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Subject: English Language
Class: 4 Cekal
Enrolment: 28 pupils
Date: 25
January 2014 (Monday)
Time: 10.30 a.m. 11.30 a.m. (60 minutes)
Theme / Context: World of Stories
Topic: Goldilocks and the Three Bears
Proficiency Level: Intermediate
Focussed Skill: Listening and Speaking
Integrated Skill(s): Writing
Content Standard: 1.1 By the end of the 6-year primary schooling, pupils will able to pronounce words and speak confidently
with the correct stress, rhythm and intonation.
Learning Standards: 1.1.3 Able to listen to, say aloud and recite rhymes, tongue twisters and sing songs paying attention to
pronunciation, rhythm and intonation.
1.2.2 Able to listen to and follow:
a) Simple instructions
Language Focus: Vocabulary: bear, wood, porridge, chair, bed
Behavioural Objectives: By the end of the lesson, pupils should be able to:-
a) Listen, follow the instructions given and sing-a-long.
b) Listen and sequence the lyrics, at least 4 out 5, correctly.
c) Read and follow at least 5 out of 7 steps on how to make a booklet correctly.
Previous Knowledge: Some vocabulary related family members.
Instructional Materials: Lyrics, work sheet and text book.
Educational Emphases: CCTS: Sequencing.
Moral values: Dont enter peoples home without their consent.

Set Induction
(7 minutes)
1. Teacher asks the pupils if they had
heard about the story of Goldilocks
and the Three Bears.
2. Teacher tells the story about the
Goldilocks and the Three Bears.
3. Teacher shows pictures.
4. Teacher introduces to the lesson of
the day
Readiness and lead in to
the lesson.

(8 minutes)
1. bear,
2. wood,
3. porridge,
4. chair,
5. bed
1. Teacher writes some of the nouns
that are to be found in the lyrics.
(Examples: bear, wood, porridge,
chair, bed)
2. Teacher shows 4 pictures that
related to one of the nouns that have
been written on the board.
3. Teacher selects pupils at random to
choose a noun and match it with the
4 pictures.
4. Teacher drills the vocabularies used
several times.
To prepare the pupils for
the listening task.


(20 minutes)
1. Repeat certain
lyrics with actions
associate with
the lines.

1. Teacher will instruct pupils to interact
with the song while the teacher is
singing it.
2. After singing, the pupils will be given
a sheet with the lyrics to the song but
with incorrect sequencing.
3. Teacher will sing the song again and
the pupils need to sequence them in
the right order.
5. Teacher facilitates pupils work.
6. Teacher discusses the answer with
the pupils.
7. Then, pupils and teacher can sing
the song together.

To enable pupils to
interact with the song.
To give opportunities for
the pupils to correct
Appendix 1:
Goldilocks and
Three Bears wok


(20 minutes)

1. Teacher reads and explains on how to
do a booklet.
2. In pairs, pupils need to produce a
booklet about the story with the
sentences they had rearranged on the
3. Teacher facilitates pupils work.
4. Teacher shares some pupils works
and display in the classroom.
To encourage team work
among the pupils.

Appendix 2: Text
book Year 4
(page 124)
(5 minutes)
1. Teacher reinforces the lesson by
sharing the importance of story.
2. Teacher shares about how they can
easily produce a book and they may
able to sell it.
3. Teacher asks the pupils to sing the
song again.
To recap on the lesson
To instil moral value.
To instil entrepreneurship.


Appendix 1: Goldilocks and the Three Bears
Listen to the song and arrange the lyrics in the correct order.
Lyrics Sequencing
Someones been sleeping in my bed,
Said the Papa Bear (Said the Papa Bear),
Someones been sleeping in my bed,
Said the Mama Bear (Said the Mama Bear),
Hey Mama bear, said the Little Young Bear,
Someones in my bed!

Once upon a time in a nursery rhyme,
There were three bears,
One was the Papa Bear (the Papa Bear),
One was the Mama Bear (the Mama Bear),
One was the Little Young Bear,
There were all went walking
In deep, deep wood.

Along came those three bears,
Someones been eating my porridge,
Said the Papa Bear (Said the Papa Bear),
Someones been eating my porridge,
Said the Mama Bear (Said the Mama Bear),
Hey Mama bear, said the Little Young Bear,
Someones eaten all of my porridge!

Someones been sitting on my chair,
Said the Papa Bear (Said the Papa Bear),
Someones been sitting on my chair,
Said the Mama Bear (Said the Mama Bear),
Hey Mama bear, said the Little Young Bear,
Someones broken my chair!

Then along came Goldilocks
With a flowing, golden hair,
She knocked on the door,
But no one was there,
So, she just walked in.

So Goldilocks woke up and saw the three bears,
She ran as fast as she could.
Bye bye, bye bye, bye bye
Said the Papa Bear (Said the Papa Bear),
Bye bye, bye bye, bye bye
Said the Mama Bear (Said the Mama Bear),
Bye bye, said the Little Young Bear,


And that is the end of our story.

Appendix 2: Text book Year 4 (page 124)


Appendix 3: Full lyrics of Goldilocks and the Three Bears

Once upon a time in a nursery rhyme,
There were three bears,
One was the Papa Bear (the Papa Bear),
One was the Mama Bear (the Mama Bear),
One was the Little Young Bear,
There were all went walking
In deep, deep wood.

Then along came Goldilocks
With a flowing, golden hair,
She knocked on the door,
But no one was there,
So, she just walked in.

Along came those three bears,
Someones been eating my porridge,
Said the Papa Bear (Said the Papa Bear),
Someones been eating my porridge,
Said the Mama Bear (Said the Mama Bear),
Hey Mama bear, said the Little Young Bear,
Someones eaten all of my porridge!

Someones been sitting on my chair,
Said the Papa Bear (Said the Papa Bear),
Someones been sitting on my chair,
Said the Mama Bear (Said the Mama Bear),
Hey Mama bear, said the Little Young Bear,
Someones broken my chair!

Someones been sleeping in my bed,
Said the Papa Bear (Said the Papa Bear),
Someones been sleeping in my bed,
Said the Mama Bear (Said the Mama Bear),
Hey Mama bear, said the Little Young Bear,
Someones in my bed!

So Goldilocks woke up and saw the three
She ran as fast as she could.
Bye bye, bye bye, bye bye
Said the Papa Bear (Said the Papa Bear),
Bye bye, bye bye, bye bye
Said the Mama Bear (Said the Mama Bear),
Bye bye, said the Little Young Bear,

And that is the end of our story.

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