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Economics 332

Intermediate Macroeconomics
Instructor: Todd C. Neumann
Office hours: MWTR 10:30-12 PM
401 McClelland Hall

Location: 3:30 PM / ILC 120

Textbook: Intermediate
Macroeconomics Robert J. Barro.
ISBN 978-1-4390-4009-6

Course Description: This course covers the models and techniques used in modern
macroeconomic theory. It attempts to study a theoretical model developed
to analyze the economic forces that drive the economy in the short run and
the long run. Emphasis is placed on the macroeconomic policies and the
role of the government in the economy. Also, it describes the basic features
of an open economy. Students are encouraged to explore the potential and
limitations of macroeconomic theory in dealing with real-world problems.

Course Requirements/Grading: Exam 1 20%
Exam 2 25%
Final Exam 30%
Homework (3 @ 7% each) 21%
Attendance 4%
Format & Procedures:
1. The book needs to be read before every class. It will be impossible to do well in the course
without reading the book.
2. Homework may be done together, but each person must submit a separate assignment.
Homework is due by midnight on the specified day. Email it to the appropriate TA listed
a. Homework 1: Michelle Liu,
b. Homework 2: Anila Prakash,
c. Homework 3: Shariq Mohammed,
3. Attendance is mandatory. At random intervals attendance will be taken.
4. Exams: There will be no make-up exams. If there are extenuating circumstances a missed
exams points can be rolled into a future exam. i.e. if Exam 1 is missed due to a sudden
death in the family Exam 2 & 3 will each count for 35% and 40% respectively. Note: the
last exam cannot be missed. Otherwise, any missed assignment will receive zero points.
5. Grades: assignments and exams will not be re-graded unless the grader makes an
egregious error of fact. For example, should the question ask, What is the instructors last
name? and you answer Neumann but do not receive any points, please bring this type of
error to my attention. Should an egregious error have been made contact the instructor
within 2 days after receiving the exam back.
Economics 332
Intermediate Macroeconomics
a. A copy of this syllabus and a copy of your grades are available at -
6. Honors Students: If you are an honors student you will also be required to prepare a 15
minute presentation (power point or Keynote) on the Macro economic history (post
world war 2) and current conditions of a country. You must send me your country of
choice by Sept. 1. First come first serve, I dont want repeats. It is probably best if you
stick to larger countries so you can find data. After you have chosen a country you
will then meet with me and I will further outline what I expect from your project.

Economics 332
Intermediate Macroeconomics
Rough Course Outline

Students with disabilities are encouraged to contact me regarding testing or classroom needs.

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