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5 Written Questions 5 Written Questions 5 Written Questions 5 Written Questions

1. Brainstorming
Affinity Diagrams
Force Field Analysis
Nominal Group Tecni!ues
"atri# Diagrams
$rioriti%ation "atrices
&N'())*'T+ &N'())*'T+ &N'())*'T+ &N'())*'T+ ,ou ga-e no ans.er
AN/W*)+ AN/W*)+ AN/W*)+ AN/W*)+ Additional Quality $lanning Tools
0. measures and tecni!ues tat are specific to te type of product produced 1y te pro2ect
&N'())*'T+ &N'())*'T+ &N'())*'T+ &N'())*'T+ ,ou ga-e no ans.er
AN/W*)+ AN/W*)+ AN/W*)+ AN/W*)+ $roduct Quality
3. Are te documented results of !uality control acti-ities in te format specified during !uality
&N'())*'T+ &N'())*'T+ &N'())*'T+ &N'())*'T+ ,ou ga-e no ans.er
AN/W*)+ AN/W*)+ AN/W*)+ AN/W*)+ Quality 'ontrol "easurements
4. Documents te accepted scedule performance measures including start and finis dates
&N'())*'T+ &N'())*'T+ &N'())*'T+ &N'())*'T+ ,ou ga-e no ans.er
AN/W*)+ AN/W*)+ AN/W*)+ AN/W*)+ /cedule Baseline 5se in $lan Quality
5. &s a structured6 independent re-ie. to determine .eter pro2ect acti-ities comply .it
organi%ational and pro2ect policies6 processes6 and procedures
&N'())*'T+ &N'())*'T+ &N'())*'T+ &N'())*'T+ ,ou ga-e no ans.er
AN/W*)+ AN/W*)+ AN/W*)+ AN/W*)+ Quality Audit
PMP 8: Project Quality Manageme...
NAME: ________________________
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1. $erform Quality 'ontrol $erform Quality 'ontrol $erform Quality 'ontrol $erform Quality 'ontrol
&N'())*'T+ &N'())*'T+ &N'())*'T+ &N'())*'T+ No ans.er gi-en
AN/W*)+ AN/W*)+ AN/W*)+ AN/W*)+ Te process of
monitoring and recording results of
e#ecuting te !uality acti-ities to assess
performance and recommend necessary
0. /tatistical /tatistical /tatistical /tatistical /ampling /ampling /ampling /ampling
&N'())*'T+ &N'())*'T+ &N'())*'T+ &N'())*'T+ No ans.er gi-en
AN/W*)+ AN/W*)+ AN/W*)+ AN/W*)+ &n-ol-es coosing part of
a population of interest for
inspection 7for e#ample6 selecting ten
engineering dra.ings at random from a
list of se-enty8fi-e9
3. Quality Quality Quality Quality /tandards /tandards /tandards /tandards
&N'())*'T+ &N'())*'T+ &N'())*'T+ &N'())*'T+ No ans.er gi-en
AN/W*)+ AN/W*)+ AN/W*)+ AN/W*)+ &nclude pro2ect processes
and product goals
4. /tandard Normal /tandard Normal /tandard Normal /tandard Normal Distri1ution Distri1ution Distri1ution Distri1ution
&N'())*'T+ &N'())*'T+ &N'())*'T+ &N'())*'T+ No ans.er gi-en
AN/W*)+ AN/W*)+ AN/W*)+ AN/W*)+ so.s standard de-iation
7sigma9 as distance of te
measurement from te mean -alue
5. :uran :uran :uran :uran
&N'())*'T+ &N'())*'T+ &N'())*'T+ &N'())*'T+ No ans.er gi-en
AN/W*)+ AN/W*)+ AN/W*)+ AN/W*)+ $areto $rinciple
:uran Trilogy+ $lanning6 'ontrol
and &mpro-ement
Defines !uality as fitness for use
5 "atcing Questions 5 "atcing Questions 5 "atcing Questions 5 "atcing Questions
5 "ultiple 'oice 5 "ultiple 'oice 5 "ultiple 'oice 5 "ultiple 'oice Questions Questions Questions Questions
so.s standard de-iation 7sigma9 as
distance of te measurement from te
mean -alue
&nclude pro2ect processes and product
&n-ol-es coosing part of a population of
interest for inspection 7for e#ample6
selecting ten engineering dra.ings at
random from a list of se-enty8fi-e9
$areto $rinciple
:uran Trilogy+ $lanning6 'ontrol and
Defines !uality as fitness for use
Te process of monitoring and recording
results of e#ecuting te !uality acti-ities to
assess performance and recommend
necessary canges
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1. Te process of identifying !uality re!uirements and;or standards for te pro2ect6 product and
documenting o. te pro2ect .ill demonstrate compliance
7No Ans.er9
a. $erform Quality 'ontrol
1. Quality Audit
c. Quality -s Grade
d. '())*'T+ '())*'T+ '())*'T+ '())*'T+ $erform Quality Assurance
0. &llustrates te most common cause of pro1lems in a process 1y te num1er and relati-e eigts of
te 1ars
7No Ans.er9
a. '())*'T+ '())*'T+ '())*'T+ '())*'T+ <istogram
1. $recision
c. Tolerance
d. Quality
3. Wile a !uality le-el tat fails to meet !uality re!uirements is al.ays a pro1lem6 lo. grade may
not 1e.
Te pro2ect manager and te pro2ect management team are responsi1le for managing te
tradeoffs in-ol-ed to deli-er te re!uired le-els of 1ot !uality and grade
7No Ans.er9
a. Quality "etrics
1. $areto 'art
c. '())*'T+ '())*'T+ '())*'T+ '())*'T+ Quality -s Grade
d. "atri# Diagrams
4. used to -isually identify logical groupings 1ased on natural relationsips
7No Ans.er9
a. '())*'T+ '())*'T+ '())*'T+ '())*'T+ Affinity Diagrams
1. Fis1one diagrams
c. Quality Audit
d. /catter Diagram
5. compati1le .it proprietary approaces to !uality management suc as tose recommended 1y
Deming6 :uran6 'ros1y6 and oters6 and non8proprietary approaces suc as Total Quality
"anagement 7TQ"96 /i# /igma6 failure mode and effect analysis 7F"*A96 design re-ie.s6 -oice of
te customer6 cost of !uality 7'(Q96 and continuous impro-ement
7No Ans.er9
a. $re-ention and Appraisal costs
1. '())*'T+ '())*'T+ '())*'T+ '())*'T+ &nternational (rgani%ation for /tandardi%ation 7&/(9
c. $rioriti%ation "atrices
d. 'aracteristics of /catter Diagrams
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5 True;False 5 True;False 5 True;False 5 True;False Questions Questions Questions Questions
1. &nspection = >eeping errors out of te ands of te customer
Tis is true. ,ou ga-e no ans.er.
0. $ro2ect )esults = costs incurred 1y an organi%ation to create ig !uality products in order to
a-oid failures. Tey include cost of training6 cost of documenting processes6 cost of e!uipment6
Tis is false. ,ou ga-e no ans.er.
&t sould 1e $ro2ect )esults $ro2ect )esults $ro2ect )esults $ro2ect )esults = &nclude deli-era1les and pro2ect management results6 suc as cost
and scedule performance.
3. Trend Analysis is often used to monitor = Te results of an inspection generally include
measurements and may 1e conducted at any le-el.
&n some application areas6 tese terms a-e narro. and specific meanings.
&nspections are also used to -alidate defect repairs
Tis is false. ,ou ga-e no ans.er.
&t sould 1e Trend Analysis is often used to monitor Trend Analysis is often used to monitor Trend Analysis is often used to monitor Trend Analysis is often used to monitor = Tecnical $erformance
'ost and /cedule $erformance.
4. $erform Quality 'ontrol+ $ro2ect Document 5pdates = &f te recommended correcti-e or
pre-enti-e actions or a defect repair re!uires a cange to te pro2ect management plan6 a cange
re!uest sould 1e initiated in accordance .it te defined $erform &ntegrated 'ange 'ontrol
Tis is false. ,ou ga-e no ans.er.
&t sould 1e $erform Quality 'ontrol+ $ro2ect Document 5pdates $erform Quality 'ontrol+ $ro2ect Document 5pdates $erform Quality 'ontrol+ $ro2ect Document 5pdates $erform Quality 'ontrol+ $ro2ect Document 5pdates = Quality standards.
5. 'ros1y = increase !uality and reduce costs 1y practicing continuous process impro-ement
Deming 'ycle+ $lan6 Do6 'ec>6 Act6 Analy%e
Tis is false. ,ou ga-e no ans.er.
&t sould 1e 'ros1y 'ros1y 'ros1y 'ros1y = Doing &t )igt First Time 7D&)FT9
Quality is 'onformance to )e!uirements
/ystem of !uality is $re-ention
$erformance standard is ?ero Defects
"easurement of !uality is te price of non8conformance.
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