fi-
nancial industry and two years later was offered a
position in Houston, TX working on the first ever
SAP EC-CS project in North America. After the ex-
perience gained in Houston he travelled and con-
sulted on SAP Consolidations projects all over the
world. Throughout his travels David has honed his
experience and is an expert in SAP Consolidations
including FI-LC, EC-CS, and SEM-BCS.
John Jordan is founder and principal consultant at
ERP Corp, which provides expert SAP consulting
and training services. John regularly speaks at con-
ferences, publishes articles, and is the author of
SAP Press bestsellers:
Product Cost Controlling with SAP (2nd Edition)
Production Variance Analysis in SAP Controlling
(2nd Edition) (2011)
100 Things You Should Know About Controlling
with SAP (2011)
John is considered one of the leading experts in
SAP Controlling by clients and peers. You can
reach John at
Chris Karch is the Stream Lead for SAP FI/CO at
Rockwell Automation (RA). He has been with RA for
19 years and has led the SAP Controlling imple-
mentation since they began the conversion seven
years ago. Prior to the SAP implementation project,
Chris held various management positions in Product
Costing and Operations Finance at multiple RA
sites. While Chris came from the business side, he
managed both functional as well as technical re-
sources as RA underwent the transformation to a sin-
gle instance of SAP globally. Currently, Chris is
ensuring global process rollout and data conversion
for the Southeast Asia Pacific Region. Chris holds a
BBA in accounting from the University of Wisconsin
- Madison. Chris can be reached at
Sydnie McConnell is lead SAP business systems an-
alyst for Finance at Woodward, which integrates
leading-edge technologies into fuel, combustion,
fluid, actuation, and electronic control systems for
the aerospace and energy markets. Sydnie has
over 14 years of experience with SAP Financials,
both as a cost accountant and a systems analyst.
Shes worked on a variety of complex projects, fo-
cusing on SAP Controlling, including several global
SAP ERP and BPC implementations.
Thomas Michael is the founder and CEO of the
Michael Management Corporation, a leading
provider of SAP elearning solutions and recognized
expert SAP consulting services. Thomas has worked
with an impressive array of clients all over the world
and his clients and peers consider him one of the
leading SAP Fixed Assets experts. Thomas regularly
speaks at national conferences and is the author of
Reporting for SAP Asset Accounting. You can reach
Thomas at
David Hutton
John Jordan
Chris Karch
Sydnie McConnell
Thomas Michael
Tanya Duncan is a SAP FICO Consultant with De-
loitte, the world's largest private professional serv-
ices firm. Tanya previously worked for Owens
Corning, a Fortune 500 global building materials
company in Toledo, OH. She has experience on
global SAP deployments as a product costing lead
and CO team member. Tanya is the author of The
Essential SAP Career Guide, a beginners guide to
SAP careers for students and professionals. Tanya
graduated from Grand Valley State University in
Grand Rapids, MI in May 2010 with a BBA in
Management Information Systems. Her second
book, Practical Guide to CO-PC (Product Cost
Controlling) was released July 2014.
Rogerio Faleiros is an independent SAP consultant
specializing in controlling functionality. He has
worked with SAP technology since 2005, imple-
menting controlling solutions in the food processing,
chemical, construction and agribusiness industries.
Since 2008, Rogerio has been working with IFRS
and integration with CO-PC minimizing the impact
of the changes in SAP for companies in the United
States, Brazil, and Germany. Rogerio has an MBA
in IT from Getulio Vargas Foundation and is a fre-
quent presenter providing training for new consult-
ants in Brazil. Rogerio is author of Configuring
Controlling in SAP ERP. You can reach Rogerio at or connect with him on
Beth Hager is a member of the SAP FI/CO imple-
mentation team at Rockwell Automation. She sup-
ports the implementation of SAP CRM Services and
its financial integration with ECC. Beth has three
years of experience in this role in process improve-
ment, testing, and data conversion for CRM Serv-
ices Contracts and Service Orders. Prior to joining
the implementation team, Beth held various posi-
tions with Rockwell Automation, Baxter Healthcare,
and Deloitte in FP&A, Audit, and General Account-
Carsten Hilker is the Solution Manager at SAP for
the Cost and Performance Management portfolio of
solutions within ERP (CO) and EPM. He is an advo-
cate and promoter of profitable growth, effective
and efficient resource management, and optimiza-
tion of processes and business activities throughout
an organization. His professional affiliations include
ASUG, IMA, CAM-I and the Resource Consumption
Accounting Institute (RCA-I).
David Dixon is an internationally recognized
speaker and author. His authoritative book Master-
ing the SAP Business Information Warehouse and
popular SAP-sponsored white papers establish him
as a leading expert in SAP implementation and de-
ployment strategies. David was a former Financials
and Controlling Platinum Consultant with SAP, spe-
cializing in all the SAP information systems and
tools. He has actively worked with SAPs develop-
ment team for over fifteen years in support of appli-
cations in the Enterprise Performance Management
space, starting with SAP ERP-based Financial Con-
solidation (FI-LC). He has extensive project experi-
ence in implementing complicated global solutions
for Fortune 100 companies and is a recognized
speaker at SAP events worldwide.
David Dixon
Tanya Duncan
Rogerio Faleiros
Beth Hager
Carsten Hilker
Kay Sencabaugh is the SAP CO lead at Mc-
Cormick & Company. She has 18 years of SAP ex-
perience in the food industry, the last 10 focusing
on Product Costing, SAP Material Ledger, and Prof-
itability Reporting. While with McCormick, Kay has
participated in several successful international go-
lives. Kay is a graduate of Harvard University and
Yale University, and can be reached at Kay_Sen-
Michael Shoemaker is a principal consultant at Alta
Via Consulting, where experts design, deploy and
support SAP Controlling solutions in ECC, BW and
SAP HANA. Michael has 16 years of experience
working with SAP Controlling. Before joining Alta
Via, Michael worked for 11 years in the food indus-
try, which was preceded by 10 years in the aircraft
manufacturing industry. He spent more than 6 years
in Cost Accounting positions, before moving to IT in
1998. Michael has implemented many Controlling
solutions focusing on Product Costing using ABC
and Material Ledger, with projects ranging from ver-
sion & Unicode upgrades to implementations in the
US, Canada, and Europe. He received his BA in
Business Management and MBA degrees from Wi-
chita State University. You can contact Michael at
Jrg Siebert has worked as consultant, trainer and
product manager and has more than 16 years of
experience with accounting software. For the last
10 years he worked at SAP Germany in Walldorf
with a focus on SAP ERP Financials. He has written
several books including The SAP General Ledger
and SAP ERP Financials User's Guide. In 2011 he
started his own publishing company www.espresso- - E-Books for SAP Software.
Martin Munzel has worked as an SAP CO/PS spe-
cialist since 1998. During this time, he imple-
mented SAP numerous times in Europe, North
America and Asia. With experience as both a con-
sultant and in-house consultant, Martin not only
knows how to implement SAP, but also how to
maintain and analyze it. Martin regularly delivers
training on various SAP finance-related topics and
has published a number of books, including First
Steps in SAP and New SAP Controlling Planning In-
terface. In 2011 he started his own publishing com-
pany - E-Books for SAP
Paul Ovigele has worked as an ERP financials con-
sultant since 1997 in both North America and Eu-
rope, specializing in implementing the Financial
Accounting and Controlling modules and all inte-
gration areas for companies in various industries.
Paul delivers training sessions to finance profession-
als at both functional and managerial levels, and is
published in SAP Financials Expert where he also
serves as a technical adviser. He has presented at
SAP financial conferences in both Europe and the
United States. Paul is also the author of 100 Things
You Should Know About Financial Accounting with
SAP (2011) and Reconciling SAP COPA to the
General Ledger (2014).
Adrian Rochofski is the Managing Director for Kern
Americas, a SAP software company focusing on
simplified planning solutions for SAP users. Kern is a
German based SAP software company that has
been developing and pioneering SAP planning so-
lutions for more than 18 years. During the last 8
years, he has supported many Fortune 500 and
mid-sized businesses in the USA and Europe with
his passionate hands-on approach to providing so-
lutions for critical business and planning processes.
Janet Salmon is the Chief Product Owner for Man-
agement Accounting at SAP AG. Janet is known to
many SAP Financials professionals for her writings
on Controlling and related subjects in SAP Finan-
cials Expert. She recently published her first book
for SAP Press: Controlling with SAP Practical
Guide. Janet has overseen many SAP Controlling
functionality product developments both as a Prod-
uct and Solution Manager. Most recently she spear-
headed changes to the user interfaces within
Controlling and data transfer from Controlling to
Martin Munzel
Adrian Rochofski
Janet Salmon
Paul Ovigele
Kay Sencabaugh
Michael Shoemaker
Jrg Siebert
Birgit Starmanns is a senior director in marketing at
SAP for Finance solutions. Birgit has more than 20
years of experience across solution marketing, solu-
tion management, strategic customer communities
and consulting. Her functional experience is in fi-
nance, including core SAP ERP and enterprise per-
formance management, as well as customer
relationship management, which has allowed her to
focus on the integration of cross-functional business
processes. Prior to joining SAP, Birgit was a princi-
pal in management consulting organizations, re-
designing business processes and implementing
SAP R/3 and R/2 for numerous Fortune 500 and
SME companies, with a focus on management ac-
counting. Birgit holds a BA and an MBA from the
College of William and Mary. She is also the co-
author of Accelerated Financial Closing with SAP
with SAP Press, and Product Costing Scenarios
Made Easy by SAP Labs.
Birgit Starmanns
Karim Yehia is the lead product manager for the
Data Services business at OANDA, the authoritative
foreign exchange data source for multinational cor-
porations, tax authorities, and financial institutions
around the world. During his 3 years at OANDA,
Karim has managed and grown the exchange rates
data, international money transfer, and online pay-
ments businesses. In his current role, Karim is re-
sponsible for ensuring that OANDA's customers
have a smooth experience integrating exchange rates
data into their ERP systems. Karim holds an MBA
from the Wharton School and a Master of Science
from the Massachusetts Institute of Technology.
Karim Yehia
17 16
Pre-Conf. Day - Sunday, Sept. 21 Room Speaker(s) Track Session Title
9:00 AM - 6:00 PM Registration Open Crystal Ballroom Foyer
9:30 AM - 11:45 AM Pre-conference Session Crystal II John Jordan, Paul Ovigele Pre-conference Session Tips and Tricks For SAP Controlling and Financials
11:45 AM - 1:00 PM Lunch Lunch on Your Own
1:00 PM - 2:00 PM Pre-conference Session Crystal II John Jordan Pre-conference Session Whiteboard Session: SAP Financials and Controlling Flow
2:00 PM - 2:15 PM Refreshment Break Crystal Ballroom Foyer
2:15 PM - 3:15 PM Pre-conference Session Crystal II Martin Munzel, Thomas Bauer Pre-conference Session Interactive Forum: Which SAP planning tool is the best one for my organization?
3:15 PM - 3:45 PM Refreshment Break Crystal Ballroom Foyer
3:45 PM - 5:00 PM Pre-conference Session Crystal II Janet Salmon, Carsten Hilker, Joe Cravero, David Dixon Pre-conference Session Panel: Innovations in SAP Controlling and Financial Analytics
6:00 PM Westin Lobby Dinner in Little Italy
Day 1 - Monday, Sept. 22 Room Speaker(s) Track Session Title
7:00 AM - 6:00 PM Registration Open Crystal Ballroom Foyer
7:00 AM - 9:00 AM Continental Breakfast Crystal Ballroom Foyer & Opal Foyer
9:00 AM - 10:00 AM Keynote Crystal I Michael DeLeo, John Jordan, Jon Reed BPC 10 on SAP HANA: How speed unlocks innovation at CareFusion
10:00 AM - 10:30 AM Refreshment Break Crystal Ballroom Foyer & Opal Foyer
10:30 AM - 11:45 AM Plenary Session Crystal I Janet Salmon SAP Accounting powered by SAP HANA - Moving controlling and finance closer together
11:45 AM - 1:30 PM Lunch Coast Restaurant
1:30 PM - 2:45 PM Breakout Session 1 Opal Gary Cokins Track 1 Analytics for product, channel, and customer profitability reporting
1:30 PM - 2:45 PM Breakout Session 1 Crystal II Birgit Starmanns Track 2 Analyze the financial entries in make-to-order manufacturing
1:30 PM - 2:45 PM Breakout Session 1 Diamond I Rogerio Faleiros Track 3 Expert guide to integrated Profitability Analysis (CO-PA) Planning
1:30 PM - 2:45 PM Breakout Session 1 Crystal I Sydnie McConnell Track 4 Case Study: How Woodward implemented SAP BPC 10.0
3:00 PM - 4:15 PM Breakout Session 2 Diamond I Thomas Michael Track 1 How to botch SAP Asset Accounting
3:00 PM - 4:15 PM Breakout Session 2 Crystal II Kay Sencabaugh Track 1 Case Study: How McCormick uses SAP Templates for accurate overhead management
3:00 PM - 4:15 PM Breakout Session 2 Crystal I Tanya Duncan Track 2 Five steps to understand SAP Product Costing
3:00 PM - 4:15 PM Breakout Session 2 Opal Jarrett Bialek Track 4 Introduction to overhead cost planning functionality with SAP BPC
4:15 PM - 4:45 PM Refreshment Break Crystal Ballroom Foyer & Opal Foyer
4:45 PM - 6:00 PM Breakout Session 3 Diamond I Mike Shoemaker Track 1 Which order type should I use?
4:45 PM - 6:00 PM Breakout Session 3 Crystal I Paul Ovigele Track 2 Is SAP Material Ledger right for your company?
4:45 PM - 6:00 PM Breakout Session 3 Opal Jrg Siebert Track 3 SAP General Ledger segment reporting demystified
4:45 PM - 6:00 PM Breakout Session 3 Crystal II Elitza Alexandrova, John Jordan Track 4 Case Study: How SPX Genfare leverages SAP Profitability Analysis (CO-PA) data to feed Hyperion planning
6:00 PM - 7:30 PM Welcome Reception Pool Terrace
(Continued Next page...)
(Continued...) Day 2 - Tuesday, Sept. 23 Room Speaker(s) Track Session Title
7:00 AM - 6:00 PM Registration Open Crystal Ballroom Foyer
7:00 AM - 8:00 AM Continental Breakfast Crystal Ballroom Foyer & Opal Foyer
8:00 AM - 8:45 AM Day 2 Conference Kickoff Crystal I
9:00 AM - 10:15 AM Breakout Session 4 Crystal I Janet Salmon Track 1 Enhancement Packages 5 & 6 - Where to find the business functions that matter for Controllers
9:00 AM - 10:15 AM Breakout Session 4 Crystal II Rogerio Faleiros Track 2 Expert guide to obtaining combined CKM3 (material price analysis) with cost component split in SAP ERP
9:00 AM - 10:15 AM Breakout Session 4 Diamond I Chris Karch Track 2 How Rockwell Automation successfully converted 1.9 million in standard materials and $451 million in ...
9:00 AM - 10:15 AM Breakout Session 4 Opal David Dixon Track 4 Planning, budgeting, and forecasting: How to improve planning accuracy and shorten planning cycles with ...
10:15AM - 10:30 AM Refreshment Break Crystal Ballroom Foyer & Opal Foyer
10:30 AM - 11:45 AM Breakout Session 5 Diamond I Kent Bettisworth Track 1 An expert guide to leveraging SAP

Results Analysis to recognize project revenue and costs

10:30 AM - 11:45 AM Breakout Session 5 Crystal I Mike Shoemaker, Kay Sencabaugh Track 2 Expert Led Networking: SAP Material Ledger
10:30 AM - 11:45 AM Breakout Session 5 Opal Carsten Hilker Track 3 Leveraging innovations for reporting in SAP ERP Controlling with or without SAP HANA
10:30 AM - 11:45 AM Breakout Session 5 Crystal II Scott Cairncross Track 4 Common scenarios for SAP BPC custom enhancements
11:45 AM - 1:00 PM Lunch Coast Restaurant Networking by Topic Area
1:00 PM - 2:15 PM Breakout Session 6 Diamond I John Jordan Track 1 Set up and utilize internal orders as standard SAP functionality
1:00 PM - 2:15 PM Breakout Session 6 Crystal II Ross Christoph Track 2 Case Study: How Eli Lilly and Company implemented group costing
1:00 PM - 2:15 PM Breakout Session 6 Crystal I Paul Ovigele Track 3 Expert Led Networking: Profitability Analysis (CO-PA)
1:00 PM - 2:15 PM Breakout Session 6 Opal David Hutton Track 3 Mastering Business Rules: All about the C in SAP BPC
2:15 PM - 2:45 PM Refreshment Break Crystal Ballroom Foyer & Opal Foyer
2:45 PM - 4:00PM Breakout Session 7 Diamond I Kent Bettisworth Track 1 Interactive Forum: SAP Project System and cProjects best and worst practices
2:45 PM - 4:00PM Breakout Session 7 Crystal I Joe Cravero Track 2 Case Study: How Deere & Co. approaches purchased materials costing
2:45 PM - 4:00PM Breakout Session 7 Crystal II Rogerio Faleiros, Martin Munzel Track 3 Expert guide to international SAP rollouts
2:45 PM - 4:00PM Breakout Session 7 Opal Michael DeLeo Track 4 Expert Led Networking: Planning, budgeting, forecasting, and consolidation activities
4:15 PM - 4:45 PM Sponsor Session 1 Crystal I Karim Yehia Sponsor Session Corporate exposure to exchange rates
4:15PM - 5:30 PM Breakout Session 8 Opal Beth Hager Track 1 Case Study: How Rockwell Automation integrates CRM Services with ECC for seamless financial postings and ...
4:15PM - 5:30 PM Breakout Session 8 Diamond I Mike Shoemaker Track 2 Making co-products work
4:15PM - 5:30 PM Breakout Session 8 Crystal II Rogerio Faleiros, Martin Munzel, Kent Bettisworth Track 3 Expert Led Networking: Global implementations and rollouts
5:00 PM - 5:30 PM Sponsor Session 2 Crystal I Adrian Rochofski Sponsor Session SAP + MS Excel - Building a bridge to financial excellence
5:30 PM - 6:00 PM Diamond I Conference Debrief / Post-Conference Workshop Meeting
6:30 PM Westin Lobby Walking Tour and Dinner in Gaslamp Quarter
Post-Conf. Day - Wed., Sept. 24 Room Speaker(s) Track Session Title
8:00 AM - 3:00 PM Registration Open Opal Foyer
8:30 AM - 10:30 AM Post-conference Session Diamond I Post-conference Session Workshop
10:30 AM - 10:45 AM Refreshment Break Opal Foyer
10:45 AM - 1:00 PM Post-conference Session Diamond I Post-conference Session Workshop
1:00 PM - 2:30 PM Lunch Lunch on Your Own
2:30 PM - 3:00 PM Post-conference Session Diamond I Post-conference Session Optional Wrap-Up
analysis and reconciliation and making
work in process easier to analyze
How customers are using HANA Live
and Fiori to provide real-time access to
live ERP Finance data via anytime, any-
where user interfaces and business intelli-
gence tools such as Excel and the BOBJ
Analysis for Office plugin
Hear how customers are using the Cloud
to accelerate projects, lower risks and
make facts-based decisions on product
evaluations, upgrades and migrations,
sizing and performance tuning and
strategic roadmap planning
Learn about the typical Cloud security,
access and connectivity concerns and
the various approaches to overcome
How and why Deere & Co is transition-
ing its budgeting processes from BPS to
Leave this session with strategies to make
sense of big data and put it to use at your
organization and share directly with SAP
what you need for a better management
accounting user interface.
Track 1 SAP Overhead
Analytics for product, channel, and
customer profitability reporting
Gary Cokins
Monday, 1:30 PM - 2:45 PM
In order to increase profitability, it is essen-
tial to have granular profitability detail at
the individual customer, product and chan-
nel levels that provides the ability to identify
specific actions to drive profits. This plat-
form independent session will address how
to design an ABC model. Well cover:
Cost modeling for direct costs combined
with activity-based cost (ABC) principles
for indirect and cost-to-serve expenses
How to model resource expenses into
final cost objects using ABC principles
How to right-size and not over-design
an ABC model
How to produce a customer profit and
loss report with layered profit margins for
Leave this session with a strategy to pro-
duce immediate results in your companys
Case Study: How McCormick uses
SAP Templates for accurate over-
head management
Kay Sencabaugh
Monday, 3:00 PM - 4:15 PM
Crystal II
Learn how McCormick uses SAP ABC tem-
plates to manage overhead including accu-
rate allocations and comparing plans to
actuals. Well cover:
Why McCormick uses ABC templates in-
stead of overhead costing sheets
Differences between North American
and EMEA rollouts
Tips for writing flexible functions
Leave this session with an understanding of
how your organization can leverage tem-
plates to accurately and appropriately seg-
ment overhead.
How to botch SAP Asset Accounting
Thomas Michael
Monday, 3:00 PM - 4:15 PM
Diamond I
Ever wonder what you would have to do to
really botch up SAP Asset Accounting? In
this session, well walk through asset ac-
count user and configuration setting prob-
lems and most importantly, how to avoid
them. Well cover:
Tips for producing consistent reporting
values across years
Using the correct report for certain num-
bers (one size report does not fit all)
What ghost assets are and how to find
out if you have any
The frequently missed AA configuration
flag that could put your company out of
Leave this session with tips for the types of
transactions to eliminate to avoid a costly
audit. Dont forget your cell phone to place
your vote for the most common mistakes in
asset accounting.
Which order type should I use?
Michael Shoemaker
Monday, 4:45 PM - 6:00 PM
Diamond I
SAP has thirteen order categories defined
for use in the CO module. Each category
represents a different type of order. In this
session, we will explore uses of the most
commonly used orders. This presentation
will focus on key order functionality including:
Common orders uses
Order type configuration including settle-
ment profile, planning profile and status
Period-end processing of orders
Leave this session with best practices for
which order type to use and when.
Enhancement Packages 5 & 6
Where to find the business func-
tions that matter for Controllers
Janet Salmon
Tuesday, 9:00 AM - 10:15 AM
Crystal I
When SAP introduced the concept of en-
hancement packages and packaged func-
tionality in business functions, administrators
were relieved that they would not have to
test everything when they upgraded. How-
ever, it made some business functions diffi-
cult to locate. In this session we will dive
into hard to find functionality important to
Controllers including:
Pre-Conference Sessions
Tips and tricks for SAP Controlling
and Financials
John Jordan & Paul Ovigele
Sunday, 9:30 AM - 11:45 AM
Crystal II
Learn select tips and tricks first-hand from
the authors of two best-selling SAP Press
100 Things You Should Know About
Controlling with SAP
100 Things You Should Know About Fi-
nancial Accounting with SAP
Select tips will be presented in a user-
friendly format together with background in-
formation on how the tips arose and
additional information to assist you learn
even more about these areas of SAP.
Come prepared to participate in this dy-
namic and interactive session.
Whiteboard Session: SAP Finan-
cials and Controlling Flow
John Jordan
Sunday, 1:00 PM 2:00 PM
Crystal II
Attend this unique whiteboard session with
SAP Controlling expert John Jordan to walk
step-by-step through the basic flow of infor-
mation both into and within Controlling that
everyone can understand. Join this interac-
tive session and learn:
Primary versus secondary cost elements
The production order process and asso-
ciated cost flows
Period-end activities including assess-
ments, WIP, overhead, variance calcula-
tion and settlement
The role of cost elements, cost centers,
activities, orders, and profit centers mas-
ter data
Leave this session with an increased under-
standing of the business processes and
flow of data associated with SAP Control-
Interactive Forum: Which SAP
planning tool is the best one for
my organization?
Thomas Bauer & Martin Munzel
Sunday, 2:15 PM 3:15 PM
Crystal II
Classical planning in ERP, BW IP, BPC,
Web Dynpro planning in ERP, HANA Plan-
ning Application Kit, Smart Financials
there is an abundant supply of planning
tools available in SAP. What are the ad-
vantages and disadvantages of the individ-
ual tools, and how do you know which
tool is the right one for your organization?
In this session, well cover:
A short overview of the planning tools
available, and their pros and cons
A matrix of the planning tools to support
you in deciding which tool to use
Interactive discussion on how partici-
pants in the audience use planning tools
Tips for your planning strategy from our
Walk away with an understanding what
planning tools SAP offers and how to
choose the one most suitable for your or-
Panel: Innovations in SAP Control-
ling and Financial Analytics
Joe Cravero, David Dixon, Carsten Hilker,
& Janet Salmon
Sunday, 3:45 PM - 5:00 PM
Crystal II
In this pre-conference panel discussion
you'll hear from the experts on innovations
in SAP Controlling and Financial Analytics.
Hear what SAP customers are doing in this
area and get insight on SAP's strategic di-
rection. We'll discuss:
See how early innovators are utilizing
SAP Simple Finance from leveraging
the new income statement to lining up
new FI and CO functionality for easier
Tracks & Sessions
service contract from order entry in CRM
Services through the financial postings and
reporting in ECC.
Track 2 SAP Product
Analyze the financial entries in
make-to-order manufacturing
Birgit Starmanns
Monday, 1:30 PM - 2:45 PM
Crystal II
Product costing highlights the integrated na-
ture of the SAP ERP environment by bring-
ing together information from many
different application areas: sales (SD), in-
ventory (MM), production (PP), cost ac-
counting (CO), and the General Ledger
(FI). Using a make-to-order (MTO) manufac-
turing scenario as an example, well iden-
tify how each step in a manufacturing
process is reflected in both the General
Ledger and for each controlling object:
The controlling objects for a MTO
process including sales order items, pro-
duction orders, and profitability segments
How to create a standard cost for MTO
Accounting entries that are made auto-
matically during the period for a MTO
Tips for reconciling finance and manage-
ment accounting during period-end close
Ensuring legal compliance with addi-
tional period-end accounting postings
This session will also include an interactive
discussion focused on how you handle
MTO and best practices for configuration
and classifying variances.
Five steps to understand SAP
Product Costing
Tanya Duncan
Monday, 3:00 PM - 4:15 PM
Crystal I
Product costing is a niche skill and often
avoided due to its complexity. In this ses-
sion well cover five key steps to under-
standing product costing functionality in
SAP including an overview of the settlement
process, variances, and work in process
(WIP). Well cover:
How to use cost center planning to plan
dollars and quantities to determine activ-
ity rates
Best practices for assessments / distribu-
tions, cost splitting, and activity rate cal-
Key master data required for product
Costing runs and configuration for repeti-
tive, discrete, and process manufacturing
How actual costs are collected on orders
and cost centers
Leave this session with best practices for
viewing cost center reports and tips for eas-
ily resolving costing run errors.
Is SAP Material Ledger right for
your company?
Paul Ovigele
Monday, 4:45 PM - 6:00 PM
Crystal I
Many companies are weighing the costs
and benefits of implementing SAP Material
Ledger. In this session well cover:
Rationale behind using SAP Material
Basic SAP Material Ledger functionality
Standard and moving average costing
Technical and functional considerations
for implementing SAP Material Ledger
Leave this session with the information you
need to evaluate a SAP Material Ledger im-
How Rockwell Automation suc-
cessfully converted 1.9 million
standard materials and $451 mil-
lion in inventory from legacy sys-
tems to SAP
Chris Karch
Tuesday, 9:00 AM - 10:15 AM
Diamond I
Has your company converted its product
costing processes to SAP? In this session,
learn how Rockwell Automation, a global
provider of industrial automation, power,
control and information solutions, success-
fully converted its legacy cost relevant infor-
mation and inventory value to SAP. Well
How to manage the conversion from
legacy to SAP for product costing
Tools and techniques to simplify validation
Best practice to convert inventory bal-
ances and reconcile before revaluation
in SAP
Tips to create a repetitive process for val-
FIN_CO_COGM: Parallel valuation of
cost of goods manufactured allows for
different costing approaches for each ac-
counting principle your company follows
LOG_MM_SIT: Actual costing and stock
in transit allows you to pass production
variances to other plants, even if they are
assigned to other company codes
LOG_EAM_OLC: Operation level cost-
ing provides a more detailed view of
your service and maintenance costs
FIN_CO_CCMGMT: New user inter-
faces for cost center, order and activity
type master data and first planning appli-
PLAN: New user interfaces for cost cen-
ter planning, order planning, and project
Leave this session with the ability to go
back to the office and quickly identify and
use the business functions that benefit you.
An expert guide to leveraging

Results Analysis to recognize

project revenue and costs
Kent Bettisworth
Tuesday, 10:30 AM - 11:45 AM
Diamond I
Accurately recognizing costs and revenue
is one of the biggest challenges of project-
centric corporations. We'll examine how
you can use Results Analysis (RA) to com-
plete these activities:
Identify IFRS changes to revenue recogni-
tion and identifying companies that will
be impacted
Determining the best method for com-
pleted contacts and unit of completion
Understanding the formula for RA and
the impact of key and version
RA posting rules and resolving common
challenges for posting to different ledgers
Review RA reports including cost ele-
ments by hierarchy
Gain new skills for analyzing your existing
revenue process and RA keys to meet cur-
rent challenges and future IFRS changes.
Set up and utilize internal orders
as standard SAP

John Jordan
Tuesday, 1:00 PM - 2:15 PM
Diamond I
Internal orders are an often overlooked part
of standard controlling functionality. They
offer broad and detailed functionality rang-
ing from planning & budgeting to cost and
revenue analysis. Some key points:
Internal order configuration basics for
statistical orders
Usage of statistical internal orders
Standard reporting options for internal
Using internal order hierarchies to sup-
port reporting for groups of orders
Leveraging internal orders for planning
Walk away from this session with a clear
understanding of how you can utilize inter-
nal orders, and a better understanding of
how to track costs and revenues for a spe-
cific job, service, task, or event.
Interactive Forum: SAP Project
System and cProjects best and
worst practices
Kent Bettisworth
Tuesday, 2:45 PM - 4:00 PM
Diamond I
In this session well engage in a lively dis-
cussion on the best and worst practices
when it comes to SAP Project System and
cProjects. Well cover:
Best practices for project structures, con-
trols, and reports in SAP
Bad practices that can render Project
Systems/cProjects unusable
How to avoid mistakes that break your
project reporting
Youll leave this session with a list of best
and worst practices for SAP Project System
and cProjects.
Case Study: How Rockwell Au-
tomation integrates CRM Services
with ECC for seamless financial
postings and reporting
Beth Hager
Tuesday, 4:15 PM - 5:30 PM
Learn how Rockwell Automation seamlessly
integrates CRM Services for service con-
tracts, service orders, and service confirma-
tions with ECC financial integration points.
Well cover:
How to view a service contract or serv-
ice order in CRM
How activity types and rates for labor are
derived fromservice confirmations in CRM
How costs appear on the internal orders
from service confirmations and purchase
How revenue from invoicing appears on
internal orders
How results analysis and settlement ad-
just revenue/cost recognition and post to
Walk through a detailed example of a
2014 TRACKS AND SESSIONS (Continued)
will dive into Co-Product master data from
a SAP Controlling perspective. Well cover:
Definition of co-products, fixed-price co-
products, and by-products
Master data settings needed to ensure
co-products function properly
The impact of SAP Product Costing on
co-product materials
Leave this session with the steps you need
to successfully complete month-end for co-
product materials.
Track 3 - SAP Reporting/
Expert guide to integrated Prof-
itability Analysis (CO-PA) Planning
Rogerio Faleiros
Monday, 1:30 PM - 2:45 PM
Diamond I
Seamlessly integrating CO-PA, production
planning (PP), and cost center planning is
challenging for any company. This session
provides a step-by-step approach to CO-PA
integrated planning covering:
Integration between CO-PA and LIS struc-
Transfer from Logistical Information Sys-
tem (LIS) structures to PP Planning
How to calculate activity rates and stan-
dard cost
Long-term planning run and capacity cal-
Transfer of activity rates quantity to cost
center accounting
Learn how to update CO-PA with the new
costing, and leave this session understand-
ing how integrated planning can speed up
the planning process for your organization.
SAP General Ledger segment re-
porting demystified
Jrg Siebert
Monday, 4:45 PM - 6:00 PM
Many customers struggle to understand the
concept of segment reporting using the SAP
General Ledger. In this session, well cover
lessons learned from SAP customer projects
using examples from the utility and trading
industries. Learn more about:
Pros and cons of segment reporting in
classic G/L by business area and profit
How to use the new field segment in the
new G/L
Customer examples how they derive seg-
ments from profit centers
The impact of SAP HANA on segment
Walk away from the session with detailed
best practices on the topic of segment re-
porting in SAP ERP for classic and the new G/L.
Leveraging innovations for re-
porting in SAP ERP Controlling
with or without SAP HANA
Carsten Hilker
Tuesday, 10:30 AM - 11:45 AM
A number of technology innovations in the
SAP portfolio can add value to your con-
trolling reporting, even if you are not on the
latest release of SAP. This session will
Business Intelligence (BI) tools including
Mobile BI
Visual data analysis and analytical appli-
HANA-based operational reporting ba-
Excel-like reporting with HANA and ad-
vanced analytics
Youll walk away from this presentation with
a better understanding how to leverage in-
novations in reporting and how and where
that can improve your business performance
Expert Led Networking: CO-PA
Paul Ovigele
Tuesday, 1:00 PM - 2:15 PM
Crystal I
In this networking session led by CO-PA ex-
pert Paul Ovigele, you will have the oppor-
tunity to ask your toughest questions and
network with peers. Here are just a few of
the most common challenges that well
CO-PA implementation & design consid-
Improving CO-PA performance
Account-based CO-PA
Reconciling CO-PA to the General
Leave this interactive session with tech-
niques to improve your organizations CO-
PA performance.
Mastering Business Rules: All
about the C in SAP BPC
David Hutton
Tuesday, 1:00 PM - 2:15 PM
Many companies struggle to understand
SAP BPC Business Rules in the context of
US GAAP accounting principles. In this ses-
sion well cover:
The most common accounting scenarios
You will have an opportunity to brainstorm
with your peers on how to approach transi-
tioning from legacy to SAP product costing.
Expert guide to obtaining com-
bined CKM3 (material price
analysis) with cost component
split in SAP ERP
Rogerio Faleiros
Tuesday, 9:00 AM - 10:15 AM
Crystal II
CKM3 is a powerful transaction to track
actual cost and material movement history
for companies using SAP Material Ledger.
SAP provides KKML0 (product drilldown re-
port) functionality to combine with CKM3,
however the cost component split is not
shown in this transaction. In this session,
well review how to enhance standard
KKML0 functionality and obtain a com-
bined CKM3 showing cost components.
This session will cover:
Drill down reports including which tables
are relevant to expand drill down capa-
How to navigate a KKML0 report with
and without cost component split
The role of BW extractors to enhance
KMML0, including the cost component
split and additional key figures
Necessary user exits and changes such
as ZXYEXU06 and ZXYEXU03
Leave this session with step-by-step instruc-
tions for building combined CKM3 with
cost component split and report examples.
Expert Led Networking: SAP Ma-
terial Ledger
Kay Sencabaugh & Michael Shoemaker
Tuesday, 10:30 AM - 11:45 AM
Crystal I
In this networking session led by SAP Mate-
rial Ledger experts, youll have the opportu-
nity to get answers to your toughest
questions and network with peers. Here
are just a few of the topics covered:
Implementation considerations
Basic SAP Material Ledger functionality
Tips for leveraging standard and moving
average costing features
Best practices for performing actual cost-
ing for materials
How to use revaluation of consumption
Leave this session with your questions an-
swered and new concepts learned on SAP
Material Ledger.
Case Study: How Eli Lilly and
Company implemented group
Ross Christoph
Tuesday, 1:00 PM - 2:15 PM
Crystal II
Accurate group costing and valuation is
key to understanding true costs without in-
tercompany margins. In this session, well
review how Eli Lilly implemented SAP ERPs
group costing and valuation including
product cost planning, costing of process
orders, valuation of other inventory move-
ments including charges to cost centers,
and summarized reporting in the Special
Purpose Ledger.
Well cover:
Using product cost planning to calculate
group standard costs
How to calculate target and variances in
group valuation on production orders
Using SAP Material Ledger to valuate in-
ventory and activity at group valuation
Using the Special Purpose Ledger to sum-
marize internal management reporting
See how Eli Lilly worked around limitations
with the standard solutions, and get tips for
how subsidiaries not running SAP can be
incorporated into the overall solution.
Case Study: How Deere & Co.
approaches purchased materials
Joe Cravero
Tuesday, 2:45 PM - 4:00 PM
Crystal I
Well walk step-by-step through the basics
of standard SAP costing for purchased ma-
terials, including:
Vendor determination best practices
How to correctly configure purchasing
info record evaluation
Purchasing conditions in costing and
price determination process in MM
Troubleshooting potential errors with pur-
chasing info records, vendor records,
and purchasing conditions
Leave this session with examples of the
price determination process and how to
correctly map purchasing conditions to ori-
gin groups.
Making co-products work
Michael Shoemaker
Tuesday, 4:15 PM - 5:30 PM
Diamond I
The manufacturing process often has to
contend with several different finished
goods produced at once. This scenario is
called Co-Products and is notoriously
complicated to configure. This presentation
2014 TRACKS AND SESSIONS (Continued)
yond what is available in SAP.
Case Study: How SPX Genfare
leverages SAP Profitability Analy-
sis (CO-PA) data to feed Hyperion
Elitza Alexandrova and John Jordan
Monday, 4:45 PM - 6:00 PM
Crystal II
In this session youll learn how SPX Genfare,
a leader in providing customized fare solu-
tions to transit agencies, uses CO-PA data to
effectively populate Hyperion planning for
corporate-level streamlined forecasting
processes. Well cover:
How SPX Genfare utilizes KE24 line-item
report in CO-PA to transfer data to Hype-
rion Planning
Tips for reconciling CO-PA and SAP
General Ledger
Best practices for defining customer
fields: contract size and product type
Troubleshoot common trouble areas such
as repair and equipment orders
Walk away from this session with an under-
standing of why SPX selected Oracles Hy-
perion Planning tool to streamline and
standardize forecasting across businesses.
Planning, budgeting, and fore-
casting: How to improve planning
accuracy and shorten planning
cycles with driver-based planning
David Dixon
Tuesday, 9:00 AM - 10:15 AM
Learn how adopting a driver-based plan-
ning approach in SAP Business Planning
and Consolidation can enable more real-
time budgeting and forecasting, whether
you are leveraging SAP HANA or not.
Well cover:
Steps to take to accurately define your fi-
nancial planning drivers
A detailed example of how to implement
a driver-based model to run rolling re-
Integration points for pushing planning
results in real-time to other financial appli-
Best practices for developing scenario
plans to adapt to changing conditions
Walk away with an understanding of how
driver-based planning could impact your fi-
nance organization.
Common scenarios for SAP BPC
custom enhancements
Scott Cairncross
Tuesday, 10:30 AM - 11:45 AM
Crystal II
In this technical session, well look at why and
how many companies are enhancing front-
end and back-end SAP BPC functionality. Re-
view the enhancement options available and
the correct scenarios to use them in. Well
Why many companies utilize custom
code, and the issues you need to con-
Deep-dive into the BADIs for write back,
shared query engine, custom logic, vali-
dation rules, retraction and data man-
Identify common bottlenecks which com-
monly occur, including dimension mem-
ber lookups, MDX axis versus RSDRI
native queries, and hierarchy traversals
How SAP HANA impacts SAP BPC en-
Review code samples for common sce-
narios such as hierarchy disaggregation,
percentage averaging, ERP data retrac-
tion and complex data transformations
Gain a solid understanding of why enhanc-
ing SAP BPC is more common than you
would expect and whether or not it could
benefit your organization.
Expert Led Networking: Planning,
budgeting, forecasting, and con-
solidation activities
Michael DeLeo
Tuesday, 2:45 PM - 4:00 PM
In this networking session led by an SAP
planning, budgeting and forecasting ex-
pert, youll get answers to your toughest
questions and network with peers. Here
are just a few of the topics that well cover:
Streamlining planning, budgeting, fore-
casting, and consolidation activities
Evaluating SAP BPC functionality
What-if analysis and scenario planning
Statutory and management reporting re-
Reducing time-to-close
Leave this session with tips from your peers
for creating accurate financial forecasts
and budgets.
Sponsor Sessions
Corporate exposure to exchange
Karim Yehia
Tuesday, 4:15 PM - 4:45 PM
Crystal I
Any firm that has international subsidiaries,
suppliers, or customers will be impacted by
changes in currency exchange rates.
Broadly speaking, there are three types of
currency exposure that can have dramatic
impacts on a company:
Translation Exposure. Also known as ac-
counting exposure, it occurs when a
companys income or other financial as-
sets is denominated in a foreign currency
that is different from that of the parent
including: acquisition and equity meth-
ods, goodwill, non-controlling interest,
cumulative translation adjustments and
cash flow statements
The different types of business rules and
when to use them
SAP BPC elimination, balance carry
forward concepts and account transfor-
Best practices for configuring business
How master data, hierarchies and own-
ership data are used by Business Rules
Well review a demo of BPC business rules
concepts in action.
Expert guide to international SAP
Rogerio Faleiros, &
Martin Munzel
Tuesday, 2:45 PM - 4:00 PM
Crystal II
This session will offer practical recommen-
dations for navigating the most challenging
legal requirements in Brazil, Russia, India,
and China. Well discuss:
An overview of the different types of
Brazilian tax including union, state and
Tips for handling fixed assets and SPED
in Brazil
Key features of India country version &
tips for excise Duty, withholding tax and
education cess
Identify special requirements for posting
vouchers in China and impact of the
Golden Tax system
Leave this session with best practices for
approaching global template rollouts and
avoid typical pitfalls with template mainte-
Expert Led Networking: Global
implementations and rollouts
Kent Bettisworth, Rogerio Faleiros, &
Martin Munzel
Tuesday, 4:15 PM - 5:30 PM
Crystal II
In this networking session led by SAP
global rollout experts, youll get answers to
your toughest questions and network with
peers. Here are just a few of the chal-
lenges that well cover:
Unique legal requirements in Brazil,
India, China, Russia and more
Global template rollouts and template
Global/alternate chart of accounts
Global and foreign currency
Leave this session with tools and techniques
to streamline and simplify your SAP global
Track 4 - SAP Planning
Case Study: How Woodward im-
plemented SAP BPC 10.0
Sydnie McConnell
Monday, 1:30 PM - 2:45 PM
Crystal I
In this presentation, youll learn about how
Woodward, a leading designer and manu-
facturer of hydro-mechanical and electronic
fuel controls and delivery systems, decided
to move its planning, budgeting, and fore-
casting processes to SAP Business Planning
and Consolidation 10.0 (NetWeaver).
Well cover:
How the finance team made the busi-
ness case for planning, budgeting, and
Implementation timeline from planning to
Best practices for building a system mi-
gration roadmap
Tips for ensuring that accounting, report-
ing, and closing activities can carry on
business as usual during the implemen-
Leave this session with a list of key consid-
erations to evaluate in advance of a SAP
BPC implementation including ensuring that
Business Warehouse is compatible with
BPC 10 NW.
Introduction to overhead cost
planning functionality with SAP BPC
Jarrett Bialek
Monday, 3:00 PM - 4:15 PM
In this session, you will learn how to get the
most functionality out of this key expense
planning component, and get ideas for en-
hancing your own overhead cost center
planning application. Walk through an ex-
ample of overhead cost planning in SAP
BPC integrated with SAP ERP including:
Best practices for mapping SAP ERP data
Example design options for cost planning
A live example of CO retraction and
CO drill-through
Evaluate how BPC can be applied to
CO business processes
Get best practices for enhancing the user ex-
perience and planning functionality for cost
elements, activity types and statistical key
figures for cost centers/internal orders be-
2014 TRACKS AND SESSIONS (Continued)
Controlling 2014 is
produced by:
John Jordan is
founder and
principle consult-
ant at ERP Corp,
which provides
expert SAP con-
sulting and train-
ing services.
John regularly
speaks at conferences, publishes articles,
and is the author of three SAP Press best-
Product Cost Controlling with SAP (2nd
Edition) (2012)
Production Variance Analysis in SAP
Controlling (2nd Edition) (2011)
100 Things You Should Know About
Controlling with SAP (2011)
John is considered a leading expert in SAP
Controlling by clients and peers. You can
contact John at
Jon Reed is an
independent an-
alyst, SAP Men-
tor and
Enterprise Irregu-
lar who blogs
and video-casts
on enterprise
trends. Jon is co-
founder of, Launched in
the spring of 2013 by Jon and four other
long-time enterprise bloggers, diginomica is
focused on providing original commentary
focused solely on the enterprise. Jon is also
the driving force behind an in-
teractive web site for SAP professionals fea-
turing Jon's long-running podcast and video
series. In his client work, Jon advises com-
panies on enterprise go-to-market and use
of multi-media and inbound marketing to
break away from ineffective broadcasting
tactics. Jon is the author of three non-fiction
books, including "how-not-to" Resumes from
Hell and the SAP Consultant Handbook.
Jon is part of the ERP Corp founding team
for the Controlling conference series.
Alice Adams is
the owner and
founder of
ASquared Con-
ference Produc-
and specializes
in designing and
executing conference content that meets the
professional development and educational
needs of attendees. Alice has more than 9
years of experience producing SAP events,
in addition to running successful exhibits
and tradeshows for a variety of industries.
Her contributions to the Controlling 2014
Conference includes researching topics, re-
cruiting speakers, writing abstracts, editing
presentations, event management, and
marketing. Alice would be happy to an-
swer your questions about Controlling
2014 content and offer recommendations
on how to tailor the conference to best
meet your individual goals. Contact Alice
at and learn more
about how she can help your organization
produce world class conferences and
Jaclyn Vigeant
is the owner and
founder of Run
My Meeting, a
company that
specializes in
helping busi-
nesses organize
and execute
conferences, meetings, events, seminars
and trade shows. Jaclyn worked as a cor-
porate meeting planner for many years be-
fore starting her own company. Jaclyn
specializes in developing, managing and
executing multi-faceted conferences that in-
clude breakout rooms, keynotes, food and
beverage, hotel guest accommodations,
registration services and more. Her contri-
butions to Controlling 2014 exceed logis-
tics of the venue. Jaclyn provides expertise
in the meeting and event industry that con-
tributes to excellence in the overall confer-
ence experience. Contact Jaclyn at
Mark Downs
Mark is a sales
professional with
over 10 years of
experience in
B2B sales and
sales manage-
ment. Mark is
based in Col-
orado and has in-depth
experience in business development, account
management, lead generation, and market-
ing. Mark is responsible for registration sales
for Controlling 2014, along with exhibitor
and sponsorship sales. Please contact Mark
at with any questions
regarding registration or groupsales.
Kimo Lee is the
founder and
owner of Azure-
link, a creative
Internet technol-
ogy firm located
in Milford, NH.
Azurelink pro-
vides design
consulting for Controlling 2014, including
the original conference and
web site designs (now maintained by Pros,
Inc.), photography & video, as well as
printed collateral materials & signage.
Azurelink services include SEO and social
media marketing consulting, web site de-
sign, development, managed scalable web
hosting, and creative services helping
clients achieve their business goals. Kimo is
a problem solver who combines design
and diverse creative skills, marketing ex-
pertise, and broad technical knowledge to
create innovative, communicative solutions
for clients. Follow Kimo on Twitter: @azure-
link Contact Kimo at
firms local currency.
Transaction Exposure. This risk occurs
after a company has agreed to an inter-
national financial obligation. As currency
exchange rates fluctuate, the value of
outstanding nominal foreign currency fi-
nancial receivables or payables might
change significantly since the transaction
in question is not settled until a later date.
Operating Exposure. This type of expo-
sure is caused by unexpected currency
fluctuations on a companys future cash
flow and it can have a considerable im-
pact on a firms market value.
Leave this session with a better understand-
ing of how exchange rates affect your com-
pany's financial performance, and how
accurate exchange rates data added to
your SAP implementation significantly im-
proves financial reporting.
SAP + MS Excel - Building a
bridge to financial excellence
Adrian Rochofski
Tuesday, 5:00 PM - 5:30 PM
Crystal I
Sponsor Session: SAP + MS Excel - Build-
ing a bridge to financial excellence
In this session, youll learn how multina-
tional SAP customers are building a bridge
between their financial planning Excel
world and SAP. Well cover:
How to take advantage of increased
flexibility in planning, forecasting, and
budgeting processes
Impact on business processes and secu-
Examples of how SAP customers have
eliminated manual data consolidation
and increased accuracy and flexibility to
change and create what if scenarios
Leave this session with a solid understand-
ing of how your company can leverage Al-
levo, the next generation of financial and
cost planning software, to simplify resource
planning in SAP ERP.
Post-Conference Sessions
Based on feedback from our conference at-
tendees, we have included an additional
day on Wednesday to allow interested at-
tendees the opportunity to explore Control-
ling topics of interest in more detail.
Participant-Driven Deep Dive &
Workshop Day
The content of this unique post-conference
day will be entirely decided by you. Partici-
pants will have the opportunity to select the
topics covered and drive the discussion.
The topic list for the day is up to partici-
pants, but based on your requests you will
have BPC, Simple Financials, HANA, and
costing experts on site to help with discus-
sions and white board sessions.
Each room will be equipped with a projec-
tor, laptop loaded with an SAP system,
whiteboards, etc. Bring your toughest ques-
tions and learn from your peers. Feel free
to bring your own laptops so that you can
log into your SAP systems and share strate-
gies and solutions with our group.
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