AU14 MWF Exam1Rev

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Economics 4130

AU14 MWF Exam 1 Review

The exam will have 5, 10-point !estions on it "#om the !estions
1. &ist ' data sources #esea#che#s !se to estimate histo#ical stan(a#(s o" livin) an(
explain what the* can in"e# "#om these so!#ces% &ist th#ee in(icato#s o"
economic (evelopment othe# than +ational ,ncome meas!#es -+,, ./0, o#
.+0, level, )#owth #ate, o# pe# capita1 that a#e o" inte#est to economists an(
explain what can $e in"e##e( "#om each o" these in(icato#s%
2. Explain in (etail 3 wea2nesses o" pe# capita .+0 -o# ./01 as a meas!#e o"
economic well-$ein)% Altho!)h this meas!#e has the "laws *o! 3!st liste(
-an( othe#s1 it is the most o"t-#e"e#ence( statistic when consi(e#in) stan(a#(
o" livin) (i""e#ences ac#oss co!nt#ies% Wh*4
3. What has happene( to )lo$al economic ine!alit* since 15604 Wh*4
7ha#acte#i8e the p#o)#ess in social meas!#es -e(!cation an( health1 in
impove#ishe( nations% Wh* is the#e less o" a lin2 $etween imp#ovement in
these meas!#es an( ./0 than in the past4
4. /esc#i$e the +o#th an( Thomas mo(el explainin) the +eolithic Revol!tion%
9peci"icall*, !se a )#aph to ill!st#ate how pop!lation )#owth a""ecte( this
chan)e% :ow is this mo(el consistent with what we 2now a$o!t the
t#ans"o#mation "#om :!nte#-.athe#e#s to 9ettle( A)#ic!lt!#ists4
5. &ist 4 cont#i$!tions o" the ea#liest civili8ations -those that event!all* "o#me( the
;a$*lonian Empi#e1 an( explain how each was impo#tant to contin!e(
economic )#owth%
6. What we#e the ma3o# cont#i$!tions to economic (evelopment o" the 0hoenician
Empi#e4 <" the .#ee2s4 <" the Romans4
7. What is meant $* technolo)ical sta)nation in the .#ee2 an( Roman Empi#es4
:ow co!l( =an <ve#(ose o" 9lave#*> $e the ca!se4 &ist ' "laws o" the
slave#* explanation% 0#ovi(e an alte#native explanation%
8. Explain the (evelopments at the en( o" the Roman Empi#e that lea( to the #ise
o" the Mano#ial 9*stem% 9peci"icall*, "#om whom we#e the Romans !n(e#
attac2 an( what we#e the economic impacts4 What meas!#es (i( Empe#o#
/iocletian -'?4-3051 attempt to alleviate the empi#es@ "inancial woes4 What
meas!#es we#e attempte( $* his s!ccesso#s, nota$l* 7onstantine -306-33A1
an( Theo(osi!s , -3A5-35514
9. Acco#(in) to Ba#e( /iamon(, the a$ilit* to )#ow what t*pes o" c#ops a#e most
"avo#a$le to economic (evelopment4 Wh*4 &ist an( $#ie"l* explain 3
cha#acte#istics o" an animal that /iamon( sees as necessa#* "o# (omestication
o" that species%
10. The evol!tion o" economic o#)ani8ation "#om h!nte#-)athe#e# to settle(
a)#ic!lt!#e to mo#e complex civili8ations p#ocee(e( at vastl* (i""e#ent paces
in (i""e#ent pa#ts o" the wo#l(% Explain wh* the pace o" (evelopment on the
E!#asian lan(mass was so m!ch mo#e #api( than in A"#ica an( the Ame#icas%
/esc#i$e an( explain A!st#alian (evelopment $e"o#e E!#opean settlement%

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