1021 Togetherness in Love .... Easy Earthly Path ....

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... through Bertha Dudde

Togetherness in love ....
Easy earthly path ....
The longest path on earth is not diffiult to travel if the hu!an
"eing doesn#t have to over it alone$ for all distress and trou"le
are easier arried as a t%oso!e. & lonely %anderer "ears all
"urdens and trou"les "y hi!self$ he has no loving heart to spea'
to$ no one to lift hi! up if he is in danger of "rea'ing do%n$ and
no one %ho! he$ in turn$ an reassure and support in diffiult
&nd !any an earthly %anderer#s fate onsists of the fat that
they al%ays and forever %al' alone even though they are
surrounded "y ountless people. They e(lude the!selves fro!
the %orld and re)et all onsolation and ative help. &nd thus
they have to over an arduous$ very long earthly path in onstant
*atural la% onnets people$ natural la% re+uires togetherness
sine it is$ after all$ the foundation of continued existence for
creation and its living beings.
Everything in the hu!an "eing longs for its alter ego$ the hu!an
"eing naturally feels the instint to "ond %ith a si!ilarly natured
person$ in every hu!an heart d%ells love %hih %ants to e(press
itself to%ards this other self$ and therefore the union "et%een a
!an and a %o!an is an irrevoa"le la% ordained "y the divine
Father ,i!self.
The foundation for all unions$ ho%ever$ shall "e profound love$
eah one shall endeavour fro! the "otto! of his heart to serve
the other$ to treat hi! %ith love and to start a relationship %hih
utterly o!plies %ith divine %ill.
Then God#s "lessing %ill also rest on suh a union$ travelling the
path through earthly life %ill "e easier for "oth "eause their love
for eah other %ill help the! arry all diffiulties$ and this love
also guarantees that the Father is li'e%ise present %here pure
love unites t%o people.
For the eternal Deity#s ativity %ill "e notiea"le there$ pure love
%ill refine people and turn their eyes to%ards heaven$ they %ill
reognise God$ the -ord$ "y virtue of their inherently ative love
%hih is divine after all$ and fro! this realisation they %ill dra%
the strength to overo!e all diffiulties in life ....
They are %al'ing %ith God at the sa!e ti!e .... in "lissful
togetherness they have "eo!e a%are of the fat that God has
to "e present %here love e(ists$ and this realisation !a'es the!
"lissfully happy$ sine then the hu!an "eing %ill 'no% that he is
safe under the Father#s loyal guard ....
.u"lished "y friends of ne% revelations of God / 0nfor!ation$
do%nload of all translated revelations$ the!e1"oo'lets at2

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