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NUT: Exec must reverse decision not to join 14 October strike-pass this

This NUT group/Association/Division welcomes the sacking of Michael Gove
as Secretary of State for Eucation.
We recognise the significant contri!ution that the NUT"s Stan U# for
Eucation $ampaign an the reainess of NUT mem!ers to take national%
regional an local strike action mae to his emise&
'e also note that espite Gove asking the ST() to review teachers
holiays% working ay an entitlement to ##A% the ST() recommene that
these remain the same& 'e !elieve this is entirely own to the campaigning
work of our union&

$ameron"s ecision to emote Gove came only ays after the successful
national strike !y mem!ers of the NUT% UN*S+N% GM)% UN*TE an ,)U on
-. /uly&

That his replacement% Nicky Morgan% su!se0uently tol the press 1Michael set
out the reforms% my 2o! is to implement them3 an that the fight for eucation
an to efen teachers" pay% conitions an pensions continues&

That NUT national conference at Easter vote to 1consult with mem!ers a!out
a series of strikes through the autumn term an in to 4.-53&

'e !elieve that% with the government in crisis over continually falling living
stanars% the !eroom ta6 an the closeness of the referenum on Scottish
inepenence% the NUT E6ecutive"s ecision to stan asie from the strike !y
other pu!lic sector workers on -7 +cto!er is a waste opportunity&
8a!our recor in government an 8a!our in opposition show that we cannot
rely on a future 8a!our government to meet the emans of the Stan Up for
Eucation $ampaign&

'e !elieve that the !est way of achieving union o!2ectives is escalate the
NUT"s campaign of strike action this term as far as possi!le in coorination
with other unions%

'e call on the NUT E6ecutive to re9consier its ecision not to 2oin UN*S+N,
Unite, GM) and UCU in striking on -7 +cto!er&

*n the event of the executive !eing unwilling to change its ecision we call on
NUT mem!ers to give ma6imum soliarity to striking UN*S+N, Unite, UCU an
GM) colleagues&

'e plege to o all we can to support the strike !y our support staff
colleagues& 'e also reaffirm our willingness to Stan Up for Eucation an
agree to o everything we can to achieve a positive outcome to the
forthcoming consultative !allot of mem!ers an to make whatever further
action that is su!se0uently calle !y the NUT as successful as possi!le&

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