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Michael Cox

Michael Cox
English 121
December 1, 2008
Aristotles Three Appeals
Rhetoric has o!r "e# elements$ %riter, rea&er, text, an& me&i!m' (latos st!&ent Aristotle
%rote o three appeals$ logos, pathos, an& ethos' )ogos is the appeal to reason, pathos is the
appeal to emotion, *al!es, an& belies, %hile ethos is the appeal to the cre&ibilit# o the spea"er
or %riter' The three appeals, liste& abo*e, that Aristotle came !p %ith, correspon& some%hat %ith
three o the o!r basic elements o rhetoric +%riter, rea&er, an& text,' Theses appeals appl# to an#
piece o %riting' The ollo%ing pages %ill explain ho% the a& or the -'.' Arm#, /abitat or
/!manit#, an& the Anti0Dr!g Campaign !se Aristotles three appeals'
The a&*ertisement or the -nite& .tates Arm# !ses logos in *ario!s %a#s' 1t states that
the girl pict!re& in the a& %ill !se the latest technolog# an& get the strongest s!pport rom
*ario!s people' 1n a&&ition, the a&*ertisement states that e*er# &rill an& e*er# mission %ill
reinorce her character in a %a# that al%a#s lea&s to s!ccess' Also, she %ill experience the most
challenging training not onl# to help her s!ccee& in the arm#, b!t also in lie'
A&&itionall#, this a&*ertisement !ses pathos' The a&*ertisement is more o a serio!s one
beca!se the girl in the pict!re loo"s li"e she has serio!s intentions to 2oin the arm#' Also, the man
in the pict!re behin& her loo"s as i he is happ# abo!t her &oing something in her lie that %ill
help her become a better person' The a&*ertisement states 3#o! ta!ght her abo!t respect, honor,
an& co!rage,4 %hich co!l& be consi&ere& pathos appeals beca!se the %riter o the a& %ants #o!
to belie*e that her parents act!all# ta!ght her those things'
The a&*ertisement also sho%s ethos in it beca!se the %riter o the a& seems to create an
image o a person that is serio!s abo!t getting ne% recr!its an& teach them s"ills that %ill not
onl# help them in battle b!t also in lie' Ethos is !se& beca!se it has the -nite& .tates Arm#
%ebsite name on it %hich ma"es it cre&ible beca!se the %ebsite is go*ernment !n&e&'
The secon& a&*ertisement, the a&*ertisement or /abitat or /!manit#, !ses logos in
man# &ierent %a#s' The pict!re in&icates that *ol!nteers ai& people in nee& o help' Also, it
states that /abitat or /!manit# 3b!il&s ho!ses, hope, an& li*es'4 This is tr!e beca!se it helps
people in nee& b# b!il&ing ho!ses or them to li*e in, b!il&s !p their spirits, an& b!il&s their
This a&*ertisement also !ses pathos in *ario!s %a#s' The a&*ertisement con*e#s the
eelings o happiness, relie, an& care thro!gho!t the a&*ertisement' The people in the pict!re
ha*e helpe& a %oman in nee&' All the people in the bac"gro!n& seem to be happ# beca!se the#
are clapping their han&s an& smiling' The# also seem caring beca!se the# 2!st helpe& the la&# b#
pro*i&ing their ser*ices to her' 5!rthermore, it states that /abitat or /!manit# ailiates aro!n&
the co!ntr# are a*ailable help e*er#one in the -nite& .tates that nee&s help' This a&*ertisement
!ses ethos in a %a# beca!se it has its %ebsite name on the a& that #o! can go to an& learn more
inormation abo!t %hat /abitat or /!manit# &oes'
The thir& an& inal a&*ertisement or the 6ational 7o!th Anti0Dr!g Me&ia Campaign
!ses logos in man# &ierent %a#s' 8ne %a# is that it states that teenagers to&a# ha*e a mineiel&
o ris"# beha*iors to na*igate0 &r!gs, &rin"ing, tobacco, sex 9 as %ell as po%er!l inl!ences li"e
peer press!re an& mixe& messages rom pop c!lt!re, an& ne% technologies s!ch as the internet'
This is sho%n b# an ol&er teenager coming !p to a #o!nger teenager an& sa#ing that the# sho!l&
&rin" or smo"e' The ol&er teenager is press!ring the #o!nger teen to experiment, %hich is calle&
peer press!re' Also some teens see inormation on the internet e*er#&a# that promotes smo"ing
an& &rin"ing' 1t also sa#s cell phones ma"e it easier than e*er to 2!st 3chec" in4' This is not
sa#ing parents &ont tr!st their teens, its 2!st sa#ing that parents care abo!t their teens an& &ont
%ant an#thing ba& to happen to them'
The thir& a&*ertisement !ses pathos in man# %a#s too' The a&*ertisement comes o as
an emotional a&*ertisement' 1t is stating that an#one that is a parent sho!l& set goo& examples or
their teens to ollo% an&, to let the teens "no% that the# care abo!t them' Also, the a&*ertisement
states that parents sho!l& set examples an& tell their teenagers abo!t ba& things that co!l& happen
to them %hen the# get in*ol*e& %ith &r!gs, tobacco, an& alcohol' The message is to respect
them, be honest %ith them, be clear %ith them an& the# %ill &o the same %ith #o!.
The thir& a&*ertisement !ses ethos also beca!se it has a phone n!mber an& %ebsite that
an#one can go to, to learn more abo!t the a&*ertisement %hich ma"es it cre&ible' 5!rthermore, at
the bottom o the a&*ertisement there is a list o sixteen companies, li"e American Aca&em# o
Chil& an& A&olescent (s#chiatr#, American Aca&em# o 5amil# (h#sicians, American Aca&em#
o (e&iatricians, American )egac# 5o!n&ation, an& man# more, that signe& the a& %hich ma"es
it cre&ible' The %riter o the a&*ertisement creates an image o a %orrie& parent that is arai& that
their teen is getting in*ol*e& %ith &r!gs, &rin"ing, tobacco, an& sex'
Th!s, the three a&*ertisements abo*e !se logos, pathos, an& ethos in *ario!s %a#s' The
irst a&*ertisement, the a&*ertisement or the -'. Arm#, !ses logos, pathos, an& ethos b# stating
that the girl %ill !se the latest technolog# an& get the strongest s!pport' 1t is a cre&ible a&
beca!se the %ebsite on it is go*ernment !n&e&' The secon& a&*ertisement !ses the three appeals
b# stating that /abitat or /!manit# helps people in nee& o help' The tone o the a& is happ#,
an& it !ses correct grammar' The last a&*ertisement !ses the three appeals b# sa#ing teens get
press!re& into harm!l acti*ities, it is an emotional a&, an& the %riter o the a& creates an image
o a %orrie& parent' Each o these a&*ertisements eecti*el# comm!nicates %ith Aristotles three

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