9/21/14 Bulletin

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106 N. Western Ave.

Girard, KS 66743
Tel. (620)724-8717
Weekly Bulletin
Saint Michael Church, Girard
Saint Michael Parish Mission Statement:
We the parishioners of Saint Michael the Archangel, through leadership and strong traditions are
faithful disciples of the teachings of Jesus Christ and His Catholic Church. We commit ourselves to
be generous stewards of our faith, our parish, and our community. We strive to involve all members
to be united in one parish family for the salvation of all.

Notes from the Pastor - We are celebrating Catechetical Sunday! This years theme is: Teaching about
Gods gift of forgiveness. This weekend, the parishes across the country will honor those who share in the evan-
gelizing and teaching mission of the Church through a special rite of commissioning and blessing. Here at Saint
Michael and Saint Joseph, the following catechists will be commissioned to share the faith of the Church with
adults, families, youth, and children of the parish. We thank our parishioners for their generosity of their time and
talent in serving as this years catechists:
For Saint Michael: Kandell Amershek, Paula Sevart, Missy Sisney, Cindy Murphy, Chris Sponsel, Tim Born,
Mary & Chris Leritz, Kristen Graham, Linda DeGarmo, Savanah O'Toole, Linda Garrett, Pat Westhoff, Jor-
dan Epler, Dr. Adam Paoni, Rachel Ausemus(CYM), Carrie Smith(CYM); Substitute Catechists: Evening:
Teresa Davenport, Tom Stegman, Anita Doherty, Barb Mikrut, Linda DeGarmo; Afternoon: Jerry Hanson,
Joan Davied, Julie Smith. For Saint Joseph: Lucinda Bonine, Lindsay Waterman, Ariel and Aubri Ashbacher.
++Introducing 2014-2015 Stewardship Theme: The Joy of the Gospel! Faith working through love (Gal 5:4)
As we always remind everyone, the diocesan definition of Stewardship is: The grateful response of a Christian
disciple, who recognizes and receives Gods gifts, and who shares these gifts in love of God and neighbor. When
did Stewardship become more than a donation of money or volunteering of some time? What are you grateful for?
What gifts do you recognize you have? Or what gifts do you recognize the parish has? Patience, perseverance, a
catholic school, PSR, strong hospitality, etc. How have you received these gifts? Obviously you did not bury
these talents/gifts, so how did you accept them? With gratitude? Begrudgingly at first? In what way do you share
your gifts in love of God and neighbor? What gift did you recognize and receive and are sharing? Gift of time?
Gift of hospitality? Ultimately stewardship is about the salvation of souls and our relationship with Jesus Christ!
How does serving at the Meals-In-His-Name, or Spaghetti Feed or as catechists, to mention a few, fulfill this mis-
sion? We are to remember to see stewardship at four points: (1) Gratitude! (2) Recognizing and (3) Receiving
Gods gifts! (4)Sharing these gifts! How do you share your gifts especially as seen through The 4 Pillars of Stew-
ardship: Hospitality, Prayer, Formation, and Service? Thank you all for your generous stewardship of time, tal-
ent, and treasure.

Altar Servers:

E. M. E.

Gift Bearers
5:30 PM
B. & B. Leritz

Linda DeGarmo
Linda Moore

Jeannie Herod & Meg Evans
10:00 AM
T. Paoni, S. Goble,
B. & K. Scales

Marilyn McCracken
Doug Lopeman

Ron & Cindy Lallemand
Next Sunday(09/28/14) Next Saturday (09/27/14)












4:00 PM
5:30 PM
8:00 AM
10:00 AM
7:00 AM
5:30 PM
6:30 PM
8:00 AM
7:00 AM
4:00 PM
5:30 PM
8:00 AM
10:00 AM

Francis Buche
Lorraine Westhoff
Pro Populo
Don Born
Bud Harris
No Intention
Bud Harris
No Intention
Eucharistic Adoration
Robert Butler
Eucharistic Adoration
No Intention
Ellen Harris
No Intention
Pro Populo


Mass Schedules & Intentions for September 20th-28th
Saint Michaels Upcoming Events

Finance Council Parish Council
Tony Stonerock-Chair Dale Coomes-Chair

Rosary Altar Society Knights of Columbus
Next meeting, Sept. 22nd 1st Tuesday of Month, 7pm
At 6:30pm in the Hall. St. Michael Parish Hall

Helping Hands Daughters of Isabella
Need help or want to volunteer, Call Marilyn Bradshaw,
Call Carrie Smith, 724-6684 724-7133

Kapauns Men Friday mornings at 6am!
PSR classes & Registration
PSR classes began last week. We have almost 100 youth enrolled! As a reminder,
afternoon classes for grades 1-5 will meet after school until 4:30 pm and evening
classes for grades 6-12 will begin at 6:30 pm with mass until 8 pm. Registration
forms are located at the parish hall entrance.

PSR afternoon substitute catechists needed
Our afternoon PSR program is in need of substitute catechists (grades 1-5) for the
upcoming PSR year. We have several volunteers that can sub in our evening pro-
gram, but most aren't available in the afternoon. Classes are Wednesday afternoons
from 3:15 4:30pm. If you are able to help, please call Michelle Puckett at 620-238-

Christs Light in All Youth (CLAY) October 18
Let your light shine while making some new friends. Increase your relationship with
God the Potter as he molds you, the clay. Christs Light in All Youth (CLAY) is a
spiritual retreat specifically for freshmen and sophomores in high school. CLAY uses
video clips, hands on activities and creative forms of prayer to impact the spiritual
lives of its candidates. The next CLAY retreat will take place October 18, 2014, at
All Saints parish in Wichita. The retreat starts on Saturday at 9:30am and ends at
8:00pm. The cost of the retreat is $30 and includes two meals and all supplies. Appli-
cations are available in the hall entry.

Fighting and Defeating Incarnate Evil
Combating evil isnt anything new. Our ancestors fought it in the 20
century and
weve been confronting it in this new century since it began. We all recall 9-11. A
look at our Church history reveals the same problemsnearly every week, the
Church calendar reminds us of the saints who did great things for us while they were
alive, or they gave their lives fighting evil to preserve the Church and its people. Just
this past week, we remembered St. Januarius and also St. Andrew and Companions.
Many times these saints become martyrs in their quest to uphold the Church and its
During the past year or so, there has arisen a group of barbarians who care little for
life as long as they can remain in power. They call themselves ISIS and theyve taken
advantage of stalemate in Iraq after the U.S. pulled out and civil war in Syria where a
ruthless dictator is tearing his country apart to hold onto power. Weve seen these
men on TV, wearing black masks and riding on the backs of pickup trucks with guns
at their sides. This so-called ISIS army is overrunning the Iraqi countryside capturing
cities and terrorizing the people with their wanton cruelty. They usually kill the men,
enslave and rape the women, and slaughter the children. Theyve taken large chunks
of territory in the north and west parts of Iraq and now have crossed into Syria where
theyve set up their headquarters and continue their rampage among the Syrians.
These men represent evil incarnate as there is nothing they wont do to succeed in
their objectives. Our President hesitates to take them on as he doesnt like to get the
nation involved in another ground war in Iraq. My purpose in writing this story is to
remind everyone that these men arent going to be satisfied with taking land in the
Middle East. Theyve already beheaded three western journalists and filmed it for
social media. In it, theyve taunted our president, saying they are coming after him
and will occupy the White House. These arent words uttered by those who want
peace. At least Hitler lied to us at Munich in 1938 and gave us a bit of down time
before he crushed Austria, Czechoslovakia, and Poland the very next year. These
warmongers are telling us straight out what they intend to do!
Even though the President is hesitant about sending in ground troops in Iraq and
Syria, his own Chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff, Gen. Martin Dempsey, said this
past week if we reach the point where he believes our military advisors in Iraq should
accompany Iraqi troops against specific ISIS targets, he (Dempsey) will recommend
that to the President. Our plan to target ISIS from the air has been successful, but ISIS
continues to grow in strength and ignoring them wont make them go away. These are
terrorists that you cant negotiate with. The only language they understand is confron-
tation. Even Pope Francis believes that ISIS must be stopped; however, the pope did-
nt define what he meant by stop.
We dont want war, but when its happening right now to Christians and non-
Christians alikeall being killed, some executed and thrown into mass gravesthe
people not only have the right to defend themselves, but they have the responsibility
to stop this in whatever way they can. One nation cant do it alone. To be successful,
it will require a coalition of nations motivated by a desire to destroy this common
enemy. Our nation will have to make a decision soon. Weve already waited long
enough to see ISIS get stronger as each day passes. Article by Marcel Normand

St. michael, defend us in all our battles!

++As of this writing, the satanic event is still scheduled to take
place on Sunday, September 21, at the Oklahoma City Civic Cen-
ter. The pilgrimage to Oklahoma City from Wichita has five buses
on Sunday with nearly 300 people. There, Bishop Kemme and the
faithful from the Diocese will join in prayer with Archbishop
Coakley and the faithful of Oklahoma City in a Holy Hour, Eucha-
ristic Procession and Benediction at St. Francis of Assisi Catholic
Church in OKC. As many of us are unable to attend this event
because of Sunday Masses here in the Diocese of Wichita, please
join in prayer on Sunday afternoon and encourage your parishion-
ers to do the same. If you wish to join in communal prayer, Our
Lady of Lourdes/St. Pius X Catholic Student Center, Pittsburg has
scheduled a Holy Hour of Reparation: 7:00pm, following 6:00pm
Sunday Mass. Archbishop Paul Coakley writes, Let us demon-
strate our faith in the power of the Lords grace by praying for the
conversion of those who are perpetrating this sacrilege and are
bound by the Evil One. But I say to you, love your enemies, and
pray for those who persecute you, that you may be children of your
heavenly Father, for he makes his sun rise on the bad and the good,
and causes rain to fall on the just and the unjust. (Mt 5:44,45).
++Once more we are inviting those who are interested to become
Catholic to join us in our RCIA classes which will start soon. For
more information please contact me, Fr. Roger at 620-724-8717.
Thank you!
++Congratulations to Brett Brownback and Kyra OBrien. They
received the sacrament of Marriage this weekend, September 20,
2014 at 2PM at Mary Queen of Angels Church, in Fort Scott.
Please pray for the newly wed and may God bless their married
life always!

Hickory Bend, LLC

Sat. 5:30pm 4:00pm
Sun. 10:00 am 8:00 am

Sat. 2:00-2:30pm 3:15-3:45pm

Weekdays before Mass;
anytime by appointment.

Fr. Roger Lumbre

Janel Scales
Bookkeeper/Bulletin Editor

Faith Paoni

Rectory Office Hours
Tues-Fri 9AM-Noon
Closed on Mondays
Tel. (620) 724-8717
Last Week July 2014 to date
Contributions $2,696.00 $28,015.59
Children's Offering $3.00 $88.67
Expenses $28,514.29
Over/ (Under) ($410.03)

We Thank our advertisers for your support!
++Thank you to all of you who shared your time with our parish com-
munity during the parish picnic. The food and ice cream was delicious
and the bingo was fun, and the kids have their wonderful time, but most
of all your presence and company was very inspiring and spiritually
uplifting! Thank you to all who bring salad, side dish, and dessert!
Thank you also to all the members of our Anniversary Committee, espe-
cially to Dean and Tonya Davied for coordinating the event.
May God bless you all! Fr. Roger

Word of Life - Intercessions for Life
For the unborn: May they be welcomed into the world with love, joy
and the support they need to flourish; We pray to the Lord:

St. Michael Altar Society
The next meeting will be Monday, September 22nd at the St. Michaels
Parish Hall at 6:30pm. Please come and join us. We will be discussing
the charities that we want to support. Also, we will be stuffing our Ba-
zaar work list to be distributed on the weekend of Sept. 27-28 and Oct.
4-5. Thank you again for supporting our annual Bazaar.

2014 Greenbush Days - The 21st Annual Greenbush Days will be held
on Sunday, September 21st beginning at 11:00am. Activities include:
Hog Roast (11am-1:30pm); Open Fishing all day at the Greenbush
Lake; Kids Tractor Pull (1pm-2pm, with registration at 12:30pm);
Horse Rides (11am-2pm); Climbing Wall (10am-11am); Immanuel
Lutheran Youth Fellowship Bake Sale (11am-1:30pm); Greenbush
Camp & Retreat Center Open (1pm-2pm - Walk Trail to Site); Science
Education Center Tours (1pm-3pm); One Room School House open
(11am-3pm); Grotto Dedication (1pm); KKOW Broadcasting Live;
Music Entertainment by the Duling Family Band.

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