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Workforce Planning Model & Worksheets

2014 | Human-Resource-olutions!co!uk | Page 0

Planning Model &
Human Resource olutions
Workforce Planning is the "rocess #here$% the management of
an organisation tr% to ensure that the% al#a%s ha&e the right
num$er of em"lo%ees' #ith the right kno#ledge and skills in
"lace at the right time! (his document "ro&ides a Workforce
Planning Model #hich can $e a""lied in an% organi)ation* it also
incor"orates a series of #orksheets to facilitate e+ecti&e "ro,ect
-! .rogan
Human Resource olutions
Workforce Planning Model & Worksheets
The purpose of these manpower planning guidelines is to assist managers to undertake
systematic planning for major structural changes about to take place in their area of
responsibility and which will therefore affect their staff. If worked through
conscientiously, they should ensure appropriate numbers and skills are in place at
each key project milestone.
The model takes managers through the process of clarifying the future situation and
articulating the implications of the changes for the workforce. This will allow the
estimate of future demand for staff in each staff group at each key date in the project.
rofiling the current workforce allows the estimate of internal supply, and by
comparing with the demand estimate, allows the !uantification of areas of staffing
surplus or deficit. "ased on the outcome of this, action plans are then drawn up to
look at how these difficulties can be addressed # allocating timescales and
The final process in$ol$es ensuring there is a process whereby any changes which
affect the planning assumptions, are able to be fed into the demand % supply estimates
and the action plans adjusted accordingly. This process should also allow monitoring
of the action plans to ensure they remain on target.
The importance of embedding project based manpower planning in the conte&t of a
strategic framework cannot be o$eremphasised, and the monitoring and e$aluation
process should include a link with a high#le$el group considering o$erall manpower
The way in which managers use these guidelines will $ary depending on the situation
and the scale of the project. 'owe$er it is likely that the process will be facilitated by
a 'uman (esources professional who will also help to supply much of the
information) particularly in relation to profiling the current workforce. *thers
in$ol$ed with the project group are likely to be operational managers whose staff are
affected, managers from other agencies % organisations where staff may transfer to or
from, professional ad$isers from the key functional groups and where appropriate a
member of the staff#side.
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Workforce Planning Model & Worksheets
Workforce Planning Model
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Clarify the future situation
Describe the Implications for the Workforce
Profile the current workforce
Estimate future demand for staff
Estimate future supply of staff
Action Plans to address
imbalances between demand
and supply
Monitor and continually evaluate
Workforce Planning Model & Worksheets
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Clarify the Future Situation
Objective: To clearly outline, in broad terms, the proposed
service change, the resource assumptions and the
manpower implications. To then break this down into
manageable stages. This will set the parameters of
the manpower planning project.
The first task is to clearly articulate the e&act shape and scope of the
ser$ice change, this amounts to a +$ision+ of how the new ser$ice will
look. Then we must identify all ser$ices that are affected, and how they
will change. "road timescales should be outlined at this stage.
The ne&t stage is to identify non#staff resources which are affected by the
change. This usually amounts to buildings, e!uipment etc or financial
assets such as new contracts, transfer in or out of finances or budgetary
reductions. The purpose of this section is to clearly understand these and
determine to what e&tent they are limitations on the change project.
The ne&t section outlines what the implications of the changes are for
,onsideration should be gi$en firstly to broad numbers # is there a
need to increase or decrease numbers or will present numbers be
-oes the skill#mi& re!uire to change # will this become richer or
-oes this ha$e implications for !ualifications % skills re!uired by
staff # how will these need to change.
/ill there need to be changes to working patterns % practices # e.g.
will staff be re!uired to work more fle&ibly, change shift patterns,
interface with other agencies etc.
The final part of this section in$ol$es breaking the change project down
into discrete stages # usually around 3#0. This will identify each major
task or e$ent, and put appropriate target dates and timescales to each.
Clarify the future situation
Describe the Implications for the Workforce
Profile the current workforce
Estimate future demand for staff
Estimate future supply of staff
Action Plans to address
imbalances between demand
and supply
Monitor and continually evaluate
Workforce Planning Model & Worksheets
Worksheet 1
Clarify the Future Situation
12nswer each section in $ery broad terms3
Identify the general shape and scope of the proposed business change Identify in this
The proposed
The current
ser$ices which
will be affected
by the change
The proposed
Identify the resources which will be affected by the change (exclude staff) Identify in this
"uildings and
other physical
resources #
additional %
reductions %
Identify the general staffing implications of the proposed change Identify in this
Increase %
decrease %
transfer of staff
,hanges to skill#
,hanges in
!ualifications %
skill re!uired
,hanges to
,urrent staff
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Workforce Planning Model & Worksheets
Worksheet 1(continued)
"reak the project down into a series of discrete stages 1usually 3#03 and describe these
STAGE ! T"E #$%E&T Identify in this
The initial 3#0
major tasks or
The appropriate
targets and
STAGE ! T"E #$%E&T Identify in this
The ne&t 3#0
major tasks or
The appropriate
targets and
STAGE ! T"E #$%E&T Identify in this
The ne&t 3#0
major tasks or
The appropriate
targets and
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Workforce Planning Model & Worksheets
2014 | Human-Resource-olutions!co!uk | Page 1
Describe the Imlications for the Workforce
Objective: To identify in detail the specific workforce
implications for each key task / event at each stage in
the project
5or each stage identified in /orksheet 1, outline the specific staff related
change that need to occur. 5or e&ample4
/ill more or less of a particular staff group be necessary.
/ill there need to be a transfer between sites or agencies.
/ill the affected staff group need different skills and % or
/ill a different skill mi& be re!uired # if so how will this be
/ill any ser$ices be rationalised, centralised or contracted out.
/ill management re#structuring be necessary.
The effects on the workforce should be !uantified 1e$en appro&imately3
where at all possible
2llocate key dates for each of the major workforce changes identified.
Clarify the future situation
Describe the Implications for the Workforce
Profile the current workforce
Estimate future demand for staff
Estimate future supply of staff
Action Plans to address
imbalances between demand
and supply
Monitor and continually evaluate
Workforce Planning Model & Worksheets
Worksheet !
Imlications for the Workforce
/ith reference to /orksheet 1, outline the staffing implications at each stage
STAGE ! T"E #$%E&T Identify for each task
% e$ent of this stage4
The key date for
the task % e$ent
The staff related
change that will
The effect on the
workforce 1more
% less staff,
different skills,
different mi& of
skills etc3
6uantify the
effects where
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Workforce Planning Model & Worksheets
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Workforce Planning Model & Worksheets
Worksheet ! (continued)
STAGE ! T"E #$%E&T Identify in this
2s for 7tage 1
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Workforce Planning Model & Worksheets
Worksheet ! (continued)
STAGE ! T"E #$%E&T Identify in this
2s for stage 1
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Workforce Planning Model & Worksheets
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"stimate of Future Demand for Staff
Objective: To specify exact workforce numbers in each staff group
reuired at each key date.
5or each stage in the project, identify the numbers in each staff group
affected, both in headcount and /hole Time 8!ui$alent 1/T83 it is
generally best to work in /T89s, howe$er where there are large numbers
of part#time staff, it can be useful to consider headcount also.
If an adjustment is re!uired this may also be noted at this stage. This may
be to ensure that current staffing figures fairly represent the present
situation. 5or e&ample to take account of under or o$er establishment, or
results of a skill#mi& e&ercise. The new figure should be entered in the
:adjustment+ column.
The new /T8 % headcount figure should be entered under each key date
1as identified in /orksheet 23. *b$iously this may be different for the
same staff group at different dates e.g. a staged recruitment process.
Clarify the future situation
Describe the Implications for the Workforce
Profile the current workforce
Estimate future demand for staff
Estimate future supply of staff
Action Plans to address
imbalances between demand
and supply
Monitor and continually evaluate
Workforce Planning Model & Worksheets
Worksheet #
"stimate of Future Demand for Staff
"ased on the staff implications identified in /orksheet 2, !uantify the staff changes
)ew *TE ("eadcount)
;rade ,urrent /T8
2djustment <ey -ate <ey -ate <ey -ate <ey -ate
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Workforce Planning Model & Worksheets
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Workforce Planning Model & Worksheets

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Profile the Current Workforce
Objective: To allow managers to understand the current
workforce profile and thereby allow them to
estimate internal supply
1. Identify all staff who are affected by the proposed changes broken
down by grade, headcount, /T8, part#time% full time and se&
2. rofile the same staff group by grade and age = length of ser$ice)
the same profile should be completed for lea$ers.
3. 2nalysis of numbers of lea$ers and joiners for the last year)
calculate wastage rates and net flow for each staff group, and if
appropriate for each significant grade.
0. 2nalysis of lea$ers and joiners including source of recruitment,
reason for lea$ing and destination on lea$ing.
>. Identify all hard#to#fill posts % $acancies by staff group % grade and
length of time $acant
?. 2nalysis of absences for each staff group
@. 2nalysis of tra$el to work pattern by staff group
A. "ased on the abo$e information, estimate for each key date in the
7taff lost through internal promotion
Bumber of retirals
/astage rates
Clarify the future situation
Describe the Implications for the Workforce
Profile the current workforce
Estimate future demand for staff
Estimate future supply of staff
Action Plans to address
imbalances between demand
and supply
Monitor and continually evaluate
Workforce Planning Model & Worksheets
Worksheet $
Profile the Current Workforce
Table 1 1Cay be headcount or /T8 or both, and may be e&pressed in numbers or D3
5ull#time art#time
Staff Group
(or grade)
)umber +ale !emale +ale !emale Total
Table 2 # 7taff ;roup4 1complete for current staff and lea$ers3
,ength of
Age (in bands)
/10 101
632 TTA,
Table 3 # Eea$ers, joiners and wastage rates for the last year
Staff Group A-erage
)o8 f
*astage $ate )o8 f )ew
)et !low
2014 | Human-Resource-olutions!co!uk | Page 10
Workforce Planning Model & Worksheets
Worksheet $(continued)
Profile the Current Workforce
Table 0a # Foiners analysis
7taff ;roup 7ource of recruitment Bumbers
Table 0b # Eea$ers analysis # reasons for lea$ing
7taff ;roup (eason for lea$ing Bumbers
Table 0c # Eea$ers analysis # -estination on lea$ing
7taff ;roup -estination on lea$ing Bumbers
Table > # Gacancy analysis
7taff ;roup 'ard to fill post 2$erage time $acant
Table ? # 2bsence analysis
7taff ;roup 7ickness absence Caternity lea$e *ther
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Workforce Planning Model & Worksheets
Table @ # Tra$el to /ork pattern
7taff ;roup 2rea D
Table A # 7ummary of wastage, promotions and retirals
<ey -ate4
7taff ;roup /astage rate Bo. of promotions in
last year
Bo. of retirals
due up to key
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Workforce Planning Model & Worksheets
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"stimate future suly of staff
Objective: To calculate of the difference between estimated
demand and projected internal supply and thereby
uantify areas of surplus and / or deficit.
Clarify the future situation
Describe the Implications for the Workforce
Profile the current workforce
Estimate future demand for staff
Estimate future supply of staff
Action Plans to address
imbalances between demand
and supply
Monitor and continually evaluate
Workforce Planning Model & Worksheets
Worksheet %a
"stimate future suly of staff
Calculation of difference between estimated
demand and proected internal supply
1complete a table for each affected staff group3
7taff ;roup
<ey -ate <ey -ate <ey -ate <ey -ate
,urrent staff
Eosses4 promotions
;ains4 internal promotions
Total internal supply
Bew /T8 re!uired
9ifference 1Bumbers to
di$est, or recruit
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Workforce Planning Model & Worksheets
Worksheet %b
Summary of mano&er imlications for each staff grou
7taff ;roup 7taff surplus % deficit 2ction lan
-ate -ate -ate -ate
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Workforce Planning Model & Worksheets

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'ction Plans to address imbalances
bet&een demand and suly
Insufficient Staff
Objective: To outline action points, timescales and
responsibility to ensure that the necessary
actions are taken to, as far as possible, recruit
sufficient staff to meet workforce demand at
each key stage of the project.
7taff will need to be recruited from the e&ternal labour market. In
formulating the action plan for this, consider the following points4
1. -o you anticipate any problems reaching the desired le$el of
recruitment, based on past e&perience and current trends. If
not, carefully consider whether anything has changed, or will
change which may affect this o$er the lifespan of the project.
2. If you anticipate there may be some difficulties, then consider
the following4
'a$e you targeted all possible sources such as colleges%
uni$ersities, older people, women returners etc.
'a$e you tried adjusting the hours % fle&ibility to suit for
e&ample working mothers
/hat about crHche % childcare facilities
2re pay and conditions an issue # if so could you $ary
,ould you sponsor students through an appropriate course
2re there staff internally who could be promoted 1or !uickly
de$eloped to this le$el3
,ould you attract staff away from other parts of the ser$ice or
the pri$ate sector
2re there any ;o$ernment schemes which could
,ould this part of the ser$ice be contracted out
,ould the duties of this group be carried out by a less difficult
to recruit to group.
Clarify the future situation
Describe the Implications for the Workforce
Profile the current workforce
Estimate future demand for staff
Estimate future supply of staff
Action Plans to address
imbalances between demand
and supply
Monitor and continually evaluate
Workforce Planning Model & Worksheets
Worksheet (a
'ction Plan
Insufficient Staff
7taff ;roup4 (eference Bumber4
2ction (e!uired (esponsibility "y when
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'ction Plans to address imbalances
bet&een demand and suly
Surplus Staff
Objective: To outline action points, timescales and
responsibility to ensure that the necessary actions
are taken to reduce the workforce to meet new
demand levels at each key stage of the project.
7taffing le$els need to be reduced) in formulating the action plan for
this, the following points should be borne in mind4
'ow long would it take to shed the surplus staff through normal
methods # wastage, retirals 1early or not3, promotion. /ould this
be acceptable or are more proacti$e methods re!uired.
,ould the rest of the organisation assist by holding $acancies for
the staff affected, perhaps by using temporary contracts
,ould the e&cess staff be re#deployed within the organisation) if
so would some degree of re#training be necessary.
,ould they be transferred to another agency, again perhaps with
some re#training 1does TI8 apply.3
'a$e you taken into account the effect of sickness, lea$e, study
lea$e, maternity lea$e and other absences. 2lso ha$e you looked
at how many staff are likely to retire in the near future
If redundancy is the chosen option, then ensure the organisation
has a redundancy policy and that this is applied. articularly in
relation to statutory consultation periods, and selection for
Clarify the future situation
Describe the Implications for the Workforce
Profile the current workforce
Estimate future demand for staff
Estimate future supply of staff
Action Plans to address
imbalances between demand
and supply
Monitor and continually evaluate
Clarify the future situation
Describe the Implications for the Workforce
Profile the current workforce
Estimate future demand for staff
Estimate future supply of staff
Action Plans to address
imbalances between demand
and supply
Monitor and continually evaluate
Workforce Planning Model & Worksheets
Worksheet (b
'ction Plan
Surplus Staff
7taff ;roup4 (eference Bumber4
2ction (e!uired (esponsibility "y when
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Workforce Planning Model & Worksheets
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Monitor and continually e)aluate
Objective: To ensure that any changes which affect
the planning assumptions are fed into
the supply / demand estimates and the
action plans adjusted accordingly. To
further ensure that the agreed action
plans remain on target.
8nsure that when designing a monitoring and e$aluation
system you consider the following4
Is there a group which is o$erseeing the project e.g. a
steering group. If so how does this link to other similar
groups in the organisation.
'ow will changes to strategy be fed into the manpower
assumptions regarding supply and demand
'ow will the workforce action plans be monitored
-o you ha$e an early warning system to detect changes
in manpower trends, or in the en$ironment.
Clarify the future situation
Describe the Implications for the Workforce
Profile the current workforce
Estimate future demand for staff
Estimate future supply of staff
Action Plans to address
imbalances between demand
and supply
Monitor and continually evaluate
Workforce Planning Model & Worksheets
Worksheet *
Monitoring and ")aluation Process
-raw a schematic of how the manpower planning project will be monitored, and how the process of
continual e$aluation will take place. "e sure to clearly show the allocation of responsibility.
2014 | Human-Resource-olutions!co!uk | Page 21

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