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TRANSCRIPT: King of the Hill S03E23: "Wings of the Dope"

LUANNE: Heres !300 "#sh for $% ne&t se$ester' (s. )re$*er+ Co,nt it - its #..
(S+ )RE(/ER: ($-h$$+ We..' theres sti.. #n in"re0i1.% "o$p.i"#te0 h#ir-0%eing
e&#$ "o$ing ,p' P.#tter+ 2o,3e got to p#ss th#t to e3en 4,#.if% for the fin#.
LUANNE: I 5ont .et %o, 0o5n' (s+ )re$*er+
(S+ )RE(/ER: 2e#h' s,re+
CLASS(ATE: Loo6' its L,#nne+
SHAR7NA: It s,re h#s 1een # h#r0 %e#r for %o,' L,#nne' 5ith %o,r 1o%frien0 1.o5ing
,p #n0 .osing #.. %o,r h#ir #n0 1eing on #"#0e$i" pro1#tion+ 8,t %o, 6no5' if %o,
p#ss this .#st e&#$' it 5i.. t,rn e3er%thing #ro,n0+
CLASS(ATES: 9$o"6ing .#,ghter:
DALE: S#0+ ;er% s#0+
HAN): Wh#t is )#hn thin6ing< He 1o,ght the 1est tr#$po.ine of 8,"6.e%s est#te #n0
hes .etting it go to pot+ (#%1e 5e o,ght to t#.6 to )#hn+ This is # fi&-it
opport,nit% th#t on.% h#ppens in the $o3ies+ He%' I 6no5 5h#t 5e "o,.0 0o+ 8i..'
re$e$1er 5hen 5e got %o, to 1r,sh %o,r teeth 1% s#%ing %o, 0i0nt 6no5 ho5<
8ILL: 2e#h+
DALE: Re3erse ps%"ho.og%+ Th#t.. ne3er 5or6+
HAN): 2es it 5i..=
DALE: >ot"h#=
LUANNE: I ?,st too6 # test .#st se$ester' #n0 no5 I3e got #nother test= Its not
f#ir+ Ho5 often in re#. .ife #re %o, teste0<
HAN): Uh' %e#h+ 76#% then+
LUANNE: The gir.s #t 8e#,t% A"#0e$% #re so $e#n=
8ILL: The% are $e#n=
DALE: 2o, $#0e %o,r point' 8i..+
)AHN: We.. if %o, g,%s #re here' 5hos g,#r0ing tr#sh "#ns in #..e%< Ah-h#-h#-h#+
HAN): S#%' )#hn' 5e 5ere ?,st thin6ing -
DALE: We 0ont 5#nt to fi& %o,r tr#$po.ine=
8ILL: I 0o=
DALE: 8i..=
8ILL: Wh#t<
HAN): D#.e=
)AHN: 7h= No5 I get it+ 2o, re0ne"6s want to fi& $% tr#$po.ine+ 8,t 5h#ts in it
for $e<
HAN): We..' ,h -
)AHN: 2o, $o5 $% .#5n for t5o $onths=
HAN): A.. right+
)AHN: A-h#h#-h#=
DALE: P.#%e0 hi$ .i6e # 0#$n fi00.e+
(S+ )RE(/ER: E&"e..ent' Sh#ron#+ If I 0i0nt 6no5 th#t t#i. 5#s #tt#"he0 to #
horses re#r en0' I0 s5e#r it 5#s Chers+
SHAR7NA: Th#n6 %o,' (s+ )re$*er+
(S+ )RE(/ER: 7h' 3er% goo0+ E&"e..ent high.ights+ L,#nne P.#tter=
LUANNE: Its not f#ir+ (% ",sto$er 6ept s5#tting f.ies+
(S+ )RE(/ER: Step #5#% fro$ the horse+
LUANNE: Chers h#irs thi"6 #n%ho5+ I #$ too going to p#ss th#t test+
DALE: Whip o,t those p.#ns= S go' s go' s go=
HAN): I3e t#6en the .i1ert% of 0r#5ing ,p so$e s"he$#ti"s+ No5' heres the
tr#$po.ine th#t is+ An0 here is the tr#$po.ine th#t "o,.0 1e+
DALE: Uh-oh+
HAN): I$ on it+ He%' L,#nne+ Uh' %o, .oo6 prett% to0#%+ Right g,%s<
DALE: 2es' 3er% prett%+
8ILL: Re0 e%es #re prett%+
LUANNE: 7h' 8,"6.e%+ This 5#s 8,"6.e%s tr#$po.ine+ It 5#s his f#3orite one+ He
n#$e0 it "N,$1er 7ne+" 9"r%ing:
HAN): Ugh+ A.. right+ Where 5ere 5e<
8ILL: 2e#h+ 7h' 1e#,tif,.+
DALE: We..' so$e peop.e s#% its too 1#0 8,"6.e%s 0e#0' 1,t I s#% his tr#$po.ine
s,re is gonn# 1e 1e#,tif,.+
HAN): 2ep+ >oo0night+
DALE: >oo0night+ >oo0night 8oo$h#,er+
8ILL: I.. see %o, .#ter+
LUANNE: H,h+++h$+ Ugh+ Who #re %o,< Wh#t #re %o, 0oin< Wh-5h#t<
8UC)LE2S AN>EL: Chi"6en 1,tt+ Heh+ Heh+
LUANNE: 8,"6.e%=
8UC)LE2S AN>EL: He%+ - Ps%"h=
LUANNE: Wh#t h#ppene0 to %o, 1eing 0e#0< 9g#sps: Are %o, #n #nge.< "8,"6.e%s
8UC)LE2S AN>EL: Dont 5e#r it o,t+
LUANNE @ 8UC)LE2: h#ppi.%:
LUANNE: 2o, #re #n #nge.+ Un.ess %o,re ?,st # h#..,"inogen of $% $in0+ If %o,re
re#..% 8,"6.e%s #nge.' then te.. $e so$ething on.% the re#. 8,"6.e% 5o,.0 6no5+
8UC)LE2S AN>EL: Uh' %o, h#3e # 1irth$#r6 on %o,r 1,tt the sh#pe of # Hon0# 6e%+
LUANNE: 2o, #re # re#. #nge.=
9LUANNE #n0 8UC)LE2 ?,$p on the tr#$po.ine 5hi.e ALife in # Northern To5nB 1% The
Dre#$ A"#0e$% p.#%s+:
PE>>2: L,#nne' %o, .oo6 positi3e.% r#0i#nt this $orning+ 2o,re not pregn#nt' #re
%o,< H$< Disreg#r0+
HAN): A.. right' s#,s#ge=
87882: A.. right' s#,s#ge=
LUANNE: I h#3e #n #nno,n"e$ent to $#6e= L#st night' I h#0 # re.igio,s e&perien"e+
PE>>2: I&-n#%= I&-n#%= 711%-1#% too-%#% ,ng-%#%+
LUANNE: L#st night' I 5#s 3isite0 1% #n #nge.+ 8,"6.e%s #nge.+
87882: Coo.=
LUANNE: ($-h$$+ He 5#s on the tr#$po.ine #n0 he s#i0 to te.. %#.. "he%+"
PE>>2: I thin6 so$eones 1een st,0%ing # .itt.e too h#r0 for her 1e#,t% s"hoo.
LUANNE: Ts6+ Pro1#1.% Sh#ron# Cohnson+ Shes #.5#%s st,0%in+ Its not f#ir+
An%5#%s' 8,"6.e%s Ange. #n0 $e ?,$pe0 so$e #n0 then - 5e..' $ost.% 5e ?,st
?,$pe0' 1,t I fee. 1etter ?,st 6no5ing hes o6#%+
HAN): Heh+ An #nge.+ We.., #.. right+
PE>>2: Ugh+ She is gi3ing $e the hee1iest of ?ee1ies+
HAN): The #nge. p#rt' s,re+ 8,t the 5ho.e not-"r%ing thing< I .i6e th#t+ I .i6e
th#t # .ot+
PE>>2: I to.0 her ",se proper 3enti.#tion #ro,n0 those h#ir "he$i"#.s+"
HAN): Shes pro1#1.% ?,st stresse0 o,t' Pegg%+ 8,t if this her' .et her
thin6 5h#te3er she 5#nts+ She sees 8,"6.e%s Ange.' No.#n R%#n s#5 his #r$ #s #
ro"6et .#,n"her #n0 the "#t"hers $itt #s S#0##$ H,ssein+ Dont $ess 5ith # goo0
thing' Pegg%+ C,st 1e "oo.+
PE>>2: I$ "oo.=
HAN): So' L,#nne+ This #nge. "ert#in.% see$s to h#3e $#0e %o, h#pp%+
LUANNE: 7h' %es+ I thin6 its # sign th#t >o0 is gonn# t#6e "#re of $e -
HAN): S,re' s,re' right' >o0+ I.. 1et >o0 sent %o, this g,#r0i#n #nge.' this
st#n0-on-%o,r-o5n-t5o-feet #nge.+ An0 if %o, h#3e # pro1.e$ fro$ no5 on' %o, 0ont
h#3e to "r%' 1e"#,se 8,"6.e%s Ange. 5i.. he.p %o, thro,gh %o,r tests' or $#%1e
fin0 #n #p#rt$ent or 5h#te3er' or -
LUANNE: 7ooh= (% g,#r0i#n #nge.=
HAN): 2ep+ Din0 #n #p#rt$ent+
DALE: Re0 #.ert+ Re0 #.ert+
LUANNE: He%' 8oo$h#,er' #n0 (r+ D#,teri3e' #n0 (r+ >ri11.e+
HAN): Heh heh heh+
DALE: Wh#t in the n#$e of He.. 5#s th#t<
HAN): L,#nne ".#i$s she s#5 8,"6.e%s #nge. .#st night on the tr#$po.ine+ I
"on3in"e0 her it 5#s her g,#r0i#n #nge. #n0 no5 shes on #n e3en 6ee.+ I sho,.0
h#3e tho,ght of this %e#rs #go+ Its .i6e she h#s # 1o%frien0 I ne3er h#3e to
$eet+ Heh+ Ahh+
SHAR7NA: He%' .oo6' its L,#nne 5#.6ing her 1oo6+
LUANNE: I$ not 5#.6ing $% 1oo6+ I$ 5#iting for $% g,#r0i#n #nge.+ 8,"6.e%s
#nge. h#s "o$e 1#"6 fro$ the 0e#0 to 1o,n"e on his tr#$po.ine #n0 he.p $e 5ith $%
CLASS(ATES: 9.#,ghter:
SHAR7NA: Do %o, he#r %o,rse.f< 2o,re "r#*%=
LUANNE: I 0ont h#3e to he#r $%se.f+ 8,"6.e%s #nge. he#rs $%se.f+
SHAR7NA: We..' %o,re gonn# f#i. the h#ir 0%e test #n0 f.,n6 o,t of 1e#,t% s"hoo.
#n0 h#3e to go to 5or6 #t the $#.. #t the pret*e. p.#"e+ An0 5e.. #.. 1e f#$o,s
h#ir0ressers #n0 5e.. 1e on the thir0 f.oor of the $#.. 5or6ing on the
h#ir 5ho e#t pret*e.s #t the pret*e. p.#"e+
CLASS(ATES: 9.#,ghter:
LUANNE: We..' I.. ?,st spit on %o,r pret*e.s' #n0 - No' th#ts o6#%+ I forgi3e
%o,' 1e"#,se I h#3e # g,#r0i#n #nge. no5+
LUANNE: 8,"6.e%s Ange.< C#n %o, p.e#se $e.t Sh#ron# Cohnsons f#"e< 7h' #n0 he.p
$e p#ss $% test< 8,"6.e%s Ange.< 8,"6.e%s Ange.<
HAN): 76#%' .ets get to it+ Wh#ts this< A note<
8ILL: 7h' th#ts no1o0%s' H#n6+ >i3e it 1#"6+
HAN): "De#r 8,"6.e%s Ange.' 8ring $e # 5o$#n' #n% 5o$#n+ Lo3e' 8i.. D+ DeL# T+
8ILL: Th#ts 1et5een $e #n0 8,"6.e%s #nge.+
HAN): There is no 8,"6.e%s Ange.= There 5#s 1#re.% # 8,"6.e%= Th#t gre#se1#..
"o,.0nt fin0 # h#$$er in the (eg#-Lo-(#rt+ Ho5 "o,.0 he possi1.% fin0 %o, #
8ILL: 2o, h#3e %o,r go0s' #n0 I h#3e $ine+
HAN): 8i..' sh,t ,p+ D#.e' .ift %o,r en0+
DALE: Ahh= Its # sign= We3e 1een p.#%ing >o0 5ith 8,"6.e%s tr#$po.ineE no5 >o0
is p.#%ing >o0 5ith ,s= An0 hes # .ot 1etter #t it+ I ref,se to to,"h this port
ho.e to He..+
HAN): Loo6' 5e got # pro?e"t going on #n0 8oo$h#,er #n0 I #re the on.% s#ne ones
#ro,n0 here=
877(HAUER: I 0ont 6no5 $#n+ H#0 # .itt.e - tiring 1e.t "#$e off' 5or6ing on it
for ho,rs $#n+ 8,"6.e% 5#.6s ,p #n0 to,"hes the hoo0' ?,st touches the hoo0' $#n+
The #,to 5#s he#.e0' $#n+ D#ng o. "%e# tho,gh I 5#.6 thro,gh the 3#..e% of the
sh#0o5 of 0e#th" $#n' 0ont t#6e no+++
HAN): I #$ this ".ose to fi&ing the tr#$po.ine $%se.f=
8ILL: No, no, no, no= Dont to,"h it or the #nge. 5ont "o$e 1#"6 #n0 I.. 1e
PE>>2: 7ooh-5ee+ It is # hot one to0#%' h,h< So' (inh' h#3e %o, e3er h#0 #n%
re.igio,s 3isions<
(INH: This #1o,t 8,"6.e%s #nge.' h,h' Pegg% Hi..<
PE>>2: 2o, 6no5<
(INH: Not too $,"h h#ppen in this neigh1orhoo0+ When so$eone "o$es 1#"6 fro$ 0e#0'
it gets #ro,n0+
PE>>2: I $e#n L,#nne is ".e#r.% "r#*%+ If it 5#s # tr,e re.igio,s 3ision' 5h%
5o,.0 it "o$e to her< I 5#s ho$e+
(INH: Uh-h,h+
PE>>2: I $e#n' I h#3e h#0 $% ".ose "#..s+ 7ne ti$e I he#r0 # 3oi"e s#% "Ces,s is
.o3e" right in $% e#r+ 8,t then 5hen I t,rne0 off the h#ir 0r%er' it 5#s s,00en.%
DALE: R,n' H#n6= Port ho.e to He..=
HAN): Ugh+ L,#nnes got e3er%1o0% going #nge.-"r#*%' Pegg%+ 7h' 0ont te.. $e
%o,re he#ring "Ces,s is .o3e" #g#in+
PE>>2+ Ces,s is .o3e<=
HAN): So' st,0%ing for %o,r 1ig h#ir test<
LUANNE: We..' I$ 5#iting for 8,"6.e%s #nge.+ I tho,ght 5e $ight 0o f.#sh "#r0s<
HAN): 2e#h+ 76#%+ We..' I$ s,re 5ith his he.p %o,.. 0o ?,st fine+ 2o,.. p#ss
the test #n0 he.. h#3e finishe0 his goo0 0ee0 #n0 there.. 1e no nee0 for hi$ to
"o$e 1#"6 to E#rth #g#in+ An0 if %o, 0o see 8,"6.e%s #nge. #g#in' it.. #"t,#..%
1e #n e3i. #nge. of 0e#th+ I 0i0nt $#6e ,p the r,.es - its in the 8i1.e+ >oo0
.,"6 no5=
9LUANNE is ,sing the tr#$po.ine #s # $#6eshift 0es6+ A 1oo$1o& ne&t to her p.#%s
AAnge. D.%ing Too C.ose to the >ro,n0B 1% Ne.son+:
LUANNE: 9"r%ing: Where is he< 8,"6.e% #.5#%s 0i0 this to $e+ 7ne ti$e 5e 5ere
s,ppose0 to see Co.or (e 8#00 #n0 he ne3er sho5e0 ,p+ I 5#s .oo6ing for5#r0 to
th#t "on"ert #.. 5ee6 #n0 5hen I to.0 hi$' he ?,st s#i0 ""hi"6en 1e#6+" Ts6+ he
1etter not 1e g,#r0i#nin so$e other gir.+ (#%1e I sho,.0 0rop o,t of 1e#,t%
s"hoo.' A,nt Pegg%+
PE>>2: Wh#t<= L,#nne' %o, h#3e 5#nte0 to go to 1e#,t% s"hoo. sin"e %o, 5ere si&+
2o, h#3e 5#nte0 to gr#0,#te 1e#,t% s"hoo. sin"e %o, 5ere t5e.3e+ If %o, gi3e ,p on
s"hoo.' hone%' %o, #re gi3ing ,p on %o,r 0re#$s+ "E0,"#tion is the s.eeping pi..
th#t $#6es 0re#$s h#ppen+" - Pegg% Hi..+
LUANNE: 8,t s"hoo. is h#r0+ I sho,.0 ?,st gi3e ,p #n0 se.. pret*e.s+
PE>>2: Uh-,h+ No5 %o, h#3e to re#"h 0eep insi0e %o,rse.f #n0 stop 0epen0ing on
%o,r ,n".e or %o,r 1o%frien0 or %o,r 1o%frien0s #nge.+ This ti$e' it is #.. ,p to
%o,+ 8,"6.e%s Ange. those 5ho he.p the$se.3es+
LUANNE: I.. 0o it= 2o,.. he.p $e' right<
PE>>2: 7f "o,rse+
LUANNE: I 0ont 6no5 5h% %o, 0i0nt "o$e' 8,"6.e%s Ange.+ If this is so$e 6in0 of
test' I.. h#3e to t#6e # $#6e-,p test 1e"#,se I h#3e # $#6e,p #n0 # h#ir test
this $ornin+
8UC)LE2S AN>EL: He%+
LUANNE: 7h= 2o, fin#..% sho5e0 ,p= Th#n6 %o,' 8,"6.e%s Ange.' th#n6 %o,=
8UC)LE2S AN>EL: 2o, - %o,re gonn# f#i. the test+
LUANNE: What?!
8UC)LE2S AN>EL: 2e#h' I h#3e # $ess#ge fro$ Ces,s+ So$ething #1o,t ho5 %o, s,"6
#t 1e#,t% s"hoo.' e&"ept 5or0e0 ni"er+ 7h' here+ Uh+++"L,#nne' %o, re#..% s,"6 #t
1e#,t% s"hoo.+ Drop o,t+ Lo3e' Ces,s+" H,h+ He ,n0er.ine0 "re#..%+" I g,ess it
5#snt ni"er+
LUANNE: I tho,ght #nge.s 5ere s,ppose0 to 1e goo0+ 2o,re # terri1.e #nge.'
8,"6.e%+ I 5ish %o, ne3er 0ie0=
8UC)LE2S AN>EL: He%' Ces,s s#i0 it' not $e+
LUANNE: 2o, #re $e#n+ C,st .i6e 5hen %o, 5ere $% 1o%frien0= 8,t I h#3e f#ith in
$e+ An0 I #$ not gonn# 1e tr#sh+ I$ gonn# gr#0,#te' #n0 I$ - I$ gonn#
0o $#6e,ps #n0 I$ gonn# h#3e the 1iggest tr,"6 in Ho..%5oo0=
8UC)LE2S AN>EL: Ces,s s#%s %o,re $e#nt for so$ething He "#nt s#% 5h#t+
LUANNE: We..' %o, #.. #re 5rong+ I$ $e#nt for 1e#,t% s"hoo.+
8UC)LE2: N,h-,h+
LUANNE: 2e#h-h,h=
8UC)LE2: N,h-,h+
LUANNE: 2e#h-h,h=
8UC)LE2: N,h-,h+
8UC)LE2: Ahhh= 8#i.=
C7((UNIT2 C7LLE>E >IRL FG: 7h $% gosh' #re %o, #.. right<
LUANNE: I thin6 I$ o6#%+ I 5#s ,p #.. night st,0%in #n0 I 5#s so tire0' #n0 then
I 5#s 0ri3in' #n0 no5 I$ - oh+++
C7((UNIT2 C7LLE>E >IRL FG: Do %o, 5#nt to sit 0o5n<
LUANNE: 2es' 3er% $,"h+ 7h= I .oo6 terri1.e= An0 I h#3e to t#6e # test=
C7((UNIT2 C7LLE>E >IRL F2: So<
LUANNE: We..' .oo6s #re ten per"ent of the gr#0e=
C7((UNIT2 C7LLE>E >IRL F3: Loo6s< We.. 5h#t ".#ss #re %o, t#6ing<
C7((UNIT2 C7LLE>E >IRL FG: I 1et its St#tisti"s 5ith Professor R,tte.e0ge+
C7((UNIT2 C7LLE>E >IRL F2: Hes s,"h # pig+
LUANNE: No no no+ Its h#ir "o.oring 5ith (iss )re$* - W#it+ W#it+ 2o, tho,ght
th#t I 5#s in s"hoo. 5ith %o,< In "o..ege<
C7((UNIT2 C7LLE>E >IRL FG: 2e#h' 5h% not< 2o, s,re %o,re o6#%<
C7((UNIT2 C7LLE>E >IRL F3: 2e#h+ "#,se 5e3e gott# go 5#t"h Saturday Night Fever
for o,r A$eri"#n C,.t,res ".#ss+
LUANNE: 2e#h' I$ o6#%+
C7((UNIT2 C7LLE>E >IRL F2: We..' goo0 .,"6 on %o,r test+
SHAR7NA: He%' L,#nne' 5heres %o,r g,#r0i#n #nge.< P#r6ing the "#r<
(S+ )RE(/ER: A.. right' .ets 1egin+ >.o3es on=
HAN): So' ,h' #n% #nge. sightings this e3ening<
DALE: No' not %et+
HAN): 7ops= We..' no5' 5h#ts this< H,h+ Its # .etter+ "Dro$ the Des6 of
8,"6.e%s Ange.+" Lets see here+ "De#r 8i..' 8oo$h#,er' #n0 D#.e' I h#3e 1een
,n#1.e to fin0 # 5o$#n for 8i..' #n% 5o$#n' or # "r#n6sh#ft fro$ # GHIJ Do0ge+ An0
the port ho.e to He.. is #"t,#..% .o"#te0 in H#n6s g#r#ge' ne#r #.. of his too.s'
5hi"h sho,.0 1e #3oi0e0 1% #n%one #fr#i0 of the port ho.e to He..+" We..' th#ts
it+ >oo01%e' 8,"6.e%s Ange.+
DALE: >oo01%e' 8,"6.e%s A - Ho.0 the phone+ Let $e see th#t .etter+
8ILL: Th#ts not 8,"6.e%s h#n05riting= H#n6<
HAN): >oo0+ No5 I 1e.ie3e 5e h#3e # tr#$po.ine to fi&+
LUANNE: >,ess 5h#t<
PE>>2: 2o, #"e0 the e&#$< I 6ne5 it= Congr#t,.#tions, L,#nne+
LUANNE: No no N7 no no= E3en 1etter' A,nt Pegg%= 8,"6.e%s Ange. "#$e 1#"6' #n0
then I #.$ost hit # Weiner W#gon' 1,t first' 8,"6.e% s#i0 th#t Ces,s s#i0 th#t I
5#s $e#nt for so$ething #n0 I tho,ght Ces,s $e#nt so$ething 5orse' #n0 then I
re$e$1ere0 %o, $e not to gi3e ,p on $% 0re#$s' #n0 I re#.i*e0 th#t He
$e#nt so$ething 1etter= An0 I got $% t,ition ref,n0 fro$ (s+ )re$*er' #n0 enro..e0
in Ar.en Co$$,nit% Co..ege' ?,st .i6e Ces,s s#i0=
PE>>2: Co..ege< Re#. "o..ege< 7h' L,#nne' %o, #re 0re#$ing 5ith the 1ig 1o%s no5=
87882: This is the h#ppiest 0#% of $% .ife=
HAN): L,#nne= We..' th#ts gre#t= I $e#n' 5o5= 2o,.. 1e $o3ing into # 0or$= A..
of o,r 0re#$s h#3e "o$e tr,e=
LUANNE: We..' Un".e H#n6' 5ith t,ition #n0 1oo6s #n0 1#"6-to-s"hoo. ".othes' I
"#nt #ffor0 to $o3e o,t no5+
HAN): We..' I g,ess #s .ong #s %o,re in s"hoo.' 1ettering %o,rse.f #n0 5h#tnot+
LUANNE: Th#n6 %o, Un".e H#n6=
HAN): Dont th#n6 $e+ H,g %o,r #,nt Pegg%+
LUANNE: I$ gonn# st#rt o,t #s # .i1er#. #rtist+ I $ight e3en go pre-$e0+ Its
re#..% the s#$e+++
HAN): H,h+ I 0i0nt 6no5 there 5#s # Weiner W#gon stopping in Ar.en+
87882: 713io,s.% not' or %o, 5o,.0 h#3e t#6en $e+
8UC)LE2S AN>EL: He%+
8UC)LE2S AN>EL: I ?,st "#$e 1#"6 to s#% I$ sorr% I 1#i.e0 o,t of the "#r+
LUANNE: I 6ne5 %o, 5erent re#..% # ?er6+
8UC)LE2S AN>EL: 2e#h+ We..' I gott# go+ Ces,s is h#3ing # p#rt% tonight+ Its
gonn# ro"6+
LUANNE: There.. pro1#1.% 1e # .ot of peop.e there+ 8,t if %o, see Ces,s' te.. hi$
I s#i0 th#n6s+ 9# 1e#t: >oo01%e 8,"6.e%+
8UC)LE2S AN>EL: 8efore I go' ,$ - "o,.0 I h#3e one .#st 6iss<
LUANNE: ($-h$$+++No' th#t p#rts o3er+
8UC)LE2S AN>EL: Wh%<
LUANNE: Chi"6en thigh+
8UC)LE2S AN>EL: He%' # ne5 re"or0+ Coo.+
)AHN: 8,"6.e%s Ange.< 8,"6.e%s Ange.< 7h' I$ so I h#3e to "o$$,te to
Ho,ston e3er% 0#%+ Th#t "it% one 1ig stin6ho.e+ Di0 I $#6e the right 0e"ision'
8,"6.e%s Ange.< 8,"6.e%s Ange.< Wh% %o, not "o$e to $e inste#0 of th#t re0ne"6
.itt.e hot pot#to<= 8,"6.e%s Ange.< No= A55' no=

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