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Model Cures_ Hering

Arsenicum Alb [Ars]

9. Anxiety, burning in stomach and contraction in abdomen; fear drives out of bed; walks about moaning; anxiousness in
evening twilight, with palpitation and heat; dullness in head; puffed face, red and flushed; pulse 80 and rather weak;
gnawing in the epigastrium, with water brash; urging to urinate, scanty urine: Arsen. -NEUMANN
10. During the latter portion of pregnancy, face pale, earthy, distorted, anxious; voice
weak; burning, pinching, contracting pain in stomach and both sides or abdomen, with
dyspnoea; drawing under the umbilicus; in attacks every half hour. Vomiting of mucus
and bile with violent retching, burning in throat and oesophagus like fire, thirst
without desire to drink. After the attack empty eructations, reaching, dyspnoea, great
restlessness and sensitiveness of the abdomen, lively motion of the child: Arsen
11. Fears he will be impelled to destroy his life, with asthma, midnight till morning, has
to leave the bed. Eight successive nights; Arsen 2mm. one dose cured. L. WHITING
12. A young man has cramp-like pain in the chest; comes in stormy, cloudy weather,
when walking fast, from warm, tight clothing, change of temperature, and violent
laughing; has to stand still when walking against the wind. Oppression on the chest,
anxiety, alternately cold and hot, raises white slimy mucus, which relieves; going into a
warm room makes worse: Arsen.- W. GROSS.
13. Painter, aet. 43. Great anxiety of conscience; any crime he reads of, he imagines to
have committed once himself; worse at night, with palpitation of the heart; has to be
kept by force in the room; great fear to be left alone; despairs of ever getting well; loss
of appetite; whitish-coated tongue: flatulency; constipation: Arsen.3, every evening one
dose, or ten days. Much better. Eight more doses. Entirely well since one year-STENS,
14. Periodic melancholy with a woman, aet.65. The attacks come only at dusk, before
the lamps are lighted and in the night; Arsen-HAYNEL
15. Malarial fevers, with vomiting of mucus and bile, watery discharges, burning
sensation in stomach, great anxiety, fainting spells, marked prostration, great
restlessness and much thirst, particularly during the day; burning heat; Arsen.-
Ignatia [Ign]
57. Melancholy after deep mortification; heaviness of the head; very great weakness of the memory; forgets
everything except dreams; hardness of healing; sees everything as if through a fog sits; quietly, with a
vacant gaze, always thinking of the mortification endured, and knowing of what passes around him; prefers
to be alone; thinking of the mortification endured prevents him from going to sleep as early as usual;
restless sleep, starts during sleep, much dreaming; pain in the left hypochondria increased by pressure and
continuous walk, Loses his hair. Face colourless, hollow; voice low, trembling with distortion of the face;
does not like to talk; no desire to eat or drink; appetite is very soon satisfied. Always feels cold, especially in
the evening. Very weak; staggering walk; walks carefully. Increased stool and urine: Ignat.- ATTOMYR
58. Suppressed menstruation with melancholy. Indifference to things she loved best.
Sits alone and weeps, imagines things, especially she might go crazy. On all parts
crawling sensation as if gone to sleep, as if she had no feeling in epigastrium. Sleep
unrefreshing and disturbed by dreams: Ignatia.- GROSS
59. After catamenia which came at the right time, symptoms of insanity. She believes
herself married and pregnant, is tormented by remorse for imagined crimes; seeks
constantly to escape and drown herself. Terrible anxiety from rush of blood to the
head and heart. Is only quiet when lying undisturbed and brooding over her troubles
which she rehearses in a doleful tone. If disturbed, she screams, strike and tears
things, crying all the while I am neglecting my duty, breaking my oath! Face pale
and distorted: Ignat.- GROSS
60. A little girl had, after a great fright which almost produced convulsions, copious
diarrhoea, worse at night, painless with much wind, emaciated, great nervousness:
Ignat.- GROSS.
Lachesis [Lach]
61. A girl, after excessive study, uses exalted language; exceedingly particular about the language she uses, often
correcting herself after using a word and substituting another of very similar meaning talks about being under the
influence of a superior power. Laches. 2m-E.W. BERRIDGE
62. Heaviness and dullness in the head, particularly in the occiput; sensation of
heat in the head; hands numb. The heaviness is worse from motion, better when
sitting still. If her head is placed ever so high, she thinks it is too low; drowsiness in
the afternoon every other day; starting on falling asleep; heat in the head and arms
at night, with weakness in the epigastrium. Sleeps little, and the fullness and
heaviness in the head and body are worse in the morning.
Restlessness, driving from place to placeSymptoms change place; now more in
the left arm, now in the foot, which is cold as ice. Every cold gives her a sore throat;
swelling and stiffness, painful when swallowing and to the touch. Now and then a
sudden stitch in the region of the heart. which makes her weak. Haemorrhoidal
tumors, which she had once before in child-bed, are very painful during stool;
frequent urging. Menses too late and profuse, with throbbing headache. Bellad,
Hepar, Sepia and Magn; mur, failed. Hepar caused a diarrhoea which lasted two
weeks; when it stopped, the night attacks returned. Laches cured. W.
63. A French millioner had a jealous quarrel with her lover. With the words: O, my
heart! putting both her hands to it, she fell down and was nearly twenty-four hours
in an asphyxia state; no pulse could be felt, breathing was hardly perceptible; was
laid out on her back. Laches 30 was followed in a few minutes by a loud sighing,
turning on her side, and recovery. C.HG.
64. A lady, worn out with solicitude and care of a sick friend, and delirium followed
by convulsions. After Laches 2m, the convulsions abated; she fell into a soft
slumber, awoke conscious, and with the exception of feeling weak was quite
comfortable. FINCH
65. Nightly attacks of anxiety, afraid of the cholera, gets cramps in the calves from
fear; nausea, heavy feeling in abdomen, rolling in umbilical region; another time
thinks there are robbers in the house and wants to jump out of the window; often
thinks the visions are real;weary of life, looks at everything from the dark side.
Symptoms last through the morning and get better during the day. The least noise
disturbs sleep. Vertigo. Laches. C.HG.
Merc Sol [Merc]
70. Anxiety during catamenia, does not know what to do Longs fore death. Indifference, even to that
which she loves best. Involuntary weeping, which relieves Inclination to commit suicide from despair, in
hysteria and hypochondria; Merc. sol.- JOUSSEL.
Nitric Acid [Nit-ac]
71. After continued loss of sleep, night after night, long- lasting anxiety; overexertions of mind and body, from
nursing the sick: great anguish of mind from the loss of his dearest friend: Nitr-ac. HAYNEL.
Opium [Op]
78. He thinks he lives away from home, and invites people into his house. Will not brook opposition. Face flushed
and hot, stupor which makes him forgetful, does not recognize his friends; anxiety; wildness; sleepy but cannot
sleep. Constipation, with tympanitis; retention of urine, as if caused by the abdominal distention. When smoking
forgets to draw. Very cheerful manner in spite of his drowsiness: Opium SCHUELLER
79. Called in consultation to case of cerebro-spinal meningitis, I found the
patient, a women, aet, 35 unconscious and in spasms. Her head was bent
backwards, arms and limbs rigid; pulse very quick; breathing slow. A short times
before she was taken ill, she had lost suddenly and in quick succession, two of her
children. This mental shock producing almost a stunning effect. I considered as
main indications, and proposed Opium60. She grew greater at once recovered in
a short time, C.G. RAUE.
Petroleum [Petr]
82. Irritable, vexed, always quiet, sad, thoughts turned to himself, no ambition to work; heaviness, heat and pain in
the head in the morning, backache; spasmodic eructation, thin slimy stool with cutting in the abdomen; pale and
emaciated; heavy night and morning sweats: Petrol.- KNORRE
83. Towards evening anxiety and apprehension about his family, which he left
behind while group on a short journey; the anxiety increases until he becomes
inconsolable; Petrol.- HAYNEL.
Phosphorus [Phos]
84. Destroys what falls in her hand; talks in a vehement commanding tone; spits at the nurse, lifts up her clothes,
and kisses hotly all who come near her. She does things wrongly and talks disconnectedly. Tongue whitish;
sleeplessness. Catamenia scanty, pale and watery: Phosphor.- SCHMIDT.
Psorinum [Psor]
89. Feels the greatest anguish in the head with a whirling before the eyes day, from 5 A.M. until 5 P.M., since
two years. He walks up and down the room, wringing his hands, and moaning continually, I Oh, such anguish
I Only When he takes his meals he ceases moaning. His appetite is good: Psorinum.- WM. GROSS
90. A man, aet. 30, insane on religion, had frequent attacks of epilepsy from
childhood. Psorin 10, in water, improved the mental condition and epilepsy.
91. A woman, aet. 28, became melancholy after suppressed itch; emaciated, pale
earthy complexion, weakness of limbs. Flushes of heat and palpitation prevent
sleep, sleep comes towards morning, would like to stay in bed until midday.
Aversion to work, indifference, weeping; seeks solitude, despairs of recovery,
she is irritable and forgetful : Psorin.- F.J.BRENEFLECK, near HEIDELBERG.
HYGEA, V. 6, p. 131.
Pulsatilla [Puls]
92. After mortification sad, gloomy and weary of life. Often pain in the forehead, earthy face, dark rings, around
the eyes; bitter taste in the mouth; dislikes meat and bread; nausea, with pain in stomach; occasional bitter slimy
vomiting; frequent profuse nosebleed; stitches in the side when coughing, with frothy bloody expectoration.
Palpitation of the heart; laboured breathing, hard scanty stools; frequent cutting pain in the bowels ; heaviness of
the legs; limbs feel bruised; swelling on the upper part of foot; anxious dreams; thinks of drowning with great
pleasure; is sad; bursts into tears; dissatisfied with everything; easily enraged; reticent; very easily frightened;
anxious; weary of the Pulsat.- ATTOMYR
93. Throbbing pain in the brain, dimness of vision, as if the looked through a
sieve; frightful visions appear to him when in the dark, or when closing his eyes;
he strikes at them and holds the cross up to them : Pulsat. SZTAROVCSZKY
94. After vexation, mental depression; she i in constant dread, with palpitation
of he heart, is afraid of every body, considers everyone her enemy, despairs of
everything-cries easily-trusts no one. At the same time pale earthy complexion,
with dim, responding look. No appetite, much thirst, limbs feel as if asleep, is
weary, weak, cannot sleep at night on account of fear and dread : Pulsat.- TH.
95. Irregular catamenia. Heat and congestions to head and face. Headache,
praecordial weight and backache. Sleepless nights on account of great fear and
anxious restlessness in the head. Despairs of the salvation, and seeks aid in
constant prayers: Pulsat. BETHMANN
96. In the eighth month of pregnancy dark, suspicious and reserved manner,
disturbed look on her face, sleepless. Looks for her bed in the yard, hides in a
corner, to escape from a little gray man, who wants to pull out her leg: Pulsat.,-
97. Want of food; leucorrhoea; religious mania; imagines herself eternally
damned; sees the devil coming to take her; world on fire during nights; fear,
with occasional outbursts of rage; paroxysms of weeping, followed by lucid
moments but with forgetfulness cannot follow the course of conversation:
Pulsat., 3rd dec., did much to relieve.- ROCKWITH
98. Unquiet look, lips bluish-red; weak memory; pangs of conscience about
religion and the female sex. abhors and hates the whole sex; has to go out of
their way for fear of injuring them; he looks upon them as evil beings and is
afraid; considers their presence injurious to his soul. Respiration short and
difficult; painful pressure in the chest: Pulsat.- MALAISE.
Rhus Tox [Rhus-t]
99. After fright heavy feeling in the forehead. A week later she told her mother not to look at her; seems to be
distrustful, and does not want to see anyone. She came running in from the street, and said people were looking
at her. She sat quietly and alone; her eyes were aim, and she shunned the light. Since this time, the symptoms
have returned three times, lasting six weeks each time. This time it has lasted eight weeks, the symptoms just as
before, but without the complaints of the eyes. She often cries without cause-imagines people are finding fault
with her because she is earning nothing-acts in a childish manner. At the same time heaviness of the head, when
the head is in a low position; beating in the temple on which she is lying. After taking cold, diarrhoea. For the
past week coughed when lying down, with stitches in the pit of the stomach; chilly hands and feet; frequent
motion on the bowels. Rhus tox. HARTLAUB.
Secale Cor [Sec]
102. Convulsions after a fright when a little girl, return after each confinement : Sec. Corn.- HELBIG
103. A robust forest ranger, aet.50, fell down in a fit in which he retained
consciousness, six months ago. Limbs give way, particularly the right; when
sitting he can lean neither forward nor backward without losing his balance.
The arms are weak, speech difficult, mind dull; disposed to weep; urine and
feces pass involuntarily; occasionally attacks of dyspnoea, Arnica, Aloes, Nux
vom. and counter-irritants were of no avail. After Secale in grain doses, three
times daily, in three days the patient could retain his urine, and in sixteen days
his death was fully restored.- A.H.Z. 52, 112.
Sepia [Sep]
104. After metrorrhagia over-sensitive, exalted nervous state; hasty speech, accompanied by quick gestures;
eyes fiery and glistening; pulse 110. Her movements were like those of a passionate person. If she in a quick
way. At times she was in the opposite state, gave short answers and desired to be alone; she was then moody
and feigned sleep. The nights became more and more anxious and restless; she could not describe how terrible
they were: Sepia.- HAYNEL
105. A lady, aet. 49, stout and fleshy, had catarrh every winter with violent
coughing. After being in a draft, th cough was tormenting and dry; she had to sit
straight up day and night, with horrible anxiety about a rattling in chest, with
soreness as if raw on the chest; fears to suffocate. Sepia3 made an aggravation,
great orgasm to the chest, sensation, as if the throat was being laced; after a
while expectoration commenced, and all her symptoms disappeared.- NITHAK.
Stramonium [Stram]
108. A man aet. 26, a musician, of sanguine temperament, became deranged after the death of his brother, who
died in his arms. Scolding spitting, pushing, tearing clothes, breaking chairs, boring holes into the walls with his
fingers. Changes his position from sitting to standing, talks nonsense, imagines at times to be God, at others the
devil. Singing. Pupils contracted, eyes listless and sunken, sleepless, no appetite, does not answer when spoken
to, avoids peoples looks; Stramon.- SZTAROVCSZKY
109. Great restlessness, confused memory. Red face and staring eyes. Sadness,
weeping, thoughts of dying. Stammering, gets the words out with great
difficulty. Cold feet, restless sleep with wrong visions. Fear of wild animals and
black dogs; Stramon.- BETHMANN-
110. Mania; he thinks he is lying in his sepulchre; confessing, praying, wants to
be killed by slaying; laughs as if tickled; wants to be kissed; accuses his wife as
faithless; scolding, beating in a rage, will not be taken hold of by his attendants,
takes them for dogs, and barks at them; talking in the Jewish Jargon, this he
never did before; supposes his house to be surrounded by carts, Jews and geese,
offending him, driving him into a rage; pale, eats nothing, does not sleep, while
the muscles of his face are in a constant twitching motion. Case of long
standing. Stramon. 9, cured in a few day.- SCHELLHAMMER
111. An old lady had a vision every night since six weeks, in which many
persons, all strangers, came into her room and to her beside, causing her such
fear that she had to leave the bed: Stramon BECKER
112. A women, aet, 50, became weak-minded, childish, and laughed without
cause. She had two paralytic attacks. each at 8 Oclock in the morning. She lay
quietly on her back with closed eyes. Delirious talk always worse in the evening.
Wants to get away, throws things out of the window, laughs much. At 3 A.M.
violent spasms, which return every half hour. Wants of scream but cannot;
gurgling sound in the throat; foams at the mouth; opisthotonos; strikes with
one arm, with the other she only grasps; pale face, unconsciousness:
Stramon.30.- HARTLAUB
113. Very restless in the evening in bed; converses with spirits who approach his
bed, lays hold of a sword and talks about him to drive the fiend who is latter
him from the room. Red face, glistering eyes, great thirst, distended abdomen
and great sexual excitement: Stramon.- TRINKS.

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