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Situated around 20-25 kms far away from Poonch to its North- East is
perched this "sanctum sanctorum" of "Buddha Amarnathji" are!y 2-"
kms downfoot hi!! of #$andi %i!!a&e a!so nomenc!aturised as "'ajpur
$andi" a!on&side !eft ank of "Pu!sata stream"( As per a popu!ar
e!ief "Pu!sata stream" is attriuted to a sa&e y name "Pu!sata
'ishi") &rand father of "'a%an") who had an arduous penace of the
"supreme Shi%a" here at $andi*s foothi!!s and otained Shi%a*s
fa%ours o%er the remotest past( +his "sanctum sactorum" is e!ie%ed
to e much of a&e than "Shri Amarnathji ho!y ca%e" and is reported to
e eyond 2 !akh years ack when the sacred "Shi%a*s" spot was
disco%ered and a!! this e!ucidate on "Shi%a*s" e,istence which
emu!ate its eminence when we impe! someone aout the
omnipotence of supreme Shi%a emittin& meadowsweet hea%en!y
fra&rance to a-! his de%otees who thron& in for ho!y darshan.
irrespecti%e of re!i&ion. caste. co!our and creed(
As per an e/ua!!y prominent !e&- end. it has een reported that in
those remotest past a /ueen y name *0oran 1handerika* was an
arduous de%otee of *0ord Shi%a* and e%ery time around the 2ear. she
&ot used to ho!y *3arshan* of the 0ord 4 *Shri Amarnathji 1a%e* and on
miss4in& one *2atra* she went wi!d i&norin& mea!s e%en to the e,tent
of water( +he *Supreme 0ord*. the Shi%a fa%oured and appeared in
her dreams(
And on the dawn of the ne,t day. a saint appeared efore her and
assured to ha%e her ho!y darshan of "Shri Amarnathji" in her own
nati%e p!ace of $andi itse!f(
Astonishin&!y. on the day of fu!! moon!i&ht of "'aksha Bandhan". the
sa&e in a miracu!ous manner with hi!ariousness. a hu&e 2atra in the
form of ho!ymance off-shooted from "$andi" and its surrounds ein&
!ed y the saint towards an unknowned hi!! and whi!e the ho!y mace
reached the destined hi!! found a sacred spot when the sa&e went
missin& amon&st the hu&e mace) where the /ueen was in the !ead(
4t was a time of wonder of won- ders when hea%en!y-!ike ima&es
emer&ed de!i&htin&!y- to the utmost surprise of a!! as if they are in
hea%en. miracu!ous!y and some with hea%en!y aode ne%er e%er
seened or throu&ht to e seened( +his a!! was mu55y in its entirety
rather a sem!ance of &od!ihood( +his was that *0ord*s $a&nanimity"
with e,pression of %o!uminous which thou&h. indeed. soothen their
sou!s y the &reat &race of "Shri Buddha Amarnathji" and is e!ie%ed
further that 3arshan of 0ord "6ar 6ar $ahade%" is not comp!ete if this
*Sanct!7m Sanctoru789* is not &one o%er for ho!y darshan. pay
oeisance and otain !essin&s from the &reat &race of the supreme
+he ho!y mace #2ata: di%u!&es on "Shra%an Puranmashi" y pu!a and
ha%an and the hu&e proces- sion off-shoots and a foot towards the
spiritua! spot. enchantin& 6ar. 6ar. $ahade%. en route. which de facto
echoes the wafty c!ouds o%er the a5ure sky on the hi!!s and this is
ein& 4nitiated y the what is !oca!!y spoken as the representati%es of
Akhara* and whi!e on way to the *Sanctum Sanctorum; there is an
immensi%e disp!ay of !an&ers. sta!!s of mu!tihued nature for the
de!i&hted de%otees on their (Nay to ho!y temp!e(
+he surrounds of the temp!e is ha%in& c!ustered *owies* and
amon&st those is one spoken in !oca! par!ance a "Paap Nashi" ow!i
which washes off a!! the sins( So. the de%otees ha%e a ho!y dip in the
spirn& #Bow!i: efore proceedin& for ho!y darshan of "Supreme
Shi%a". pay oeisance and otain !essin&s( An ido! of *Nandi&anji*
e,ists on spot adjoinin& the temp!e comp!e, of "0ord Shi%a". who too
is worshipped with due re%erence and de%otion( 4n< order to faci!itate
the incomin& and out&oin& pi!&rims. the !oca! Shrine Par%andhak
1ommittee in association with !oca! and e,istin& =o%ernment
a&encies to make ade/uate arran&ements for the food. !od&in&.
medica! ser%ices and their a!!ieds to make the pi!&rima&e comforta!e.
apart from !aw and order situation and security arran&ements in these
hi&h peaked mi!itancy scenario(
+his sacred temp!e #sanctum sanctorum: is of utmost importance of
*Shakti* and demands !ot of impro%ements y carryin& out
e,tensi%e-intensi%e afforestation works and the forest deptt( sha!!
ha%e to pick up the thread( >n the same ana!o&y. the f!oricu!ture deptt
and other sister a&encies need to e ener&i5e at their respecti%e
assi&nments to enhance the &randeur and &!ory of the area(
4nsofaras. the f!oricu!ture deptt( is concerned. it needs raisin& of
ornamenta! p!ants. the c!imers. creepers. hed&es and many more of
its i!k in order to enhance pi!&rims inf!u,. apart from impro%in&
eco!o&y and oostin& tourism( +he area do demands to e rou&ht
under *Shrine Board* with due co-operation associatin& !oca!s to
ensure up&radation of the area. apart from !ayin& out of she!tered -
stop-o%ers. enroute. the toi!ets and the %iews points so on and so
Saardhar < +he Aode of Sheshna&(
@asuki Na& was hi&h!y re%ered and miracu!ous Na&a !eader and may
ha%e or&anised the scattered nation for stru&&!e and that was the
reason @asuki was e!e%ated as deity(
@asuki had two rothers one of them was Shesh Na& #popu!ar!y
known in Bhaderwah as Saar Na&: who was more powerfu! of a!!.
the nati%e Na&as(
Ahen @asukina& ecame the 'aja of Bhaderwah. he di%ided his
kin&dom and &a%e ri&ht side of Neru stream to his rother Shesh Na&
who had his esta!ishment at Saardar #Saar means Sheshna&
dhar means a sma!! hi!!: a p!ace of sa!uri- ous c!imate. thick forests.
enchantin& %iew of hi!!s mountains and postures. esides i& and
sma!! ham!ets at a hei&ht of B000 feet from sea !e%e!( +hus Saarna&
had his sway o%er a !ar&e area comprisin& 1hinta. Bha!ra. Bedote.
1hira!!a and other adjoinin& %i!!a&es(
Accordin&!y a di%ine edifice stand erected at a commandin& site in
the shape of a temp!e !on& ack( +he p!inth of the temp!e is in a 2C
s/uare feet hi&h p!atform !eadin& a hand- some f!i&ht of steps from
the &round( +he s/uare ce!!a of the temp!e is ui!t in stone masonry
of 95 feet hi&h accommodatin& an ido! of Shesh Na& co%ered with
coi!ed serpents in !ack( +he outer co%er of the temp!e is with
projectin& portico on each side( +he cone ein& D9-2 feet with a stee!
ka!ash on top ha%in& a commandin& !ook(
Shesh Nag popularly known as Sabar Nag is considered a
supreme power among Nagas. The early legends and radiions
show ha Naga !ords o"en mani"es o noble souls and
someimes appearing in human "rom and alked o hem "ace o
An interestin& and wide!y acknow!ed&ed !e&end !eads us to mirac!es
of Saar Na&(
>ne =odan c!an of 1hinta were Na&ku! 'ajputs and one of the scion
residin& in 8a!&a were spiritua!!y associated with Saar Na& and one
of their ancestors a sa&e was a top in spiritua! %irtues ha%in& c!ose
association with Saar Na&. wou!d often %isit Saardhar whi!e tendin&
his f!ock of sheep in the meadows and sit with Saar Na& to p!ay
chess #a &ame p!ayed y two with 9D eads: and wou!d discuss
certain wor!d!y and spiritua! pro!ems too( +his was usua! pro&ramme
of the two(
>ne day the Na& 0ord interdicted the Sa&e not to %isit on the day of
Eunjatra #day of Na&as: ecause as usua! an important meetin& of
the Na&as was to e he!d to perform certain Na&a ritua!s on that
particu!ar day( As kunjatra is the day of Na&as which &enera!!y takes
p!ace 95 days efore the commencement of !oca! jatras ce!erated in
honour of the Na&a 0ords(
But the sa&e inad%ertent!y happened to reach there on the same day.
and to his &reat surprise he found that a &rand darar of Na&a*s was
ein& he!d under the patrona&e of Saar Na&( 4t was a secret
meetin& of the Na&as to perform certain Na&a ritua!s and the
appearance there other than the Na&as was undesira!e(
+he Na&as resented the presence of the mankind there and cursed
him to face death after se%en days when the first rays of the mornin&
sun wou!d touch the peak of the Eai!ash Eund(
+he sa&e did not mind it. ut asked one fa%our from Saar Na& that
he wou!d persona!!y come-to rin& down a wood on his pyre( +he
Saar Na& a&reed and promised(
>n the appointed day when the first rays of the risin& sun touched the
peak of the Eai!ash Eund the sa&e reathe his !ast( +he fami!y
memers and re!ati%es ade farewe!! to the departed sou! and
marched towards crematorium to perform !ast rites( 4t atFout 500
yards on the way tne-re was a i& o!d $ohru tree and the ier of the
dead was kept under the tree as was a&reed in the promise( +hen a
twi& of the tree was p!ucked and p!aced &ent!y on the ier and a i&
!ack snake appeared headin& the.
dead march up to crematorium. when reached there dead ody was
p!aced on the prayer the snake hissed and disappeared there and
then( +he !e&- end is sti!! preser%ed and narrated to the comin&
&enerations( +he Saar Na& showers !essin&s to the de%otees when
propitiated with faith and re!i&ious de%otion(
Another nota!e incident pertainin& to the !essin&s of Na&a 0ord
# Shesh Na&: a!so found recorded in the anna!s of ancient
Bhaderwah( 4t is said that 'aja Amar Sin&h 2oun&er Brother of
$aharaja Pratap Sin&h &ot Bhaderwah as a 8a&ir from his rother ut
the 'aja had no issue despite performin& certain ritua!s and
a!utions( +he 'aja was sad( >nce a saint came across to 'aja Amar
Sin&h and predicted that his desire for a heir apparent sha!! e
fu!fi!!ed pro%ided he # the 'aja: propitiated Shesh Na& at Sa ardhar
in his Bhaderwah ja&ir( +he 'aja took these words as di%ine
command and %isited Saardhar where he worshiped the Shesh Na&
and performed re!i&ious ritua!s and a!utions for some days there( 6e
honoured the deity with &o!den ornaments and chattar too(
Ne,t year the 'aja ce!erated the7 irthday of an i!!ustrious.
ene%o!ent and just son who !atter on ecame the $aharaja of
8ammu and Eashmir(
+he !oca!s of Bhaderwah ha%e firm faith and ce!erate co!ourfu! 4and
specific festi%a!s with de%otion to Saar Na&. ut a &rand me!a takes
p!ace e%ery year one day ear!ier to Ba!sakhi festi%a! at Saardhar
when the sprin&( 4n fu!! swin& on the tops and %a!!ey and the peop!e
for&ettin& the rot of winter perform ritua!s for &ettin& the !essin&s of
their 0ord deity( 4t is indeed an uni/ue occasion at < Saar 1har when
thousands of fj men. women and chi!dren thron& there in co!ourfu!
and customary dresses to worship and make rejoicin&s(
+his hi!! top aode of Shesh Na& at Saar 3har is an uni/ue
panoramic p!ace for the de%e!opment of re!i&ious. cu!tura! and
ad%enturous tourism in Bhaderwah which the authorities shou!d
incorporate in their tourism map(
E%er dri%en out to the wi!d!ife sanctuary of $anda in the c!ose
pro,imity of the city of temp!es 8ammu. one fee!s %ery much akin to
nature and its natura! ein&s( At one point of time not in the so remote
past. a !eopard was seen in wonderous nature. en route. $anda
near" Ear Na!!ah". which drains into the ri%er +awi(
Aith e%er e,p!odin& GPopu!ation man*s needs are e%er increasin& not
just for his mere needs ut much more eyond &reeds. which is
yie!din& a remorsefu! scenario( And stran&e enou&h. this piece of
*&reen &o!d* as we &!impse it today is we!! under the nose of e%ery
8ammuite. !east to ta!k of those who are at the he!m of affairs. the
wi!d!ife depart- ment and the =o%ernment at !ar&e( +hou&h the
department of wi!d!ife is makin& a!! out efforts for the preser%ation and
conser%ation of the &reen &o!d %is-a %is the fauna which susist
therein. yet !ot of fundin& if( the dire demand of the day in oostin& a!!
entire scenario in its entirerity and oye a!! humans wi!! ha%e to imie
that 5est and 5ea! to rin& up the historic prominence to the mark of
desired standardi5ation(
4n such a fri55!ed situation. nothin& seems sentine! to the sensationa!
scenario of &hast!y amp!itude( E%ery one of us is we!! aware of the
fact that y the turn of the day we are confronted with e%er-amountin&
&ra%e situations @i5( po!!utions noise
&ara&e menace. urnin& and charrin& of fi!th. mushroomin& ma!!s
and many more of its a!!ied and the 8ammuites are !eft with twin
*!un&s i(e( *$anda* and *$anamaya* forests to refresh in the ee hours
of mornin& or e%enin& to inha!e o,y&en for sustenance and many
more of its i!k(
+his &o!den sanctuary of $anda is the richest and aundance of the
6ima!ayan &o!den ea&!es. the eaded %u!tures. the 4ndian !ack
partrid&es. the 6ima!ayan snow cocks. !oca! cocks. the jun&!e
fow!ers. jacka!s. the !ack neck(( cranes. do%es the war-headed
&oose. man- &oose. duck. &eese and swans. the ea%ers.
chame!eons. ni&htin&a!e. 0ady irds. spotted dear and !ast ut not the
!east Peacock-our nationa! irds( And a part from the" win&ed %isitors"
who f!ock in here with seasona! chan&es from across the &reater part
of the 6ima!ayas for reedin& etc(
+here are as many as si, Protect- ed Areas Network #Ai!d!ife
sanctuary which. there is sin&!e Park y name. " Eishtwar 6i&h
A!titude Nationa! Park" 1o%erin& an area around C25 s/ kmts and
other fi%e fa!! under wi!d!ife sanctuary %i5( 'amna&ar #$anda:.
Nandni. Surinsar. $ansar. Nandni and +rikuta wi!d!ife sanctuaries(
'amna&ar or (. $anda wi!d!ife" sanctuary is ha%in& a co%era&e of
"9(50 s/( kmts( Apart from these sanctuaries. three wi!d!ife reser%es
in 8ammu re&ion( 4nsofar as Eashmir re&ion is concerned there are
as many as #B: wi!d !ife sanctuaries of which 3achi&am is in the top
s!ot. ha%in& an area around 9H9(25 s/(kms with richest inhaitation of
wi!d!ife anima!. irds and repti!es. han&u! ein& the most prominent(
4n addition. there are 9" conser%ation reser%es and nine wet!ands
1omin& to !adakh re&ion. this part is encompassin& as many as #92:
Protected areas and amon&st those Earakoram #Nura:" wi!d!ife
sanctuary and "6emis hi&h" a!titudina! Nationa! Parks are on the top-
s!ot ha%in& areas around 5000(00 s/( kms and C900 s/( kms
+he =o%t( shou!d take a!! necessary steps to preser%e the iotic
di%ersity of $anda( Side y side appropriate steps shou!d e taken to
promote it for eco- tourism( A %ery we!come step. therefore. is to raise
chain -fencin& of the hei&ht D feet and ao%e and disp!ay entry as
we!! e,its routes with !east disturance to the e,istin& io!ife and that
the spirit and sanctity of the Act sha!! e carried out in fu!! spirits and
at the same time trekkers-wi!! ha%e the hi&h time to enjoy the nature
and its surrounds(
4n the c!imatic termino!o&y. 8ammu ein& a su-tropica! re&ion ha%in&
most!y "Eand! e!ts" with arid 5one ran&in& from 0akhanpur to the !ast
reach of "!ndo-Pak" Border of Poonch and scruy forest of Acacias.
Sh!sham. Sema! and Bamoos 4ntermin&!ed with the shrus and
hers of 0ower strata. and with the attitudina! &ains. we find pinus
ro,ur&hi!!. p( wa!i!chiana upto Idhampur. 1henani. Bi!!awar. Basho!i.
Bani on the eastern sides and Eatra. Panchari. 'easi.
+hakrakote. Ea!!dhar. Sunderani. $ahender. Ea!akote. 'ajuri.
Nowshera and Poonch on the western side( +he +rikuta 6i!!s of Shri
$ata @aishno 3e%i 8i occupy their own uni/ue and appropriate
p!acement and ascendin& uphi!! where one encounters the !ush-
&reen. Sy!%an and s!ar!ous amience of %irant majestic deodars of
the Patnitop associated with oaks. firs and spruce of yet most
enchantin& and ewi!derin& "3udu %a!!ey" sadd!in& across the "Pride
1hena" which 4s the richest and i&&est forest area of the state(
Shr! $ata Ba!a Sundri 8i;s 4coated atop two tehsi!s %is Eathua and
Bi!!awar. sadd!in& southwards to Eathua. en-route. Eumri-Eathera
and Northward to Bi!!awar on routin& throu&h *Bhini* ham!et( +he
sacred spot is !ocated around 5500 ft from $ean sea !e%e! #$S0:
&i%es a panoramic %iew from atop the sacred spot and
Ea!eidscopica!!y. &!impses when %iewed airi!y( +he sacred shrine of
*$ataji* is approacha!e from Eathua after journeyin& throu&h
motora!e road upto around 9C kms and thence an uphi!! trek around
9C kms or so passin& amidst rich pines. oaks. uteas. 3edonias.
termina!ias. cassias. em!ica associ- atin& with dch. %ide %arieties of
hers. shrus. c!imers and f!ora of !ower strata on the other
e,tremities from Bi!!awar. the sacred shrine of *$ataji* is !inked o%er a
stretch of 90 kms or so and thence are!y a uphi!! tek aroundin& C
kms one reaches the foot steps of Shri $ataji(
+he sacred shrine of *$ataji* ha%e had remained ne&!ected ar- rin&
two occasions around the year durin& *Na%ratras* when pi!&rims in
and around the *Sacred shrine* come o%er here for ho!y darshan. pay
oeisance and otain !essin&( +he area to&ether with its sy!%an
surrounds is an enchantin& ut waits for the de%e!opment for tourism
y in%o!%in& mu!tidiscip!inary departments et( a!( Jorest. A&ricu!ture.
6orticu!ture. f!oricu!ture. PA3 etc and etc(
'estorin& ack temp!e comp!e, 0ot of efforts with e,tra e,pertise
need to e incu!cated to make this monumenta! herita&e and sacred
shrine a piece of hea%en o%er the pious .( $other Earth"( +he
*Archeo!o&ica! 3eptt* sha!! ha%e to take the !ead and make their dents
4n its restoration. apart from makin& more additiona!ities to haunt and
attract the pi!&rims for the sanctity of the spot apart from oostin&
tourism which is the most warrantin& and a c!arion ca!! of the hour(
+he =o%t of 4ndia is makin& a!! dents in ade/uate fundin& not on!y to
this state ut other states( +he desira!e moto is to !ay out p!ans y
the e,pertise. thenoe its imp!ementation so that the spot ecomes
enchantin&. charmin& and ewi!derin& in and around the sacred
shrine of "Shri $ata Ba!a Sundri"( +his year the =o%t has a!!ocated
around 50 !akhs for ecotourism throu&h socia! forestry deptt( And they
are supposed to make it a *masterpiece* o%er this atoped sacred
piece of santomomous importance(
A""oresaion works<
>nce the area is fenced. afforestation works are to e afooted and in
this respect ad%ance pit workin& of C5 cm" si5e sha!! ha%e to e done
fo!!owed y e,tensi%e-intensi%e p!antation dri%e. prefera!y of those
species which are we!! suited to site to ensure &reenry and no
enefits in respect of fue!. fodder. &rasses. firewood or as that of
timer #sma!! or !ar&e: sha!! ha%e to a!ienated( 4n oth- er word. the
area so afforested shou!d e nomenc!aturised as *@ir&in Jorest*(
Apart from forestry species. horticu!ture p!ants are warranted to e
incu!cated to enhance fruit industry and impro%e !oca! socio-economic
status of the popu!ace( At most of the occasions. with the onset of
summer spe!!s most of the areas in the kandi e!ts are en&u!fed y
the fire ha5ards and it sha!! ha%e to e ensured for creation of fire
!ines of a desira!e and prefera!e width so that the entire e,ercise
may not &o futi!e(
+ 'onsrucion o" en roue sheler,sheds -,
Since the "2atries" durin& Na%ratras twice in a year most!y on foot to
in shape of ho!y $ace #1hari: to the sacred shrine. so it is as such
war- ranted for the constructions of she!ter-sheds. en route. at
e/uidistance of 2 kms ti!! the pi!&rims reach the sacred shrine( 4n
order. therefore. to pro%ide she!ter to the pi!&rims. the construction of
such structures are of paramount importance durin& inimica! weather
+ 'onsrucion o" Toiles "or ladies and gens -,
+his is most pertinent to maintain the rida! sides hea!thy and
hy&ienica!!y neat and c!ean as most of the *2atries* he!ter-she!tered!y
disfi&ure the path ways makin& therey the pi!&rima&e %ery much fi!th
reddened and water pipes connections as we!! as are warrant to e
connected to these toi!ets(
+ $nroducion o" ornamenal plans. climbers and clippers -,
4ntroduction of these %irant !ush- &reen s!arous ornamenta! p!ants.
1!imers and 1reepers a!on& oth sides of rida! paths sha!! not on!y
reinforce chain !inkin& ut sha!! further add to the eauty of the rida!
path for the tourist and pi!&rima&es a!ike( And when the f!owers sha!!
!oom. this wi!! add further eauty to the spot and as such their
introduction is of paramount importance(
$mpro/ising The Bridalpah -,
4t is pertinent to incu!cate the cement-!ock of si5e 2*,2* in and around
the %jcinity of temp!e comp!e, to faci!itate pi!&rims and the tourist a!ike
for comforta!e mo%ement o%er the meadow area whi!e ein& on their
momentous spree in the sacred shrine criss-crossin& the pathways(
R&0$0A! )% SHARDA 1$!2R$MA2&
'e!i&ion he!ps the man in rea!i5in& di%inity in him and se!f rea!i5ation(
Since anti/uity %isit to shrines and pi!&rima&es ha%e a!ways een
considered a powerfu! aid towards this end(
+he $oj-Easheer #$other Eashmir: to which we e!on& is a !and of
shrines and pi!&rima&es( 6indus. $us!ims. Sikhs e%en Buddhist ha%e
p!aces of worship here(
+he temp!e of =oddess *Sharda 3e%i* at @i!!a&e Shardi in district
$u5affaraad of Pakistan Administrated Eashmir is centuries o!d(
+his p!ace is just across the 0o1 at the conf!uence of ri%er Erishen
=an&a and ri%er $adhumati and was a centre of !eamin&. meditation
and prayer durin& ancient times(
+he temp!e is dedicated to e =oddess Saraswati. the =oddess of
!earnin& and as such Eashmiri Pandits since a&es ha%e a!ways
considered it as one of their most re%ered and re!i&ious site( +his
Shrine is %ery important and ho!y for 6indus in &enera! and of
Eashmir Pandits in particu!ar(
4n ear!ier times Eashmir used to e referred "Sharda 3esh" and was
famous e%en far off re&ions of the country( +he famous ce!erated
$us!im Scho!ar. Au 'aihan A!eruni and historian Au!-Ja5i! ha%e
not on!y mentioned the importance of this 6o!y Shrine in their works
ut ha%e %isited it a!so( Besides them the e!o%ed Ein& of Eashmir
*Badshah*. Kain-u!a-3in is said to ha%e %isited the tem- p!e and
prayed for the we!fare of his state( Noted historian 8onaraja. Bi!han
and other ha%e mentioned aout their pi!&rima&e to Sharda and ha%e
spoken hi&h!y of it( +he &reat anti/uary Sir. $ark Aure! Stein who has
spend coup!e of years in Eashmir. has a!so %isited the ho!y shrine in
Septemer 9LB2( +he famous Shaskrit scho!ar of =ermany.
$a,mu!!er has a!so spoken hi&h of the Sharda Shrine in his works(
$us!ims seers and saints ha%e a!so %isited this p!ace in
&ood numer efore partition of the 1ountry(
Jamous saints of the country in y &one days from %arious parts of
the un-di%ided 4ndia which inc!ude Ben&a! and South 4ndia ha%e een
%isitin& here( 4t is know that 8a&at =uru Adi Shankaracharya #HLL-L90
A3: too ha%e %isited this sacred shrine( Besides him the famous
@edic phi!osopher of the 92th century Swami 'amanuj . Acharya
ha%e also come here and studied 6indu scriptures. as the p!ace was
%ery famous centre of 6indu phi!osophy( A hymn in praise of the
3i%ine $other is
"Sharda Varda Devi Mokshidata
Saraswati, Sharneye Trambike
Gauri, Narayani Namostute S
Namastasyey, Namastasyey
Namastasyey, Nammo, Namaha'
An annua! me!a a!on& with the *6awan* and puja used to e he!d in
the month of Au&us@Septemer on *=an&a-Ashtami* day
correspondin& to 6indu ca!endar on the Ashtami of !uner fortni&ht of
Bahadun( +he day is a!so ce!erated as the irthday of =oddess
Sharda( Peop!e from far off p!aces of the %a!!ey used to come %ia
0iderwan a sma!! %i!!a&e in Eupwara district and a!so from Iri.
Baramu!!a( 4t is said that EP*s had shops etc in the vicinity of shrine(
3o&ra $aharajs =u!a Sin&h and Partap Sin&h had constructed
3haramsha!a for the yatries and a!so had appointed priests to per
form dai!y puja etc( +he famous yo&ni of Eashmir in 20th century
*$ata $athrade%i* has spent a coup!e of years here in meditation(
She passed away at the a&e of 90D on 8anuary 5. 9BL5( Before
partition Samaj Sudhar Samiti. Eashmir. was !ookin& after the ho!y
shrine and one Shri !ate. Shridhar 8oo 3har. than conser%ator of
forest was !ookin& for its up-keep( +he other important p!aces
associated with the Shrine and are worth to %isit are Narda peak.
=anesh =hati. Sharda peak etc( +here are other sma!! temp!es of
Sharda 3e%i found at +ikker and +rih&am #=uchii: in Eupwara district
and Bandipur in Baramu!!a district(
4n addition to it there is a sprin& ca!!ed *Shardaa!* dedicated to
&oddess *Sharda in Na&aeran* meadow near 3achi&am %a!!ey a
famous &ame reser%e in Eashmir aout 25 Ems from Srina&ar city( 4t
is a!so said that on the ad%ise of Eanchi seer the then 3o&ra
$aharaja of 8ammu and Eashmir. had constructed a temp!e of $aa
Sharda at Nimach in $adhya Pradesh( Accordin& to &a5etter of
Eashmir and 0adakh on Pa&e D0B. $u5affaraad was known y the
name of Shikri in o!den days( +he ear!iest script used for a Eashmiri
!an&ua&e was Sharda script. and de%e!oped to its fu!! durin& 90th and
99th century( E%en today some Eashmiri Pandit*s sti!! use this script
for writin& of horoscope etc(
Now. with the impro%ement in the re!ations etween 4ndia and
Pakistan and openin& of 'ai!. 'oad and Air routes and especia!!y with
the openin& of Srina&ar-$u5affaraad road a cross section of peop!e
of the state especia!!y e,i!ed 6indus are demandin& the openin& for
the permission oth from =o%ernment of 4ndia and Pakistan to
undertake the pi!&rima&e to the ho!y shrine which has &reat re!i&ious
Since 9BCH. this temp!e is in di!apidated condition and as such needs
immediate repairs so that temp!e can once a&ain re&ain former
sp!endour and &!ory( Beside. it wi!! oost-up i!atera! ties etween the
two nei&hourin& countries and a!so open new a%enues for
de%e!opment of tourism in the area(
Peop!e are ea&er!y waitin& for the day when they wi!! e a!e to pray
at the temp!e( +hey demand that !ike the !aunchin& of restoration
work at another famous Eatasraj +emp!e at 0ahore same parameters
shou!d e app!ied to this temp!e a!so( 0ast year #200C: there were
reports in newspapers that Pakistan Administrated Eashmiri has
a!!ocated a sum of 's >ne mi!!ion for the reno%ation of the temp!e(
+his announcement has created more interest amon& the peop!e
here and are ea&er!y waitin& for the 3ay to pay oeisance;s the ho!y
Pi!&rims who want to %isit the temp!e are demandin& that same type
of faci!ities shou!d e pro%ided to pi!&rims who %isit their re!i&ious
p!aces in Pakistan and a!so &i%en to pi!&rims of Pakistan who %isits
Ajmeer-Shrief and 6a5rat. Ni5am-u-3in 3ar&ah at 3e!hi etc() p!aces
in 4ndia( Sikhs of the state who resided in $u5affaraad efore 9BCH
a!so are %ery ea&er to %isit the =urdwara 1hatti-Padshahi situated on
the ank of Erishen =an&a and to pray there(
+he &reat 4ndian epic the $ahaharata and 6ar!%amsa Purna
mentions as 1handra Sha&s( +he Nee!mat Purna. which has
4mportant historica! records at Eashmir. the name 1handra Sha&a
seems to ha%e ecome /uite pre%a!ent( 3urin& $us!im period. the
ri%er came to know as 1hena( Joster who tra%e!ed throu&h
Eashmir around. 9HL" A(3( ca!!s the ri%er as *1hanan* deri%ed from
1hena( @i&ne another tra%e!er of the %a!!ey durin& 9L"B A(3(
ca!!ed it 1hand 4(e( "water from the moon"(
+he ri%er ori&inates at Bara!acha Pass #9D000 ft: in 0ahu!
#6imacha! Pradesh: and two streams 1handra and Bha&a tra%e! in
the opposite direction of Bara!acha for 200 km and B0 km
respecti%e!y( +he Pass in 6imacha! Pradesh is at the hei&ht of CLB9
meter ao%e sea !e%e!. considered as the source of the &!acier fed
Perennia! 'i%er( +he ancient knew the ri%er as Asikni. it has two
sources one. which f!ows down south known as 1handra and that.
&oes to north named as Bha&a( Aout 2D Em further south from
$ana!i #a tourist spot in 6imacha! Pradesh:. a motara!e road runs
a!on& the ri%er. from Ehoksar to +andi #6imacha! Pradesh:. in a!!
90H Em of road run y the side of ri%er durin& the sojourn in
6imacha! Pradesh( +he 1handra and Bha&a meets to form
1handraha&a at +andi #2L25 $S0:( 4t ecomes 1hena when it
joins 'i%er $arau at Bhanderkot. 92 Em from Eishtwar +own #8ME:(
+he ri%er then tra%e! to 'easi. which it dammed at Sa!a! #N6P1: a
hydroe!ectric project in 8ME a!so there is a motor a!e road runs
a!on& the ri%er in the stretch etween Atho!i. $a!hori. Perah and
'aman. Eautham and 8ourian( +he road is often 50 to 900 meters
ao%e the ri%er 1hena with wonderfu! %iew of %arious facets of the
+he peop!e of the hi&h !and %a!!ey of 1hena are mountain
dwe!!ers !ead a happy contented hard !ife and proud of their
secretati%e !ife( +he difficu!t nature of the terrain and inherent hard
!ife made these peop!e toi! for their !i%e!ihood. ased main!y on ter-
race framin&( +he scattered fie!ds on the s!opes of the hi!!s where%er
they ha%e source of water the orchards of fruits around their
dwe!!in&s dotted in the %a!!ey and mountain top( +he dai!y !ife of
these industrious peop!e runs in two para!!e! track of !ife( >ne. the
!o%e and !i%e!ihood from the !and and second!y fast increasin& dai!y
re/uirement of the !ife from which they ha%e to run up and down to
the nearest town( 3urin& the winter time. these peop!e en&a&e
themse!%es for wearin& of woo!en c!oth for %arious purposes and the
characteristic %ariety is the* pattu* from Eishtwar. Padder re&ion is
hand wo%en. road !i&ht co!ored check in se!f desi&n with red. !ue
ye!!ow and !ack stips( +he pattu made on the hand!ooms cou!d
withstand the ser%er winter of the 1hena @a!!ey(
+he area with aundant water as thousands of streams joins the
ri%er from the hi&h mountains of 6ima!aya ran&e throu&hout the year(
+he ri%er forms a narrow &or&e cut out of i&neous rock with perpetua!
f!ow of water and !ocked up in the rock fi!! it forms a dam !ike shape
efore 3u!-6asti project( +he water f!uctuate with the season. the
white foamin& &ushin& water of the ri%er recent!y uti!i5ed for
hydroe!ectric power &enerations y damin& at two p!aces( >ne
efore Eishtwar town as 3u!-6asti project and other eyond Eishtwar
down as Ba&h!ihar hydro- e!ectric project( +he damin& of the ri%er is
!ike handcuffin& the free f!ow of the water of the 1hena( 4t !ost its
natura! eauty. its noise. and its charmin& white foamin& water
+he 'i%er 1hena has c!ear crysta! %ery fast f!owin& water and
spannin& its ank !ike the fins of a wha!e as it deouches from the
hi!! down after tra%e!in& for thousand ki!ometers in mountains in the
p!ains of Akhnoor near 8ammu and enter the Pakistan after wards(
Before Akhnoor town. a fort !ocated o%er!ookin& the ri%er and
e,treme!y important proto-historic site as the northern most site of
1ha!co!ithic period or 4ndus @a!!ey 1i%i!i5ation or 4ndus Saraswati
1i%i!i5ation of $anda( +he 6arappan site of $anda named after the
%i!!a&e $anda. e!on&s to third mi!!ennium B1( Akhnoor situated
o%er!ookin& on the hi&her terrace of the 'i%er( +he town focatedon
the 'i%er 1hena on the ri&ht ank with the history &oin& down with
archaeo!o&ica! e%idence of 5000 years from now( +he !eft ank is
p!ain and arren sti!! has many archaeo!o&ica! sites in her !ap !ike
$a!pur. a Neo!ithic site #New Stone a&e site: +he Ancient site of
Amaran !oca!!y known as "Pamaran" is !ocated in Akhnoor Jort
north west of 8ammu on the ri&ht ank of ri%er 1hena (+he Buddhist
Stupa site is spread in an area of aout 500 m in east west direction
on the ri&ht ank of the ri%er terraces of 1hena in etween two
ri%u!ets. which come down the hi!! and join the ri%er( +he site is aout
900 m in width from north south( >n either side of the ri%er. there are
midd!e P!eistocene ou!der con&!omerate deposits o%er which there
are !oose ou!ders and pe!es mi,ed with sand. si!t and c!ay
e!on&in& to the !ate P!eistocene period. which is the natura! soi!
e!ow the cu!tura! deposits(
+he 1handra and Bha&a unite at +andi #6(P(: after tra%ersin& a
distance of some 200 km in the Pan&! @a!!ey of 6imacha!( 4t enters
the Padar re&ion of 8M E 4n E!shtwar district and then enters 4n the
p!ains of which undi%ided Punja near Akhnoor town #2L km from
8ammu:( +he 'i%ertowns-tra%e! 4n %a!!eys of Padar. 3achanand
$adwa in Eishtwar. Bha!es. Bhadarwaha. Sira(: and Banniha! in
3oda district. Poonch and 'ajouri and Anji 4n 'easi #Idhampur:(
+he +awi of 'ajouri and 8ammu unite with 1handra- Sha&a near
Sia!kot #now 4n Pakistan:( +he fast current of the ri%er. the c!ear
crysta! co!d water 4n summer and e,treme!y co!d 4n winter. the
co!our of water chan&es with the season are 4mportant
characteristics of the 1hena 'i%er(
"Na%ratri" or "Na%ratra" 4S a comined word which trans!ated means
nine ni&hts( " Na%" means Nine and "'atri" means ni&ht. so comined
it means Na%ratri or Nine ni&hts( 4n northern parts of 4ndia this festi%a!
is ca!!ed" Na%ratra"( Na%ratri is a nine day ho!y festi%a!. which is
ce!erated to propitiate =oddess of Shakti or 3i%ine $other( $any
de%otees keep fast on a!! the nine aays >+ this ho!y festi%a! of ni&hts(
3e%otees thron& the 3e%i temp!es a!! o%er 4ndia where =oddess 4do!
is decorated eautifu!!y( Na%ratri ce!erations are oser%ed %ery
enthusiastica!!y in the state of =ujarat where a!! nine ni&hts of
Na%ratras are spent in %irant =ara and 'asa dance( 4n Aest Ben-
&a! 3ur&a Puja is. the most important festi%a! and is ce!erated with
&aiety and enthusiasm(
(Accordin& to 6indu mytho!o&y. =oddess 3ur&a is $other =oddess
or Shakti #+he 3i%ine Jema!e Ener&y:( Accordin& to( the !e&end 0ord
Brahma &ranted a oon #@ar: to $ahishasur who was kin& of the
demons( Armed with the powers of the oon. he created ha%oc in the
uni%erse. and no one cou!d defeat him or ki!! him(
6e &ot so inso!ent. that he started terrori5in& the =ods # 3e%tas: a!so(
6e one day reached 6ea%en # Swar&!ok: to ki!!indra #Ein& of =ods :(
=reat!y distressed. 4ndra asked 0ord Brahma to he!p him( 0ord Brah-
ma was enra&ed at such !atant misuse of his oon and the power
associated with that poo!:.he a!on& with 0ord @ishnu and 0ord
$ahesh .re!eased their ener&e<)( and comined these shaktis
# powers: and rou&ht to !ife a ma&nificent =oddess with many
arms( +his form of Shakti was ca!!ed "3ur&a"( =oddess 3ur&a armed
rode on a 0ion # Sin&h: and fou&ht a fierce and a !oody att!e with
the $ahishasur( Jor nine days and ni&hts. =oddess 3ur&a fou&ht a
fierce att!e with $ahishasur(
4n this att!e $ahishasur chan&ed his form many times( >n the tenth
day. =oddess u!timate!y trapped him under her foot and the 3emon
was ki!!ed. and the uni%erse was sa%ed from the terror of $ahishasur(
+his %ictory symo!i5es the %ictory of &ood o%er e%i!( +hese nine days
are de%oted to the propitiation of the $other =oddess or Shakti
(6induism is the on!y re!i&ion the wor!d which has emphasi5ed to
such an e,tent the motherhood of =od(
Na%ratri is ce!erated twice in a year(
+he 3ur&a Na%ratri is ce!erated in Ash%in or Aswayuja #se%enth
month of the year accordin& to 6indu ca!endar. e&innin& on 2"
Septemer and endin& on 22 >ctoer(: and the 3i%ine =oddess
$other 3ur&a is worshipped durin& Na%ratri(
Na%ratri*s each ni&ht #ratri: is dedicated to one form of =oddess
3ur&a( at is e%ery ni&ht #ratri: of the Na%ratri corresponds to worship
of different forms of =oddess 3ur&a(
4t is a!so said that the nine days are di%ided and de%oted to the +rinity
of =od worshipped in a fema!e form in which for three days $aa
3ur&a #=oddess of %a!or. Power M Ener&y: is worshipped. for three
days $aa 0akshmi #=oddess of Aea!th M Prosperity: and three days
for $aa Saraswati #=oddess of Enow!ed&e. 0earnin& and Art: is
3urin& these Na%ratri days most of the peop!e eat %e&etarian food.
some peop!e eat food without any form of cerea! and some fast for a!!
the ei&ht days(
4n the case of Na%ratri festi%a! ce!erated as ur&a Na%ratri in Ash%in
or Aswayuja #se%enth month of the year accordin& to 6indu ca!endar.
e&innin& on 2" Septemer and endin& on 22 >ctoer:. the tenth day
of this festi%a! is ce!erated as @ijaydashmi or 3ussehra( Peop!e in
North 4ndia %ery . often %isit the wor!d famous ho!y shrine of $aa
@aishnode%i . which is situated on +rikoot mountain #par%at: near
8ammu durin& this period( 0unches and 3inners are a!so or&ani5ed in
temp!es and community p!aces which are known as handaras( 4n the
states of =ujrat and Aest Ben&a!. Na%ratras are ce!erated with &reat
pomp and show( 4n =ujrat at ni&ht time. &ir!s and youn& women
dress up in est of their &ha&ra cho!is and riys and youn& men wear
their est Eurta pajams and &ather for the traditiona! =arha dance or
dandiya rass(
+he crown of this eauty showered %a!!ey. the rose of this f!ower rich &arden. the
mother of this nature house. is none other ut "3a! 0ake and a!! these e,to!s
makes it e!i&i!e for a wa!k of %anity( +he aesthetic sur%ei!!ance of the di%ine
ne%er earned comp!acency and a!ways imparted its waters a crysta!!ine eauty
and a pictures/ue pride(
+he !ake dwe!!in& in the crad!e of the manifo!d majestic mountains rip piin&
throu&h the !en&th and readth of the %a!!ey has a!ways een the def- inition of
this !and(
+he wor!d famous !ake. a para&on of pristine eauty ha%e since times
immemoria! attracted peop!es from a!! wa!ks of !ife with admirers !ea%in& there
imprints in sonnets and a!!ads for the !ake (Besides ein& a proud herita&e the
water ody has een a read winner. a she!ter. a hope. an inspiration and ao%e
a!! a mode7 of perfection resid- in& in e%ery heart( +he !ake not on!y a mere water
ody has een a poo! of inspiration for the Eashmiri peop!e and has kept the f!ow
of rotherhood a!i%e( 3a! has witnessed air of different a&es. has we!comed
e%ery c!imate and endured e%ery season(
E%ery sprin& has a waitin& autumn. e%ery dawn dips in dusk and e%ery !i%in& has
to decay and ri&ht!y* so. !aw of nature has this irony in its repertoire ut
unfortunate!y for this wor!d famous !ake the aerrant pre%ai!ed and the te,t of its
p!i&ht and fast approachin& demise had its authors here on!y7 None other than its
own peop!e( 6ad it een the %erdict of $other Nature no one wou!d ha%e spi!!ed
a word ut emotions rim when we see-the materia!istic a,e tearin& it apart(
Such an unaatin& carna&e of this master piece was ne%er e,pected( A
suffocatin& death owin& to sheer ne&!i&ence and se!fish desires mu!tip!yin& faster
than mos/uitoes e%en shrouded the dyin& shrieks of the !ake( Sur%eys confirm
&a!ore acteria! and fun&a! sheets omnipresent on its upper surface which a!as7
wou!d s!ow!y &et rid of its a/uatic !ife y renderin& the water unc!ean and
ha5ardous( +he ono,ious weeds defeatin& the waters and spreadin& at a
sate!!ite speed wou!d !ea%e no stone unturned to con%ert the !ake into a marshy
!and with no mercy for !ife( $oreo%er the unendin& wastes and unsympathetic
disposa! of %arious &ara&e*s s!ippin& from different channe!s into the !ake
confirms its !itt!e !eft immunity surrenders efore comin& into action( A!armin&
construction with its echoes fri&htenin& the ca!m waters. con%ersion of f!oatin&
&ardens into a&rarian !and and ao%e a!! a &ara&e dump treatment has wa%ed
the &reen f!a& for the monster of death to en&u!f it without !ea%in& any trace of it(
A!! of us of course ha%e a ro!e to p!ay in at !east endea%orin& to sa%e this
price!ess herita&e( Peop!e shou!d rea!i5e that this nature"s neck!ace. a eauty
amon& eauties. is unra%e!in& to scatter and destined to the court of u&!y( Ae
can*t ha%e our contriutions as the authors of its e!e&ies( Ae a!! owe a mora! det
towards our own "3a! 0akeN- its ripe time to repay when it is in need(
0et us a!! comine and %oice in resonance to wake the s!umered !ot( Ae ou&ht
to ha%e more or&ani5ations comin& into p!ay where indi%idua!s and &roups can
contriute in what e%er way they can( 0et a!! peop!e join hand and stand roust
for the cause to sa%e da!(
Awareness pro&rammes shou!d not take a ack seat) they ha%e to e in !i&ht a!!
the time( 4t is of ace importance that peop!e rea!i5e what nature has estowed
them and what cou!d( e a sordid ta!e in near future( 1a!amities cance! ca!endars
ut this one is a manufactured one so it ecomes the responsii!ity of a!! to face
and amend the pro!em and this need to e %oiced at the top of its pitch( +he
ordea! faced y the !ake is asica!!y a curse whir!in& ao%e us to architect an u&!y
paintin& of this eautifu! !and( 4ts hi&h time for e%ery-one of us to contriute
towards the mission of sa%in& da! without otherin& aout any persona!
Basohli Tehsil "ull o" ouris poenial
Aesthetic sense is the on!y sense which differentiates human ein&s
from the anima!s( A human ein& is a!ways in the search of a p!ace
which is eautifu! and &i%es so!ace to his fati&ued ody and Sou!(
+his is the reason why do the peop!e rush to the mountains or p!aces
which ha%e p!easant weather( +here are two factors. %e&etation and
water which decide the eauty of a p!ace(
Basoh!i has a!ready een estowed with immense wea!th of eauty
and charm in the shape of snow c!ad mountain peaks. ratt!in& rooks
cascade type water fa!! of SatSeer" and stair !ike farms of Bhoond.
8anoo. =adodi and %ast p!ain of "8orian"( Not on!y this the pondin& of
'anjit Sa&ar 0ake has rou&ht !aure!s to the eauty of Basoh!i( +he
who!e course of the ri%er 'a%i has een con%erted into L0 S/(Emts(
!ake formin& major !ake. sma!! creaks. and !a&oons y the ack
waters of the !ake( +hou&h the formin& of 'S3 has renderd
irrepara!e !oss to who!e tehsi! Basoh!i. ut the &od has compensated
this in the shape of &!itterin& waters of the !ake( 4f compared with
other !akes of the country. this !ake e,ce!s in its eauty and %astness(
4n order to rin& the economy of the state on so!id footin& the
&o%ernment is serious in re%i%in& tourist industry in the state( 0ike
other eautifu! p!aces of the state situated in Eashmir !eh and Ear&i!
di%ision Basoh!i can offer mu!tifarious uses of the !ake in the tourism
sector( 4 he p!aces of tourist importance in Basoh!i tehsi! if de%e!oped
in accordance with the way ein& su&&ested wi!! tota!!y &i%e a new
turn to the state tourism in future( +he si&ht seein& huts can e
construct- ed near the p!aces where the rooks f!ow or where there
are water fa!!s( +he eautifu! haitats and the stair !ike fie!ds which
stea! the attention of any ody can we!! supp!y an idea! si&ht for
makin& fi!ms and other documentaries(
+he wide part of the !ake which is near aout 90 Ems !on& and aout
0C Ems wide can e used for or&ani5in& nationa! as we!! as state
!e%e! a/uatic &ames. !ike 'owin& 2achtin& Boatin& water skiin&
$otor- oat races. +rainin& for rescuin& operations .water &!idin& surf
ridin& etc(
Steamers can operate etween Sat wain and Basoh!i for carryin&
passen&ers from Bani and other parts of the tehsi!( Steamer decks
can carry the sma!! %ehic!es of the passen&ers who want to take
a!on& with them( +his wi!! sa%e their D0Ems of the journey(
J!oatin& restaurants c!us and house oats ser%ices can e started
which can fetch &ood re%enue for the state( +he famous festi%a!s !ike
new year day ,-mass dewa!i etc( can e ce!erated on oard the
oats( $oreo%er the tourists can stay in these restaurants and house
6ead /uarter of the Na%a! win& of N11 can e made at Basoh!i
where actua! trainin& in Na%a! ski!!s can e imparted to the cadets(
As re&ards ack waters 0a&oons formed near P!assi .$ara and
$ahanpur many tourists from within the state can e attracted for
safe oatin& swimmin& and or&ani5in& tours and picnics(
By doin& this many usiness opportunities can e pro%ided to the
!oca! youth of these p!aces(
+he 2o&a or other c!asses or officia! meetin&s seminars of different
deptts( 1an e or&ani5ed at a ca!m and peacefu! p!aces !ike decks
and the ferries(
Para &!idin& sport can e started from the "$ata 1anch!o 3e%i" fort
which is situated at a suita!e hi&ht needed for the sport(
@ast p!ans of neary %i!!a&e $and!a offers heart tochin& scene where
nationa! standard stadium can e made(
$ountaineerin& and trekkin& institutes can e opened at the chain of
sma!! &rounds at 'am 'achna near 8orian $ata hi!!( No dout the
&o%ernment is tryin& its !e%e! est to rin& Basoh!i on tourist map of
the country( But if attention towards possi!e su&&estions is &i%en due
consideration then the day is not far when Basoh!i wi!! e known for
a/uatic and other a!!ied e%ents (+he dam affected peop!e wou!d
consider it sympathetic step from &o%t( side(
1oonch %or 3 A symbol o" he heriage(
Poonch Jort is a symo! of the herita&e of Poonch district( +his 2CL
year o!d ui!din& had seen numer of ups and downs. sti!! it remains
intact( 6owe%er durin& the earth/uake of 2005. Poonch Jort was
ad!y dama&ed its northern and western part constructed durin&
$us!im ru!e #9HD0-9HLH A3: and Sikh ru!e #9L9B-9LC5 A3: in Poonch
was tota!!y co!!apsed( +he fronta! portion had a!so de%e!oped cracks
in such a way that it had not remained haita!e and out of 29 offices
!ocated in the Jort ui!din& 45 were shifted from the Jort(
+his ui!din& stands on a mound which is 900 mt distance from South
Aestern 1orner of the city( 4t has een ui!t at such p!ace from where
we can &au&e and o%er!ook the who!e %a!!ey of Poonch Jrom Pir
Pass #Pancha! ran&e: in the east to +o!i Pir in the west( +he Jort
comp!e, has een constructed on 29 kana! piece of !and( +he Jort
ui!din& comprises of DB rooms. these inc!ude four i& ha!!s. one
%aranda. +osha Ehana. =oa! =har #office chamers of Poonchi
'aja*s: +emp!e. $os/ue and =urdwara( +here are four entrances in
the Jort( +he main entrance is on the southern side which !eads
towards the o!d structure 1onstructed y $us!im ru!e 'aja 'ustam
Ehan #9HD0-LH A(3(: +he second entrance is on the northern corner
of fronta! !ock which &oes towards 3arar 6a!! and =oa! =har( +here
are two more entrance on the north-western side( +he south-western
!ock has a!ready &ot co!!apsed ut the wa!!s and asic structure is
4nitia!!y the fort was constructed for the defence of the city( 0ateron it
was con%erted into the residence as we!! as 3arar of 'aja*s( +hat is
why the !ookin& of its fronta! !ock is !ike a pa!ace( +his fort remained
centre of power for centuries durin& the ru!e of Poonchi 'aja*s. when
this 4!4a/a was ha%in& a status of Poonch State( At present. the Jort
was ein& used for housin& the offices of %arious departments and it
was just !ike a $ini Secretariat. +he ui!din& is sti!! dominatin& the
entire Poonch town( +his structure is possi!y the on!y of its kind in
4n 9BBD A3. the $u&ha! Emperor Akar had nominated Saraj-ud-din
'athore of %i!!a&e Eahuta as the ru!er and Poonch with the ru!e tit!e of
'aja Poonch. 'aja Saraj-ud-din shifted from nati%e %i!!a&e to Poonch
city and dec!ared this town as the capita! of his Ein&dom( At that time(
poonch was %ery sma!! town with 2H5 huts( 'aja Saraj-ud-3in was
residin& in a Eacha Jort which was constructed on a mound of
Ehorinar rid&e #a moha!!a of Poonch town:( +his Eacha Jort was
known a 3upp!i in Pahari !an&ua&e( 'aja Saraj-ud-3in and his son
'aja Jateh $ohd Ehan cou!d not thou&ht of i& fort as they remained
usy in susidin& and diffusin& the interna! disturances(
4n 9H09 A3 Adu! 'a5ak Ehan ecame the 'aja of Poonch( 6e
decided to construct a stron& Jort for the fortification of Poonch town
and !aid the foundation of this Jort ut 'aja cou!d not construct it
durin& his tenure due to in%asion of Eashmiri ru!ers on poonch( 4n
9HD0 A3. A!i =ohar Ehan the youn&er son of 'aja Adu! 'a5ak Ehan
ecame ru!er of Poonch with the tit!e of 'aja 'ustam Ehan( 6e was
%ery fond of art and architecture( 6e started the main construction of
Poonch Jort( +he !e&end &oes that the work of main entry to the fort
was not &ettin& stai!i5ed ti!! the on!y sur%i%in& teena&er son of a
Brahmin widow from Surankot area was emedded in the main wa!!
as per the %ision of the 'aja in a dream( A commemorati%e temp!e of
this unknown martyr is sti!! a%ai!a!e near the southern entrance of
the Jort ear testimony to this !e&end( After sacrificin& the oy in the
wa!!. the main construction of the Jort was started and it was
comp!eted y 'aja 'ustam Ehan in 9HHB A3 'aja 'ustam Ehan
shifted in the Jort and started conductin& his 3arar( +he
architectura! sty!e of the !ock constructed y 'aja 'ustam Ehan has
distinct $u&ha! inf!uences( At present L0O portion of this !ock has
&ot co!!apsed(
4n 9L9B A3. Poonch state was captured y $aharaja 'anjit Sin&h .
when he was on the way to con/uer Eashmir( 6is =o%ernors had
con%erted Poonch Jort into the &arrison of Eha!sa forces( 4n 9L"H A3
a !oca! ree!!ion Shamas Ehan $a!dya! re%o!ted a&ainst the re&ime of
0ahore 3arar and dec!ared himse!f the 'aja of Poonch( At that time
apart from Poonch town there were 92 other sma!! Jorts #3upp!ies: in
Poonch 4!!a/a( Shamas Ehan captured a!! these Jorts( +hen
assau!ted on the Poonch Jort with a i& Jorce( $ian Bishna a Eha!sa
=enera! with a contin&ent of Punjai so!diers was stationed in the fort
at that time( 6e successfu!!y defended the Jort from the assau!t of
Shamas Ehan on!y ecame he was takin& she!ter of this stron& Jort(
Jrom 9L2H to 9L50 A3 Poonch was a 8a&ir of 'aja 3hayan Sin&h the
Prime $inister of 'aja 'anjit Sin&h( +his 44!a/a was direct!y &o%erned
y the Eha!sa 3arar of 0ahore( No dout that this was the most
disturin& period in the history of Poonch e%en then Punjai
=o%ernors ha%e done a commenda!e work not on!y in repairin& of
the ori&ina! Jort ut a!so they added !one i& !ock on the north
eastern side of this fort which ears the inf!uence of Sikh architectura!
sty!e( $ore than D0 percent part of this !ock ha%e een co!!apsed
and dama&ed ad!y durin& the earth /uake of 2005(
4n the !i&ht of the %erdict of 1ourt of $ent&umry 0orence of 0ahore in
$ian $oti Sin&h a third son of 'aja 3hayan Sin&h ecame the first
3o&ra ru!er of Poonch state in 9L52( At the time of his arri%a! at
Poonch. the condition of Jort was &oin& from ad to worse( 4nitia!!y he
passed orders of repairin& and reno%ation of the fort( After sometime
in 9LH2. 'aja shifted in the fort a!on& with his fami!y and 3arar( +hen
he ordered for redesi&nin& of the fort on western sty!e( 6e en&a&ed a
European architect who desi&ned the fronta! !ock of the Jort( 4n this
way. the fronta! !ock was added (y 'aja $oti Sin&h in the Jort
durin& . his tenure from 9L52-9LB2 A3( +he work was so super that
the appearance of the Jort chan&ed into a pa!ace( Ipto 9BC2 A3
Poonch Jort was used as a Secretariat y Poonchi 'ajas( At that
time Jort 1omp!e, was consisted of Ba&hi Ehan. 6ans!i Eana!. Ba&h
3eodi and Jountain &arden( After the happenin&s of 9BCH. the Jort
ui!din& remained un- reno%ated 3f for a !on& period( Aith the
passa&e of time. H0O par9 of southern !ock constructed durin&
$us!im period and C0O par9 of nor9hern !ock ui!t y Sikh
=o%ernors &ot co!!apsed( No dout that fronta! !ock was intact ut
that too was dec!ared unsafe durin& 9BLL y AMB e,perts and a new
construction after demo!ishin& the ori&ina! Jor was proposed( 0ucki!y
Ashok 8ait!y. the then Jinancia! 1ommissioner P!annin& and
3e%e!opment 3epartment paid a %isit to Poonch in 9BLB and after
inspectin& Jort ui!din& he rejected proposa! of demo!ishin& the Jort
and asked the e,perts to prepare a proposa! of reno%ation of this
historica! monument of Poonch( By this way. As "0(00 !acs were
sanctioned for the reno%ation of the Jort durin& 9BB0( But the
reno%ation work was &eared up on!y durin& 9BB0-9BB9 on the
initiati%e of P( 3har 1hakararty. 3istrict 3e%e!opment 1ommissioner
Poonch( Ipto the end the $arch 9BB9. 52 out of HB rooms were
reno%ated y the department and the 1onstruction work in fronta!
and northern !ock ha%e een comp!eted ut the reno%ation of
southern !ock constructed durin& $us!im period was not taken in
hand( Present!y when the re construction of Jort ui!din& ha%e a&ain
een started from 200H-200L it is e,pected that this Jort a&ain. attain
its ori&ina! &!ory and &!amour in the future(
Hea/en "or 1ilgrim ourism , Sudh Mahade/
A district which is strate&ica!!y !ocated is just !ike a uffer etween
8ammu P!ains and Pir Pancha! 6i!!s( Idhampur 1ommands a
panaromic %iew of the Shi%a!iks( +he a!! important Nationa! 6i&hway
winds up as if it were a neck!ace round the neck of the district( Apart
from the scenic eauty that Idhampur is endowed with it has some of
the most sacred spots which too ha%e a %ast tourist potentia!( +here
are many archeo!o&ica! and historica! spots in Idhampur which a!so
ha%e a tourist potentia! of their own( 4t wi!! e %ery apt to draw the
attention the readers owards he /as poenial o" pilgrim ourism
in Udhampur.
De/ika Temple- +his ho!y ri%er in district udhampur ori&inates from
the foothi!! of =an&era. situated in the %icinity of the udhampur
district. this i& temp!e situated in the west ank. a!on& the 8ammu
-srina&ar nationa! hi&hway. of the udhampur district from the main
shikhar there are a!so toms of other &od M &oddesses. main
entrance towards north side( +his temp!e is reconstructed y
$aharaja 'anir sin&h durin& 9LD" #as per a%ai!a!e resources.
1ourtesy< 3u&&ar ke mandir- By Shi% Nirmohi 8i :.y the order of her
mother 'ani 'akkwa!i.where as 'ani*s parenta! house was 1hak
'akwa!!a in Idhampur district( As this temp!e is situated near the
ank of ho!y ri%er 3e%ika a!so ha%in& temp!e of Aap shamhu. e!ie%e
to e %ery o!d( 1ilgrims Touriss throu&h out <he country %isit o%er
here in order to take dip of the e!der sister of ho!y "an&a. the one M
on!y 3e%ika.for Nhich Idhampur district is known for( +hree day $e!a
he!d e%ery year on the e%e of Baisakhi where thou- sands of peop!e
%isit durin& these days( +here is dire need of 2atri Niwas o%er the
ank of ho!y ri%er 3e%ika where peop!e throu&hout the country %isit to
take dip of ho!y water. may stay there( 4t is a!so important to write
down here that a p!ace where more than L crores ha%e een spent
o%er the !ast fisca! year. does not ha%e asin&!e yatri niwas(!t is here y
su&&ested that a two story we!! fur( nished ui!din& of o!d a&e home
a!ready constructed cou!d e con( %erted into yatri niwas M the inhai(
tants cou!d e shifted to 8a&rit!
o!da&e home udhampur(
Sudhmahade/ emple- 8ust 992 kms away from 8ammu M aout D0
kms away from udhampur district towards 1henani tehsi! (Aith
immense natura! mountainous eauty. this spot has instinct to fee!
!ike touch df*fPea%en( As this temp!e has Shi@L !in&am !ooks to e--
%e7*f o!d it Qems that it has eerr made durin& 9Hth century( 4t e!ie%es
thQ it is the p!ace where =od Shi%7 appears. so it is ca!!ed as Shudh
#A p!ace where a!! sins has een destroyed:. y takin& a dip of the
paap nashini Bow!i( $anta!a!. famous for its eauty M sthan 09 =uru
3hirendhara rahamchari an independent Shrine oard on the
pattern of shi% khori shrine oarQ must e constituted wherein
Sudhmahade% M $anta!ai may
Aamna&ar< +his different M histori- ca! temp!e of =od Shi%a situated 5
kms west of 'amna&ar tehsi! of Idhampur district. name!y 3a!sar
re!i&ious p!ace( Accordin& to the a%ai!a!e resources. it has een
reconstructed y 'aja 'am Sin&h in 9LB2. then it was just a temp!e
of simp!e shi!as(this temp!e has ama5- in& Shi%a !in&am which
chan&es its co!our. in the -$ornin&. afternoon M e%enin&( +his !in&a is
+rimukhi. ha%- in& c!ear picture of Shi%a M is %ery much attracti%e(
3a!sar area is a!so known for its re!i&ious %a!ues. a!so ha%in& a i&
Saro%ar which was spreaded in o%er "2 kana!s of !and. now it is
s/uee5ed( Around this Saro%ar so many archae!o&ica! scripts are
a!so present around the saro%ar( +his p!ace is a!so %ery important
from the archae!o&ica! point of %iew( Now this temp!e is
((known as Parkash +emp!e wherein !ar&e numer of de%otees
throu&h- out the country %isit. may a!so come
under shrine oard( Not on!y attracts*
de%otees 4tourists ut a!so increase 4 the Shrine oard re%enue( *
0 c"
-Sanker) 3e%tM-$efteif-Q
tPa'cheri< +Qi5 tem!*ie is situatedQ
aout "0 kms away from udhampur district towards Idhampur to
Pancheri -!ander road. famous for its worship. this temp!e shows one
4 the face of =od Shi%a where !ar&e . no( of de%otees throu&h out the
f country %isit here e%ery year. may 4 find their desires to e fu!fi!!ed(
So 7 many stories are associated with j this temp!e( A 3an&a! a!so
or&a- . ni5ed e%ery year durin& the three y days me!a. where in e%ery
P!ay its own ro!e(
1ancheri famous for its scenic eauty must e de%e!oped so that
!ar&e numer of tourists may %isit o%erhere resu!tant!y impro%e-
((rnent in the socio economic condi- tion of the inhaitants may e
6rimachi Mansar 1anda/ Mandir Temple- 8ust H km away from
Idhampur. o%er pancheri -!an- der road. near the ank of i"utesh-
%ari stream ."2de&ree N from e/ua- tor M H5 de&ree east from centra!
!ine. ha%in& se%en &roup of temp!es- ased on Na&ar She!!i.made up
of o!d Pashan M Shi!as.p8ace is a!so known as Bhuti 'ajya in 3o&ra
his- *tory) e!ie%e to e recons*<i"(8cted in
Bth or 9 >th century( Some historian
e!ie%e that EriQchi((was the capi-
--tat-ot$at*rahataR/ .Q8fi .QQ Erichak
Aho constructed these temp!es
+his temp!e is di%ided into three parts 9 st part has 5 &roups of
temp!es( 2nd M"rd part has 9
temp!e each(
Baboor 2roup o" emples- +his &roup of temp!es situated towards
the south end of udhampur near y 9 km of 'i%er +awi .M L km
towards north of $ansar !ake(920 kms far away from 8ammu( 6istori-
an*s e!ief is that this de%astated Na&ar was the capita! of 3u&&ar
state durin& mid era( >!d name of Baoor was!ed o%er
y 3har @ansh Mthe first kin& was Surajdhar (4n 'aj tarin&ini .there
were inscriptions of Eirtidhar M @ajradhar with the kin& of Eashmir
'aja Ea!ash MSussa!(
3e%i Bha&awati mandir.3hera $andir. Nand Baoor temp!e "" +he
temp!es not on!y famous for their architecture desi&n ut a!so put
!i&ht o%er 3o&ra Scu!pture art( 4n this. @ishnu. Shi%a. Shi%a in Nartya
$udra. Bhaira%. Bhrish %ahan Shi- %a. =anesh M Sun( +hese temp!es
spreaded o%er three s/( km( area( 4t is e!ie%ed that in #9"BL-BB:
+amoor*s sena rocked the $anu Na&ar. none other than Baapoor
that is why other name of Baapoor is $anuwa!( A!so e!ie%e that this
capita! was safe from the attack of $ahmood =ajnai M Aras(
tourism-trade in district udhampur. A LQQ" camp 484IMt e forQed
ecause there is dire need of open- in& of +ourist 'eception
Niwas. as it is the centra! p!ace where oth 3har road M N69A meets(
So tourist comin& from oth these roads may &et specia!ty o%er" here
!ike yatri niwas. +icket 1o!!ec- tion 1entre for Amarnath Shrine) may
not on!y increase the Socia - economic status of the inhaitants ut
a!so increase the opportunity of
emp!oyment to thousands of unem-77"

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