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1he ollcy and lmplemenLaLlon sLraLegles for Lhe educaLlon of glfLed and LalenLed sLudenLs: SupporL
package: Currlculum dlfferenLlaLlon (2004) (pdf 1343kb) provldes an lnLroducLlon Lo currlculum
dlfferenLlaLlon for glfLed and LalenLed sLudenLs and ls sulLable for all sLages of schoollng. lL needs Lo be
read ln con[uncLlon wlLh Lhe ollcy and lmplemenLaLlon sLraLegles for Lhe educaLlon of glfLed and
LalenLed sLudenLs (revlsed 2004) and lLs companlon documenL ColJelloes fot tbe ose of sttoteqles to
soppott qlfteJ ooJ toleoteJ stoJeots (2004) (pdf 270kb).
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1he purpose of dlfferenLlaLlng Lhe currlculum ls Lo provlde approprlaLe learnlng opporLunlLles for glfLed
and LalenLed sLudenLs. 1hree lmporLanL characLerlsLlcs of glfLed sLudenLs LhaL underscore Lhe raLlonale
for currlculum dlfferenLlaLlon (van 1assel-8aska, 1988) are Lhe capaclLy Lo:

learn aL fasLer raLes
flnd, solve and acL on problems /1%$ %$(3".7
manlpulaLe absLracL ldeas and make connecLlons.

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ClfLed sLudenLs need Lhe opporLunlLy Lo work Lhrough Lhe currlculum aL a fasLer pace and need less
Llme on baslcs and revlslon. A dlfferenLlaLed currlculum ls a program of acLlvlLles LhaL offers a varleLy of
enLry polnLs for sLudenLs who dlffer ln ablllLles, knowledge and skllls. ln a dlfferenLlaLed currlculum
Leachers offer dlfferenL approaches Lo wbot stoJeots leoto (conLenL), bow stoJeots leoto (process) and
bow stoJeots Jemoosttote wbot tbey bove leotoeJ (producL). 1omllnson & Allan (2000) clarlfy Lhe
meanlng of dlfferenLlaLlon (pdf 21kb).
1he creaLlon of a dlfferenLlaLed currlculum requlres some pre-plannlng. lL ls lmporLanL Lo flnd ouL whaL
Lhe sLudenLs already know and Lhelr level of sklll aLLalnmenL. 1here are dlfferenL ways LhaL sLudenLs'
prlor knowledge can be deLermlned, for example, bralnsLormlng or produclng a concepL map or a serles
of quesLlons on a LesL. 1hese Lypes of pre-LesLs can provlde valuable lnformaLlon abouL lndlvldual
dlfferences ln ablllLy wlLhln Lhe class. 1he currlculum can Lhen be compacLed Lo deleLe ouLcomes LhaL
have already been achleved lf some sLudenLs demonsLraLe masLery of Lhem.
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A program should sLrlve for Lhe opLlmal maLch beLween learner capaclLy and level of experlences
provlded. Some chlldren have greaLer faclllLy wlLh absLracL LhoughL, crlLlcal reasonlng and meLa-
cognlLlve skllls Lhan oLhers (8raggeLL eL al., 1999). 1hls means LhaL Lo avold underachlevemenL a
currlculum needs Lo be developed LhaL wlll boLh challenge and sLlmulaLe sLudenLs approprlaLely.
1here are numerous models of currlculum dlfferenLlaLlon LhaL can be applled creaLlvely Lo produce
programs LhaL provlde flexlblllLy and cholce, for Lhe range of lndlvldual dlfferences ln Lhe classroom.
1hese models show how conLenL, Leachlng and learnlng processes and producLs can be flne-Luned Lo
meeL Lhe needs of glfLed sLudenLs.
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1he Maker and Wllllams models glve us a framework Lo creaLe programs deslgned Lo sLlmulaLe sLudenLs'
crlLlcal and creaLlve Lhlnklng. 1he challenge ls Lo use Lhe models ln a consldered way Lo creaLe exclLlng
opporLunlLles for glfLed sLudenLs.
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1he useful Maker model (pdf 192kb) lllusLraLes how conLenL, process and producL can be ad[usLed Lo
meeL Lhe needs of glfLed sLudenLs.
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1he Wllllams model (pdf 63kb) provldes a range of sLraLegles across Lhree dlmenslons Lo creaLe
quesLlons Lo sLlmulaLe creaLlve and crlLlcal Lhlnklng.
1he 8ookleL - AcLlvlLles for dlfferenLlaLlng Lhe currlculum (pdf 79kb) referred Lo ln Lhe lollcy ooJ
lmplemeototloo sttoteqles fot tbe eJocotloo of qlfteJ ooJ toleoteJ stoJeots. 5oppott pockoqe.
cottlcolom Jlffeteotlotloo (2004) (pdf 1343kb) provldes LemplaLes for developlng acLlvlLles and/or
quesLlons for conLenL, process and producL modlflcaLlon uslng Lhe Maker and/or Lhe Wllllams models.

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ClfLed sLudenLs can be caLered Lo by provldlng exLenslon and enrlchmenL opporLunlLles and Lhrough
acceleraLlve pracLlces. lurLher lnformaLlon on acceleraLlon ls avallable from Lhe AcceleraLlon supporL
package and from Lhe rofesslonal supporL: AcceleraLlon page on Lhls web slLe.
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LxLenslon means provldlng opporLunlLles aL a greaLer level of challenge Lo Lhe sLudenL. A comblnaLlon of
pracLlces lncludlng acceleraLlon, grouplng and dlfferenLlaLlon of Lhe currlculum enable glfLed sLudenLs Lo
access meanlngful learnlng opporLunlLles. SubsLanLlal galns ln learnlng can be made when glfLed
sLudenLs are grouped LogeLher and when Lhey are acceleraLed buL Lhls can only be achleved lf Lhey have
access Lo a developmenLally approprlaLe currlculum ( 8ogers , 2002).
LnrlchmenL means provldlng breadLh Lo Lhe currlculum aL Lhe same level of challenge Lo Lhe sLudenL. All
sLudenLs should have access Lo enrlchmenL aL Lhe approprlaLe lnLellecLual level. Powever, approprlaLe
enrlchmenL for glfLed sLudenLs would noL be sulLable for all sLudenLs. 1hls ls because Lhe acLlvlLles would
noL maLch Lhe learnlng needs of every sLudenL.
When creaLlng programs for glfLed sLudenLs lL ls lmporLanL Lo dlscover Lhelr currenL level of knowledge,
skllls and undersLandlng. 1hls means deLermlnlng Lhelr level of achlevemenL of learnlng ouLcomes. Some
sLudenLs may noL have achleved a subsLanLlal number of ouLcomes aL Lhelr sLage level buL may beneflL
from exposure Lo a more demandlng currlculum. 1hls means LhaL ouLcomes need Lo be dlfferenLlaLed Lo
caLer for Lhe need of a more absLracL currlculum, a fasLer pace of learnlng and Lhe ablllLy Lo make
connecLlons across dlsclpllnes.
SLudenLs who have achleved subsLanLlally aL Lhelr sLage level should have Lhe opporLunlLy Lo access
ouLcomes aL hlgher sLages. 1hls needs Lo be made expllclL and wrlLLen lnLo programs. 1he kaplan model
(pdf 68kb) provldes a useful LemplaLe and reflecLlon Lool for plannlng a dlfferenLlaLed currlculum.
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LnvlronmenLal condlLlons are also lmporLanL for glfLed sLudenLs Lo maxlmlse learnlng. 1eachers of Lhe
glfLed devoLe less Llme Lo lnsLrucLlon and more Llme Lo quesLlonlng. 1hey Lend Lo ask many dlvergenL
quesLlons and use quesLlons Lo sLlmulaLe dlscusslons and Lo undersLand LhoughL processes. MosL
Leachers rely heavlly on feedback buL some Leachers of Lhe glfLed avold dolng Lhls. 1hey behave llke
counsellors: aLLenLlve and lnLeresLed buL noL [udgmenLal. 1hls sLlmulaLes self-evaluaLlon and reduces
dependency on Leacher relnforcemenL. 1eachers of Lhe glfLed also conLrol Lhe classroom dlfferenLly,
uslng humour, non-verbal cues and unobLruslve ways of refocuslng sLudenLs' aLLenLlon on Lasks. 1here
seems Lo be more equallLy among glfLed sLudenLs and Leachers Lhan among Lhe general school
populaLlon (Sllverman,1988).
8eadlng maLerlal, sample unlLs of work and examples of sLraLegles for supporLlng sLudenLs, referred Lo
ln Lhe ollcy and lmplemenLaLlon sLraLegles for Lhe educaLlon of glfLed and LalenLed sLudenLs: SupporL
package: Currlculum dlfferenLlaLlon (2004) (pdf 1343kb) may be accessed uslng Lhe lnformaLlon below.
AddlLlonal examples of unlLs of work are avallable as lndlvldual schools lmplemenL CA1S lnlLlaLlves.
Anderson , L. W., kraLhwohl, u. 8., Alraslan, . W., Crulkshank, k. A., Mayer, 8. L., lnLrlch, . 8., 8aLhs, !.
& WlLLrock,M. C. (Lds.). (2001). A toxooomy fot leotoloq, teocbloq, ooJ ossessloq. A tevlsloo of 8loom's
toxooomy of eJocotloool objectlves. new ?ork : Longman.
8raggeLL, L., Morrls, C. & uay, A. (1999). kefotmloq tbe mlJJle yeots of scboolloq. PlgheLL, vlc.: Pawker
8rownlow LducaLlon.
Cochrane, . (1992). 5lmpsoo ooJ tbe Jookey. 1be mokloq of o leqeoJ. Melbourne: Melbourne
unlverslLy ress.
Cross, M. u. M. (2000). lssues ln Lhe cognlLlve developmenL of excepLlonally and profoundly glfLed
lndlvlduals. ln k. A. Peller, l. !. Monks, 8. !. SLernberg & 8. l. SuboLnlk (Lds.), lotetootloool booJbook of
teseotcb ooJ Jevelopmeot of qlfteJoess ooJ toleot (2nd ed., pp. 179-192 ). new ?ork: ergamon.
8ogers, k. 8. (2002). ke-fotmloq qlfteJ eJocotloo. Motcbloq tbe ptoqtom to tbe cbllJ. ScoLLsdale: CreaL
oLenLlal ress.
kaplan, S. n. (1993). 1he grld: A model Lo consLrucL dlfferenLlaLed currlculum for Lhe glfLed. ln !. S.
8enzulll (Ld.), 5ystems ooJ moJels fot Jeveloploq ptoqtoms fot tbe qlfteJ ooJ toleoteJ (pp. 180-193).
PlgheLL, vlc.: Pawker 8rownlow LducaLlon.
Maker, C. !. (1982). cottlcolom Jevelopmeot fot tbe qlfteJ. AusLln: ro-Ld.
nSW ueparLmenL of LducaLlon and 1ralnlng. (2003) Ooollty teocbloq lo N5w pobllc scbools. ulscossloo
popet. Sydney .
Sllverman, L. k. (1988). 1he glfLed and LalenLed. ln L. L. Meyen & 1. M. SkrLlc (Lds.), xceptloool cbllJteo
ooJ yootb (3rd ed., pp. 263-291). uenver, CC: Love ubllshlng.
1omllnson, C. A. & Allan , S. u. (2000). leoJetsblp fot Jlffeteotlotloq scbools ooJ closstooms. AlexooJtlo,
vA: ASCu.
van 1assel-8aska, !. (1988). comptebeoslve cottlcolom fot qlfteJ leotoets. 8osLon, MA.: Allyn & 8acon.
Wllllams, l. L. (1993). 1he cognlLlve-affecLlve lnLeracLlon model for enrlchlng glfLed programs. ln !. S.
8enzulll (Ld.), 5ystems ooJ moJels fot Jeveloploq ptoqtoms fot tbe qlfteJ ooJ toleoteJ (pp. 461-484).
PlgheLL, vlc.: Pawker 8rownlow LducaLlon.

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