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Home > Schools > School of Electronics Engineering (SENSE) > B.

Tech ECE
B.Tech Electronics and Communication Engineering
The School offers a 4 year bachelor degree program in Electronics and Communication
Engineering to prepare graduates with necessary technical knowledge and professional
skills needed to address the challenges in the rapidly growing filed of Electronics and
Communication Engineering and promote research in this area. This course is
accredited by IET (UK) and UGC, India.
Program Educational Objectives:
The graduates will utilize their expertise in engineering to solve industrys
technological problems
Graduates will be innovators and professionals in technology development,
technology deployment, and system implementation
Graduates will function in their profession with social awareness and
Graduates will interact with their peers in industry and society as engineering
professionals and leaders
Graduates will succeed in graduate studies and research
Graduates will be leaders in engineering, engineering management, applied
research, and education
Student Outcomes:
an ability to apply knowledge of mathematics, science, and engineering
an ability to design and conduct experiments, as well as to analyze and
interpret data
an ability to design a system, component, or process t o meet desired needs
within realistic constraints such as economic, environmental, social, political,
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ethical, health care and safety, manufacturability, and sustainability
an ability to function on multidisciplinary teams
an ability to identify, formulate, and solve engineering problems
an understanding of professional and ethical responsibility
an ability to communicate effectively
the broad education necessary to understand the impact of engineering
solutions in a global, economic, environmental, and societal context
a recognition of the need for, and an ability to engage in research and to
involve in life-long learning
a knowledge of contemporary issues
an ability to use the techniques, skills, and modern engineering tools
necessary for engineering practice.
University Core 31
Program Core 126
Program Elective 18
Total 181
Title of the course
1 ENG101 English for Engineers - I
3 0 0
English Proficiency
2 ENG102 English for Engineers-II
3 0 0
English for
3 Foreign Language
2 0 0
4 CHY104 Environmental Studies
3 0 0
5 CSE101
Computer Programming
and Problem Solving
2 0 2
6 MAT101
Multivariable calculus
and Differential Equations
3 1 0
6 MAT101
and Differential Equations 4
7 PHY101 Modern Physics
3 0 2
8 CHY101 Engineering Chemistry
2 1 2
9 MGT301 Ethics and Values
3 0 0
10 ECE498
- - -
Title of the course L T P C Prerequisites
1 MEE101 Engineering Graphics 0 0 4 2 None
2 MEE102 Workshop Practice 0 0 2 1 None
PHY102 /
Material Science /
Semiconductor Device
3 0 0 3 /
3 0 0 3
PHY101 /
4 MAT105
Differential and
Difference Equations
3 1 0 4 MAT101
5 MAT201
Complex variables and
Partial Differential
3 1 0 4 MAT105
6 EEE105
Basic Electrical
3 1 0 4 None
7 ECE101
Electron Devices and
3 0 2 4 PHY104 / PHY102
8 CSE102
Data Structures and
3 0 2 4 CSE101
9 EEE108 Network Theory 3 0 0 3 EEE105 / 101
10 ECE206 Signals and Systems 3 0 0 3 MAT101
11 ECE201
Probability Theory and
Random Process
3 0 0 3 EEE205 / ECE 206
12 ECE207
Analog Electronic
3 0 2 4 EEE102 / ECE101
13 ECE204 Analog Circuit Design 3 0 2 4 ECE207
13 ECE204 Analog Circuit Design 3 0 2 4 ECE207
14 ECE203 Modulation Techniques 3 0 2 4 ECE207
15 ECE208
3 0 0 3 None
16 EEE112 Digital Design 3 0 2 4 EEE102 / ECE101
17 ECE202
Transmission Lines and
3 0 0 3 ECE208
18 EEE226 Control Systems 3 0 2 4
EEE105 / 101
19 ECE303 Digital Signal Processing 3 0 2 4 EEE205 / ECE206
20 ECE304
Microcontroller &
3 0 2 4 EEE112
21 ECE306
Antennas and wave
3 0 0 3 ECE202
22 ECE306 Digital Communication 3 0 2 4 ECE203
23 ECE307
Information Theory and
3 0 0 3 ECE305
24 ECE308
3 0 0 3 ECE305
25 ECE401
Optical Communication
and Networks
2 0 0 2 ECE305
26 ECE402 Microwave Engineering 3 0 2 4 ECE306
27 ECE301 VLSI System Design 3 0 0 3 EEE112
28 ECE403
Wireless and Mobile
3 0 0 3 EEE305
29 Management Course - I 3 0 0 3 None
30 Management Course - II 3 0 0 3 None
31 Social Science 3 0 0 3 None
32 ECE499 Project Work

33 ECE399 In-plant Training 2
Title of the course
1 ECE205
Electrical and Electronic
3 0 0
Communication Switching
3 0 0
Computer Organization
and Architecture
3 0 0
4 Analog IC Design
3 0 0
5 Digital Image Processing
3 0 0
instrumentation &
3 0 0
7 Satellite Communication
3 0 0
Embedded System
3 0 0
Radar and Navigational
3 0 0
Statistical Signal
3 0 0
11 EEE204
Fundamentals and
3 0 0
Neural NW & Fuzzy
3 0 0
13 Digital System Design
3 0 0
Micro and Smart
Systems Technology
3 0 0
PHY102/ 104,
15 Robotics and Automation
3 0 0
Wireless Sensor
3 0 0
17 PHY201 Quantum Mechanics
3 0 0
PHY104 / 102
18 Nuclear Instrumentation
3 0 0
Microcontrollers (ARM,
3 0 0
20 EEE202 Opto Electronics
3 0 0
EEE102/ ECE101
21 Lidar and its applications
3 0 0
22 MAT205
Applied Numerical
3 1 0

23 EEE111 Electrical Technology
3 0 2
EEE105 / 101
VIT UNIVERSITY, Vellore - 632 014, Tamil Nadu, India
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Last Update: 07/03/2014
------------------------ Feedback | Credits
I year 1
semester subjects:
1. Engineering Chemistry
2. Computer Programming and Problem Solving
3. Basic Electrical Engineering
4. Effective English
5. Multivariable Calculus and Differential Equations
6. Workshop Practice
7. Semiconductor Physics

3 0 2 4
Version No. 1.1
Prerequisites: Basic Chemistry of 12
standard or equivalent.
- To impart technological aspects of modern chemistry
- To lay foundation for application of chemistry.
Expected Outcome
- Students will be familiar with the fundamentals of water technology, corrosion and its
control, Applications of polymers in domestic and engineering areas, types of fuels and
their applications, recent trends in electrochemical energy storage devices.
Unit I Water Technology 8 hours
Hardness of water : Hard and soft water, Units of Hardness (numerical problems).
Disadvantages of
Hard water:
Scale and sludge, Caustic embrittlement, Priming and foaming,
Boiler corrosion.
Estimation of
EDTA(numerical problems), Alkalinity (Priniciple, procedure
and estimation)
Softening methods: Internal conditioning: Phosphate, Calgon and Carbonate
conditioning. Lime soda (numerical problems), Zeolite, Ion
exchange, mixed bed deionizer. Treatment of municipal water.
Desalination: Desalination of brakish water - electrodialysis, reverse
Unit II Corrosion & corrosion control 8 hours
Corrosion: Types dry and wet corrosion, causes of corrosion Forms of
corrosion [Differential aeration, pitting, Galvanic(Galvanic
series)], Factors influencing corrosion, corrosioncontrol.
Corrosion control: Protective coatings Electroplating , Galvanising, Tinning,
Metal cladding Definition, Process and applications, Physical
& Chemical vapour deposition.
Unit III Industrial Polymers 8 hours
Classification of
Thermoplastics, thermosetting plastics: Industrial
Preparation, properties and applications of PVC,Teflon,Nylon-
6,6, Bakelite and Urea formaldehyde. Methods of degradation
of polymers.
Moulding of plastics
into articles :
Compression, Injection, transfer and extrusion methods.
Conducting Polymers: Mechanism of conduction using Poly acetylene as example:
Types of Conducting polymers
(intrinsic and extrinsic) with examples.
Unit IV Fuels and Combustion 8 hours
Fuels: Classification of fuels- solid, liquid and gaseous fuels: Calorific
value Defintion of LCV, HCV. Characteristic of a good
fuel.measurement of calorific value using bomb calorimeter
(numerical problems), Proximate and ultimate analysisi of coal
Combustion: Combustion - Calculation of air quantities for complete
combustion of fuel (problems)
Liquid Fuels: Cracking of crude oil, Knocking & anti-knocking for petrol and
diesel (octane number & cetane number).
Biofuels : Biodiesel sources and applications.
Unit V Electrochemical Energy systems 8 hours
energy systems:
Conventional Primary
Basic concepts of electrolytic and electrochemical cells .
Dry cell; Advanced Primary batteries - Lithium and alkaline
primary batteries
secondary batteries:
Advanced secondary
Lead-acid, Nickel-Cadmium secondary batteries
Nickel-Metal hydride and Lithium-ion secondary batteries
Fuel cells: Hydrogen-oxygen fuel cells - Solid oxide fuel cells.
Text books
1. P.C. Jain and M. Jain, Engineering Chemistry, Dhanpat Rai Publishing Co., NewDelhi,
Edition, 2006.
2. S. S. Dara, A Text book of Engineering Chemistry S. Chand & Co Ltd., NewDelhi, 11
Revised Edition, 2006.
Reference books
1. B.R. Puri and L.R. Sharma, Principles of Physical Chemistry, Vishal Publishing
Co., 27
Edition, 2004.
2. Kuriacose J.C. & Rajaram J, Chemistry in Engineering & Technology, Vol. 1, Tata
McGraw-Hill Publishing Company, New Delhi, 1996.
3. David Linden, Hand Book of batteries, McGraw Hill Publishers, Edition No.3,
Mode of Evaluation: Written Examinations, Seminar, Assignment,
Surprise tests, Quizzes.
Recommended by the Board of
studies on:
Date of approval
by the academic Council:
2 0 2 3
Version Course
Prerequisites: Nil
1. To provide an overview of computer algorithms and problem solving techniques
2. To introduce C Language that serves as a foundation for the study of different
programming languages.
Expected Outcome:
Students shall be able to
1. Apply the fundamental knowledge of computing algorithms appropriate to the
2. Analyze and design problems using various problems solving techniques
3. Formulate and solve computing problems using C programming language.
4. Apply algorithmic principles and current techniques for computing and engineering
Parts of a computer Overview of operating systems, compilers, interpreters and
programming languages. Algorithms for exchanging the values of two variables,
counting, summation of a set of numbers, factorial computation, sine function
computation, generation of the Fibonacci sequence, reversing the digits of an integer,
base conversion and character to number conversion.
Lexical elements Operators - Data types I/O statements Format specifications
Control statements Decision making and Looping.
Unit III ARRAYS 6 hours
Arrays handling in C Declaration single dimensional arrays, two dimensional
arrays, multi-dimensional arrays, sorting and searching on single and two dimensional
Character array string handling functions manipulation on strings.
Prototype Declaration - Arguments (formal and actual) Return type types of
functions, difference between built-in and user-defined functions, introduction to
pointers, passing parameters by value and reference, recursive functions, scope and life
time of variables storage classes.
Declarations - nested structures array of structures passing structure to functions -
union- difference between structure and union.
Text / Reference Books
1. Yeshawant Kanetkar, Let Us C, Jones & Bartlett Publishers, 11
Edition, 2008.
2. R.G. Dromey, How to Solve it by Computer, Prentice Hall of India, 2001.
3. Ashok Kamthane, Programming in C, 2
Edition, Pearson Education, 2001.
Mode of Evaluation Tests, Assignments, Seminars
Recommended by the
Board of Studies on
Date of Approval by the
Academic Council
Course Code:
3 1 0 4
Version No. 1.01
This course will provide the student with an overview of the most important concepts in
Electrical Engineering.
On the completion of this course the student will be able to:
Solve simple DC and AC circuits
Understand network theorems
Understand first order and second order circuits
Understand the basics of electromechanical machines and transformers
Understand the basics of measuring instruments
Unit I Elementary Circuit Analysis
Ohms Law, KCL, KVL, Node Voltage Analysis, Mesh Current analysis, Thevenins &
Nortons Equivalent circuits, Maximum Power Transfer and Superposition Theorems.
Unit II Transients
First-order RC Circuits, DC steady state, RL Circuits, RC and RL Circuits with general sources,
Second-order Circuits.
Unit III Steady State Sinusoidal analysis
AC circuits (single phase) : - RMS values, Average values, phasor representation of alternating
quantities, Steady State AC circuit analysis for R, L, C, RL, RC and RLC series and parallel
circuits, Series and parallel Resonance condition, AC power calculations. Introduction to three
phase systems and the concept of balanced and unbalanced load. Star and delta connections.
Measurement of three phase power.
Unit IV Magnetic circuits and Transformers
Magnetic Fields and Circuits, Self and Mutual Inductance, co-efficient of coupling and energy
concepts Introduction to Transformers and its working principle
Unit V
Electromechanical equipments
Principles of Rotating AC and DC Machines, classifications of motors and generators. Emf and
Torque in Electric Machines.
Unit VI Measuring Instruments:
Classification and types of Instruments
Text Books
1. Kothari D. P and Nagrath I. J ., Basic Electrical Engineering, third edition, Tata Mc
Graw Hill, 2009
2. Allan R. Hambley, Electrical Engineering-Principles & Applications by, Pearson
Education, First Impression, 2008
1. W. H. Hayt, J.E. Kemmerly and S. M. Durbin, Engineering Circuit Analysis, 6/e,
Tata McGraw Hill, New Delhi, 2002
2. Vincent Del Toro, Electrical Engineering Fundamentals, Prentice-Hall of India
Private Limited, New Delhi, 2
Edition ,2008
3. Charles K Alexander, Mathew N O Sadiku, Fundamentals of Electric Circuits,Tata
McGraw Hill, 2008.
4. E. Hughes, Electrical and Electronic technology , 9/e Pearson education, 2007
5. Fitzgerald, Higgabogan, Grabel, Basic Electrical Engg, 5
edn, McGraw Hill, 2009.
Mode of
Sessional Written CAT-I & II and Assignments
Final Written Term- End Examination (TEM)
by the Board of
Studies on
Date of Approval
by the Academic
19 AC
I B. Tech Effective English ENG001
Effective English
L T P C 3 0 0 3
Version No.: 2
Course Pre
to involve learners in participative learning
to introduce them technical communication and related skills.
Expected Outcome
Students are equipped with the required skills to take up English for Engineers I & II
Write flawless sentences
Course Description Theory
Unit No. 1 7 hrs
Listening - Activity Based : Telephonic conversation
Speaking- Narrating a short story from subjective point of view
Sentence Patterns
Dialogue writing
Unit No. 2 7 hrs
Listening- Activity Based : Asking for directions
Speaking Activity Based: Narrating a story from subjective point of view
Letter writing Informal letters
Unit No. 3 7 hrs
Listening- Activity Based : Listening to polite expressions
Speaking- Narrating a short story from objective point of view
Prefix & Suffix
Common Errors
Cloze test
Proceedings of the 26th Academic Council held on 18.5.2012
Unit No. 4 7 hrs
Listening- Activity Based : BBCNews / English by Indian speakers
Narrating a story from objective point of view
Picture-story writing
Conflicting proverbs
Letter writing Letter to the Editor
Unit No. 5 7 hrs
Listening- Activity Based : Listening to songs
Enacting short stories
Comprehension passages
Hints development
Short story
Text Books
Compiled and prepared by the English Division, SSL, VIT University
1. A Practical English Grammar, A.J.Thomson, A.V.Martinet, OUP, 2001
2. Strengthen Your Writing, V.R.Narayanswami, Orient Black Swan, 2009
3. English Grammar-An outline, Rodney Huddleston, CUP, 2009
4. A course in Listening & Speaking I, V.Sasikumar, P.Kiranmai Dutt, Geetha
Rajeevan, Foundation, 2010
5. Innovate With English, T.Samson, Foundation, 2010
Mode of Evaluation: Assignments/CAT I , II / Term End
Recommended by the
Board of Studies on: 14.05.2012
Date of Approval by
the Academic Council:
Proceedings of the 26th Academic Council held on 18.5.2012
MAT101 Multivariable Calculus and Differential Equations L T P C
3 1 0 4
Version No. 1.1
Prerequisites : 10+2 level Mathematics / Basic Mathematics (MAT001)
This Mathematics course provides requisite and relevant background necessary to
understand the other important engineering mathematics courses offered for Engineers
and Scientists. Three important topics of applied mathematics, namely the Multiple
integrals, Vector calculus, Laplace transforms which require knowledge of integration
are introduced.
Expected Outcome
At the end of this course the students are expected to learn
(i) how to evaluate multiple integrals in Cartesian, Cylindrical and Spherical
(ii) the powerful language of Vector calculus with physical understanding to deal
with subjects such as Fluid Dynamics and Electromagnetic fields.
(iii) to solve ordinary differential equations directly and also use transform methods
where its possible
Unit 1 Mutivariable Calculus 9L+3T hours
Functions of two variables-limits and continuity-partial derivatives total differential
Taylors expansion for two variablesmaxima and minimaconstrained maxima and
minima-Lagranges multiplier method- Jacobians
Unit 2 Mutiple Integrals 9L+3T hours
Evaluation of double integralschange of order of integration change of variables
between cartesian and polar co-ordinates- evaluation of triple integrals-change of
variables between cartesian and cylindrical and spherical polar co-ordinates-beta and
gamma functionsinterrelation-evaluation of multiple integrals using gamma and beta
functions-error function-properties.
Unit 3 Vector Calculus 9L+3T hours
Scalar and vector valued functions - gradientphysical interpretation-total derivative
directional derivative-divergence and curl physical interpretations-Statement of vector
identities - scalar and vector potentials-line, surface and volume integrals- Statement of
Greens , Stokes and Gauss divergence theorems -verification and evaluation of vector
integrals using them.
Unit 4 Ordinary Differential Equations 9L+3T hours
Linear higher order ordinary differential equation with constant coefficients solutions
of homogenous and non homogenous equations- method of undetermined coefficients
method of variation of parameters equations reducible to linear equations with
constant coefficients
Proceedings of the 26th Academic Council held on 18.5.2012
Unit 5 Laplace Transforms 9L+3T hours
Definition-Laplace transforms of functions-properties of Laplace transforms-initial and
final values theorems-inverse transforms-transforms of periodic functions-convolution
theoremstep functions, impulse functionsthe solution of differential equations.
Text Books
1. Erwin Kreyszig, Advanced Engineering Mathematics, 9
Edition, Wiley India Pvt. Ltd.
(2011).Topics in the Chapters:-2,5,8,9,10
Reference Books
1. B. S. Grewal, Higher Engineering Mathematics, 40
Edition. Khanna Publications,
2. G.B.Thomas and R.L.Finney, Calculus and analytical geometry, 9
Edition, Pearson
Education, 5
Indian Reprint, (2002).
3. Peter V. O Neil Advanced Engineering Mathematics, 5
Edition, Thomson, Book/Cole.
Mode of Evaluation
Recommended by the Board
of studies
Date of approval by the
Academic council
MEE102 Workshop Practice L T P C
0 0 2 1
Version No : 1.10
Pre requisite : Nil
1. To train the students in metal joining process like welding, soldering, etc.
2. To impart skill in fabricating simple components using sheet metal.
3. To cultivate safety aspects in handling of tools and equipment.
Expected Outcomes
On completion of this course, the students will be able to
1. Welding and soldering operations.
2. Fabrication of simple sheet metal parts.
Unit I Welding Shop
1. Instruction of BI standards and reading of welding drawings.
2. Butt Joint
3. Lap Joint
4. TIG Welding
5. MIG Welding
Unit II Sheet Metal Shop
1. Making of Cube
2. Making of Cone using development of surface.
3. Making of control panel using development of surface.
Unit III Soldering Shop
1. Soldering and desoldering of Resistor in PCB.
2. Soldering and desoldering of IC in PCB.
3. Soldering and desoldering of Capacitor in PCB.
Unit IV Bosch Tools
Demonstration of all BOSCH TOOLS
Workshop Manual prepared by VIT staff
Mode of Evaluation : Tutorials / Class Tests / Lab Exam.
Recommended by the Board of Studies on : 23.03.13
PHY104 Semiconductor Device Physics L T P C
3 0 0 3
Version No.
Course Prerequisites/ Co
requisites/ antirequisites : PHY101
The aim is to understand the basic concepts behind the Semiconductor.
Students will learn semiconductor material and device fundamentals from this subject
which will help them to get control of semiconductor devices and circuits in future.
Unit No. 1 Semiconductor Fundamentals 10 hours
Formation of energy bands and band diagrams, Fermi level and Density of States,
Effective mass, Direct and indirect band gap. Electrons and holes, doping, Intrinsic and
extrinsic semiconductors, Elemental and compound semiconductor, Carriers
generation, recombination and injection of carriers.
Unit No. 2 Carrier Transport Phenomena 9 hours
Basic governing equations in semiconductors, Drift and diffusion of carriers, Carrier
Scattering, Ionized impurity and Phonon scattering, Theory of conductivity, Carrier
mobility, Thermal Effect, Transport Equations, Hall effect.
Unit No. 3 Junction Theory 9 hours
PN Junctions, Formation of J unction, Contact potential and Space Charge Phenomena, I-
V relationships, Breakdown phenomena- Zener and Avalanche processes, Quasi Fermi
Level, Biasing of PN Junctions, Bi-polar Junction Transistor.
Unit No. 4
MetalSemiconductor Junction 8 hours
Flat band diagram and built-in potential, Full depletion analysis, Junction capacitance,
Metal-Semiconductor contacts: Ohmic contacts, Schottky contacts, MOSFET, MESFET
Unit No. 5
Technology of semiconductor devices 9 hours
Fabrication of semiconductor devices, Power switching devices - SCRs, CTOs, Basic
principles of ICs - bi-polar, MOS and CMOS types.
Text Books:
1. Kanaan Kano, Semiconductor Devices, PHI, 2005.
2. Ben G Streetman, Solid State Electronic Devices, Prentice Hall of India, 1997.
3. M. S. Tyagi, Introduction to semiconductor materials and devices, John Wiley & Sons,
4. D. A. Neamen, Semiconductor physics and devices. 3
Edition, McGraw-Hill, 2003.
1. SZE, Physics of semiconductor, John Wiley, 2007.
2. Robert F Pierret, Semiconductor Device Fundamentals, Pearson Education, 2006.
Mode of Evaluation: Written examinations, assignments, seminar,
surprise test
Recommended by the Board of
Studies on
Date of Approval by the Academic


I year 2
semester subjects:
1. Environmental Studies
2. Data Structures and Algorithms
3. Electron Devices and Circuits
4. English for Engineers-1
5. Differential and Difference Equations
6. Engineering Graphics
7. Modern Physics

Version No. 2.00
Course Prerequisites: None
1. To make students understand and appreciate the unity of life in all its forms, the
implications of life style on the environment.
2. To broaden the understanding of global climate changes and the importance of
renewable sources of energy.
3. To give students a basic understanding of the major causes of environmental
degradation on the planet, with specific reference to Indian situation
4. To inspire students to find ways in which they can contribute personally and
professionally to prevent and rectify environmental problems
Expected Outcome:
Students will be able to:
1. Understand the need for eco-balance.
2. Acquire basic knowledge about global climate change with a particular reference to the
Indian context.
3. Find ways to protect the environment and play pro-active roles
Unit No. 1 Environment and Natural Resources 9 hours
Definition, scope, importance; need for public awareness on natural resources Air, Water
and Land.
Forest resources use, exploitation, causes and consequences of deforestation. Water
resources use of surface and subsurface water; dams - effect of (floods shifted to
third unit under disaster management), drought, water conflicts. Land resources
Land degradation, (landslides -shifted to third unit under disaster management), soil
erosion and desertification. Energy resources renewable and non- renewable
sources. Indian Case studies for all the resources.
Unit No. 2 Ecosystemand Biodiversity 9 hours
Concept of ecosystem - Structure and function of an ecosystem, producers,
consumers and decomposers, Food chains, food webs. Energy flow- ecological pyramids
and ecological succession. Bio diversity: Definition, levels of biodiversity genetic
biodiversity GM Crops. Species and ecosystem
diversity values of biodiversity. Bio-geographical classification of India, hotspots, threats
to biodiversity - Case study. Conservation of bio-diversity.
Unit No. 3 Environmental changes and remediation 11 hours
Definition and Causes. Pollution effects and control measures of air, noise, water and soil.
Thermal and nuclear hazards. Solid waste management: causes, effects and control
measures of urban and industrial wastes. Case studies for all pollutions - Disaster
management: Floods, earthquakes, cyclones, tsunami, tornados and landslides
casestudies. Global climate change and greenhouse effect Kyoto Protocol, carbon
credits, carbon sequestration, clean development mechanisms. Ozone depletion
problem Montreal Protocol. Acid rain.
Unit No. 4 Social Issues and the Environment Number of hours: 9
Urban problems related to energy and sustainable development - Water conservation,
rain water harvesting, watershed management, problems related to rehabilitation
case studies Wasteland reclamation Consumerism and waste products -
Environment Protection Act, Air, Water, Wildlife, Forest Conservation Acts,
Environmental legislation and public awareness.
Unit No. 5 Human Population and the Environment 7 hours
Population growth, variation among nations, population explosion, Family Welfare
Programme, environment andhuman health Human rights andlaws pertaining to
environment, value education, HIV/ AIDS, women andchildwelfare Roleof information
technology Case studies.
Text Books
1. G. Tyler Miller Jr. and Scott Spoolman (2011), Environmental Science, 13
Edition, Brooks/Cole.
2. Anubha Kaushik and C.P. Kaushik (2008), Environmental Science and Engineering,
Edition, New Age International.
1. Keerthinarayana and Daniel Yesudian (2004), Environmental Science and
Engineering, 1
Edition, Hi-Tech Publications.
2. Erach Bharucha (2005), Text Book of Environmental Studies, Universities Press
(India) Pvt. Ltd.
3. G.M. Masters (2004), Introduction to Environmental Engineering and
Science, Pearson Education Pvt Ltd.
Mode of Evaluation: Written examinations/Assignments/Seminars/ Quiz.
Recommended by the Board of Studies on:
Date of Approval by the Academic Council:
CSE102 Fundamentals of Data Structures and Algorithms
Version No. : 1.0
Course Prerequisites: Computer Programming and Problem Solving
3 0 2 4
The course aims to introduce the concept of arrays, recursion, stack, queue, linked list, trees and
graph data structures.
Expected Outcome
On completion of subject the students will be able to apply
The concept of arrays, structures pointers and recursion
The concepts of stack, queue and linked list concepts
Trees, representation of trees, tree traversal and basic operations on trees to any algorithm
Some of the sorting and searching techniques
The concept of graphs, traversal techniques and minimum spanning tree
Unit 1 Advanced C Programming Concepts INTRODUCTION TO DATA STRUCTURES
Pointers in C - Arrays in C - One dimensional array - Passing Array as parameters - Two
dimensional array -Structures in C - Implementing structures - Passing Structure as parameters -
Allocation of storage and scope of variables. Recursive definition and processes: Factorial
function - Fibonacci sequence - Recursion in C - Efficiency of recursion.
Unit 2 Introduction to basic Data Structures STACK, QUEUE AND LINKED LIST
Abstract Data Types - Stack definition and examples Array Implementation of Push and pop
operation - Stack Applications. Queue Array Implementation of enqueue and dequeue
operations - Queue Application: Priority queue - Array implementation of priority queue. List,
Stack, Queue - Singly linked implementation.
Unit 3 TREES
Introduction to Trees - Terminologies - Binary trees: Operations on binary trees - Applications
of binary trees - Binary tree representation - Node representation of binary trees - Implicit array
representation of binary tree Linked Representation of Binary trees - Binary tree traversal
-Binary Search Trees- Counting the number of nodes in a BST - Searching for an element in
BST - Deleting a node from BST.
General background of sorting, Efficiency considerations, Notations, Efficiency of sorting.
Exchange sorts: Bubble sort; Quick sort; Selection sort; Heap sort. Heap as a priority queue -
Insertion sorts: Simple insertion - Shell sort - Merge sort -Sequential search: Indexed sequential
search - Binary search.
Introduction to Graphs - Terminologies - Array representation of graphs - Transitive closure -
Warshalls algorithm Linked representation of graphs - Dijkstras algorithm - Graph traversal -
Traversal methods for graphs - Undirected graph and their traversals - Depth first traversal -
Application of depth first traversal - Breadth first traversal - Applications of BFS - Applications
of Graphs - Minimum spanning tree - Prim's Algorithm - Kruskals algorithm.
1. P. S. Deshpande, O. G. Kakde, 'C & Data Structures', Charles River Media Computer
Engineering, 2004.
Reference Books
1. E. Balagurusamy, Programming in Ansi C, Second Edition, Tata McGraw Hill Publication,
2. Robert L. Kruse, Bruce P. Leung Clovis L. Tondo, Data Structures and Program Design in
C, Pearson Education, 2000 / PHI.
Mode of Evaluation: Sessional Written CAE-I & II and Assignments & Attendance
Final Written Term - End Examination (TEM)
Recommended by the Board of Studies on:
Date of approval by the Academic Council:
CSE102 Fundamentals of Data Structures and Algorithms Laboratory
1. Array Implementation
a) Stack
b) Queue
c) List
d) Priority Queue
e) Circular Queue
2. Linked Implementation
a) Stack
b) Queue
c) List
d) Priority Queue
3. Applications of linear data structures
a) Infix to Postfix conversion
b) Expression evaluation
4. Trees
a) Binary Tree Implementation
b) BST implementation
5. Graphs
a) Breadth first searching (BFS)
b) Depth first searching (DFS)
6. Sorting techniques
a) Bubble sort
b) Selection Sort
c) Insertion Sort
d) Shell Sort
e) Merge sort
c) Quick sort
7. Searching techniques
a) Binary search
b) Linear search
c) Indexed Sequential Search
Mode of Evaluation: Record Book, Viva- Voce and Term End Exam.
ECE101 Electron Devices and Circuits L T P C
3 0 2 4
Version No.: 1.20
Prerequisite: PHY104
To give the students a solid background of solid state devices.
To apply that knowledge to understand and develop simple electronic circuits.
To design amplifiers under different configurations and study their parameters
To study the devices under low frequency for small signals
To simulate the above using soft tools and compare their output with hard-wired circuitry.
Expected Outcome
Demystification of Electronics.
Ability to use it as a tool to solve real life problems.
Gain full confidence to work with devices in various types of circuits.
Unit I Diodes
Semiconductor Materials and Properties, the p-n Junction, The ideal diode, Terminal
characteristics of junction diodes, Modeling diode forward characteristics, Revere breakdown
region Zener diode, Rectifier circuits, Limiting and clamping circuits, Physical operation of
diodes, Special diodes.
Unit II The Bipolar Junction Transistor
Device structure and physical operation, current voltage characteristics, the BJT as an amplifier
and a switch, DC Analysis of BJT Circuits, Biasing BJT Amplifier Circuits.
Unit III BJT Amplifiers
Small Signal operations and models, transconductance, input resistances, voltage gain, hybrid-
model, T-model, Small Signal equivalent circuit, Early effect, Single stage BJT amplifiers CE, CB,
CC, Comparison.
Unit IV The MOS Field Effect Transistors
Device structure and physical operation, current voltage characteristics, the MOSFET as an
amplifier and a switch, DC Analysis of MOSFET Circuits, Biasing MOSFET Amplifier Circuits.
Unit V MOSFET Amplifiers
Small Signal operations and models, transconductance g
, T equivalent circuit model, Body
effect, Single stage MOS amplifiers Amplifier Configuration, Common Source, Source Follower,
Common Gate Configuration,: Summary and Comparison of the three Basic Amplifier
Configurations, Summary and comparison
1. Adel S. Sedra, Kenneth C. Smith & Arun N. Chandorkar, Microelectronic Circuits,: Theory and
Applications, 5/e, OUP, Chennai, 2009
2. D. A. Neamen, Electronic Circuit Analysis and Design , 3/e, Tata McGraw-Hill, New Delhi,
Reference Books
1. A. P. Malvino, D. J. Bates, Electronic Principles, 7/e, Tata McGraw-Hill, New Delhi, 2006.
2. R. L. Boylestad and L. Nashelsky Electronic Devices and Circuit Theory 10/e, Pearson
Education, Delhi, 2008.
3. D. A. Bell, Electronic Devices and Circuits , 6/e, Prentice Hall of India, New Delhi, 2008.
4. T. F. Boghart, J. S. Beasley and G. Rico, Electronic Devices and Circuits , Pearson Education,
6/e, Delhi, 2004.
5. B G. Streetman and S. Banerjee, Solid State Electronic Devices , Pearson Education, Delhi, 2002.
Mode of Evaluation: CAT- I & II, Quizzes, Assignments/ other tests, Term End
ECE101 Electron Devices and Circuits Lab
1. PN Junction diode characteristics
2. Zener diode characteristics
3. Full wave Rectifier
4. Full wave Rectifier with capacitor filter.
5. Clipper
6. Clamper
7. Transistor CB characteristics (Input and Output)
8. Transistor CE characteristics (Input and Output)
9. Transistor as an amplifier (CE)
10. Emitter Follower (CC)
11. FET characteristics
12. UJT Characteristics.
Common for I MS and I B.Tech Courses
English for Engineers I L T P C
2 0 2 3
Version No.: 2
Course Pre
Can use the English language effectively with proper grammar and vocabulary to
suit the needs of the present world.
Can differentiate various forms of writing according to the situation and tone.
Can be aware of cross cultural communication
Expected Outcome
The learners will be efficient in the English language with the development of the
four skills of communication LSRW
Course Description Theory
Unit No. 1 6 hrs
Nature, process and barriers of communication
Time, tense and tense consistency
E-mail Etiquette
Writing Effective Sentences-sentence coherence, length, avoiding ambiguity and
thematic emphasis
Unit No. 2 6 hrs
Use of voice (Impersonal passive)
Writing formal letters (Call for quotations, Placing orders)
Types of communication: Intra-personal, Interpersonal, Group-verbal and non-
verbal communication
Unit No. 3 6 hrs
Indian English
Describing a process
Writing Definitions
Letter Writing-Letter of Complaint and Apology
Unit No. 4 6 hrs
Cross-cultural Communication
Paragraph writing Coherence- Jumbled Sentences
Paragraph: Definition. Identifying the Topic Sentence. Order (Examples, reasoning,
cause & effect, compare & contrast)
Managing Paragraphs (Using Connectors)
Unit No. 5 6 hrs
Reading Skills - Scanning , Skimming , Intensive Reading , Word meaning and
Cloze Test
Use of prepositions
Text Books
Compiled and prepared by the English Division, SSL, VIT University
Rizvi,M.Ashraf, Effective Technical Communication, Tata McGraw Hill, 2006
Ibbotson,Mark, Cambridge English for Engineering, Cambridge University Press,
Technical Communication Today Second Edition
Authors: Richard Johnson-Sheehan
Cross Talk: Communicating in a Multicultural Work place
Authors: Sherron Kenton & Deborah Valentine
Publisher: Prentice Hall (Sep 1996)
Business Across Cultures: Effective Communication Strategies
Authors: Laura M English, Sarah Lynn
Publisher: Addison Wesley Longman
Mode of Evaluation:
Recommended by the Board of
Studies on:
Date of Approval by the
Academic Council:
MAT105 Differential and Difference Equations L T P C
3 1 0 4
Version No. 1.1
MAT101Multivariable Calculus and Differential Equations
This course is designed to give a comprehensive coverage at an introductory level to the
subject of ordinary differential equations and difference equations. Matrix methods and
eigenvalue problems are integrated in to the course. Sufficient emphasis is laid on
mathematical modeling and analysis of simple engineering problems.
Expected Outcome
At the end of this course, the students are expected to know how to model simple
physical problems in the form of a differential and difference equations, analyze and
interpret the solutions. Further the students are expected to acquire necessary
background in matrix methods and Eigenvalue problems so as to appreciate their
importance to engineering systems.
Unit 1 Matrix methods to Linear Differential Equations 9 + 3 hours
The eigen value problem- eigen values and eigen vectors - properties of eigen values
and eigen vectors-Cayley-Hamilton theorem and its applications- symmetric matrices -
similarity of matrices - diagonalisation of a real symmetric matrix-quadratic
form.Solution of equations of type X
+ AX=0 - reduction of nth order equation to a
system of first order equations by diagonalization.
Unit 2 Power Series Solutions 9 + 3 hours
The Strum-Liouville Problem-orthogonality of eigen functions- Bessels and Legendres
equations- power series solutions method of Frobenius.
Unit 3 Fourier Series 9 + 3 hours
Fourier series -Eulers formulae- Dirichlets conditions - change of interval- half range
series RMS value Parsevals identity computation of harmonics.
Unit 4 Difference Equations and Ztransforms 9 + 3 hours
Difference equation-first and second order difference equations with constant
coefficients-Fibonacci sequence-solution of difference equations-complementary
functions - particular integrals by the method of undetermined coefficients. Z-
transform-relation between Z-transform and Laplace transforms - Z-transforms of
standard functions-inverse Z-transforms :by partial fraction method, by convolution
method- solution of simple difference equations using Z-transforms.
Unit 5 Applications of Differential Equations 9 + 3 Hours
First order equations: Newtons law of cooling radioactive decay, L-R and C-R
circuits-Equation of motion for a particle in gravitational field Terminal velocity.
Second order equations: Free un-damped and damped vibrations, Forced oscillations-
Resonance phenomenon, series LCR circuit - Model of a vibrating systems with two
masses Solutions by matrix methods.
Text Books
1. Erwin Kreysizing, Advanced Engineering Mathematics, 8
Edition, John Wiley & Sons,
(Wiley student Edison)(2011).Topics in the Chapters 2,4,7,10
2. B.S.Grewal, Higher Engineering Mathematics, 40
Edition. Khanna Publications
3. Michale D. Greenberg, Advanced Engineering Mathematics, 2
Edition, Pearson
Education, First Indian reprint (2002).
4. Peter V. O Neil, Advanced Engineering Mathematics, 5
Edition, Thomson, Book/Cole
Mode of Evaluation
Recommended by the Board of Studies on 120512
Date of approval by the
Academic Council
(Common for all B.Tech Students)
0 0 4 2
Version No. 1.10
Prerequisite -
1. To create awareness and emphasize the need for Engineering Graphics in all the
branches of engineering.
2. To follow basic drawing standards and conventions.
3. To develop skills in three-dimensional visualization of engineering component.
4. To develop an understanding of 2D and 3D drawings using the SolidWorks
Expected Outcome:
On completion of this course, the students will be able to
1. Prepare drawings as per standards (BIS).
2. Solve specific geometrical problems in plane geometry involving lines, plane
figures and special Curves.
3. Produce orthographic projection of engineering components working from
pictorial drawings.
Prepare 2D Drawings using the SolidWorks software.
Unit I Introduction
Introduction to Engineering Graphics Geometrical Construction Conics and Special
Unit II Free Hand Sketching and Dimensioning
Free hand Sketching Dimensioning Principles.
Unit III Orthographic Projection Points and Lines
Orthographic Projection Projection of Points and lines.
Unit IV Orthographic Projection Solids
Orthographic Projection Projection of solids in simple position, Axis Inclined to one
Unit V Orthographic Projection Objects
Conversion of Pictorial view into Orthographic projections.
1. Venugopal K and Prabhu Raja V, Engineering Graphics, New AGE International
Publishers, 2007.
2. CAD Manual prepared by VIT staff.
Reference Books
1. Bhatt N. D., Engineering Drawing, Charotar publishing House, 1998.
2. French and Vierk, Fundamentals of Engineering Drawing, McGraw Hill, 2002.
3. Natarajan, K. V., Engineering Graphics, Dhanalakshmi Publishers, 2006.
Mode of Evaluation Tutorials / Class Tests / Lab Exam
Recommended by the Board of Studies on: 31-10-2009
Date of Approval by the Academic Council: 27-11-2009
30 % Manual Practice and 70% CAD Practice
PHY101 Modern Physics L T P C
3 0 2 4
Version No. 2.0
Course Prerequisites/ Corequisites/ antirequisites :
To enable the students to understand the basics of the latest advancements in Physics,
viz., Quantum Mechanics, Nanotechnology, Lasers, Wave Theory and Fiber Optics.
Expected Outcome:
At the end of the course, students will acquire the necessary knowledge about modern
physics and its applications in various engineering and technology disciplines.
Unit 1 Quantum Physics 18 hours
Black body radiation Limitations of Classical theory - Basic idea of quantization-
Plancks radiation formula - Compton effect, experimental verification-Davison-Germar
Experiment -Dual nature of electron magnetic radiation - de Broglie waves Heisenberg
uncertainty principle Wave function and Schrdinger equation (time independent and
dependent ) particle in a box (ID)-Eigen values and eigen function- Quantum
mechanical tunneling (derivation) - Scanning tunneling microscope - Quantum
confinement: Introduction to Nanomaterials- Moores Law properties of
nanomaterials Quantum well Wire Dot carbon nanotube; Applications of
nanotechnology in sensors.
Unit 2 Laser Physics 12 hours
Laser characteristics- Spatial and temporal coherence Principle Einsteins
coefficients significance population inversion two level, three level, four level
systems laser threshold condition Components of laser modes (transverse and
longitudinal) He-Ne CO2 laser Nd:YAG Excimer laser dye laser- Applications of
lasers- Compact disc- writing and reading Blue ray discs- Holography recording and
reconstruction .
Unit 3 Electromagnetic Wave Propagation 15 hours
Maxwell`s equations (Qualitative) Wave equation (derivation) EM waves Phase
velocity Group velocity Group index- wave guide theory- rectangular wave guide (TE
and TM modes)- Light propagation through fibers (TEM mode) Acceptance angle
numerical aperture types of fibers step index, graded index single mode,
multimode attenuation dispersion intermodal intramodal application of fiber
optics in communication source LED Laser diode Detector pn pin photodiode
endoscope .
Text Books:
1. Modern Physics, Raymond A. Serway, Clement J. Mosses, Curt A. Moyer, Cengage
learning (3
Indian Edition 2010).
2. Laser Systems and Applications, Nityanand Choudhary and Richa Verma, PHI
Learning Private Limited 2011.
3. Introduction to Fiber Optics, Ajoy Ghatak and K. Thyagarajan, Cambridge University
Press (2010)
4. Microwave devices and circuits-second edition-Samuel Y.Liao Pearson Education-
New Delhi
1. Concepts of Modern Physics, Arthur Beiser, Tata McGraw Hill,
2. Modern Physics for Scientists and Engineers, John R. Taylor, Chris D. Zafiratos and
Michael A. Dubson, PHI Learning Private Limited 2011.
3. Modern Physics, Kenneth Krane, Wiley, Indian Edition, 2010.
4. Modern Physics, Stephen T. Thornton and Andrew Rex, Cengage learning, First
Indian Reprint 2008
5. The essentials understanding nanoscience and nanotechnology, J. Pradeep, Tata
McGraw-Hill Publishing Company Ltd., 2007.
6. Solid State Physics (New Revised Sixth Edition), S. O. Pillai, New Age International
Publishers, 2010.
7. Lasers: Principles and Applications by J. Wilson and J. F. B. Hawkes, Prentice Hall.
8. Lasers and Optical Instrumentation, S. Nagabhushana and B. Sathyanarayana, I. K.
International Publishing House Pvt. Ltd., 2010.
9. Principles of Electromagnetics, Matthew N. O. Sadiku, Fourth Edition, Oxford, 2010.
10. Fiber Optic Communications Technology, Djafar K. Mynbaev and Lowell L. Scheiner,
Pearson 2011.
Mode of Evaluation: Written examinations, assignments, seminar,
surprise test
Recommended by the Board of
Studies on
Date of Approval by the Academic


year 1
semester subjects:
1. Digital Logic Design
2. Signals and Systems
3. Analog Electronic Circuits
4. Engineering Electromagnetics
5. Network Theory
6. Optoelectronics
7. Complex Variables and Partial Differential Equations

ECE103 Digital Logic Design L T P C
3 0 2 4
Version No.: 1.10
Prerequisite: ECE101 Electron Devices and Circuits
Establish a strong understanding of the principles of Digital Design.
Provide Understanding of number systems and Boolean algebra.
Represent logical functions in Canonical form and standard forms.
Develop the Knowledge of combinational and sequential circuits design.
Enable the student to design and implement their circuits
Expected Outcome:
1. An ability to understand the basic number systems used in digital design
2. An ability to understand the basic principles of Boolean algebra
3. An ability to design and analyze combinational logic and sequential logic digital circuits
4. Develop state diagrams and algorithmic state machine charts methods of minimization of
next state transition tables, and strategies for state assignment.
5. An ability to design and analyze finite state machines.
6. An ability to design and implement Combinational and Sequential circuits using PLAs.
Unit I Number systems and Boolean algebra 3 hours
Brief review of Digital systems, Binary numbers, Number base conversions, Representation of
Negative Numbers, Complements, Binary arithmetic, Binary Codes for Decimal Numbers.
Basic Definitions, Axiomatic Definition of Boolean Algebra, Basic Theorems and Properties of
Boolean Algebra, Boolean Functions, Canonical and Standard Forms, Digital Logic Gates and
timing concepts.
Unit II Gate-Level Minimization 4 hours
The Map Method - K-map 4 variable, Product of Sums Simplification, NAND and NOR
Implementation, Other Two-Level Implementations. Review of , RTL, DTL, TTL, ECL, CMOS
Unit III VerilogHDL Coding Style 8 hours
Lexical Conventions - Ports and Modules Operators - Gate Level Modeling - System Tasks &
Compiler Directives - Test Bench - Data Flow Modeling - Behavioral level Modeling -Tasks &
Unit IV Design and Modeling of Combinational Logic Circuits using
15 hours
Analysis Procedure, Design Procedure, Binary Adder-Subtractor, Parallel Adder, Carry look
Ahead Adder, Binary Multiplier, Code Converters-Binary to Gray, Gray to Binary, BCD to
Excess-3 Code Conversion and vice versa, BCD to 7-segment code converter, Magnitude
Comparator-4 bit, Decoders, Encoders, Multiplexers, De-multiplexer, Parity generator and
Modeling of above combinational circuits using Verilog.
Unit V Sequential Logic 15 hours
Latches, Flip-Flops-SR, D, JK & T, realization of FFs, synchronous and asynchronous sequential
circuits-State table and state diagrams, State reduction, Shift Registers-SISO, SIPO, PISO,PIPO,
Design of counters-Modulo-n, Johnson, Ring, Up/Down, Design of Serial Adder, Serial
Multiplier, FSM, Mealy and Moore state machines - State minimization Sequence detection.
Modeling of above sequential circuits using Verilog.
1. M. Morris Mano, "Digital Design", 4
Edition, Prentice Hall of India Pvt. Ltd., 2012.
2. Samir Palnitkar, Verilog HDL: A Guide to Digital Design and Synthesis Prentice Hall,
Second Edition, 2009.
Reference Books
1. Charles H. Roth, Jr., "Fundamentals of Logic Design", 6
Edition, Brooks/Cole, 2009.
2. Thomas L. Floyd & R P Jain, Digital Fundamentals, PHI, 10
Edition, 2009.
3. Ronald J Tocci & Neal S. Widmer, Digital Systems, Principles and Applications,
edition, Pearson education, 2009.
4. Ronald J. Tocci & Neal S. Widmer, Digital Systems, Principles and Frank Vahid, Digital
Design, John Wiley and Sons, 2007.
Mode of Evaluation: CAT- I & II, Quizzes, Assignments/ other tests, Term End
ECE103 Digital Logic Design Lab
Prerequisite: ECE101 Electron Devices and Circuits
List of Experiments:
1. Verification of logic gates
2. Design of HA, FA, HS, FS.
3. MUX and De-MX (SOP, POS-Minimization)
4. Encoder and Decoder
5. Parity Generator and checker
6. Code Converters.
7. Verification of Flip Flops.
Software experiments ( Altera Quartus-II and Model Sim)
8. Modeling of HA, FA, HS, FS, MUX ,De-MUX, Encoder, Decoder and FF
9. Shift Registers and their types.
10. Counters and their typed.
11. Design of Sequential Circuit.
12. Sequence Detector.
ECE206 Signals and Systems L T P C
3 0 0 3
Version No.: 1.20
Prerequisite: MAT101 Multivariable Calculus and Differential Equations
Study of characteristics of fundamental signals like unit impulse, unit step, Ramp and
To study various operations on the signals.
Study of systems as linear, time invariant, causal and stable ones.
Introduction of concept of linear convolution and correlation for LTI systems.
Study of different forms and properties of Fourier transform.
Study of utility of Fourier transform for analysis of signals passed through systems.
Laplace Transform as a tool for analysis of continuous systems.
Z-transform as a tool for analysis of discrete systems.
Expected Outcome
1. Differentiate between various types of signals like unit impulse, unit step, ramp and
2. Understand the concepts of damped sinusoids and periodicity.
3. Study the concept of even and odd signals.
4. Study the concept of stability of a system.
5. Study the use of Fourier series and Fourier transform for analysis of continuous signals.
6. know about power spectral density of signals.
Unit I Continuous Time Signals
Signal classification Dirac delta Types of signals: unit step, ramp, sign and exponential
functions Operations on signals Analogy between vectors and signals Concept of linearly
dependent and independent vectors, Cauchy Swartz s inequality Orthogonality Mean square
error Computation of moments, energy, power, periodicity, L
, L
, and L

, Norms of signals
Fourier series Fourier transform and its properties Time-Bandwidth product Fourier
transform of periodic and power signals power and energy spectral densities Auto and cross
correlation of periodic and aperiodic signals.
Unit II Continuous Time Systems
Systems defined by differential equations-Classification of systems Linearity and time
invariance Transmission of signals through LTI systems Convolution Impulse response
Frequency response Ideal filters Distortion less transmission Bandwidth Rise time
Hilbert transform Pre and complex envelopes Band pass signals through band pass systems.
Unit III Discrete Time Signals and Systems
Continuous to Discrete signal conversion (sampling)-Unit impulse, step, ramp, and exponential
signals Periodicity of signals Operations on signals Linear Shift Invariant (LSI) system
Stability Causality Convolution and Correlation Linear constant coefficient difference
equation Impulse response Discrete time Fourier transform Properties Transfer function
System analysis using DTFT.
Unit IV The Z-Transform
Derivation and definition ROC Properties Linearity, time shifting, change of scale, Z-
domain differentiation, differencing, accumulation, convolution in discrete time, initial and final
value theorems Poles and zeros in Z-plane The inverse Z-transform System analysis
Transfer function - BIBO stability System response to standard signals Solution of difference
equations with initial conditions.
Unit V Laplace Transform
Definition ROC Properties Inverse Laplace transform the S-plane and BIBO stability
Transfer functions System response to standard signals Solution of differential equations
with initial conditions.
1. Alan V. Oppenheim, Alan S. Wilsky, with S. Hamid Nawab, "Signals and Systems", Prentice-
Hall of India, 2
Edition, 2010.
2. M.J.Roberts, "Signals and Systems", Tata McGraw-Hill, 2006.
Reference Books:
1. Simon Haykin Signals and Systems, John Wiley Pub. Ltd, New Delhi. 2008.
2. Simon Haykin, "Communication Systems", Wiley Eastern Ltd., New Delhi.
3. Ashok Ambardar, "Analog and Digital Signal Processing", Thomson Learning Inc.
4. B.P.Lathi, "Signals, Systems and Communications", B.S. Publications, 2006.
Mode of Evaluation: CAT- I & II, Quizzes, Assignments/ other tests, Term End
ECE207 Analog Electronic Circuits L T P C
3 0 2 4
Version No.: 1.20
Prerequisite: ECE101 Electron Devices and Circuits.
To build on EDC, the applications of amplifier Circuits at higher frequencies.
To introduce the concepts of negative and positive feedback.
To know the design of all relevant circuits.
Expected Outcome
A clear concept of linear electronic circuits
Comfort level in analyzing and designing different analog circuits.
Unit I BJT Internal Capacitances & High Frequency Model
Diffusion capacitance, B-E junction capacitance, C-B junction capacitance, high frequency
hybrid- model, cutoff frequency, frequency response of a CE amplifier, the three frequency
bands, high frequency response, low frequency response, unity gain bandwidth.
Unit II MOSFET Internal Capacitances & High Frequency Model
Gate capacitive effect, junction capacitances, high frequency model, unity gain frequency,
frequency response of a CS amplifier, the three frequency bands, high frequency response, low
frequency response, CMOS digital logic inverter, Depletion type MOSFET, JFET.
Unit III Power Amplifiers
Preview, Power Amplifiers, Power Transistors, Classes of Amplifiers, Class A Power Amplifiers,
Class AB Push-Pull Complementary Output Stages.
Unit IV Differential and Multistage Amplifiers
Preview, the Differential Amplifier, Basic BJT Differential Pair, Basic FET Differential Pair,
Differential Amplifier with Active Load, BiCMOS Circuits, Gain Stage and Simple Output Stage,
Diff-Amp Frequency Response.
Unit V Feedback and Oscillators
Introduction to Feedback, Basic Feedback Concepts, Ideal Feedback Topologies, Voltage
Amplifiers, Current Amplifiers, Transconductance Amplifiers, Transresistance Amplifiers, Loop
Gain, Stability of the Feedback Circuit, Frequency Compensation, Barkhausen Criterion, Hartley,
Colpitts, Wien Bridge, RCPhase Shift and Crystal Oscillators.
1. Adel S. Sedra, Kenneth C. Smith & Arun N. Chandorkar , Microelectronic Circuits,: Theory and
Applications, 5/e, OUP, Chennai, 2009
2. D. A. Neamen, Electronic Circuit Analysis and Design 3/e, Tata McGraw-Hill, New Delhi,
Reference Books
1. P. Malvino, D. J. Bates, Electronic Principles, 7/e, Tata McGraw-Hill, New Delhi, 2006.
2. R. L. Boylestad and L. Nashelsky Electronic Devices and Circuit Theory 10/e, Pearson
Education, Delhi, 2008.
3. A. Bell, Electronic Devices and Circuits, 6/e, Prentice Hall of India, New Delhi, 2008.
4. T. F. Boghart, J. S. Beasley and G. Rico, Electronic Devices and Circuits, Pearson Education,
6/e, Delhi, 2004.
Mode of Evaluation: CAT- I & II, Quizzes, Assignments/ other tests, Term End
ECE207 Analog Electronic Circuits Lab
Prerequisite: ECE102 Fundamentals of Electrical Engineering /
ECE101 Electron Devices and Circuits
List of Experiments:
I. Using Multisim:
1. Introduction to software tool Multisim for circuit simulation.
2. Single stage (CE, CC) amplifiers.
3. RC coupled amplifier.
4. Darlington Emitter follower
5. Voltage series feedback amplifier (FET, BJT)
6. RC phase shift oscillator
II. Hardware testing:
7. RC coupled amplifier
8. RC phase shift Oscillator
9. Class A, Class B power Amplifier Circuits.
10. Series and Shunt feedback amplifiers
11. Class B Complementary symmetry power amplifier
12. Single tuned amplifier.
ECE208 Engineering Electromagnetics L T P C
3 0 0 3
Version No.: 1.10
Prerequisite: -
Analyze the electric field intensity due to point, line, surface, volume charges
Define potential, gradient and solve capacitance problems
Relate the magnetic field intensity and current, force and torque and the Maxwells equations
in point form and integral form.
Develop the Boundary conditions between two different medium in electric and magnetic
Understand the uniform plane wave propagation from the time varying electric and magnetic
Expected Outcome:
1. Derive the electric flux density from the Gausss law and define potential and potential
2. Describe the current and current density from ohms law
3. Solve the capacitance problem using Poissons equations and Laplaces equations and the
boundary conditions from two different media of different dielectrics.
4. Solve the different problems on forces and torques on a closed circuit.
5. Explain the time varying electric and magnetic fields and plane wave propagation
Unit I Vector Calculus
Cartesian, cylindrical, and spherical coordinate systems Divergence, gradient, curl, and
Laplacian Divergence and Stokes' theorems.
Unit II Electrostatics
Coulomb's Law, electric field intensity Field due to continuous line, sheet, and volume charges
Electric flux density Gauss Law & it's applications Energy expended in moving a charge in
an electric field, potential & potential gradient Energy density in an electrostatic field
(qualitative study)
Current and Current Density Properties & boundary conditions of metallic conductors, and
method of images Properties & boundary conditions of semiconductors and dielectrics
Poisson's &Laplaces equations Uniqueness Theorem.
Unit III Magnetostatics
Biot-Savarts law, magnetic field intensity Amperes circuital law Magnetic flux and flux
density Magnetic scalar and vector potentials Force on a moving charge (Lorentz force),
force on a differential current element, and force between differential current elements (Ampere
force law) Boundary conditions Potential energy and forces on magnetic materials
Inductance and mutual inductance.
Unit IV Maxwells Equations & Time-Varying Electromagnetic Fields
Faradays law Displacement current Maxwells equations in point and integral forms.
Plane waves in free space, perfect & lossy dielectrics, and good conductors Power and
Poynting vector Reflection of a plane wave at normal incidence (both conducting and dielectric
boundaries) Wave polarization: linear, elliptic, and circular polarizations.
1. Mathew O Sadiku, Elements of Electromagnetics, Oxford University press, 4/e, New
York, 2006.
2. William Hayt and John Buck Engineering Electromagnetics, 7/e, Tata McGraw Hill, New
Delhi, 2007.
Reference Books:
1. Jordan &Balmain Electromagnetic wave Radiating Systems, Prentice Hall of India.
2. D K Cheng, Field and wave Electromagnetics,2/e, Addison Wesley, 2004.
3. John D Kraus, Electromagnetics, McGraw Hill, NewYork, 2003.
Mode of Evaluation: CAT- I & II, Quizzes, Assignments/ other tests, Term End
Course Code:
3 0 0 3
Version No. 1.1
This course will provide the student with an advanced understanding of network analysis.
On the completion of this course the student will be able to:
Apply network theorems to AC circuits
Use Laplace Transformto solve for circuit response
Calculate two-port network parameters
Apply Fourier Series to calculate network response
Design simple filters
Unit I Sinusoidal Steady-State Analysis
Nodal and Mesh analysis, Network Theorems.
Unit II Circuit Analysis in the s-domain-
Reviews of Laplace transform, Notions of Impedance and admittance. Poles, zeros and transfer
functions, complex- frequency plane, circuits in the s-domain.
Unit III Two- Port Networks
One port Networks, Two port admittance parameters, Admittance parameter analysis of
terminated two ports, Two port Impedance parameters, Impedance and gain calculations of
terminated two ports modeled by z parameters, Hybrid parameters, Generalized two-port
parameters, transmission parameters, Reciprocity, Parallel, series and cascade connections of
Unit IV Fourier method of Waveform analysis:
Trigonometric Fourier series, Exponential Fourier series, waveform symmetry, line spectrum,
waveform synthesis, Effective values and power, Applications in circuit analysis, Fourier
transformof Non periodic waveforms, Properties of the Fourier transform, continuous spectrum
Unit V
Principles of Basic Passive Filtering
First order low pass filters, first order high pass filters and second order filters.
Text Books
1. J. Edminister and M. Nahvi, Electric Circuit, 3/e, Tata McGraw Hill, New
Delhi, 2002.
2. R. A. DeCarlo and Pen-Min Lin Linear Circuit Analysis , 2/e, Oxford University Press,
New Delhi.
1. W. H. Hayt, J.E. Kemmerly and S. M. Durbin, Engineering Circuit Analysis, 6/e, Tata
McGraw Hill, New Delhi, 2002.
2. Charles K Alexander, Mathew N O Sadiku, Fundamentals of Electric Circuits, Tata
McGraw Hill, 2008.
3. James W.Nilsson, Susan A. Riedel, Electric Circuits Eighth Edition, Pearson Prentice
Hall, 2008.
Mode of
Sessional Written CAT-I & II and Assignments
Final Written Term- End Examination (TEM)
by the Board of
Studies on
Date of
Approval by
the Academic
19 AC
EEE202 Opto Electronics
3 0 0 3
Version No.: 1.10
Prerequisite: ECE101 Electron Devices and Circuits
To describe the wave nature of light and optical processes in semiconductors.
To introduce different structures and explain the construction and working of light emitting
diodes and analyze the performance.
To provide a deep insight on the emission processes, construction and working of various
types of semiconductor lasers.
To introduce different types of photo detectors, explain the constructions, working
principles and analyze their noise performances
To make them understand the use of optoelectronic components and fibers to construct an
optical communication system and analyze the coupling techniques, losses to improve long
haul transmissions.
Expected Outcome:
Student will be able to:
explain the wave nature of light and optical emissions in semiconductors
design circuits using optoelectronic components for various applications and analyze their
Identify the way to improve the use of optoelectronic components and their longevity.
To understand the use of components in telecommunication systems.
Unit I Introduction
Wave nature of light: Total internal reflection, refraction, principle of superposition,
Interference, diffraction, Review of semiconductor fundamentals: elemental and compound
semiconductors, band structure, direct and indirect band gap.
Unit II Optical Processes in Semiconductors
Recombination processes: Radiative, Non-radiative, Band-to-band recombination, Auger
recombination. Absorption in semiconductors, Franz-Keldysh and Stark effects, Kramers-
Kronig relations, radiation in semiconductors.
Unit III Light Emitting Diodes
Principle of action, LED materials, power and efficiency calculation, LED driver circuits,
spectral response, frequency response and modulation bandwidth. LED structures:
Homostructure, Heterostructure, surface emitting and edge emitting LEDs.
Unit IV Semiconductor LASERs
Basic Principle, concept of spontaneous and stimulated emission, population inversion, optical
feedback, threshold conditions. Einstein relation, Heterojunction Lasers, Distributed Feedback
Unit V Photodetectors
PN, P-i-N, Avalanche and Heterojunction photodiodes, phototransistors. Avalanche
multiplication process in APDs, quantum efficiency, responsivity, noise and gain calculation of
1. J. Wilson and JFB Hawkes, Optoelectronics an Introduction, PHI, 2001.
2. Pallab Bhattacharya, Semiconductor Optoelectronic Devices, PHI, 2004.
Reference Books:
1. John M Senior, Optical Fiber Communication principle and practices, PHI, 2005.
2. Djafar K Manbaev, Fiber-Optic Communication Technology, Pearson Education, 2001.
Mode of Evaluation: CAT- I & II, Assignments/ other tests, Term End Examination.
MAT201 Complex Variables and Partial Differential Equations L T P C
3 1 0 4
Version No. 1.1
MAT105 Differential And Difference Equations
The aim of this course is to develop the skills of the students in the areas of complex
variables, evaluation of definite integral by using contour integration, boundary value
problems and trans form techniques. This will be necessary for their effective studies in
Engineering subjects like heat conduction, fluid flow and electric current flow etc.
Expected Outcome
At the end of this course, the students are expected to develop the necessary
mathematical skills, physical understanding of problems and intuition to independently
analyze the mathematical equations which model the problems in their respective fields
of study.
Unit 1 Functions of a Complex Variable 9+3 hours
Limits and continuity- Cauchy Riemann equations- analytic and harmonic functions
complex potential applications to flow around a corner and around a cylinder,
bilinear transformations-cross-ratio- conformal mapping and mapping properties of
w = z
, w = e
Unit 2 Complex Integration 9+3 hours
Integration of a complex plane along a contour Statement of Cauchy-Goursat theorem,
Cauchys integral formula Evaluation of contour integral- Taylor and Laurent series-
zeros- singularities poles- residues- Statement of Cauchys residue theorem
evaluation of integrals by the method of residues- Integration over a unit circle-semi-
circular contour.
Unit 3 Fourier Transforms 9+3 hours
Complex form of Fourier series Fourier integral theorem- Fourier transform pairs
Fourier sine and cosine transform pairs simple problems-properties of Fourier
transforms Convolution theorem for Fourier transforms Parsevals identity for
Fourier transforms .
Unit 4 Partial Differential Equations 9+3 Hours
Formation of PDEs solutions of PDEs- solution of standard four types of first order
PDE - Lagranges linear equations linear PDE of higher order with constant
coefficients homogeneous and non homogeneous equations solution of PDEs by the
method of separation of variables.
Unit 5 Applications of Partial Differential Equations 9+3 Hours
One dimensional wave equations one dimensional heat equations - Fourier series
Heat flow in an infinite bar - Wave propagation on a semi infinite string Two
dimensional heat equations in steady state- using Fourier transforms.
Text Books 1. B.S. Grewal, Higher Engineering Mathematics, 40
Edition. Khanna
Publications (2010). (Topics in the Chapters:17,18,19,20,22)
1. Erwin Kreysizing, Advanced Engineering Mathematics, 9
John Wiley & Sons, (Wiley student Edison)(2011)
2. MichaelD. Greenberg, Advanced Engineering Mathematics, 2
Edition, Pearson Education (2002).
3. Peter V. O Neil, Advanced Engineering Mathematics, 5
Thomson, Book/Cole (2003).
Mode of Evaluation :
Recommended by the Board of Studies on : 12052012
Date of approval by the Academic Council :


year 2
semester subjects:
1. Probability Theory and Random Process
2. Transmission Lines and Fields
3. Modulation Techniques
4. Analog Circuit Design
5. Electrical and Electronic Measurements
6. Basic German
7. Applied Numerical Methods
8. Ethics and Values

ECE201 Probability Theory and RandomProcesses L T P C
3 0 0 3
Version No.: 1.10
Prerequisite: ECE206 Signals and Systems
To discuss the concepts of discrete and continuous random variables and to calculate the
parameters such as mean and variance.
To apply vector space concepts in random signal processing.
To classify various types of probability distributions that occurs frequently in communication
and signal processing.
To associate the concept of strong law of large numbers and the role of Central limit
theorem in the convergence of the random variables.
To illustrate the concept of random process in WSS and SSS with the importance of
Ergodicity and its real time applications.
To estimate the power spectral density for a given random signal.
Expected Outcome:
1. Obtain probability law (distribution) for a set of output random variables.
2. Identify a specific distribution to be used for a particular random data.
3. Interpret the concept of convergences in random signals from different applications.
4. Describe the random signals in terms of its average properties such as average power in the
random signal and its spectral distribution.
5. Model and analyze the effect of noise in electronic circuits used in communication systems.
Unit I Probability & Randomvariables
Introduction to Probability-Joint and Conditional Probability-Independent Events-Combined
Experiments-Bernouli`s Trial-Random Variables-concepts-Distribution and Density Function-
Conditional Distribution and Density function.
Unit II Special distributions
Expectations-Moments (variance)- Uniform Distribution, Gaussian Distribution, Binomial
Distribution and Poisson distributions.
Unit III Operations on RandomVariable
Operations on One Random Variable- MGF-Chernoff`s Inequality & Bounds-Multiple Random
Variables-Vector Random Variables-Joint distribution and its Properties-Joint Density and its
Properties- Central limit theorem- Operation on two random variables expected value of a
function of random -2D Gaussian distribution.
Unit IV Randomprocess
Random process- realizations, sample paths, discrete and continuous time processes.
Probabilistic structure of a random process; mean, autocorrelation and autocovariance functions
Stationarity- strict-sense stationary (SSS) and wide-sense stationary (WSS) processes.
Autocorrelation function of a real WSS process and its properties, cross-correlation function .
Ergodicity and its importance. Spectral representation of a real WSS process- power spectral
density, properties of power spectral density. Cross-power spectral density and properties.
autocorrelation function and power spectral density of a WSS random sequence.
Unit V Special RandomProcessess
Linear time-invariant system with a WSS process as an input- stationarity of the output, auto-
correlation and power-spectral density of the output; examples with white-noise as input-
Modeling of noise sources-Resistive Noise Sources-Effective Noise Temperature-Power Gain-
Average Noise figures-Average Noise Temperatures-Model of Example System-Markov Process.
1. P.Z. Peebles, Probability, Random Variables and Random Signal Principles, 4th edition,
McGraw Hill, 2000
Reference Books:
1. Papoulis and S.U. Pillai, Probability, Random Variables and Stochastic Processes, 4th
Edition, McGraw-Hill, 2002.
2. Sophoncles J. Orfanidis, Optimum Signal processing, McGraw Hill, New York 1990.
3. John G. Proakis & Dimitris G. Manolakis Digital Signal Processing, Pearson Education
(Indian adopted version), 1/e, 2006.
4. Seymour Lipschutz, Theory and problems of probability, Schaums outline series, McGraw
Hill, 1987.
5. Hwei Hsu, Probability, Random variables, Random processes, Schaums outline series,
McGraw Hill, 2002.
6. Monson H.Hayes, Statistical digital signal processing and modelling, John Wiley and sons,
7. H. Stark and J.W. Woods, Probability and Random Processes with Applications to Signal
Processing, Prentice Hall 2002.
Mode of Evaluation: CAT- I & II, Quizzes, Assignments/ other tests, Term End
3 0 0 3
Aims and Objectives:
To know the different types of Transmission lines in vogue.
To get to know the possible measurements to be made.
To understand the importance and use of different types of waveguides.
Transmission Line theory
Common types of transmission lines used in circuits, lumped circuit model for transmission line and formal
solutions. Characteristic impedance, propagation constant, attenuation and phase constants . Open
circuited and short circuited lines. Reflection of line not terminated in Z0- Reflection coefficient- standing
wave ratio- reflection factor return loss. Generator and mismatches- distortion in transmission lines.
Planar transmission lines
Microstrip lines- Characteristic impedance-Losses in microstrip lines Q-factor of microstrip line. Parallel
strip lines- distributed parameters- characteristic impedance- losses Coplanar strip line- shielded strip line-
tapered strip line-microstrip resonator CAT cable
Matching and Measurement
Transmission line resonator- impedance matching-single and double stub. Narrowband and broadband
matching- quarter wave transformer. Measurement of VSWR, impedance, insertion loss and attenuation
using Smith chart
Introduction to EMI
Electromagnetic noise sources - Coupling of transmission lines to external EM fields - Coupling between
lines - Grounding and shielding methods.
General solutions for TEM, TE and TM waves- parallel plate waveguide
Rectangular waveguide -TE, TM modes, power transmission, losses in rectangular waveguide-excitation of
modes. Circular waveguide- TE, TM modes, power transmission Dielectric fiber and rod waveguide-
waveguide coupling, attenuation factor and Q of waveguide Coaxial lines TEM and higher order
Text Book
1. John D. Ryder, Network lines and Fields, PHI, 2003.
2. David M. Pozar, Microwave Engineering, John Wiley2003.
Reference Books
1. Samuel Y Liao, Microwave devices and circuits, Pearson education, 2003
2. Robert C Newman, Broadband Communication, PH International, 2002
Mode of evaluation: CAT- I & II , Assignments/ other tests, Term End Examination.
ECE203 Modulation Techniques L T P C
3 0 2 4
Version No.: 1.20
Prerequisite: ECE101 Electron Devices and Circuits
To introduce the elements of communication systems, describe the generalized block
diagram and the types of communication systems.
To discuss the concepts of noise, noise voltage, noise temperature, SNR of various
modulation schemes.
To explain the need for modulation and describe the concepts behind the CW, PM, Angle
modulation techniques.
To illustrate and explain various pulse modulation techniques
Expected Outcome:
1. Analyze the effects of noise in CW &angle modulation
2. Demonstrate the generation and detection of amplitude and angle modulation techniques
3. Identify and compare different pulse modulation techniques
Unit I Introduction to Communication System
Need and Importance of Communication, Elements of Communication System, Generalized
block diagram of communication system, Role of each block (information source, transmitter,
channel/communication media, receiver).Types of communication systems- Simplex and Duplex
systems, Analog and digital systems, Applications of Electronic Communications,
Electromagnetic Spectrum used in communication and various frequency bands, Concept of
Unit II Amplitude Modulation
Need for modulation amplitude modulation frequency spectrum Power relation different
types of modulators SSB and VSB modulation and demodulation. AM transmitters Block
diagram functions of each block high level transmitters- Problems.
Unit III Angle Modulation
Principle of frequency and phase modulation Relation between FM and PM waves
Bandwidth of FM Narrow band wide band FM Generation of FM wave Direct and
Indirect methods FM transmitters Block diagram functions of each block- Problems.
Unit IV Noise, Detection and Receivers
Noise in communication and types of noise (External and Internal), Noise voltage, Signal-to-
noise ratio, Noise figure, Noise temperature.
Noise in CW modulation systems:
Receiver model, signal to noise ratio (SNR), noise figure, noise temperature, noise in DSB-SC,
SSB, AM & FM receivers, pre-emphasis and de-emphasis
Detection Diode detectors Synchronous detection FM detectors slope detectors Phase
discriminators Ratio detectors. Receiver different types super hetero dyne receivers Block
diagram Choice of IF and Oscillator frequencies Tracking alignment AVC, AFC
Receiver characteristics.
Unit V Pulse Modulation Systems
Sampling theorem Pulse amplitude modulation Channel bandwidth for PAM detection of
PAM signals Pulse width modulation generation of PWM and PPM conversion of PWM to
PPM detection of PWM and PPM TDM & FDM, problems related to TDM & FDM.
1. G. Kennedy, Electronic Communication Systems, McGraw Hill, 2006.
2. Roddy and Coolen, Electronic Communication, Prentice Hall of India, 2005.
Reference Books
1. Taub and Schilling, Principles of Communication Systems, McGraw Hill, 2007.
2. Wayne Tomasi, Electronic Communications Systems Fundamentals Through
advanced, 5th Edition, Pearson Education, 2005.
3. Wayne Tomasi, Electronic Communications Systems Fundamentals Through
advanced, 4th Edition, Pearson Education, 2007.
Mode of Evaluation: CAT- I & II, Quizzes, Assignments/ other tests, Term End
ECE203 Modulation Techniques Lab
List of Experiments:
1. Amplitude modulation
2. Amplitude demodulation
3. Frequency modulation
4. Frequency demodulation
5. Pulse amplitude modulation
6. Pulse width modulation
7. Mixer
8. Pre-emphasis
9. De-emphasis
10. Sample and Hold Circuit.
11. Noise calculation in AM receiver using MATLAB.
12. Noise calculation in FM receiver using MATLAB.
ECE204 Analog Circuit Design L T P C
3 0 2 4
Version No.: 1.10
Prerequisite: ECE207 Analog Electronic Circuits
Describe the Characteristics, frequency response and limitations of the operational amplifiers.
Analyze and design operational amplifier circuits to perform analog computations, switching
circuits, waveform generators and active filters.
Describe the operations of the 555 timers and PLLs and their applications.
Exhibit the characteristics of DAC and ADC circuits.
Expected Outcome:
1. Apply mathematical concepts to characterize and model the circuits using IC 741.
2. Design and troubleshoot simple analog circuits using Op amp, Timer ICs and PLLs.
3. List and discuss possible reasons for deviation between predicted and measured results from
an experiment or problems.
4. Construct A/D and D/A converters and study their characteristics.
Unit I Op-Amp Characteristics
Op-Amp equivalent circuits, terminals, ideal Op-Amp, Op-Amp DC characteristics: Low-
Frequency Model of Op-Amp, Non inverting Amplifier, Inverting Amplifier, bias, offset,
thermal drift, AC characteristics: Closed-Loop Frequency Response, Slew Rate, Combination of
Linear Noise in Operational Amplifier, Common Mode Rejection.
Unit II Linear Op- Amp Circuits
DC and AC amplifiers, summing, scaling, and averaging amplifiers, Instrumentation amplifiers,
I/V, V/I converter, Integrator, Differentiator, differential amplifiers. Op-amp with negative
feedback: voltage series, voltage shunt feedback amplifiers, Signal conditioning Circuits.
Unit III Op-Amps with Diodes
Logarithmic Amplifiers, Rectifiers, Peak DetSection and Voltage Regulation, LM 117/LM317
Unit IV Comparators and Waveform Generators
Comparator zero crossing detector, schmitt trigger, free-running, one-shot Multivibrators, sine
wave generators- Barkhausen Criterion ,phase-shift, wein-bridge oscillators, Square/Triangular,
saw-tooth wave Function Generator.
Unit V Active Filters
Filter Classifications, Frequency and Impedance Scaling Butterworth Filter Responses Low-Pass
and High Pass Designs, Band-Pass Filter, Notch filter, All-pass filter.
Unit VI PLL and Timers
Phase detector comparator, VCO, Low-pass filter, monolithic PLL, PLL applications, operating
modes 555 timer, Astable and monostable operation and applications.
Unit VII A/D and D/A Converters
Sample-and-hold circuits, DAC characteristics, D/A conversion techniques, A/D characteristics,
A/D conversion techniques-integrating, successive approximation, flash converters.
1. R. A. Gayakwad, Op-Amps and Linear Integrated Circuit, 4/e Pearson Education, 2003.
2. D. Roy Choudhury, Linear integrated Circuits, New-Age International Publishers, 2002.
Reference Books
1. Robert F. Coughlin, and Driscoll, Operational Amplifiers and Linear Integrated Circuits, 6/e,
Pearson Education 2001.
2. P. R. Gray and R. G. Meyer, Analysis and Design of Analog Integrated Circuit, John Wiley, 2003.
Mode of Evaluation: CAT- I & II, Quizzes, Assignments/ other tests, Term End Examination.
ECE204 Analog Circuit Design Lab
List of Experiments
1. Design of square wave generator for a specified frequency and duty cycle, using OP-Amp
IC741 and Design of triangular wave generator from square wave generator.
2. Design of a sinusoidal oscillator for specified frequency based on Wien bridge and RC phase
shift oscillators using IC-741
3. Design and testing of precision rectifier.
4. Design and testing of Active Filters LPF& HPF for specified frequency
5. Application of Timer IC 555
ECE205 Electrical and Electronic Measurements L T P C
3 0 0 3
Version No.: 1.20
Prerequisite: -
To provide basic understanding of electrical and electronic measurement systems.
To give a thorough knowledge of varieties of measuring instruments, its operating principles and
Expected Outcome:
1. Measure and analyze different electrical parameters.
2. Calibration techniques in the process of measurement.
3. Handle different types of Oscilloscopes and recorders.
4. Using wave analyzers, spectrum analyzers for the measurement of frequency, phase angle
Unit I Error Analysis and Control
Static and Dynamic Characteristics of a Measurement System, Error analysis in measurement
systems Static and dynamic error, Bias and Precision Error, Sources of Errors in Experimental
testing, Sources of Elemental Error, Error Control.
Unit II Electrical Measurements I
Current and Voltage measurement instruments - PMMC, Moving coils, moving iron,
dynamometer type, rectifier type, and thermal instruments. Hall effect Wattmeter, Thermal type
wattmeter, Compensated wattmeter, Single and three-phase power measurement. Energy
measurement and energy meters, Magnetic measurements, Maximum demand meter, P.F. meter,
High voltage measurements
Unit III Electronic Measurements I
Resistive measurement - Resistive Potentiometric measurements, Strain Gauge measurements-
Force and Torque measurement, Resistance thermometers- RTD and Thermisters. Capacitive
measurement design - capacitive Pickups, Differential capacitive pressure transducers. Inductive
measurement - Differential Transformers, LVDT, Variable reluctance pickups, RVDT.
Thermocouple, Piezoelectric Transducers- Acceleration measurements.
Unit IV Electronic Measurements II
Solid State measurement Design and Instruments- BJT, FET and MOSFET Voltmeter circuits,
Solid State Multi-meter, Digital Multi-meter. Signal Generation: Audio and Radio frequency
signal generators, AM signal generator, Function generator. Wave analyzer, Spectrum analyzer,
Frequency Measurement, Measurement of period and time, Phase angle measurement.
Text Books
Cooper W.Dand Helfrick A.D, Electronic Instrumentation and Measurement Techniques , 4/e,
Pearson Education, 2004.
David A. Bell, Electronic Instrumentation and Measurements , 2/e, Prentice Hall Inc., New
Delhi, 1997.
Reference Books
1. Robert A. Witte, "Electronic Test Instruments - Analog and Digital Measurements",
Pearson Education, 2/e, 2002.
2. Ernest O Doebelin and Dhanesh N. Manik, Me asurement Systems Application and Design
5/e, McGraw Hill. 2007.
3. Golding E.W and Widdis F.G., Electrical Measurements and Measuring Instruments , 5/e,
Wheeler and Co., New Delhi, 2000.
Mode of Evaluation: CAT- I & II, Assignments/ other tests, Term End Examination.
MAT205 Applied Numerical Methods L T P C
3 1 0 4
Version No. 1.1
MAT201 Complex Variables and Partial Differential Equations
This course attempts to cover certain basic, important computer oriented numerical
methods for analyzing problems that arise in engineering and physical sciences. The
students are expected to use MATLAB as the primary computer language to obtain
solutions to a few assigned problems.
Expected Outcome
By the end of the course, students should be able to appreciate the power of numerical
methods and use them to analyze the problems connected with data analysis, and
solution of ordinary and partial differential equations that arise in their respective
engineering courses.
Introduction / Review 2 hours
MATLAB fundamentals, MATLAB graphics, simple matlab demonstration programs.
Numerical errors: Round off error, Truncation error, Propagated error. (No question
should be set from review portions)
Unit 1 Algebra and Transcendental System of Equations 9 +3 hours
General iterative method- secant method- Newton Raphson method - non-linear
equations- solution of system of equations- generalized Newtons method(roots of
equation-solution of system of equations), - rate of convergence- Gauss Seidel method
for system of linear equations convergence criterion- positive definiteness of a matrix-
spectral radius of a matrix-tridiagonal system of equations Thomas algorithm.
Unit 2 Numerical Differentiation and Integration 9 +3 hours
Interpolation- finite differences- Newtons formulae for interpolation- Langrage
interpolation, interpolation with cubic splines, - numerical differentiation- maxima
minima for tabulated values-numerical integration: Trapezoidal rule, Simpsons 1/3 rd
and 3/8 th rules. Rombergs method.
Unit 3 Ordinary Differential Equations 9+ 3 hours
(Review: Taylor series method-Euler and modified Eulers methods) Runge Kutta
methods - fourth order R.K method systems of equations and higher order equations.-
multi step methods: Adams-Bashforth method- boundary value problems- the shooting
method, eigen value problems- finite difference method.
Unit 4 Partial Differential Equations 9+3 hours
Elliptic equation-Laplace equation- Liebmanns method Jacobis method- Gauss- Seidal
method- parabolic equations - hyperbolic equations -explicit methods Crank
Nicholson implicit method -Von Neumann stability condition-CFL(CourantFriedrichs
Lewy) stability condition.
Unit 5 Calculus of Variation 9 +3 hours
Functionals- - Euler- Lagrange equation- extremals- isoperimetric problems - The
Rayleigh Ritz method- Galerkins method.
Text Books
1. M. K. Jain, S. R. K. Iyengar and R. K. Jain, Numerical methods for scientific and
Engineering, New Age International Ltd., 5
Edition (2010).The topics in the
chapters 2,3,4,5,6,7
2. C. F. Gerald and P.V. Wheatley. Applied Numerical analysis, Addition-Wesley, 7
Edition (2004).
Reference Books
1. S. S. Sastry, Introductory Methods of Numerical Analysis, PHI Pvt Ltd ,New
2. W.Y. Yang, W. Cao, T.S. Chung and J. Morris, Applied Numerical
Methods Using MATLAB Wiley India Edt (2007)
3. Steren C. Chapra and Ra P. Canale, Numerical methods for Engineers with
programming and software applications, 3
Edition, Tata McGraw Hill (2001).
Mode of Evaluation
Recommended by the Board of Studies on 12052012
Date of approval by the
Academic Council
Recommended by the Board of
Studies on:
Date of Approval by the Academic
HUM121 Ethics and Values L T P C
2 0 2 3
Version No.: 2
Course Prerequisites Nil
To understand and appreciate ethical issues facing an individual, profession, society and
Expected Outcome:
To become better and worthy citizens and better professionals, and practice ethics in
every sphere of future life.
Unit: 1: Being good and responsible 6 hours
Gandhian values such as truth and non-violence comparative analysis on leaders of
past and present societys interests versus self interests Prevention of harassment,
violence and terrorism - Personal Social Responsibility: Helping the needy, charity and
serving the society.
Unit 2: Corruption 6 hours
Corruption: ethical values, causes, impact, laws, prevention electoral malpractices
white collar crimes - tax evasions unfair trade practices.
Unit 3: Addiction and Health 6 hours
Peer pressure - Alcoholism: ethical values, causes, impact, laws, prevention Ill effects
of smoking - Prevention of Suicides Sexual Health: Prevention and impact of pre-
marital pregnancy and Sexually Transmitted Diseases.
Unit 4: Drug Abuse 6 hours
Abuse of different types of legal and illegal drugs: ethical values, causes, impact, laws
and prevention.
Unit 5: Personal and Professional Ethics 6 hours
Dishonesty - Stealing - Malpractices in Examinations - Plagiarism Abuse of
technologies: Hacking and other Cyber Crimes, addiction to mobile phone usage, video
games and social networking websites.
Text Book: Course material to be provided in the class.
References : General
Mode of Evaluation :
Reporting of unethical issues with proof (whistle blowing), Poster presentation /short
films presentation, Street play, Group discussion/debate, Projects on leaders/issues
and TEE
HUM121 Ethics and Values L T P C
To Inculcate the ethical values in individual, profession, society and polity through
participatory learning methodology
Expected Out comes
To become better and worthy citizens and better professionals, and practice ethics in
every sphere of future life.
List of Experiments: (Title of the experiment)
(For each credit, it is possible to conduct 12-14 experiments)
1. Street Play
2. Street Play
3. Role Play
4. Role Play
5. Debate
6. Group Discussion
7. Poster Presentation
8. Short Film Presentation
9. Short Film Presentation
10. Whistle Blowing
11. Project Presentation
12. Project Presentation
Mode of Evaluation: Presentations and Viva Voce
Recommended by the Board
of Studies on:
Date of Approval by the
Academic Council:


year 1
semester subjects:
1. VLSI System Design
2. Computer Organization and Architecture
3. Digital Signal Processing
4. Microcontroller and Applications
5. Digital Communication
6. Control Systems
7. English for Engineers-2

ECE301 VLSI System Design L T P C
3 0 2 4
Version No.: 3.00
Prerequisites :
Objectives :
ECE103 Digital Logic Design /
ECE101 Electron Devices and Circuits
To illustrate the basic concepts of modern VLSI circuit design.
Describe the fundamental principles underlying digital design using CMOS logic and analyze
the performance characteristics of these digital circuits.
Discuss the basic concepts of Verilog HDL and use it to describe combinational and
sequential circuits HDL at different abstraction levels.
Design the synthesizable digital sub-system components using Verilog HDL.
Verify that a design meets its functionality, timing constraints, both manually and through
the use of computer-aided design tools.
Develop problem-solving skills in order to be able to successfully approach a digital design
project of medium to high complexity in the final semester.
Expected Outcome :
1. apply knowledge of mathematics, science, and engineering in the design, and analysis and
modeling of digital integrated circuits.
2. design and analyze the performance (Speed, Power) of CMOS digital integrated circuits for
different design specifications.
3. identify and interpret the design towards realizing digital IC design.
4. describe digital design using a hardware description language.
5. design and conduct experiments in digital design using Verilog HDL and able to illustrate the
outcome of the design.
6. use modern EDA tools to simulate and synthesize the digital designs.
Unit 1
CMOS Logic Design
Introduction to VLSI Design. Review of MOS Transistor Theory: nMOS, pMOS Enhancement
Transistor, ideal I-V characteristics, C-V characteristics, Non-ideal I-V effects. CMOS logic:
Basic gates, Complex Gates, Multiplexer and Flip-flop.
Unit 2 Circuit characterization and performance estimation
DC transfer Characteristics of CMOS inverter, Circuit characterization and performance
estimation: Delay estimation, Logical effort and Transistor Sizing. Power Dissipation: Static &
Dynamic Power Dissipation.
Unit 3 Stick Diagram and Layout Techniques
CMOS nwell, pwell process, stick diagram for Boolean functions using euler theorem. Layout
basics and techniques for Inverter, NAND and NOR gate.
Unit 4 Introduction to Timing Analysis
Introduction to Static timing analysis. Setup Time, Hold Time. Calculation of critical path, slack,
setup and hold time violations.
Unit 5 Sub-System Design
Arithmetic Circuits in CMOS VLSI. Design of Adders (RCA, CSA, CLA), Multipliers (both
signed and Unsigned Booth, Baugh wooley), Barrel shifter.
1. Neil H Weste, Harris, A Banerjee, CMOS VLSI Design, 3/e, Pearson Education, Singapore,
2. John P. Uyemura, CMOS Logic Circuit Design , Springer International Edition.2005.
Reference Books
1. Jan M. Rabaey, Anantha Chandrakasan, Borivoje Nikolic, Digital Integrated Circuits: A Design
Perspective, Prentice Hall India, 2
Ed, 2002.
2. S. Ramachandran, Digital VLSI Systems Design, Springer, 2007.
Mode of Evaluation : CAT- I & II, Quiz, Lab based Assignments/Mini-project, Term End
ECE301 VLSI System Design Lab
List of Experiments
Study of VLSI CAD Tools (Working environment, Introduction to Linux and vi editor,
Cadence Virtuoso ADE with Spectre simuulator/Mentor graphics Design Architect with
Eldo simulator)
Applying MOS I-V equations and small-signal models to MOS circuits
Analyzing switching characteristics and power consumption of the inverter
Analyzing and designing complex CMOS gates for speed
Designing an inverter chain to drive off-chip loads
Physical Design of Analog and Digital cells (layout, DRC,LVS, RCX, Post-layout
D FF setup and hold timing analysis
ECE302 Computer Organization and Architecture L T P C
3 0 0 3
Version No.: 1.20
Prerequisite: ECE103 Digital Logic Design
To demonstrate the application of discrete mathematics, Boolean algebra, and simple
digital design to the field of computers and computer architecture.
To describe the functioning of the control unit and look at the different implementations
of the control unit (hardwired and microprogrammed)
Recognize and analyze the basics of hierarchical memory and virtual memory.
To describe I/O system and its interconnection with CPU and memory.
To expose the learners the different architectural and organizational design issues that can
affect the performance of a computer such as Instruction Sets design, Pipelining, RISC
architecture, and Superscalar architecture.
Recognize and illustrate parallel architectures and interconnection networks
Expected Outcome:
The knowledge of how previous engineering science curricula have been applied in the
field of computers and computer architecture.
The ability to perform basic computer system component designs, defines an instruction
set architecture and assembly language for the computer system, analyze the performance
of the computer and identify a range of performance enhancements.
An ability to engage in lifelong learning of the computing system performance and
architecture evolution.
A knowledge of contemporary issues related to the architecture, design, implementation
and use of Computers.
Unit I Computing Systems- An Introduction
Definitions - Organization and Architecture, Structure and Functional blocks, Bus
interconnection, designing for Performance, Structure of IAS computer.
Unit II Central Processing Unit
Register organization, Arithmetic and Logic Unit- numbering systems, Integer Representation,
Integer Arithmetic Addition , 2s Complement subtraction, Multiplication and division,
Floating point Representation and Arithmetic Instruction set, Addressing modes, Data path
implementation, Register Transfer Notation (RTN), Abstract RTN, and Concrete RTN,
Control Unit - Hardwired control unit and Micro instruction, sequencing and execution.
Unit III Memory System & I/O Organization
Semiconductor RAM memories-Internal organization of Memory Chips, SRAM, DRAM,
Read-Only memories-ROM, PROM, EPROM, EEPROM, Secondary storage- magnetic disk,
optical memory.
Cache Memories-Mapping Function-Direct, Set Associative, (Replacement algorithms),
Performance consideration-Interleaving, Hit Rate and Miss Penalty.
Virtual memory - Address translation, Paging and segmentation.
Unit IV I/O Organization
Interfacing I/O Devices with CPU- Programmed I/O, Interrupt driven I/O, DMA controlled
Overview, Scheduling-FCFS, SJF, Priority, Mutual exclusion, Memory management.
Unit V Computing System Performance and Architecture Evolution
Von-Neumann vs. Harvard architectures, Instruction Cycle- Fetch, Decode, Execute Decode,
Moore s law, RISC-Instruction execution Characteristics, use of a large register file, compiler-
based registers optimization, pipelining and Pipeline hazards, No. of Pipeline stage,
Performance consideration .Instruction level parallelism-overview, Design issues, Super Scalar
Processors, VLIW.
Unit VI Multiprocessors
Processor level parallelism-Dependency, Flynn taxonomy, Memory organization for
Multiprocessors system, Symmetric Multiprocessor, Cache Coherence and The MESI
1. Computer Organization and Architecture - William Stallings Sixth Edition, Pearson/PHI
2. Computer Systems Architecture - M.Moris Mano, IIIrd Edition, Pearson/PHI 2003.
Reference Book:
1. Computer Organization and Design-the hardware/software interface -David A. Patterson,
John L. Hennessy, Third edition, Morgan Kaufmann Publishers, 2009.
Mode of Evaluation CAT- I & II, Quiz, Assignments, Term End Examination.
ECE303 Digital Signal Processing L T P C
3 0 2 4
Version No. 1.30
Prerequisite: ECE206 Signals and Systems
To recognize linear time-invariant (LTI) discrete-time systems
To find frequency response of LTI system, find zeros and poles in discrete-time LTI system
To design IIR filters using impulse invariance, design FIR filters using windowing
To apply FFT to Communication Systems
To implement certain DSP algorithms on Digital Signal Processors
Obtain a knowledge and ability to use the appropriate tools(Digital Signal Processors) to
build DSP systems for real time problems
Expected Outcome
1. Able to describe and interpret the basic elements of digital Signal processing.
2. Design and solve the specific analysis using Discrete Fourier transform, Z-transform on
given input signals
3. Ability to design and implement filter like operations within the real time constraints.
4. Ability to design a typical digital Signal processing for specific application in real time.
5. Ability to Contribute Signal processing tasks in interdisciplinary projects like automotive
systems, Communication , Biomedical, space, defence, Multimedia and virtual reality etc.,
6. Able to solve real time signal processing issues by identifying finite word length effect and
performance improvement by properly selecting components to full fil the required features.
Unit I Review of Discrete -Time Systems
discrete time signals and systems- Linear convolution and correlation Basic principles of z-
transform - z-transform definition region of convergence properties of ROC (Region Of
Convergence)and its significance in signals and system analysis. Pole- Zero map- System
realization through block-diagram representation and system inter connection. Recursive Non-
recursive filters.
Unit II Fast Fourier Transforms
Frequency response- DTFT estimation by DFT Inverse DTFT estimation by DFT Frequency
domain sampling- Sampling rate conversion- Aperodic correlation estimation-Cepstrum
processing- Band limited discrete time signals- Phase and group delay- Frequency analysis of
signals using DFT-FFT Algorithm-Radix-2 FFT algorithms.
Unit III Theory and Design of Digital IIR Filter
Review of design techniques for analog low pass filter(Butterworth and Chebyshev
approximations), frequency transformation, Properties of IIR filter-Constant group delay and
zero phase filters - IIR filter design Different methods of IIR filter Design (Bilinear and
Impulse Invariant Techniques)- Spectral transformation of Digital filters.
Unit IV Theory and Design of Digital FIR Filters
Design characteristics of FIR filters with linear- phase Frequency response of linear phase FIR
filters Design of FIR filters using window functions(Rectangular, Hamming, Hanning,
Blackmann, and Kaiser)- Comparison of design methods of FIR filters.
Unit V Implementation of Discrete time systems
Structure for the realization discrete time systems- Structure for FIR systems- Direct form,
Cascade, frequency sampling and Lattice structures and polyphase realization- Structure for IIR
systems- Direct, Cascade, Parallel, Lattice and Lattice ladder.
Unit VI Digital Signal Processors
General-purpose digital signal processors - Fixed point and floating point DSP- Finite word
length effect-MAC, filter operation in different DSP architecture- typical implementation of
DSP algorithms (FFT and filter implementation).
1. J. G. Proakis, D.G. Manolakis and D.Sharma, Digital Signal Processing Principles,
Algorithms and Applications, Pearson Education, 2006.
2. S.K.Mitra, Digital Signal Processing, 3
edition, TMH, 2006
3. Emmanuel C.Ifeachor, Digital Signal Processing A Practical Approach 2
edition, Pearson
Education, 2001.
Reference Books:
1. EMMANUEL C.Ifeachor, Digital Signal Processing A Practical Approach 2
Pearson Education, 2001.
2. Oppenhiem V.A.V and Schaffer R.W, Discrete time Signal Processing, 2
Prentice Hall, 2002.
3. Lawrence R Rabiner and Bernard Gold, Theory and Application of Digital Signal
Processing, PHI 1992.
4. Andreas Antoniou, Digital Signal Processing, TMH, 2006.
5. Roberto Cristi, Modern Digital Signal Processing, Thomson Brooks, 2004.
Mode of Evaluation: CAT- I & II, Quizzes, Assignments/ other tests, Term End
ECE303 Digital Signal Processing Lab
List of Experiments:
I. Matlab based Exercise:
1. Waveform generator
a) Periodic signals
b) Auto correlation function and Periodicity Measurement
2. Analog to Digital Filter Design through Transformation - order window Estimation
3. Digital Filter Realization Techniques
a) Design of Low Pass /High pass filter using Matlab Programming
b) Design of Band Pass Filter using Matlab Programming
4. ECG signal analysis using FIR Filtering through SPtool
5. Speech signal analysis using IIR filtering through SPtool
SIMULINK & CCS along with TEXAS Processor in Real Time)
7. SNR measurement
a) Quantization noise verification
b) Fixed Vs Floating point studies
II. DSP Processor Based Experiments
Processor Details- Architecture Information
1. Processor Basic functions
ALU, MAC, shifter (ASM)
Bit reversal ( 8 bit and 16 bit)
2. a) Linear and circular convolution -Using C coding
b) Correlation studies (Auto and Cross correlation) - Using C coding
3. FFT Implementation using DIT (using C Coding)
4. Design of FIR filter to smoothen the sharp transition of ECG signal
5. Design of IIR filter for processing speech signals
6. Real time signal acquisition using DSK6713 through function generator
7. Real time Music signal Analysis using IIR filter
ECE304 Microcontroller and Applications L T P C
3 0 2 4
Version No.: 1.10
Prerequisite: ECE103 Digital Logic Design
ECE302 Computer Organization and Architecture
Describe the architecture of 8051 microcontroller and ARM processor
Develop assembly program for 8051 and ARM processor
Apply the instruction set of 8051 and ARM microcontroller to get effective programs
Design system in block level using microcontroller, memory devices, buses and other peripheral
Solve real life problem using microcontroller based systems
Expected Outcome:
1. Describe the architectures of processors
2. Develop Assembly program applying Digital logic and mathematics using 8051 and ARM
instruction set
3. Develop ALP with minimum instructions and memory.
4. Analyze and evaluate the given program in terms of code size and computational time
5. Design microcontroller based system within realistic constraint like user specification,
availability of components etc
6. Solve real life problem and construct a complete system as a solution
7. To integrate and build a working model using the laboratory components and IDE tools.
Unit I Introduction 5 hours
Introduction to Microprocessors and Microcontrollers, Architectures [8085,8086] Intel MCS-51
family features 8051 -organization and architecture.
Unit II Programming with 8051 10 hours
8051 instruction set, addressing modes, conditional instructions, I/O Programming,
Arithmetic logic instructions, single bit instructions, interrupt handling, programming counters,
timers and Stack.
Unit III MCS51 and external Interfaces 8 hours
User interface keyboard , LCD, LED, Real world interface - ADC, DAC, SENSORS
Communication interface.
Unit IV C programming with 8051 8 hours
I/O Programming, Timers/counters, Serial Communication, Interrupt, User Interfaces- LCD,
Keypad, LED and communication interfaces [RS232].
Unit V ARM processor core based microcontrollers 14 hours
Need for RISC Processor-ARM processor fundamentals, ARM core based controller
[LPC214X], IO ports, ADC/DAC, Timers.
Mohammad Ali Mazidi, Janice Gillispie Mazidi The 8051 Microcontroller and Embedded
Systems (Using assembly and C) Pearson education/ Prentice Hall of India Pvt. Ltd., 2007.
Reference Books
1. Tabak Daniel, Hintz Kenneth J., Microcontrollers: Architecture implementation and
Programming, Tata McGraw Hill, 2007.
2. Andrew N. Sloss, Dominic Symes, Chris Wright, ARM Developer s Guide.
3. User mannual of ARM Controllers LPC214X.
4. Douglas V. Hall, Microprocessors and interfacing: programming and hardware, Tata
McGraw Hill, 2
edition, 2007.
Mode of Evaluation: CAT- I & II, Quizzes, Assignments/ other tests, Term End
Microcontroller and Applications Lab
List of Experiments
Programming 8051 Micro controller using ASM and C, and implementation in flash 8051
1. Programming with Arithmetic logic instructions [Assembly]
2. Program using constructs(Sorting an array) [Assembly]
3. Programming using Ports [Assembly and C]
4. Delay generation using Timer[Assembly and C]
5. Programming Interrupts [Assembly and C]
6. Implementation of standard UART communication.(using hyper terminal) [Assembly and C]
7. Interfacing LCD Display. [Assembly and C]
8. Interfacing with Keypad[Assembly and C]
9. Programming ADC/DAC [Assembly and C]
10. Interfacing with stepper motor. [Assembly and C]
11. Pulse Width Modulation. [Assembly and C]
PROTEUS Simulation
Programming ARM Micro controller using ASM and C using simulator.
11.Programming with Arithmetic logic instructions[Assembly]
12.GPIO programming in ARM microcontroller. [ C Programming]
13.Timers prograaming in ARM Microcontroller. [C Programming]
PROTEUS Simulation
ECE305 Digital Communication L T P C
3 0 2 4
Version No.: 1.30
Prerequisite: ECE203 Modulation Techniques
Describe the basic concept of Digital Communication using Functional Block Diagram
Analyze the performance of different types of encoding schemes such as Temporal
Waveform Coding and power spectral density of different signaling schemes.
Analyze the performance of digital modulation and demodulation techniques and identify
suitable modulation and demodulation technique for different applications based on
bandwidth, data-rate and bit error rate.
Illustrate the role of ISI in base band reception techniques and show the working of
Correlation Receiver and Matched Filter.
Illustrate Spread Spectrum Techniques and Multiple Access Techniques.
Expected Outcome:
1. Explain the basics of Digital Communication systems.
2. Classify the different type of encoding schemes and derive the power spectral density of
different signaling schemes.
3. Justify the role of Digital Modulation and Demodulation techniques in different application.
Unit I Communication System
Communication Systems - Digital Communication Systems Functionality of Blocks, Medium
classification, Performance Measure; Geometric representation of Signals, Bandwidth,
Mathematical Models of Communication Channel.
Unit II Baseband Formatting Techniques
Overview of Sampling, Quantization Uniform and Non-uniform (A-law & -law), Encoding
Techniques for Analog Sources - Temporal waveform encoding, Spectral waveform encoding,
Model-based/ Parametric encoding, Comparison of speech encoding techniques. Classification
of line codes, characteristics and power spectra of line codes.
Unit III Baseband Reception Techniques
Noise in Communication Systems; Receiving Filter Correlation type, Matched Filter type;
Equalizing Filter - Signal and system design for ISI elimination, Eye Pattern analysis.
Unit IV Bandpass Signal Transmission And Reception
Memory less modulation methods BASK, BFSK, BPSK, DPSK and QPSK; Representation
and Spectral Characteristics; Error performance Coherent and Non-coherent detection
systems; Non Linear Modulation Methods with memory CPFSK, MSK and GMSK.
Unit V Spread Spectrum Techniques
Introduction Generation of PN Sequences Properties of PN Sequences Direct Sequence
Spread Spectrum Frequency Hopped Spectrum.
Unit VI Multiple Access Techniques
Simon Haykin, Digital Communication, John Wiley, 2009.
Reference Books
1. John.G. Proakis, Fundamentals of Communication Systems, Pearson Education, 2006.
2. Amitabha Bhattacharya, Digital Communications, Tata McGraw Hill, 2006.
3. Herbert Taub & Donald L Schilling Principles of Communication Systems (3
Tata McGraw Hill, 2008.
4. Digital Communications by John Proakis, Masoud Salehi , 5
edition McGraw-Hill; - 2007.
Mode of Evaluation: CAT- I & II, Quizzes, Assignments/ other tests, Term End
ECE305 Digital Communication Lab
List of Experiments:
1. Comparative Study of Pulse Code Modulation and Differential Pulse Code Modulation.
2. Comparative study of Delta Modulation and Adaptive Delta modulation.
3. Simulation of Band Pass Signal Transmission and Reception
Amplitude Shift Keying
Frequency Shift Keying
Phase Shift Keying.
4. Performance Analysis of Band Pass Signal Transmission and Reception
Amplitude Shift Keying
Frequency Shift Keying
Phase Shift Keying.
5. Implementation of Amplitude Shift Keying
6. Implementation of Frequency Shift Keying
7. Implementation of Phase Shift Keying.
8. Time Division Multiplexing: PLL (CD 4046) based synch, clock and data extraction
9. Generation of PN Sequences
10. Simulation of Direct Sequence Spread Spectrum
11. Simulation of Frequency Hopped Spread Spectrum
12. Study of TDMA, FDMA and CDMA
13. Study of Orthogonal Frequency Division Multiplexing
Course code:
EEE 226
Version No. 1.11
Control Systems L T P C
3 0 2 4
MAT 105 & EEE101/EEE105/ECE102
Objectives: To present a clear exposition of the classical methods of control
engineering, physical
System modeling, and basic principles of frequency and time domain
design techniques.
To teach the practical control system design with realistic system
To provide knowledge of state variable models and fundamental
notions of state feedback design.
On the completion of this course the student will be able to:
Calculate the transfer function from the block diagram
Determine the stability of linear systems
Design PID controllers from design specifications
Apply frequency domain methods to determine stability
Formulate statespace models
Design controllers using the pole placement method
Unit I Systems and their representations:
Basic elements in control systems open loop & closed loop Transfer
functions of mechanical, electrical, thermal and analogous systems. Block
diagram reduction and signal flow graphs. Control System Components:
DC Servo motor AC Servo motor Synchro Stepper motor.
Unit II Time Response Analysis:
Time response Time domain specifications Types of test inputs I and
II order system response Steady state error, error constants, generalized
error coefficient Introduction to P, PI, PID controllers Stability concept
and definition, Characteristic equation Location of poles Routh Hurwitz
criterion Root locus techniques: construction.
Unit III Frequency Response Analysis and Design
Bode plots Polar plot Nyquist stability criterion Correlation between
frequency domain and time domain specifications stability analysis using
frequency response methods.
Unit IV Compensator and Controller Design:
Realization of basic compensators, cascade compensation in time domain
and frequency domain, feed back compensation Design of lag, lead, lag
lead series compensator (using Bode plot) Design of P, PI and PID
controllers in frequency domain.
Unit V StateSpace Analysis:
State equation Solutions Realization Controllability Observability
State space to transfer function conversion Pole placement.
Textbooks 1. Norman S. Nise, Control System Engg, John Wiley & Sons, 4th Edition,
Reference Books 1. Smarajit Ghosh, Control Systems (Theory And Applications),
Pearson Education,2005
2. Graham C. Goodwin, Stefan F.Graebe, Mario E. Sagado, Control System
Design, Phi,2003
3. M. Gopal, Digital Control And State Variable Methods, Tata McGraw
Hill, 2003.
4. Rao V Dukkipatti, Control Systems, Narosa Publications, 2005
5. I.J. Nagarth and M. Gopal, Control Systems Engineering, New Age
International, 3
6. M. Gopal, Control SystemsPrinciples And Design, Tata McGraw Hill
3nd Edn. 2002
7. K. Ogata, Moddern Control Engineering, Pearson Edition 4th Ed.
8. Benjamin C Kuo. Automatic Control System. 8th Edition, John Wiley
9. R.C. Dorf And R.H. Bishop, Modern Control Systems (Examples And
Design Problems), Pearson Education, 2004
Mode of
Sessional Written CAT I & II , Quizzes, Assignments/ other tests
Final Written Term End Examination
by the Board of
Studies on
Oct 2011
Date of Approval
by the Academic
Proceedings of the 26th Academic Council held on 18.5.2012
English for Engineers II Common for I
MS and I B.Tech Courses Theory
English for Engineers II
2 0 2 3
Version No. 2
Course Prerequisites ENG101
Students :
Can write and prepare the necessary technical documents.
Can face interview with confidence.
Will be a better performer professionally.
Expected Outcome
Tune up writing skills and prepare technical documents without errors.
Enhance the students with strong writing and presentation skills.
Course Description Theory
Unit No. 1 6 hrs
Profiling readers Context of Use
Revising and editing - Error detection (grammatical and vocabulary)
Drafts of Abstract and Executive Summary
Unit No. 2 6 hrs
Revising and editing Proof reading symbols
Writing Instructions
Writing Memos.
Unit No. 3 6 hrs
Preparing Questionnaires
Writing Statements of Purpose Definitions, format and Sample
Technical - Report writing
Unit No. 4 6 hrs
Technical- Writing a Proposal
Graphic information/ Transcoding (Use of graphs, tables, charts)
Meeting Agenda, Minutes
Proceedings of the 26th Academic Council held on 18.5.2012
Unit No. 5 6 hrs
Resume (Archival and Functional)
Writing effective Applications (Emphasizing Education and Emphasizing Work
Thank You Letter and apology letters (after interviews or refusing a job offer)
Text Books
Compiled and prepared by the English Division, SSL, VIT University
1. Technical Communication Today Richard Johnson and Sheehan
2. Porter, Patricia A., and Margaret Grant. Communicating Effectively in English: Oral
Communication for NonNative Speakers. 2nd ed. Belmont, CA: Wadsworth, 1992.
ISBN: 9780534172688.
3. Alley, Michael. The Craft of Scientific Presentations: Critical Steps to Succeed and
Critical Errors to Avoid. New York, NY: Springer, 2007. ISBN: 9780387955551.
4. Writing Resumes-Kilmet, Stephen. "The Resume," and "The Computerized
Resume." In Writing for Design Professionals. New York, NY: W.W. Norton, 2006,
pp. 127-129. ISBN: 0393731855.
5. Writing Cover Letters-Kilmet, Stephen. "Cover Letter," and "Enclosures and
Attachments." In Writing for Design Professionals. New York, NY: W.W. Norton,
2006, pp. 128-129. ISBN: 0393731855.
6. Writing a Proposal "Standard Proposal for Funding." in Writing in the Disciplines.
Fort Worth, TX: Harcourt Brace College Publisher, 1995. ISBN: 0155025384.
Mode of Evaluation
Recommended by the
Board of Studies on 14.05.2012
Date of Approval by the
Academic Council


year 2
semester subjects:
1. Antennas and Wave Propagation
2. Information Theory and Coding
3. Computer Communication
4. Optical Communication and Networks
5. Wireless and Mobile Communication
6. Satellite Communication
7. Psychology and Sociology
8. Principles of Management
9. Research Methods for Management

ECE306 Antennas and Wave Propagation L T P C
3 0 0 3
Version No.:
ECE202 Transmission Lines and Fields
Introduce the mechanism and models for radio-wave propagation.
Discuss the fundamental antenna parameters and numerical methods to analyze and differentiate
the antennas.
Design antennas and study the radiation mechanism of various antennas and antenna arrays.
Provide the principles of selection of Antennas for Modern Wireless Application.
Expected Outcome:
1. Explain The Wave Propagation Mechanisms.
2. To Interpret The Basic Antenna Parameters And Radiation Pattern.
3. Design And Characterize The Various Wire And Aperture Antennas, Antenna Arrays And
Broad Band Antennas.
Unit I Wave Propagation
Propagation Mechanism- Reflection, refraction and Transmission, Scattering and diffraction.
Propagation Model- Path Loss, Free space loss, Plane earth Loss, Link budget, Noise Modeling.
Modes of propagation- Ground wave Propagation, Space wave propagation- Tropospheric-
Tropospheric effects, Sky wave Propagation- Ionospheric Effects.
Unit II Antenna Fundamentals
Radiation mechanism-single wire, two wire, dipole and current distribution on thin wire.
Radiated field components -Hertizan dipole, half wave dipole, monopole antenna.
Antenna Parameters- radiation pattern, beam width, field region, radiation power density,
directivity and gain, bandwidth, polarization, co polarization and cross polarization level, input
impedance, efficiency, antenna effective length and area, antenna temperature. Friss
Transmission formula, Radar range equation. FCC Antenna standards A and B.
Measurements - radiation pattern- gain- directivity and impedance measurements.
Unit III Design of Arrays
Linear Array - Two element array, N-element linear array- broadside array, End fire array-
Directivity, radiation pattern. pattern multiplication. Non-uniform excitation- Binomial,
Chebyshev distribution
Planar array Array factor, Circular array - array factor, Directivity (Qualitative study)
Unit IV Design of Antennas
Wire Antennas- long wire, V-Antenna, Rhombic antenna, Helical antenna, Yagi-Uda antenna.
Frequency independent antenna - spiral and log periodic antenna. Aperture antennas - Horn
antenna, Parabolic reflector antenna, Microstrip antenna. MEMS antenna.
Unit V Antennas for Modern Wireless Communications (Qualitative study)
Antennas for Terrestrial mobile communication - mobile handsets and base stations. Antennas
for Satellite Communication- MSAT briefcase terminal and vehicle mounted antennas, VSAT
and DBS TV antennas. Antenna for Radar systems. Adaptive antenna, RFID antenna, Ultra
wideband antenna, Terahertz antenna.
1. Balanis, Antenna Theory - Analysis and Design, 3/e, John Wiley & Sons, 2005.
2. J.D.Krauss, Antenna for all Applications, TMH, 4/e, 2010.
Reference Books
1. S.R.Saunders, Antennas and Propagation for Wireless Communication, 2/e, John Wiley, 2007.
2. Yi Huang and Kevin Boyle, Antenna From Theory to Practice, 1/e, John Wiley, 2008
3. R.S.Elliot, Antenna Theory and Design, IEEE Press, John Wiley, 2005.
4. H. Jasik , Antenna Engineering Handbook , Editor, McGraw-Hill, 1961.
5. R.L.Freeman, Reference Manual for Telecommunication engineering, Vol. I, John Wiley, 2002.
6. Yi Huang and Kevin Boyle, Antenna from Theory to Practice, 1/e, John Wiley, 2008.
Mode of Evaluation: CAT- I & II, Quizzes, Assignments/ other tests, Term End
ECE307 Information Theory and Coding L T P C
3 0 0 3
Version No.: 1.10
Prerequisite: ECE305 Digital Communication
Describe and analyze the information source and channel capacity
Differentiate between the uniform and non-uniform quantization
Analyze the source coding techniques such as Shanan Fano Encoding, Huffman Coding,
Arithmetic Coding.
Apply statistical techniques for signal detection
Construct the various channel coding schemes such as block codes, cyclic codes and
convolutional codes.
Expected Outcome:
1. Apply mathematical models that describes the behavior of information source and channel
capacity and the performance of source coding and channel coding techniques
2. Solve mathematical problems in source coding and channel coding techniques and
implement in Matlab.
Unit I Information Theory
Introduction, Uncertainty, Information and its property, Entropy and its property, Joint and
Conditional Entropy, Mutual Information and its property, Information measures for
Continuous random variables.
Unit II Channel classification and Capacity
Channel capacity theorem, Continuous and Discrete Communication channels Discrete
memory less channels - channel representations - noiseless channel, lossless channels,
Deterministic, Binary symmetric channel (BSC), Binary Erasure channel (BEC) and their
Unit III Source Coding Techniques
Coding for Discrete memory less sources: Fixed length code words, Variable length code
words, Kraft Inequality, Prefix coding, Shannons first , second and third theorem, Shannon
binary Encoding, Shannon- Fano Encoding, Huffman Coding : minimum and maximum
variance method, Arithmetic Coding, Dictionary Coding- LZ , LZW Coding.
Unit IV Error Control Coding
Types of Errors, Types of Codes, Linear Block Codes: Error Detection and Error Correction
Capabilities of Linear Block codes, Binary Cyclic codes , Encoding using Shift register, Syndrome
Calculation, Error detection, and Error correction, Convolutional codes Encoders and
Decoders for convolutional codes, LDPC Codes, Trellis Codes, Turbo Codes, Viterbi Coding.
Unit V Detection of Signals and Channels with Noise
Hypothesis testing Baye s criterion Minimum error probability criterion, Neyman Pearson
criterion, Minmax criterion-Maximum Likelihood detector-Wiener filter-Continuous and
Discrete channels with noise.
1. K. SamShanmugam, Digital and AnalogCommunication Systems, John Wiley and Sons,
2. Simon Haykin, Communication Systems, John Wiley and Sons, 2009.
Reference Books:
1. Thomas M. Cover, Joy A. Thomas, Elements of Information Theory, John Wiley and
Sons, 2004.
2. Ranjan Bose, Information Theory, Coding and Cryptography, Tata McGraw Hill, 2012.
Mode of Evaluation: CAT- I & II, Quizzes, Assignments/ other tests, Term End
ECE308 Computer Communication L T P C
3 0 2 4
Version No.: 1.10
Prerequisite: ECE305 Digital Communication
To make the students to understand the different layers of ISO Network
To understand the concept of Networking.
To get to knowthe connectivitys and howto interface with network.
Unit I Data Communication
Evolution of data Networks Switching Techniques Network Topologies Categories of
Networks ISO/OSI Reference Model TCP/IP Model Inter Networking Devices
Repeaters Hubs Switches Bridges: Transparent and Source Routing Bridges Routers.
Unit II Data Link Layer
Logical Link Control Error Detection Techniques ARQ protocols Framing HDLC
Point to Point protocol.
Medium Access Control Random access Protocols Scheduling approaches to MAC.
Unit III Local Area Networks
Ethernet Token Bus Token Ring FDDI Virtual LAN Wireless LAN.
Unit IV Network Layer
Internetworking IP Addressing Subnetting Ipv4 and IPv6 Routing Distance Vector
and Link State Routing Routing Protocols.
Unit V Transport Layer and Application Layer
Connection oriented and Connectionless Service User Datagram Protocol Transmission
Control Protocol Congestion Control Application Layer Protocols: DNS, SMTP, FTP,
HTTP and World Wide Web.
1. Alberto Leon-Garcia, Communication Networks Tata McGraw-Hill 2005.
Reference Books:
1. Robert Gallager, Data Networks, Prentice Hall, 2004.
2. W. Stallings, Data and Computer Communications, Prentice Hall, 2004.
3. Fred Halsall, Data communications, Computer Networks and Open systems, Addison
Wesley 2000.
Mode of Evaluation: CAT- I & II, Quizzes, Assignments/ other tests, Term End
ECE308 Computer Communication Lab
List of Experiments:
1. Demonstrate the implementation of Token Ring Network and Examine
2. The performance under different Scenarios using OPNET
3. Demonstrate the implementation of Ethernet Network and Examine
4. The performance under different Scenarios using OPNET
5. Simulation of TCP Protocol using NS-2
6. Designing a simulation model using NS-2 to analyze various aspects of the Internet
a. Protocol.
7. Simulation of ATM network using NS-2
ECE401 Optical Communication and Networks L T P C
3 0 2 4
Version No.: 4.00
Prerequisite: ECE305 Digital Communication
To provide an in depth knowledge on various types of fibers, their transmission characteristics,
geometrical, optical, mechanical characteristics, techniques to compensate transmission
impairments, power launching and coupling schemes.
To describe the construction, working principle and characteristics of LEDs, LASERs, photo
detectors and external modulators to suit the low loss wavelength optical communication system
establishment and also to analyze noise performance at the receiver section.
To introduce the concepts of optical network architecture, routing algorithms and intelligent
optical networks.
Expected Outcome:
1. Demonstrate the transmission, geometrical and optical and mechanical characteristics of
2. Choose fiber, optoelectronic components to design, analyze and evaluate various optical
communication systems
3. Establish optical communication systems and integrate it as part of the telecommunication
system to speed up the transmissions.
Unit I Fibre Optic Systems
Analog and Digital fiber optic systems and associated Sources/Transmitters Optical Modulators-
Receiver -pin Receivers - APD Receivers. Fibers- Non dispersion-Shifted Fiber - Dispersion-
Shifted Fiber- Nonzero Dispersion-Shifted Fiber- Link impairment considerations and system
design. Regenerators Optical amplifiers- Optical Amplifiers - Stimulated Emission -
Spontaneous Emission - Erbium-Doped Fiber Amplifiers - Raman Amplifiers -Semiconductor
Optical Amplifiers -Crosstalk in SOAs.
Fiber networks evolution as SONET/SDH Multiplexing - SONET/SDH Layers -SONET
Frame Structure -SONET/SDH Physical Layer- Elements of a SONET/SDH Infrastructure -
Network Survivability - Basic Concepts - Protection in SONET/SDH - Point-to-Point - Self-
Healing Rings -Unidirectional Path-Switched Rings - Bidirectional Line-Switched Rings.
Unit III WDM Light Wave System
WDM -WDM Components -Tunable Optical Filters-Multiplexers and Demultiplexers - Add
Drop Multiplexers - Star Couplers- Wavelength Routers- Optical Cross-Connects - Wavelength
Converters- - WDM Transmitters and receivers - Nonlinear Raman Crosstalk - Stimulated
Brillouin Scattering - Cross-Phase Modulation - Four-Wave Mixing Dispersion -Management-
Precompensation Schemes- Post compensation Techniques -Fiber Bragg Gratings- Optical
Phase Conjugation- PMD Compensation.
Unit IV Single Wave Length Systems
Optical Time-Division Multiplexing Bit interleaving-Packet Interleaving- Subcarrier
Multiplexing -Analog SCM Systems- Digital SCM Systems - Code-Division Multiplexing -
Direct-Sequence Encoding - Spectral Encoding.
Unit V All Optical Transport and Access Networks:
The Optical Transport Network - Introduction - OTN Network Layers - FEC in OTN - OTN
Frame Structure - OPU-k - ODU-k - OTU-k-The Optical Channel - Optical Channel Carrier
and Optical Channel Group Non associated Overhead Mapping GFP -frames in OPU-k-
OTN and DWDM Access WDM Systems The General PON CWDM PON- TDM PON-
1. Rajiv Ramaswami, Kumar N.Sivarajan, Galen H. Sasaki Optical networks -3
Morgan Kaufmann Publishers 2010.
2. Ghatak K. Thyagarajan, Introduction to Fiber Optics, Second Edition, Cambridge
University Press, 2002.
Reference Books
1. John M. Senior, Optical fiber communication principles and practice, 3rd edition, PHI,
2. Govind P.Agrawal, Fi ber optic communication system , 3
edition John Wiley and Sons,
3. Gerd Keiser, Optical Fiber Communications McGraw-Hill, 4
Edition, 2008.
4. Djafar k.mynbaev and Lowell.l.scheiner, Fiber optic communication Technology , Pearson
education, 2006.
Mode of Evaluation: CAT- I & II, Quizzes, Assignments/ other tests, Term End Examination
ECE401 Optical Communication and Networks Lab
List of Experiments:
1. Design, simulation and analysis of CWDM and DWDM systems.
2. Dispersion Management-Pre, Post, Pre-Post DCF, Bragg s Grating
3. Analysis of SPM in single wavelength system
4. Analysis of CPM in Multi- wavelength system
5. Analysis of FWM in WDM system
6. Comparison of NRZ, RZ, CRZ and CSRZ modulations.
7. PMD compensation in optical systems.
8. Gain Equalization in EDFA for WDM system.
9. DPSK modulation and Demodulation in optical systems.
10. Sub carrier Multiplexing and demultiplexing
11. FTTH system with GEPON access architecture.
ECE403 Wireless and Mobile Communication L T P C
3 0 0 3
Version No.: 2.00
Prerequisite: ECE308 Computer Communication
Interpret the various spectrum allocation standards and assigned Bandwidth allocation for
various wireless and cellular standards.
Apply the constraints such as fixed bandwidth channel spacing and signal to noise ratio in
the cellular systems
Specify the need of OFDM techniques for wireless communication.
Illustrate the features of 1G, 2G and 3G and next generation standards using fundamentals
of radio telephony.
Describe the various kinds of mitigation techniques used for multipath propagation.
Expected Outcome:
Student will be able to
To know the cellular structure developed for wireless mobile communication.
To understand how signal propagation is carried out in mobile environment with the help of
large scale propagation models and small scale models
To have a complete knowledge on various standards used in Wireless Communication.
To study about various mitigation techniques for multipath propagation.
Unit I Cellular Concept 8 hours
Cellular concept - Frequency reuse - channel assignment strategies - hand off strategies -
interference & system capacity - trunking& grade of service Improving coverage and capacity
in cellular system.
Unit II Mobile Radio Propagation 10 hours
Free Space Propagation Model Three Basic Propagation mechanism Reflection, Diffraction
and Scattering Ground Reflection (Two Ray) model - Link Budget design using Path Loss
model Outdoor and Indoor Propagation models - Small scale multipath propagation
Parameters of mobile multipath channels Types of small scale fading Fading effects due to
Multipath time delay spread and Fading effects due to Doppler spread - Rayleigh and Rician
Unit III OFDM for Wireless Communication 10 hours
Overview of Linear Modulation Techniques GMSK Multicarrier Modulation OFDM
principle Transceiver implementation, Cyclic prefix, Intercarrier interference, PAPR.
Unit IV Wireless standards 10 hours
Introduction to wireless standards 1G-AMPS, 2G. GSM services and features, System
architecture, Radio subsystem, channel types, Frame structure for GSM, Signal Processing in
GSM - CDMA (IS-95) Forward and Reverse CDMA Channel GPRS Advanced Wireless
Unit V Multipath Mitigation Techniques 7 hours
Diversity Types of Diversity Diversity combining techniques: Selection, Feedback, Maximal
Ratio Combining and Equal Gain Combining Rake receiver MIMO systems Spatial
Multiplexing, System Model and Channel state information.
Unit VI Security in Wireless Networks
1. Rappaport T.S., Wireless communications, Pearson Education, 2010.
Reference Books
1. David Tse and Pramod Viswanath, Fundamentals of Wireless Communication, Cambridge
University Press, 2005.
2. Van Nee, R. and Ramji Prasad, OFDM for wireless multimedia communications, Artech
House, 2000.
3. Jochen Schiller, Mobile Communication, Pearson Education, 2009
4. Andreas.F. Molisch, Wireless Communications, John Wiley India, 2006.
5. Lee, W.C.Y., Mobile Communication Engineering, McGraw Hill, 2008.
6. Vijay. K. Garg, Wireless Communication and Networking, Morgan Kaufmann Publishers,
7. Kavch Pahlavan, Prashant Krishnamoorthy, Principles of Wireless Networks, PHI.
Mode of Evaluation: CAT- I & II, Quizzes, Assignments/ other tests, Term End
ECE405 Satellite Communication
3 0 0 3
Version No.: 1.10
Prerequisite: ECE305 Digital Communication
To get in depth knowledge of communication through satellite
To know the intricacies involved
To understand the design criterion
Expected Outcome:
On completion of the course the student shall be able to:
Identify the required specifications for a complete satellite subsystem.
Summarize the tracking and monitoring systems operated in the earth station.
Interpret the frequency and multiple access techniques required for a typical communication.
Understand the role of satellite communication in advance communication technologies.
Build a satellite model with all the required parameters to operate for a specific engineering
Unit I Elements of Orbotal Mechanics
Equation, Orbital elements, orbital perturbation; Tracking and orbital determination, orbital
correction / control.
Unit II Elements of Communication Satellite Design
Space environment, Spacecraft configuration, spacecraft subsystems, payload, Reliability
considerations spacecraft integration and testing.
Unit III Multiple Access Techniques
FDM-FM-FDMA, TDMA, SSMA / CDMA, RANDOM MULTIPLE access techniques; packet
switching and packet satellite networks. Satellite on broad processing and switching.
Unit IV Satellite Link Design
Types of systems: BSS, Performance requirements and standards for Telephony, TV and data.
Performance impairments; Noise, interference, inter modulation. Design of typical satellite links.
Unit V Domestic Satellite Systems
The INSAT system, International system: INTELSAT, IMMARSAT, Satellite based personal
communication LEO, ICO, CEO Systems.
1. D. Roddy, Satellite Communications, Prentice Hall, 1989.
2. T. Pratt and C.W. Boastian, Satellite Communication, John Wiley & Sons, 1986.
Reference Books:
1. Yunus A. Cengel (2005), Thermodynamics: An Engineering Approach, Tata McGraw- Hill
Publishing Company Ltd.
2. Y.V.C.Rao (2004), An Introduction to Thermodynamics, Universities Press.
3. C. P. Arora (2005) Thermodynamics, Tata McGraw-Hill Publishing Company Ltd.
4. David R. Gaskell, (2003), Introduction to Thermodynamics of Materials, Taylor and Francis
5. M. Achuthan (2004), Engineering Thermodynamics, Prentice Hall India Limited.
6. Eastop (2004), Applied Thermodynamics for Engineering Technologies, Addison - Wesley
Logman Limited.
Mode of Evaluation: CAT- I & II, Assignments/ other tests, Term End Examination
Version No.:
Course Prerequisite: Nil
3 - - 3
Developed with the idea of making the students acquainted with the basic concepts of Psychology as well
as Sociology so as to equip them to be better social beings.
To help students broaden their view of society beyond their own immediate experience and understand
how and why their own experience may be similar or different to the experience of other.
Expected Outcome:
Unit Description Hours
Psychology Science of Psychology Meaning Objectives Schools of Psychology
Psycho analysis Behaviorism Humanism Sensation and perception, Emotion and
motivation. Cognitive abilities and Intelligence Personality.
Applications of Psychology Memory Building and Mind Mapping Stress
Management Career Planning and Management Ergonomics Cybernetics - Case
Social Psychology Nature and Scope Social Psychology and Related disciplines
Cultivation and development of human values social changes urbanization
westernisation social problems social unrest action child labour gender
Attitudes and Behavior Impression Management Team Work and its success
Assertive behaviour Developing positive attitude Case studies
Sociology Definition of Sociology subject matter society definition and
characteristics social structure social groups social institution culture cultural
diversity socialization social rules norms and values Case studies
Text Books
1. Clifford T. Morgan, Richard A. King, John R. Weisz, John Schopler Introduction to Psychology,
Tata McGraw Hill Edition 7
Edition, 2008.
2. John J. Makionis Sociology, Pearson Education, 10
Editiion, 2008.
Reference Books:
1. John J Makionis Sociology- Pearson Education in South Asia : New Delhi 2006
2. Edward E. Smith, Susan Nolen, Hoeksema, Barba Fredickson, Geoffrey R. Lottus Introduction to
Psychology, Atkinson & Hilgards 14
Edition, 2008.
3. Shelley E. Taylor, Letitia Anne Peplan, David O. Sears, Social Psychology Pearson Education,
Editiion, 2008.
Mode of Evaluation: Written Examinations and any of these: Term Paper, Mini Projects, Quiz, Group
Discussion, Case Study Analysis, Seminar, Assignments etc.
Recommended by the Board of Studies on: 23-02-2010
Date of Approval by the Academic Council:
Version : 1.00
Prerequisite : Nil
3 0 0 3
Objectives: To give exposure to the Students with the key aspects and concepts of Management. and to
understand the interdisciplinary nature of Management
Expected Outcome: The Students will be familiar with the basic concepts of Management and will be able to
apply the same in Organizations.
Nature and Scope of Management: Meaning, Importance of Management, Functional areas of
Management, Management as a process, Management as a Science/an Art ,Management &
Administration, Development of Management thought, Scientific Management, Modern
Management, Management Levels, Managerial Skill, Managerial Roles, Comparison of American
1 & Japanese Management Practice. Mission, Vision & Objectives Mission and Vision, Objectives 20
hierarchy of objectives, Process of setting objectives, Management By ObjectivesMeaning,
Advantages, & Limitations. Environment, Social Responsibility, Ethics: Environmental factors,
Challenges before Indian Managers, The Social responsibility of business, Key Ethical principles,
Ethical issues in Management
Planning: Meaning and Nature of Planning, Steps in Planning, Types of Plansbasis of
Breadth, Time Frame, Specificity, Frequency of Use, Classification of Budgets basis of
Capacity, Coverage, Period,
Planning premises Meaning, Types; Forecasting Meaning, Importance of Forecasting;
Decision MakingMeaning, Process of Decision Making.
Organizing: Concept of organizing & Organization , Steps in organizing, Organization as a
Process & as a Structure; Authority, Responsibility, Power Delegation Concept, Obstacles in
delegation; Centralization & Decentralization; Departmentalization Meaning, Bases of
Departmentalization; Organization structure Organization Chart Organizational Change
Organizational Creativity & Innovation Organizational Culture .
Staffing & Leading: Manpower Planning Meaning; RecruitmentMeaning, Sources;
Selection Process; TrainingMeaning, Methods; Leadership Meaning, Leadership
styles; MotivationMeaning, Types of Motivation, Content theories of Motivation
3 Maslow, Alderfer, David McClelland, Herzberg; Theory X & Theory Y; Communication 10
Meaning, Process, Types
Controlling: Meaning, Process of control, Types of Control, Organizational Control techniques
Budgetary control, Standard costing, Management Auditing, MBO, and Break Even Analysis.
Text Book:
1. L.M. PRASAD, 2010, Principles & Practice Of Management Sultan Chand & Sons, New Delhi.
Reference Books:
1. Dr. S.C. Saxena, (2005), Principles and Practice of Management, Sultan chand & Sons.
2. Koontz, Weihrich & Aryasri, (2006), Essentials of Management, Tata McGraw Hill.
Mode of Evaluation: Written Examinations and any of these: Term Paper, Mini Projects, Quiz, Group
Discussion, Case Study Analysis, Seminar, Assignments etc.
Recommended by the Board of Studies on : 27082011
Date of Approval by the Academic Council : 23 AC held on 30.8.2011
Version : 1.00
3 0 0 3
Prerequisite : BMT207
Objectives: This course enables the student to identify the real business problem of a company and how he/she
can scientifically and logically study the problem and provide the solution for the business problem by using
his/her knowledge in functional areas of management
Expected Outcome: To understand and using the various techniques to analyze the business problems and to
provide the feasible solution to the business problems
Foundations of Research: Meaning, Objectives, Motivation, Utility. Characteristics of
scientific method Concept, Construct, Definition, Variable. Research Process problem
Identification & Formulation Management Question Research Question Investigation
Question Measurement Issues Hypothesis Qualities of a good Hypothesis Null
Hypothesis & Alternative Hypothesis. 1.c. Research Design: Concept and Importance in 15
Research Features of a good research design Exploratory Research Design concept,
types and uses, Descriptive Research Designs concept, types and uses. Experimental
Design: Causal relationships, Concept of Independent & Dependent variables, concomitant
variable, extraneous variable, Treatment, Control group.
Qualitative and quantitative research: Qualitative research Quantitative research
Concept of measurement, causality, generalization, replication. Merging the two
Types of Data: Secondary Data Definition, Sources, Characteristics. Primary Data
Definition, Advantages and disadvantages over secondary data, Observation method,
Questionnaire Construction, Personal Interviews, Telephonic Interview, Mail Survey,
Email/Internet survey.
Sampling: Concepts of Statistical Population, Sample, Sampling Frame, Sampling Error,
Sample Size, Non Response. Characteristics of a good sample. Probability Sample Simple
Random Sample, Systematic Sample, Stratified Random Sample & Multistage sampling.
Non Probability Sample Judgment, Convenience, Quota & Snowballing methods.
Determining size of the sample Practical considerations in sampling and sample size.
Data Analysis: Data Preparation Univariate analysis (frequency tables, bar charts, pie
charts, percentages), Bivariate analysis Cross tabulations and Chisquare test including
testing hypothesis of association.) Interpretation of Data and Report Writing Layout of a
Research Paper )
Text Book:
1. Donald R. Cooper and Pamela S. Schindler, (2006), Business Research Methods, Tata McGraw Hill.
Reference Books:
1. Williams Zickmund G, (2003), Business Research Methods, 7
Edition, Pearson Education.
2. Hair, Anderson, Tatham and Black (2006), 5
Edition, Multivariate Data Analysis, Pearson Education.
3. C.R.Kothari, (2005), Research Methodology: Methods and Techniques, New Age International.
4. O.R. Krishnaswamy, (2005), Methodology of Research in Social Sciences, 2
Edition, Himalaya Publishers.
Mode of Evaluation: Examinations and any of these: Term Paper, Mini Projects, Quiz, Group Discussion, Case
Study Analysis, Seminar, Assignments etc.
Recommended by the Board of Studies on : 27082011
Date of Approval by the Academic Council : 23 AC held on 30.8.2011


year 1
semester subjects:
1. Microwave Engineering
2. Neural Networks and Fuzzy Control
3. Business Economics
4. Numerical Analysis

ECE402 Microwave Engineering L T P C
3 0 2 4
Version No.: 1.10
Prerequisite: ECE306 Antennas and Wave Propagation
Analyze the passive circuits using Scattering parameters.
Understand the various types of microwave semiconductor devices
Design the microwave filters and implement in micro strip form
Use smith chart to design amplifier using matching network
Expected Outcome
1. Distinguish microwave IEEE frequency bands based on their application(A)
2. Analyze various microwave networks to study its characteristics (A,C,E)
3. Perform design and simulation of microwave circuits(A,C,E,H)
4. Infer and evaluate the performance of designed microwave networks (A,C,E)
5. Distinguish the requirement of microwave source for various applications
6. Determine stability condition and design microwave amplifier.
Unit I Microwave measurement and application
Microwave frequencies (IEEE Standards), Microwave measurements- Guide wavelength VSWR-
Frequency, Impedance. Applications of Microwaves: Microwave Oven, Radar, Wireless
Unit II Microwave Network Analysis
Impedance and admittance matrix- Reciprocal Networks and Lossless networks, Scattering
matrix- The transmission matrix, Signal Flow graph Decomposition of Signal Flow graphs.
Unit III Microwave Sources and Semiconductor Devices
Microwave Tubes: Travelling Wave Tube (TWT), Klystron oscillator, Reflex Klystron, Magnetron.
Semiconductor Devices: Tunnel diode, Gunn diode, IMPATT-TRAPATT-BARITT diodes,
microwave transistors.
Unit IV Microwave Passive Components(Wave Guide)
Power dividers: E-Plane Tee, H-Plane Tee, Magic Tee, Directional Coupler.
Ferrite Devices: Phase Shifter, Isolator, Circulator, Microwave Resonators.
Wave guide cavities: Rectangular Cavity, Circular Cavity.
Unit V Design of Microwave Passive and active Circuits :
Microstrip lines : Basics of Microstrip lines.
Power Dividers: T junction, resistive power divider, Wilkinson Power Divider, Branch Line
Coupler, Rat race ring (180
hybrid coupler).
Microwave Filters: Low Pass Filter design (Butterworth and Chebyshev) - Insertion loss method:
Richard s Transformation, Kurodas identities, Stepped impedance low pass filter.
Microwave Active circuits
Microwave amplifiers, Stability, Single stage transistor amplifier, Maximum gain method.
1. D. M. Pozar, Microwave Engineering, John Wiley, 3/e, 2005.
2. Samuel Y. Liao, Microwave Devices and Circuits,3/ e, PHI, New Delhi, 2002.
Reference Books
1. Robert E. Coughlin, Foundations of Microwave Engineering, John Wiley, 3/e, 2001.
2. Annapurna Dasand S, K. Das, Microwave Engineering, Tata McGraw-Hill, New Delhi,
3. O.P. Gandhi, Microwave Engineering , Pergamon Press, NY, 2003.
4. M.L. Sisodia, Microwave active devices- Vaccum and Solid States New Age International,
5. M.L. Sisodia, Microwave circuit and Passive devices NewAge International, 2004.
Mode of Evaluation: CAT- I & II, Quizzes, Assignments/ other tests, Term End
ECE402 Microwave Engineering Lab
List of Experiments:
Design & Simulation using Software
1. Branch Line Coupler
2. Power Divider
3. Filter
4. Amplifier
5. Oscillator
6. Circuit Mixer
7. Low Noise Amplifier
ECE407 Neural Networks and Fuzzy Control
3 0 0 3
Version No.: 1.30
Prerequisites: MAT101 Multivariable Calculus and Differential Equations /
MAT201 Complex Variables and Partial Differential Equations,
ECE303 Digital Signal Processing
To provide in depth knowledge on the latest subject and their applications in different fields.
To introduce the various learning rules of Neural Networks both supervised and
To explain the working of error back propagation training algorithm and its use as a
mathematical tool for solving problems.
To provide knowledge on associative memories and their applications.
To introduce the subject on Fuzzy Logic.
To introduce the Fuzzy relations and Fuzzy mathematics.
To explain the solutions of a problem by Fuzzy Logic method based on linguistic inputs.
To explain the concept of Fuzzy control and also help to design FLC.
To explain few applications of both Neural Networks and Fuzzy Logic in different fields
Unit I Introduction to Artificial Neural Networks:
Artificial neural networks and their biological motivation Terminology Models of neuron
Topology characteristics of artificial neural networks types of activation functions.
Unit II Learning Laws
Learning methods error correction learning Hebbian learning Perceptron XOR Problem
Perceptron learning rule convergence theorem Adaline.
Unit III Feed Forward Networks
Multilayer Perceptron Back Propagation learning algorithm Universal function
approximation Associative memory: auto association, hetero associatio, recall and cross talk.
Unit IV Recurrent neural networks
Linear auto associator Bi-directional associative memory Hopfield neural network
Travelling Salesman Problem.
Unit V Unsupervised Learning
Competitive learning neural networks Max net Mexican Hat Hamming net.
Unit VI Self Organizing networks
Kohonen Self organizing Feature Map Counter propagation Learning Vector Quantization
Adaptive Resonance Theory
Applications of neural networks in image processing, signal processing, modeling and control.
Unit VII Fuzzy Sets and Fuzzy Relations
Introduction classical sets and fuzzy sets classical relations and fuzzy relations membership
functions fuzzy to crisp conversion ,fuzzy arithmetic, numbers, vectors, and extension principle
Unit VIII Fuzzy Decision Making
Classical logic and fuzzy logic fuzzy rule based systems fuzzy nonlinear simulation fuzzy
decision making fuzzy control systems fuzzy optimization one-dimensional optimization.
Reference Books:
1. Laurene Fausett, Fundamentals of Neural Networks-Architectures, algorithms and
applications, Pearson Education Inc., 2004.
2. Timothy J. Ross, Fuzzy Logic with Engineering Applications, John Wiley and sons, 2004.
3. S. Haykin, Neural Networks, A Comprehensive Foundation, Pearson Education Inc.,
4. Jacek. M. Zurada, Introduction to Artificial Neural Systems, Jaico Publishing House, 2001.
5. J.S.R. Jang, C.T. Sun, E. Mizutani, Neuro Fuzzy and Soft Computing - A computational
Approach to Learning and Machine Intelligence, Pearson Education Inc., 2002. Pub, New
Delhi, 1996.
6. Simon Haykin, Neural Networks, Mac Millen College Pub co., New York, 1994.
Mode of Evaluation: CAT- I & II, Assignments/ other tests, Term End Examination.
HUM103 Business Economics
3 0 0 3
Version No. 2
Course Prerequisites: Nil
To introduce the business economics concepts and their applications for engineers.
Theories and tools of economics in Business applications.
Expected Outcome:
Students should be aware of basic concepts of economics and theoretical significance in
Unit No.1 Consumer Preferences and Demand Analysis 9hrs
Consumer Behaviour- Utility analysis- Indifference Curves Equilibrium- Income and
Price Effect- Slutsky Equation- Demand functions -Consumer Surplus Engel curve-
Elasticity-Demand Forecasting Techniques.
Unit No.2 Production Analysis 9hrs
Producers Behaviour- Production Function- Cobb Douglas, CES and Translog
Functions- Law of Variable Proportion -Law of Return to Scale.
Unit No. 3 Cost Analysis 9hrs
Cost and Revenue Functions -Short-Run and Long-Run-AC, MC, AR and MR- BreakEven
Unit No. 4 Market Structures and Pricing 9hrs
Perfect, Monopoly, Monopolistic and Oligopoly markets, Pricing Market Search.
Unit No. 5 Games and Information 9hrs
Introduction to Game Theory - Strategic Equilibrium- Nash Equilibrium Asymmetric
Information - Insurance Risk and Uncertainty - Moral Hazard.
Text Books :
1. Business Economics- J.A. Kay- Oxford University Press,- ISBN10: 0198292228
2. Micro Economic Analysis Varian H
3. Micro Economic Theory: Mathematical Approach Henderson & Quandt.
References :
1. Varian H (1999), Intermediate Microeconomics: A Modern Approach, East
West Press Pvt., Ltd, New Delhi.
2. Mandal R K (1999), Microeconomic Theory, Atlantic Publishers, New Delhi.
3. Maurya M L (2002), Modern Microeconomics: Theory and Application,
Manglam Publishers, New Delhi.
4. Stigler G (1985), Theory of Price, Prentice Hall, New Delhi.
5. Koutsyiannis A (1994), Modern Micro Economics, MacMillan, London.
6. Pyndic & Rubin field - Micro Economics.
Mode of Evaluation: Continuous Assessment (Quizzes, CATs,
Assignments, etc.) and TEE
Recommended by the Board of Studies on:
Date of Approval by the Academic Council: 18.05.2012
Proceedings of the 26th Academic Council held on 18.5.2012
3 0 0 3
Version No. 1.1
Prerequisite MAT105
To provide concepts of numerical methods that can be used in many engineering
Expected Outcome:
On completion of this course students are able to apply numerical algorithms, concepts
in engineering applications
Unit I Solution Of Equations And Eigen Value Problems 9 hours
Iterative methods: Newton Raphson method for single variable and for simultaneous
equations with two variables. Solutions of a linear system by Gaussian, Gauss-Jordan,
Jacobi and Gauss Seidel methods. Inverse of a matrix by Gauss Jordan method. Eigen
value of a matrix by Power and Jacobi methods.
Unit II Interpolation 9 hours
Newton forward and backward difference formulae-problems, Stirlings and Bessels
Central difference formulae-problems, Newtons divided difference formulae,
Lagranges interpolation and Hermites polynomials
Unit III Numerical Differentiation And Integration 9 hours
Numerical differentiation with interpolation polynomials, Numerical integration by
Trapezoidal and Simpsons (both 1/3
and 3/8
) rules. Two and Three point Gaussian
quadrature formula. Double integrals using Trapezoidal and Simpsons rule.
Unit IV Initial Value Problems For Ordinary Differential
9 hours
Single step Methods Taylor Series, Euler and Modified Euler, Runge Kutta method of
order four for first and second order differential equations. Multistep Methods-Milne
and Adams Bashforth predictor and corrector methods.
Unit V Boundary Value Problems For Ordinary And Partial
Differential Equations
9 hours
Finite difference solution for the second order ordinary differential equations. Finite
difference solution for one dimensional heat equation (both implicit and explicit), One-
dimensional wave equation and two-dimensional Laplace and Poisson equations.
Text Book
Jain M.K., Iyengar S.R.K and Jain R.K., Numerical Methods for Engineering and Scientific
Computation (Fourth Edition), New Age International (P) Ltd., New Delhi,
1. Gerald C.F., Wheatley P.O., Applied Numerical Analysis (Fifth Edition), Addison
Wesley, Singapore, 1998Sastry, S.S., Introductory Methods of Numerical Analysis
(Third Edition), Prentice Hall of India, New Delhi, 1998.
2. Grewal B.S., Grewal J.S., Numerical Methods in Engineering and Science, Khanna
Publishers, New Delhi, 1999.
3. S.S.Sastry, Introductory Methods of Numerical Analysis, PHI Pvt Ltd ,New Delhi
Mode of Evaluation:
Recommended by the Board of Studies on : 12-05-2012
Date of Approval by the Academic Council :


year 2
semester subjects:
1. In-plant Training
2. Comprehensive Examination
3. Project Work

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