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Representation (The regulations require that your representation should be no more than 2,000
words plus any limited supporting documents, and should fully explain the reasoning behind your
request for a change or support for the document in question. Please note that there is no automatic
opportunity for parties to expand on their representation later in the process. If you are attaching
additional documents in support of your representation, you must refer to them in this section of the
form and include a summary of their content.

Representation is made on behalf of Mr T Liddell, The Beech, Alloa Road, Cambus to the proposed
designation of greenbelt land off the A907 as Opportunit !07" Transport #roposal T07 in the draft
The $raft $esignated &ites #lan on the council's portal does not identif the land at Cambus as a
station and par( and ride et the other accompaning plans do) and the L$# te*t document
identifies the site as a transport opportunit site in Cambus%
The Consultation $raft +orth , #lan sho-s the annotation T07 in a circle, et no site boundar is
identified at this stage% .o-e/er, it is clear that the land at Alloa Road -hich is currentl a ploughed
field is earmar(ed as the largest of all transport proposals on the Consultation $raft Countrside
plan -hich accompanies the L$# documents%
Clarit bet-een the different docs as to the importance and significance of this designation -ould
ha/e been more helpful to the communit engagement% A boundar for the site, especiall in the
light of the ,007 0acobs Cambus &tation #ar( and Ride +easibilit Report 1 a cop of -hich -as
pro/ided to Mr Liddell b the Council2, -ould ha/e brought more transparenc to the proposed
allocation" designation of this land as a ne- station and par( and ride for !34 cars plus buses% As
such the public are left -ith the uncertaint of the si5e of the site proposed, the position of the
access point and -hat other land around the site -ill be remo/ed from agricultural use% The 0acob' s
report ma(es reference to other land being released for housing in this location et this does not
appear in the draft L$#% Clarit again is re6uired in order that the public are able to pro/ide rele/ant
input on the significant issues that these proposals generate%
Technicall the proposal to designate this land as a station plus par( and ride -ill necessitate the
pro/ision of a large roundabout close to the access to Mr Liddell's and other's residential properties%
The significance of the impact on this roundabout upon the status 6uo -ill relate to landscape and
/isual impact)
Another significant range of impacts relate to the function and operation of the site as the
station"par( and ride in terms of the /olumes of /ehicles accessing the par( and ride and station car
par( on a dail basis at all hours of da and night% 7o assessment of this has been underta(en to
date in order to 6uantif the noise, /ibration and road safet implications%
The proposal in entiret -ill result in a loss of /isual amenit for the residents, /isitors and passers8
b in this area% The car par( -ill result in a large /olume of hard surface on an area -hich is a
ploughed field at present% This -ill be a dramatic change in character -hich -ill negati/el impact on
the landscape, the setting of Cambus and man of the fine properties in this localit% 9t -ould be
prudent of the council to underta(e a landscape and /isual appraisal in order to formall record and
assess this impact before ta(ing this further%
The site selection process is 6uestioned, it -ould be prudent of the council to re/eal this assessment
and 6uantif it in the interests of transparenc and good planning% The 0acobs report referred to
abo/e does not identif alternati/e sites as it should nor score the ade6uac or other-ise of all
potential sites along the rail route -hich could facilitate this de/elopment% :e re6uire the council to
underta(e a comparati/e analsis of suitable sites before committing to this one in the plan rather
than purel adopting this site as it's the onl one that's been considered% 0acobs highlights an
alternati/e location at Alloa for the par( and ride%
9n addition, reference is made in the report to the site being suitable gi/en the /olume of
de/elopment coming on stream in Cambus" Tullibod ; et -hen -e e*amine the draft L$# ; there
is onl one proposed housing allocation 1.,32 in Tullibod -hich is for 4 units% .o- is the proposal
therefore to be ser/iced" <ustified b -a of the small scale nature of the e*isting population -ithout
ha/ing to mar(et the proposal to a -ider catchment area thus resulting in increased /ehicle <ournes
to the site and in turn increased impacts on e*isting residents=
The implications of effecti/el increasing the settlement en/elope to accommodate this proposal are
that it -ould result in a change in nature of the area% An area of greenbelt -ould be built upon
resulting in increased pressure to de/elop other areas of the greenbelt in this location -hich -ill in
time result in further e*pansion of the settlement en/elope in this direction%
Before committing to this opportunit" proposal the council -ill re6uire to ade6uatel assess the
transport implications and impacts% A Traffic 9mpact Assessment should therefore be underta(en%
The 0acob's report states that there has been no assessment of the general <unction capacit ; in
para ,%>%!% Regarding speed limits on this stretch of road, it is difficult to thin( about traffic impact
-ithout thin(ing about these% The speed should be reduced to >0mph if this proposal to allocate
goes ahead% The design of the road and /isibilit re6uire to be assessed% 9n the past !, months there
ha/e been so man accidents on this stretch of road that the 6uestion of road safet must be raised
and e*amined b the council before designating this site% These elements should be assessed as part
of the site selection criteria%
The benefits of the proposal to Cambus are not identified, residents re6uire to (no- these%
9n addition, ob<ection is raised to this proposed designation in regard to the resultant impacts on
road safet, noise le/els and general amenit in accommodating par(ing for !34 /ehicles plus buses%
The trains slo-ing do-n and stopping then starting up again -ill also result in additional and
different noise impacts form those e*perienced at present% Litter -ill be generated b so man
people being at the site, a loss of pri/ac from people using dri/e-as as shortcuts, a loss of /alue
-ill be e*perienced b e*isting propert o-ners% The impact of high le/el street lighting potentiall
being introduced onto the land in order to facilitate this de/elopment is also an impact that re6uires
to be ade6uatel assessed%
This ob<ection therefore stands in relation to the manner in -hich the use and allocation of the site
as a potential par( and ride and station has been arri/e at) the -a this is e*pressed unclearl in the
plan documents% The resultant impacts in terms of /isual, landscape, traffic, noise, litter and lighting
-hich -ill be e*perienced b residents ha/e not been assessed nor alternati/es e*amined
&u5anne Mc9ntosh BA1.ons2MRT#9

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