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pLDP Response Supporng Informaon

Halliday Fraser Munro

Chartered Architects & Planning Consultants

Stanhope House, Stanhope Place, Edinburgh EH12 5HH
Tel: 0131 3479920

Aberdeen - Belfast - Dundee - Edinburgh - Glasgow


Land to the South of Coalsnaughton,

On behalf of Deveron Homes Ltd

January 2014

pLDP ResponseCoalsnaughton South, Clackmannanshire (January 2014)
This supporng statement is to be read in conjuncon with the responses lodged to the proposed Local
Development Plan consultaon. It supports the proposal for the allocaon of land to the immediate south of
Coalsnaughton for residenal use. The response is submied on behalf of Deveron Homes Ltd, who have an opon
over the land. The site is believed to be suitable for the development of circa 100 houses and should be considered
as suitable for development.

Coalsnaughton is dened as a selement in the West Ochills area of Clackmannanshire. Tillicoultry lies circa 1.2km
to the north. Two allocated sites within the selement, The Glen and Coalsnaughton North, have planning
permission for 40 and 240 units (respecvely). There is some uncertainty as to when the larger of the two sites
may deliver, due to the high level of developer contribuons sought as part of its consent.
The subject site comprises land to the immediate south of the B9140/Wardlaw Street/James Place, directly
adjoining the established selement boundary. There are no known ooding issues on the site or indeed
highlighted by SEPA in their ood map. The land is south facing and relavely at, with some exisng woodland to
the west and far south. It is in agricultural use, currently under opon to out Client Deveron Homes Ltd.

We believe that the proposed bid site at Coalsnaughton south is deliverable.

3.1 Constraints
The proposed site is not subject to any known technical, environmental or planning constraints. The site is not
greenbelt or designated for any ecological or historical reason. Three redundant coal seams run across the site,
however it is not envisaged that this would pose a constraint to development.

3.2 Access
It is ancipated that access could be taken from two appropriate points - west on the B9140/ Wardlaw Street and
east at James Place. A mini roundabout may be required at the new access with Wardlaw Street. In addion, the
Council have a now long-standing aspiraon for a bypass in this area. The proposed bypass is included in the
proposed LDP as T24. As shown in the pLDP, the route is completely arbitrary and has been drawn in the absence
of any technical or other assessments. It is also known that there is currently no budget in place to facilitate this
aspiraon. Should the bypass be retained in the proposed Plan, it is suggested that moving the line of the road
south, to eecvely follow established eld boundaries would be a more logical approach. This would allow for
H a l l i d a y F r a s e r M u n r o Planning

H a l l i d a y F r a s e r M u n r o Planning
some development landthe subject site to be allocated for residenal development in the long term. If the
Authority accept this suggeson, it would provide not jeopardise the route of a future bypass but it would also
allow access from the subject site to also be taken from the south.

3.3 Residual Value
Our Client considers that the site is enrely viable, taking into account the development costs and market demand
for the proposed housing. This is demonstrated by their current opon.

3.4 Risks
No risks have been idened at this stage with the delivery of the proposed development site.

This development of this site would represent the measured expansion of the selement of Coalsnaughton in a
phased, long-term manner, supporng exisng facilies. The market demand for housing in Coalsnaughton is
pLDP ResponseCoalsnaughton South, Clackmannanshire (January 2014)

pLDP ResponseCoalsnaughton South, Clackmannanshire (January 2014)
strong, and with a projected rise in populaon and households expected to 2035. In addion, the provision of the
previously noted bypass (T24) may increase its overall aracveness.

It is possible that this site as shown here could deliver 100 houses, which would theorecally be delivered in two
phases. Infrastructure such as roads, drainage and community investment would be upgraded in line with each

Housing is proposed on the site, along with appropriate open space and landscape provision.

The following secon considers how the proposed development site will integrate with the exisng selement.

7.1 Relaonship to Exisng Selement
The proposed development site represents the logical expansion of Coalsnaughton on the southern side of the
B9140. There is exisng housing on this (south) side of the road which will be logically rounded-o with the
development of this land. The proposal could act to consolidate the selement paern and provide a defensible
boundary to the southern edge of Coalsnaughton via the establishment of a strong landscaping buer or/and the
proposed bypass (T24).

7.2 Connecvity
As noted above, the proposed development site could be accessed via James Place to the east and the B9140/
Wardlaw Street to the west. There may be scope to further improve connecvity by integrang pedestrian and
cycle linkages through the exisng development at Garnny and Woodhead Place. The development could
therefore have direct links with exisng services and housing, promong integraon and connecvely with the
established development, services and facilies in the area. Adequate pedestrian, cycling and vehicular links would
be provided within the development site itself in accordance with Designing Streets and relevant Council policy,
and guidance. Coalsnaughton is relavely well served by public transport through regular bus services connecng
the selement to Tillicoultry, Srling and beyond.

7.3 Character
Coalsnaughton is characterised by a number of building styles, from terraced council housing to newer detached
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H a l l i d a y F r a s e r M u n r o Planning
bungalows. Development of the proposed site could therefore reect and take reference from exisng styles. This
provides exibility for any future development proposals, providing that the development can demonstrate
appropriate layout, sing and design in keeping with the exisng built environment.

The proposed development has the potenal to bring community benets through increasing the populaon of
Coalsnaughton in order to support community facilies. The Community Council of Tullicoultry, Coalsnaughton and
Deveronside is acve and would be engaged with as a maer of course.

The development bid site is within 400-600m of the Main Street of Coalsnaughton. Further services are available in
Tillicoultry, a short distance north (circa 1.4km).

The foregoing secons have considered various aspects in relaon to the development of land to the south of
Coalsnaughton. It can be concluded that the site is deliverable, represents the measured expansion of a dened
selement and could bring benets to the community through expansion of housing provision and supporng local
services and facilies. This addional allocaon adjoining the southern boundary of the selement will act as a
safeguard against any housing land shorall, should either of the long-standing allocaons fail to deliver.
Furthermore, it must be noted that the signicant amount of land allocated in Coalsnaughton has, to date, been
extremely slow in coming forward. It is therefore key that the authority idenes what other sites are deliverable
and capable of becoming eecve in the next 5-10 year period. It is stressed also that amongst the aims of this
proposed Plan is to ensure that future housing demand in Clackmannanshire can be fully met and the condions
are in place to enable increased housing development as the economy recovers during the plan period. (page 32) It
is therefore respecully requested that this site is viewed as a logical addion to the housing land supply of
Clackmannanshire and is included as an allocaon in the proposed Local Development Plan.

pLDP ResponseCoalsnaughton South, Clackmannanshire (January 2014)

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