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MAMEdOX v1.1 (Coding by Ebsy and HK$, Support files by BritneysPAIRS.

MAMEdOX v1.1 Changes
Interface improvements/modifications
* B Button toggle's favorite status on/off in ROM List.
* Screenshots code fixed. Now works like MAME32.
* Skin updated with extra buttons.
Changes to Options
* Added option to skip mame warnings (This option skips the 'Game not
working' screens in MAMEdOX.)
* Fixed erratic behaviour of neogeo bios option. (The original neogeo
bios option code written by bendermike wasn't working properly.)
* Removed Screenshots use parent/clone option due to updated screenshot
display code
Driver Updates
* Driver updates for avspa, 19xxa and pzloop2j. Now fully supported.
* Added support and pre driver for kof10th. *NOTE THIS GAME DOES NOT WORK PROP
Neo-Geo Set Changes
* cthd2k3n
* kof2001/kof2k1nd
* kof2002/kof2k2nd
* matrim
* ms4plus
* mslug4/mslug4nd
* rotd/rotdnd
* samsh5nd
* sengoku3
* kof2003b
* kof2k3up
* kof2k4ex
* samsh5nd
* samsh5sp
* samsho5
* kf2k1pl2
* kf2k1pls
* kof2001b
* kof2k2pa
* kof2k2pls
* matrimbl
Renamed KOF2003 to KOF2003D (proper title for romset)
* help.txt updated.
* vm.txt updated.
* DAT's updated.
MAMEdOX v1.0 Changes
Interface improvements/modifications
* Added Back button to cycle through sort methods (by name, by
manufacturer, by genre etc.) The sort mode is displayed at the top of the
* Fixed Screenshots aspect ratio in display modes.
* Clones use screenshot from parent rom.
* Favourite roms are displayed as a different colour (gold).
* 'Show Favourites' filter now replaces 'filter disliked'.
* Renamed some text in UI for accuracy.
New Drivers
* MAME 0.92 driver added for Super Trio (suprtrio)
Extra Options
* Soften and Flicker Filter are now configurable.
* Ability to select whether clones use their own screenshot, or the
screenshot from its parent rom.
* "Force VMM" is set to 'off' by default, this is to enable the use of
the new updated VM.txt
* Miscellaneous Default options changed to be more user-friendly.
General Changes
* Changed save game location (was 4d414d45 now 4d414d46.)
* Changed save game icon.
* Debug.log logging removed.
* default skin updated to reflect UI changes.
Support Files
* cheat.dat, hiscore.dat and new catver.ini added
* samples and artwork added.
* New optimised VM.txt.
* New rom configs added to fix remapped keys.
* updated DAT's for romcenter and clrmame (DAT's not 100% tested.)
Is MAMEdOX a hack of Mameox?.
Essentially, yes. It is not a new project. It builds on what Bendermike did
in his Bendermameox releases. MAMEdOX is based on "Bendermameox 21.01.05"
and includes all his updates.
Can you update the core to 0.93?
This is the biggy. It's not impossible, it's just proven really difficult.
Yoshihiro has had a go at updating the core as have a couple
of others, but the input system in MAME 0.85 onwards saw a huge update,
meaning a rewrite of the input code in mameox. I'm confident we'll eventually
see a core update, but when we'll see it is another matter.
Why are there 3 people working on MAMEdOX?.
Myself and HK$ coded all the updates. BritneysPAIRS helped with the support
files and skinning. It's a joint effort.
Can you add the new SPI/SEGA drivers? (Raiden Fighters 2 - 2000, Turbo Outrun et
Believe me, I'd love to be able to play the new SPI and SEGA games on the xbox.
you all know, there's been some great improvements with these drivers in recent
versions of MAME, but adding them to MAMEdOX is out of my scope as a programmer.

Both myself and HK$ have admitted we're not expert programmers. I've attempted t
add these drivers, but the code updates are too numerous for me to implement. I
really hope someone more experienced can look into adding the drivers in future.
Please direct any questions/requests to

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