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The appearance of things change according to the emotions, and thus we see

magic and beauty in them, while the magic and beauty are really in ourselves.
Kahlil Gibran
I am not afraid of an army of lions led by a sheep; I am afraid of an army of
sheep led by a lion.
Alexander the Great
Outsmart Stress Traps
Tempted to dig into a bag of chips?
Try this instead... Grab a handful of almonds.
The omega-3s in nuts may help keep stress hormones such as cortisol in check, says Bernadette
Latson, R.., a nutritionist in allas. !ther key angst-nulling noshes" oatmeal #it boosts the
calming brain chemical serotonin$ and oranges #the %itamin & counters stress hormones$.
Tempted to s'ig an energy drink?
Try this instead... Take a nap.
(ou can)t beat stress 'ithout shut-eye. * +,-minute siesta is enough to trigger the hormones
needed to balance e-cess cortisol.
Tempted to bitch out a co'orker?
Try this instead... .op a multi.
That irritation and impatience may be the result of depleted stores of calcium, copper, and /inc
that come 'ith stress. o'n a multi%itamin to raise those le%els and mello' out, says .amela 0.
1mith, 2..
Tempted to curl up on the sofa?
Try this instead... Go out 'ith a friend.
* study in Behavioral Neuroscience found that simply being around other people may 3uash
Tempted to reach for the remote?
Try this instead... 1pend 45 minutes in silence.
This helps because 6the brain doesn)t ha%e to filter out stressful sounds,6 says acupuncturist
7risten Burris.
Everything in the cosmos has come together to bring us this table. Looking
deeply at the sunshine, the leaves of the tree, and the clouds, we can see the
table. The one can be seen in the all, and all can be seen in the one. One cause
is never enough to bring about an efect. A cause must, at the same time, be
an efect, and every efect must also be the cause of something else. Cause
and efect inter-are.
Thich Naht Hanh, page 222, The Heart of the Buddhas Teaching.
The Best Foods For Women in Their
Your nutritional needs depend on your age. We outline the foods you should
eat in your 20s to help you look and feel your best!
Calcium and !itamin "# for Bone$Building
The %roblem& This is your last chance to strengthen your skeleton. 0hen you hit 3,, you)re
pretty much stuck 'ith 'hat you)%e got.
The Fi'& rink t'o eight-ounce glasses of %itamin -fortified, lo'-fat milk e%ery day. (ou)ll get 584
milligrams of calcium and fi%e micrograms of %itamin , the perfect nutrient combo to de%elop
break-resistant bones.
Broccoli also deser%es a place on your menu. 9t contains a respectable :3 milligrams of calcium
per cup and is also home to magnesium, %itamin 7, and phosphorus, all of 'hich, research
sho's, play a ma;or role in keeping you upright from here to 1ocial 1ecurity.
<ind naked broccoli unbearably boring? Top it 'ith a nearly decadent layer of melted lo'-fat
cheddar for the ultimate bone-friendly side dish, says ** spokesperson 7erry =e%ille, R..
(icro)a*e (eals for the Time$Crunched
The %roblem& Bet'een ;obs, boyfriends, 'orking out, and trying to keep some measure of a
social life, 'ho has time to eat, let alone eat healthily?
The Fi'& &hoose micro'a%e-friendly meals that ha%e the perfect balance of protein, carbs, and
%eggies in one package #'e like 7ashi)s 1'eet and 1our &hicken$.
9n general, look for these 3ualifications 'hen choosing a fro/en feast" :5, milligrams or less of
sodium and no more than three grams of total and one gram of saturated fat per 4,, calories,
says &onstance Bro'n-Riggs, R.., spokesperson for the *merican ietetic *ssociation.
Bonus& >ar%ard scientists found that e%ery one-ser%ing increase in daily %egetable intake
decreases your risk of heart disease by : percent.
Beef for +ports ,n-uries
0hether it)s because you)re bombing do'n black diamonds or entering too many charity 5-7s,
you are se%en times as likely to tear an *&L as a man in the same age group.
The Fi'& Beef. 9t)s the perfect muscle food because it)s packed 'ith protein and creatine?both
build muscle, 'hich basically acts like bubble 'rap around tendons and ;oints.
Try this ligament$lo*ing Te'$(e' salad recipe& Bro'n a 3uarter pound of e-tra-lean ground
beef o%er medium heat. *s it cooks, sprinkle it 'ith black pepper, t'o teaspoons of chili po'der,
and a couple dashes of hot sauce. .lace the cooked beef, one diced tomato, and t'o
tablespoons of lo'-fat cheese o%er a bed of lettuce and top 'ith salsa.
Fla'seed for .ndetected "epression
The %roblem& * Red Bull may boost your mood temporarily, but it 'on)t impro%e your long-term
The Fi'& @at a tablespoon of ground fla-seed e%ery day.
9t)s the best source of alpha-linolenic acid #*L*$, a fatty acid that researchers say impro%es the
operation of the cerebral corte-. That)s the area of the brain that processes sensory information,
including pleasure signals.
To meet your 3uota, sprinkle it on salads, %egetables, and cereal, or mi- it into a smoothie or a
shake. (ou can find ground fla-seed in the health-food section of your grocery store.
/et Tested& (edical Tests For Women
in Their 20s
The 0 medical tests and checks you should get in your 20s
B( *L(11* G9*&!BB@, *9T9!=*L R@.!RT9=G B( A@119&* L@B9=@, .>!T!GR*.>( B(
0hether each morning starts 'ith a sca%enger hunt for your keys or youDre so organi/ed that you
ha%e automated reminders to send birthday cards, one thing is for sure" 9tDs hard to keep tabs on
your health 'hen e%ery medical test and screening has its o'n guidelines. ThatDs 'hy 'eDre
putting it all in one place. Take a look and then start scheduling your appointments.
1. Blood %ressure
(ou should get your blood pressure checked at least e%ery + years if your reading is normal and
at least e%ery year if itDs abnormal. >igh blood pressure can lead to heart disease, kidney failure,
or stroke, so get comfortable 'ith the sphygmomanometer #that pump and arm cuff de%ice$.
2. Cholesterol
(ou should get your first total cholesterol e-am at +,. >igh cholesterol is a risk factor for heart
disease and the only 'ay to detect it is 'ith a blood test. 9f your LL or EbadF cholesterol is higher
than 43,, you should get retested annually. 9f itDs lo'er, you can 'ait 5 years to do it again.
2. +kin Cancer +creening
Because melanoma is one of the most common cancers among 'omen in their +,s, itDs important
to be a'are of it. <air-skinned 'omen are at higher risk than people 'ith darker skin. .eople
'hoD%e had bad sunburns before age 48 and those 'hoD%e had a close family member 'ith
melanoma are more likely to get skin cancer.
o a self-e-am e%ery month starting at +,, looking for moles that are asymmetrical, larger than a
pencil eraser, or ha%e an irregular border or color. *lert a dermatologist if moles or spots are
changing, gro'ing, or bleeding. 1ee a dermatologist annually for a full-body e-am.
3. %ap +mear
9n +,,G, The *merican &ollege of !bstetrics and Gynecology rethought their recommendation for
.ap smears, a screening that detects inflammation and infection on the cer%i- and abnormal
cells, 'hich may signal cer%ical cancer. 9nstead of getting their first pap smear after their initial
se-ual e-perience, 'omen should start screenings at age +4 and get retested e%ery other year.
6The ne' guidelines are right on the money,6 says 1harmila 2akhi;a, 2.. 6The rate of cer%ical
cancer in 'omen under +4 is less than 4 percent. ThatDs a %ery lo'-risk category 'e)%e been
hea%ily screening.6 2ost docs say patients ha%e been !7 'ith ha%ing fe'er .aps, though some
'omen still re3uest annual screenings. 69)ll tell them 'hy fre3uent testing might not be %ital, but if
they still 'ant one, 9)ll do it,6 says 2akhi;a.
4 5nti$5ging +kincare 6ules
7o) to choose the anti$aging products that )ill really )ork for you
B( R@=H@ L!IJ, .>!T!GR*.> B( >@2@R*CT>9=71T!&7
* good anti-aging regimen may not take 4, years off your face after a fe' applications, but using
the right products regularly to nourish, re;u%enate and repair skin 'ill lead to a noticeably
smoother, softer, and more %ibrant comple-ion.
9n the face of the seemingly endless shel%es of anti-aging products that claim to erase lines,
diminish 'rinkles, plump up 'aning skin and repair damage inflicted by sun and time, ho' can
you tell 'hat really 'orks? >ere are a fe' tips to help na%igate choices and ma-imi/e results.
6ead ,ngredient 8ists
The front of the package may 'a- poetic about acti%e ingredients, but read the fine print to see
;ust ho' acti%e they are. The further do'n the ingredient appears on the ingredient list, the less of
it the formula actually contains.
+impler is Better
.roducts 'ith e%erything and the kitchen sink are not necessarily the best. 1impler formulas may
contain higher amounts of acti%e ingredients than those 'ith do/ens of them.
.se as "irected
9f a little is good, more is not al'ays better. *cti%e ingredients can be detrimental to skin if too
much is used. *pplying too much or too fre3uently can lead to irritation, clogged pores, and
blotchy skin.
Be a 8oyalist
Ising too many products can o%erload your skin rendering products less effecti%e and can cause
+ho) %roduct %atience 1ome products may yield immediate results, but many 'ork best o%er
time. Try using the same regime of products consistently for at least + 'eeks before gi%ing the
Try any (or all!) of these expert tips and tricks to get the clear, radiant skin
you've always wanted. Use this calendar as a guide, and click on each tip to
discover how it'll perfect your complexion.
+.9"5Y (:9"5Y T.;+"5Y W;"9;+"5Y T7.6+"5Y F6,"5Y +5T.6"5Y
1lather on
2unch on
1tart using
.ut your
skin stash
in proper
rop dairy
from your
>it the
sack early
Gi%e your
skin a sip
of merlot
your neck
and chest
1trip off
before bed
lo' on
sleep? .ick
up some
soy milk
Roll a'ay
your puffy
eyes this
1tay out
of hot
onDt 'ait
Be e-tra
your face
1nack on
1lip on
rink an
glass of
yourself a
bo'l of
Be patient
'ith your
.ut do'n
the <rench
onDt forget
@at your
7eep your
hands off
your face
0hip up a
tasty treat
for your
2ake your
harder for
1. +lather on the sunscreen. 0e kno', 'e kno'?you)%e heard it a million times, but 'earing
sunscreen is the single easiest 'ay to look younger for life. 6=inety percent of 'rinkles are from
sun e-posure,6 says ay. 69t)s so much easier to pre%ent the damage than it is to fi- it after'ards.6
That means no slacking during 'inter months either, 'hen rays are ;ust as strong and can reflect
off of buildings and side'alks. Look for a formula that offers broad-spectrum protection to guard
against IB* rays #the ones that cause premature aging$ and IBB rays #one of the main causes
of skin cancer$. Try .hilosophy 1helter Broad 1pectrum 1unscreen in 1.<3,.
2. Clean your makeup brushes. * British study found that M+N of 'omen ne%er 'ash their
brushes or sponges, e%en though they harbor dirt and bacteria 'hich can cause breakouts. 6(ou
should 'ash loose po'der brushes e%ery t'o to three 'eeks, and those used to apply foundation
once a 'eek,6 says Aessica 0u, an L*-based dermatologist and author of <eed (our <ace. 2i- a
couple of drops of gentle facial cleanser or shampoo and luke'arm 'ater in a cup, s'ish your
brushes around, rinse 'ith luke'arm 'ater, pat dry, and lay flat to air dry.
2. (unch on mi'ed nuts. Bra/il nuts are rich in selenium, 'hich increases skin elasticity and
may decrease skin cancer, according to recent studies. Thro' in 'alnuts?'hich are loaded 'ith
omega-3 fatty acids?to lo'er inflammation and put the brakes on breakouts, says 2olly 2organ,
Board &ertified 1ports 1pecialist ietitian and author of The 1kinny Rules. <inally, add some
macadamias. 6They)re full of high 3uality oils and fatty acids that aid in skin repair and
re;u%enation6 says integrati%e practitioner 9saac @lia/. *im for a handful of each daily to reap their
pore-perfecting benefits.
3. +tart using serum. 69t)s much more concentrated than cream or lotion, so you tend to only
need a small amount daily to see results,6 says <ran &ook-Bolden, irector of =e' (ork)s 1kin
1pecialty ermatology. Look for one 'ith antio-idants, the skin)s ma;or defense against free
radicals and stress, and pentapeptides, 'hich are a must-ha%e 'hen it comes to boosting
collagen, the support structure that gi%es skin a firm, youthful appearance. on)t 'orry about
spending a fortune on the ingredientsO one of &ook-Bolden)s fa%orites is !lay Regenerist 2icro-
1culpting 1erum, a sheer formula 'hose small molecules can di%e deep into pores. <or best
results, apply to freshly 'ashed skinO follo' 'ith sunscreen or moisturi/er to lock in hydration.
4. +aniti<e your +martphone. *ccording to a 1tanford Ini%ersity study, that i.hone you can)t
keep your hands off of can get more germ-infested than a toilet in a sub'ay bathroom. 9n fact, the
glass touchscreens on mobile de%ices are so good at spreading %iruses that sharing them may be
almost as bad as snee/ing in someone)s face. >ere)s a scary thought" *ll those germs land right
on your cheek and ;a'line e%ery time you chat a'ay, causing pimples and irritation. To keep your
phone #and face$ bacteria-free, 'ipe it do'n 'ith an antibacterial 'ipe like &loro- isinfecting
0ipes a fe' times a day.
=. %ut your skin stash in proper order. The se3uence in 'hich you apply your products could
be e%en more important than the products themsel%es. Reach for those 'ith the most acti%e
ingredients as soon as you 'ash and pat skin dry. 6These are the most po'erful, so you 'ant
them to come into direct contact 'ith your skin,6 says 1yed *miry, a dermatologist practicing in
Reston, Birginia. 9f you)re using more than one acti%e product #like an antio-idant serum and
Retin-*$, start 'ith the thinner one. 6*nything that)s 'ater soluble should go first, follo'ed by the
product that)s thicker and creamier. 9f you do it in re%erse, the hea%ier cream 'ill block the
ingredients of the lighter one from penetrating the skin, so they 'on)t ha%e any impact.6 9f you
need moisturi/er, it)s ne-t up in line, follo'ed up by?'hat else??sunscreen each morning.
0. "rop dairy from your diet e*en that little bit in your latte#. 6airy products?e%en those
that are organic?contain co' hormones that stimulate your oil glands and your pores, leading to
acne,6 e-plains 0u. Be'are of hidden dairy in foods like salad dressing, protein bars, and
shakes. *nd if you ha%e to go there, stick to skim. 6The hormones are concentrated in the fat, so
it)s your best option.6
>. +tart using retinol. 6@%eryone should use retinol,6 says =e' (ork dermatologist oris ay. 69t
has decades of clinical data to support its efficacy, helps skin cell turno%er, and boosts collagen
production to keep skin firm and youthful.6 2ost dermatologists agree that if you)re only going to
use one anti-aging product, prescription Retin-* #and e%en o%er-the-counter %ersions like Ro&
Retinol &orre-ion eep 0rinkle aily 2oisturi/er 1.< 3, or !lay .ro-J eep 0rinkle Treatment$
is the magic bullet, and can e%en re%erse abnormal and cancerous gro'th, among other forms of
sun damage. 69t has great anti-inflammatory effects, 'hich is 'hy it)s as effecti%e at treating acne
as it is at treating 'rinkles and other signs of aging,6 adds *miry.
?. 7it the sack early. 0e kno', you)%e heard it all before, but it)s called beauty sleep for a
reason. 61leep depri%ation lo'ers circulation, 'hich is 'hy you look pale and 'ashed out if you
only get a fe' hours,6 says *my 0echsler, one of only t'o I.1. physicians board-certified in both
dermatology and psychiatry. 9t)s also the best time to re;u%enate your skin. 6(our body)s cellular
rene'al team has the night shift, so this is 'hen you 'ant to e3uip your skin 'ith as many
nutrients and hydrating ingredients it needs to do a fine ;ob,6 she says.
10. ;'foliate for smaller$looking pores. 9t)s ama/ing ho' something so tiny can feel so huge,
but enlarged pores are one of the most common beauty complaints. 6.ores appear larger 'hen
they)re filled 'ith dirt, oil, dead skin cells, and keratin, a protein that li%es on the surface of skin,6
e-plains *miry. 6Remo%e those plugs, and they seem to shrink.6 To clear out the gunk, start
e-foliating regularly 'ith daily applications of salicylic and glycolic acid, like those in 2urad
@-foliating *cne Treatment Gel. Then add in microdermabrasions #like .hysicians <ormula
ermP>ome 2ineral 2icrodermabrasion 1ystem$ once or t'ice a 'eek to clear the dead
surface cells. To keep pores from getting e%en bigger as you age, practice safe sun. 61un
damage breaks do'n collagen, 'hich can affect pore si/e as 'ell.6
11. /i*e your skin a sip of merlot. Res%eratrol, a po'erful antio-idant and polyphenol found in
red grape skins, has been found to pre%ent the lines, 'rinkles, and sagging caused by
en%ironmental skin saboteurs like smog and second-hand smoke. 69n many preparations, it)s an
e%en more po'erful antio-idant than %itamin &, and studies sho' it creates mild-to-moderate skin
tightening for a firmer look,6 says board certified dermatologist and research scientist @rin Gilbert.
*pply a small pump of B. 7amins &-Res%eratrol 1erum each night to plump up lines and smooth
skin te-ture.
12. "on@t neglect your neck and chest. 2ost of us are guilty of stopping our skincare routine as
soon as 'e hit our chin. *nd our neglected neck and chest take %engeance by 'rinkling, sagging,
and displaying dark spots that beg to be hidden by a turtleneck. 6The skin on these areas is
thinner, and doesn)t ha%e a strong blood supply, so it doesn)t heal 'ell,6 e-plains *miry. 6.lus it)s
an area that 'e often forget to protect 'ith sunscreen.6 Ise the same products as you 'ould on
your face, but start lightly #e%ery other day$ 'hen applying acti%e ingredients like retinols or acids
since they may cause some initial irritation.
12. +trip off your makeup before bed. Lea%ing makeup and dirt on skin doesn)t ;ust clog poresO
it can cause e-cessi%e dryness and e%en skin dandruff. 62ost makeup contains a sugar-type
molecule that can gro' yeast o%ernight,6 says 2acrene *le-iades-*rmenakas, assistant clinical
professor of dermatology at (ale 1chool of 2edicine. on)t forget to thoroughly remo%e eye
makeup too. 69t can lead to bumpy rashes around the eyes or small 'hite bumps called milia
cysts,6 says 0u, 'ho lo%es =eutrogena !il <ree @ye 2akeup Remo%er, a gentle, oil-free
cleanser that e%en melts a'ay 'aterproof liner and mascara.
13. 6unning lo) on sleepA %ick up some soy milk. 0u keeps a carton in her fridge at all times
to 6fake a good night)s sleep.6 The natural anti-inflammatory reduces s'elling 'hile soy proteins
hydrate skin to soften the look of cro')s feet. The cold temperature helps shrink s'elling and
constricts %eins to make eyes look less bloodshot. To make soothing, redness-busting
compresses, pour a small amount of soy milk in a bo'l, dunk t'o cotton balls, and s3uee/e out
the e-cess. Then hold the cotton balls o%er your eyes #or any other area 'here you ha%e red or
irritated skin$ for fi%e minutes.
14. 6oll a)ay your puffy eyes this morning. 6<luid fills up under our eyes each night because
'e)re lying do'n,6 says dermatological surgeon *nne &hapas. 1tart by sleeping on t'o pillo's to
ele%ate the face. 9n the morning, massage a'ay the e-cess fluid 'ith the Garnier =utritioniste
1kin Rene' *nti-.uff @ye Roller, 'hich manually pushes out fluid. To reduce dark shado's, use
your ring finger to lightly tap !rigins GinQing @ye &ream, 'hich contains caffeine, onto the
delicate area. 6&affeine constricts %essels to minimi/e leaking, 'hich causes the darkening, 'hile
titanium dio-ide, mica, and iron o-ides reflect light a'ay to brighten.6
1=. +tay out of hot )ater. * steamy sho'er may feel great, but it)s one of the 'orst things you
can do for your skin. =ot only does the heat strip essential oils, but it creates a mild burn. Blood
%essels respond by dilating in an effort to cool the skin, causing flushing and ruddiness. 60hen
you)re in your t'enties, you can take a hot sho'er, be red R s'ollen and reco%er in an hour, but
in your thirties, it may take + hours,6 says *le-iades-*rmenakas. 6By your forties, your skin ;ust
doesn)t ha%e the ability to shrink back to its original state so you stay ruddy all the time.6
10. "on@t )ait to moisturi<e. 2ost creams and lotions ha%e key ingredients that create a
protecti%e barrier on the surface of the skin to lock in moisture, but because skin cools itself by
e%aporating 'ater, you only ha%e a fe' minutes before that hydration is gone fore%er. 1lather on
a moisturi/er 'ith dimethicone, a form of silicone, 'hile your face is still damp. *le-iades-
*rmenakas) research sho's that it locks in moisture for up to +: hours, plumping and impro%ing
the appearance of fine lines as skin drinks up the moisture #like the difference bet'een a raisin
and a grape$. Try =9*+: 1kin 1trengthening &omple-.
1>. Be e'tra gentle )hen defu<<ing your face. 0a-ing and t'ee/ing can cause scarring or
spots, especially for 'omen 'ith darker skin. .rep your skin before hair remo%al by 'ashing the
area 'ith an antibacterial 'ash, suggests &ook-Bolden. *nd to a%oid discoloration, make sure to
ha%e an aftercare plan that includes anti-inflammatory ingredients to 3uickly calm skin and help it
heal. &ook-Bolden recommends a dab of *%Sne &icalfate Restorati%e &ream immediately after
hair remo%al, and for a fe' days after'ard. 69n%esting in this type of product 'ill sa%e you money
in the long run since pre%enting discoloration costs a lot less than trying to get rid of it.6
1?. +nack on )atermelon. *dding a lycopene-rich food, such as this ;uicy pink treat, 6helps
reduce damage and redness caused from sun e-posure, pre%ents future 'rinkling and possibly
e%en lo'ers skin cancer risk,6 says @li/abeth 1omer, nutritionist and author of @at (our 0ay to
1e-y. *im for one cup each day by tossing it in salads, salsas, and smoothies. !r try her recipe
for refreshing ice cubes" .urTe 'atermelon, s'eeten 'ith concentrated apple ;uice, pour into an
ice tray, and free/e. Then add cubes to 'ater or club soda for a refreshing, skin-sa%ing mocktail.
20. ;'foliateB )ithout scrubbing. 6!%er time, the natural en/ymes in your skin 'ork less
effecti%ely at remo%ing dead skin cells, so they hang on and pre%ent your skin from reflecting
light,6 says 0echsler. The result? (ou look ashy and gray. 1peed up your skin)s cellular turno%er
and smooth its surface 'ith alpha-hydro-y acids #*>*$ like glycolic or lactic acid. But be'are"
*lthough lots of products include *>*s, the concentration is often too lo' to do much. 6Look at
the label to see ho' much it contains and pick one that)s around 8N. *nything more is too much.6
@-pect some initial stinging at firstO it should subside as your skin gets used to it.
21. +lip on your sunglasses. *s if you need another reason to buy a ne' pair of sunglasses,
turns out they pro%ide more protection against undereye 'rinkling and aging than sunscreen.
60hile your eyes are e3uipped to handle sunlight, the area around them is comprised of the
thinnest skin, 'here most of the signs of aging are,6 says *miry. 6@%ery time you s3uint from
bright light, you)re creating lines from that repeat mo%ement.6 To keep the 'rinkles a'ay, choose
a pair of polari/ed glasses that)s 'ide enough to fully co%er the eye area.
22. "rink an e'tra glass of )ater. 60ater helps clear the to-ins that cause inflammation and
blemishes,6 e-plains @lia/. 69t also assists in transporting nutrients and o-ygen to skin cells, and
pre%enting dehydration, 'hich can cause premature aging.6 9t can e%en make skin appear fuller
since the hyaluronic acid that naturally e-ists in skin 'ill pull in and hold the 'ater for a 'rinkle-
plumping effect, according to ay. Both recommend at least 8 glasses of 'ater each day, more if
you)re acti%e or li%e in a 'arm climate. To add a little fla%or, try a skin-soothing tea like chamomile
or mint.
22. %our yourself a bo)l of Cheerios for breakfast. 9f your skin has a case of the blahs, a lack
of /inc may be to blame. 6.eople 'ho are trying to lose 'eight or eating a lot of processed foods
might not be getting enough /inc to keep their skin glo'ing,6 says 0echsler. *nd since /inc helps
repair damaged tissues and heal 'ounds, it also helps clear acne and other irritating skin
conditions. * cup of &heerios has +5 percent of the daily recommended %alue of the po'erhouse
nutrient, 'hich 'ill get you 'ell on your 'ay to a clear comple-ion.
23. Be patient )ith your products. 0e)re all in a hurry to see results, but putting on the brakes
can ensure that the results you get are positi%e. 0hen you)re starting a ne' product, use it e%ery
other day, and ne%er try a fe' ne' buys at once. 6@%en if you ;ust got a ne' skincare system,
introduce one product e%ery three to four days at the least,6 says &ook-Bolden. 6(ou)ll rarely
e-perience dryness, irritation, and burning. *nd if you do, you)ll kno' right a'ay 'ho the culprit
is.6 Gi%e any ne' potion at least 4+ 'eeks #and up to U months$ to see if it)s really impro%ing your
skin before calling it 3uits.
24. %ut do)n the French fries. Research sho's that a diet high in fats and carbohydrates
causes more 'rinkles. 6&reamy cheeses and red meats are actually kno'n as aging fats
because of 'hat they do to our skin,6 says 0echsler. To keep your cells re%%ed up and
re;u%enated, stick to lean protein like fish, 'hite meat poultry, tofu, beans, and lentils.
2=. "on@t forget your *eggies. Look for an anti-aging cream that has plant-deri%ed antio-idants
such as mushroom or soy. ata from *le-iades-*rmenakas) lab sho's that the le%el of
antio-idant-free radical sca%enging #i.e. the little 'arriors that fight off all of the bad stuff that
causes premature aging$ 'ith plant-deri%ed antio-idants is off the charts. 6.lants ha%e anti-cancer
properties 'hen 'e eat them, 'hich means they sur%i%e the digesti%e process,6 she says. 6Think
of 'hat that that means for their long-lasting po'erful benefits 'hen applied directly to the skin.6
Try r. *ndre' 0eil for !rigins 2ega-2ushroom 1kin Relief *d%anced <ace 1erum.
20. ;at your broccoli. 2o%e o%er, oranges. 6Aust a half cup of ra' broccoli is loaded 'ith U5
percent of your daily %alue of %itamin &,6 says 2organ. Research sho's that %itamin &-rich foods
not only mop up the free radicals that cause 'rinkles and sagging, but can help remo%e the =*
damage they form. 0hile you)re reaping the 'ound-healing and skin-protecting benefits of eating
more %itamin &, try smoothing some on your skin as 'ell. 9n one study, 'omen 'ho treated sun-
damaged skin 'ith a %itamin & cream for U months sa' significant impro%ement in fine lines and
2>. Ceep your hands off your face. 6.icking?e%en lightly?can permanently damage skin,6
says *miry. 69 actually ha%e patients 'hose skin cleared up 'ith no medications, ;ust because
they stopped touching it.6 @%ery time you press against a pimple, it causes inflammation and
distress to the skin. *t the same time, bacteria is pushed deep inside the pore, and the oil glands
burst, causing e%en more trauma. The result? 2ore acne, plus discoloration and scarring. 9f
you)re really hooked on popping, lea%e it to the pros and schedule regular monthly e-tractions
'ith an aesthetician 'ho kno's ho' to do them safely and gently.
2?. Whip up a berry tasty treat for your skin. * po'erful #cheapK$ anti-aging potion is lurking
right in your fridge. Raspberries are loaded 'ith ellagic acid, an antio-idant that research sho's
can pre%ent 'rinkles 'hen applied to the skin. 69t protects the collagen that keeps skin plump and
beautiful from being 'orn do'n by the sun,6 says 0u. *dd in honey, a natural humectant that
holds 'ater against the skin for ma-imum moisture, and you)%e got a recipe for gorgeous, de'ey
skin. 2ash up a handful of raspberries 'ith a spoonful of honey, and apply the mask to clean skin
for 45-+, minutes. Rinse and pat dry.
20. (ake your sunscreen )ork harder for you. *ntio-idants like %itamin & offer an e-tra layer
of protection again en%ironmental damage and to-ins, di%erting them before they can damage
your cells. 6That)s 'hy applying them as part of your morning routine boosts the efficacy of your
sunscreen,6 e-plains *miry. 69t)s important to kno' that sunscreens are chemicals that you are
applying to your skin and they absorb into your body. 1o, use a lighter sunscreen daily such as
1.< 45 along 'ith %itamin & and a higher sunscreen #about 3,$ e%ery t'o hours if you are
outdoors for a long period of time.6

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