China Automotive Lock Industry Report, 2014-2017: Published By: Sino Market Insight Published: Jul-2014

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China Automotive Lock Industry Report, 2014-2017

Published by : Sino Market Insight

Published : Jul-2014
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According to China Automotive Lock Industry Report, 2014-2017 reeased !y "ino
#arket Insight, $e pro%ect that in 2014-2017 Chinese automotive ock market $i
present an AA&R o' ()*+-,+, $ith the tota production e-pected to e-ceed 1.0
miion units !y 2017)

/ith the rapid deveopment o' China0s automo!ie market, the production o'
automotive ocks there sho$ed a steady gro$th, $ith the 201.0s production in
China totaing ,*)2.1 miion units, up 14)(+ on a year-on-year !asis) 1his gro$th
rate $as virtuay consistent $ith that o' the vehice production in China) 2ue to the
'act that automotive ock industry, especiay the products such as the vehice door
ocks, trunk ocks and 'ue tank cap ocks, has a reativey o$ re3uirement on the
technoogies 'or product deveopment and production, the production o'
automotive ocks in China coud save production costs)

especiay those o' a!or and materias) At present, most vehice manu'acturers,
$hether independent auto !rands or %oint-venture !rands, choose to produce and
assem!e vehice door ocks in China)
In terms o' centra ocking and remote contro key products, automotive centra
ocking and remote contro key market in China continued steady gro$th in 201.,
$ith the proportion o' centra ocking and remote contro keys assem!ed in
passenger vehices rising 'rom (4)4+ and (0)4+ in 2012 to (,)4+ and (.)*+ in
201., respectivey) 2riven !y the trend o' vehice inteigenti5ation, centra ocking
and remote contro keys have !ecome the standard con'iguration 'or the high and
medium-end modes and even some o$-end modes)
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/e predict that !y 2020 amost a the passenger cars $i !e e3uipped $ith centra ocking
and remote contro keys)

In terms o' keyess entry devices, the proportion o' passive keyess entry 6789:
system instaed in passenger cars in China reached 22)1+ in 201., $ith the
keyess entry systems assem!ed 'or the 'u year totaing roughy .,,,4,4(1 sets,
up 2)2 percentage points 'rom 2012) As automotive keyess system imposes
higher re3uirements on vehice anti-the't system and vehice recognition system,
ony a 'e$ high and medium-end car modes o' some !rands take them as
standard or optiona devices)

Table of Contents
Table of Contents
". Industry%s &acro 'nvironment
1)1 2eceerated &ro$th in Chinese 9conomy
1)2 A 2rop in &ro$th Rate o' ;i-ed Assets Investment
1). Remarka!e "o$do$n in Import and 9-port
1)4 "teady Increase o' "ocia Consumption
(verview of )utomotive *ock +ystem
2)1 2e'inition and Cassi'ication
2)2 Reated 7oicies

Table of Contents
Table of Contents
3 Automotive Lock-related Industry Analysis
.)1 2eveopment o' Automo!ie Industry
.)1)1 <vervie$ o' Automo!ie Industry
.)1)2 7assenger Car
.)1). Commercia =ehice
.)2 Auto 7arts Industry
.)2)1 "tatus >uo
.)2)2 #arket 7attern
.)2). #arket "i5e
.)2)4 2eveopment 1rend

Table of Contents
Table of Contents
# Development of )utomotive *ock and ,eyless +ystem Industry in -hina
4)1 #arket "i5e Anaysis
4)1)1 Automotive Lock #arket
4)1)2 Centra Locking and Remote Contro 8ey #arket
4)1). 7assive 8eyess 9ntry 6789: "ystem #arket
4)1)4 Chid "a'ety Lock #arket
4)2 Competition 7attern and "upporting Auto #odes
.urchase Details:-

GD. and /o/ Growth 0ate in -hina1 !!2-!"#
"hare o' =aue Added o' 1hree Industries in China, 2004-2014
=aue Added o' 1ransportation, /arehouse and 7ost and 1heir "hares in &27 in China 2001-
;i-ed Assets Investment Competed and AoA &ro$th Rate in China 2001-2014
ChinaBs 1ota Import and 9-port =aue, &ro$th Rate o' Import and 9-port =aue, 2001-2014
1ota Retaiing o' "ocia Consumer &oods and AoA &ro$th Rate in China, 2001-2014 7oicies
on Automo!ie and Automotive Lock Industries in China
7roduction and "aes o' =ehices in China, 200,-20179
7roduction and "aes o' "edans in China, 200,-20179
7roduction and "aes o' #a%or "edan #akers in China, 2012-201.
7roduction and "aes o' "C=s in China, 200,-20179

7roduction and "aes o' #a%or "C= #anu'acturers in China, 2012-201.
7roduction and "aes o' #7=s in China 200,-20179
7roduction and "aes o' #a%or #7= #anu'acturers in China, 2012-201.
7roduction and "aes o' Cross 7assenger Cars in China, 200,-20179
7roduction and "aes o' #a%or Cross 7assenger Car #akers in China, 2012-201.
7roduction o' Duses in China, 200,-20179
"aes =oume o' Duses in China, 200,-20179
7roduction and "aes o' Duses o' #a%or 9nterprises in China, 2012-201.
7roduction o' 1rucks in China, 200,-20179
"aes =oume o' 1rucks in China, 200,-20179
7roduction and "aes o' #a%or 1ruck #anu'acturers in China, 2012-201.
Cassi'ication o' Auto 7arts #anu'acturers in China

1op 20 Auto 7arts #anu'acturers in China, 201.
Eum!er o' Auto 7arts #anu'acturers in China, 200.-2014
<perating Revenue 'rom Auto 7arts Industry in China, 200.-2014
1ota 7ro'it o' Auto 7arts Industry in China, 200.-2014
&ross #argin o' Auto 7arts Industry in China, 200,-2014
7roduction o' Automotive Locks in China, 200,-20179
"aes =oume o' Centra Locking and Remote Contro 8eys o' 7assenger =ehices in
China, 2012-20179
"aes =oume o' 8eyess 9ntry "ystem o' 7assenger =ehices in China, 2012-201.
1op 10 Automotive Lock #anu'acturers in China !y 7roduction and 1heir "upporting Auto
#odes, 201.-2014

;inancia 7er'ormance o' 2ong'eng #otor, 200,-2014
Revenue, Cost and &ross #argin o' 2ong'eng #otor !y 7roduct and Region, 200,-201.
<utput and "aes =oume o' 2ong'eng #otor !y #ode, 2011-2014
Capacity o' 2ong'eng #otor !y 7ant, 2014
Revenue o' 2ong'eng #otor 'rom 1op * Cients and + o' 1ota Revenue, 2012-201.
Revenue, Eet Income and &ross #argin o' 2ong'eng #otor, 2014-20179
<utput, "aes =oume and AoA &ro$th o' Chong3ing Li'an Automo!ie !y #ode, 2010-
<utput, "aes =oume and AoA &ro$th !y #ode o' "ichuan Fyundai #otor, 2010-2014
#ain ;inancia Indicators o' GAC, 200,-2014
Revenue and &ross #argin o' GAC !y 7roduct, 2011-201.
<utput and "aes =oume o' GAC !y #ode, 2012-2014
Revenue o' GAC 'rom 1op * Cients and + o' 1ota Revenue, 201.
Revenue, Eet Income and &ross #argin o' GAC, 2014-20179

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Cathy =i!er
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