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Frente Nacional Patria y Libertad

Historical context of Patria y Libertad Movement

The social movement Patria y Libertad was founded in 1971, during the administration of
Salvador Allende, in Chile. In those years, the government was left-winged, under the
ideology of socialism. The left-winged parties stood under the name of Unidad Popular and
their primary goal was to finish the economic differences in the Chilean society, To do this,
Unidad Popular strengthened the health system, education system, housing system, etc.
Salvador Allende's government tried to reduce economic inequality. First deepened the
agrarian reform made in the Freis government. Secondly, strengthened public education
system creating the ENU to reduce economic differences. Also, public health was
strengthened. Measures were performed Allende a leftist ideology and these measures were
rejected by the right-wing ideology. All this in the context of Cold War, where the ideologies of
left and right had conflicts with each other, fighting to rule the countries of the world.
About the movement
Within its organizational structure, it was founded in 1971 by Pablo Rodriguez Grez, whom
together with supporters sectors such as the military, the National Party and several
civilians managed to form a movement that seeks by all means to boycott the process of
establishing a Socialist State in Chile. The so-called Frente Nacionalista Patria y Libertad
was comprised mainly by sectors of neoliberal and neo-fascist ideology in their political
orientations, in turn characterized as a nationalism, anti-communism movement. One of the
fundamental premises of Patria y Libertad is the existence of an authoritarian government, a
militar one in this case. This way, the reconstruction of the country would be achieved. In
their "Manifiesto Nacionalista" point as early existence of an inclusive state, an
authoritarian government, an integrated enterprise and a functioning democracy. This
movement also seeks to be a civic backing of the military government, once after the
overthrow the government.
In this attempt to boycott the Allende government, they even commit acts of terrorism,
including the murder of a military commander. They also carried out sabotage as power
outages, fuel supply, among others. All this in collaboration with the Chilean Navy.
Patria y Libertad developed some protests and demonstrations in the streets, but were rather
symbolic and significant than overwhelmingly numerous and relevant. Mainly these actions
sought to polarized the social-political contingency. This why they were seeking to dispute
the streets to supporters of the Unidad Popular government. One of the most recognized,
was "March of the pans", on December 1st 1971, a mainly female march against the
Allende government.
This movement is one of the few experiences in nationalist history of the country, and
manifests itself as a key player in creating a polarized political scene in the 70s in Chile.
Analysis of movement
The idea of Patria y Libertad has been a social movement is quite questionable. First,
because they never managed to be a mass movement. At most they got to have
approximately 1500 members throughout the country.
One way or another, the movement was only an attempt of a group of nationalistic subjects,
but they have not a clear plan in this regard. They never managed to develop the central
features of its principles.
The movement sought to show a facet of "neutrality" and distanced themselves from
traditional political parties. "Neither left nor right." However, they had ties with the
National Party and the opponents of Unidad Popular, We can say the movement was not
"neutral", in fact, they had a strong-rightwing ideology.
The explanation of why the movement never managed to develop its principles, is because
"Patria y Libertad" was used as a "tool" by external actors such as the CIA, to achieve
external purposes. Namely, to install a neo-liberal state in Chile. The proof of that, is that
the movement dissolves on September 13th 1973, setting aside the alleged nationalist ideas.
In conclusion and according to the revised texts, We can say that Frente Nacional Patria y
Libertad was a group of individuals, seeking to achieve a transformation, ie, they had a
common goal. Also used non-institutional channels such as demonstrations, protests and
direct actions. However, They cannot be considered a social movement as it was only used
to create a polarized political environment and socially, to facilitate to overthrow the
government. They did not have a clearly goal. It was an "instrumental movement." What
we can say according to the texts, that Patria y Libertad was a 'reactionary movement", this
means that reacted to what was happening in the Unidad Popular, where they were leading
a process of political transformation, forming a democratically socialist state.

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