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Celebes International Conference on Earth Science

(CICES) 2014
2014 The Authors.
Selection and/or peer-review under responsiilit! o" the C#C$S 20014 $ditorial %oard and supported ! &alu 'leo
(niversit!) C*#S() &A+#) #A+#) &F#) #,*$-S as co-hosts.
1. !ain
.10 pt/ &ere introduce the paper) and put a no0enclature i" necessar!) in a o1 with the sa0e "ont si2e
as the rest o" the paper. The para3raphs continue "ro0 here and are onl! separated ! headin3s)
suheadin3s) i0a3es and "or0ulae. The section headin3s are arran3ed ! nu0ers) old and 10 pt. &ere
"ollows "urther instructions "or authors.
A radius o"
% position o"
C "urther no0enclature continues down the pa3e inside the te1t o1
4 Correspondin3 author. Tel.5 60-000-000-00007 "a15 60-000-000-0000.
E-mail address: author8institute.111.
Author/ IJSESTech 00 (0!"# 000$000
!%!% Structure
Files should e in -S 9ord "or0at onl! and should e "or0atted "or direct printin3. Fi3ures and tales
should e e0edded and not supplied separatel!. ,lease 0ake sure that !ou use as 0uch as possile
nor0al "onts in !our docu0ents. Special "onts) such as "onts used in the Far $ast .:apanese) Chinese)
;orean) etc./ 0a! cause prole0s durin3 processin3. To avoid unnecessar! errors !ou are stron3l!
advised to use the <spellchecker= "unction o" -S 9ord. Follow this order when t!pin3 0anuscripts5 Title)
Authors) A""iliations) Astract) ;e!words) -ain te1t .includin3 "i3ures and tales/) Acknowled3e0ents)
*e"erences) Appendi1. Collate acknowled3e0ents in a separate section at the end o" the article and do not
include the0 on the title pa3e) as a "ootnote to the title or otherwise.
%ulleted lists 0a! e included and should look like this5
First point
Second point
And so on
$nsure that !ou return to the <$ls-od!-te1t= st!le) the st!le that !ou will 0ainl! e usin3 "or lar3e
locks o" te1t) when !ou have co0pleted !our ulleted list.
,lease do not alter the "or0attin3 and st!le la!outs which have een set up in this te0plate docu0ent.
As indicated in the te0plate) papers should e prepared in sin3le colu0n "or0at suitale "or direct
printin3 onto A4 paper .1>200 1 2?2 00/. @o not nu0er pa3es on the "ront) as pa3e nu0ers will e
added separatel! "or the preprints and the ,roceedin3s. Aeave a line clear etween para3raphs. All the
reBuired st!le te0plates are provided in this docu0ent with the appropriate na0e supplied) e.3. choose 1.
$ls1st-order-head "or !our "irst order headin3 te1t) els-astract-te1t "or the astract te1t etc.
!%% Tables
All tales should e nu0ered with Araic nu0erals. &eadin3s should e placed aove tales) le"t
Custi"ied. Aeave one line space etween the headin3 and the tale. 'nl! hori2ontal lines should e used
within a tale) to distin3uish the colu0n headin3s "ro0 the od! o" the tale) and i00ediatel! aove and
elow the tale. Tales 0ust e e0edded into the te1t and not supplied separatel!. %elow is an e1a0ple
which authors 0a! "ind use"ul.
Tale 1. An e1a0ple o" a tale.
An e1a0ple o" a colu0n headin3 Colu0n A .t/ Colu0n % .T/
And an entr! 1 2
And another entr! D 4
And another entr! E ?
!%&% 'onstruction o( re(erences
*e"erences should e listed at the end o" the paper) and nu0ered in the order o" their appearance in
the te1t. Authors should ensure that ever! re"erence in the te1t appears in the list o" re"erences and vice
versa. #ndicate re"erences ! nu0ers in sBuare rackets FGGH in the te1t. The actual authors can e
re"erred to) ut the re"erence nu0er.s/ 0ust alwa!s e 3iven.
So0e e1a0ples o" how !our re"erences should e listed are 3iven at the end o" this te0plate in the
<*e"erences= section which will allow !ou to asse0le !our re"erence list accordin3 to the correct "or0at
Author/ IJSESTech 00 (0!"# 000$000
and "ont si2e. There is a shortened "or0 "or last pa3e nu0er. e.3.) E1I>) and that "or 0ore than ? authors
the "irst ? should e listed "ollowed ! Jet al.K
!%"% Section headin)s
Section headin3s should e le"t Custi"ied) with the "irst letter capitali2ed and nu0ered consecutivel!)
startin3 with the #ntroduction. Su-section headin3s should e in capital and lower-case italic letters)
nu0ered 1.1) 1.2) etc) and le"t Custi"ied) with second and suseBuent lines indented. Lou 0a! need to
insert a pa3e reak to keep a headin3 with its te1t.
!%*% +eneral )uidelines (or the ,re,aration o( your te-t
Avoid h!phenation at the end o" a line. S!0ols denotin3 vectors and 0atrices should e indicated in
old t!pe. Scalar variale na0es should nor0all! e e1pressed usin3 italics. 9ei3hts and 0easures
should e e1pressed in S# units. ,lease title !our "iles in this order
!%.% Footnotes
Footnotes should e avoided i" possile. Necessar! "ootnotes should e denoted in the te1t !
consecutive superscript letters. The "ootnotes should e t!ped sin3le spaced) and in s0aller t!pe si2e
.Opt/) at the "oot o" the pa3e in which the! are 0entioned) and separated "ro0 the 0ain te1t ! a short line
e1tendin3 at the "oot o" the colu0n. The <$ls-"ootnote= st!le is availale in this te0plate "or the te1t o"
the "ootnote.
2. uthor rtwor$
All "i3ures should e nu0ered with Araic nu0erals .1)2)...n/. All photo3raphs) sche0as) 3raphs and
dia3ra0s are to e re"erred to as "i3ures. Aine drawin3s should e 3ood Bualit! scans or true electronic
output. Aow-Bualit! scans are not acceptale. Fi3ures 0ust e e0edded into the te1t and not supplied
separatel!. Aetterin3 and s!0ols should e clearl! de"ined either in the caption or in a le3end provided
as part o" the "i3ure. Fi3ures should e placed at the top or otto0 o" a pa3e wherever possile) as close
as possile to the "irst re"erence to the0 in the paper.
The "i3ure nu0er and caption should e t!ped elow the illustration in >pt and le"t Custi"ied. For 0ore
3uidelines and in"or0ation to help !ou su0it hi3h Bualit! artwork please visit5
http5//www.elsevier.co0/wps/"ind/authorsview.authors/authorartworkinstructions. Artwork has no te1t
alon3 the side o" it in the 0ain od! o" the te1t. &owever) i" two i0a3es "it ne1t to each other) these 0a!
e placed ne1t to each other to save space) see Fi3 1. The! 0ust e nu0ered consecutivel!) all "i3ures)
and all tales respectivel!.
Author/ IJSESTech 00 (0!"# 000$000

Fi3. 1. .a/ "irst picture7 ./ second picture
$Buations and "or0ulae should e t!ped and nu0ered consecutivel! with Araic nu0erals in
parentheses on the ri3ht hand side o" the pa3e .i" re"erred to e1plicitl! in the te1t/)
( ) ( )

/ T J
1 const.

The! should also e separated "ro0 the surroundin3 te1t ! one space.
%. &nline licence
All authors 0ust Trans"er the 'nline licence e"ore the article can e pulished. This trans"er
a3ree0ent enales $lsevier to protect the cop!ri3hted 0aterial "or the authors) ut does not relinBuish the
authorsP proprietar! ri3hts. The cop!ri3ht trans"er covers the e1clusive ri3hts to reproduce and distriute
the article) includin3 reprints) photo3raphic reproductions) 0icro"il0 or an! other reproductions o" si0ilar
nature and translations. Authors are responsile "or otainin3 "ro0 the cop!ri3ht holder per0ission to
reproduce an! "i3ures "or which cop!ri3ht e1ists.
These and the *e"erence headin3s are in old ut have no nu0ers. Te1t elow continues as nor0al.
F1H Qan der +eer :) &anraads :A:) Aupton *A. The art o" writin3 a scienti"ic article. J Sci 'ommun 200071)%5E1I>.
F2H Strunk :r 9) 9hite $%. The elements o( style. Drd ed. New Lork5 -ac0illan7 1>R>.
FDH -etta0 +*) Ada0s A%. &ow to prepare an electronic version o" !our article. #n5 :ones %S) S0ith *S) editors. Introduction to
the electronic a)e) New Lork5 $-,ulishin3 #nc7 1>>>) p. 2O1ID04
ppendi* . n e*a#ple appendi*
Author/ IJSESTech 00 (0!"# 000$000
Authors includin3 an appendi1 section should do so a"ter *e"erences section. -ultiple appendices
should all have headin3s in the st!le used aove. The! will auto0aticall! e ordered A) %) C etc.
A%!% E-am,le o( a sub-headin) within an a,,endi-
There is also the option to include a suheadin3 within the Appendi1 i" !ou wish.

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