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FCE Writing Part One

You have received a first email from a penfriend arranged through your English school. Read the email and
reply to all the questions in it. Write your answer in 120-150 words in an appropriate style.

My names James and Im writing to you because our schools have set up a penfriend exchange
between us so we can both practise our English and learn something about each others
countries. Your country (England) is actually quite well known here, but do you think foreign
people have the right impression of your country? What misconceptions do foreigners who
have never visited it sometimes have? Im sure you must also have some questions about my
country, so please ask me!
One reason why our schools matched us up is that we are both going to be taking the FCE test.
However, I havent started the FCE classes yet. What are the most difficult parts of the exam
and how can I study for them outside class, do you think? I really like the school Im studying in
now but Ive had some terrible English classes before and some local self-study books are
awful too! Have you had any particularly good or bad experiences studying foreign languages?
Looking forward to your reply and to getting to know you much better!
All the best,

Write your email. You must use grammatically correct sentences with accurate spelling and punctuation in
a style appropriate for the situation.

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