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1. Complete the sentences. Use the object pronouns in the box.

Them, him, it, her, them, me, us, you

e.g. My friend Tom lives near me. I go to school with him.
1. My teachers are great. I really lie !!!!!!!!!!.
". #ames and I don$t listen in class. The teacher isn$t happy with
%. &cience is a difficult subject. I$m not very good at !!!!!!!!.
'. My mother teaches at my school( but she doesn$t teach !!!!!!!.
). *rt and music are my favourite subjects. I$m good at !!!!!!!!.
+. Maria &harapova is a great tennis player. I really respect !!!!!!!!.
,. -ou$re a fantastic father. I really love !!!!!!!!.
.. &ally is picing up rubbish. /et$s help !!!!!!!!0.
1. There are two ites in the sy. Can you see !!!!!!!!2
13. It$s my grandmother$s birthday. I$m going to visit !!!!!!!!.
11. This boo is excellent. 4o you want to read !!!!!!!2
1". 5rad 6itt is my favourite film star. 4o you lie !!!!!!2
1%. 7here is my pencil2 8ave you got !!!!!!2
1'. The children are playing football. /oo at !!!!!!.
1). *vril /avigne is my favourite singer. 4o you lie !!!!!!!2
1+. My father is washing the dishes. /et$s help !!!!!! 0.
How much will you i!e me for this e"celle#t se#te#ce$
This activity can be designed to focus not only o# o%&ect 'ro#ou#s but also
on (#y r(mm(r 'oi#t or to revise some you have taught in recent wees.
1. -ou need a selection of correct and incorrect sentences based on
object pronouns. 9ifteen sentences is a good number. 7rite the
sentences on pieces of paper ( on the board or you can simply read
them out.
". 6ut students into groups of three or four. Tell each group they have
133 to spend at an (uctio#. :If possible( give each team fae money(
lie the notes in a Monopoly board game or mae your own;. 4efine
the word auction : a place where you offer money for something;.
<xplain that at this auction they can buy a sentence by bidding
against the other team. If they thin the sentence is correct( they
should try to buy it. If it is incorrect( they may still bid in other to
tric the other team into buying.
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7hen grouping students it$s useful to put stronger students with others
who are finding the language more tricy. That way they can help each
%. ?ead out the first sentence and the teams start biding. 7hen a team
buys one it is important to note down how much of their 133 they have
'. *uction all the sentences. *t the end tell the class which sentences were
correct and see which team bought the most correct sentences. They are
the winners. *s students what is wrong with the incorrect object pronoun
and why.

8ere are some sentences which include correct and incorrect uses of
objects pronouns.
1. I$m good at maths. I really lie them.
". My brother plays tennis. I play with her.
%. 5isbal is my favourite singer. I lie him.
'. My friends live near me. I go to school with me.
). 7e don$t listen in class. The teacher isn$t happy with her.
+. &he is a very good student. 8er parents are very happy with her.
,. I practise the piano a lot. My music teacher is happy with them.
.. This boo is really interesting. I lie reading it.
1. My homewor is difficult. I don$t understand him.
13. 6lease spea slowly. I don$t understand us.
11. /oo at these awful trainers0 I don$t lie them.
1". /et$s listen to the teacher. &he is speaing to us0
1%. <nglish is a easy subject. I$m very good at her.
1'. My friend Aaren is my neighbour. I go out with me.
1). I lie going swimming. I really enjoy it.
- The teacher writes the object pronouns to be revised on the
board in a noughts and crosses grid. :1 object pronouns( one of
them ca be repeated;.
- 4ivide students into two teams( one noughts and the other
- Toss a coin to see which team starts and nominate a volunteer
to choose any object pronoun from the grid.
- That student must use the object pronoun in a correct
sentence and show the meaning in the context of the sentence.
The sentence must be correct( otherwise the object pronoun
gets thrown over to the other team for them to try.
- 7hen a correct sentence is provided ( rub out the object
pronoun and replace it with a nought or cross depending on the
- Bow it is the other team$s chance to pic an object pronoun.
The team with three 3$s or =$s in a row wins.

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