Aqualisa Quartz Case

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Strategic Marketing Management
Student Name:
Firat Sekerli
The Problem:
The managing director of Aqali!a" #arr$ Ra%lin!on" lanched a ne% !ho%er that i! called
Qart&' (e!)ite of it! featre! !ch a! qalit$" !afet$" co!t of in!tallation and ea!e of in!tallation and
!age" the earl$ !ale! ha*e +een di!a))ointing' The )ro+lem i! not that !ale! are lo%" +t the rea!on!
%h$ !ale! are not a! e,)ected' Some of the rea!on! are related to di!tri+tion channel" )romotional
!trateg$ and )o!itioning of the )rodct' Con!eqentl$" the real )ro+lem here i! ho% to +oo!t !ale!'
The +igge!t i!!e i! ha*ing )ro+lem! %ith reaching )lm+er! +eca!e the$ are the ke$ )la$er! in
term! of +eing a relia+le !orce for con!mer! %hen choo!ing the )rodct'
The Solution:
I +elie*e that the +e!t !oltion for Aqali!a i! to foc! on )lm+er! +eca!e the$ are the
)rimar$ c!tomer! of trade !ho)! %hich ha! the mo!t !ale! *olme in the U'-' !ho%er market' In
addition to thi!" )lm+er! al!o %ork for de*elo)er!" !ho%room!" contractor! or directl$ for
con!mer!' A! %e can !ee" )lm+er! )la$ a +ig mediator role in the di!tri+tion channel and
reaching the end con!mer!' Fir!t of all" trade !ho)! foc! on demand and the$ do not ha*e time to
e,)lain the +enefit! of the ne% )rodct' If Aqali!a get )lm+er! to demand Qart&" trade !ho)!
ha*e to !tock ) thi! )rodct +eca!e their )rimar$ c!tomer i! the )lm+er!' Secondl$" !ho%room!
al!o offer in!tallation !er*ice! +$ !+contracting %ith contractor! or inde)endent )lm+er!' .nce
)lm+er! are con*inced and informed a+ot the +enefit! of the ne% )rodct like ea!e of in!tallation"
the$ %ill +ecome a !orce of %ord of moth to )!h !ho%room! to call attention to Qart& +$
em)ha!i&ing the lo% co!t of in!tallation' Similarl$" )lm+er! %ill hel) con*ince de*elo)er! +$
!gge!ting the ne% )rodct' La!tl$" con!mer! in the !tandard )rice range tr!ted an inde)endent
)lm+er to ad*i!e or choo!e a )rodct for them' Sale! %ill atomaticall$ +e increa!ing +$ getting
)lm+er! to !elect Qart& for thi! con!mer !egment' A! a re!lt" I think that )lm+er! ha*e a hge
inflence on the !ho%er! choice' For thi! rea!on" Aqali!a ha! to find %a$! to reach )lm+er! and
to make them lo$al to the +rand'
The Implementation:
Aqali!a can reach and con*ince )lm+er! to !e Qart& +$ im)lementing the follo%ing!/
Arranging a conference for plumbers and developers: Aqali!a !hold in*ite )lm+er!
and de*elo)er! from all o*er the contr$ for a %eekend conference to )re!ent the +enefit! of
the ne% )rodct and demon!trate the ea!e of in!tallation' The nm+er of )lm+er! and
de*elo)er! !hold +e identified a! 0 )lm+er! and 0 de*elo)er! from each cit$ %hich %ill +e
total 011 gi*en 01 citie! in the U'-' The co!t of thi! conference %ill +e a))ro,imatel$
2301"111 inclding the !ta$ing" tra*eling and !am)le )rodct co!t' There al!o m!t +e an
incenti*e for the!e )eo)le to de*ote their time' The incenti*e !hold +e gi*ing the Qart&
!ho%er to e*er$ )artici)ant +eca!e %hen the$ tr$ it" the$ %ill get o*er %ith the !ke)tici!m
to%ard technologicall$ ne% )rodct! 4 at lea!t for Qart&' The demon!tration and
)re!entation %ill +e done +$ )lm+er! %ho !ed the )rodct +efore'
Giving away a free product to try: E*en thogh )lm+er! !gge!t Qart&" !ome )rice
con!cio! con!mer! might not %ant to +$ it +eca!e it i! relati*el$ e,)en!i*e com)ared to
other +rand! in the )rodct categor$' For thi! rea!on" Aqali!a %ill gi*e a free )rodct to
tho!e of con!mer!' 5eca!e Qart& o*ercome! the )ro+lem of lo% )re!!re %ith )m) and
flctation in tem)eratre" c!tomer! %ill ha*e a chance to e,)erience +etter !ho%er
)erformance' Thi! %ill al!o hel) +ild +rand a%arene!!" !o the com)an$ can al!o target
tho!e t$)e! of con!mer! %hich %ill e*entall$ lead more and more %ord of moth'
Providing an unconditional guarantee to plumbers and customers: Aqali!a !hold
acce)t )rodct! that are retrned %ithin 6 month! if there i! an$ )ro+lem %ith in!tallation or
)rodct %ithot an$ condition!'

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