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Are your workouts stagnating?

Not seeing any improvements?

then try periodizing your workouts !!!

Periodization involves breaking up a long segment of training into several smaller phases with
each phase having its own specific goal. Originally popularized by Tudor Bompa in the early
1960s, periodization works by progressively overloading the body in a sequential manner: first
by building a physical base for the trainee (anatomical adaptation phase), then focusing on
muscular growth (hypertrophy phase) and finally focusing on increasing strength (maximum
strength phase). In between each phase, a short transition phase (active recovery phase) is
often added to help give the body and mind a rest by decreasing the training volume.

Each phase has guidelines concerning how long the particular phase should last, the number of
reps and sets to be used, as well as the length of rest intervals and number of workouts per
week to be performed. All of these guidelines have been constructed to meet the particular goal
of each phase, and are outlined in the following table:

Anatomical Adaptation = AA: Hypertrophy = H: Maximum Strength = MS: Transition = T

Phase Length
of Phase
per Week

Emphasis of Phase






- introduce and learn new
- build tendon & ligament






- induce muscular growth
- increase strength to prepare
for next phase






- increasing overall muscular
strength by inducing growth
of the cross-bridges and
myosin filaments of the
muscle fibre
- recruit as many fast-twitch
fibres as possible by using
heavy weights and low reps


1-4 *




- decrease volume and
intensity of training
- replenish exhausted body
- relax the body and mind

* the transition phases between the AA, H and MS should be limited to one to two weeks;
however the transition phase after the MS phase may go on for a longer period of time (see
following section)
Putting it all Together!

Now that we have guidelines to follow for each phase, we are ready to put in into a year-round
schedule. An example schedule for a typical recreational trainer could be set up as follows:

Month Jan Feb Mar Apr May Jun Jul Aug Sep Oct Nov Dec
Weeks 8 1 6 1 6 2 8 1 6 1 6 3

Why it Works

Periodization was developed based physiological responses of muscle and tendons to stress
(i.e. weightlifting), and works by overloading the body in a sequential manner to promote
strength gains and muscle growth in both the short- and long-term. If a lifter continually uses the
same weights, reps and sets, the body will eventually adapt to the workload and no more growth
or improvement will be seen. However, when a periodized schedule is used the workloads are
constantly being changed, and the body is then forced to adapt to the new stress resulting in
new muscle growth. The great thing about a periodized program is that it can be repeated over
and over again to continually force the body to adapt and grow. For example, for your first time
through lets say you were squatting 100 lbs for 15 reps in the AA phase, 125 lbs for 8 reps in
the H phase, and finished off the cycle by squatting 185 lbs for 4 reps in the MS phase. You
have now increased your muscular endurance, mass and most importantly, your strength. After
a short break, you would once again restart back at the beginning. However, now because of all
the gains you have made you would be able to start each phase at a higher weight. For
example, the second time through you might be able to squat 115 lbs for 15 reps in the AA
phase, 140 lbs for 8 reps in the H phase and 205 lbs for 4 reps.

Tips for Designing Your Own Periodized Schedule

New lifters should start with two relatively short training session per week. Each session
should involve exercises that use a large number of muscles at once. Examples of these
exercises include: squats, bench press, wide-grip back rows and shoulder press.

Advanced lifters can use three to five workouts per week, with each workout focusing on
a different group of muscles. An example of this would be Chest/Shoulders/Triceps on
Monday, Legs on Wednesday, and Back/Biceps on Friday.

Start each phase at the high end of the repetition range for the phase (i.e. 15 reps for the
AA phase) using a weight where you can complete repetitions of each set with good

You should increase your workload gradually through each phase. This is accomplished
by starting at the high end of the repetition range for the phase (i.e. 15 reps x 100 lbs for
the AA phase), and as your body adapts to the workload, increase the weight and move
toward the lower end of the rep range (i.e. 12 reps x 115 lbs). Alternatively, an extra set
of some of the exercises may be added while keeping the weight and reps the same.

New lifters are advised to stay at the high end of each rep range during each phase (i.e.
15 reps through all weeks). Workload can be increased for these lifters by adding in
additional exercises for the muscle group as the workouts become too easy. This will
serve to develop their entire muscular system and help the tendons and ligaments adapt
to strength training.

Keep the exercises the same throughout each phase dont keep constantly switching
them up day-to-day. This will allow the neuromuscular system to learn the exercise and
how to perform it most efficiently (this is especially important for those who have little
training experience). Once the body has learned the exercise, it will be easier to add
more weight throughout each phase. When starting a new phase, different exercises
may be added to complement the existing exercises, or a totally new workout can be
developed to change the demands on the body.

During the transition (T) phases, total workload should be decreased by a total of 60-
70%. This can be accomplished in a number of ways: fewer sets of each exercise can
be performed, fewer reps for each set can be performed, or a lighter weight can be
chosen and used to simply go through the motion. The most important thing to
remember is that this is basically a rest week you should leave the gym feel refreshed
and full of energy, not in any way tired.

Finally, plan each phase to fit into your own personal schedule. No phase has a specific
set timeline; therefore a periodized plan can be very flexible. It is advisable to schedule
transition phases during periods where you will have little time to get into the gym
such as during exams and holidays.

- Scott Vass

All information in this article taken from:
Bompa, TO and Cornacchia, U. Serious Strength Training: Periodization for building power and
mass. Human Kinetics: Champlaign, Illinois. 1998.

Dr. Tudor Bompa is a world renowned strength and conditioning consultant who has trained
numerous Olympic medalists. Currently, Dr. Bompa is a professor at York University in Toronto,

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