Excel Keyboard Shortcuts

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any users have discovered that using their keyboard can often be much
more efficient than using their mouse. This appendix lists the most useful
shortcut keys available in Excel. The shortcuts are arranged by context.
The keys listed assume that youre not using the Transition Navigation Keys,
which are designed to emulate Lotus 1-2-3. You can select the Transition
Navigation Keys option in the Advanced tab of the Excel Options dialog box.
This option is in the Lotus Compatibility section.
On the surface, the new Ribbon interface in Excel 2007
appears to be designed for a mouse. However, you can
access nearly all the Ribbon commands by using the keyboard. Press the Alt key,
and Excel displays key tips next to each command. Just press the key that
corresponds to the command you need. For example, the command to toggle
worksheet gridlines is View Show/Hide Gridlines. The keyboard equivalent
is Alt, followed by WVG. Note that you dont need to keep the Alt key depressed
while you type the subsequent letters.
Excel Shortcut Keys
Moving Through a Worksheet
Key(s) What It Does
Arrow keys Moves left, right, up, or down one cell
Home Moves to the beginning of the row
Home* Moves to the upper-left cell displayed in the window
End* Moves to the lower-left cell displayed in the window
Arrow keys* Scrolls left, right, up, or down one cell
PgUp Moves up one screen
PgDn Moves down one screen
Ctrl+PgUp Moves to the previous sheet
Ctrl+PgDn Moves to the next sheet
Alt+PgUp Moves one screen to the left
Alt+PgDn Moves one screen to the right
Ctrl+Home Moves to the first cell in the worksheet (A1)
Ctrl+End Moves to the last nonempty cell of the worksheet
Ctrl+arrow key Moves to the edge of a data block; if the cell is blank, moves to the first nonblank cell
Ctrl+Backspace Scrolls to display the active cell
End, followed by Home Moves to the last nonempty cell on the worksheet
F5 Prompts for a cell address to go to
F6 Moves to the next pane of a window that has been split
Shift+F6 Moves to the previous pane of a window that has been split
Ctrl+Tab Moves to the next window
Ctrl+Shift+Tab Moves to the previous window
Ctrl+F6 Moves to the next window
Ctrl+Shift+F6 Moves to the previous window
* With Scroll Lock on
Selecting Cells in the Worksheet
Key(s) What It Does
Shift+arrow key Expands the selection in the direction indicated
Shift+spacebar Selects the entire row(s) in the selected range
Ctrl+spacebar Selects the entire column(s) in the selected range
Ctrl+Shift+ spacebar Selects the entire worksheet.
Part VII
Key(s) What It Does
Ctrl+Shift+ spacebar* Selects the table without the header row and totals row. Ctrl+Shift+ spacebar again
selects the complete table. Ctrl+Shift+ spacebar again selects the entire worksheet
Shift+Home Expands the selection to the beginning of the current row
Ctrl+* Selects the block of data surrounding the active cell
F8 Extends the selection as you use navigation keys. Press F8 again to return to normal
selection mode
Shift+F8 Adds other nonadjacent cells or ranges to the selection; pressing Shift+F8 again ends
Add mode
F5 Prompts for a range or range name to select
Ctrl+G Prompts for a range or range name to select
Ctrl+A Selects the entire worksheet
Ctrl+A* Selects the table without the header row and totals row. Ctrl+Shift+ spacebar again
selects the complete table. Ctrl+Shift+ spacebar again selects the entire worksheet.
Shift+Backspace Cancels a range selection and selects only the active cell
* If the active cell is within a multicell range
Moving within a Range Selection
Key(s) What It Does
Enter Moves the cell pointer. The direction depends on the setting in the Edit tab of the
Options dialog box.
Shift+Enter Moves the cell pointer up to the preceding cell in the selection
Tab Moves the cell pointer right to the next cell in the selection
Shift+Tab Moves the cell pointer left to the preceding cell in the selection
Ctrl+period (.) Moves the cell pointer to the next corner of the current cell range
Shift+Backspace Collapses the cell selection to just the active cell
Editing Keys in the Formula Bar
Key(s) What It Does
F2 Begins editing the active cell
Arrow keys Moves the cursor one character in the direction of the arrow
Home Moves the cursor to the beginning of the line
Excel Shortcut Keys
Key(s) What It Does
End Moves the cursor to the end of the line
Ctrl+right arrow Moves the cursor one word to the right
Ctrl+left arrow Moves the cursor one word to the left
F3 Displays the Paste Name dialog box when youre creating a formula
Ctrl+A Displays the Function Arguments dialog box (after you type a function name
in a formula)
Del Deletes the character to the right of the cursor
Ctrl+Del Deletes all characters from the cursor to the end of the line
Backspace Deletes the character to the left of the cursor
Esc Cancels the editing
Formatting Keys
Key(s) What It Does
Ctrl+1 Displays the Format dialog box for the selected object
Ctrl+B Sets or removes boldface
Ctrl+I Sets or removes italic
Ctrl+U Sets or removes underlining
Ctrl+5 Sets or removes strikethrough
Ctrl+Shift+~ Applies the general number format
Ctrl+Shift+! Applies the comma format with two decimal places
Ctrl+Shift+# Applies the date format (day, month, year)
Ctrl+Shift+@ Applies the time format (hour, minute, a.m./p.m.)
Ctrl+Shift+$ Applies the currency format with two decimal places
Ctrl+Shift+% Applies the percent format with no decimal places
Ctrl+Shift+& Applies border to outline
Ctrl+Shift+_ Removes all borders
Part VII
Other Shortcut Keys
Key(s) What It Does
Ctrl+F1 Toggles the display of the Ribbon
Alt+= Inserts the AutoSum formula
Alt+Backspace Equivalent to Undo
Alt+Enter Starts a new line in the current cell
Ctrl+; Enters the current date
Ctrl+: Enters the current time
Ctrl+0 (zero) Hides columns
Ctrl+6 Cycles among various ways of displaying objects on a worksheet
Ctrl+8 Toggles the display of outline symbols
Ctrl+9 Hides rows
Ctrl+[ Selects direct precedent cells
Ctrl+] Selects directly dependent cells
Ctrl+C Equivalent to Home Clipboard Copy
Ctrl+D Equivalent to Home Editing Fill Down
Ctrl+F Equivalent to Home Editing Find & Select Find
Ctrl+H Equivalent to Home Editing Find & Select Replace
Ctrl+K Equivalent to Insert Links Hyperlink
Ctrl+N Creates a new workbook
Ctrl+O Equivalent to Office Open
Ctrl+P Equivalent to Office Print
Ctrl+R Equivalent to Home Editing Fill Fill Right
Ctrl+T Equivalent to Insert Tables Table
Ctrl+Shift+T Toggles the Total row in a table
Ctrl+Shift+L Toggles the Autofilter controls in a table
Ctrl+S Equivalent to Office Save
Ctlr+Alt+V Equivalent to Home Clipboard Paste Paste Special
Ctrl+Shift+( Unhides rows in the selection
Ctrl+Shift+) Unhides columns in the selection
Ctrl+Shift+A Inserts the argument names and parentheses for the function (after you type a valid
function name in a formula)
Ctrl+V Equivalent to Home Clipboard Paste
Ctrl+X Equivalent to Home Clipboard Cut
Ctrl+Z Undo
Excel Shortcut Keys
Function Keys
Key(s) What It Does
F1 Displays Help
Alt+F1 Inserts default chart object that uses the selected range
Alt+Shift+ F1 Inserts a new worksheet
F2 Edits the active cell
Shift+F2 Edits a cell comment
Alt+F2 Equivalent to Office Save As
Alt+Shift+F2 Equivalent to Office Save
F3 Pastes a name into a formula
Shift+F3 Pastes a function into a formula
Ctrl+F3 Equivalent to Formulas Defined Names Name Manager
Ctrl+Shift+F3 Equivalent to Formulas Defined Names@>Create From Selection
F4 Repeats the last action
Shift+F4 Repeats the last Find (Find Next)
Ctrl+F4 Closes the window
Alt+F4 Equivalent to Office Exit Excel
F5 Equivalent to Home Editing Find & Select Go To
Shift+F5 Equivalent to Home Editing Find & Select Find
Ctrl+F5 Restores a minimized or maximized workbook window
Alt+F5 Refreshes active query or pivot table
F6 Moves to the next pane
Shift+F6 Moves to the previous pane
Ctrl+F6 Activates to the next window
Ctrl+Shift+F6 Activates the previous workbook window
F7 Equivalent to Review Proofing Spelling
Ctrl+F7 Allows moving the window with the arrow keys
F8 Extends a selection (toggle)
Shift+F8 Adds to the selection (toggle)
Ctrl+F8 Allows resizing the window with the arrow keys
Alt+F8 Equivalent to Developer Code Macros
F9 Calculates all sheets in all open workbooks
Shift+F9 Calculates the active worksheet
Ctrl+Alt+F9 Global calculation
Part VII
Key(s) What It Does
Ctrl+F9 Minimizes the workbook
F10 Displays keytips for the Ribbon
Shift+F10 Displays a shortcut menu for the selected object (equivalent to right-clicking)
Ctrl+F10 Maximizes or restores the workbook window
F11 Creates a chart in a chart sheet
Shift+F11 Inserts a new worksheet
Ctrl+F11 Inserts an Excel 4.0 macro sheet
Alt+F11 Equivalent to Developer Code Visual Basic
F12 Equivalent to Office Save
Shift+F12 Equivalent to Office Save
Ctrl+F12 Equivalent to Office Open
Ctrl+Shift+F12 Equivalent to Office Print
Excel Shortcut Keys

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