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Course number: JUS 660 (22424) Spring 2010

Globalization and Eonomi Justie (Graduate Seminar)

!eets: "#ursda$s 4:40%&:'0
(oation: )ilson *all 2++
(Syllabus subject to revision)
Professor: LaDawn Haglund
Office Location: Wilson Hall Room 1!"
Phone num#er: $%!-&'(-)!%
Office Hours: *uesda+ and *hursda+, 1:!--:! ..m.
the market cannot be superseded as a general frame of reference unless the social sciences
succeed in developing a wider frame of reference to which the market itself is referable.
This indeed is our main intellectual task today in the field of economic studies. Such a
conceptual structure will have to be grounded on the substantive meaning of economic.
!"arl #olanyi$ The %conomy as &nstituted #rocess
,- Course desription:
*his seminar e/.lores the .olitical econom+ of glo#ali0ation from a theoretical as well as
.ractical stand.oint. 1ources used will come from a 2ariet+ of disci.lines 3 sociolog+, .olitical
science, international relations, geogra.h+, law, and economics 3 all of which contri#ute uni4ue
theoretical and normati2e tools for anal+0ing the effect of glo#al forces on economic 5ustice.
*he guiding methodological framewor6 of man+ of the wor6s read will #e com.arati2e-
historical, due to the inherentl+ com.arati2e nature of international .olitical econom+. We will
also de2ote a su#stantial amount of time to .in.ointing and anal+0ing the role of actors and
agenc+ in the glo#al econom+, as well as the effect of s.ecific institutional and .olitical
arrangements on economic 5ustice and human rights in #oth de2elo.ed and countries.
1u#stanti2e to.ics include trade, monetar+ and financial .olic+, the role of the glo#al econom+ in
economic de2elo.ment, the im.act of cor.orate glo#ali0ation on la#or and the en2ironment, and
sources of resistance and alternati2e 2isions.
*he o#5ecti2es of the course are:
1. *o clarif+ what glo#ali0ation in the current era is, and is not
-. *o ac4uaint students with multi.le theories and methodologies used to stud+ and
interrogate glo#ali0ation .rocesses
. *o demonstrate the 2arious wa+s that nations and societies ha2e attem.ted to .romote
social and economic rights and well-#eing 2is-7-2is glo#al forces
- - -
$. *o anal+0e the wa+s that state .ower and state so2ereignt+ ha2e 3 and ha2e not 3 changed
o2er the last se2eral decades
(. *o elucidate the structural characteristics of glo#ali0ation, including the institutional and
.olitical s.aces in which different 2isions are ad2anced and8or contested
'. *o e2aluate the role of .ower in the international .olitical econom+, including the wa+ it struggles o2er conflicting .olicies and .ro5ects
). *o e/amine criticall+ the effects of glo#ali0ation forces on .oorer societies and
2ulnera#le grou.s, as well as on wor6ers around the world and the en2ironment
%. *o further student research on to.ics of glo#al economic 5ustice
&. *o foster a sense of .olitical res.onsi#ilit+ in regard to glo#al 5ustice, as well as de2elo. a
set of ideas regarding how more 5ust alternati2e 2isions ma+ #e reali0ed
*his course .ro2ides a #asis for research in the fields of international and com.arati2e .olitical
econom+, glo#ali0ation and de2elo.ment, and human rights. 9t will .re.are students for a
com.rehensi2e e/am in the area of glo#al economic 5ustice, as well as ser2e as a foundation for
future wor6 in internationall+-focused go2ernmental agencies, non-go2ernmental organi0ations,
or .olic+ institutes.
,,- Course re.uirements and grading:
Students must:
a) /ttend all seminar meetings and partiipate in lass disussions
b) 0o all re.uired readings prior to t#e lass 1or 2#i# t#e$ are assigned
) Submit 2ee3l$ memos outlining $our ritial reations to t#e assigned te4ts
d) (ead lass disussion t2ie during t#e semester
e) Complete 2 s#ort papers
1) Submit an annotated bibliograp#$ o1 soures to be used 1or $our 1inal paper
g) Complete a 20%2+ page 1inal paper 2it# 1inal bibliograp#$ (not annotated)
a: ;oth attendance and .artici.ation are 2ital to the success of the seminar and to +our grade.
<#sences and tardiness are not ta6en lightl+. 9f +ou are una#le to attend on a .articular da+,
.lease let me 6now in ad2ance.
#: *his is a reading!intensive seminar. *he field of glo#ali0ation studies is di2erse, ra.idl+
growing, intellectuall+ stimulating, and .oliticall+ contentious. *hus, we will co2er a lot of
material =u. to -!! ..s8w6: during the semester. <ll seminar .artici.ants are e/.ected each
wee6 to allot the time re4uired for reading assigned materials thoughtfull+ and thoroughl+, prior
to class. *his will .ro2ide the #asis for +our acti2e .artici.ation in our in-class discussions. 9
strongl+ recommend, as a matter of good scholarl+ .ractice, to take e'tensive notes on all +our
readings, outlining the main ideas and clarif+ing an+ unfamiliar terms or conce.ts.
- -
c: (eekly memos outlining +our critical reflections on the assigned te/ts will #e re4uired for +ou
to recei2e a grade in the course. *hese memos must #e com.leted at least -$ hours .rior to our
wee6l+ meetings and should #e .osted to the discussion list 9 will create for this .ur.ose on
;lac6#oard. 9n addition to writing +our own memo, +ou are e/.ected to re2iew the comments
circulated #+ all other seminar .artici.ants .rior to our wee6l+ meeting.
5ote: <lthough memos will #e .osted online, they should not be written while you are online.
Des.ite our use of ;lac6#oard to disseminate +our memos, this is not an informal >chat session.?
9t is intended to .ro2ide thoughtful academic commentar+, com.rising #rief #ut well organi0ed
reflections, 4uestions and criticisms regarding the readings. "on2entional grammar and
.unctuation rules should #e o#ser2ed@ "omments should not e/ceed two .ages .er wee6.
d: Student!led discussion: students will lead class discussion twice during the semester. 1ign-u.
will ta6e .lace during the 1
session on Aanuar+ -1
. &f you join class after this date$ it is your
responsibility to contact me in order to sign up. Bour tas6 as discussion leader will #e to raise
im.ortant 4uestions and issues, #ased on the critical reflections .osted #+ all students on
;lac6#oard. Bou should attem.t to find common themes, .oints of di2ergence or confusion, and
interesting o#ser2ations that can guide the con2ersation in fruitful directions. Bou should not
regurgitate the readings, as e2er+one will #e e/.ected to ha2e done them .rior to class. Bou are
encouraged to #ring in an outside reading or current news article related to the wee6Cs themes.
e: *here will #e two short papers =(-' .ages: that e/.lore and criti4ue the arguments made in the
readings from the first two sections of the course:
1: glo#ali0ation in historical .ers.ecti2e =Aan. -%-De#. -(: - due Ear. $
-: economic glo#ali0ation =finance, trade, and8or in2estment:, the state, and human
rights =Ear. $-<.r. 1: - due <.r. %
Bou can utili0e +our comments gi2en in +our wee6l+ memos for these short .a.ers, though 9
would li6e to see +ou s+nthesi0e, anal+0e, and criti4ue the materials from the .ers.ecti2e of each
to.ical area as a whole. 9 will .ro2ide guiding 4uestions for these .a.ers .rior to their due date.
f: Bour annotated bibliography is due two wee6s #efore +our final 9t should consist of a
#rief =-( sentence: statement regarding the to.ic of +our, followed #+ a minimum of 1!
scholarl+ sources that +ou intend to utili0e, e/.laining how each will #e useful for +our to.ic.
Please su#mit to the discussion #oard .rior to class on the due date. < PowerPoint .resentation is
.osted on ;lac6#oard under >"ourse Documents? to guide +ou in constructing this #i#liogra.h+.
g: Bour final paper should #e -!--( .ages, and should lin6 +our research interests
with theoretical a..roaches to, and em.irical realities of economic glo#ali0ation. Bou ha2e three
o.tions in choosing the format of this
1: a dissertation =Ph.D.: or research grant =E.1. or Ph.D.: .ro.osal
-: an original research on a to.ic of glo#ali0ation and human rights or
glo#ali0ation and economic 5ustice =with intent to .u#lish:
: a theoretical e/amination of a real-world glo#ali0ation and human rights and8or
economic 5ustice issue =com.aring8contrasting at least t2o theoretical .ers.ecti2es:,
with a discussion of .ossi#le methodologies for testing these theoretical a..roaches
- $ -
Bour choice of format should de.end on +our +ear and .rogress toward degree, as well as on
+our .rofessional goals. Regardless of which +ou choose, 9 urge +ou to thin6 in terms of pra'is,
defined as:
>the .rocess #+ which a theor+ or lesson #ecomes .art of li2ed e/.erience. Rather than a
lesson #eing sim.l+ a#sor#ed at the intellectual le2el in a classroom, ideas are tested and
e/.erienced in the real world, followed #+ an o..ortunit+ for reflecti2e contem.lation. 9n
this wa+, a#stract conce.ts are connected with li2ed realit+.?
*hus, all .a.ers should include a theoretical framewor6, a re2iew of rele2ant literature, and a
discussion of methodologies for understanding real .ro#lems .osed #+ the issue. 9 strongl+
recommend scheduling a meeting with me to discuss +our #efore +ou write it.
,mportant: 9 e/.ect graduate students to ha2e mastered the #asics of writing .a.ers, using a
standard st+le manual and .roofreading their wor6. Please ta6e the time to .resent .rofessional
4ualit+ wor6. Fet to 6now one of the st+le manuals 3 e.g., EL< st+le, ) *anual for (riters of
Term #apers$ Theses$ and +issertations =Gate L. *ura#ian:, ) *anual of Style =*he Hni2ersit+ of
"hicago:, or the )#) *anual 3 and .a+ .articular attention to the .ages that show +ou how to
.resent #i#liogra.hic references. Bou can lose u. to a full grade for slo..iness, noncom.liance
or inconsistenc+ with an esta#lished st+le, or .oor .roofreading.
6our grade 2ill be based on t#e 1ollo2ing:
<ttendance, .artici.ation: 1(I
"ritical reflections .ostings to ;lac6#oard: 1(I J1: -!I J-: -!I
Dinal !I
7lease note t#at late 2or3 2ill not be aepted.
,,,- 8e.uired "e4ts:
1. *a##, William G. -!!$. %conomic ,overnance in the )ge of ,lobali-ation. Kew Bor6:
"olum#ia Hni2ersit+ Press.
-. Polan+i, Garl. 1&$$. The ,reat Transformation. ;oston: ;eacon PressL -nd edition =Earch
-%, -!!1: 91;K: !%!)!('$M
. ;enede6, Wolfgang, Goen De De+ter, and Da#ri0io Earrella. -!!). %conomic ,lobalisation
and .uman /ights. "am#ridge Hni2ersit+ Press. NHereafter EFHRO - On reser2e at the
li#rar+ as well. =Bou ma+ want to loo6 for this on < and8or share with another
student to 6ee. the .rice down.:
$. He+mann, Aod+ and <lison Earle. -!!&. /aising the ,lobal 0loor1 +ismantling the *yth
That (e 2an3t )fford ,ood (orking 2onditions for %veryone. 1tanford Hni2ersit+ Press.
,9- Supplementar$ materials
9 ha2e .ut together a reader for this course. 9t can #e o#tained at the <lternati2e "o.+
1ho. =across the street from <1H: )1( 1. Dorest <2enue, $%!-%-&-)&&-:. 9tems on the
schedule that a..ear in the reader will #e .receded #+ >R:? <dditional items ma+ #e
handed out in class or .osted in ;lac6#oard.
- ( -
9- !isellaneous ourse in1ormation:
4bvious courtesies:
<rri2e on time
*urn off +our cell .hone
Let me 6now in ad2ance if +ou must lea2e earl+
&ncompletes: >< mar6 of P9C =incom.lete: is gi2en #+ the instructor onl+ when a student who is
otherwise doing acce.ta#le wor6 is una#le to com.lete a course #ecause of illness or other
conditions #e+ond the studentCs control? =from the <1H Feneral "atalog:.
)cademic integrity: 9 ho.e it is unnecessar+ to inform +ou that cheating and .lagiarism will #e
dealt with se2erel+. *his includes failing to cite sources used, re.resenting othersC wor6 as +our
own, or allowing others to re.resent +our wor6 as theirs. 9f +ou ha2e dou#ts a#out what
constitutes academic dishonest+, as6 me. *he 1chool of Austice and 1ocial 9n4uir+ adheres to the
Office of 1tudent LifeCs >1tudent <cademic 9ntegrit+ Polic+,? which +ou are encouraged to read
and ta6e 2er+ seriousl+: htt.:88.ro2ost.asu.edu8academicintegrit+.
+isability Services: 9f +ou ha2e a learning disa#ilit+, need disa#ilit+ accommodations in this
class, or ha2e other .articular needs, .lease let me 6now as soon as .ossi#le. <ll information
regarding disa#ilit+ is confidential.
- ' -
C:U8SE :U"(,5E
)EE; 1: Jan- 21
:<er<ie2 and ,ntrodution to t#e Course Nsign u. for .resentationsO
)EE; 2: Jan- 2=
)#at is globalization> ?126 pps-@
*a##, William G. -!!$. %conomic ,overnance in the )ge of ,lobali-ation. Kew Bor6:
"olum#ia Hni2ersit+ Press. "ha.ters 1-$ N1!1 ..s.O
R: Lairson, *homas D. and Da2id 16idmore. -!!. >*he Economics of 9nternational
Political Econom+.? "ha.ter - in &nternational #olitical %conomy1 The Struggle for
#ower and (ealth$ Third %dition. *hom.son, Wadsworth. P.. 1)-$-. N-( ..s.O
4ptional (but helpful) additional reading1
Ru.ert, Ear6. -!!(. >Reflections on 1ome Lessons Learned from a Decade of
Flo#alisation 1tudies.? 5ew #olitical %conomy. 1!=$:: $()-$)%. N-- ..s.O
)EE; ': Aeb- 4
Global !eets (oal: "#e Bases 1or Global Eonomi ,nCustie ?D2 pps-@
R: Wolfe, Patric6. 1&&). >Histor+ and 9m.erialism: < "entur+ of *heor+, from Ear/ to
Postcolonialism.? )merican .istorical /eview. 1!-=-:: %%-$-! N- ..s.O
R: Wallerstein, 9mmanuel. 1&)$. >*he Rise and Duture Demise of the World-"a.italist
1+stem: "once.ts for "om.arati2e <nal+sis.? 2omparative Studies in Society and
.istory. 1'=$:: %)-$1(. N-% ..s.O
R: Dos 1antos, *heotonio. 1&)!. >*he 1tructure of De.endence.? The )merican
%conomic /eview. '!=-:: -1--'. N( ..s.O
R: Polan+i, Garl. 1&(). Q*he Econom+ as 9nstituted Process.Q 9n Trade and *arket in the
%arly %mpires. G. Pol+ani, ed. Flencoe, 9L: *he Dree Press. P.s. -$--)!. N-) ..s.O
)EE; 4: Aeb- 11
7olan$i: ESel1%regulatingF !ar3ets and Aititious Commodities ?G200 pps-@
Polan+i, Garl. 1&$$. The ,reat Transformation. ;oston: ;eacon PressL -nd edition
=Earch -%, -!!1: 91;K: !%!)!('$M =Read P<R*1 9 and 99, as well as forward #+
1tiglit0 and introduction #+ ;loc6:
)EE; +: Aeb- 1=
"#e 7ost2ar Eonomi :rder and !anagement o1 Aititious Commodities ?1'+ pps-@
*a##, %conomic ,overnance in the )ge of ,lobali-ation, "ha.ter ( N& ..s.O
R: Hirschman, <l#ert. 1&'%. >*he Political Econom+ of 9m.ort 1u#stituting
9ndustriali0ation in Latin <merica.? 6uarterly 7ournal of %conomics. %-=De#::--- N! .O
R: Ruggie, Aohn. 1&%-. >9nternational regimes, transactions and change: em#edded
- ) -
li#eralism in the .ostwar economic order.? &nternational 4rgani-ation. '=-, 1.ring::
)&-$1(. N' ..s.O
R: 1il2er ;e2erl+ A. and Fio2anni <rrighi. -!!. >Polan+iCs PDou#le Eo2ementC: *he
;elle R.o4ues of ;ritish and H.1. Hegemon+ "om.ared.? #olitics and Society. 1=-,
Aune:: -(-((. N! ..s.O
)EE; 6: Aeb- 2+
"#e 0emise o1 Statism and "riump# o1 5eoliberalism ?112 pps-@
*a##, %conomic ,overnance in the )ge of ,lobali-ation, "ha.ter '-) N)% ..s.O
R: Williamson, Aohn. 1&&!. >What Washington Eeans #+ Reform.? 9n Williamson, Aohn
=ed.: 8atin )merican )djustment1 .ow *uch .as .appened9 "ha.ter -. N1! ..s.O
R: Wade, Ro#ert. -!!1. >1howdown at the World ;an6.? 5ew 8eft /eview. )=Aan-De#::
1-$-1). N1 ..s.O
R: *ic6ell, <dam and Aamie Pec6. -!!. >Ea6ing Flo#al Rules: Flo#alisation or
Keoli#eralismS? Flo#ali0ation and World "ities 1tud+ Frou. and Ketwor6. Research
;ulletin 1!-. Earch. N11 ..s. of te/tO
)EE; &: !ar- 4
Eonomi Globalization and *uman 8ig#ts ?11D pps-@
R: Delice, William D. 1&&&. >*he Tia#ilit+ of the Hnited Kations <..roach to Economic
and 1ocial Human Rights in a Flo#ali0ed Econom+.? &nternational )ffairs. )(= - Aul::
('-(&%. N( ..s.O
EFHR =-!!):: ... 1-1' =9ntroduction:, ... &-'' =>Flo#al Ethics?:, and ... &-1$
=>Flo#alisation and 1ocial Rights?:. N%$ ..s.O
First short paper due today (Globalization in Historical Perspective)
)EE; =: !ar- 11
)#it#er t#e State> ?10' pps-@
R: OCRiain, 1ean. -!!!. >1tates and Ear6ets in an Era of Flo#ali0ation.? )nnual /eview
of Sociology. -': 1%)--1. N-' ..s.O
EFHR =-!!):: ... 1)-% =>Economic Flo#alisation, Flo#alist 1tories of the 1tate, and
Human Rights?:. N-1 ..s.O
R: Fill, 1te2en. -!!. >"ha.ter ): Flo#ali0ation, Ear6et "i2ili0ation, and Disci.linar+
Keoli#eralism.? #ower and /esistance in the 5ew (orld 4rder. London: Palgra2e. P..
11'-1$-. N-' ..s.O
R: Paul+, Louis and 1imon Reich. 1&&). >Kational 1tructures and Eultinational
"or.orate ;eha2ior: Enduring Differences in the <ge of Flo#ali0ation.? &nternational
4rgani-ation (1:1-!. N! ..s.O
)EE; D: !ar- 1=
- % -
S78,5G B8E/;H
5o lassI but please start 2or3ing on $our annotated bibliograp#ies 1or $our 1inal paper-
)EE; 10: !ar- 2+
"opis in Eonomi Justie: Flo#al Dinance N1!) ..sO
*a##, %conomic ,overnance in the )ge of ,lobali-ation, "ha.ter % N& ..s.O
R: 1tallings, ;ar#ara. -!!). >*he Flo#ali0ation of "a.ital Dlows: Who ;enefitsS?
)nnals of the )merican )cademy of #olitical and Social Science. '1!: -!1--1'. N1( ..s.O
R: Geenan, Patric6. -!!%. >Dinancial Flo#ali0ation and Human Rights.? 2olumbia
7ournal of Transnational 8aw. $'. =9llinois Pu#lic Law Research J!%-1: N( ..s.O
0ilm: >*he "rash?
)EE; 11: /pr- 1
"opis in Eonomi Justie: *rade and 9n2estment N1-( ..s.O
*a##, %conomic ,overnance in the )ge of ,lobali-ation, "ha.ter & N! ..s.O
R: Wade, Ro#ert. -!!. >What strategies are 2ia#le for countries toda+S *he
World *rade Organi0ation and the shrin6ing of Pde2elo.ment s.ace.C? /eview of
&nternational #olitical %conomy. 1!=$:: '-1-'$$. N- ..s.O
EFHR =-!!):: ... 1)-1'& =>W*O and Human Rights?: and ... 1)!--!& =><ccess to
Eedicines?: N)- ..s.O
0ilm: >*rading Democrac+?
)EE; 12: /pr- =
"opis in Eonomi Justie: "or.orate Res.onsi#ilit+ N1!' ..s.O
*a##, %conomic ,overnance in the )ge of ,lobali-ation, "ha.ter 1! N$- ..s.O
EFHR =-!!):: ... -$(--'( =><lternati2e Pers.ecti2es: HR U EK"s?: and ... -''-1!
=>HR, <r#itration, and "or.orate 1ocial Res.onsi#ilit+?: N'$ ..s.O
0ilm: >*he "or.oration?
Second short paper due today (economic globalization, the state, and human rights)
)EE; 1': /pr- 1+
"opis in Eonomi Justie: *he En2ironment
*a##, %conomic ,overnance in the )ge of ,lobali-ation, "ha.ter 11 N$- ..s.O
R: Ec"arth+, Aames and 1cott Prudham. -!!$. >Keoli#eral nature and the nature of neo-
li#eralism.? ,eoforum. (=:: -)(--%. N% ..s.O
R: Ec"arth+, Aames. -!!$. >Pri2ati0ing conditions of .roduction: trade agreements as
neoli#eral en2ironmental go2ernance.? ,eoforum. (=:: -)-$1. N1$ ..s.O
R: Di#den, Aac4ui, "li2e Potter and "hris "oc6lin. -!!&. >"ontesting the neoli#eral
- & -
.ro5ect for agriculture: .roducti2ist and multifunctional tra5ectories in the Euro.ean
Hnion and <ustralia.? 7ournal of /ural Studies. -(=:: -&&-!%. N& ..s.O
R: Kewell, Peter. -!!%. >"i2il 1ociet+, "or.orate <ccounta#ilit+ and the Politics of
"limate "hange.? ,lobal %nvironmental #olitics. %=:: 1---1(. N1 ..s.O
R: Glein, Kaomi. -!!&. >"limate Rage.? /olling Stone. Ko2. 11.
<rticle to #e added on the "o.enhagen meetings. NgrowthS De2elSO
)EE; 14: /pr- 22
"opis in Eonomi Justie: La#or
He+mann, Aod+ and <lison Earle. -!!&. /aising the ,lobal 0loor. 1tanford Hni2ersit+
Press. NselectionsO
Please #egin serious wor6 on +our final
Annotated bibliography for final paper due today
)EE; 1+: /pr- 2D
/not#er 2orld is possible
*a##, %conomic ,overnance in the )ge of ,lobali-ation, "ha.ters 1--1 N() ..s.O
EFHR =-!!):: ... ')-&- =>Localising Human Rights?: N-( ..s.O
R: E2ans, Peter. -!!!. >Dighting Earginali0ation with *ransnational Ketwor6s: "ounter-
Hegemonic Flo#ali0ation.? 2ontemporary Sociology. -&=1::-!--$1 =Aanuar+:. N11 ..sO
Glein, Kaomi. -!!). >Lost Worlds: 9s <nother World Possi#leS? +emocracy 5ow:
*hursda+, <ugust 1'.
<rticle to #e added on democrati0ing glo#ali0ation and deli#erati2e democrac+
A,5/( 7/7E8 0UE !a$- 6t#
- 1! -
Summary of Topics and /eadings
Wee6I (pps.) "opi 8eadingsJassignments
1. 18-1 9ntro
-. 18-% (;<=) What is glo#ali0ationS *a## "h 1-$L R: Lairson U 16idmore
. -8$ (><) Flo#al Eeets Local R: WolfeL WallersteinL Dos 1antosL Polan+i
$. -811 (?<@@) Polan+i Polan+i P<R*1 9-99, 9ntro, Dorward
(. -81% (;AB) Postwar Economic Order *a## "h (L R: HirschmanL RuggieL 1il2er8<rrighi
'. -8-( (;;<) Rise of Keoli#eralism *a## "h '-)L R: WilliamsonL WadeL *ic6ell U Pec6
). 8$ (;;>) Flo# U Human Rights EFHR =:L DeliceL Short paper ! due
%. 811 (;@A) Whither the 1tate EFHR =1:L OCRiainL FillL Paul+ U Reich
&. 81% (@) S78,5G B8E/; 5: C(/SS % start bibliograp#ies
1!. 8-( (;@C) Flo#al Dinance *a## "h %L 1tallingsL Geenan
11. $81 (;<B) *rade89n2estment *a## "h &L EFHR =-:L Wade
1-. $8% (;@=) "or.orate Res.onsi#ilit+ *a## "h 1!L EFHR =-:L Short paper " due
1. $81( En2ironment and
*a## "h 11L Ec"arth+ =-:L Di#den, Potter, U
"oc6linL KewellL GleinL V1
1$. $8-- La#or He+mann U Earle =selections:
1(. $8-& <nother world is .ossi#le *a## "h 1--1L EFHR =1:L E2ansL V1
1'. Ea+ ' F#$A% PAP&' ()&
- 11 -
8E(/"E0 S:U8CES A:8 AU8"*E8 S"U06
Dic6en, Peter. ,lobal Shift1 /eshaping the ,lobal %conomic *ap in the <;
2. =Dourth
Edition:. KB: *he Fuilford Press.
Fereffi, Far+ and Eiguel Gor0eniewic0. 1&&$. 2ommodity 2hains and ,lobal 2apitalism.
West.ort, "*: Paeger Pu#lishers.
Hirst, Paul and Frahame *hom.son. 1&&'. ,lobali-ation in 6uestion1 the &nternational
%conomy and the #ossibilities of ,overnance. Ealden, E<: Polit+ Press.
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