IvyCamp - Case Study - Presentation Template

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<Case Study Name>

<Team / Team Leader Name>

Team Details Email ID Contact no.
Team Member 1
Team Member 2

Note from IvyCamp
This is a guideline document, not a template to be filled out
If you feel you want to structure your presentation differently, please feel free to do so
In case you choose a different format / presentation flow, please ensure you have covered all
the key points mentioned here
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1. Executive Summary
<Name of Case Study>
Key Issues
Risks Identified /


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2. Key Issues Identified
There is nothing more deceptive than an obvious fact. - Sherlock Holmes

As far as possible, cover at least the following points in this slide
Identify the problems found in the case.
Here, it is important to search for the underlying problems; for example, cross-
cultural conflict may be only a symptom of the underlying problem of inadequate
policies and practices within the company.
TIP: This section can be divided into sub-sections, one for each problem.
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3. Analysis
It is a capital mistake to theorize before one has data. Insensibly one begins to twist
facts to suit theories, instead of theories to suit facts. - Sherlock Holmes

Analysis of a problem should be supported by facts given in the case, together with
the relevant theory and course concepts.
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4. Recommendation
'Eliminate all other factors, and the one which remains must be the truth.
- Sherlock Holmes

Consider all facts analyse all the data you need to, but in the end look at the full
picture that is in front of you.
Think creatively think out of the box but your recommendation must be based on
the solid footing of truth.
Think through the consequences of your recommendation.
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5. Risks and Risk Mitigation
Risk comes from not knowing what you are doing. - Warren Buffet

What are the possible risks that you foresee in implementation of your
Radical solutions may sometime generate systemic shocks. Some shocks may do
good and improve the system but shocks can also kill.
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6. Alternate Solution, if any
There are many paths to the top of the mountain, but the view is the same - Old
Chinese proverb

There is no correct solution to the problem outlined in the Case Study. In real life
there would be a set of solutions which could be termed as correct or feasible .
So if you have chosen to present one among many solutions which appealed to
you, please take a pause and also put down one other solution. This will enhance
the quality of solution you have provided to this case study.
Maybe your alternate solution would help you in the tie-break to decide the winner.

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7. Implementation
The God is in detail - Anonymous

State your Plan for implementing your recommendations
Indicate - what, how, where and when action-steps will be taken
And most importantly WHO would be entrusted with that responsibility
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8. References & Sources
'There is nothing new under the Sun. It has all been done before. - Sherlock Holmes

While the above may be true - nevertheless we need to acknowledge the sources of
our information.
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9. Other
Anything else you would like to share with the IvyCamp team

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Thank you & All the Best

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