Defining Justification Codes

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Practice - Defining Justification Codes

The Job Title [!"ub#et$%&'((((() is responsible *or ensurin+ that this
,oument is neessary an, that it re*lets atual pratie.
Copyright Oracle, 2007. All rights resered.
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Practice - Defining Justification Codes
The purpose o* this e(erise is to ,emonstrate ho- to ,o the *ollo-in+.
De*ine a material #usti*iation o,e.
De*ine a labor #usti*iation o,e.
De*ine an e(pense #usti*iation o,e.
/rale 01'usiness "uite 213.
2esponsibility. 4iel, "er5ie 6ana+er7 8ision /perations
%o+in. ser5ie9-elome
You must ha5e aess to an /rale &ppliation 8ision ,atabase or omparable trainin+
or test instane at your site on -hih to omplete this pratie.
Define a Material Justification Code
:n this tas;7 you -ill ,e*ine a material #usti*iation o,e alle, REFURBISH. 6ar; the
#usti*iation o,e as bein+ enable, an, e**eti5e *rom to,ay<s ,ate.
Define a Labor Justification Code
:n this tas;7 you -ill ,e*ine a labor #usti*iation o,e alle, REFURBISH. 6ar; the #usti*iation
o,e as bein+ enable, an, e**eti5e *rom to,ay<s ,ate.
Define an Expense Justification Code
:n this tas;7 you -ill ,e*ine an e(pense #usti*iation o,e alle, REFURBISH. 6ar; the
#usti*iation o,e as bein+ enable, an, e**eti5e *rom to,ay<s ,ate.
Copyright Oracle, 2007. All rights resered.
Practice - Defining Justification Codes 2!"0!!#"$.doc
%ffectie 07&'0&07 Page 2 of " (e #
)olution * Defining Justification Codes
Define a Material Justification Code
esponsibilit!" #ield $ervice Mana%er& 'ision Enterprises
1. =a5i+ate to the &ppliation /b#et %ibrary. C"4 >6&T02:&%>20&"/= %oo;ups -in,o-.
?=@ 4iel, "er5ie "etup A Debrie* A De*ine 6aterial Justi*iation Co,e.
3. :n the *irst blan; o,e line enter the *ollo-in+ in*ormation.
Field Value
6eanin+ Material - Refurbish
Desription Material Refurbish Program
0**eti5e Dates. 4rom Todays date
0nable, he; bo( Seleted
3. ?:@ "a5e
4. Close the &ppliation /b#et %ibrary. C"4 >6&T02:&%>20&"/= %oo;ups -in,o-.
Copyright Oracle, 2007. All rights resered.
Practice - Defining Justification Codes 2!"0!!#"$.doc
%ffectie 07&'0&07 Page ' of " (e #
Define a Labor Justification Code
B. =a5i+ate to the &ppliation /b#et %ibrary. C"4 >%&'/2>20&"/= %oo;ups -in,o-.
?=@ 4iel, "er5ie "etup A Debrie* A De*ine %abor Justi*iation Co,e
6. :n the *irst blan; o,e line enter the *ollo-in+ in*ormation.
Field Value
6eanin+ !abor - Refurbish
Desription !abor Refurbish Program
0**eti5e Dates. 4rom Todays date
0nable, he; bo( Seleted
C. ?:@ "a5e
D. Close the &ppliation /b#et %ibrary. C"4 >%&'/2>20&"/= %oo;ups -in,o-.
Define an Expense Justification Code
9. =a5i+ate to the &ppliation /b#et %ibrary. C"4 >0EF0="0>20&"/= %oo;ups -in,o-.
?=@ 4iel, "er5ie "etup A Debrie* A De*ine 0(pense Justi*iation Co,e
Copyright Oracle, 2007. All rights resered.
Practice - Defining Justification Codes 2!"0!!#"$.doc
%ffectie 07&'0&07 Page ! of " (e #
10. :n the *irst blan; o,e line enter the *ollo-in+ in*ormation.
Field Value
6eanin+ E"#e$se - Refurbish
Desription E"#e$se Refurbish Program
0**eti5e Dates. 4rom Todays date
0nable, he; bo( Seleted
11. ?:@ "a5e
13. Close the &ppliation /b#et %ibrary. C"4 >0EF0="0>20&"/= %oo;ups -in,o-.
Copyright Oracle, 2007. All rights resered.
Practice - Defining Justification Codes 2!"0!!#"$.doc
%ffectie 07&'0&07 Page " of " (e #

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