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Core Topics
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Core content
HL Topics
HL sub-topics and content
Key Practicals 1 to 7
Field trip studies
Diagnostic Evaluations
Scientific Process Enzyme Inhibition (1.5) IM: Scientific process accepted as common methodology
Lab skills Practical circus (Fionnuala)
Introduction 1.1 & 1.5 The evolution of multicellular organisms allowed cell specialisation and cell replacement
Cell origins 1.5 There is unbroken chain of life from the first cells on Earth to all cells in organisms alive today
Cell Introduction & Cell Theory 1.1/1.5 NoS: Exceptions to cell theory
Origin of cells & Endosymbiotic theory 1.5
Historical and modern ideas - Pasteur
NoS: Testing scientific principles
Surface area to volume limiting cell size 1.1 Sand boxes for surface area to volume ratios (1)
Emergent properties 1.1
Differentiation, specialisation, stem cells 1.1
NoS: Ethical issues of stem cell research.
IM: How is stem cell research controlled around the world?
Microscopes, drawings & scale 1.1 (1.2) [1] Cell Drawings from Microscopes with scale (1.5) Microscope as a major advance in obtaining knowledge
Characteristics of living things Observations of Paramecium and phototrophic algae (1)
Ultrastructure of cells 1.2 Eukaryotes have a much more complex cell structure than prokaryotes
Size in biology, ssi units IM: A commonly agreed measuring system
Prokaryotic cells 1.2
Binary fission 1.2
Eukaryotic Cells 1.2
Recognising & drawing from micrographs (1)
Organelle building (2)
Membrane structure 1.3 The structure of biological membranes makes then fluid and dynamic
Fluid mosaic model 1.3 PBL - Constructing a model from a theoretical model
NoS: Scientific Models
NoS: Models superseding models
Membrane transport 1.4 Membranes control the composition of cells by active and passive transport
Active v Passive transport 1.4
[2] Osmosis Investigation (1.5) NoS: Precise and quantitative data
Inv. Thermal Death Point of Cytoplasm (1.5)
Dialysis treatment
Cell division 1.6 Cell division is essential but must be controlled
Cell cycle and ciclins 1.6 NoS: Accidental discovery of ciclins
Onion Root Tip Squash Preparation & Mitotic Index (1.5)
Mitosis model building (1)
Mutation & mutagens 1.6 Smoking and cancer
CONNECTIONS - Nature of Science, Applications,
International mindedness, ToK
Cell organelles 1.2
Diffusion, Facilitated diffusion, Osmosis, Endo/Exo-
Mitosis and cytokinesis 1.6
NoS: Electron microscopes expanding knowledge
Mitotic Index & Cancer
Cancer 1.6 IM: Forms of cancer. Some global statistics.
Molecules to metabolism 2.1 Living orgnisms control their composition by a complex web of reactions
Essential chemistry for biology - revision
Carbon covalent bonding 2.1
Organic compounds in life 2.1
Metabolism: anabolic & catabolic reactions 2.1
Water 2.2 Water is the medium of life
Water hydrogen bonding 2.2 NoS: Theories project to properties
Water properties 2.2
Thermal expansion of water (ref. Global warming 5.2) (1.5) IM: Water scarcity. Quito?
Water properties and biological benefits research
Carbohydrates 2.3 Compound of carbon, hydrogen and oxygen are used to supply and store energy
Monomers, (dimers) & polymers
Mono/di/poly-sacharrides 2.3
Condensation & hydrolysis reactions 2.3
The glycosidic bond Molecular drawings
Glucose & sugars, glycogen, starch & cellulose 2.3 Use of molecular visualisation software
Fatty acids & glycerol, triglycerides 2.3 Molecular drawings
Saturated, (poly)unsaturated FA's and health 2.3 Measuring BMI (1.5) NoS, IM: lipids and health - assessment & links
Proteins 2.4 Proteins have a wide range of functions in living organisms
Amino acids - the monomers 2.4 Amino Acid Chromatography (2) NoS: Universality of amino acids; exceptions
Universal genetic code 2.4 (2.7) Why universal?
Uniqueness of an individual's proteins Uniqueness v universality
The peptide bond 2.4 Molecular drawings
(Primary structure) Amino acid sequence 2.4/7.3
Protein structure v function 2.4 Use of molecular visualisation software
Denaturing proteins 2.4 Denaturation of Proteins by Heat and CuSo4 (1.5)
Primary protein structure 7.3
Secondary protein structure 7.3
Tertiary protein structure 7.3
Quaternary protein structure (incl. Prosthetic groups) 7.3
Organic macro-molecules Food tests for identifying Organic Biochemicals (1.5) Qualitative v quantitive data
Enzymes 2.5 Enzymes control the metabolism of the cell
Active sites and enzyme catalysed reactions 2.5
Denaturing 2.5
pH, temperature & substrate conc. 2.5 [3] (Design & Planning) Enzyme Investigations (2) NoS: Accurate, quantitative measurements & replicates
Industrial enzyme use 2.5 Research lactose-free milk production (& patent review)
Enzymes and activation energy 8.1 Graphing activation energy models
Enzyme inhibition 8.1 Graphing inhibition with substrate conc. Use of inhibitors in medicine
(Metabolic pathways and end-product inhibition 8.1
Structure of DNA and RNA 2.6 The structure of DNA allows efficient storage of genetic information
DNA Structure (and replication) 7.1 The structure of DNA is ideally suited to its function
Nucleotides 2.6
Crick & Watson - modelling 2.6
NoS: Modelling as a way to gain knowledge
ToK: The story of the DNA model - collaboration and
Hersey and Chase - DNA for genetic purposes 7.1
2-D DNA modelling on paper
Base pairing, hydrogen bonding, anti-parallel 2.6
Water properties and biological benefits 2.2
3-D DNA modelling (1.5)
Nucleosome structure and super coiling 7.1 Molecular visualisation of protein/DNA associations Rosalind Franklin, x-ray diffraction & double helix
DNA replication 2.7 Genetic information in DNA can be accurately copied
(Cell cycle) 1.6
Semi-conservative replication 2.7 NoS: How evidence is collected, to then propose a theory
Complimentaary base pairing 2.7
Actions of helicase and DNA polymerase 2.7
DNA (Structure and) replication 7.1 The structure of DNA is ideally suited to its function
3' to 5', replication enzymes, (dis)continuous 7.1
Non-coding DNA 7.1 ToK 'Junk' DNA
PROTEIN SYNTHESIS Genetic information in the nucleus can be translated to make the proteins needed by the cell The Central Dogma of molecular biology
Transcription, RNA polymerase & mRNA 2.7
The genetic (triplet) code of mRNA, codons 2.7 Universality of genetic code - allows genetic modification
Transcription and gene expression 7.2 Information stored as a code on DNA is copied onto mRNA
Gene expression 7.2
Transcription 5' to 3' 7.2
Modification and splicing of mRNA 7.2
Complementary base pairing - DNA, mRNA, tRNA,
Amino Acids
Translation 7.3 Information transferred from DNA to mRNA is translated into an amino acid sequence NoS Digital advances in bioinformatics
Initiation, synthesis and termination 7.3
Prokaryotes v eukaryotes 7.3
Free and bound ribosomes 7.3
mRNA, tRNA, enzymes and amino acids 7.3 Molecular visualisation software - tRNA & ribosomes
Polysomes 7.3 Visualising polysomes from micrographs
Metabolism 8.1 Metabolic reactions are regulated in response to the cells needs
Metabolic pathways (incl end product inhibition 8.1
Introduction - interconnections, role of ATP
Cell Respiration 2.8 Cell respiration provides energy for the functions of life
Anaerobic respiration 2.8 Anaerobic Respiration - Yeast (Fermentation) (1.5) Applications: Brewing (ethanol) and baking (CO2)
Aerobic respiration 2.8 Respiration rates and respirometers (1.5) NoS: Ethical issues of use of invertebrates
Cell respiration 8.2 Energy is converted into a usable form in cell respiration
Redox reactions - electron carriers 8.2 Wk 15
Phosphorylation 8.2
Glycolysis 8.2
Link reaction 8.2
Krebs cycle 8.2
Electron transport chain 8.2
Chemiosmosis 8.2 The significance of chemiosmotic theory
Structure v function of mitochondria 8.2 Annotated diagram of mitochondria
Photosynthesis 2.9 Photosynthesis uses the energy in sunlight to produce the energy needed for life
Visible light, absorption & action spectra 2.9
Photosynthetic pigments 2.9 [4] Chromatography (TLC) for Plant Pigments (1.5)
Light dependent reactions 2.9 Light Intensity and the Rate of Photosynthesis (1.5) NoS: Controlling variables
Light independent reactions 2.9
Base pairing, hydrogen bonding, anti-parallel 2.6
Translation - mRNA, tRNA & amino acids, ribosomes
and polypeptides
PBL: Can you hold the Central Dogma of molecular
biology in your hands?
Summary of inputs and outputs from light dependent &
light independent reactions
Limiting factors in photosynthesis 2.9 Graphing limiting factors
Photosynthesis 8.3 Light energy is converted into chemical energy
Structure v function of chloroplast 8.3 Annotated diagram of a chloroplast
Light dependent reactions - photolysis of water,
photosystems II & 1, ETC, hydrogen carriers, oxygen
production, ATP production
8.3 Hill reaction (1.5)
Light independent reactions - carboxylation of RuBP,
G3P, TP, using the ATP and H, restoration of RuBP,
production of carbohydrates
8.3 ToK Lollipops and Calvin
Global Artifical Phpotosynthesis Project
Transport in xylem 9.1 Structure and function are correlated in the xylem of plants
Stem, root and leaf tissues Plan diagrams v drawings of xylem
Transpiration 9.1 [7] Investigating transpiration rates with potometers (1.5)
Water flow from roots to leaves - properties of water
Ref 2.2
9.1 (2.2)
Active uptake of mineral ions from soil 9.1 (1.4)
Osmosis 9.1 (1.4)
Xerophytes and halophytes
Transport in phloem 9.2 Structure and function are correlated in the phloem of plants
Phloem sieve tubes & companion cells - why & how? 9.2 Plan diagrams v drawings of phloem
Sources & sinks (photosynthesis products to stores) 9.2 The wonder of aphid stylets and radioactive CO2
Mass flow hypothesis and mechanism 9.2
Growth in plants 9.3 Plants adapt their growth to environmental conditions
Meristems in stem and root apex, leaves; mitosis & cell
Plant v mammalian hormones
Micropropagation of orchids in Ecuador
Exporting bananas from Ecuador by slow boat to Europe!
Tropic responses 9.3 Investigation into a tropic response (1)
Auxin and control of growth - gene expression 9.3
Reproduction in Plants 9.4 Reproduction in plants in influenced by the biotic and abiotic environment
Gene expression in stem apex - photoperiods 9.4
Pollination, fertilisation and seed dispersal 9.4 Investigation into local pollinators and seed dispersers
Mutualism in plants with pollinators 9.4 Jungle pollinators NoS: Significance for whole ecosystems & crop plants
Germination of seeds 9.4 Conditions necessary for successful germination (1)
Species, commnities and ecosystems 4.1 The continued survival of living organisms, including humans, depends on sustainable communities
Species and communities C.1 Community structure is an emergent property of an ecosystem
Species & species diversity 4.1 C.4 Quadrat plant species diversity estimations (2) Definitions don't work! How to define a species (cf 3.2)
Distribution of species - determining factors C.1 Transects (2)
Populations C.1 Quadrat Plant Population Estimations (Chi 2 testing) (2.5) ToK: Random sampling means?
Communities 4.1
Cotopaxi Ecosystems & Abiotic Factors (1.5)
[5] Sealed mesocosms
Temperature v precipitation v altitude - climographs
What determines the existence of the Pramo?
Population Ecology C.5 Dynamic biological processes impact population density and population growth
Ecosystems - the biotic and abiotic components,
energy flow and nutrient cycling
Plant hormones 9.3 Technology in the local market
C.2 Biomes and climate
Measuring size of a population of invertebrates Capture-Mark-Release-Recapture Lincoln Index (2)
Exponential population growth - S & J curves C.5 Growth of yeast populations (2) Human population growth issues
Natality, mortality, immigration & emigration (im)balance C.5
Limiting factors for population growth C.5
Sustainable fishing industry C.5
Communities and ecosystems C.2 Changes in the community structure affect and are affected by organisms
Methods of feeding and feeding inter-relationships 4.1 NoS: patterns, trends & discrepancies
Interactions between populations (+-o) 4.1 C.1 Species/Populations interactions in Cotopaxi NP Coral reef algae & reef bleaching
Principle of competitive exclusion C.1/3
Community structure - keystone species C.1 Keystone species in different ecosystems
Fundamental & Realised niches C.1 Data analysis & niche Venn diagrams. Niche construction
Primary succession 4.1 C.2 Primary Succession on Volcanic Soils - Cotopaxi (2)
Secondary succession and human disturbance Secondary succession on cleared land - Cotopaxi (2)
Energy flow 4.2 Ecosystems require a continuous flow of energy to fuel life processes and to replace energy lost as heat
Food chains and webs, and trophic levels 4.2 C.2
Respiration, energy loss (10% rule) & length of chains 4.2 C.2 Gersmehl diagrams NoS: length of food chains v energy
Food pyramids (of energy) 4.2 Quantitative representation of pyramids Information transfer - field data to visual
Gross and net production C.2
Sustainable food production C.2 Should humans all be vegetarian?
Carbon cycling 4.3 Continued availablity of carbon in ecosystems depends upion carbon cycling
CO2, CHO's, HCO3, 4.3
CO2 & Photosynthesis (autotrophs) 4.3
CO2 & Respiration 4.3
Methane 4.3
Peat & fossil fuels 4.3
Combustion 4.3
Fossilised calcium carbonate to limestone 4.3
Combining all into quantitative carbon cycle diagrams 4.3 Making the visual evidence quantitative
Nitrogen and phosphorous cycles C.6 Soil cycles are liable to disruption
Nitrogen cycle C.6
Bacteria of N cycle C.6 Table of bacterial involvement - bacteria and their roles
Phosphorous cycle C.6
Leaching of mineral ions -> eutrophication -> increased
Inv. BOD comparisons of water of different quality around
school (1.5)
Impacts of humans on ecosystems C.3 Human activities impact on ecosystem function
Invasive, alien species C.3 Galpagos research project - invasive species
Biological control of invasive species C.3 Galpagos biological control of cottony scale insect
Biomagnification C.3 DDT & Malaria - African Fish eagle
Plastics debris in marine enviroments C.3 Case studies: Laysan albatross and
Climate change 4.4 Concentrations of gases in the atmosphere affect climates experiences at the Earth's surface
Greenhouse gases & impact factor 4.4
The physics of global warming & climate change 4.4
Atmos. CO2 & rising global temperature - evidence 4.4 Plotting & critical analysis of emissions data, claims, etc. NoS: Data analysis. What do the data really say?
Causes - combustion etc. 4.4
NoS: Anthropogenic causes. Who is to blame?
IM: Country emissions dats compared
Consequences and evidence of consequences Cotopaxi glacier recession - monitoring (3) Critical analysis of data incl. Reefs
Managing Climate change Levels of responsibility and action. Precautionary principle
Conservation of biodiversity C.4 Entire communities need to be conserved in order to preserve biodiversity
Defining biodiversity & the importance of conserving
Ecological, genetic & species diversity. Profile species.
Cultural factors. Can diversity be defined? How?
Best farming practices
Indicator species C.4
Biogeographic factors and species diversity C.4 Galpagos Island diversity
Measuring diversity - Simpson's Index C.4 Comparing diversity in Cotopaxi communities (2)
In situ conservation C.4 Active management of Cotopaxi NP (1)
Ex situ conservation C.4 Captive breeding and reintroduction of Condor to CNP
Digestion and absorption 6.1 The structure of the wall of the small intestine allows it to move, digest and absorb food
The human digestive system 6.1 Annotated diagram
Peristalsis 6.1
Digestion - macro to simple molecules (incl. polymers
to monomers) NB Cellulose
Enzymes - lipases, carbohydrases & proteases 6.1 Enzyme Digestion Investigations (2)
The enzymes of the pancreas 6.1
Villi and absorption 6.1 Dialysis investigation (1) NoS: Dialysis - an artificial way to represent absorption
The liver and its blood circulation 6.1
Tissue layers of small intestine 6.1
Movement 11.2 The roles of the musculo-skeletal system are movement, support and protection
Endo and exo skeletons - support and movement 11.2 Insect leg movement incl. muscles
The physics of levers 11.2
Synovial joints 11.2
Antagonistic muscles 11.2
Muscle structure: fibres - myofibrils - sarcomeres 11.2 Labelled diagram of sarcomere NoS: Developing knowledge and understanding
Unique cell structure of muscle fibres 11.2 Adapatation for functions
Sliding filament theory 11.2
ATP, cross bridges and control of muscle contraction 11.2
The blood system 6.2 The blood system continuously transports substances to cells and simultaneously collects waste products
The circulatory system - linking organs of the body, the
heart and the lungs
NoS: Overtunring theories. Theories can be weak.
The heart - structure v function 6.2 Heart Dissection (2)
The way the heart functions - chambers, valves and
Control of heart beat - SAN & AVN, Brain, epiniphrine 6.2 Exercise and Pulse rates (1)
What is blood? Blood smear identification of cells
Arteries, capillaries and veins - form v function 6.2
(CVD &) Coronary heart disease 6.2/3
Exchange through capillaries 6.2
Gas exchange 6.4 The lungs are actively ventilated to ensure that gas exchange can occur passively
The breathing system - mouth/nose to alveoli 6.4
The mechanisms of lung ventilation, incl diaphragm
and internal & external intercostal muscles
6.4 [6] Exercise and Breathing Rates (1.5)
Pressure changes and differences during ventilation 6.4
Gas exchange in alveoli (incl. Pneumocytes I and II) 6.4
Diseases of the lungs - cancer and emphysema 6.4 NoS: Epidemiology - evidence for cancer links
Neurones and synapses 6.5 Neurones transmit the message, synapses modulate the message Urine diagnostic investigation (1.5)
Neurones link receptors through the CNS to effectors
Nerves, nerve fibres and neurones
The essential structure of a myelinated neurone
Annotated diagram of the elbow joint
Analysis of contraction photomicrographs.
Modelling of sliding filament theory
Resting and action potentials - the mechanisms 6.5 Examination of oscilloscope traces
Synapses and neurotransmitters 6.5
The action of some pesticides (and drugs).
Links between natural neurotransmitters and modern
Hormones, homeostasis (and reproduction) 6.6 Hormones are used when signals need to be widely distributed
Pancreas - Insulin & glucagon, Type I & II diabetes 6.6 Treating diabetes
The idea of negative (and positive) feedback
Thyroids - thyroxine 6.6
Leptin 6.6 Obesity treatment
Melatonin - pineal gland 6.6 Jet lag
Hormone therapies - medical treatment
The kidney and osmoregulation 11.3 All animals excrete ntrogenous waste products and some animals also balance water and solute concentrations
What is nitrogenous waste? Different forms. Why? 11.3
Osmoregulation (ref homeostasis 6.6) 11.3
Malphigian tubules & kidney do the same job 11.3
Renal arterial v venous blood 11.3 Table to compare arterial with venous blood
Ultrastructure of nephron 11.3
Osmoregulation and nitrogenous removal in kidneys
(ADH, salts, active pumping, etc.)
Applications: dialysis (& diabetes), kidney stones,
dehydration, urine testing, drugs in sport, kidney
11.3 Inv. Testing 'urine samples' (1.5)
Evolutionary aspects; physiological & anatomical
11.3 The desert kangaroo rat and its biology
Defence against infectious disease 6.3 The human body has structures and processes that resist the continuous threat of invasion by pathogens
Primary defences - skin 6.3
Blood clotting mechanism 6.3 Atherosclerosis and CVD (6.2)
Phagocytes and non-specific immunity 6.3
Antibody production and specific immunity 6.3 HIV & AIDS
Antibiotics and bacterial resistance 6.3 Penicillin and Florey & Chain's experiments. Risky?
6.3 NoS: Risks for the purpose of expanding knowledge
Antibody production and vaccination 11.1 Antibody production is based on recognition of self and destruction of foreign material
Uniqueness of an organisms cell surface membranes,
so pathogens are mostly species specific, as are
T lymphocytes activate B lymphocytes 11.1
Cloning of B cells - plasma and memory cells 11.1
Plasma cells and antibodies 11.1
White cells and histamines and allergies 11.1
Immunity is memory for pathogens. Vaccines provide
memory without the disease
11.1 Flow chart for use of a vaccine
Smallpox, Jenner, ethics of what he did to 'discover'
11.1 IM: Epidemiology of modern diseases - HIV, SARS, Ebola
11.1 IM: Epidemiology of international vaccine programmes IM: WHO and international cooperation
Tumour cells, hybridoma cells, monoclonal antibodies 11.1
11.1 Applications - pregnancy testing and tissue rejection
(Hormones, homeostasis and) Human Reproduction 6.6 Hormones are used when signals need to be widely distributed William Harvey's investigations & state of knowledge
Sexual reproduction 11.4 Sexual reproduction involves the development and fusion of haploid gametes
Male and female reproductive organs 6.6 Labelled and annotated diagrams
Testosterone and male primary and secondary sexual
Labelled diagram nephron - annotated for processes
Oestrogen and progesterone and female primary and
secondary characteristics
Interactions of the 4 hormones of the menstrual cycle 6.6 IVF
Spermatogenesis process and results 11.4 Drawings (1)
Oogenesis - process and results 11.4 Drawings (1)
Fertilisation 11.4
Implantation 11.4
Foetal growth and development, incl. placenta 11.4 Growth graphing
Birth, incl. hormone interactions 11.4
Detailed hormone interactions throughout menstrual
cycle and pregnancy
11.4 Concept map with human reproduction as central concept Visualising information. (Exam prep)
Ethical issues and applications: IVF, contraception,
commercial use of hormones, frozen embryos. NoS:
Knowledge of hormone impacts
Genes 3.1 Every living organism inherits a blueprint of life from its parents
Genes, loci, alleles 3.1
Databases to locate a human gene and knowing its
protein product
IM: The genetics of human diversity
Genome & Human Genome Project 3.1 Base sequencing data analysis (Cytochrome C)
Patenting the human genome? Who has the rights?
NoS: Technology improvements lead to knowledge
IM: Scientific cooperation for a common goal.
Comparing gene totals 3.1
Mutations (base substitution) 3.1 Sickle celled anaemia
IM: SCA & Malaria
ToK: Correlation or cause?
Chromosomes 3.2 Chromosomes carry genes in a linear sequence which is shared by members of a species cf Definition of a species (4.1)
Prokaryotic DNA and plasmids 3.2
Eukaryotic DNA - linear chromosomes 3.2
Homologous chromosomes and alleles 3.2 Comparing lengths of DNA by autoradiography NoS: Autoradiography techniques improve knowledge
Diploid and haploid nuclei 3.2
Species and chromosome numbers 3.2
Comparing genome size in T2 phages in different species
Comparing chromosome numbers in different species
X & Y (sex) chromosomes (ref 6.6 testosterone) 3.2
IM: Down's syndrome geography, incidence and age.
Disabilities and society.
Obtaining chromosome samples - risks
What to do with genetic prior knowledge?
Meiosis 3.3 Alleles segregate during meiosis allowing new combinations to be formed by the fusion of gametes
2n -> 4 x n n + n = 2n again 3.3
Outline of 2 stages M1 & M2 (incl crossover) 3.3 Diagramatic flow chart representation ('A' prac) NoS: Careful interpretation of data leads to advances
Cell cycle and DNA replication
Significance of random segregation, cross over,
random orientation and chance fertilisation for genetic
variation and evolution
Chromosome non-dysjunction (ref Down's syndrome) 3.3
Meiosis 10.1 Meiosis leads to independent assortment of chromosomes and unique composition of alleles in daughter cells NoS: Anomalies - linked genes as explanation
Cross-over, chiasmata and recombination 10.1
Meiosis I and Meiosis II 10.1 Modelling Meiosis (1.5)
Karyotyping to show Down's Syndrome (1) Karyotyping 3.2
Independent assortment 10.1
Inheritance 3.4 The inheritance of genes follows patterns
Mendel and his experiments 3.4 NoS: Data; data; data to generate knowledge & theory
Haploid - diploid; gametes - zygotes 3.4
IM: ABO Blood groups - population statistics
Using punnet matrices for monohybrid inheritance
Predicted ratios and outcomes - using data
Pedigree charts 3.4 Using pedigree charts
Genetic diseases (ref CF in Pre-Diploma) 3.4
Sex linkage 3.4 Red/Green colour blindness & Haemophilia
Carcinogens & mutagens and mutation & cancer
IM: Hiroshima and Chernobyl
Inheritance 10.2 Genes may be linked or unlinked and are inherited accordingly Mendel - patterns & trnds; now - discrepancies and exceptions
Unlinked genes assort independently; linked genes, no 10.2
Discrete and continuous variation - polygenes 10.2
Nature v nurture (inheritance v environment) 10.2
Chi squared testing of frequency distribution to
statistically show probability of linkage
Dihybrid inheritance and punnet matrices 10.2 Using punnet matrices for dihybrid crosses
Predicting dihybrid ratios and seeing linkage 10.2
10.2 Selective breeding in farming. Selective breeding in humans?
Genetic modification and biotechnology 3.5 Biologists have developed techniques for artificial manipulation of DNA, cells and organisms
Gel electrophoresis and PCR 3.5
DNA profiling 3.5 Paternity and forensic data exercises Value of statistical evidence
Genetic modification using bacteria - plasmids,
restriction enzymes and DNA ligase
3.5 Research examples NoS: GM debate
Cloning - Natural and artificial, animals and plants 3.5
Factor affecting rooting of a stem cutting - design and
implementation (2)
Evidence for evolution 5.1 There is overwhelming evidence for the evolution of life on Earth
What is evolution? 5.1 ToK: Evolutionary history
The evidence - the fossil record 5.1 NoS: Patterns, trends and discrepancies - limbs
The evidence - pentadactyl limb 5.1 Does the evidence amount to a case?
The evidence - homologous structures 5.1 Are there other explanations?
The evidence - artificial selection 5.1
Adaptive radiation of Galpagos finches 5.1
Natural selection 5.2 The diversity of life has evolved and continues to evolve by natural selection
ToK: Supporting or rejecting a theory. What evidence is
Variation must be present - mutations, meiosis and
sexual reproduction (3.3)
Potential for limitless reproduction 5.2
Competition for resources and survival 5.2
Best adapted have greater survival and thus produce
more offspring, passing on their alleles
Therefore there are changes in allele frequency 5.2
The Biston betularia story 5.2 Is the story flawed?
Gene pools and speciation 10.3 Gene pools change over time
Gene pools and changing allele frequencies 10.3
Temporal, behavioural or geographic reproductive
10.3 IM: Examples - think globally
IM: The finches of Daphne Major and bacterial antibiotic
resistance (6.3) as examples of natural selection at work
Modelling Meiosis (1.5)
Dominant and recessive alleles and co-dominance 3.4
Examples and graphing of directional, stabilising,
disruptive selection
Gradual or rapid speciation; punctuated equilibrium 10.3 Examples - think Galpagos islands Punctuated equilibrium and Darwin
Polyploidy 10.3 Allium lily NoS: Speciation and Polyploidy
Classification and biodiversity 5.3 Species are named and classified using an internationally agreed system
The binomial system of classification 5.3 NoS: Collaboration and compatibility
3 domains and hierarchy of taxa according to evolved
similarities and differences, and importance of common
ancestral species
5.3 Full classification of one plant and one animal species
Classification features of major groups of plants 5.3
Classification features of major groups of animals 5.3
Classification features of vertebrates 5.3
Making a dichotomous key 5.3 Dichotomous key (1.5)
Cladistics 5.4 The ancestry of groups of species can be deduced by comparing their base or amino acid sequences
What is a clade?
The evidence for a clade design Analysis of cladistic evidence
Analogous and homologous traits
NoS: Cladistic v structural classification. One system
replaces and corrects another

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