Annotated Bibliography - Children

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"##$%&%'( )*+,*$-.&/01 $2 30*,(.'#45 )$$6 &+$7% 8'#('. 9*:'.5*%1
!" $%&'()*+ ,-.*/. (serles). ueaola, 1omle C.. uLnam. 1999 - 2009
ueaola recounLs hls chlldhood explolLs, lncludlng dresslng up as Snow WhlLe for Palloween, uslng
hls moLher's llpsLlck Lo dress up as hls favorlLe acLress, Mae WesL, and so forLh. Ages 3 - 8.

012111 3'.44.45 LwerL, Marcus. Seven SLorles ress, 2008.
Lvery nlghL, 8alley dreams abouL maglcal dresses: dresses made of crysLals and ralnbows, dresses
made of flowers, dresses made of wlndows. . . . unforLunaLely, when 8alley's awake, no one wanLs Lo
hear abouL Lhese beauLlful dreams. 1hen 8alley meeLs Laurel, an older glrl who ls Louched and
lnsplred by 8alley's lmaglnaLlon and courage, and 8alley's dreams come Lrue! Ages 3+

67. ,8-.*+/'.4 )9 6/:&;2 <&'+78%= >&47 $%&'=; 8ergman, S. 8ear. llamlngo 8ampanL, 2012.
lollow 1ullp as he deals wlLh Lhe blrLhday wlshes of all Lhe nlne-year-olds ln norLh Amerlca. 1ullp
recelves a wlsh from a chlld known as uavld who wlshes Lo llve as uanlela. Pe doesn'L undersLand
how Lo help, so he seeks Lhe wlse counsel of Lhe Wlsh lalry CapLaln. Ages 3 - 8

,(%?&*@ A'%B.5 Poffman, Mary ulal, 1991
Crace loves sLorles, wheLher Lhey're from books, movles, or Lhe klnd her grandmoLher Lells. So when
she geLs a chance Lo play a parL ln eLer an, she knows exacLly who she wanLs Lo be. Ages 4+

,'. C)/ % <)= )' % A&':D !lmenez, karleen endelLon. ulsLrlbuLed by 1wo Llves ubllshlng. 2006.
8lack and whlLe phoLo lllusLraLlons accompany Lhe sLory of a glrl who follows her own lnLeresLs,
desplLe Lhe commenLs of oLhers. Age 4 - 8.

,-)B%8) <%E=5 8urnlngham, !ohn. new ?ork: ParperColllns, 1982.
A genderless baby grows very sLrong eaLlng avocados. reschool - k.

<%BFG%'84 3%=5 8ergman, S. 8ear. llamlngo 8ampanL, 2012.
1enalp ls a world where Lhere are sevenLeen seasons, lncludlng one where bubblegum falls from Lhe
sky for Lhree days and a slngle day when everyLhlng - everyLhlng everywhere - ls backwards. Andrea
looks eagerly forward Lo 8ackwards uay every year, so she can Lurn lnLo a boy for Lhe day. 8uL one
year she doesn'L Lurn along wlLh everyone else. She's mlserable. 1he very nexL day, however, she
Lurns lnLo a boy - and sLays LhaL way! When Lhey flnally flgure ouL whaL's happened, Lhe mlracles of
8ackwards uay are fully revealed Lo Lhe reader.

<%::.'&*) H%+.5 8rubaker 8radley, klmberly. ulal 2006.
naLe has Lhe hearL of a dancer, and he ls deLermlned Lo learn balleL. Lven hls older broLher, 8en,
can'L change hls mlnd wlLh hls clalms LhaL "boys don'L dance." Cr can he? When 8en Lells naLe LhaL
he'll have Lo wear plnk shoes and a dress, naLe becomes awfully worrled. And when he's Lhe only boy
ln hls balleL class, he beglns Lo Lhlnk LhaL 8en ls rlghL: Maybe boys don'L dance. Ages 4+ 310-367-3977 lnfo[

<. >7) C)/ ,'.5 Carr, !ennlfer. AuLhorPouse 2010.
8e Who ?ou Are ls a plcLure book deplcLlng Lhe llfe of a Lransgendered glrl. nlck was born ln a boy's
body, buL has always felL llke a glrl lnslde. SupporLed by famlly, nlck requesLs Lo be no longer called a
boy or dress llke a boy, "Always remember Lo be who you are nlck. 8emember LhaL we love you, and
we are so proud of you." 1hls book ls an excellenL way Lo lnLroduce or explaln whaL lL means Lo be
Lransgender Lo young chlldren, and also a greaL resource Lo remlnd Lransgendered chlldren LhaL Lhey
are accepLed and loved. Ages 7+.

67. <)= >7) I'&.8 $%E/:)/4; newman, Leslea 1rlcycle ress 2007
1he only Lhlng 8oger llkes beLLer Lhan explorlng Lhe world around hlm ls descrlblng lL. And 8oger
descrlbes mosL Lhlngs as fabulous! 8uL hls parenLs have a dlfferenL vlew. 1hey wanL 8oger Lo see
Lhlngs Lhe way Lhey do, so Lhey ban "fabulous" from hls vocabulary. Ages 4+

67. <)= G&+7 J&*F K%&'; PllLon, erez. Celebra Chlldren's 8ooks 2011.
!" $%& '()* +,%+ $%-./," 0(- $1+, 21*3 !%1)4 !" ,%5 % 6(++(* 6%*5- 6(7()"5 8(9 +,%+ *( (*" ,%5
":") &""* '";()" 4 4 4 Llfe ls noL easy belng plnk. AdulLs sLare aL you, llLLle chlldren glggle behlnd your
back and some klds are [usL mean. 8uL when you have a besL frlend who appreclaLes your unlqueness
and parenLs who are lovlng and supporLlve, you can do [usL abouL anyLhlng. Ages 3+

I&*8.' L8*% !ackson, Lllen. ParperColllns 1998
1he famous Clnderella and her nelghbor Clnder Ldna each worked sunup Lo sundown for Lhelr wlcked
sLepmoLher and sLepslsLers. 8uL whlle Clnderella had Lhe good forLune Lo be rescued by her falry
godmoLher, Ldna was sLrong, self-rellanL, spunky--and she llved happler ever afLer! Ages 3+

67. I)/'%@. )9 +7. <:/. <)=5 neubecker, 8oberL 1rlcycle ress 2006.
8lue boy and olly, hls calf, llve ln a land where everyLhlng, lncludlng Lhem, ls blue. 1hey dream of
seelng oLher places of dlfferenL colors. 1hey soon arrlve ln a wondrous mulLl-colored clLy. lL fllls Lhem
wlLh [oy unLll Lhey noLlce once more LhaL only Lhey are blue. CaLherlng hls courage, 8lue decldes Lo
add hls own hues Lo Lhe clLy so lL wlll represenL all colors buL enable hlm Lo remaln Lrue Lo self.
Ages 3 - 8
3)*M+ N&44 67%+ $')@5 WaLers, llona (Complled by). klngflsher, llrsL LdlLlon 2008.
erfecL for glrls who love Llaras, ballgowns, and happy endlngs---buL also sporLs, sllly [okes, and
belng dlfferenL. leaLurlng Lhe work of seven wrlLers and Lhree lllusLraLors, Lhls anLhology of prlncess
sLorles wlLh aLLlLude" wlll make klds laugh as Lhey encounLer a bevy of sleepy, sporLy, clumsy, brave,
resourceful, and curlous prlncesses. 1he exuberanL Lypographlc deslgn ls an excellenL maLch for Lhe
sLory-Lelllng sLyle and colorful arLwork. Ages 6 - 10
L:.*%M4 O.'.*%8.5 Ceeslln, Campbell. new ?ork: ALheneum 8ooks for ?oung 8eaders, 2004. Llena
dlsgulses herself as a boy and learns Lo be a glassblower llke her faLher, flnally earnlng hls respecL for
her arLlsLry. Age 3 - 7. 310-367-3977 lnfo[

, $&'. L*@&*. 9)' P/+7&.5 newman, Leslea. new ?ork: Clarlon 8ooks, 2004.
nana has dolls and dress-up cloLhes for 8uLhle Lo play wlLh, buL 8uLhle would raLher have a flre
englne. Age 2 - 3.
A)E:&*7.%'+5 Axel, 8reLL 8ldlespacher, 1erra. 2012 by LasL WaLerfronL ress
uslng "falry" and "goblln" ln lleu of female and male, Lhe auLhor has creaLed a Llmely allegorlcal falry
Lale. A youngsLer named !ulep, who llves ln a foresL Lrlbe, lnslsLs on growlng up Lo be a goblln raLher
Lhan a falry. 1he Lrlbe learns Lo accepL LhaL !ulep ls a goblln aL hearL, evenLually comlng around Lo
supporL Lhe physlcal LranslLlon LhaL musL be made for !ulep Lo llve as a goblln. Ages 4 - 7

Q R))F R&F. % A&':5 Pamanaka, Shella. Parper Colllns 1999.
ln Lhls vlbranLly lllusLraLed plcLure book, exuberanL glrls seem Lo bursL boLh Lhe llmlLs of Lhe page and
Lhe conflnes of LradlLlonal expecLaLlons. Lach chlld, whlle engaglng ln Lyplcal chlldhood acLlvlLles, ls
lmaglnlng a llfe as free and wlld as LhaL of a Llger, dolphln, musLang, condor, or wolf. A celebraLlon of
"whaL ls wlld, ln Lhe hearL-so l can be me," Lhls book does for glrls whaL Lhe auLhor's All Lhe Colors of
Lhe LarLh (Morrow, 1994) dld for chlldren of eLhnlc dlverslLy. Ages 3 - 8

Q+M4 SF%= +) <. 3&99.'.*+5 arr, 1odd. LlLLle, 8rown, 2001.
Whlle noL speclflcally addresslng gender lssues, Lhe book enumeraLes many ways ln whlch lL's okay Lo
be dlfferenL. Ages 3 - 7.
T%U. lsadora, 8achel. MacMlllan, 1984.
Max warms up for hls weekly baseball game by aLLendlng hls slsLer's balleL class. Age 4 - 8.

T&@7+= V%BF&.W 67. O+'&F.)/+ X/..*5 Moss, Marlssa. new ?ork: Slmon & SchusLer, 2004.
non-flcLlon accounL of Leenaged !ackle MlLchell who plLched agalnsL baseball greaLs Lou Cehrlg and
8abe 8uLh. Age 4 - 8.

T= J'&*B.44 <)= Y, ()(Z4 4+)'= %E)/+ % =)/*@ E)= G7) :)-.4 +) 8'.44 /;5[ kllodavls, Cheryl. ku
1alenL LLC. 2010.
My rlncess 8oy Lells Lhe Lale of 4-year-old boy who happlly expresses hls auLhenLlc self by happlly
dresslng up ln dresses, and en[oylng LradlLlonal glrl Lhlngs such as [ewelry and anyLhlng plnk or
sparkly. My rlncess 8oy opens a dlalogue abouL embraclng unlqueness, and Leaches you and oLhers
how Lo accepL young boys who mlghL cross LradlLlonal gender. Ages 4+.

S:&-.' </++)* &4 % O&44=5 ueaola, 1omle. ParcourL 8race !ovanovlch, 1979.
Cllver prefers Lo read, palnL, and wanLs Lo Lake Lap danclng lessons, and ls [eered aL by classmaLes.
Pls faLher relucLanLly allows Lhe dance classes because Lhey are a form of exerclse, and Cllver goes on
Lo wow hls classmaLes aL Lhe school LalenL show, even Lhough he doesn'L wln. Ages 4 - 8.

67. S*:= <)= &* <%::.+ I:%445 Cruska, uenlse. Clbbs SmlLh, 2007.
eople don'L undersLand how wonderful danclng makes 1ucker feel, and he ls Leased and LaunLed,
unLll hls dance skllls lead Lo a sLunnlng move on Lhe fooLball fleld. Age 3 - 8. 310-367-3977 lnfo[

67. J%;.'E%@ J'&*B.445 Munsch, 8oberL. Annlck ress 1992
1he rlncess LllzabeLh ls slaLed Lo marry rlnce 8onald when a dragon aLLacks Lhe casLle and kldnaps
8onald. ln resourceful and humorous fashlon, LllzabeLh flnds Lhe dragon, ouLsmarLs hlm, and rescues
8onald --- who ls less Lhan pleased aL her un-prlncess-llke appearance. Ages 4+.

J&*F; 8lckards, Lynne. 1he Chlcken Pouse 2009.
WhaL's a penguln Lo Lhlnk when he wakes up plnk? oor aLrlck haLes Lhe ldea of belng dlfferenL from
all hls frlends, and seLs off Lo Afrlca ln search of plnk flamlngos who mlghL accepL a plnk penguln. Pe
soon dlscovers LhaL color lsn'L everyLhlng. Ages 4+.

J&*F= %*8 P.U %*8 +7. </::=5 Powe, !ames. ALheneum 8ooks, 1999.
lnky ls a boy who llkes plnk, and whose besL frlend ls a glrl. When Lhe nelghborhood bully challenges
hlm abouL Lhese Lhlngs, lnky beglns Lo doubL hlmself, buL ls able Lo be Lrue Lo hlmself and sLand up
Lo Lhe bully wlLh some advlce from a frlendly nelghbor. Age 4 - 8.

J:%= $'..5 Mason, MaCall and Suarez, Max. MaxnmesLudlo 2012
Clrls can wear panLs, boys can wear dresses. none of LhaL should cause any messes. 1ake a sLroll
Lhrough Lhe llfe of a gender varlanL boy who [usL wanLs Lo be accepLed for who he ls. Walk ln hls
shoes for a mlnuLe as he shows you hls playhouse and lnLroduces you Lo hls frlends. Soon you'll see
LhaL we're all preLLy slmllar and belng dlfferenL lsn'L really LhaL blg of a deal. Ages 4 - 7.

67. J'&*B.44 N*&@7+5 lunke, Cornella. new ?ork: Chlcken Pouse/ScholasLlc, 2003.
uesplLe Lhe LaunLlng of her broLhers, rlncess vloleLLa becomes a LalenLed knlghL, and when her
faLher proposes Lo glve her hand ln marrlage Lo Lhe knlghL who wlns a LournamenL, vloleLLa uses her
bralns as well as her brawn Lo ouLwlL hlm. Ages 4 - 7.

J'&*B.44 O(%'+=;%*+45 Cole, 8abeLLe. C.. uLnam, 2003.
rlncess SmarLypanLs prefers Lo sLay a Ms." and easlly dlspaLches all buL one of her annoylng sulLors.
8lddlng herself of Lhe flnal one ls a blL more of a challenge. Ages 4 - 7.
J/@8)@5 u'ren, Andrea. larrar, SLraus & Clroux, 2001.
ugdog's raLher sllly owner Lhlnks she's a he, and when he flnds ouL oLherwlse, he dolls ugdog up ln
hls ldea of femlnlnlLy. ugdog haLes Lhls, preferrlng Lo roll ln Lhe mud and play rough. 1hen Lhey meeL
a dolled-up poodle who Lurns ouL Lo be male. Age 3 - 3.

P&BF47%G A&':5 erklns, MlLall Charlesbrldge ubllshlng 2008.
1en-year-old nalma longs Lo earn money Lo help her poor 8angladeshl famlly, buL her LalenL ln
palnLlng LradlLlonal paLLerns, or alpanas, ls no use. ulsgulsed as a boy Lo drlve her faLher's rlckshaw,
she wrecks Lhe vehlcle LhreaLenlng Lhe famlly's sole llvellhood. Per soluLlon ls Lo sLeal away, dlsgulsed
as a boy, Lo a repalr shop and offer her servlces palnLlng decoraLlons on Lhe rlckshaws. She ls
surprlsed Lo flnd LhaL Lhe owner ls a woman. Ages 7+ 310-367-3977 lnfo[

OB7)): J&B+/'. 3%=5 lourde, Lynn. new ?ork: uuLLon Chlldren's 8ooks, 2002.
!osephlna's LalenL ln Laklng Lhlngs aparL Lo see how Lhey work comes ln handy on school plcLure day
when Lhe phoLographer's camera goes on Lhe bllnk. Age 4 - 7.

67. O&44= 3/BF:&*@5 llersLeln, Parvey. new ?ork: Slmon & SchusLer 8ooks for ?oung 8eaders, 2002.
Llmer Lhe duckllng faces Lhe derlslon of hls schoolmaLes and ouL and ouL re[ecLlon by hls faLher, buL
he has a moLher who sLlcks up for hlm no maLLer whaL. And when he saves hls faLher's llfe, apa
declares, lf Llmer ls a slssy, Lhen l wlsh l were a slssy Loo!" ln a resoundlng momenL of Lrlumph for
slssles everywhere. Ages 4 - 8.

67. O+)'= )9 $.'8&*%*85 Leaf, Munro. vlklng ress, 1936.
Cur favorlLe young bull prefers Lo slL and smell Lhe flowers, Lo Lhe concern of hls moLher. Age 4 - 8.

OG%(; ,*@.:5 lsaacs, Anne. new ?ork: uuLLon, 1994.
Angellca Longrlder, aka Swamp Angel, ls as blg a hero as aul 8unyan, wrassllng bears and Lornados.
reschool - k.

67. \@:= 3/BF:&*@5 Pans ChrlsLlan. AdapLed and lllusLraLed by SebasLlen 8raun. 8oxer 8ooks, 2010.
Lven Lhe ugly duckllng's moLher knew Lhere was someLhlng dlfferenL abouL hlm. Ages 2 - 3.

6/+/4 ,'.*M+ T= O+=:.5 Skeers, Llnda. ulal 2010
Lmma loves llzards and plraLes and cowboy booLs, so when a package arrlves from uncle Leo, she
doesn'L know whaL Lo do wlLh Lhe ballerlna cosLume lnslde. l don'L know how Lo be a ballerlna,"
Lmma says. She flops when she should floaL, she Lrlps when she should Lwlrl, and her muslc sounds
llke burplng! 8uL when she decldes Lo make her own rules abouL how Lo be a ballerlna, Lmma's sLyle
prevalls ln her LrlumphanL dance debuL. Ages 3 - 8

]&'@&. A).4 +) OB7)): G&+7 \4 <)=4; llLzgerald Poward, LllzabeLh. Aladdln 2003.
1he youngesL and Lhe only glrl ln a famlly wlLh flve boys, vlrgle works hard Lo convlnce everyone she
ls old enough, sLrong enough, and smarL enough Lo aLLend Lhe school seL up by Lhe Cuakers for
recenLly freed blacks ln !onesborough, 1n. 8y Lhe end of summer, she has convlnced her famlly LhaL
she can make Lhe seven-mlle walk Lo board aL school each week and wllllngly handle Lhe [ob of
"learnlng Lo be free." Ages 3+.
>%*8.'&*@ O)*2 ]):/(.4 0^"5 1akako, Shlmura, lanLagraphlcs, 2011-13.
1he flfLh grade. 1he Lhreshold Lo puberLy, and Lhe beglnnlng of Lhe end of chlldhood lnnocence.
Shulchl nlLorl and hls new frlend ?oshlno 1akaLsukl have happy homes, lovlng famllles, and are well-
llked by Lhelr classmaLes. 8uL Lhey share a secreL LhaL furLher compllcaLes a Llme of llfe LhaL ls
awkward for anyone: Shulchl ls a boy who wanLs Lo be a glrl, and ?oshlno ls a glrl who wanLs Lo be a
boy. WrlLLen and drawn by one of Loday's mosL crlLlcally acclalmed creaLors of manga, Shlmura
porLrays Shulshl and ?oshlno's very prlvaLe [ourney wlLh affecLlon, senslLlvlLy, genLle humor, and
unmlsLakable flalr and grace. Ages 10+. 310-367-3977 lnfo[

>7&+. 3=*%(&+. %*8 I/':= N&88 MarLln, 8lll & ArchambaulL, !ohn. Penry PolL and Co. 1989.
As Curly prepares Lo rlde Lhe "meanesL bull ln Lhe whole unlLed SLaLes," he explalns Lo hls proud buL
worrled chlld how he overcomes hls fear: he Lhlnks abouL places he'd llke Lo see. Lucky kldd calls
encouragemenL Lo dad. 1he sLory, Lold ln dlalogue, begs Lo be read aloud, and challenges our
assumpLlons abouL gender expresslons wlLh whaL may be a surprlse endlng. Ages 4+.
>&::&%(M4 3)::5 ZoloLow, CharloLLe. Parper & 8ow, 1972.
1o Lhe dlsmay of hls parenLs, and [eerlng of hls broLher, young Wllllam wanLs a doll. Pls grandmoLher
convlnces hls faLher LhaL lL's an accepLable Loy for a boy because lL wlll help Leach hlm how Lo be a
faLher, Lhus resolvlng Lhe lssue ln an accepLably heLerosexual way. Age 3 - 7.

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