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Topic : Instructional Materials For Teaching English [ Course Book, Work

Book, Supplementary Reader, Source Book]

Submitted to, Submitted by,
Divya Vincent Jikkumol.K.J
PTM College of Education 13377006
Maruthoorkonam PTM College of Education


Sl No Content Page number
1 Introduction 3
2 Content 3-5
3 Conclusion 5
4 Reference 5

There is a new package of instructional materials for teaching and
learning English as a second language in the schools of Kerala. They have been
prepared under the initiative and supervision of the SCERT, Kerala with the
involvement of educational experts and experienced teachers. There are five books
in the package, three meant for students use, one for the teachers and one for the
teacher educators. They are English Work book, supplementary Reader. Teachers
source book and Teacher-Educators manual.
A. Course Book
The course Book is known as Intensive Reader also as it is intended
for detailed study. It was called text Book previously. In India the first instance of
printing text books can be referred back to 1824, in Calcutta where a press was
installed and text books were printed. According to Herolikar, text books are the
written form of knowledge and thinking meant for organized teaching and
instruction. The structure can be classified into two, with respect to content and
form. Content refers to what relevant matters should be incorporated in the text.
The form refers to the layout, sequencing, quality of paper and print, size,
attractiveness, etc.
Characteristics or qualities of a good course Book are:
1. It is helpful to the teacher and the student to realize the prescribed vocabulary
and structures.
2. It contains different language forms prose and poetry are preferably in the ratio
3. The selected materials are interesting and value based.
4. there is scope for sufficient exercises, with clear instructions to promote
communicative skills- oral and written.
5. It enables to develop the language skills in a balanced way.
6. It promotes the psychological and sociological aspirations of the students.
7. It makes learning systematic.
8. It helps the student self study.
9. From the examination point of view, the students have to study the course book
in detail and it is the best reference book.

B. Work Book
The SCERT, Kerala views the practice Book\work Book not as a
separate one but as a part of the course Book, meant for the learner to put to use the
knowledge he has gained from his course Book. Using language is more important
than learning about it. Therefore, such tasks as for using language is given priority
in the work Book. The importance of the practice Book will be clear from the fact
that 40% weightage is given to its worksheets as examination are based on them,
whereas only 35% weightageis given to the content of the course Book. There are
twenty or more tasks for the students in each of the seven worksheets in the
practice Book for class VIII designed for classes IX and X there are eight and
seven worksheets respectively. In the practice Books the worksheets are linked
with the corresponding units of the course books.
C. Supplementary Reader
Supplementary reader also known as non-detailed text book. The text
book is for detailed study. The supplementary reader is meant for extensive
reading. Its position is in between the text book and a library book. It is intended to
consolidate and supplement what the students have learnt in the detailed text book.
Usually the contents of the supplementary reader will be a collection of stories,
history of inventions and discoveries, or a novel or play in abridged form. The
language would not pose much problem to the peoples because most of the words
and structures will be those they have learnt earlier. The supplementary reader
offers varied and extensive learning experiences and opportunities to get in touch
with various cultures including that of the E English language. The exercises given
at the end of each lesson or part will have to be done by the students which are to
be evaluated by the teacher.
Objectives of teaching Supplementary Reader
1. Generate interest and sustain it in extensive reading and reading
2. Consolidate what is learnt in the Intensive Reader and reinforce it.
3. Enrich their vocabulary and structure.

Characteristics\Qualities of a good Supplementary Reader.

1. Reading is easy, light, interesting and thought provoking.
2. Enthusiasm of students for wide reading is created.
3. It is suitable to the age and knowledge level of students.
4. Vocabulary and structures are mostly familiar.
5. There are attractive and relevant illustrations for each lesson.
6. Hard words are not more than 5% of the total number of words in a passage
and meanings of hard words are given at the end of each lesson.
7. Comprehension-testing questions and exercises are given at the end of each

D. Source Book
There are source Books for classes VIII to X which aid and guide
the English teacher. In addition to these are source Books on evaluation
experts and experienced teachers through a series of workshops.
The teachers source Book serves as a hand book more than its conventional
sense and its helps the teacher providing him with additional materials and
information. A special feature of the book is that it gives enough freedom to
the teacher in the choice of methodology or even content not conceded or
suggested in the book. It also gives the teacher a variety of situations,
examples, exercises, tasks, and activities to be chosen from among for
classroom use.


There are five books in the instructional materials for teaching and
learning English as a second language in the schools of Kerala. They are
English course Book, English Work Book, Supplementary Reader, Source
Book and Teacher-Educators manual. The tasks have been made learner-
centered, learner-friendly, activity-based and process-oriented. They contain
a wide variety of discourses, conversations, script writing etc. The teacher
himself has to be resourceful and he should promote communication process
among all the students in the class, in between pairs and with the students.
He is the organizer of activities, a guide and a counsellor.


1. Methodology of teaching and pedagogic analysis- Dr.K.Sivarajan

K. Mridula.
2. Methodology of English teaching- Malati.M. Halbe

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